Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 6 January 1855, page 3


JANUARY 2 -Yesterday, was driving the first pile for La bridge over the.MacqUario. At mid-day, pursuant

to notice previously given, a considerable' number of . the respectable inhabitants of Bathurst and vicinity J had assembled on the flat, at the termination of the

present Government lino of, road. Tho pile to bo ¡ driven was on the Bathurst side of the river. Punc-tually os may be the monkey wa.« raised by stalwart arms, assisted by the crab,'' and tho iir«t blow was i given to that which will be the means of facilitating

communication between Bathurst and tho "eastern counties" in all wcatheci. By none wilt this bo more ! appprechted tlnn by those of the inhabitants of Bathurst who were such in the winter of 1832.

Many of the rospjcUble inhabitants (vclept " swells" by some of my immediate neighbours) being anxious to commemorate the occasion, applied their powers to raise the '< monkey," being thereby enabled to boantr f having helped to drive the first pile of the Bathurst bridge. . The pile having been driven to its required depth, wis surmounted by the Union Jack. A. lun-cheon wis served under a temporary tent ; after which rustie spart», as running in sacks, &c. having been duty indulged in,'jthe party dispersed to their respe«tivô homes. ' And hero,' et» passant, let mo remark (uotwitltsTanding his Honor tho- Chief Justice's- sweeping censure on tho district), that during the whole of the past holidays I have not observed the slightest breach of decorum through inebriation in our streets.

A delightful changa of tho weather has talcjn place ; extensive thunder showers have been succeed'.-d by a reduced temperature. ?