South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Wednesday 29 March 1871, page 3



ANALYSIS OF CONTENTS. I.—The Northern Telegraph and the Northern Territory. II.—Colonial Industries. Ill.—Religious. IV.—Charitable. V.—Agricultural Shows. VI.—Friendly Societies. VlI.—Public Companies. VIII.—Sporting. IX.—Miscellaneous. X.—Appendix. PER GEELONG.] Advertiser, Chronicle, and Express Offices, Adelaide, S. A., March 29,1871. L—THE NORTHERN TELEGRAPH AND THE NORTHERN TER-RITORY. We publish below a very interesting progress report by Mr. C. Todd, of the operations of the various parties now engaged in the construction of the Northern Telegraph Line. It is im-possible to read this report even cur-sorily without seeing that every precau-tion was taken from the beginning to secure the success of the several expedi-tions. It is equally apparent that the works are being prosecuted with great zeal and earnestness. The proper men have been selected for the responsible undertaking, and they are doing their work in a very satisfactory manner. In a matter of this kind, there are many questions which require the most care-ful attention. A large portion of the country through which the line is to be carried is practically a terra incognita. Stuart's journal has been found of much service, but inasmuch as his route could not always be followed, in dependent exploration was necessary, and this has been undertaken by Mr. Ross and Mr. Harvey. Some complaints have reached Adelaide that Mr. Ross has not in a few instances fixed on the most practicable route, and that the con-structing parties have been obliged to find out a better track for themselves. Of course, we are hardly in a position at present to pronounce a judgment on this matter. It is only fair, however, to Mr. Ross to say that, taking his explorations as a whole, and having respect to the difficult work he had to accomplish, he has, with a very small flying party, pushed his way from his starting point to the Roper, and that during his journey he found plenty of wood and water over a huge portion of his route. How Mr. Todd, when at the Peake, provided for the success of the expedition, as far as the commissariat was concerned, appears from his report. Lest Mr. Ross's flying expedition had not discovered the best route, Mr. Todd detached Mr. Woods with a light exploring party to find the road in advance; and Mr. Todd bears testimony to the admirable manner in which this officer has performed his duties. Mr. Woods appears to have been a sort of second pioneer to check the cor-rectness of Mr. Ross's route, and, when necessary, to diverge from it. The con struction parties were arranged to fol-low him in the subjoined order:—" First the bullock-teams, to the number of 20, with 10 bullocks each, in three divisions, a day's journey apart, the first division, under the charge of Mr. Jarvis, leaving the Peake on November 19. These were followed by the horse-teams, also travel-ling in three divisions, ten days later. Each construction party took with them their full twelve months' supply of some things, and supplies of flour, sugar, tea, &c., sufficient to last them as under, viz.:— Section A, sufficient for 21 weeks; Sec-tion B, sufficient for 21 weeks; Section C, sufficient for 21 weeks; Section D, sufficient for 26 weeks; Section E, suffi-cient for 26 weeks; Mr. Ross's party, taken by D and E, sufficient for 14 weeks ; Mr. Bacon's party, with sheep, sufficient for 23 weeks." In addition to this the cartage, contractors' teams, and camels were to follow closely; and instructions were left at the Peake depot to forward the balance of 15 months' rations to Sections D and E, the two furthest north, which had already been done. At Central Mount Stuart Mr. Boss found an interesting relic of Stuart's journeys, as we have already recorded. In a cairn of stones a bottle was found containing a small piece of paper, with the following words :—" John McDouall Stuart and party, consisting of two men and himself, arrived from Adelaide in the centre of Australia on Saturday evening, the 21st day of April, 1860, and have bout this cone of stones, and raised this flag to commemorate the event, on the top of Mount Sturt. The centre is about two miles south-south-west, at a small gum creek, where there is a tree marked facing the north." It is both interesting .and amusing to find how Mr. Todd in his report dwells upon the importance of providing sufficient food for the expeditions. Amidst the multifarious subjects of moment to which he has had to direct his attention, he never lost sight of the question of supplies. Just as in war many a battle has been lost from inattention to the commissariat, so it is in explora tion into unknown countries. English men can work with spirit and energy only when they ara well victualled, and Mr. Todd, as a shrewd man, knows this, and, therefore, again and again he re verts to the important subject of sup plies. He says—"Three tons of pre served meat were sent forward from Port Augusta in January, and immediately I heard that the contractors' teamsters had used some of our rations, I sent a further supply of flour, tea, sugar, preserved meat, dried fruits, and other articles. In case of further possible requirements, 1 also took the opportunity to send up an adequate supply of horse-shoes." And then he goes on to recommend to the Government, in view of the present favorable season, to send up a large flock i of sheep, which would not only be useful for present necessities, but in the after maintenance of the Telegraph-Stations. In a supplementary report written on March 24, Mr. Todd states that on Mr. Bagot'a section, 600 miles in length, the poles were planted for about 270 miles from Port Augusta, and iron posts were to be osed alternating with wooden ones. The wire will shortly arrive, and Mr. Todd confidently expects that by Sep tember next, there will be telegraphic communication 800 miles north of Port Augusta. Meanwhile, the contractor for the northern section is working south ward from Port Darwin, and according to the latest reports, he was getting well on with the work. Mr. Todd says— " The balance of materials, in all, includ ing first shipment, sufficient for 700 miles of line, were shipped by the Marie Elizabeth, which sailed for Port Darwin on February 24. On arrival they will be transhipped for the Roper, which has been ascertained by the re cent survey in the Oulnare, to be navi gable for some distance. This, which was done at my instance, will greatly lessen the overland carriage, and facilitate the work." It will be seen from this report that the important undertaking is progressing quite as well as could be desired, and better, perhaps, than could have been anticipated. Wo have never concealed from our readers our belief that it was a great work, which would tax to the utmost the energies of South Australia. But from the time it was entrusted to Mr. Todd he has shown a forethought and a zeal in earring it out entitled to all praise; and according to present appearance, it will be triumphantly completed within the stipulated time. There is every reason to believe that by the beginning of

next year, or very shortly after, the line will be constructed, and we shall be in daily communication with Port Darwin. Should the British Company fulfil their port of the undertaking, which there is no reason to doubt, then at the com mencement of 1872, we shall have daily telegrams from all parts of the world. "We are informed that at the special request of Lady Edith Fergusson, the fine ranee of springs discovered by the explorers, and named in honor of Her Ladyship, will be called the Dalhousie Spring*, and will thus associate South Australia with the family title of Lady Edith. PROGRESS BEPOBT. j "Kleotnrio Telegraph Department, Office of Superintendent, Adelaide, March 22, 1871. " Sir—l have the honor to forward for your ] penual reports and correspondence received by special mail from Messrs. Boss and Woods and the other Government parties employed on the central seotion of the Overland Telegraph. As I purpose preparing a general progress report at an early date, I need only say here that I consider the accounts are, on the whole, very satisfactory. It will be seen that early in Feb ruary Messrs. Knuckey and McMinn were well at work on their respective Sections, A and B, tending to lititnde 24?, many miles of poles being out and planted. Throughout Section B, and over the northern half of A, there appears to be an abundance of timber of a suitable description, but a great scarcity on the southern [ half of A, for whioh it may be desirable to send some 500 of the iron poles now landing. Judging from the progress made, we may reasonably expeot these two snotiong to be completed by the end of Jnly, when, if accessary, the two parties employed upon them may be sent on, as prearranged, to assist on the more distant and difficult sections. " Mr. Knnckey formed his main camp on the Charlotte Waters, on the Wall, a little north of latitude 26?, which he recommends as a suitable site for the first station after leaving the Peake, where we have already erected a- stone station, now used as our first depot. The w&terholes are large and deep, and ara supposed to be permanent; at all events, I should think a per manent supply could be obtained by sinking. The surrounding country is described as very tine and well grassed. " The discovery of the Dalhottsie Springs (lat. 26? 30'}, although not situated on the line, will he a great assistance to us in times of drought. These springs were named after Lady Edith Fergusson, the members of the expedition de siring to show in some wiy their appreciation of H«r ladyship's kindness in the valuable present ef books made by her for their use in the distant interior. These springs are said to be the largest as to extent and volume of any known in the colony, the cluster extending over several square miles, one spring alone in its present state running a Btteam three feet wide. The water is said to be of splendid quality. The country immediately around has a large deposit of salt, from which Mr. Woods, very thought fully, obtained 4 cwt. of good quality. "It may be well h re forme to refer briefly to the arrangements mtde by me affeating the general dispositif n of the parties on leaving the i'eake. Copies of niy instructions to Mr. Hoss, and some of the principal general orders issued to the officers in charge of parties are herewith appended for the information of the Govern ment, from which it win, I trust, be seen that every care and foresight were taken to provide for the safety of the men and stock, as well as for the success of the undertaking in which lam so much interested. "It will be remembered that Mr. Ross met me at the StrangwAys Spring* on his return from his first exploration on Ootober22, and that he started from the Peake on hia second trip on November the 16th, with instructions to extend his explorations from, the Hugh northward to the latitude of Mounts Mann and Qwynne. <* My next concern was to provide for the safety of the various construction parties, and the selection of the best route for them to travel op the country, for which Mr. Boss's flying exploration did not give sufficient information. I therefore detached Mr. Woods, •whom I appointed senior officer over the whole expedi tion, with adequate powers to act in the event of any emergency arising to anyone of the parties, with a light exploring party to find the road in advance; and the able manner in whioh he has carried out this important and responsible duty will be seen from the extracts from his journal herewith forwarded for your perusal. He started on November 17. I then arranged for the construction parties to start in the following order:— '"First, the bullock teams, to the number o 20, with 10 bullocks each, besides & number of spare bullocks, in three divisions, a day's journey apart, the first division under the charge of Air. Jarvis, leaving the Peake on the 19th of November. These were Followed by the horse teams, also travelling in three divi sions, ten days later. Each construction party took with them their full twelve months' supply of some things, sad supplies of flour, sugar, tea, &c., sufficient to last them as under, viz.:—Section A, sufficient for 21 weeks; Sec tion B, sufficient for 21 weeks; Section O, suffi cient for 21 weeks; Seotion D, sufficient for 26 weeks j Seotion E, sufficient for 26 weeks; Mr. Boss's party, taken by O and B, sufficient for 14 weeks; Mr. Bacon's parly, with sheep, suffi cient for 23 weeks. "It was understood that tbe cartage con tractors' teams and oamels would fallow closely, and Mr. Blood, at the Peake Depot, had in structions to forward by them the balanoe of 15 months' rations to Seotioas D and E, the two farthest north, which he accordingly did. "Mr. Bacon had charge of the sheep as far as the second depot (fixed at the junction of the Hugh and Finke), and had instructions to dis tribute them as follow? :—To Section A, 240 : do. B, 290; do. C, 370;! do. D, 450; do. E, 550; balance, 33—total number of sheep, 1,933. " Ur. Bacon reports delivery as follows:—To Section A, 240; do. B, 298 (14 for second depot) ; consumed on road, Sections C, D, E, 150; casualties, 23 = 711; handed over for Sections 0, D, X, after leaving second depot, 1,222—t0ta1, 1,933. "Imay also mention thatnaohparty teak away a supply of beef sufficient to last 10 or 12 days, so as to save the sheep. " From the reports now to hand it will be seen that Mr. Bobs returned to the junction of the Hugh and Finke on January 24, Camp4l, where he rested one day, and on the 26th crossed Mr. Woods' tracks, making north. The two parties met the tame evening at Camp 4L "Mr. Boss reports favorably of the country north of the Reynolds Bange, there being a plentiful supply of timber and water in the Wooiforde, Hanson, and Stirling oreeks, and also in the Taylor as far as he could see. Be tween the MacDonnell Ranges and the Reynolds Bange the country is not so good as regards both water and timber, for which, however, we were prepared by Stuart's reports, which, I ought to say, have been of much assistance to us in carry ing out this great undertaking. "The map appended to Mr. Harvey's brief report shows the route followed by Mr. Ross on this occasion. Leaving the Peake, he made, as instructed, direct for the Hugh, to above the Alice Creek, when he crossed in a general north east oonrae to the Phillipson, which he followed up to the Fergusson Kanges; crossing them he pursued an ahnO?t due north course to latitude 22?, where he turned off to Mount Owynne, and returned along or to the west of Stuart's track, crossing the MacDonnell Ranges to the Hugh. "At Central Mount Stuart, or as Mr. Stuart himself calls it at the time. Mount Sturt, Mr. Boss found an interesting relic, left by the ex plorer in a cone of stones. Mr. Bobs forwarded the bottle to me by post, and on opening it I found a small piece of paper, with the following words:—" John MoDouall Stuart and party consisting of two men and himself, arrived from Adelaide in the centre of Australia on Saturday evening, tbe 21st day of April, 1860, and have built this cone of stones and raised this fl<tg to commemorate the event, on the top of Mount Sturt. The centre is about two miles south south-west, at a small gum creek, where there is a tres marked facing the north. ' John MoDouall Si-dam, Leader. • Willum Dabton Kekwick. i 'BENjumr Heabd. I ' 21at April, 1860, Centre of Australia.' " Mr. Ross did not find a practicable road for the teams over the MacDonnell Ranges, but the country eastof the ranges has y«t to be ex plored. It gives me pleasure to speak in terms of the highest praise of Mr. Woods for his skill and care in carrying out the important duties entrusted to him. Up to the point reached, everything had gone well, and officers and men ! had proved themselves competent for the work before them, and it is gratifying to note that, with ore or two exceptions, the working atook, on whioh so much depends, were all in goud condition; and although their farther progress would be somewhat delayed through Mr. Ross failing to discover a route between the MacDon ntll and Fergusson Ranges, I do not fear any serious difficulty or hindrance from this cause, as I feel persuaded a practicable passage will be found a little to the east of the MacDonnell Rangts. "With regard to the manner in whioh Mr. Boss has carried out the preliminary explora tions, while regretting that they have not so far proved of suoh service to the construction parties us was hoped for and expected, I tbink it will be found that he has done all that could be reasonably expeoted of him in the time at his disposal, and it is an important thing to know that he has feund good country as regards timber and water north of the Rey nolds Range, extending up to latitude 21*. I am conoerned to know which of the surveyors has gone with him to the Koper in the place of Mr. Harvey, and I also feel some concern lest he should have started insufficiently supplied with rations and general equipment, father than start with an inadequate supply of meat, it would have been better for him to come on to the Peake, where he could have obtained an abundant supply of beef (soon jerked). The de lay which this would have caused would have ] been of no consequence, as the parties working I from Port Darwin oould not fail to meet as '

from the end. Of other rations 14 weeks' sup ply were sent for him by the drays belonging to Sections D and E. 1 frequently urged upon him not to be short of supplies. He would know from my written instructions, as well as from our frequent conversations, that I attached much importance to a practicable route being found between the MacDonnell and Fergusson Kanges. It will also be seen that I refer in my instructions to the care required in avoiding the flooded flats and oreeks to which Mr. Woods alludes. Mr. Knuckey's map of the line pro posed to be taken through bis section shows that this can be done. " With respeot to the supply of food for the j parties there is, as I have before shown, no cause for apprehension. Three tons of pre served meat were sent forward from Port Augusta in January, and immediately I heard that the contractor's teamsters had used some of our rations, I sent a farther supply of flour, tea, sugar, preserved meat, dried fruits, and other articles. Inoaseof further possible re quirements I also took the opportunity to send up an adequate supply of horse-shoes. In view, however, of the present favorable season, I would strongly advise that I should send up a large flock of sheep, whioh I can procure at once from Messrs. Warren & Ho garth's station, at the Strangways Springs. Understanding that 1,600 sheep were shortly to leave t^at station for Adelaide, I thought it advisable to write the Manager last mail to say that the Government would pro bably purchase them delivered at the Peake, and requested him to stay their departure till he heard from me by the following mail. I would like to send besides a supply of—say 800—wethers, about 500 maiden ewes, and a few rams. These would be sent to the second depot, where they would be the commencement of a floclt useful in. the after-maintenance of our stations. If you approve of this suggestion, I will write by next mail and arrange for their delivery at the Peake. "If we do not send sheep we must at once send a good supply of preserve;! meat. In any case I should send some. It will also be well to send not only further supplies for the coastruo tion parties, but also, while we have teams available, and plenty of water on the road—say two years' supply of rations for the stations, the flour being ground dty, and carefully packed in tins for preservation—l should also send a large quantity of battery materials, inoludidg several tons of sulphate of copper and sulphate of magnesia, galvanized iron for roofing, and many other artiolea idiould go forward aa soon aa pos sible. This will, of course, increase the first expense considerably, but it will facilitate the opening of the line, and be true economy in the end. " The appointment of a medical officer will increase the confidence of the men; and I am glad to be able to inform you that Dr. Renner, who left Port Augusta on February 2*, arrived at the Finnus Springs safely on March 14. "Ihave, &c, " Chablbs Todd, "Postmaster-General and Superintendent of Telegraphs." "Electric Telegraph Department, *' Office of Superintendent, " Adelaide, March 24,187 L "fir—As supplementary to my report on the five central seotions of the Overland Tele graph, I have the honor to infor<n. you that on Mr. Bagot's section, 500 miles in length, the poles are planted for about 270 miles from Port Augusta. On the remainder of the section iron poles, now landing, are to be planted alternately with wooden poles, and the whole, or greater number, of the latter are cut and being rapidly deposited along the line, which has been defined op to Mount Kingston. The wire is being laid down north of the Parashilna Creek, and on the arrival of the Saxon, about 70 days out, the wiring of the line from Port Augusta will be commenced and carried on at the rate of about 100 miles a month. We may, therefore, expect to jem on to Sections A and B by the end of September, when we shall have communication 800 miles north of Port Augusta. A field operator will accompany the wiring party to keep up the communication as the wire pro gresses. The further sections, O, D, E, will be then well advanced, and, judging from the pro gress making on the northern side, we may reasonably expect 500 miles of the line from Fort Darwin to be completed by that date. We have no recent advices from Port Darwin, but on November 8, or six weeks after the work was commenced, 90 miles of the line were | completed, communication being kept np with Port Darwin. " The balance of materials, in all including first shipment sufficient for TOO miles of line, were shipped by the Marie Klizibeth, which sailed for Port Darwin on February 24. On arrival they will be transhipped for the Roper, which has been ascertained by the recent survey in tbe Gulnare to be navigable for some distance. This, which was done at my instance, will greatly lessen the overland cartage and facilitate the wont " I have, &c., " Chable s Todd, " Postmaster-General and Superintendent of Telegraphs. " P.S.—Mr. Babbage, who has the super vision of the northern portion of Bagot's contract, has, while laying oat the line, ren dered, valuable service in the discovery of goo I timber on the Anna Creek and other places while examining the conntry about Mount Mar garet." ANGLO-AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAPH. The Queenslanders are evidently very jealous of the action whioh this colony has taken with respect to the Overland Telegraph. Our neigh bors' telegraphio system had been gradually extending along the eastern coast towards Car pentaria, until it had reached such a northern latitude that the people of Queensland felt con fident that they were safe from competition, and that the Anglo-Australian line of telegraph would almost necessarily be via that colony. They were not prepared to witness on the part of South Australia, energy and spirit enough to carry a line across the centre of the continent to Port Darwin, and tans snatch the envied honor from them. Even now they appear doubtful whether we can fulfil our engagements, and they criticise the judgment of the British-Australian Telegraph Company in accepting the terms which we offered rather than the conditions which they made. The Brisbane Courier in a recent article seems to be of opinion that after all South Australia will be unequal to the great task she has undertaken, and pompously affirms that: —" The British-Australian Telegraph Company has evidently discovered that South Australia, has attempted a work thai it is simply impossible to carry out within the time promised. The Company will yet have to accept our offer, which is simply this—'We guarantee you an interest of 5 per cent, on the cost of constructing a cable from Java to Normanton, so long as you keep it in working order. Our land line will be at Nor manton by the middle of the present year—at all events quite as soon as year cable will be there to meet it.' Now, we do not think that the Company can make better terms than this with any other parties." The Company, how ever, has practically shown whioh terms they prefer, for the last mail brought us news that Mr. Dutton, the Agent-General, had satisfactorily oompieted arrange ments with the Company. We feel sure from the spirit and enterprise whioh have been dis played in this matter by the Legislature, the colonists, and the officers and men engaged in the work, that nothing will be wanting towards opening telegraphic communication with Britain within the time specified. Unexpected delays have already arisen and others may arise, but notwithstanding these contingencies, the con struction parties are pledged to use their most strenuous exertions toerect the line,and we have every reason to believe that they will oarry out their noble resolve. The Brisbane Courier con fidently hopes that the Queensland line will be also connected with the British-Australian Com pany's cable before the end of the present year. We venture respectfully to doubt the proba bility of this, but should the line be so oon nected, we shall net be jealous of our neigh bors. We give them credit for the en terprise they have shown, but we also claim credit for South Australia. And it at the end of the year both lines should have been constructed, then we may mutualy con gratulate each other upon the enterprise whioh has characterised the colonies, and we can lay claim to the credit of having, unassisted and alone, oarried oat a grand work, in order that we might not forfeit the advantages which our geographical position gives us. THE GULNARE. The following report from Captain Sweet, of the Gulnare, giving some further particulars of the drowning of Wm. Read, the second officer, and referring to the survey of the Roper River, will be read with interest:— "H.M.C. schooner, Gulnare, " Sweer's Island, January 10, 1871. "To the Hon. the Commissioner of Crown Lands. "Sir —I have the honor to inform you that Mr. Read, second officer, lost his life during our stay at the Roper River. The cause of the death was as follows:—December 15, 1870. Sent William Read with Robert Jones, George Desborough, a.b.'s, and Alfred Spurgeon, j 0.d., in the cutter up the river to procure fresh water. They met the fresh water on the following evening, the 16th inst., and anchored for the night, when all hands turned in, Mr. Read on the port side of the stern sheets. "At about 1.30a.m. Jones was awakened by a splash. He jumped up immediately, and then heard a scream, and looked towards the spot from whence the noise came and saw several ob jects floating, but was unable to see which was Mr. Read. He tried to reach an object on the quarter, but found it too far. He then told the others to lift the anchor, which they did, and pulled towards Mr. Read, but before they could reach him he went down, though they dis tinctly saw him a moment before. They picked up his mosquito curtain, pillow, and an oar that he had pulled on board with him, and continued their search till daylight, but saw nothing but a large alli gator close to the cutter, and states that Mr. Read was dragged down by them, as he was a

good swimmer, and would have easily kept up, as the water was quite smooth. All on board now are in good health. No doubt you are aware of the business which brings the Gulnare here, from Mr. McLachlan's report. As the pilot here did not consider it safe to take the Gul nare up the Norman River at this season of the year, I procured the loan of the Lily, schooner, to enable Mr. McLachlan to proceed there to purchase sheep for the Northern Ter ritory, for which place he sailed with his stuff on the 5th instant, and on his return I again sail for Port Darwin. "I surveyed the mouth of the Roper River with the assistance of Mr. Packhard, while Mr. McLachlan examined the river. I found a good channel of not less than six feet at low water spring tides, which gives 141/2 feet high water. I took the Gulnare into the river on the third day after my arrival at the bar. The longitude is given, assuming Sweer's Island is correct, as I corrected my chart on my arrival here. "I have, &c, " Wm. Sweet, "Commander Gulnare." THE NORTH AUSTRALIAN COMPANY AND THE GOVERNMENT. SUPREME COURT. "Wednesday, Mabch 8. [Before the Full Court.] Claimants' Relief Act. nobth alstbalian company (limited) v. blaok3iobe (nominal defendant). Messrs. Stow, Q.C., and Way for the plain tiffs ; Messrs. Ingleby and Bouoaut for the defendant. In this cue Mr. Ingleby, on 6th September last, moved for a rula to set aside the order made by the Court, and also the rule and declaration, on the grounds that the Court had no power to make the order, because the proceedings should be regulated by general rules, and not by rules specially made. Mr. Ingleby before formally moving to make the rule absolute, siid he must SBk for a (light amendment of the rule—to have something further put in. The matter was mentioned by the Court, hut had been omitted from the rule. He moved to insert words to the effect that tie role should not prejudice the defendant in moving in Chambers to set aside the judgment for irregularity or on the merits. The Chief Justice —The position is that there has been a writ, and a declaration, and a judg ment for -want of a plea. Mr. Ingleby said the present case was to show why the proceedings should not be set aside, on the ground that the role under which the writ was issued was made per incuriam. The Court said the other points had- better be taken in Chambers. They went before Mr. Justice Wearing, bat the learned Judge said his hands were stayed by this rule. The Chief Jusitoe-You are in the same position as before. You could have moved for it then, and you can move for it now. Mr. Ingleby then moved that the rule ob tained by him on September 6, WO, be made absolute. Mr. Justice Gwynne—TLe rnle is to get aside everything subsequent to the petition being moved in this Court, as I understand ? Mr. Stow—Yes.* The writ in this case as ap peared by the proceedings was a writ issued by the North Australian Company (Limited) against James Newnh&m Blackmore, the nomi nal defendant appointed by the Governor under petition; so that the defendant was defendant in another right, and the role in this case and the affidavits were only entitled "in the action of the North Australian Company (Limited) against Blackmore," without re ference to the special capacity in which he was sued. He had to object therefore that this rule be discharged on the ground that the special capacity in which the defendant was sued did not appear upon the rnle or apon the affidavits. In 2 Lush, 881, the practice was laid down, that the names of plaintiffs and de fendants must be written in full, and the special oharaoter in which they sue or are sued must also bs mentioned. That applied to the rule, and he had to submit that the affidavits oauld not be used, and that the rule itself must be discharged on the ground that it was not properly entitled. The Chief Justice said it would appear un doubtedly that this was an ordinary action between a Company (limited), as plaintiffs and an individual as defendant, for some cause complained of against the individual in his personal capacity. He asked Mr. Ingleby what he had to say to that. Mr. Ingleby would ask leave to amend the rnle upon that point. It was quite clear they could nctt bs prejudiced in the case, because the particular order was set out in the rule. The Chief Justice—But your affidavit must be bad. Can you support your rule on that ? Sir. Ingleby said the affidavits were necessary for the purpose of the merits and irregulari ties. As they were going simply on that ques tion, lie did not think it necessary to refer to the affidavits. Several matters were moved before the Court —for irregularity, and also upon the merits —and affidavits were necessary then, but they were Dot necessary for the point on which the Court granted the rule. Mr. Stow apprehended that the Court would not amend the role by statiigthat it was under another cause to that set down. In this case the rales had all been discharged. In the Moonta case—that case was entitled Kegina v. Hughes, and it was set aside on the ground that the word "Queen" should have appaared, and the Lati? language should not have been ü?ed. The Chief Justice—ln a matter of this sort I do not know whether we could or should amend at all on a ground of that sort; but surely the Government could have no objeotion to discuss this question on its merits apart from technicalities. Mr. Ingleby said the Government were quite willing to do so, aud au offer had been made to the counsel on the other side to do so. Mr. Stow would only say, that the offer made was ibis—that if the plaintiffs would strike cut their special counts, and give up their judg ment, the defendant would allow the case to go to trial. Mr. Ingleby intimated that other terms had been offered that miming. _ . Mr. Stow said the terms had only been offered that morning, and were only under dis cussion. Mr. Boncaut might say that the Government felt that there was some weight in the sugges tion which had just fallen from the Chief Justice, and would be happy to meet the other side. The Chief Justioe—As to striking out the special counts, the Government have no right to impose that, bnt the setting aside of the judgment is only a matter of costs. Mr. Stow —Your Honor sees that I do not think they can swear to the merits—at least, not show any merits. The Court will require some particulars. Mr. Justice Gwynne—lt isacommoa affidavit of merits. May I ask what form you have adopted—is it a declaration in assumpsit for I the return of the purchase money, or for breach of contract, or both ? Mr. Stow—For breach of contract. Mr. Justice Gwynne—Then how can it be put in a better train of enquiry ? Mr. Stow did not know. The Chief Justice—lf the Government think it a matter of importance to raise this question, we have no power to prevent it lieing discussed; but they have acquiesced in this form of pro cedure from the first case under the Act, and 1 fancy no inconvenience will arise to them if they allow it to be tried in this way. Mr. Ingleby, on behalf of the Government, would say that he humbly objected to the extra costs imposed on tlieja by a petition echoed again by a declaration. They would be happy to plead to the petition. The Chief Justice—Then you insist that this v wrong ? You don't want to try it on its merits! Mr. Ingleby said they would be happy to try it on its merits if the plaintiffs would concede to plead to the petition. The Chief Justice—Then the Court must set aside the rule ordering the writ, and they can not do that unless it is shown that they have power to do so. Mr.'Boucaut said the intimation of opinion coming from the Chief Justice that this was a convenient way would no doubt have great weight with the Government. He knew the Government were anxious to have the case tried on its merits, free from technicalities, and in moving for the rule they thought the plaintiffs were unnecessarily hampering them by lengthy proceedings. If, however, tin Court considered that that practice was not convenient, he was sure the Government would give the greatest possible weight to that suggestion. He oould not, however, undertake positively to promise anything without consulting the Attorney-General. The Chief Justice—Perhaps the best way will be to discharge the rule at the present time to allow the pirties time to see if they can come to any arrangement. Mr. Stow said as far as the rule was con cerned he would rather have it settled. A suggestion for arranging the matter, made just as the case was coming on, was hardly satisfac tory, and they had had one proposal. The answer to that wa? that they could noi consider it, as it proposed to make them suffer for the defendant's mistake. They had always been anxious to try it on its merits, and he asktd that the rule might be discharged. The Court had intimated that they would set a^ide the judgment on an affidavit of merits, and that intimation would be quite sufficient for them to accede to. The Chief Justice—l don't think yon can sup port this rule, Mr. Ingleby, for I never heard of a case where a rule which was wrongly en titled was sustained. Mr. Stow—They must follow the writ-Mr. Justice Gwynne—Suppose, Mr. logleby, an affidavit was wrongly entitled, would an in formation for perjury lie on it ? Mr. Ingleby—That brings it to exactly the same point. Mr. Justice Gwynne—That is the test. If an affidavit is bad it follows that the rule is bad also. Mr. Ingleby submitted that the Court had no power over an affidavit; but the Court had ab solute power over its own rules, in the question ofamendmeut. See?aronAlderson'sjadgmentin

Mr. Stow said the rule would have to be altered also by striking out the reference to the affidavits. The Chief Justice—Yes, of course. Mr. Stow—Yet the Court sees that the rule was granted on hearing those affidavits. The Chief Justice—The rule will have to be discussed on the simple ground whether it was competent for that rule to have been granted. The affidavits need not have been used for that. The rule was amended, at the suggestion of Mr. Ingleby, by the addition of the following words after the name of the defendant, viz. :— the case of Cocker v. Tempest (7 Meeson and Welaby), whioh was, that every Court had un limited power over its own processes. Mr. Justice Qwynne was aware the Court could not amend the title of an affidavit, but there were numerous cases in whioh the Court could amend the title of the rale. The Chief Justice—We think we ought te amend the rule by adding the character of the defendant. " The person nominated by the Governor to be the nominal defendant on a petition by the North Australian Company (Limited) presented to the Governor, for relief against the Colonial Government of the said province, and by him referred to the Supreme Court." Mr. stow asked the Court to make the amend ment on payment of costs, because all the affi davits had had to be briefed. The Chief Justice—The costs will be the costs of the day. Mr. Stow—Then all the affidavits are struok out? The Chief Justice—You cannot refer to the affidavits in argument; but the rule has been drawn up in that way. Mr. luglely said he had no objection to strike out from the rule the reference to the affidavits. Mr. Justice Gwynne—But what is the fact ? You read the affidavits. You dom't want to make the rule inconsistent with the external fact, but to amend it so as to make it harmonise with the external fact. The Chief Justice—Suppose the rule had been drawn up on reading five or six affidavits, and one of the affidavits should prove to be bad, the rule would not be bad on that account. The Court would not look on the one affidavit, but on the others. Mr. Stow said all the affidavits were headed in that way, and the Oourtjwould, therefore, dis regard them, so that there was nothing before the Court. The Chief Justice—The rule is before the Court. Mr. Stow—Pardon me, it is not before the Court, and the Court can take no judicial notice of the rule. The Court cannot give ex istence to a rule unless it is brought forward by affidavit. The Chief Justice—lf that rule was read to us at the time? Mr. Stow-No, pardon me ; a copy of the rule was read attached to one of the affidavits. The whole of this is a technical proceeding, and lam bound to take technical objections; and I ask the Court not to take notice of the rule if it states what is not a fact—that the original rule w;is read, whereas only a copy of the rule attoohed to one of the affidavits was read. The Court will uoteven take notice of an appearance in the case unless an office copy of the rule ia produced. In Chancery, the Court takes the oertiuotte of the Master as to the state of the case ; but In common law everything except the record must be brought before the Court by affidavit. Mr. Ingleby said it was laid down ia the practice that sometimes a rule coining on, the Court would enlarge the rule for the purpose of curing a defect in the title, on payment of the costs of the enlargement. He asked that the rule be enlarged, to enable him to amend the affidavits and reswear them. Mr. Stow—The question is whether the Court can doit. The Chief Justice -Ye?, I think so. Mr. Stow—'With costs? The Chief Justice—With costs of the day. Mr. Way—And also the costs of the amend ment? The Chief Justice—The amendment is only in the title of the rule. Mr. Way said they had been put to the ex pense of making copies of the affidavits used for the purpose of showing an irregularity in their proceedings as to signing judgment; whereas the other side did not take the rule on that. Therefore the plaintiffs had been put to expense needlessly. The Chief Justice said the rule was drawn up in this way to enable the rule to come before the Court. Mr. Way—They up, and we were obliged to get copies of their affidavits. Mr. Ingleby said that was a question for the Taxing-Master. The Chief Justice—The rule will be enlarged on payment of the costs of the day. It will be for the Master to say what is proper. Mr. Stow asked when the Court would en large it to. This case had been on many months, and if it were set aside it should be on terms, as it was desired to try it at these sittings, and now they were thrown over the sit tings. The Chief Justice—As I understand it we are quite willing aud prepared, aud they are quite prepared to go on, but you raise an objeotion whioh we are bound to give effect to. We give costs of the day, aud we enlarge the rule, but they are willing to argue. Mr. Stow—Oould it not be taken to-morrow? They do not want three weeks to amend their affidavit. Mr. Justice Gwynne—Can't it be taken to day? Mr. Boucaut said in this very case he learned a lesson from preparing affidavits too hurriedly, and he could not undertake to amend his affida vits in Court. The Chief Justice—Then, Mr. Stow, will you argue it now? Mr. Stow—l should like to know what affi davit they are going to amend. The Chief Justice—What affidavits are men tioned in the rule ? Mr. Stow—More than half-a-dozen. Mr. Justice Gwynne—They may amend the whole of the affidavits, or not, as they like. The affidavits are just the same, the only amendment being as to the character which the defendant assumed. Mr. Stow said he m not prepared to go on on the affidavits as they stood, but as only one affidavit was required they oould get that re sworn, and then the case could be heard that day or to-morrow morning. The other side did not say even what affidavit they wished to u*e, and they ought to have the affidavit regularly before the Court. Mr. Ingleby—Then I understand the Court orders the rule to be enlarged for the purpose of enabling the defendant to amend the affida vits and reiwear the same. The Chief Justice—No; simply that the rule be enlarged. Mr. fctow— May I ask till when ? The Chief Justioe—l don't see how we can fix it. If you want to try the case at the next sittings the Court will take it to-day or to morrow. I suppose there will be no difficulty in doing that? Mr. Stow said Mr. Boucaut would not even say whether he was instructed to consent to anything. He simply .said the suggestion of the Court would have great weight with the Government, and the plaintiffs bad never had an offer except the on? which he had mentioned —the object of which was to punish them for j the defendant's rn'a take. Mr. Boucaut did not acceda to Mr. Stow's de finition of the proposal made tc the plaintiffs. He, however, had no doubt, from tha instruc tions he had, that the Government would pay j great consideration to what had fallen from the Chief Justice. His Honor, however, would see that he (Mr. Boucaut) ought not to say more than that without the permission of the Attorney-General. Mr. Stow was not blaming Mr. Boucaut, but simply said he was not instructed. Did the Court enlarge the i ule generally without naming a time? This seemed to be a premium for making mistakes. The plaintiff's proceedings were stayed, and they oould do nothing. The Court surely would not force them to try this ciac on affidavit ? The Chief Justice—No. Mr. Stow—Bat this is ene way of doing it, although there are a few days to elapse before the sittings at which the oase might be tried. The Chief Justice could not see why the argument could not be resumed at once; but if counsel said they could not do so, then the Court simply enlarged the rule. Mr. Way said either the other side were ready or they were not—either they wanted to reswear the affidavits, or to reconsider the affidavits before swearing them. The Chief Justice—We can either enlarge the rule or not. If we enlarge the rule we enlarge it simply; but if not, the case can go on to-day or to-morrow. Mr. Way suggested that there was a third alternative—that the affidavits might be re sworn instanter. They did not know what the other side proposed to do on this rule suppos ing the judgment of the Court was adverse. The Chief Justice—The only point to be argued' on the rule is the jurisdiction of the Court to make the rule on which you found these proceedings. Mr. Way—lt is important that we should know exactly what is before the Court. The Chief Justice—Then we simply enlarge the rule. Mr. Justice Gwynne said he knew nothing of the merits of this particular case, but he knew from his experience of actions between vendors, that a person never recovered more than his purchase money and interest. He said that. because he had heard something of special counts which he thought implied special damage. Mr. Stow—We have special counts and com mon counts. Under the common counts we can only recover thu principal. We are willing to take that if we can get it at once, but if we have to go to trial we do not see why we should give up our claim for interest; and this is the only way in which it can be recovered, because the statute which euables us to recover interest does not apply to the Crown. Mr. Justice Gwynne—Then you oauld not give up those ? The Chief Justice said the declaration was a very long one, but its length was only occa sioned by the necessity ;of setting out in full

several instruments. The great question was —what are the rights of the purchaser of a land order? It seemed to him to be right on the part of the Government to allow this question to be tried free from all technicalities — simply taking the ques tion of the lights of the parties without refe rence to whether a particular form was war ranted or not. He should not say that, were it not that the Government for 15 years had acquiesced in that form of proceeding in a great number of cases. He could not bat believe that the Government were prepared to do that at once. Mr. Ingleby—Our complaint is the extra coat cast upon us by their duplicity of action. The Chief Justice—The Government should have taken that into consideration before sanc tioning so many oases previously. When I was Advocate-General, and Mr. Justioe Gwynne was counsel for the plaintiff in a case against the Government, we settled what should be the form of action- The Government, by their legal representative, aoquiesead on the one aide and the plaintiff on the other, and that pro ceeding has ever since been followed. Mr. Justice Gwynne said the Act provided that the case should be referred by the Gover nor to the Supreme Court for trial by Jury, or otherwise as the Court might direct. As they could not treat it in ene way or the other, they could only place it in a ohannel by which it should be tried by a Jury or be referred to Equity. He asked whether this could not be turned into a special case. He imagined there would be no objeotion to that. Mr. Ingleby said he could not say anything on that point without consultation. Mr. Justice Gwynne—Or on a demurrer? [ Mr. Ingleby—We could not very well demur to common counts. Mr. Stow —Then this is enlarged for three weeks? The Chief Justioe—Yes. Mr. Stow—Will the Court name a day for the payment of the costs of the day ? The Chief Justice—"We order the rule to be enlarged on payment of costs within two days after the taxation thereof. II.—COLONIAL INDUSTRIES. THE BOOT AND SHOE FACTORIES. Although some degree of prominence has been given of late to the manufacture of boots and shoes, we believe that as yet the full extent to which this branch of industry is now being carried on in the colony is not really known and ap preciated by the public. It is needless to point out that that for many years past the local trade of boot and shoe making has been carried on, and that very many colonial made boots and shoes have been made, but it is of com paratively recent date that the industry has called into existence numerous factories -which, are now turning out a very large number of boots every week, and running a keen race with the im ported goods. In considering this in dustry—in the light we mean of the ea [ tablishment and extension of the fac tories which have been started in Ade laide —two circumstances will at once strike any person. The first is, that these factories concentrate into few hands the trade which formerly was distributed throughout the community. Now, in steadof each journeyman bootmaker work ing on accountof the shop people, or having his own little circle of customers, and relying on their patronage for a preca rious living, he finds employment in a factory, where an industrious steady man can make wages quite equal to what he formerly earned, and where also by the rules of the factories he has to observe habits of regularity, sobriety, and in dustry, which must be beneficial to his physical and moral interests. The other point is, that the rate of production is by ' this factory system largely increased, in asmuch as by division of labor, by steady and regular work, and by the aid of the machinery which is introduced into the establishments, the manufacturing capa bilities of the colony hare been largely increased. It is only two or three years since this factory system was established. Our boot and ahoe makers have for years been employing journeymen—it might be 20 or 30 at a time —in making up the rough heavy work which was re quired in the country, and also bespoke work, as it is termed—work carried out according to orders given. It is, how ever, within two or three years that the men and women engaged in the manu facture of boots and shoes have been gathered into factories. The agitation respecting native industries gave a stimulus to this particular trade, which is a trade essentially adapted to the colony. When one factory was estab lished, the keen competition which is characteristic of the present age speedily called others into existence, and thus the industry has been assuming larger propor tions every month. Four or five years ago there was not a boot and shoe factory in the city. There were two oi three estab lishments where boot and shoe uppers were made for the trade, but the entire manufacture of boots and shoes was not carried on in those establishments. Now, there are some half-dozen factories in full working order. This result has, doubt leas, been expedited by the amendment of the tariff last year, which placed five per cent, extra on imported boots and shoes, and to that extent gave a premium to the local maker. The immediate effect of this keen compe tition has been to bring down the price of boots and shoes. This of course has affected the imports of foreign goods, so that now, or very shortly, it is anticipated that the annual imports in this line from abroad will be reduced one-half. It is a well-known fact that there is amongst a large proportion of the public a distaste for colonial-made articles, which amounts well nigh to prejudice. When some of these factories were started this prejudice was exceedingly strong, owing, it is said, to the unskilful and careless workman ship which was sometimes sent out. However, by more attention being paid to the particular requirements of the public, and by the exercise of more care in the manufacture, this prejudice has been almost entirely overcome, and the colonial-made boots are becoming so popular that English consignments are largely falling off, and the trade are be ginning to relyforthe ordinary dessriptions of boots and shoes upon the local fac tories. There seems, also, to be a po pular delusion with regard to machine made boots, it being supposed that they are entirely made by machine, and are therefore not so strong and durable as if they were hand-made. The boots and shoes are, however, practically hand made, although the assistance of machi nery is sought to economise labor and time. It may not be uninteresting here to give the imports of boots and shoes during the last year. The figures are taken from the official returns of Customs receipts as follows :—March quarter, £17,187; June, £10,634 ; September, £13,580 ; December, £8,530 ; total, £49,931. If these imports are falling off, or will shortly fall off, one-half—and it will be remarked that the imports during the December quarter are less than half of the imports for the pre ceding January quarter—-it will at once be seen that the balance must be made up by local manufacture. The esta blishment of these factories, together with the increased tariff on foreign boots and shoes, has had a wonderful effect upon the South-East trade. The Melbourneites had that trade nearly to themselves, but now our Adelaide manu facturers have, by their enterprise and energy, almost entirely reclaimed it. These factories represent a large indus trial population, for not only are there those directly employed in the factories who are dependent upon those establish ments, but also the wives and families of the workmen. Mr. Johnson informs us that 240 persons aredirectly and indirectly dependent upon his establishment, and this number may be multiplied by at least five or six to represent the total popula tion who obtain a livelihood by this branch of trade. This, however, does not demonstrate the full importance of the industry, because it naturally stimu lates the tanneries, where a large number of persons are kept fully employed, and this again reacting on the community, gives employment to many other persons in connection with the supply of the raw material to the tanners. One effect of the competition in the boot and shoe

I trade has been to largely increase the price of hides. The other day we are informed hides were sold at 37a. 6d. each, although a few years ago a bullock-hide, carcase and all, would scarcely have fetched double that figure. The local supply of hides has been wholly inade quate for the demand, and the conse quence has been that a large number of skins have had to be imported from Mel bourne and Sydney. The anomaly of a cattle-grazing colony being dependent on other colonies for hides is, however, to be accounted for. Mutton is so cheap, and beef so dear, that the demand for the latter is comparatively small, and the supply of hides is conse quently small too. Let it be known, however, that a large demand for hides is springing up, and graziers will soon be ready to meet the demand. It will, therefore, be seen, if the influence of one large branch of business is traced through all its ramifications, how greatly I it promotes the material interests of the colony. The point has been discussed | whether these factories have not had the effect of reducing wages. We are snared by the manufacturers—and in some eases the wages book was shown to us in con firmation of the remark—that the m«n and women and boys, instead of earning less wages under the factory system than under the old plan, really earn far more. The average run of wages is—for men, 30a. to 55a. and 60a. ; for girls and women, from 2s. 6d. to 215.; and for boys, from 2s. Cd. to 15s. and 20s. With these few general remarks, we proceed to detail the results of visits which we have recently paid to the prin cipal boot and shoe factories in the city. We will take the factories in the order in which we visited them. SOUTH AUSTBAIIAN FACTORY. Mx. A. Dowie, of Rundle-street, is the proprietor of this factory, which has been in operation about three months. It is situated at the rear of the premises which he has so long occupied. It stands on a piece of land 106 feet deep by 61 broad. The factory itself—which, by the way, is the only one in the city which has been specially built for the purpose—con sists of a two-storey building 46 z 20, and 13 feet in height on each floor. The building is admirably lighted and ventilated. Half-lights are inserted high up the wall, which not only afford light to the workers, but also give ample ventilation without causing draughts. The temperature of the building was not at all disagreeable or oppressive at the time of our visit, although nearly every bench and stool was occupied. The fac tory has been erected with a view to ex tension—a place 22 feet square, whioh is now used as a yard—having been arranged so that at any time it can be built upon and form part of the main building. On the ground floor the rivetters are accom modated. There were 22 at work here when we visited the factory, including three boys. They ware working at a bench running down the middle of the room, each rivetter having his own last and implements of trade—and were all very industriously employed. In this same room, tyro men were engaged at a cutting machine. This machine is worked by a treddle—one man being employed working the treddle, and another con ducting the cutting process. By this machine the soles of boots and shoes are stamped out according to the shapes whioh are most in demand. On this same floor is a roller fer pressing and consolidating the hide before being cut up into soles. A pressure of about four tons can be brought to bear upon the leather. On the first floor accommodation is given to what is known in the trade as the " upper" department. This department includes cutters, fitters, blockers, closers, and finishers. The same provision for light and ventilation is made here as in the room below, so that the atmosphere of the room never becomes offensive and unhealthy. The factory has been in operation for three months, and at the time of our visit, the hands employed— all told—numbered 71. This number is exclusive of persons engaged outside in closing boots and shoes. The factory is capable of producing all classes of boots and shoes, and in all but the finer sorts, it can and does compete with the English goods. On the ground floor there is a small store where a stock of grindery and other articles used in the factory is kept. This is the foreman's sanctum, and it is his duty to receive from the upper depart ment the boot and shoe uppers, to issue them to the rivetters and finishers, and to examine and pass the boots and shoes as they are made. After examination they are passed into an adjoining ware house, where also the material lot sup plying the factory is kept. This ware house is 97 feet deep by 20 broad, and is two storeys high. MESSES. G. AND R. WU.L9 AND CO.'S FACTOBY. Messrs. Wills & Co. have'adapted a i store in Stephens-place, off Bundle street, to the purposes of a boot and shoe factory. The principal work-room was formerly a merchant's warehouse, with lights only at one end, and here about 60 men and boys are employed. On enter ing it we were first shown the roller—one I of Tomlin's—by which the leather is rolled and submitted to a pressure of about four tons. One man is constantly kept at the roller. The stamper or cutter was made by H. Wilson, of Melbourne, and combines some of the latest improve ments for reducing friction. It differs from that used by Mr. Dowie, inasmuch as it is driven by a handle instead of by a treddle. A long array of knives of dif ferent shapes are displayed, nearly all of which, with the corresponding lasts, were made in Melbourne to the order of Mr. Sayer. It is found that the English shapes do not entirely suit colonial feet, and consequently special shapes have to be made. Ullathorne's ingenious little pricking-machine — for pricking the holes in the soles for rivettdng them to the uppers —is also in use, besides Tomlin's "split lift" and "skiving" machines. There are three benches—double rows—in the workroom, which will stand 36 rivetters. The stands, which are telescopic, were also made in Melbourne. The cutting department is partitioned off from the rivetters. Here five cutters are kept constantly employed. One of Hales's (New York) blocking machines is used, by which we are told one man is able to block 600 pairs a day, and this machine can block the stoutest kip that can be got. In the yard there is a drying shed, where the hides, having been " wetted down," are hung up to dry and bleach. Off the main workroom there is partitioned a small store. The leather, as it is issued to the cutters, is weighed, and when the cutters return th« produce, a calculation is immediately made as to the cost per " upper." Then the uppers are given to the fitters —boys— who prepare them for the machinists, and tie them up in dozens. They are re turned to the storeroom, whence again they are issued to the machinists, who complete the uppers and return them to the storekeeper in half dozens, ready to be given out to the rivetters. After go ing through the hands of the rivetters, the rough boots and shoes are passed on to the finishers, who give the closing touch to them, and then they are sent into the packing room ready to be sent out. These processes, though specially described here, apply of course to the factories generally, as much the same order is observed in the other establish ments. The machine room was formerly an office, and here 10 women and girls are employed; 'also two of Howe's, and one of Singer's sewing-machines. One of Ullathorne's eyeletting machines is to be seen here also, and so simply and easily does it work that a child can insert many hundreds of eyelets in a day. The factory can turn out 600 pain of boots and shoes per week, and there is a ready demand for all that is supplied. The people employed in the factory are expected to be in attendance at 8 o'clock in the morning, when work commences.{

At 11 o'clock work ia suspended for a quarter of an hour, when the employes can smoke (off the premises), or take a scrap of luncheon. An hour is allowed at dinner-time, and the factory closes at C o'clock, and 2 o'clock on Saturdays. This firm have from the commencement of the factory in December last, made it a rule to pay wages on Friday, and the re sult has been entirely satisfactory. It has been argued that if wages were paid on any other day than Saturday, persons in many instances would be unfit for work on the following day, but Mr. Sayer tells us that he is unaware of more than two cases occurring where men were ab sent on the day following pay-day. Altogether, about 70 hands are employed by the factory, exclusive of women and children outside, who do hand seam-work. The bulk of the men are employed on piece-work, and also some of the women. Two or three machinists are paid fixed wages, and several apprentices are taken on, whose wages extend from ss. a week to 225. 6d., according to the proficiency they hare attained. Above all, however, constant employment is offered by this and other factories, so that we are assured there is no reason whatever why every boot and shoemaker should not find «m ----ployment, unless it be men of intemperate habits or professional grumblers. THE PANTHBON FACTOBY. Mr. Thos. Johnson is the proprietor of this factory, which is situated in King William-street. The old Pantheon, a lofty, well-lighted building, is the princi pal room of the Factory, but the ad joining house, at the corner of King "Wil liam-street and North-terrace, forms part of the establishment. In the upper department, where the uppers are pre pared, four men are continually employed in cutting out the leather—the bulk of which is kept in Mr. Johnson's cellar on the opposite eide of the street. Seven teen women are employed—all told—and abont half-a-dozen work outside. Six sewing-machines are in constant work, including Howe's for the heavy work, and Singer's for the light and ordinary work. Mr. Johnson has also got one of Tinsley's fancy sewing-machines for doing the artistic needlework with which ladies' boots are embellished. In the closing and blocking room 12 boys and three men are employed. The principal workroom is about 30 or 40 feet long, with a room of smaller dimensions at each end. In the Pantheen, which measures about 70 feet by 30 feet, and 20 feet high, 21 rivetters and 14 finishers are accommo dated. Here also is a roller, one of Ulla thorne's cutters, worked by handle, by whioh 48 soles can be cut out .at one spin. The knives used on the cutter are princi pally of colonial make. Some of the English knives have turned out badly, and although the colonial stamps are abont one-third more in cost, the boot and shoe manufacturers have the advan tage of obtaining what shapes they re quire. In the storeroom, which is par titioned off from the rivetters' room, there is kept a stock of grindery, &c.; also the catter just mentioned, a split lift and skiving machine, and a pricking machine, all of which are similar to those described in the other factories. The factory staff numbers 19 women, 16 cliakors, closers, and boys, 21 rivetters and 14 finishers— total 70—who are under the superinten dence of Mr. Pinnick—one of the first manufacturers of boota and shoes in Ade laide- Mr. Johnson, like the other manufacturers, finds himself able to compete with the English maker in all descriptions of boots and?shoes, ex cept the fancy sorts. He has just com menced to make a cheap description of cashmere boots—a class of boots with which he did not expect to have been able to compete with the English article for two or three years—and, of course, as the local demand springs up, he and others will be able from time to time to meet the publio requirements. The im ported slippers have been driven entirely out of the market, the manufacturers being able to sell a superior article for far less money than \t can be imported for. The same remark applies to the common and ordinary descriptions of boots and shoes. Itmayhereberemarkedasindicative of the good workmanship of the Pantheon Factory hands, that Mr. Johnson took the prize cup for the best collection of colo nial boots and shoes at the recent exhi bition on the Park Lands, although where there was so much excellence it must have puzzled the Judges to decide. About 700 pairs of boots, show, and slippers are now being; made every week, and during the first eight months of the existence of the factory the large number of 15,000 pairs were turned out. As to the wages given, Mr. Johnson states that boys—who are novices—are taken on at half-a-crown a week,- but most of the boys now employed are earning 7s. and Bs. per week. The girls commence at the same rate; but, as they become ac quainted with the trade, they receive higher wages, sometimes as high as 12s. The wages earned by the men-^who work on piecework—vary from 30a. to 555., according to.ability. MESSES. BEEJONOHAM BBOTHEHB' FACTOBY. The factory conducted by Messrs. Walter and John Bermingham is situated in Peacock's stores, Leigh-street, which have been, as far as possible, adapted to the purposes of a shoe factory. On the ground-floor is one of Salmon & Co.'s rollers, and also a cutter and pricker by the same maker. The knives used for the machine are principally of colonial make, Messrs. Bermingham finding that they are made here better than those im ported. On the first floor is the rivettersi' room, where ten rivetters and four finishers are employed; and on the second floor eight women and girls are engaged in making uppers, in doing which they also use Howe's and Singer's sewing machines. About 25 persons, therefore, find employment at the factory, in addi tion to seven or eight who are employed outside. Mr. John Bermingham con ducts the upper department, whilst Mr. Walter Bermingham superintends the bottomers and finishers. . On an average, the factory turns out from 250 to 260 pairs per week, which nearly all pass into the shops kept by the Messrs. Berming ham, although a few wholesale customers are supplied. Nearly all the men are paid by the piece, and are able to earn from 365. to 655., and even 60s. per week. Boys are paid from 12s. to 18s., according to the knowledge they have of the busi ness. Apprentices are taken on at nominal -wages. The experience gained by the Messrs. Bermingham is, that whilst fancy goods can be imported with a margin of profit to the importer, the local makers can drive out of the market the imports of common and best descriptions. The hours of labor in the factory are from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., and 1 o'clock on Satur days. Wages are paid on Fridays, and the result is satisfactory to all concerned. THE ADELAIDE BOOT FACTOBY. Messrs. D. &W. Murray are the pro prietors of this factory, which, is situated in Waymouth-street. This is the largest establishment of the kind in Adelaide, and, moreover, it is the. oldest. These premises were not designed-for a boot and shoe factory, but have had to be adapted for the purpose. In the clickers' room— about 30 by 27, six cutters and one packer are employed. Adjoining this is the rivetters' room, an apartment about 42 x 27, which is not very well lighted or ventilated. Here, about 28 rivetters, including three boys, are employed. Off this is a machine room, where are placed a roller, two cutters, a pricker, split lift machine, and skiver, and other appli ances, and where also two men are kept constantly at work. A small stsreroom adjoins this, where a stock of grindery, leather,, &c., is kept. The finishers' room is about the same size as the rivetters', and here abont 30 men and boys are regularly at work fitting and closing. The boots are blocked by hand, two«men being con stantly Employed. In another room there aretfbout 22 women and girls regu larly engaged in'making uppers, and 11

sewing.machines are constantly at work:. Howe's machine is used fordoing, heavy leather work, and Tinsley's for, mating fancy stitching. The following persons are employed in the factory :^-G cutters, 22 women, 28 rivetters, 2 in the machine room, 30 finishers, 1 fitter, 1 packer, and 3in the office ; total, 93. The hours of work are from 8 to 6, -with airinterval for dinner, and the factory hands, leave at'l o'clock on Saturdays The men's wages run from, 30s. to .55a.' and',oos. per week. Several boys are employed un der indenture ; and tW women earn from 10s. to 215.," the latter price being:paid 'to the first machinist. * With .this staff of1 employeV 'Messrs. I>.. &W. Murray are enabled to nuke about 800 pairs of boots and shoes per -week, of all sorts sad sizes except fancy descriptions. .'." j OTHER FACTORIES. .. i :.-. We have enumerated above the prin cipal boot'and shoe factories, but. there area few establishments of smaller pro . portions where the manufacture, of boots, and shoes is .carried on., i Messrs. ,1L Saundere &--Go,, who inform us that their boot and shoe factory was established in 1866, employ men and machinery at the. rearof theirshopin?undle-street; Messrs. Brandon, J. M." Stacy, Zschorn, and others, also employ several persons in the trade ; and' Messrs. J.JV Green and A. Fischer have also a number of men and women engaged in making boot and shoe uppers for the trade. - : - . m.—rejjgkhjs. CONSECRATION OF THE ADELAIDE HEBREW SYNAGOGUE On Sunday, March 26 1871 (4th Nison, 5631), New Synagogue in Rundle-street was formally consecrated by an imposing ceremonial. Prior to describing the services, a few words may be said about tie history of the Hebrew Congrega tion in Adelaide. The congregation was es-tablished on 13th September, 1818—the first Pre-sident being Mr. Judah Moss Solomon, the pre-sent Mayor of Adelaide, and the first Treasurer the late Mr. Burnett Nathan. The services of the Sanctuary were temporarily conducted in private houses until the 3rd September, 1850, when a Synagogue was consecrated to the wor-ship of Jehovah. Since that'time, the Presi-dents of the Synagogue have been successively— Messrs. J. M. Solomon, B. Nathan, L. Joseph, S: Hart, J. Lazar, A. Abrahams, I. S. Henry, M. Brandon, G. Bennett, and. M. J. Solomon. The following gentlemen have also in suc-cession held office as Treasurer since 1860, viz.—Messrs. B. Nathan, S. Hart, M. Marks, J. Lazar, A. Abrahams, I. S. Henry, J. M. Myers, G. Leon, M. Brandon, E. Solomon, C. Jacobs, M. Salom, M. J. Solomon, and R, Raphael. The present Wardens of the con-gregation are—-President, Mr. M. J. Solomon; and Treasurer. Mr. Ralph Raphael. The Com-mittee consists of Messrs. A. E. Cohen, S. H. Isaacs, C. L. Knisser, I. Solomon, S.Schlank. and G. Bennett. The Rev. A. T. Boas is minister, and Mr. D. Hart Secretary. The Trustees of the Synagogue are— Messrs. A, E. Cohen, I. Simmons, I. Solomon, and M. J; Solomon. The members of the Jewish communion of course increased in numbers, with the progress of the colony until they outgrew the Synagogue, and steps ware taken to raise a more commodious edifice; where the service of God could be more fittingly performed. An appeal was made to tbe Jews in this colony and elsewhere, and many Christtian friends also lent kindly assis-tance, so that the congregation were in a posi-tion last year to invite plans for a new syna-gogue. A design of Messrs. Wright, Woods, and Hamilton was selected, and a tender from Mr. F. Harrison to carry out the building according to. this design was accepted.. On 7th July last, the foun-dation-stone of the new Synagogue, was laid by Mr. G. Bennett, the President, who was presented by the congregation with a'handsome silver trowel in celebration of that interesting epoch in their history. The builder has lost no time in rearing a commodious and beautiful sanctuary, of which the Jews are justly proud. The new building adjoins the old Synagogue. The front is in the Italian style, but entrance is at present had through the old Synagogue. It is intended, however, when funds permit, to erect a handsome portico, and entrance in the southern, wall. The interior dimensions of the building are 46 x 29 ft—the height of the walk being 23ft, and the ceiling 28 ft. The interior is finished plainly, but with exquisite taste and neatness. The congregation have acted with wisdom in having delayed any expensive orna-mentation or decoration until they are en-abled to do it without involving themselves in a heavy debt. Tbe ladies 1 gallery .runs round three sides of the braiding, being irap portedbylightironoolumns,aadhavingapretty open out-iron front. The building.' is. lighted. -by seven windows—four in the,, western wall, aad three in" the southern* side." The Ark is placed at the northern end ia an elegantly designed alcove. The building is constructed of Dry Creek stone, with cement dressings, the principal quoins being of dressed freestone. The Synagogue altogether is prettily finished, sad is ft credit to the Jews of South Australia. The following gentlemen ~ constituted the Building Committee:—Messrs. M. J, Solomon, Ghairnman; Isaac Solomon,' Treasurer; <J. Ben nett, R. Raphael, O. h. KUssor; and J. M. Solomon, jun., Hon. Sec. It is propo?ed by "the Committee, that as soon as funds permit, to build a dwarf wall with iron rails in front of the buildings. , : Sunday was Sxed as the day for oonsecrating the new Synagogue to the service of Jehovah, and arrangements, were made for celebrating tile event with characteristic rites in order to testify the rejoicing which fills the hearts of the Jews at the prospect of having a new sanctuary. Admission was given by ticket. Ihe male and female congregants of course were invited, and the tickets issued to Christians were eagerly applied-for. Three o'clock, was the hour fixed for the^ceremonia], and long before that time ladies and gentlemen began to arrive at the Synagogue.- - The-:Jadies> gallery was crammed, and the other portion of the Syna gogue was fully occupied by the members of the. congregation, and also by Christian friends and subscribers. . Altogether there must have been about 400 persons present. , Afternoon, service was read in the old Syna gogue. ThentheMinLrter, Rev. Ifr. Boas, whowas accompanied by the present and some of the past officers of trxe congr?£atain> bringing the Rolls of the Law to the door of the Synagogue, exclaimed " Open unto me the gates of righteousness ; I wiU enter them" and praise the Lord." The doors were thereupon thrown open, and the Minister with attendants, bearing the Rolls in their arms, entered the building in procession, tie- Reader nnging, .*' How goodly are " thy tenti, O Jacob!- thy tabernacles, O Israel. O Jjord! I have ever" loved the habitation of Thy house, and the dwelling-place of Thy glory. We will come nnto Thy tabernacles and worship at Thy footstool." - The procession meanwhile proceeded until it arrived at the Ark, the Reader and Choristers singing, " Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the liord; we Mesa you from the house of the Lord, Bitter into hi* gates with'thanksgiving, into his courts with praise. Come let us worship and bow-down; let us bend the knee before the Lord our Maker. Worship the Lord with glad- -ness; come into His presence with exulting song." The procession then made a circuit of the Synagogue seven tunes, and during each circuit a psalm was chanted. The 30th Psalm —the Dedication Psalm—was first repeated, the other Psalms being—" As the hart panteth," &c ; " O my God, my soul is cast down within. me, 5' &c ; "Judgeme O God, and plead my came against an ungodly nation;" &c; "Out of the depths have I cried nnto tfaee, O Lord," &C ; " Make a joyful noise onto the Lord, all ye lands," &c ; and " The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof," &c The President (Mr. M. J. Solomon) thereupon deposited the Scrolls of the Law in the Ark, the Beader singing, "Blessed art Thou, O Lord, our God, King of the universe, who art good and beneficent." The service was, of course, conducted in Hebrew, but pamphlets containing the Order of Service in English were kindly distributed. A lengthy choral service, consisting of an ode mug by the Reader (Mr. S; Sauaders), with a chorus— " Goodly and blest is Jacob's dwelling, His tents all other tents excelling," was then performed by the choir,' consisting of about twenty ladies and gentlemen, Mr. S. Laxar presiding at the harmonium. ■ The .music was nicely sung, and reflected credit upon the careful training of Mr. Saunders. At the con clusion of this, J The Eev. A. T. Boas delivered a sermon from the text—" Serve tbe Lord with joy, come unto Hia-presecce with exulting song." He then offered, prayer, imploring God's blessing upon the newly dedicated sanctuary and upon the people in all their relations with it A prayer having also been said for the Queen, Prinoe of Wales, and the Royal Family, offerings towards the Building Fund were re ceived by collectors. "It was announced subse quently that snbsciiptions and collections re ceived that day amounted, to £107 lls. Evening service was then celebrated, the whole concluding with the " Hallelujah" Paalm, which was exceedingly well sung. It Hiay be mentioned as a singular cjiocidence that Mr. Judah Moss Solomon was President of the congregation when the first Synagogue was consecrated in 1850, and that his son, Mr. M. J. Solomon, assisted a« President at the .conseora ttonaer*ice of the larger aanotuary. ' ' THE RBV.-JAMES MAUQHAN. The subject of the present short, sketch was barn in Hepburn, Otu-hun, in the October of 1828. Ftom earii«#t4&e lie had-been connected with the -.lethodUt -VfW Connexion—first as a scholar iv th? Ijun4?yi?liooj, 'anjl then as a number led t«*cb,«-'*"Htl-wonaerful-aptitude for public spcaki*? rot have secured for him a poritii-n sjloy ncher at an exceedingly •arlyage. Ana*' « but little over 20 years of age whso h?^ "■•*►. it to discharge the duties

of the Rev. J. Tata, then laid by through sick ness. At the ensuing Conference, 1848. he became a minister on probation.: He labored successively and prosperously in the Bradford, Maccleafield, Derby, Dewsbury, London, Leeds, Dudley, and Bristol Cjcuits—a list which in cludes uot only the largest towns of Knglarid but also some of the largest and most important ■cirouit?-of the. Connexion. tTi- services were not only acceptable, but were singularly suc cessful, in the erection of Eauc'uaries and the quickening of languishing Churches. One of the prettiest chapels of London, Britannia Fields, was the result of bis exertions. It will /easily be gathered from these remarks that he must,- had he continued to labor is Kngland, -ham received the highest "offices and honors of the body to which he belonged. But though bis prospect j were so promising, yet he obeyed the call of the Connexion, which had long de sired to found an Australian mission, to leave the mother country, and find his home and sphere.-of labor in these colonies. ffe left England in the Blanche Moore, and arrived in Melbourne in'the month of August, 1862. Before commencing bis labors in the chief of Australian cities he deemed It advisable to ■visit Adelaide. Here he found men who years ago had been looking and longing for a minister of the Methodist New Connexion, and also re ceived promises of help. He therefore felt that Adelaide had tbe stronger claims for him. He commenced his work in this city in Hillier's Booms, Hindley-Btreet. In the morn ing the attendance was less than 40; in the evening less than 60. .But the congregation grew so rapidly that in a short time White's Room, having been taken, was crowded. Then the church in Franklin-street, at once beautiful asd commodious, was built. Nor was this progress surprising, considering the earnest character of his ministry. As a lecturer also he was attractive and popular ; as is proved by his constant engagements in every part of the colony. Meanwhile his health was being seriously un dermined. ■ Mr. Maughan had not been in the colony much longer than a. year when he took the cold which issued in his bronchial affection. From November, 1863, he has more or less been afflicted with the fatal malady. His con stantly recurring attacks resulted in a dis placement of the heart and congestion of the lungs. His constitution, though originally very strong, was so enfeebled that for yeara he has not enjoyed a single day's per fect health. To secure, if possible, a restora tion of strength, he made a voyage to England and' remained there over twelve months, hoping that a change of climate might issue in an invigorating of health. During his stay there, he took part in many services in behalf of the Mission cause,'throughout the whole Con nexion. His speeches at the public meetings were ok Australian topics, for everything per taining to the country of his adoption and affec tion was deeply interesting to him. He re turned to the colony in the Yatila, only last October, but-slightly improved, if indeed at all bettered in health. Since his arrival his health has been very variable. At one time he was able to preach twice on the Sabbath, at another not at all. On Sunday morning, February 5, he preached in the morning in Franklin-street Church; going from service he toak cold, which brought on a second attack of bronchitis. It was sup posed that this had been conquered, when on Tuesday, February 28, he was seized with dysentery. Or. YVMttell most assiduously at tended him. On Tuesday last he was so im proved that he himself and all his friends were confident that the danger was passed. But early on Wednesday morning cold hands and feet, and perspiration gave warning of danger, if not death. From 3 o'clock a.m. he sank gradually; a few minutes past 11 o'clock he literally fell asleep in Jesus. He had suffered for years the greatest agonies, but no one ever murmured less. Considering his amazing activity, his patience was marvellously perfect. He had. no fear of death—in fact had the fullest confidencein the Saviour he preached. It is singular that bis death should have hap pened on. the seventeenth anniversary of his wedding day. Among all his virtues none was more marked than his generosity. By his death the colony, and especially the religious body to which he.belonged, sustained a severe loss. THE FUXEBiL. The funeral of the late Rev. James Maugtan took place on Friday afternoon, March 10. Shortly after half-past 2 o'clock the mournful cortege, consisting of a hearse, four mourning coaches, and a considerable number of private vehicles, started from the deceased gentleman's residence, Whitmere-square, and proceeded to the New Connexion Methodist Church, Franklin-street, into which the body was carried by the officers of the Church. There was a very large congregation, including repre sentatives of many denominations. Prior to the arrival of the remains, and whilst they were being conveyed into the edifice, the organ pealed forth (he mournful strains of " The Dead March in Saul,": producing a feeling ofdeep solemnity. The- proceedings were begun by the Rev. H. Fenton giving out the hymn commencing— " When all Thy mercies, oh my God, My risin? soul surveys, Transported with the view I'm lost In wonder, love, and praise." The Bey. Mr Fenton said this hymn had been selected because the Key. Mr. Manghan, in his last illness, desired to have it repeated to him, and when it ha 1 been repeated, he said to his eldest boy, "Tbatismyexperiencethrough out life." After the hymn had been sung, The Bey. W. L. Bikes read from the 12th verse-to the end of the 15th chanter of the Ist Corinthians, and then gave an address suitable to the mournful occasion. Another hymn, beginning— :" My God, the spring of all my joys," ■also chosen for the occasion by the lamented rev. gentleman, having been sung, the Be?. Mr. Binks offered an appropriate prayer, and the service terminated. The singing was led by Mrs. G. T. Harris. The funeral procession then slowly wended its way to the West-terraca Cemetery, the number of vehicles constantly receiving addi tions. "The hearse was preceded by the children connected with the Sunday-school of the Church, and Mr. S. J. Way was in the first carriage with Mrs. Maughan and the children as one of the chief mourners. The Cemetery was reached about a quart-r to 5 o'clock, and the body having been committed to the tomb in the presence of a very large concourse of people, the Key. Mr. Fenton reading the service, The Rev. Jas. Wat delivered a suitable ad dress, urging the importance of ever living in preparation for death, and mentioning that the Key. Mr. Maughan wished it particularly to be stated that he died in sure and certain hope of a joyful resurrection. The rev. gentleman then engaged in prayer, after which the Sunday school children sung "The Realms of the Blessed," a hymn which the Bey. Mr. Fenton observed the departed minister sung just be fore his death. The benediction having been pronounced, the people gradually dispersed, many staying, to take a last look at that which contained all that was mortal of the respected gentleman. Amongst those present doling the proceedings were many well-known citizens, and the following rev. gentlemen, in addition to those taking part in the services: -Revs. A. Scales, H. Cheetham, J. G. MUlard, S. Knight, T? Lloyd, B. S. Casely, J. L. Parsons, J. Price, S. Mead, J. Lyall, R. Haining, W. Oldham, and T. Piper. STOW CONGRE3ATIONAL CHURCH. On ■Wednesday evening a meeting of the Church and congregation assembling in the Stow Congregational Church was held to con sider .what steps should be taken towards raising a testimonial for presentation totha Key. C. W. Evan, 8.A., on his retirement from the pastorate. There was a fair at tendance, and Mr. Alex. Hay, M.P., presided. Sir -Richard Hanson proposed, and. Mr. H. Struckey seconded—" That it is desirable to raise a sum of money to be presented to the Key. O. W. Evan, on bis retirement from the pastorate of the Church." Carried unani mously. On the motion -of Mr. H. Giles, seconded by Mr. H. A. Crawford, the following Committee was appointed to carry out the above resolution, viz. :— Sir K. D. Hanson, Messrs. S. Davenport, W. Johnson, M. Goode, D. Robin, A. Adamson, W. Giles, Jas. UiH, J. C. Phillips, H. Davis, J. Stow, T. Jaques, C. Wylde, W. Palmer, H. A. Crawford, W. Townsend, M.P., W. Storrie J. F. Clelaud, T. S. Heed, John Brown, «. Dew. E. Hall, C. Todd, J. H. Finlayson, — Hun wick, — Saxeby, G. Barlow, J. Kelly, G. B. Harris, R. Stuckey, T. B. Bruce, G. White C. Sabine, W. T. Flint, W. H. Newbouldj G. S. Wright, G. C. Smith, Jas. Shakespeare, G. Howie, W. Berry, B. N. Oonigrave, and the Deacons. Other arrangements were made with regard to raising the testimonial. Prior to this business being entered upon, the Deacons reported to the meeting the steps which had been taken with reference to obtain ing a successor to the Rev. Mr. Evan. The letter sent to Kngland, nominating the Revs. Messrs. Binney, Allon, and Hannay to select a minister, was read, together with an official reply from Mr. Hannay, and a. private letter from Mr. Binney to Mr. Hay on the subject. Mr. Hannay writes as follows:—'Mr. Binney, Mr. Allon, and myself met to consider what course we should follow in regard to tbe im portant commission with which you were j pleased to entrust us, and after a careful con sideration of the whole matter, and looking at several names which had been presented, we agreed to ask the Rev. Henry Simon, of Zolmer-square Chapel, London, to accept the appointment, and saw Mr. Simon, and placed the matter before him. Mr. Binney has since seen him, and I have had a second interview with him; and I am glad to say that I am hopeful that by next mail I shall be able to report that Mr. Simon has accepted, and is pre paring to sail. Mr. Simon's mind is not for mally made up, but practically I think it is to. I shall be exceedingly thankful if Mr. Simon accepts. It is very seldom that a sphere of buctt importance is no promptly occupied; and 1 may cay further, very rare for a Church which has had such ministers as Mr. Stow and Mr. Evan to get such a successor to them as Mr. Simon wjuld, I am sure, prove. Mr. Simon is remarkable for the intellectual force, the elegance aud spirituality of his teaching, and his life is equally characterised by purity, eleva

tloa and derontness. There is the most entire ] unanimity on the part of the three in the selec tion, and every one to whom I have mentioned it speaks with emphatic approval. I send you two or three specimens of Mr. Simon's preach ing which will give you an idea of the manner of the man's thought and utterance. Mr. Simon is comparatively a young man, having been ten yeais in the minisrry-—and is newly married. * * * * I have seen Mr. raves here a":;onfc the matter, anil when final arrangements have to be made, as I trust they will have to be before next mail, we will take counsel with him." Mr. Binney speaks of Mr. Simon as "auian of cul ture, of fine mind, earnest piety, and a most interesting preacher." The correspondence seemed to give great satisfaction, the meeting being delighted with the prospect of having as successor to Mr. Evan a minister so highly com mended as Mr. Simon is. PRESENTATION Ti> THE YEN. ARCH DEACON RUSSELL. A largely-attended meeting of the clergy aud laity of the Koman Catholic Church was held at St. Francis Xnvier's Hall on Monday evening, March 13, for the purpose of presenting an ad dress and testimonial to the "Yen. Arehdeaoon Russell, who is about leaving the colony ou a visit to Ireland. Mr. E. J. Peake, S.M., pre sided. The Craibman, in presenting the address and testimonial, spoke of his long acquaintance with the Archdeacon, and the very high opinion he entertained of him—an opinion which he said he held in common with the whole Catholic community of the colony; for by his many ad mirable qualities, the rev. gentlemanhad secured the esteem of all with whom he had come into contact. He mentioned that the Archdeacon was going home to visit his aged mother. He then read the address, which he handed to the Archdeacon, together with a bag containing a hundred guineas. The testimonial also includes a handsome gold, watch, which is to bear the inscription—" Presented to the Venerable Arch deacon Russell by the clergy and laity of the diocese of Adelaide, on occasion of his visit to Europe." The following is a copy of the address:— " The Venerable Archdeacon Russell, Adelaide. " Very Reverend aud Dear Sir— " .Having learned that you are about to leave the diocese of Adelaide on a visit to your native land, we cannot allow this occasion to pass without in some way giving expression to our sympathies and regard for you. " You have exercised the offices of your sacred calling amongst us now for more than 13 years, and it is not in nature that we should part from you withont pain aud regret. " We beg your acceptance of the accompany ing gold watch, and a purse of money which has been collected amongst your friends at very short notice. And we hope this small tribute of our respect and esteem for you will be ac ceptable to your feelings. "We wish you a pleasant journey, and a gpsedy and safe return to South Australia. And we are. Very Reverend and Dear Sir, with sicere respect and esteem, "Your faithful servants, "T. Murphy, C.C.; J. £. T. Woods, O.C. ; T. Bongaerts, C.C. ; B. Nevin. C.C.; F. Byrne, C.C.; C. A. Reynolds, C.C. ; Dean Fitzgibbon, O. J. Delaney, P. R. Walsh, W. W. Hewett, T. Lonergan, H. C. Oleeson, J. W. Egan, L. M. Cullen. J. J. Oronin, B. J. Peake, J. A. Hewitt, J. Tap peiner, S.J. ; J. N. Hinterocker, S.J.; J. M. Gunson, M.D. ; li. Butler, M,D.; J. A. Upton, M. F. Shannon, C. J. Fox, J. Delaney, H. W. Hayman, J. McLaughlin, J. Schmidt, M. O'Connor, CO. ; N. Trihey, 3. Gubbings J. Phuket, L. Shrnners, P. Bennett, P. Martin, B. Phair. 'P. Healey, P. McCcrmack, X J. Conlon,- W. Giddicgs." The Archdeacon, who on rising to reply was greeted with hearty applause, said—My dear friends—After 13 years' residence amongst you, it would be strange if I now could leave you withont feelings of regret. Your present to tee ■this evening for the little I have dove among you, which has been sa overestesmed by you, is a source of no.small consolation to me, little as indeed is all I could do whan compared with your always prompt, ready, and generous co operation in everything I undertook for tbe welfare of Holy Church. Our Bishop has given me permission to fulfil a duty which I feel incumbent upon me to do—that is, perhaps, to stand by the deathbed of a loved parent. Although it must be a consolation 10 me to think that I can fulfil this duty, yet the absence of a few months is pur chased with a great deal of paiu, when I know I am to part, even for a few months, with snch generous and kind friends as I have met in my adopted land. I thank you sincerely for your valuable and generous pra sant tome this evening. Your support of me since I came among you has always been at a most generous and ample kind. I hope I have deserved so much. I have saved as much as will take me home and bring me back again, and no more; the remainder has been given back ia the same spirit with which it was given to me. (Cheers.) Whatever I may have shall be spent for the welfare of that which is dear. to me—the education of the children of the poor. (Loud cheers.) When all classes have been so kind — have been so generous—towards me, it would be ungra cious of me to single out any particular class. I thank you all, dear friends, for your kindness towards me, and this kindness I hope will act as an incentive to me when I shall—l trust— return among you to work till the end of my days for your spiritual and temporal welfare. (Cheers.) Well may I thank you sincerely for your kindness towards me, and I pray to God that He may pour every blessing upon you and yours, and that you may go ou as you have done to prosper spiritually and temporally, aud that I shall find you on my return in the pos session of every happiness that I could wish you. (Loud cheers.) On the motion of Mr. L. M. Cullen, seconded |by Dr. Gunson, a vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman, after which the proceedings terminated. THE REV. H. CHEETHAM. It has already been, publicly announced in these columns that the Rev. Henry Cheetham, minister of the senior Congregational church in Kensington, will preach his farewell eermons on Sunday next, and as the reverend gentleman has been actively engaged 1 in the work of the Ministry in this colony for more than one and twenty years, a few lines on the subject are not uncalled for. In the latter part • f the year 1849 Mr. Cheetham arrived in South Australia, and in the early part of 1850 settled at the Hurra, where his ministrations were se success ful that a church was formed, & congregation gathered together, and a place of worship erected. At the close of 1851 he received an invitation to become the pastor of the church in High-street, Kensington, whither he shortly after removed, and commenced his stated labors on the first Sunday in 1852. He was fortunate enough to leave the Burra chapel free from debt. The cause at Kensington was in a low state; there was no Sunday-school, and much up-hill work T?as before the new minister. However, during the first two years of his ministry there he collected and organised a Sunday-school, himself discharging the duties of superintendent, and which office he has, in. fact, sustained ever sine*?. The chapel was improved and renovated, an excel lent harmonium purchased, and the Church and congregation, as a. mark of their gratifica tion and esteem for then- minister, presented him with a purse of 20 sovereigns. About this time a teparation took place, out of which grew the present Church and congregation occupying Clayton Chapel- For the last 17 years Mr. Cheetham has labored diligently and usefully amongst a generous and appreciating people, who- have given him frequent tokens of their estimation of his services. Is the course of that period a commodious schoolroom has been erected, and many improvements effected, both in the chapel and schoolroom, including com plete gas-fittings in both edifices. In these works more than £600 have been spent, and all paid; so that Sir. Cheetham will leave his pre sent charge, as he left his former, clear of chapel debts. The_ separation, after so pro longed a. term of active service, is deeply felt by all parties concerned, and Mr. Cheetham wi 1 leave the present scene of his labors with the best wishes, not only of his own Church and congregation, but of numerous friend* outside their circle. The Rev. Henry Cheetham, pastor of the High-street Congregational Church, being about to leave the scene of his present labors, preached his farewell sermons on Sunday, March 12. Despite the weather there was a large attendance in the evening, and the rev. gentle man delivered a very impressive and earnest discourse, based ou the Apostle Paul's words to the Thessalonians—" As ye know how we ex horted, and comforted, and charged every one of you as a father doth his children, that ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called yen unto TTi« kingdom and glory," I. These., 2nd chap., verses 11 and 12. After pointing out the nature of the Christian's calling, he referred to the obligation which rested on him, and then alluded to the minister's appeal as ex pressed iv the text, remarking that he had fre quently exhorted, comforted, and charged them, and had acted as a father unto them. He then addressed a few words to the children, whose superintendeat in the Sabbath school he had been for 19 years, regretting that he had not yet altogether seen the fruit of his labors, but saying that he was comforted with the assurance thatif they wentforth weeping, they would return rejoicing, bringing their sheaves with them. He admonished parents to train up their children in the way they should go, and then, having ad dressed theyouDg.urgingthemtoremembertheir Creator in the days of their youth, entreated the old—those who werenearing the grave—to make their peace with God. In conclusion he said —When I look around on this little sanctuary andjadjoining schoolroom, and see h'jw they are furnished, fitted up with gas apparatus, and every convenience, and remember the lar^e amount of money expended upou them, and the 1 bors of many years devoted to spiritual instruction within their walls, and calltj mind the fact that there is no debt ou any of the premises, I thauk God, and feel reluctunt to leave the scene of my past labors. But now, my dear friends, the officers and members of

the Church, congregation, and Sabbath school, united together here—to such as are pres?nt. and to all, whether present or absent, I must now say farewell, jlfter serving you nearly 20 year?, my desire and hepe have been that I might have lived and died, and been buried in. yout n.iist. Our separation has been caused by circumstances over which I have had no control, and the manner of it has' eea to myaelf, and to you generally, exceedingly painful. Let us. however, sh3wourChristianior itude by a ilevout submission to the will of Goci, :'S it appears in this painful dispensation of His provideuce. Let us be thankful for all the blessings bestowed upon us during the niauy years we have been spared together, and on others dear to us who are now in heaven— such as were trained here by the grace of God for the Church of the first-born above. Let as humbly implore the divine forgiveness of all our sins, and commend ourselve? and each other to the gracious and continued caie of our God and Saviour, and look forward in hope of a blessed and permanent reunion in our Father's house above. Again I say finally, farewell. Be of good comfort, of one mind, brethren. Ye know how I have exhorted, and comforted, and charged every one of you as a father doth hi? children, that ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you into His kingdom and glory. Amsn. The anniversary services of the Presby terian Church, Mount Barker, were held on the 26th and 27th February. The Rev. J. Hender son, of Port Adelaide, preached excellent sermons, to large congregations, on the morning and evening of Sunday. On Monday, 27th, a public meeting was held; Mr. David Murray, St.P., in the chair. The Rev. A. Law made a statement in regard to the position of the church, and bis work as its minister, from which it appears that, besides the regular services at Mount Barker, and week-evening services at Bugle Runges, Mount Barker Springs, and Nairne, be has during the past year held occasional Sabbath services at Nairne, and com menced a new preaching-station at Monarto, about twenty-five miles off, where a fewfamilies belonging to the congregation have settled, and where a site for a church has been obtained, and is likely soon to be built on. The llev. J. Henderson then delivered an eloquent and highly-instructive lecture on " Oliver Cromwell i and his Times." Mr. A. Champion and his j cboir discoursed most effectively a few select pieces of sacred masic. Votes of thanks having been given to the lecturer, the choir, and the Chairman, the meeting was clo?ed with the benediction. A meeting of the congregation of St. Andrew's Church was held on Monday eveningl the 20th instant, to consider the proposed re tirement of their pastor, the Ke". jj. Haining, from the active duties of his office. There was a large and influential attendance, and Mr. T. F. Monteith was called to the chair. A Com mittee of Presbytery, consisting of the Keys. Messrs. Lyall, Davidson, and Henderson, was also present, and spoke in cordial commenda tion of the scheme to raise a testimonial-fund to be presented to Mr. Hainin™. The friends of the congregation present took up the matter very cordially, and resolutions were -unani mously carried initiating the movement, and appointing a Committee to carry it out, and to take charge of subscriptions. Mr. Haining is the oldest of our city ministers, and in early times had to hear the heat and burden of the day, and we have no doubt that those who have benefited from his former labors in all parts of the colony will be glai to show the respect in which they bold him by contributing to the testimonial. An influentially-attended meeting of the friends of the late Rev. James Maugh&u was held at Messrs. "Way & Brook's offices on Satur- \ day, the 11th instant. After some discussion, it was resolved, on the notion of Mr. Boucaut, seconded by the Bey. Mr. Fenton —"That a suitable memorial, to be paid for by public sub- j scription, be erected over Mr.' Maughan's grave, iv recognition of his public services." Ai range- j meats were then made for an appeal to the 1 public for subscriptions, which it was decided nut to limit in amount, that the memorial might be made as general as possible, and that all the friends of the deceased gentleman might have an opportunity of contributing to it. A large Committee was appointed, of which Dr. Oosse was electsd Chairman, Mr. John Souttar Treasurer, and Messrs. Boucaut and Way Honorary Secretaries. "We understand the public subscriptions will be devoted exclusively to the monument over the grave, and that arrangements ara being made by his congrega tion privately for the erection of a suitable j tablet to his memory in the Franklin-street Church. A meeting of the seatkolders of St. Lake's Church was held in the schoolroom, J Whitmore-square, on Monday evening, March j 13, for the purpose of electing a trustee, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. j C. R. Darton. There was a very large atten dance. The Bey. B. M. Pollitt presided, and in his opening remarks stated that the officers of the Church bad called them together at the written request of two of the members of the congregation, and was about to proceed wi-h the business of the evening, when it was pointed out by Mr. H. E. Brooks that the trust-deed had not been complied with, inasmuch as 14 days' notice hid not been given in the daily papers, neither had any placard been affixed to the church door, as was also required. It was patent to all that the "Wardens had not carried out the intention of the trust-deed, and any election of a trustee wonld be void. A discus sion followed, in which Mr. Bounaut, Mr. Sowter, and others expressed their opinion that the gtntletn&n. who had just pointed out the mistake had shown unkindness in not previously pointing out the illegal course the Church wardens were pursuing, and thus preventing the parishioners from assembling. A vote of thanks to the Chairman having been carried, the meeting closed in the usual way, the busi ness being adjourned. The anniversary services in connection with the Draper Memorial Wesleyan Church were commenced on Sunday, March 12, when sermons were preached in the morning and even ing fey the Keys. T. James and W. L. Binks re spectively. On Monday the services were con tinued by tea and public meetings, at both of which there was a large attendance. At the latter the proceedings were presided over by Mr. J. Colton, J. P. After devotional exercises, the Chairman made si brief introductory address, aipre-sing the great pleasure he felt in presiding, having taken a prominent part at the laving of the foundation-stone of the church, and having ever since taken a great interest in its well-being. He re joiced that they had had prosperity, and that souls had been added to the Church, and he understood the Sabbath-school was in a highly prosperous condition. His desire was, that the Church should still go forwird, and prosper more abundantly. The Treasurer (Mr. Kichards) read the financial statement, showing a debt on the Charch of £2,370. The receipts during the year amounted to £334 18s. 81, ana the expenditure to £243 7s. 3d., leaving a balance of £91 11s. 5i towards liquidating the -debt. The Key. W. L. Binks followed with, an address upon the responsibilities attaching to the Christian life, and remarking that in all works of piety and charity they must take Christ as their great example, love to God being the great motive power in all their exertions in His cause. Mr. James Scott congratulated the Church npon the operations of the year, and encouraged them to discharge faithfully the commission which rested upon them to extend Christ's kingdom. The Rev. T. James then gave an interesting aJdress allud ing with rsjret to the departure from iha Church to Wallaroo of the Key. S. Knight. He thought it most be because he had been such a useful man in that circuit, that the Conference had sta tioned him at "Wallaroo, believing that he was the most fit to take charge of such a large circuit as it was. He then spoke of the happiness en joyed by the >. hristim, observing that if there were any in the world who were entitled to be happy they were those who professed to know and love God, for man could cot bo happy with a guilty conscience, no- whilst he was estranged from God. The Bey. S. Knight having read the list of contributors for the past year, said he was desirous that the anniversary services should realise at least £150. A collection then took place, and with promises the sum re alised amounted to £ 168 3s. 2d. Mr. Knight said if £200 were raised from the services Mr. T. "Waterhouse would give £20. A further appeal was then made, bringing the amount up to £190. On the motion of Mr. Baldwin, seconded by Mr. Gartrell, a vote of thanks was accorded to the ladies, and a similar compliment was, on the motion of Mr. Codd, seconded by Mr. Martin, passed to the Choir, who during the evening sang several selections of sacred music. Votes of thanks to the Eev. S. Knight and the Chairman having been accorded, the proceedings closed with the benediction. The celebration of the anniversary of the Glenelg Congregational Church was commenced on Sunday, the sth of March. The pastor, the Rev. C. Manthorpe, who has just recovered from a severe illness, conducted the services, and on both occasions the congre gations were large, especially in the morning, when the following text was the subject of an impressive discourse—"Therefore, uiy beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord; foras much as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."—L Corinthians, xv. 53. In the course of his remarks the rev. gentleman stated that he had selected those words, be cause they were appropriate to the occanon, and in harmony with his own feelingj. Time was fleeting, and they were reminded of many who had liveJ auiougst them but had passed away from this world, and their own lives always un certain, and brief at the utmost, might be sud denly terminated. He exhorted them, there fore, so to live that they might at all times be ready to meet their Lord and their Judge. In the evening, Mr. Manthorpe based his discourse on the seventh verse of the third'chapter

cf Hebrews —" Wherefore as the Holy Ghost saith, to-day, if ye will hear his voice." The preacher earnestly urged his bearers to listen to the voice of Chiist, aDd ap pealed to them, as one who spoke from the ex perience gained on a bed of sickness—as one who had recently been near the grave, and realised the difference between receiving the messenger of death with a trust in a living Saviour, and meeting him unsostained by any such hape. A collection was made at the close of each service, the proceeds amounting in all to a*<out £15. The Rev. Mr. Manthorpe explained that the proceeds of th:it anniversary were to be devoted tj liquidating the debt on the schoolroom, lie observed that their pro gress as ;i Church and congregation had been remarkable; that they had had an addilion of £50 to their revenue during the year; but having the schoolroom to build he appealed to their liberality for assistance. The services were continued on Tuesday by tea and public meet ings. The former was held in the schoolroom at the rear of the church, and had many patrons. There was a large attendance at the public meeting, which was presided over by atr. A. Hay, M.P. After singing and prayer the Chairman made afew introductory remarks. He congratulated the Church in that they had their pastor amongst them again in compara tive health and strength. Hearing of bis severe illness while in Tasmania a few weeks ago, he felt anxious as to the result ; but when future telegrams announced that Mr. Manthorpe was belter he was cheered, as he believed were also several other South Australians who were then absent from the colony. He sincerely hoped that Mr. Manthorpe would be long spared to labor many years as the pastor of that Church. Mr. Storrie (Treasurer), said that be felt rather sorry in having to come be fore them with a financial statement that was not very bright, for he, as their Treasurer, owed the Bank £308. He must inform them, however, that the money had not utterly vanished, for a schoolroom had been built at a cost of over £500, and in addition to this, other necessary improvements had been made. Although they owad so much, and the year they had passed had been very depressed, the ordi nary revenue had been Blowly and steadily in creasing, and this year showed an increase of £26 in comparison to the previous one. He might say that the total amount raised had been £1,151 (including a loan), and £1,459 had been paid, which left a debit balance of £308, on which 10 per cent, interest was charged. Still he thought that their prospects were not so bad after aIL As a Church they had nearly reached perfection. He did not mean spiritually but temporally, for they had, he thought, all they required, and could now go in for paying off the debt. But although the financial statement was sot very agreeable, they ought all to feel thankful in having their minister (Mr. Manthorpe) auong them that evening. The Rev. C: Manthorpe, whowas warmly leceived, said he had always had on these anni versaries a thankful heart, but never, perhaps, h?d he experienced such emotion as he did teat j evening. He felt doubly grateful to God, I the giver of all good, that he wasl with them on that occasion. He was glad on the whole that the report was some what satisfactory and encouraging. He had sees in one of the papers that he stated on j Sunday that the Church had made " remarkable progress." He explained that he did not say that; but that the receipts had been in excess of previous years. It might seem somewhat strange that in pecuninary matters the Church was in exactly the same position as when he commenced his ministry nine years ago; but then it muse be remembered that various im provements had had to be effected, at an ex pense of somethiag like £1,600, and that debt had been reduced to about £300. This money had been raised exclusively by the congregation, for he had no up-country friend to help him, as had Mr. Parsons. With regard to the higher work of the Church, he remarked that the con gregation had steadily increased during the year. The Bible class had been carried on until he was laid aside, aud had been constantly attended by a number of young men and young women. Re regretted that he Bhould not be cble to renew these meetings for the next six months. A few additions had been made to the fellow ship of the Church. The Sunday-school had increased, and numbered upwards of 100 names on the books, with an average attendance of 95. It was in a very efficient state, and had not suffered by his illness. Since Ihe schoolroom had been bulls prayer meetings had been held, but the attendance had not been as large as could have been wished. He regretted that the Rev. Mr. McMichael was not with them that evening. The Chairman explained that the Key. Mr. Me Michael had asked him to apologise for his absence, stating that when he promised to come he hadj forgotten that he had another engagement to be fulfilled. The Rev. J. Iv Parsons then delivered his interesting lecture on "Modern Heroes," which was listened to with rapt attention. The usual votes of thanks having been passed, the meeting was brought to a close at an early hour. During the evening a. collection was made. The pro ceeds of tbe anniversary amount to about £55. IV.—CHARITABLE. THE DESTITUTE. The report of the Chairman of the Des titute Poor Department, for the half-year ending December 31, 1870, is published, in the Gazette. It is not a cheerful docu ment, as might have been expected from, the season of depression through, which the colony has passed. Compared with the corresponding half-year in 1869, it shows an increase in almost every item that involves expenditure. During the half-year ended December 31, 1869, the total number of persons of all ages "who received relief, was 2,402. In the corres ponding period for last year the number i was 2,936, which shows a very serious in crease. The number of persons newly entered on the books in the previous half year was 673; for the last half-year it was 800, again showing a great increase. The admissions to the Asylum from June 30 to December 31, 1870, are classified as f ol- ' lows :—Diseased and convalescent, 84; blind and infirm, 12 ; criminal and neg- j lected children, 59 ; destitute children, i 43; women, 5 ; single women enciente, 26 ; | married women do., 3 ; woman deserted by her husband, 1. Total, 233. From the Adelaide Hospital 25 persons suffering from chronic diseases were transferred to the Asylum ; and, on other recommen dations, 424, The number of children on December 31 at the Asylum was 11; at the Magill Industrial School, 189; criminal boys at the Reformatory School, 42 ; making the total number of orphans, destitute, and criminal children at the above date, 242. The number of inter ments, 93, for the past half-year is the same as that for the corresponding period 1869—a curious illustration of what is called the doctrine of averages. Jhe number of lying-in-women has de creased during last half-year by 5. Ihe following are the recommendations for medical advice, or for admission to the Hospital:—To the Hospital as out door patients 365, as in-door patients 108.: to the medical officer for out-door destitute poor, unable to attend the Hospital, 143. Total 616, against 380 for the corresponding period in 1869. The number of persons refused relief was 83 ; town and suburbs 39, and country districts 44. Mr. Reed regrets to have to report a continued and general increase in the number of persons relieved during the past six. months, which, is to be attri buted to the commercial depression which lias so long prevailed, and the consequent want and poverty of the laboring classes. " In the country districts a large number of persons, aged and otherwise, lias been thrown on the Board for relief, -who had hitherto earned a bare livelihood, or had been supported by relations now com pelled, through reduced circumstances, to discontinue this help. In the town the depression has shown itself in an un usually large number of men who had avowedly no sources of employment, and for whom work was found by the Govern ment in labor tests upon a very extended scale." A very large number of men worked at this labor test for wages far below the current rate, and even then employers did not come forward to propose new channels of labor at reduced rates of wages. Mr. Reed goes on to say:— "It might reasonably have been expected that with a more abundant harvest aud better pros pects generally, a demand for hands throughout the agricultural districts would have relieved the Board of all applications from the unem ployed ; but this has not been the case —many ablu-bodied men are still seen loitering about the streets, declaring their inability to obtain work; and the lioard feel that no enquiry, however searching and rigid, will enable them rightly to discriminate in such cases without the aid of a permanent labor test. The Board believe that under such a test—a scale of prices adjusted considerably under the ra'.es cf wages outside, so as only to afford a bare subsistence to the applicant—they would ba enabled to protect the colony from imposition by the la^y and designing, and at tho same time to provide a scanty iiviug for the willing worker until he can find more remunerative employment.'' It is difficult to know what else can be done in a case of this kind. We suppose the Board are bound to relieve persons

who declare themselves to be destitute, S or to find them employment at wages ] which will at least keep them from starving. It is easy to say that these i persons should be sent out into the i country, where wort is obtainable, but < the Board have no power to send them, i and they must find them rations^ or give i them work which will keep them from : starvation. It is better to find them i employment, and so let them earn their ■ food, than to pauperise them by support- : ing them at the expense of the csuntry. We are no admirers of a permanent labor test, and we think it is very probable that persons availing themselves of this method of getting bread would have done better for themselves and better for the community if they had gone into the country and taken any work that offered itself. But a labor test which secures a certain amount of work from those who ask the Government to keep them, is in all respects better than the granting of mere eleemosynary relief. We are glad t« find that in the Refor matory industrial training has been attempted, and has worked satisfactorily. Mr. Seed says :—" In the shoemaking department, there are boys now at work who are able to make, entirely, and un assisted by the master, a pair of boots, equal in •workmanship to that of an adult; and as such boys, when thus ad vanced, are able to earn their own living, it is the intention of the Board to secure permanently to the boys these advantages by apprenticing them at our boot facto ries or elsewhere, before the termina tion of their sentences. In a pecuniary point of view, the result is equally gratifying. The whole of the boots and shoes required during last year at the Destitute Asylum, Magill, and Ilfra combe, were made and repaired at the school." This yielded an estimated profit of £60. If these boys are as competent as the Chairman reports them to be, we hardly see the necessity of apprenticing them. Apprenticeship is with, a view to learn a trade, but. if these boys can make boots equal to an adult, they have got beyond the apprenticeship stage, and should be encouraged to find employ ment as journeymen, and then their . wages would be sufficient to keep them in respectability and comfort. We regret to learn that at the Magill School the sanitory condition of the children has not been so good as hereto fore. Mr. Reed reports a large number of cases of low fever in December, which affected more than 50 of the inmates. Low fever ought to be accounted for by local causes. Either miasmatic influences have been at work, or the quality of the food supplied to the children has been inferior. The medical at tendant said he informed the Board as to the cause of this fever, and Mr. Reed ought to have informed the Government and the public. Magill is a healthy situation, and as many as 50 cases of low fever—a disease that is preventable by proper sanitory and dietary provisions—ought not to have been found. The Board now keeps cows at the establishment, which is found to be cheaper than buying milk, and they recommend the Government to purchase more, so as to supply the whole of the milk required. The Board offer a re commendation, which we are afraid the Auxiliary BoaTds "will not be dis posed to adopt. It is—"That some system should be introduced by which every country district shall rate itself for its destitute poor and sick. The rate might be gradual in its introduction, and supplemented by the Government on a reducing scale—such supplementary aid ' terminating in three years." This is a very wise suggestion, but we fear there is I no chance of its being carried out. And it may be asked, if- the country districts should be called upon to do this, why not the city as well ? If local rating for the relief of the poor is expedient for the country, it must be equally so for the town. We wish the report had clearly set before us the actual cost of the present relief of the destitute. This is a matter in which the public have a deep interest. There is a growing feeling that the de partment is costing too much money. This feeling may be right or wrong, but! it otight to be recognised, and any report of the Board that ignores the cost at which its operations are carried on, must necessarily be an imperfect one. THE LUNATIC ASYLUM. Dr. Paterson's annual report of the Lunatic Asylum is in many respects a melancholy document. It is sad to think that in a community like ours, number ing only about 186,000 souls, and where the struggle for life is much less severe than it is in the old countries of Europe, we should have 307 persons whose mental aberration renders it necessary that they should be placed in confinement. Still it is a subject for congratulation that our insanity statistics compare favorably -with those of England, or even of the neigh boring colonies. There has been a pretty general impression abroad that in this colony the proportion of insane persons to j the population was much higher than it is in England ; but such is not the fact. Dr. Paterson, speaking of the population of South Australia, says :—"Estimating the increase during the past year at 5,000, the total, in round numbers, at the close of the year would be 186,000, while the number of the insane was 307. This gives a proportion of one insane person for every ; 605 of the population. In England the rate is 1 in 411; in the neighboring colony of Victoria, 1 in 410 ; in New South Wales, 1 in 387." This is satis factory as far as it goes, because it shows that our proportion of insanity is much less than that of England or the other colonies. We wish Dr. Paterson would seriously address himself to the question of the causes of insanity in this colony. It would be exceedingly interesting and useful to know if we have here any special predis posing causes sufficient to account for the existence of mental aberration; and perhaps there is no man amongst us who is possessed of equal qualifications to Dr. Paterson for dealing with the subject. Of course, while human nature remains as it is, we may always expect a certain number of the people to suffer from mental infirmity. Mens sana, in corpore sano is more than we can expect in the present state of society. But what we want to know is, whether there is any thing peculiar in the conditions of life here which will account for special forms of insanity. Are the habits of the people, their pursuits, tastes, modes of living, likely to induce mental derangement? If Dr. Paterson would give a table, showing, as far as he can discover, the probable causes which led to the insanity of the patients under his control, we should have some data to go upon in generalising on the subject. We accept the Doctor's report so far as it goes, though we wish it had gone further; and shall now proceed to indicate its most striking points. It appears that during the past year 98 persons have been admitted to the Asylum, of whom 52 were males and 46 females. These added to 277, the number of pa tients on January 1, give a total of 375 under treatment in the course of the year. Of this number 23 males and 18 females—4l in all—recovered and were discharged ; 3 males and 4 females had so far improved as to be placed in the keeping of their friends; 19 died, of whom 12 were males and 7 females, and 1 made his escape from the Asylum and has not been recaptured. At first sight, the number of deaths to the number of patients seems to be very large. Nine teen out of 375 in. one year appears to be a large proportion. But the Doctor tells us that this rate of mortality is lower than that in the Scottish Asylums. He says : —"The death rate, calculated on the daily average number resident, has been 6.9, or close upon 7 per cent.—a mortality which also com pares favorably with that of the Scottish Asylums, which in 1869 amounted to

9.25 per cent., as against 8.2 during the preceding ten years.'' The object of an asylum is twofold — first, to protect the public against persons who, if allowed to go at large, would be dangerous to the community; and, secondly, to adopt curative measures, so as to restore the reason of those who are not hopelessly demented. It has been abun dantly shown that a large proportion of insane may be recovered by the use of restorative means. With reference to this point Dr. Paterson says :—" The re covery rate, calculated on the ad missions, is 41.8. The lowness of this percentage, when compared with that of the previous year, is attributable to the unfavorable character of the mental malady, which, in a considerable number of cases, took the form of general paralysis and senile dementia. It con trasts favorably, however, with the pro portion of recoveries in the Scottish Asylums, which in 1869 amounted to 32 per cent, of the admissions." The mode of treatment adopted by Dr. Paterson is gentle and humane, and in accordance with the reasonable methods which, of late years have been successful in Europe. It has been found that a harsh and cruel system of restraint is quite unnecessary. Most of the patients are amenable to kind but firm treatment. In some cases seclusion has been found necessary, as much for the comfort of the patients generally as for the benefit of those secluded. In two cases, too, it was found necessary to interfere with the free use of the arms, as it was seen that the patients were addicted to injuring them selves or their clothing. This, however, appears to have been very different from the straight-waistcoat system, which was formerly the cause of so much suffering and needless irritation. The Doctor says :- —" A contrivance of this kind, which does not at all interfere with the lower limbs, and allows open-air exercise to be taken, appears to be less irritating to patients than the constant interference of attendants, which often provokes struggling and resistance. The first case alluded to recovered rapidly, and is now earning his living outside ; in the second, leather gloves have been substituted, and seem to answer." The Doctor wisely finds employment for those of his patients who are able to work, and amusements for all, except, perhaps, a few of the worst cases. With a small amount of assistance, the patients make up all the clothing used in the establishment, while employment is found for the men in digging, trenching, mow ing, wood-splitting, and garden-work generally ; also in mat-making, tailoring, hair-picking, &c. The women engage in washing and dress-making, and a few have taking pleasure in tending silk worms; others knit and do embroidery work. None appear to be left without employment of some kind. The Doctor seems to hare great faith in amusements on suitable occasions, and fortnightly concerts, dances, walking excursions in and beyond the precincts of the Asylum, cricket, football, bagatelle, draughts, &c, have been encouraged. On several occa sions patients have been sent to the Theatre and to White's Rooms. For amusements within the Asylum, the Doctor has been indebted to many friends, who have kindly given their services to alleviate the distresses of the poor in mates, and these entertainments have been thoroughly appreciated, and the patients have behaved as well as ordinary audiences do at places of public amuse ment. Religious services are also regu larly conducted by clergymen of various sections of the Church. A new remedial agent in cases of insanity — Chloral Hydrat. —has been freely used during the year, and has been found to answer well. Dr. Pater son says:—" It has been very serviceable in the restlessness of general paralysis and senile dementia. It procures sleep in acute mania, better than any other drug which I have tried ; but, except in one case, I do not think it has exerted any favorable influence on the progress of the disease." The cost of the establish ment—deducting, of course, the serious amount which has been spent in house room—is very moderate. The average daily cost of each, patient is Is. 7½d., or, deducting fees in reimbursement from private patients, which amounted to £841 8s. 6d.—the actual cost to the community is Is. 5½d. per diem, or 10s. 2½d. a week. Large as the outlay on buildings has been, Dr. Paterson has again to call attention to the over-crowded state of the female wards. He says :—" Though there is plenty of. accommodation standing empty at Parkside, much more indeed than is sufficient for our present necessities, it cannot be made available until a female airing court is built. The Government, I believe, have instructed their architect to prepare estimates and plans, and will, when these are completed, proceed with the work." This shows a sad want of prevision in designing the Parkside Asylum. This building has cost a very large sum of money, and yet it would appear that more is necessary before it is fully adapted to the purpose for which it was intended. The edifice cost about £50,000, and there are only 50 patients at present accommodated in it, which gives £1,000 per head for ac commodation alone! Would any private person act so absurdly? • V.—AGRICULTURAL SHOWS. MOUNT PLEASAHT. i The Mount Pleasant Agricultural and Horti cultural Society, under the auspices of which a show was held on Tuesday, March 7, is not by any means of recent origin. A considerable number of years has elapsed since the date of its establishment, and during the intervening period its existence has been marked by much prosperity. The shows, as a rale, have been very successful, and although the exhibi tion of which we have to speak was hardly equal to many of its predecessors, still it was very far from being a poor affair. The want of greater success was owing principally to the crops in the district having been, to a large extent, a failure. Another reason assigned was, that many people were leaving the neigh borhood and taking up laad elsewhere. Not withstanding that the show did not come np to the Mount Pleasant idea pf what such an event should be, taking it as a whole it was not at all a discreditable exposition of " the apabilities of the soil in the vicinity, and of he attention paid to breeding. A finer day ould not possibly have been had. The sun ■ shone brightly throughout, but its rays were < not disagreeably warm, in consequence of a delightfully cool breeze. As a result of the fineness of the weather there was a large atten dance. People nocked in from all directions, and the inhabitants of the very prettily-situated, and certainly '' pleasant," township, one and all devoted the day to holiday making. Amongst those present were many gentlemen of influence, iuclsding the Hon. J. Crazier, M.L.C., and Mr. A. \Vard, M.P. The site selected for the exhibition was a vaant piece of land a short distance to the west of the main | street near the Wesleyan Church. Hero a spacious pavilion had been erected, tbe interior of which was very nicely decorated. The exhibits were arranged on three tables running the entire length of the tent, two of them being against the sides and one in the centre; very commendable attention having been paid to classification. Commencing with the ex hibits, as arranged in the prize list, we have first ts deal with the grain. There were but three exhibitors of wheat, namely, Messrs. C. & W. Eoyal, T. Fullwood, and W. Phillis. The whole of the samples were good, particularly those for which the prizes were awarded, both of which belonged to the Messrs. Eoyal, and were grown on the Hurray Flats, affording most satisfactory evi dence of the capability of those flats, under favorable circumstances, for the production of grain. The prize samples weighed 67J lbs. and tiuj lbs. There was only one exhibit of barley, which the Judges did not consider worthy o a prize. Mr. li. Giles showed a very good sample of oats, weighing 48A lbs., for which he obtiined the first prize. Turning to the vege tables, an excellent collection has to t>o re-Corded. The exhibits of potatoes and onions vrere few in number, but in each case- tkey were of first-class quality. Of carrots tbere wore numerous entries, but none -were deemed worthy of the priz?. There were several really magnificent {junipkins ; one was about two fev.t< ia length by a foot in diameter. Some very five French beans were shown. Tbe cucumbers, however, were not much. Cabbages were represented by a large number of admirable specimens, but, from some cause or other, no prize was offered fur the best. Quitting the vegetables, the fruits engage our attention. Of apples tbere was a splendid display—we have seldom seen a better.

As regards quality, they were indeed fine, and with respeot to variety, they ware almo*t every thing that conld be -wished. The peara and quinces were nearly equally good in point of quality, but the quantity was very much less. The show of grapes cannot be said to have been more than middling. The entries were numerous, and there was a. large number i of different sorts, but the grapes for the most I part had a dwarfed appearance, and did not seem to possess the luEdousness -which is one of the chief characteristics of the South Australian grape. There were a few tempting peaches, some nice damsons and plums, a couple of dishes of good tomatoes, and several bunches of fine rhubarb. The wines now claim notice. The exhibits as a whole were of superior quality, some manifesting care and ability in the manufacture, especially the white wines, of which the Judges entertained a high opinion. The dairy pro duce comes next. Of butter there was a fair show of first-rate quality, and of cheese there -was even a better display, Mount Pleasant and its vicinity is, we beneTe, the district in which the principal and best m&tiufactnrexs of colonial cheese reside, consequently at this Show the competition was between the most successful producers; no wonder, then, that the exhibits were numerous and of ■ admirable quality. Very little can be stated in favor of either the hams or the bacon. Referring the poultry we have to note a fair exhibition. There were several fine geese, some excellent ducks, and a number of good fowls of -various breeds. The miscellaneous section is that which now invites comment. Jams were well repre sented, and some of the exhibits were excellent, but there were others deficient in essential quali ties, more experience being evidently necessary in the preparation. Some good Samples of Z -.nte currants were exhibited. Mr. H. Giles ntered a bag of flour, and although it was an excellent article, the fact of there being bnt one exhibitor:.-prevented him getting the prize. In addition to very fair honey and beeswax exhibits, there were some fine dried garden and field peas. Mr. V. W. Kleinschinidt, of Lobethal, obtained a prize for a bag of splendid hops,: which showed there is little necessity for their importation. There were two very pretty collections of flowers in pots, consisting chiefly of fuchsias and gera niums, and a beautiful collection of cut flowers. Having alluded to' the most noticeable objects within the pavilion, we leave it to make a few remarks upon the live stock. A prize was offered for the best draught entire, but no entry was received. There were, several fine draught mares possessing many admirable points. The prize was taken by Mr. G. fliillis. Only one two-year-old foal was shown, the property of Messrs. G. Burton & Sons. It was a very promising ?™mftl : SJx. W. Phillis ex hibited two yearlings, carrying off both prizes. Mr. G. Phillis took the prize for the draught foal at foot, 'but without competi tion. Several fine balls were entered, and the chief - prize was awarded to:, Mr. J. H. Angas. The same gentleman obtained both prizes for dairy cows, and the first prize for a fat beast. In each of these classes there were some splendid cattle shown. The sheep were a very fair lot; Mr. G. Melrose was the only ex hibitor. Fig? were also not badly, -represented. In proximity to the pavilion were a. couple of publicans' booths, as -well as fruit and con fectionery stalls, the . proprietors of each of which in' supplying demands seemed to be doing a satisfactory bnsines?. Dur ing the day vaiioos amusements were got np, and a swinging-boat was largely patronised, especially by the juveniles. The proceedings were agreeably enlivened" by the' strains of the Orpheus (a local) Band. Mr. T. Roberts acted as Secretary of the -Show, 'fend for his admirable arrangements is deserving of great praise. ■ '-..•. KAPUNDA AND LIGHT. Kajmnda. not having had a Show for nearly three years, it was thought—and not unreason ably—that a good exhibition'would be seen on Tuesday last. This, however, was to a certain extent not the case, and in some classes the ex hibition was but poor, indeed. Stall, what was shown wa9 good, and testified much tor the pro ducing powers existing in and around the district. The fruits, flowers, dairy produce, wheat, &c, were shown in a large-room lent by Mr. Crase, of the Kapunda .Hotel. -A table which ran down the centre was covered with fruits, flowers, and pot plants, chinflf the exhi bits of Messrs. Hawxwell and -Neville (Mr. H. T. Morris's gardener). The fruit display was on the whole very fine, several -varieties of magni ficent applea and grapes being shown. Mr. Neville alone showed 22 distinct varieties of the apple tribe. He also exhibited a choioe col lection of ornamental flowers .and plants, and some very pretty cut flowers. We now turn to the right-hand tables, on which was a small quantity of dairy produce. . Some very tempt-' ing looking fresh butter was jshosrn by Mr. T. Duell, and the same gentleman gained a prize for his potted butter, which was' pronounced to be excellent. He also carried off the palm for the best three cheeses,- Mr. K. Banking securing second honors in the same class. Mr. Behder produced some smoked bacon and hams, and gained prizes. The beautifully clear ap pearance of the honey exhibited by Mr. Flavel was the subject of comment;' and the other entries in this class were also -rery excellent samples. The d-splay of vegetables could not be called extraordinary ; but some good garden stuff was shown. The wheat exhibits, of course, occupied theattentionof the farmers as much as, if not more than, anything else,' and they were well worth looking at. The Judges had some difficulty as to whom they should award the prize, bnt ultimately it was given to Mr. K. Bankine, whose exhibit was considered to be a purer sample than that of his rival, Mr. Tre vena. That gentleman's wheat, however, was a splendid sample, and weighed 'some ounces more than -the other. In barley .Mr. Trevena carried off the prize, bnt the Judges remarked —"All the barley shown is rejected by the brewers, being what is called Scotch barley. 1 Mr. Benham was the fortunate gainer of the prize for oats, his sample being considered an excellent one for the Plains. Amongst other things worthy of note were some specimens of 1 ; the nolens, shown by Mr. T.-Ouell, fix. Bankine, i I and Sir. Kelly. This is said, to be excel ' lent food fer cattle, and the specimens were very ' ■ fine. A lot of Indian corn was exhibited from 1 Anlahy. A kitchen oven, light and strong, 3 manufactured by Messrs. Sedgman & Carter, t of Aliendale, deserves mention^ as does also the t brass model of a plough, "work'of B. Came ron, jan. On the ground adjoining Mr. Grass's room, the implements were ranged. There was 6 a very large collection, "and their merits and c demerits were discussed by groups of farmer?. r Mr. Tuxford'u mowing machine, which wasex !j hibited at the last Adelaide *?, was on the ground, and attracted mlfcfi attention. No • entries were taken in the class-tor wine. The c show of poultry was poor, and "we shaU let the prize-list itself speak for the class." Swine." There was a very huge number of farmers and others present at the Show, and Kapunda, for the nonce, assumed a very lively appear ance. _ .'.".. I ■■■■'. CLiBB.'-•.. F Clare—nearly'at- all times a lively place—er e celled itself on Wednesday, March 8, on the f occasion of the Agricultural, and Horticultural j Show; and we are afraid the .term " animated" i is hardly expressive enough far-describe the x busy bustling appearance -thV-township pre . sented that day. Just about this time of the B year, of coarse, its. inhabitants would be incited t to activity consequent upon influx of wheat; c but on Wednesday the .place . wes literally > thronged with visitors, who came from all parts a of the surrounding districts, and even from^s -1 laide. The weather was delightful, although^ at times the clouds of dust which rose ia the - township were exceeduigly disagreeable. Hofcel j keepers were put upon, theirinettle to provide t accommodation and refreshments; and it may 3 not be thought singular,-after reading the above 9 paragraph, that the refreshments should gene f rally nave taken a liquid f otxtu '. They certainly 7 did, although solid refreshment was not for i gotten. The Show was \a. success, the a I exhibits, both in number." and quality, i being equal, if not superior, to those a of previous years. Agricultural produce was . fairly represented, and the majority of the samples of wheat were clean Tand good. The ' display of barley and oats was not so large as it 1 should have been, and the entries for wheat n:i?-ht have been advantageously increased. The \ number of exhibitors was small compared to the number of fanners resident in the districts t around Clare, and although what wasshown was f very fine, and may perhaps be taken as a fair aver i I age of the quality of wheatinthedistrict,there i should have been a larger number <jf exhibitors. r Th?. district is essentially an agricultural one . and agricultural produce ' should certainly r occupy a prominent place at the annual show, [ both as to quantity and quality, ror wheat ■ grown on the hills, Mr. S. Hoyd took the prize, [ his sample, which was very clean, weighing • i 67 lbs. The prize for wheat on the plains was > gained by Mr. A. Smith, and the sample he cx i hibited was very fine and weighed 67 lbs. 7 ozs. Mr. Kimber, of the Clare Mill,.with commend able generosity, offered two prizes, «f £5 each, i one for hills and the other for plains wheat. > The prize for hills wheat was taken by S. Lloyd. , His sample presented bo excellent an ap > -nearance, and the quality of it was so eri '. dent, that the Judges did ,not consider it - necessary to weigh it Mr. B. Boberts was the f foVtuaate competitor for the rfther prize,his sample weighing 67 lbs. 2 oz*. .The green fodder «h nam was very eood. and consisted principally ' of Wrnf ZTw. «ee?en took the prize. I Th're was bnt a small display of .dairy produce. . The butter, both salt and .fresh, was of excel i lent quality and Mr. McDougaU and Mrs - EvaJweUdeserved the prizes they obtained , for their exhibits of these articles. • w re good and the eggs were very large and . fine Xhero was but little bacon or ham exbi ' li.ted bat that which was shown was of good • nuVilY. Amongst the miscellaneous exhibits ,t ■•- some splendii honey, which richly merited th"~ priz3 it received. The show of fruit was iiulueii i-xceuent. apples an.l pears being con spicuous by tbeiraize, whiJstthedisplayof grapes, _ though thought by some to be hardly up to thato; p:evions years, was very good indeed. The fruit exhibits were tastefully arranged,-and presented a pleasing and tempting appearance. In tao section "Dried and Preserved Fruits," the competition was small. Som? araraf* apeoU

mens "of'currants were shown, and there wai a neat ?nd tastefully got up collection of jami and jellies. In the vegetable class there wa! fair competition, but it was sot so keen as it might * nave been. Some splendid pumpkins :' occupied attention, and the carrots were noticeable on account of their size and fine appearance. Glare, judging from the exhibition of flowers, is .not prolific of floral adornments, and it was notioeable that most of the prizes were taken by one person. As at Kapunda, no wine was shown—a circumstance whioh excited surprise. The poultry shown inoluded some good specimens of the domesticated feathered tribe, and singularly, as expressed in. the prize list, "a pair of rabbits." With reference to agricultural implements, the report of the Judges spoke ' for itself. The substance of it is subjoined :— The Judges (Messrs. Ninnes and J. Goalee), after enumerating the articles exhibited, said they were well worthy of a prize, although the undercarriages of the waggons were not wellproportioned to the other parts. The fie'droller was a first-rate implement, but might be advantageously widened. The colonial-made ohaffcutter was well made and finished, and was worthy of particular mention. The horseworks for driving it were well constructed, and from the fact of having spur gear for first motion it was superior to those generally in use. The small-horse works apparatus for driving the winnower -was strong, handy, and portable, and well worthy of the notice of farmers. Messrs. Adamsou, of Auburn, and • Mr. Pryor, of Donnybrook," showed, not for competition, two reaping-machines. Messrs. Adamson's machine was fitted with a false comb, easily adjusted by the operator, and had also movable comb and improved steering wheel, and it was a very well finished implement. Mr. Pryor's exhibit -was a very well made machine, with double comb and clutch motion, and was in every respect a useful implement for general work. Messrs. Tuxford h Co. had on the ground a mowing machine by Thos. Robinson and Co., of Melbourne, the workmanship of which was first-olas?, and reflected great credit on the makers. The Dinkeb, which took placn in the evening at Ford's Hotel, was attended by about 60 gentlemen. Mr. W. L. Beare, J.P., of Bungaree, President of the Society, occupied the chair, and was supported on his right by Sir G. S. Kingston, Messrs. W. Towneend, M.P., J. G. Ramsay, M.P., H.O. Gleeson, M.P., and 0. Peacock, J.P.; and on his left by the Hon. W. Tuxford, M.L.0., Messrs. A. King, J.P., and C. Kimber. The vice-chair was occupied by Mr. P. McNamara, J.P. The spread was an ample one, and full justice having been done to the viand*, the cloths were removed. GTTMERAOHA. The general exhibition of stock and produce in connection with this Society took place on Thursday, Much 9. Gumeracha is one of the oldest of our agricultural districts, and though of late yean the farming interest in the district has been in a depressed aiate. no one attending the show on Thursday would have discovered 4he absence of ordinary prosperity. The residents in and around tr>e township gave themselves np to the work of making a creditable display of farm and garden produce, and tha result was one of the best exhibitions we remember to have seen out of Adelaide. The township is a very pretty one, as all our readers know; and although it is near the end of summer, the earth had not entirely lost its verdantc&rpet. AUrge pavilion, was erected iv the paddock of Mr. W. B. Raudell, ju<t below the District Hotel, and it was tastefully ornamented both within and without with flags, shrubs, and flnwora. the oak, the elm, and the mulberry contributing to tbe decor.-.tio j. The getting np of the tent was highly creditable to the Committee, who must have worked hard and con amore to present such a handsome tout ensemble. Although the exhibition was not open to the general public till 2 o'clock, several hours before that a large number of .persons had assembled. A considerable gathering of city notables, including Members of Parliament and others, -were seen on the Xfonsd, some of them arrVng during the . morning. The day was a glorious one, just cool enough to be pleasant; and the drive from town, to those who started early enough to breathe in the morning air, was thoroughly enjoyable. All around Hewish's Hotel vehicles of every description and a large number of horses were gathered, and the worthy host of the District-Hotel appeared to do a roaring trade, notwithstanding the fact that there wera several booths for the sale of liquors on the%round. The proceedings of the day were enlivened by the strains of the Conoordia Band. The President of the Society (Mr. Fred. Hannaford), the Vice-Presidents (Messrs. A. Hanna and R. Leane), and the Secretary (Mr. Thomas Western), were indefatigable in their exertions to make the Show a success, and they obtained the best reward for their labors they could look for, in the entire sucsess of the whole affair. The prize-list was a liberal one, the exhibits being divided as follows:—Grain, vegetables, fruits, wines, dairy produce, poultry, draught horse stock, cittle, sheep, and pigs, and miscellaneous, including colonial-made -vehicles of various kinds, farming and dairy implements, jams, flour, dried fruits, honey, beeswax, gum, colonial lea'her, flax (green and dressed), hops, chaff, and hay. About 11 o'clock the Judges commenced their onerous duties, and succeeded in fiT>iah;« g before the actual opening of the Show. The wheat was of very excellent quality— large, plump, and dean. Messrs. Royal again carried off the prize for the best nine bnshels, the samples being grown on the Murray Flat?, acd the weight being' 68 Ib?. 8 ozs. Two bags of flour made from this wheat by Mr. H. Giles, of Mount Pleasant, were exhibited, and deservedly obtained the prize It was a splendid sample. The peas, both field and garden, were highly spoken of by the Judges, though the Cape oats were not so favorably mentioned. There were some capital samples of flax exhibited, both green and heckled. One of the simples -was long in the fibre, tough, and almost as glossy as silk. There can be no doubt that the Gumeracha district is admirably adapted to the growth of flax, and all that is wanted to make it an article of extensive export is a proper mill to prepare it for the English market. The flax seed was not so large as some we have seen in ihe colony. The vegetables presented a fine display. The potatoes looked well outside, but when they were cut in two they showed dark marks towards the heart. The onions were large and excellent. Carrot?, vegetable marrows, parsnips, trombones, and pumpkins were very fine; and so we may say of the mangold wurtzels, turnips, and beetroot. Cucumbers were middling, but cabbages were gigantic In speaking of the fruits it is difficult to avoid the language of hyperbole. The apples, of infinite varieties, we have never seen surpassed, and there were a dozen large peaches which made one's mouth water to look at. The pears w&e also good, and the dish of green walnuts looked most tempting. We have seen finer samples of grapes, but those exhibited having been grown in the hills, were not to be despised. The wines were, as might have been expected, of different degrees of excellence. Some of the dry wines were very good, and the sweet wines, to those who like them, were fair samples. We think, however, it is a mistake to exhibit young and immature wines. It coes not do justice to the makers and to the colony. • The dairy produce was above all praise. The butter, both fresh and potted, of which there were many samples, was delicious. But the cheese took cur fancy most. We have no hesi- ■ tation in saying that -more than one or two cheeses were shown equal in all respects to the -best imported, from England. How is it that we cannot obtain such colonial cheese in town ? If ihe makers would only send their produce to Adelaide1, it would inevitably drive the imported article out of the market. We cannot say quite as much abeut the hams or bacon, although there is a great improvement in late years in the caring of these articles. The eggs were large, and wholesome looking. And so with the poultry. Live geese, turkeys, ducks, and fowls, although few were exhibited, were fine specimens of the feathered tribe. In horse stock, cattle, sheep, and pigs, the exhibits were not numerous. Only two entire horses were shown—Bnrnhead Boy, and Scottish Chicf —both handsome animals, specially the former. There were also a few good brood mares and roadsters. The cattle were not largely represented, but there were some good on the ground. The sheep were middling, but the pigs were beauties. In the clais "Miscellaneous" we observed some few excellent agricultural implements of local manufacture. Theie was al :c a large collection of jams, which looked well; dried fruits, honey, and beeswax, all apparently good samples. We ought also to refer to the good display of the native gum, which was said to be of superior quality. The show of colonial hops proves that South Australia will produce this useful plant in a marketable condition. Amongst the articles exhibited not for competition was a bottle of fine olive oiL manufac-J? 16? ,*? •¥"• ?- J* Lawrence, the Keeper of the Adelaide Gaol. It was tasted by competent judges, and pronounced to be of excellent quality. We need hardly say that there were several caterers for the public amusement, who appeared to be well patronised. During the afternoon there was a very large number of visitors both male and female, and for several hours the pavilion was almost uncomfortably crowded. Everything went off well, without a single mishap, and we cannot speak too highly of the seal and anxiety of the Committee to promote the comfort of the numerous visitors. Mr. Knight, the pyrotechnist, sent up balloons in I the evening, and exhibited some good fireworks. A dinner tookplace in the evening at the District Hotel. There were about forty persons present. Mr. F. Hannaford (President of the Society) occupied the chair, supported on the right by Messrs. E. Ward, 31.P., H. Hele, and A. Forrest; and on the left by Messrs. Shornery and G:Uop. Mr. fi. Hanna filled the vioe-chair. WILLTTiSGA. The annual Show, held under tbe auspices of the Southern Agricultural and Horticultural - Society, took place on Thursday, March 9, at Willunga, in the Oddfellows' Hall and {rounds

adjoining. The Hall was vary tastefcdly decorated, and every effort had been made by the Committee and the indefatigable Secretary— Sir. T. 8. Koll—to make t c arrangements satisfactory, and in this they were successful The people of Willunga maybe congratulated upon the character of the exhibits—at least at far as those within the Hall were concerned—foi the ShowgeneraUy was very good. Outside, however, there was reason for disappointment, for the exhibits in the important classes of live stock and implements were not particularly fine and by no means numerous. The attendance was excellent, and we noticed many influential residents from tha surrounding country. On the ground there was a booth presided over by Mr. Castle, of the Willunga Hotel, and there were also several refreshment booths. Amusements of various kinds were arranged and freely indulged in, sad during the exhibition the proceedings were enlivened by the music of the local brass band. Turning to the prize-list wheat stood first, and notwithstanding the failure of the crops in the southern districts— from the immediate neighborhood of Willunga there were shown some first-rate samples, in fact the best was considered better than was exhibited in Adelaide at the late Show. The prize for hills wheat was taken by Mr. J. Brown, the sample weighing 66 lbs., and being exceedingly fine and clean. Mr. T. Miller secured second honors with a sample weighing 64 lbs. 4 oz. The prize wheat compared with that at the Exhibition weighed considerably less, but txoeption was taken by several competent judges to the bushel measure used, these gentlemen believing it to be faulty, and not equal to the standard measure. In plains wheat Mr. W. Binney was the successful competitor with a remarkably good sample weighing 65 lbs. 11 oz., and he also carried off the second prize—the sample weighing 65 lbs. 14 oz., but there wss great difference of opinion expressed as to the merits of this exhibit, and a sample of Mr. Z. Williams's, which, although weighing 5 ozs. less, was considered by some of the visitors as superior. The English barley was very good, and the prize was taken by Mr. J. Binney, his sample weighing 51 lbs. Mr. 11. Strout took the second prize with a sample weighing 56 lbs. 3 ozs., but it was rather too finely dressed, although considered good for malting. Passing on to dairy produce, we noticed an excellent sample of pottmd butter, exhibited by Mr. T. Atkinson, who was the only competitor, but tbe prize was, nevertheless, awarded to him. In fresh butter there was a keen competition amongst eight competitois, and the collection on the whole was really excellent, although one or two of the samples had not nearly enough salt in them. There were three exhibits in cheese, but the prize (G. Goulter'a) was considered as far the best. In hams and bacon there was not a very great display, but what was shown was really very good. There was but a small show of poultry. Of fruits there was an excellent display, especially of grapes and apples, which were very fine indeed. The pears —especially the table samples—were of superior quality; and the melons, of which Mrs. Pomeroy exhibited six varieties, were very prime. Of dried fruits there was an admirable collection, and it was evident considerable care and attention had been bestowed upon the exhibits'. The display of vegetables was exceedingly fine, and several monster cabbages aud onions were shown. We now direct attention to the exhibits of wine. Those talcing prizes were better this year than previously, particularly the red; but many of the exhibits, especially the white wines, had an earthy and mouldy flavor, which was attibutel either to proper care not having been bestowed in cleansing the casks or to the fact of the grapes having been gathered too late. In wines of 1870 vintage Mr. Manning took tan first priz^ with very good samples (white) of Tokay and Verdeithi-, and (red) Shirax-Malbec and Carbinet, In red and white wines of any age the same gentleman secured first prize. The competition in implements was not very keen, the exhibits simply being some used in the district, and we noticed nothing new, or worthy of special mention. In horse stock the exhibition was not nearly so large as on many previous occasions, and in this department there appears to be a gradual falling off; for, if we remember rightly, at the last annual Show this class was but poorly represented. The only bull exhibited was wonhy of notice, and we observed several prime cows; but throughout the classes of live stock there was a great lack of competition. In the miscellaneous class there were several exhibits of interest, comprising a large collection of supeiior basketware and canewerk. manufactured by Mr. W. Moreton, of Willunga; a choice selection of pottery, from Mr. Myheroff'i establishment near the Meadows; a very creditably finished side of bridle leather exhibited by Mr. Dench, of Adelaide ; a carviDg (boy and lion) out of stone from Mrs. Martin's Willunga quarry, ih9 work having been most creditably executed by John lticWds, aged 17, of Willunga. Mr. Bassatt exhibited numerous specimens of ornamental penmanship, well executed by his pupils, and also his large magic square. In this department Messrs. E. Sioitb, W. (Joode, and A. Crawford acted as Judges, md spoke very highly of these colonial productions. The Ltoscheon ires Leld in a spacious pavilion adjoining the Willunga Hotel. There was a large attendance, Mid an excellent spread laid on the table by Host Castle, having been disposed of, the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were honored. "WATERVALF. The fourteenth annual Show of ths Northern Agricultural Society was held at Watervale, iv the Foresters' Hall, on Thursday, March 2, and in every way was a decided success. At an :arly hour the exhibitors came pouring in with their various products, and soon filled the tables which were allotted to them, and which / the hon. Secretary thought the day before would have been amply spacious enough, but iboat 10 o'clock fresh tables had to be arranged, md were soon filled, and several of the exhibits tiad to be placed wherever there was a vacant look. The show of apples and pears was very me; there werefisegrapes and some very nice -aisins and currants (dried), and quite equal to my imported, and it is a pity this branch of ndustry is not followed more generally, as ;here is no reason why, with respect to such irticles, we should not be independent of importations. The jams and jellies did not come up -,o the mark, but some good pickles were shown. Che vegetables were good and in great abundince, especially the melons and pumpkins, of vhich there were some vry fine specinens. The wheat which took the first jrize, .was a good clean sample. Although lome was shown which weighed a little leavier, the prize wheat was supeiior in syery o'her way. Two bags of flour, exhibited by Messrs. Howie Brothers, were consilered very good. There were a large number )f visitors, and the Committee, in order to render the Show as attractive as possible, had engaged Herr Schrader's Band, which disbursed sweet music in the Hall during the show. The weather was pleasant and cool. We had a slight sprinkle, just sufficient to lay the dust. MOUNT BARKEB. The tmn^yl Show, under the auspices of the Mount Barker Agricultural and Horticultural Society, took place on Thursday, March 161 md notwithstanding tho depression occasioned by a partial failure of the crops in the district, was a success. Many Shows have been held in connection with this Society with varying success.—some have been highly successful; an.i although the-present Exhibition is not the best that has taken place, it will occupy a prominent position. The exhibits, as & whole were excellent, both as regards number and quality. Altogether, the Exhibition reflected credit upon the neighborhood. The township of Mount Barker has always a pretty appearance, but when it is decorated with bunting, and its streets are thronged with holiday-makers, all in their "Sunday best," as was the case on Thursday, tbe prettiness of the scene is greatly enhanced. The infln-r of visitors commenced early in the morning, and continued till tbe day was considerably advanced, when there was an exceedingly laxgeattendance. They came from all parts of the surrounding districts, and there were many from distant places. Almost all the inn lential people of the vicinity were present. The visitors included the J.Tons. T. English, W. Dunn, and W. W. Toxford, Messrs. J. Cheriton, M.P., J. G. Ramsay, M.P., K. K. Bright, M.P., aud X Ward, M.P. The large attendance was doubtless, to some extent, attributable to the weather, which was everything that could be wished. It was a delightfully cool sunshiny day—one just suited to outdoor gatherings. The exhibition took place in the yards of Gray's Inn, and in a spacious pavilion erected on a vacant block of land a little to the north of Gawler-street, near the Primitive Methodist ChapeL We shall first deal with the exhibits within the pavilion, which ♦as nicely ornamented, and much care uad evidently been taken in the arrangement of the articles. Commencing with the grain, a fair display of wheat—both hills and plain?—has to be noted. The exhibits were nearly all of good quality, especially Mr. A. Bell's sample, taking the first prize for hills wheat, which was plump and very clean. It weighed 68 lbs. 3 oz. The second prize was .awarded to Mr. T. Carlin, for a sample weighing 66 lbs. The first and second prizes for plains wheat were carried off by Messrs. Waddell Brothers and Mr. H. Giles respectively. The first prize wheat, though lighter than the other sample, was very highly spoken of. It was grown in the Broughton Area by the exhibitors, who formerly resided in the Mount Barker district. Neither English barley nor Cape oats were shown, but there were some very good Cape barley and English oats. There was only one exhibitor of field peas—Mr. James Pearce. 'ihe peas were good, but the Judges considered them badly got up. Kye was represented by one very fair sample. The dairy produce was really splendid. There was indeed an admirable lot of butter. Although the number of exhibits of fresh butter was as many as eleven, there was not one that was of inferior quality. The Judges, consequently, had considerable difficulty in awarding the prizes, both of which they eventually gave to Mr. J. Pearce, who also took the second prize for potted butter. The first prize was awarded to Mr. J. Yenning, but his sample had. ari

dently been potted much more recently than that of Mr. Pearce. Cheese ha( nine exhibitors, and the cheeses were without exception, first-class. Two o: three good hams were exhibited, but then was no bacon entered, although a prize wa offered. Of poultry the exhibition was bu middling, for whilst there was a number o: splendid geese and turkeys, there were but tev docks and fowls; these, however, were not ai all bad birds. The show of vegetables wa: hardly what one might have expected to see at Mount Barker. The exhibits were not ovci numerous, and the majority of them in point ol quality were not much above the ordinary run. i'otatoea were largely represented, and one 01 two of the exhibits were first-class. Tb< number of entries of onions was not so great, but the exhibits were of excellent quality. The mangold wurtzel and beet were very fine. There were some magnificent pie melons and pumpkins, but through an oversight no prize: were offered for these vegetables. Whilst the cabbages were passable, the rhubarb was no( much; but the carrots and parsnips were firstrate. There were some fine French beans, and a em til quantity of tolerably good greet; peas. The collections of vegetables were both comprehensive and excellent. The fruits constituted about the best section ol the Show. It was undoubtedly a beautiful display. The show of grapes was large and admirable. They included numerous varieties, and were of delicious quality. There was likewise a grand show of apples, both for kitchen and table; and these elicited the eulogy of all who saw them. The peaches were but few in number, and they were not such as to attract much notice. The pears, and also the quinces, were all that could be desired. Plums were well represented, and as a rule were creditable specimens of this fruit. There were half a dozen first-rate water melons. A couple of dishes of walnnts were shown—the fruit on the one was ripe, and on the other green. The nuts on each dish were fine, and the same may also be said of several exhibits of hazel nuts. A. branch of a chesnut tree was exhibited, having on ie some good si ed nuts. There was a large collection of dried fiuits. As a whole, they were of average quality; the prunes were particularly good. Of jams there were several nice samples, one or two of which gave evidence of considerable ability in the preparation.* Amongst the miscell meons articles were a tew jars of first-rate honey, some capital beeswax, and a fine sample of linseed. There were two exhibitors of silk, and their exhibits were exceedingly interesting as bearing upon sericulture, for not only was the marketable article shown, but also the egg, the worm, the chrysalis, the moth, and the cocoon. The silk was very beautifully arranged, and had evidently been dealt with by persons who understood its manipulation. Cut flowers were largely exhibited, chiefly by Mr. Olaik, the Hon. J. Dunn's gardener, and they were certainly very beautiful, as were llso the flowers in pots, which were principally fuchsias. Mr. T. Paltridge exhibited, but not for competition, several pretty colored mats; and Sir. F. R. Hunt, also without the inducement of the possibility of getting a prize, showed some magnificent grapes and very fine hazel nuts. A baft of hops was exhibited by Mr. F. W. Kleinschmictt, of Lobethai, who intended to have entered them, but they arrived too late. Having commented upon the greater portion of the articles within the pavilion, we shall now refer to the wines, which were at the Mount Barker Hotel, where they were adjudged. They were as a whole good, but it was regretted that there was not greater competition. The white wines especially were excellent. They obtained the warm commendation of the Judges. The live stock was satisfactory. Only one imported entire was entered, namely, Mr. J. Bundle's Kohert Burns, for which the first priz; was awarded. There were three imported entires, each of which was a well-made animal. The prizes were carried off by Messrs. Cleggett and Eglington. Amongst the brood mares and roadsters there were some fine horses. Several good colonial bulU were exhibited, and the prize was taken by Sir. T. Mount. There were some really superior dairy cows, Mr. A. Bell securing both prizes. The fat cows were prime, and the fat bullocks were very good indeed. Mr. E. Austin, of Maoclcsfield, took bath prizes for the former, and Mr. Kirkham, of the Finniss, far the latter. The porkers, though not many in number, were a capital lot. In the sheep class there was but little competition, and the animals exhibited were somewhat inferior, with, the exception of the cross-breds, which were very good. There was an excellent collection of colonial-made agricultural implements, exhibited by Mr. J. G. Kamsay, M."P., for which he obtained the prizs. The pavilion and grounds were crowded during the afternoon; and the people having inspected the exhibits, spent the time in various ways, different games being got up. I here was a swinging-boat upon the ground, which was well patronised, as were also several publicans' booths and refreshment stalls. ADrNNEB took place in the evening at the Mount Barker Hotel (Host rydeman's), when abut 50 persons sat down to an excellent repast. The Hon. J. Dunn, M.I/.C, occupied the chair. He was supported on the right by the Hon. T. English, M.L.0., and Mr. J. Cheriton, M.P. ; and on the left by the Hon. W. W. Tuxford. tt.L.C, and Mr. H. i!. Bright, ALP. The position of Vice-Chairman was filled by Mr. J. G. Ramsay, M.P., who had as supporters Messrs. E. Ward, M.P., J. Kobertson, J.P., T. Paltridge, J.P., R. Smith, J.P., and W. Thompson. Dinner finished, the Ch.vibman gave "The Queen," "The Prince of Wales and the rest of the Royal Family," and " The Governor." Each of these toasts was enthusiastically drunk. Mr. F, Doffield then proposed "The Parliament of South Australia." Re could not say much that was new respecting the toast, but still he had pleasure in proposing it, because he considered the gentlemen who discharged the duties of members of Parliament were entitled to expressions of thanks from gatherings of that description. He gave the gentlemen composing their Parliament credit for honesty of purpose, and although they might not a;rec with the views of some of them, they were, nevertheless, deserving of thanks for their advocacy of what they believed to be right. (Hear, hear.) The Hon. T. KXGLISH responded as representing the Legislative Council. There were, he said, very many responsibilities connected with a seat in the Legislature, and he thought he could truthfully state that the members of the Legislative Council did not disregard their responsibilities. The Council was intended to check hasty legislation; and he believed that, despite the harsh opinion which hai been expressed, the general feeling was favorable to the Council. Lately—in connection with a certain measure—members of the House of Assembly had been led to exclaim—"Thank God for the Legislative Council." (Laughter and cheers.) Mr. H. E. Bright, M.P., briefly acknowledged tee toast on behalf of the House of Assembly. He mentioned that the Assembly was more amenable to public opinion than the Council. However, he should not on that occasion enter into the question of the relative positions of the two Houses; but doubtless the members of each had the advancement of the interests of the community as the aim of their actions. He was exceedingly pleased at the way in which the toast had j been drunk, as that was the first public gathering of the kind in Mount Barker since the close of the last session. Mr. Thos. Paxtbidqe gave "The Members for the District of Mount Barker." It became them, he stated, to thank their members, who were expending time and money in the promotion of their interests. The people of Mount Barker had no cause to complain of their representatives, who were good and true members — men who did all they could for the advantage of their constituents. He hoped Messrs. Cheriton and Ramsay would enjoy long livas, and that they would long continue to represent the District of Mount Batker. Mr. J. Gheriton, M.P., in acknowledging the toast, said he was much gratified at the way in which the health of his colleague and himself had been drunk. In his political career he had sought to do that which he conscientiously believed to be right. He had acted quite independently of what people might think. He was much please! with the gentleman whom they had elected as his colleague. The Vioe-Chaibiun also responded. He endorsed the remarks of Mr. Cheriton in expressing thanks to them for the manner in which their health had been received. He felt pleased that the action he had taken with regard to a certain important measure, had met with the approbation of the people whereever he had gone. (Cheers.) Mr. R. Smith proposed " The Mount Barker Agricultural aud Horticultural Society," to which toast Mr. F. Cleggett responded. Other toasts followed, including "The Combined Interests of the Colony," proposed by Mr. K. Wabd, M.P., and a very agreeable meeting terminated at a reasonable hour.? ? VI.—FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS, M.U.GEAND GEAND ANNUAL COMMITTEE. The Grand Annual Committee of the South Australian Independent Order of Oddfellows in connection with the Manchester Unity, was held in the Albion Lodgeroom, Hotel Europe, Grenfell-street, on Tuesday, March 21,1871, at 10 o'clock a.m. Present—G.M. W. Haines, D.G.M. Lithgow, G.C.S. Beyer, and the following Deputies :—Adelaide District—P.G.M. Clark, P.P.G.M. Battams, P.P.G.M. Burton, P.P. G.M. Ninnes, P.P.G.M. Pritc'uard, P.P.G.M. Sherring, Prov. G.M. Devenish, Prov. D.G.M. Austin, P. Frov. D.G.M. Carr, and the following P.G.'s—Berry, Burgess, Byng, Conch, Crystal, Cionin, E. Day, Farmer, Foe, Lane, Mattinaon, Meawlay, Novis, Oaborn, Paltridge, Roberts, Sketheway, Talbot, Vardon ; Kapunda District—P.P.G.M. Mo.'Martin, Prov. G.M. R. J. Day, Prov. U.S. Ifiiley; Daly District—P.P. G.M. Datson, P.G. Black, 3?. G. Muirhead; South-Kastern District—P.P.G.M. Mathew?.GRAND GRAND MASTER'S BKrOBT. The G.M. said it was usual for the Grand Master to make some statement as to the profitu of the Order during the past year, and he

was glad to state that it was wealthier this yeai by a sum of £3,739 Is. 4d. than last. During the year there had been paid in sick relief, £7,271 12s. Bd., and for Burgeons' fees and leeches, £3,924135. 7d. From the Widow and Orphan Fond a sum of £1,374 4s. 7d. had been expended, but he had not ha J. an opportunity vl ascertaining the amount paid by the different districts from the Funeral Fund. There had been a decrease of 48 members during the year, but an increase of fire members good on the books, and he considered that the Order was in a better position this year than last, inasmuch as they had more money and foivcr members. He congratulated tfiem on the progress of the Manchester Unity in this colony, despite the opposition of some parties who had writtan against the ' >rder, and he hoped the deputi-s woul't be guide I that day by one of the great principles of the Order—Charity, in allowing each speaker a free expression of opinion. He then declared the Committeeopened. BALANCE-SHEET. The balance-sheet for the past year was read, which showed the funds to be—Widow and Orphan Fund—Balance on Ist January, 1870, £L 3,716 12s. 3d.; levies during the year. £1,339 Is. 3d.; returns and gifts, £72 18s. 61 ; interest and rent, £1,051 Uh. 6d.; refunded from Mount Pleasant Lodge, £20,- total receipts, £16,203 2s. 6d.; expenditure, £1,379 4s. 7d. Total worth of Widow and Orphan Fond, £14,823 17s. lid. General Fund—Receipts, £498 6s. 9i.; expenditure, £340 sa. lid.; balance, £158 os. 10d.; total worth of funds, £14,931 18s. 9d., which are invested as follows :—Loans on mortgage, £13,620; suspense loan, £450; fixed deposit in Adelaide Bank, £300; cash in Bank, £611 18s. 9d. WOETH OF FUUns OP THE ORDER. The following is the total worth of the funds of the Society for the past year :— Widow and Orphan Fund ...£15,208 211 General Fund 393 3 4 £15,598 6 3 Adelaide District Funeral Fund £202 8 3 Adelaide District Fund 133 3 7 £335 11 10 Kapunda District Funeral Fund £51 9 5 Kapunda District Fond 11 17 0 £66 6 5 Daly District Funeral Fund ... £177 1 2 Daly District Fund 26 12 9 £203 13 11 S.E. District Funeral Fund ... £59 6 9 South-Eastern District Fond ... 38 10 0 £97 16 9 Adelaide District Lodge Funds... £44,733 4 6 Kapnnda. District Lodge Funds... 2,285 0 6 Daly District Lodge Funds ... 1,516 411 S.E. District Lodge Funds ... 1,017 9 2 £49,581 19 1 Total January, 1871, returns ...£65,883 14 3 Total January, 1870, returns ... 62,144 12 11 Gain during the year £3,739 1 4 AUDITORS' BEPOBT. The Auditors' report was read, from which we take the following:— "To the G.M. and Deputies at the G.A.C., 187 L " Gentlemen and Brothers—We have much pleasure is reporting that the books and , accounts for the past year are well and accu- ' ratelj kept bytheG.C.S., and the balance-sheet quite correct. We are glad to find that the funds of the Order continue to increase, the Widow and Orphan Fund having gained during the year £1,192 14b. Bd., after payment to the representatives of deceased members of £1,379 4s. 7d. We visited the Bank and obtained a voucher for the balance, as per balance-sheet, £611 18s. 9& We carefully examined and valued the stock, and find the sales during the year amount to £191 2s. Id.; stock on hand, £190 10s. 6d.; year's profits, £30 2a. lid. We examined all the deeds and securities, and found them to be correct. The insurance receipts for all buildings mortgaged were produced, except Nos. 40 and 54, which the C.S. informed us were not insurable. The arrears of interest are very heavy upon mortgages Nos. 14 and 36, but with these exceptions it is very fairly paid up; amount now owing (exclusive of Milne) being £334 s=. We also examined the sickness and mortality returns, initiation returns, income and expenditure returns, and half-yearly balance-sheets from the various Lodges. After a short discussion, it was resolved that the balance-sheet and Auditors' report be received and entered io the minutes. OFFICEBS OF THE ORDER. The following were elected officers of the Order for the ensuing year :—Grand Master, D.G.M. Lithgow; Deputy Grand Master, P.P.G.M. Battams ; Grand Corresponding Secretary, G.C.S. Beyer (re-elected), whose salary was fixed at £S0 for the year. SOB-COMMITTEES. The following deputies were elected as a Sub-Committee :—P.P.G.M. Sherring; P.P.G.M. j Mathews, P.G. Paltridee, P.G. Byng, P.G. I Osborn, P.G. Day, P.G. Black, who reported as follows:—"L The Committee having fully investigated the action of P.P.G.M. Ninnes iv refusing to sign cheques when called upon to do so by the G.C.S., it was resolved that in the opinion of this Committee P.P.G.M. Ninnes, in '■ refusing to sign cheques for loans submitted to him by the Board of Directors, has violated the 30th General Law, and we recommend that he be removed from the office of Trustee, and that another member be elected in his place. 2. That in reference to the application made by the MacDonnell Lodge in respect to Bro. Charles Godfrey, without wishing to disturb the decision of the Board, we consider the Board have adopted a wrong course in considering tho matter, it having come direct from the Lodge, instead of through the District of which the Brother is a member. And we recommend in all similar cases that the application should first be made from the Lodge to the District to which it belongs, and afterwards to the Board of Directors for confirmation or otherwise. 3. That notice of motion having been given for this meeting by the Adelaide. District for revision of the Lesture Book and supplement, wa are of opinion that the Board were not justified in requesting Director Wilkinson to suggest alterations in same, but should have forwarded on the notice of motion in the usual way, and left to the G.A.C. to have decided first as to the desirability of altering same. 4. That it is the opinion of this Sub-Committee that no borrower from the Widow and Orphan Fund should stand his poll for the .office of Director, and that no Director should become a borrower from the Widow and Orphan Fund during his term of office us Director. 5. That the Sub-Committee having carefully gone through the whole of the Board of Directors' transactions for the past year, have much pleasure in certifying to the satisfactory manner in which the business has been carried out." ESTIMATES OOSTMITTEE. The following Deputies were elected as EstimatesCommittee:—P.P.G.M. Bttrton.P.P.G.M.Pritchard. Pritchard. P.P.D.G.M. Carr. P.G.s Novis, Sketheway, Lane, Talbot, who reported as follows:— " We have to recommend the acceptance of Mr. Byng'a tender for minute-books, as per schedule of "prices: one other tender was handed in, but informal. We also recommend the tender of Mr. Sherring for printing, as per schedule of prices. There were two other tenders." BELIEF AND DISTBICI COMMUTEF. The following Deputies were elected as Relief and District Committee :—P.P.G.M. Battams, P.G.M. Clark, Prov. D.G.M. Austin, P.G. Devenish, P.G. Burgess who reported as follows:—"The Committee recommend that the usual vote of £10 to the Adelaide Hospital, and £1010s. to the Orphan Home be granted." It was resolved that the reports of the various Sub-Committees be received and adopted. TEDSTEES. P.O. Hagedora was elected Trustee, in place of P.G. Dodgson deceased; and P.G. Everett, in place of P.P.G.M. Ninnes, deposed. ALTBBATION OF GENERAL LAWS. The Daly District moved an alteration of the 94th General Law.—ln the first jlino (strike out "36," and insert "25." Negatived. The same District moved—ln General Law 107 to strike cut all words after " elected" in the last line, and insert "ten regular Lodge nights during the sitting." Carried. The South-Eastern. District moved—That the following be added to the 59th General Law— "N.B. —Provided that Lodges may appoint Delegates to represent them from other Lodgss than their own in Districts where Lodges are more than 15 miles apart, should they thinjr proper to do so." Carried. AUDITORS. P.G. Oaborn, was elected Auditor in place of P.G. Novis, who retires; and the remuneration of the Auditors was fixed at 30s. each, BOASD OP DIRECTORS. The following were elected as a Board of Directors for the ensuing year—P.G.H. Clark, P.G.M. Cox, Prov. G.M. Devenish, P.P.G.M. Pritchard, Prov. D.G.M. Austin, P.P.D.G.M. Oarr, P.G. Lane, P.G. Sketheway, P.G. Black. INSTALLATION. The newly-elected officers were duly installed, and a testimonial, value £5, was voted to the retiring Grand Master. The minutes having been read and confirmed, the Committee dosed. ALBERT DISTRICT OF KECHABITES, S.TJ., ANNUAL COUNCDL. The annual Council met in the Temperance Hall, North Adelaide, on Monday, March 20, at 10 a,m.; Mr. H. J. Pudney, the D.C.X., in the chair. Present — Messrs. G. HowelL D.D.E.; J. T. Headdey, D.T. ; G. W. Cole, D.S.; and the following representatives— Messrs. A. MacKinlay, P.D.C.E., No. 1 Tent; B. B. Cocks, D.E., G. Bickle, P.C.K.., 2; J. Cleave, P.D.T., J. Lnndie, P.C.E., 3; A. H. Scarfe, 4; W. Willis, P.0.K., 5; Thomas, P.C.E., 6; G. Newman, P.D.C.E., 7; D. Wells, P.C.K., 8; Hooper, Set, 9; J, S. Wilson, P.S., 10 ; F. Dunhill, P.C.H., 13; Jas. Me Arthur, P.C.K., 14; H, Berry, D.R., 16 ; P. Tohl, P.S., 18; K. OaldweU, P.S., 19; T. Leane, P.C.R., 20; J. Amber, 0.X., 21; W. Verco, 23; W. H. Binney, P.C.K., 25; F. W.W00d,P.0.8.,36;8. P. Mudja P. 0.8.,

28; J. Johnson, 30; J. Hill, 32 ■ J. Holwell 0.X., 33 ; S. Pickering, 31; S. Gibbs, D.X.. 35; M. March, T. Knowles, No. 1, Female Tent; S. L. Williams, 2; W. E, BcvelL 3 The D.S. read the officers' report, which said:—"lt is our pleasing duty to lay before you statistics anl returns of a vu'ry encouraging nature, wli:ch will give evidence of tue continued sucotcs aud increasing stability of the District. Wo regret, howirvor, to announce the death of f jut subscribing member ■, one honorary member, and two meuibera' wives, p.ach of whom held in high esteem, a^d tbeir vacaut planes fill nnuy hearts with sorrow. This unprecedented number of deiths being in excess of all the previous Jiix years' operations combined has caused a demand u;>on the Funeral Fund to tb.3 exteut of £199 ; notwithstanding which there i 3 still an increase of £t59 Is. 4d. to the District Fonda, while the total increase to District anti Tent Fauds is £803 Bs. sd. Your offic&rs have given attention, as far as possible, and consistent with economy, to the visitation of Tents, and held public meetings in connection therewith, in view of aidin<* tits cause Early in tbo year the n.C.K. and D.S. visited the Kismg Star of Glendore, and found the Tent in a prosperous state, and their books carefully kept. Similar remarks may be made in reference to the books of other Tents visited, reflecting the highest credit upon the Secretaries. In one or two cases some improvements were needed, and your officers trust that the suggestions made will not bs without some good. Tents Nos. 1, 2, and 28 have been visited by all the officers; Nos. 8, 13, 19, and 30 by the D.C.B. and D.S. In reference to two of these the visitation was hiehly needed, and it is hoped will not be labor lost. Nos. 10. 14, 25, and 33 were visited by the D.D.X. and D.T., who in each place met with a cordial reception. It is gratifying to record the successful effort? of the D.D.E., assisted by the D.T,, in establishing a female branch at Talisker. Other visits by the several officers have be-.n made, and in several instances the Officers' Lecture has been givsn. Four new Tents have baen opened, also one new Female Teat, and one Juvenile Tent. The present number of members will be seea by the returns to be 837, an increase of 145 upon the year; the present number of juvenile members is 207, which is also a good increase. Tour officers have entered into an arrangement with the officers of the South Australian District for an amalgamated picnic and soiree, which they trust will be generally supported, and tend to promote brotherly greetings between the two districts. Thanking the officer, aud members generally for their valuable aid, and asking a continuation of assistance for our successors, for wbom we sincerely desire a less anxious year of office than we have experience d " We are, &c., " H. J. PnDNET, D.C.B. "Gho. Howell, D.D.B, " JOHtf T. HEADDET, D.T. " Geo. W. Cole, D.s." The minutes of the half-yearly OoubcU were confirmed, and Mr. "Wood read the Auditors' report:— "We, two of the District Auditors, having examined the District Secretary's books and vouchers, beg to report that we find his accounts to be correct. We regret, however, that the District Treasurer's books were not produced to us at the audit meeting, neither was a duplicate or his balanced cash account supplied to the D.S., in accordance with the General Law No. 1L In consequence of this neglect very great inconvenience was caused, and we weie obliged to postpone our examination of the D.T.s books. We were, however, perfectly satisfied as to the correctness of the D.S.s books, and a subsequent examination of the D.T.s confirm the correctness of the balancesheet. In future we strongly recommend the carrying out of General Laws Nos. 11 and 13, especially the latter, a3 we find that cheques are not drawn and countersigned in the manner provided for by General Law 13. " Host cf the Tents have sent in ooirecfc returns, the exceptions being the Prince of Wales (no return or cash) and the Star of Saddleworth (incorrect return). The Northern Lights owes the large amount of £13 12s. for goods and 16s. contingent levy. The Stockport Tent has broken up, and we suggest that steps should be taken to obtain an amount from them which the books show is due to the District. With respect to interest on loans, the books show that an amount of about £20 is due. We recommend that steps be taken in future to prevent the interest from falling into arrear. Understanding that there is a difficulty in securing proper or any security for the amount on the York Rechabite Hall (£2O). we suggest that'as the matter has been laid before previous Oounoils, and nothing has been done, Bteps should be taken to recover the amount due. Recommending that levies for the next 12 months remain the same as at present, and wishing the Order every success, " We are, &c, " AbtHOb H. Scabfe, ) District " F. W. Wood, J Auditors." Th? D.S. moved that the balance-sheet and statistical and financial reports be taken as read, and that printedcopies be handed to each representative. Carried. The balance-s iieet and Auditors' report were then discussed and adopted. From the statistical and financial reports it was seen that the Districts Funds had increased from £1,103 3s. 8i to £1,313 55., while the various funds of the District and Tents haii been increased from £1 815 17s. Id. to £2,4G9 4s. 3d. ; during the year £199 had been paid on account of deaths, and daring the last half-year £121 os. Id. had been paid from sick funds, and £182 14s. Bd. as surgeon's fees. The present total number of members was given as 857, and in addition there were 207 members of Juvenile Branches, with over £175 in funds. Mr. John Cleave read the Trustees' report, which stated that new loans had been effected to the amount of £375, and that the total on loan, at interest varying from 8 to 10 per cent, was £94L Adopted. j SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DISTRICT OF KECHABITES. The Annual Committee of the South Australian District of Rech&bites was held in the Southern Star Tent-room, Wakefield-street, on j Tuesday, March 2L There were present Mr. W. Holland, D.C.B. {in the cha'j), the district officers, and £8 delegates from th« various branches in town aud country. The balance-sheet, Auditors', Trustees', and District Officers' reports were read and considered. They showed that the progress made during the year had been highly satisfactory. From them it was gathered that 174 members had joined the Society during the year, making the total number of members 994, including a number of juvenile members. The financial statement showed that the receipts had been £637 17s. lid., viz.:—From Tents, £532 ss. 5d.; interest from cash on loan, £106 12a. 6d.; total, £637 375. lid. The payments made during the year amounted to £285 Bs. 60,, leaving a profit of £352 9s. si. to the District The Tent Funds showed a. net profit of £358 6s. 9ii, the total profits for the twelve months consequently being £710 16s. 2d. The total worth of the funds is as follows: — District Fund*, £1.859 15s. Id.; Tent Funds, £2,884 B. lid.; juvenile funds, £400; total, £%144 4s. After considerable discussion, the balance-sheet and various reports were adopted, and votes of thanks were passed to the Auditors, Trustees, and the District Officers for their services for the past year. The election of officers for the ensuing year was then proceeded with, and Mr. James Broad, the retiring Deputy Ruler, was elected District Chief Buler; Mr. Carter, from Kapunda, was elected Deputy Euler; and Mr. T. Khodes was elected Treasurer. The D.S. (Mr. E. Alcock) was re-elected. The sum of £15 was voted for enabling the District Officers to hold meetings for the extension of the Society in localities where there are no branches established. The delegate from Mount Barker (Mr. Neate) made an application for the funeral donation of a member who was killed by accident iv New Zealand. After a discussion the matter was left in abeyance for the presentation of ths proper document to the duly constituted authorities. The question of Juvenile Laws was then considered, but on account of the proposed alterations not having been sufficiently long before the various Tents, they were referred to tho District Officers for distribution among the various branches, for discussion at the next district meeting. A vote of thanks was passed to the District Secretary for their preparation. The consideration of a new code of General Laws was then proceeded with, involving various amendments, and introducing several fresh provisions. Its consideration occupied the Committee until 5 o'clock, when the meeting adjourned till next day (Wednesday), which was almost whslly occupied by the same business. Mr. W. Maley and the District Secretary were appointed a, Committee to prepare the revised code of lawg for the printer. It was resolved that the usual testimonial (a framed certificate in acknowledgment of services), bo presented to the retiring D.C.X., and the meeting closed in the usual manner. The amalgamated dinner of the Court Adelaide, A.0.F., and the Good Samaritan Lodge, A.L0.0.F., was held on Wednesday evening, Maroh 22, at the London Inn, Flinders-street. There were about 60 persons present. The chair was occupied by the Hon. T. English, M.L.C., who was supported on his right by Mr. C. Mann, M.P., and on his left by Mr. W. Townsend, M.P. The vice-chair was occupied by Mr. E. T. Smith, who was supported by Dr. Mclntyre and P.G.M. Dillon. An excellent spread, provided by Host Humberstone, having been discussed, the Chairman gave the loyal and patriotic toasts; after which the Vice-Chairman proposed "The Parliament," expressing his belief that its members were actuated by an earnest desire to fulfil those duties which their constituents had sent them to carry out. He was pleased to see representatives of the Legislature present, as it was a sign that they took an interest in friendly associations, and no doubt, if opportunity offered, they would endeavor to advance the interests of such institutions. The Chairman responded on behalf of the Legislative Council, referring to the measures which had occupied its attention, and remarking that each member of the Council had a stake in the colony, which he thought was a guarantee of

his endeavoring to promote its welfare. Sir. C. Mann, M.P., returned thanks for the House of Assembly, observing, however, that in his opinion the House had greatly neglected many opportunities of doing good fur the country, and had closed its session having absolutely done nothing. P.D.C.K. Cornish proposed "the Army, Navy, and Volunteers." Sergoant-Major Austin responded, regretting that the volunteers were not more respected and had not received the pruper support and sympathy of the Parliament. Mr. O. Mann, M.P., gave '' The Agricultural, Pastoral, Commercial, and j Mining Interests," to which Mr. W. Townsend, M.P., responded. P.C.K. McCarthy then give " Court Adelaide and Ancient Order of Foresters," dwelling upon the importance and usefulness of such institutions, and remarking that Court Adelaide had been particularly fortunate and successful as contrasted with other Friendly Societies, considering the past depression. From the manner in which Forestry was conducted he anticipated that it' would occupy a position io the colony equal in importance to Oddfellowship. P.C.K. Austin responded, stating that the Lodge had made a profit of £50 during the year, and had a total balance of £370 in its favor. £68 had been expended in sick-pay, and £42 had been paid to the surgeon. There were 93 members on the roll. Although the Lodge was somewhat small compared with some Lodges, yet he thought it had done a great deal in relieving suffering humanity. D.S. Durieu responded on behalf of the district. In the Order of Foresters there were, he stated, over 3,000 members. They had expended in sick-pay over £2,900, and had paid in surgeon's fees upwards of £1,300. -When he joined the Order in 1853 it had bat £400 to its credit, but at the present time they could represent the full value of the Order at over £13,000, which he thought was a fact of which the members, as representing more particularly the middle classes, ought to be proud. The "Vice-Chairman gave " The Good Samaritan Lodge and A.L0.0.F.," alluding to the advantages to be received from such institutions, and expressiiig his belief that frieudly societies had been the means of saving the Government a great deal of money in relieving distress. P.G.M. Hele responded, and mentioned that there were 42 members on the roll, and their funds amounted to £170, so that he thought they bore favorable comparison with other Lodges as far as average subscriptions were concerned. With respect to the latter portion of the toast, he stated that the District represented 1,476 members; £1,261 16s. 10d. District Funds; £3,643 12s. si, District Lodge Funds; total, £4,905 9i 3d. The District had paid during the past year — Sick-pay, £1,459 Is. 10d. ; surgeons, £640 Bs. 6d.; members' deaths, £556 17a. 4d.; members' wives' deaths, £60; totaL £2,716 7s. Ba. Mr. Townsend then gave "The Kindred Societies," also referring to the great benefits arising from Buch Societies, and expressing a hope that they might still flourish, and that even if depression did come upon them, they might be able to sustain it, for such institutions proved an incentive to men to rise in the community and benefit themselves. Mr. Thompson responded, expressing a hope that Forestry and Oddfellowship would be extended. He suggested that Lodges might increase their usefulness by subscribing £5 or £10 each, according to their strength, to the Hospital, so that any sick brother from the country might receive benefit in illness without incurring much expense. The M.U. Order had already contributed £10 to the Hospital and £10 10s. to the Orphan Home. S.C.R. proposed "The Ladies," and C.R. McCarthy responded. " The Surgeons" was then proposed by D.S.C.R. Stratton, responded to by Dr. Mclntyre, Dr. Gunson being unavoidably absent. *' The Chairman," ""Vice-Chairman," " Guests," " Visitors," " Host and Hostess," and "Stewards," were then honored, after which the National Anthem terminated the proceedings, which had been enlivened by several excellently rendered songs and recitations. * VIL—PUBLIC COMPANIES. NATIONAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. The seventh half-yearly meeting of the National Marine Insurance Company was held in White's Arbitration Room, on Monday, March 6, the Chairman of the Company, Mr. W. Townsend, M.P., presiding. There was but a meagre attendance, which, however, speaks well for the Company, rather than the reverse ; as shareholders seldom care to attend these meetings when they are satisfied with the general management and results of their investment. The National Marine has been a most fortunate institution from the beginning, there being substantial divisible profits accruing from each separate half-year's operations. " During the last half-year, however, the losses'were very heavy ; but the interest upon the money loaned, and the balance of profit brought down from the preceding six months, enabled the Directors not only to declare a dividend, but to place £870 additional to the Reserve Fund, and also to carry forward £736 as a balance in hand to commence the current half-year with. Those shareholders, however, who do not closely scrutinise Directors' balance-sheets, may require to be informed that the net profits upon the six months' policies would not have enabled this dividend to be declared, had it not been for the interest upon money loaned, and the balance brought down of profits previously realised. The losses on risks have been heavy: bat not so heavy as in some other Companies; and not so heavy as to absorb all the premiums received for the same period. So that there has really been, a profit on the risks of the half-year, and this, together with the available interest of invested capital, enables a dividend to be paid out of bonafide earnings, and a good round sum to be added to the Reserve Fund. This is highly satisfactory, considering the disadvantageous circumstances under which Insurance Companies have been lately working. The sound position of the National may be, perhaps, still better illustrated by the Chairman's statement that the Reserve Fund alone is now more than sufficient to reinsure all current risks at market prices, leaving the share capital intact; in other words, that the Directors could reinsure every risk the Company is liable for, and still be in funds to pay off every shareholder at £3 a share. When it is remembered to how large an extent the capital of the Company is simply accumulated profit, and that dividends have been regularly paid concurrently with this accumulation, nothing more is needed to demonstrate the soundness of the concern. Tn the course of the proceedings allusion was made to the defalcations of a late clerk in the office, and this gave rise to some remarks of considerable public interest. The Chairman, after answering certain questions put to T?m as to the extent to which the Company would lose by the defaulter, stated that he had refrained in his introductory speech from alluding to the subject, as the clerk had been that day committed for trial, and he did not wish to prejudge the case. But of course there could be no prejudging in asking the Directors at the half-yearly meeting of shareholders what was the amount of their loss, nor in asking if the clerk in question had a guarantee insurance, nor in asking whether any fresh checks had been devised to prevent the resurrence of similar losses. To answer general questions like these could not by possibility prejudge the case awaiting trial, and it would be absurd to call shareholders together at all if they may not make such very general, though, to them, important enquiries. And the Chairman very promptly and properly answered them ; but one of the Directors (Mr. Cotton), whilst heartily disclaiming the remotest desire for concealment, intimated his opinion that that part of the proceedings should not be reported; and on Vim right to direct the Press in such a matter being disputed, he said that it was not a public meeting, but a meeting of shareholders, and that if the meeting chose to pass a resolution against making any part of their proceedings public they could do so. No doubt they could do so, but of what use would it be to do so ? The Press has its own duties and responsibilities; and would very culpably abandon its proper mission were it to send forth a garbled report of important business like that which is transacted at the periodical meetings of our great Companies. It is true these meetings are not, in one sense, " public" meetings, because only shareholders can take part in them. But the reporters for the public Pressarenot only permitted, but are expected to attend, and this in order that they may publicly report what takes place. Otherwise, why are they admitted at all ? And it is not to be forgotten that usually only a very small percentage of the

shareholders themselves attend, inasmuch as they confidentlyrely upon, reading in the papers a faithful report of all that is said and done. It is, therefore, the bounden duty of the Press, when admitted to Teport proceedings, to report them faithfull}' ; it may be in a condensed form, but at the same time faithfully, fairly, and impartially condensed, giving the true sense, without suppression and without perversion. This, too, is the most prudent plan, even in cases like the one now adverted to. Suppose the meeting had passed a resolution, ordering the suppression of that portion of the proceedings having reference to the late defalcation, and suppose the Press submitted to the order, the reporter would simply have to mention that a conversation took place on such and such a subject, but that the meeting resolved not to allow it to be published. Why, such an announcement would be twenty times worse than reporting what was actually said; and yet some such announcement would have to be made, unless the Press chose to take upon itself the undeserved odium of having of its own mere will and pleasure suppressed an important part of a public debate. In the case remitted to the Supreme Court there is nothing whatever to affect the stability of the Company, as the amount lost is comparatively trifling; but there were ugly rumors afloat, and some reference to the subject was natural and proper. We are sure that Mr. Colton ;rill not, on due deliberation, advise the omission of such remarks from reports which are specially prepared for public information and guidance. Indeed we are satisfied that he would not desire such a thing, notwithstanding his remarks at the meeting. As regards the circumstances of the defalcation and the merits of the case, we have said and shall say not one word in the way of prejudging. When a man is on his trial, he is entitled to an unprejudiced hearing, and fair play. But that is no reason why a shareholder should not enquire what is the amount of the Company's loss; and whether it has led the Directors and Secretary to take more effectual measures to secure against a second misfortune. THE HALF-YEARLY MEETING. The half-yearly meeting of the shareholders in the National Marine Insurance Company was held at White's Roams on 6th March. Mr. W. Townsend, M.P., Chairman of the Directors, presided. The following report, which, with the balance-sheet, had been forwarded to the shareholders, was taken as read :— ''The annexed statement of accounts embraces the business of the Company during the half-year ended 6th February, 1871, showing a balance to the credit of profit and loss account of £3,451125. 2d., which the Directors have decided to apportion in the following manner: — To a dividend, payable on the Bth March, at 10 pei cent, per annum, or 3s. per share, £1,875; to Beserve Fund, £870 Bs.; to balance carried forward to next half-year, £736 4s. 2d.; total, £3,481 12s. 2d. After payment of the above dividend the credit balances will then appear as follows:—Capital paid up on 12,500 shares at 605., £37,500; Beserve Fund—On hand hist half-year, £13,730 13?. 81; carried this halfyear, £870 85.—£14,601 Is. Bd-; balance, as above, carried forward to next halfyear, £736 4s. 2d. ; total, £52,837 ss. 10d. The Directors beg to congratulate the shareholders upon the steady increase of the Company's business, which might have been much larger, but the Directors, in declining to underwrite many risks offered, have aimed rather at doing a moderate business safely than to enlarge their risks with a more doubtful result The revenue for the half-year just expired shows— £35,731 Is. 4d.; that of the corresponding six months, ending 7th February, 1870, £34,014 13s. lOd.; increase, £1,716 7s. 6d. After mature consideration the Directors have decided upon opening an agency at Bombay, and Messrs. Stenhouse & Co. have been appointed to act for the Company there." The Chaibman said the Directors had great pleasure in meeting the shareholders with such a report, seeing that, although in this colony, in the other colonies, and in England, marine risks had been affected by larger losses than had occurred in almost any other corresponding period, they were yet in a position to declare a dividend. The balance to the credit of profit and loss for the half-year was £3,481125. 2d., which the Directors had determined to appropriate in the manner stated in the report. He would anticipate some questions which might be put to him as to the business of the Company. Although on the Dashing Wave the Company had £1,500 in Melbourne and £1,000 in Sydney,. the Directors had great pleasure in informing the shareholders that, taking the Keserve Fund at £14,601 Is. Bd., that was more than amply sufficient to pay the lobsbs at present known, and to re-insure all the Company's business. This was altogether irrespective, of course, of the capital stock, £37,500; and the Directors considered this a satisfactory state of things to have to report. With regard to the business of the Company, he said, notwithstanding the success of another local Company, he was happy to say that their business, so far -from decreasing, had increased. It would fbe in the recollection of the shareholders that at a former meeting he stated that correspondence was going on in reference to the subscription of the Company to London Lloyd's. He was happy now to say that Captain Lawrence, of the firm of Lawrence, Chirk, & Joyce, had refused to pay the high charge of 400 guineas, and the result of the correspondence which he had conducted was that an arrangement had beencome to by which Companies doing a limited business should be charged £50, £100, or a maximum for colonial Companies of £200. Captain Lawrence had for two years and a-half resisted the high charge of £400, and had now got it reduced to £200, and he was entitled to the thanks of that Company and other Companies as well for the singlehanded battle he had fought. He might state that last half-year they had outstanding the sum of £21,000. The Directors felt that that was a large sum to have outstanding, bat if they did business in the other colonies, they must do it on the same terms as other Companies, and. there it was usual for Companies to accept acceptances on current accounts. The Directors felt that that was an unsatisfactory mode, and they had endeavored to bring it to a state of monthly accounts. Hence they would see the sum had been reduced to £10,000. They would see a slight addition to current expenses, which arose from a small increase of salary to the Secretary, who had not been receiving so much as had been paid to other Secretaries. With regard to the Secretary, he said the whole of bis proceedings had been satisfactory. There was one other matter which was sufficiently patent to the shareholders, but which under the whole of the circumstances he thought he would not refer to furtherthan the papers unfortunately had done. He moved the adoption of the repoit. Me J. F. Wiglet seconded. The Hon. J. H. Babbow differed from the Chairman in considering that it was unfortunate that the papers had referred to the matter he alluded to. It would have been much more unfortunate if it had been hushed np, because when they knew a thing had occurred they could prevent its recurrence, and if these things were to be kept secret there was no knowing what would be the final result. No doubt the Chairman was acting from good motives in not wishing to make any remarks with reference to that subject, and be hoped the Chairman would believe that he was acting sincerely when he asked a question on the matter. He should like to know to what extent the Company were losers by Mr. Samson's defalcations. The Chairman said he did not for a moment mean to blame the papers for what they had published. To-day the young man had been committed for trial, and it placed him in a delicate position, as he did not wish to say anythin; which might prejudge his case. The whole of the defalcations, as far as the Auditors had ascertained, were about £450, certainly not more thin £500, out of which amount the Company had through the Secretary a security of £200, so that the actual loss to the Company would not be £300. Mr. J. Eakdau, asked how it was that this young man was allowed to hare so much money as £500 in his bands. The Chairman said the defalcations had extended over six or seven months. Mr. J. Colton wished to say a word about the husbing-up referred to by Mr. Barrow. He was correct in saying that not one of the Directors had been at all desirous of hushing up the matter. He had heard out of doom that he was the only Director who stuck oat against hushing it up, but he would now say that the whole of the Directors were disposed to treat the subject in a business-like way, and for the benefit of the public at huge, and they thought they would not be doing their duty unless they prosecuted the person who had placed them in this position. (Hear, hear.) He made this remark to -vindicate the Directors, and in reply to what Mr. Barrow said. They were all disposed when anything was wrong to sift it to the bottom. The Hon. J. H. Babbow said he neither meant nor said that the Directors wanted to hush the matter up. He gave them full credit foi knowing their duty to their constituents better than to do that, and the Chairman as much so as any one. But the Chairman regretted that anything had been mentioned by the Press, and termed their reports of the matter "unfortunate." He (Mr. Burrow) thought it was the duty of the Fress to report these matters, and that it would have been very "unfortunate" had it not done so. He would now ask th* Chairman to girt

some information with reference to the interest received on the £10,090 outstanding cash balances. He saw £3,000 was on fixed deposit in the Adelaide Bank, and he supposed some interest was received on the deposits on call in the other banks. The Chaibman said £3,000 was on deposit on account of their agents in the Oriental Bank in London, which was receiving 5 per cent, interest, and the same would apply to the other deposits. Where the amounts were not stated they were temporary deposits; where they were stated it was at a fired deposit of 5 per cent. The Government securities bore C per cent, interest. The securities on,mortgage ranged from 8 to 10 per cent The Hon. T. English asked for inf ormaticn as to what the item " Sundry debtors at Head Office and agencies, £10,085," consisted of. The Chairman said those were the whole of the outstanding premiums at the various agencies to the present time. They had done the business, but in consequence ef the acceptances and LO. U.s, this was the amount of outstanding premiums up to the day of drawing the balance-sheet. Mr. Colton said their London business was about £3,000 a month, and generally two months were current, so that that would account for ' £6,000 of that amount. There were certain rales and regulations of doing business elsewhere, which the Company had to fall in with. Mr. J. KiNBtLL asked if the Directors had adopted any means to prevent the recurrence of defalcations? Surely the Secretary could not have been looking after the dark as he ought to have done, and this put the Secretary in an awkward position. It had simply been placing temptation in the young man's way. The Chairman said the young fellow had been committed for trial, and he had desired to say nothing to influence his trial. Hence it was that he had not gone fully into the matter in the first instance. Mr. Samson entered the office with the full confidence of the persons he came from—the Savings Bank. They took care, seeing his fitness for the office, ;to give him a liberal salary, and the Secretary and Directors htd placed too much confidence in him. His duty was to go round the city and elsewhere and collect premiums for marine insurance. He had to bank the money and show the deposit receipt. He had, however, been collecting larger sums and paying in smaller amounts, and thus deceiving the Sesretary day by day. In a responsible position of this kind, with every possible check which could be imposed, these things could be done by a dishonest person. The Directors had, however, adopted a plan which they thought would prevent the recurrence of these circumstances. The Hon. J. H. Babbow— Do you think the security sufficient ? The Chairman—No; when the amount of £200 was fixed they were not aware that the Company would have been. such. a success. His own view was that a person in that position should give a security of not less than £500. Mr. ' and all thought with reference to the Chairman's remarks about Samson's case, that that was a meeting at which the shareholders met to talk privately over these affairs, and therefore the whole of the proceedings should not be reported. The Hon. J. H. Babbow objected to such a vinw as that. He maintained it to be the duty of the Press to report anything which, took place at a public meeting, and he should not Mr. Coltox maintained that that was a meeting of the shareholders of a particular Company, and that if it was the ruling of a majority of the meeting that a, certain thing shonld not appear, then certainly that thing ought not to be reported. He said the public had no right to know what the shareholders did on any particular subject. The Company were the same as a private fine The Hon. J. H. Babbow protested against the view laid down by Mr. Colton. The Directors might refuse to give the Press any documents, but his (Mr. Barrow's) speech was not the property of the Directors. They claimed the right of free speech, and he claimed the right of free publication—a right which he should exercise. Mr. Colton should also assert and exercise the right of giving his own opinion. The Hon. T. English differed from Mr. Colton. Although that was-a meeting of the shareholders, all the shareholders were not there; many could not come. These absent shareholders, no doubt, trusted a great deal to the report of the meeting to know the position and business of the Company, and fox that reason, and that reason alone, everything which took place should be made public in the public Press. Mr. Colton was not saying that it should not be, but he contended that if a, majority of the meeting thought otherwise and passed a resolution to that effect, that resolution shonld be respected. The Chaibman, in reply to Mr. Hamilton, said the officers gave security. He said it was only a matter of feeling which led him to refrain from stating the whole circumstances relating to Samson. He would now say that he was_ out c* town, when the defalcations were discovered, but the Secretary communicated with Messrs. Colton and Fuller, who promptly took out a warrant for Samson's apprehension. The Directors had since had their minds applied to the question as to what would be the best checks for the future. There • was not the slightest desire, he would again say, to keep anything from the shareholders. The Hon. T. English—Does the Company pay the premiums en the securities ? The Chairman—Tea. The Hon. T. English—And no doubt the premiums were paid in due time. Mr. W. H. Chabnock said if a person had a young man who was inclined to be dishonest it was a difficult thing to keep him straight. As for this ysung man, he said he had had full confidence in him, and would have taken him into his office without any hesitation. He thought they had wasted too much time over this matter. He was very glad that the Company was in such a good position, considering the losses which other Companies had sustained. He thought Messrs. Lawrence, Clark, & Joyce deserved great credit for having worked np a business in London which yielded £3,000 per month in premiums. He had every confidence in the Company and in the Directors. He would only caution the Directors to be prudent, and not ran after risks at low premiums, which would be the rain of a good many Companies. He also referred in terms of commendation to the Secretary. The motion for the adoption of the report was then put and carried. Mr. H. SooTr moved, and Mr. W. Johnson seconded, a vote of thanks to the Directors, Secretary, and agents for their attention to the interests of the Company. The Hon. T. English supported the motion, remarking, in reply to Mr. Chunock, that no one had thrown out the idea that the shareholders had not fall confidence in the Directors. The motion was carried. The Chairman briefly returned thanks. He apologised for the absence of the Hon. J. Hodgkiss, one of the Directors, and assured the shareholders that the Directors would continue to faithfully discharge their duties. The difficulty which had been referred . to had been a painful one, bat it would lead to stringent means being adopted to prevent what might have been a more disastrous loss. The meeting then closed. VUL—SPOB.TING. ADELAIDE AMATEUR ATHLETIC CLTJB. EIGHTH MEETING. Patron—His Excellency Sir James Fergusson, Bart; President—Hen. Sir John Morphett; Judges—Messrs. John Chambers and Win. Townsend, M.P.; Stewards—Sir G. S. Kingston, Hon. A. Blyth, M.P., His Worship the Mayor, Hon. W. Milne, M.L.0., and Messrs. R. B. Smith, John Souttar, John Acraman, F. G.Smith, H. Stodart, B.T. Smith, B. Holland, B. J. Scott, F. K. Ayers, and W. H. Formby; Starter, Sir. 8. G. Kingston. rhe Bports in connection with this Club were held on Saturday afternoon, March2s,ontheOld Adelaide Bacecourse, under most favorable circumstances. Theearnestness with which athletic exercises are pursued in the colony, promises well for the physical development of our young men, and the public patronage which attended this meeting, testifies that the people desire to encourage this class of amusement. The weather was moat auspicious, it being a nice sunshiny day, and not too warm for the athletes, although during a portion of the afternoon it was rather oppressive to the spectators. The ground on which the sports came off was in excellent order, and the arrangements were as nearly as possible perfect. The Grand Stand was occupied by a large and fashionable gathering, and was resplendent with gay dressefl. In front of the Stand, and along the whole length of the carriage enclosure, there were many hundreds of people, whilst the enclosure itself was occupied by a very large number of carriages. The' programme was well arranged, and several of the events were keenly contested, the prizes, which were costly and elegant, being pretty fairly distributed amongst the competitors. The handicapping seemed to give satisfaction, except in the two-mile walking match, which certainly appeared too severe. The event of the day—the Adelaide Cap—which was well contested, fell to EQggins, who is only a beginner, but promises to be a fleet runner. For the special prize of £10 10s. for the athlete scoring the highest aggregate points, A. B. Malcolm was the successful competitor. At the Grand Stand Mr. George Aldridge catered most satisfactorily. The Concordia Band was stationed in the Stand, and discoursed some excellent music. The whole of the sports were carried out most satisfactorily, and the Secretary, Mr. J. M. Borrow, the Committee, Messrs. W. Pope, E. M. Ashwin, and W. j. Oldham (Treasurer), and the Handic&ppers, Messrs. S. G. Kingston, Oldham, and Ashwin, are to be congratulated upon the success which attended the meeting. We regret to mention that Mr. C. Oldham was thrown from a restive horse, receiving a very nasty cut on the head, which rendered him insensible for a short time. Appended is a detailed accoust of th« •vents; — SPECIAL FBIIE. Cap, value £10 10s., present*! by Mr. K. B. Smith to the athlst* making the highlit

aggregate wore during the meeting. Condi tioos—That the first man in the maiden events score two points ; and the first, second, and third man in each of the other events, ex cept in the "all comers' race," score respec tively five, three, and two. Won by Malcolm; total number of points 14*. Harvey and Perry made e<oh 12 points, and Higgins 11 points. 100 YARDS FLAT RACE (MAIDEN). Prize, gold locket, value £2 15s. Entries — J. R. Beck, H. F. Peacock, R. Giffin, F. J. Townsend, and J. Baker. At the start Town-send and Peacock led, and the lot kept well together till finishing, when Giffin put on a spurt, and won easily. Time, 11 secs. ADELAIDE CUP. Conditions—That the distances be 100 yards, 320 yards, and 440 yards; the last two noes handicaps. First price only in fust and second events, and first and second prize in third event; and a cup, value £10 10s., for the winner of the greatest number of points in all the events. That the first man in each race score five points, the seoond three, and the third two points, and that the highest scorer in the three events be en titled to the cup, &C..&C. Sirs* Event—loo Yards Flat Kaee. Prize, sleeve links, value £17s. 6d. Entries—A. M. Wilson, G. S. Aldridge, F. A. Price, W. S. Harvey, W. Biggins, A. L. Giles. A. R. Mal-colm, and R. Giffin. There was a fair start, Malcolm however bounding clean away, and maintaining the lead. Higgins ran well for second place, and Harvey was a good third. Time, 10$ sees. POLE-LEAPING. Prizfi, gold scarf-pin, value£2los. Entries — H. F. Peacock and A. R. Malcolm. The leap ing commenced at 6 feet, and the bar was cleared up to 8 feet 11 inches, when Psaoook struck, but managed after to clear it. At the next rise (9 feet) he had to give in. In each trial, how ever, he succeeded in dealing the bar with his feet but in landing always strnck with his right elbow, and brought the bar with him. Mal-colm, whose style was much easier than his op ponent's, cleared 9 feet 2 inohes, and won. 160 YARDS SUBDUE BACK (HtIDXN). Prise, gold penciloase, value £210s. Entries — G. S. Aldridge, A. L. Giles, H. R. Perry, and J. Baker. There were 10 hurdles. A good start. Aldridge and Perry led, and took the first leaps together, and then Perry secured the lead till about half way, when he in creased his speed, and won easily, Giles having overhauled Aldridge, and coming in seoond, about a yard ahead of him. Time, 23| seas. BUKNIHG HIGH JUMP. Prize, silver cup, value £2125. 64., and £1 Is. presented by Hon. Sir J. Morphett. Entries — G. S. Aldridge, E. H. Spicer, W. S. Harvey, A. R. Malcolm, and J. Baker. The bar was cleared up to 5 feet, at which height Spicer failed, and was the first to give up. The remaining four failed at 5 feet 3 inches, and the bar was then lowered te 5 feet 1 inoh, at which height Malcolm failed. At 5 feet 2 inches Aldridge was the only one who succeeded in getting over, and was de clared the winner of first points. Harvey and Baker then jumped off for second and third points, Harvey winning seoond place with a jump of 5 feet 2 inohes. 220 TABDB FLAT RACE (HANDICAP). Second event, Adelaide Cup. — Prize, gold locket, value £2 12s. 6d. A. M. Wilson, 14 yards; G. S. Aldridge, 9 yards; H. F. Peacock, ]6 yards; F. A. Price, 7 yards; W. S. Harvey, 9 yards; R. Giffin, 12 yards; W. Higgins, 9 yards; A. L. Giles, 14 yards ; A. R. Malcolm, 6 yards; and A. D. Gore, scratoh (withdrawn). A good start Peacock fell after proceeding a few yards, and was thrown but of the race. There was but little change of nlaces till Rbout half-way, when Giles came to the front, bnt was challenged by Higgins, and a pretty race ensued, Giles, however, landing himself the winner, with Higgins a good second, Harvey third. Time. 23 sees. TWO MILES WALKESG MATCH (HANDICAP.) rrizs. claret jug, value £4 4s. Entries—E. P. Kesbit, scratch; W. H. Johnson, 300 yards; H. Gore, 28) yards; and W. Whinham, 230. This was not a very exciting event, it being evident at the finish of the first laps that the handicapping was far too severe, the scratch man never gaining much ground at any period of the contest. The only struggle throughout the race was between Gore and Johnson, Gore on entering the second lap having come abrtast with him. The two kept well together, increasing the distance between the other two till on entering the eighth and last lap, when Johnson put on a spurt and won by about 80 yards amidst cheers. The walking generally was excellent, especially Johnson's. Nesbit, who astonished so many in his walking at the last athletic sports, saw the handicapping was too great for him. but he nevertheless seemed to do his best, and on coming round each time was cheered. Time. 16 mm. 16 Beos. 220 TABOS HUBDtE BACK HANDICAP. Prize. Albert chain, value £3 7b. 6i—J. B. Beok, 18 yds.; W. S. Harvey. 13 yds,; A. L. Giles, 18 yds. ;H. B. Perry, 20 yds.; and A. E. Malcolm, scratch. There was a bad start. Perry led, with Harvey second. Towards the finish Malcolm made an effort to win, but fell at the second hurdle from home. Perry still led, and Beok passed.Harvey, and made a fair second. Time, 30 sees. SIAMESE TWIN BAOE. Prize, two silver pencilcases, value 10s. 6d. each. Entries—E. H. Spicer and J. Baker, A. L. Giles and G. Aldridge, and A. K. Malcolm and F. A. Price. This event was won easily by Malcolm and Price. Tims, 20 sees. . 440 TABDS PLAT BACK (HANDICAP). Third event, Adelaide Cup.—A. M. Wilson, 1G yards; W. S. Harvey, 14 yards; B. Giffin. 20 yards; W. Biggins. 18 yards; and A. L. Giles, 22 yards. There was a good start, and for at least half-way there was very little different in the relative positions. As the competitors came along, however, Higgins gradually over hauled his opponents and secured the lead, winning easily, Harvey second, and Giffin third. Time, 515 Beos. The Cup was taken with eleven points by Higgins, who also took the first prize (gold studs) in the third event, Harvey securing second prize (£1 Is.) The first event prize (sleeve links) was won by Malcolm; and the second event prize (gold iooket) was taken by A. L. Giles. QUABTEK-MILB STEEPLECHASE. Prize—Silver cup, value £4 sb. Entries — J. R. Beck, 30 yards; W. S. Harvey, scratch; A. R. Malcolm, scratch ; and H. R. Perry, 30 yards. Opposite the Stand there was a good water jump, but the whole of the competitors managed to clear it. Perry kept the lead the -whole of the way, and won easily, Beok second, Malcolm third. Time, 1 mm. 16 sees. ONE MILE FLAT BAOE. Prize—Silver cup, value £7 10s.. and £1 Is. presented by Hon. Sir. J. Morphett. Entries— A. Macdonald, Charles Fielder, Charles Hodson, and A. Barber. M&cdonald took the lead, but was soon passed by Hodson, and shortly after -wards by Fielder, who made the running very warm. On the second time round Hodnon had a good lead, but was being gradually drawn upon by Fielder, who in the next round passed him. Barber gave up before finishing his lap. Fielder maintained the lead, and U&cdonald overtook Hodson, who gave up shortly afterwards in consequence of his ankle being sprained, which he attributed to his slipper coming half off. Fielder won easily. Time, 4mm 50£ sees. ALL OOUEBS' RACE. Quarter-mile steeplechase. Prize, £1 Is. Entries—E. H. Spicer, and J. toils. Won by Foale under protest. DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. At the conclusion of the sports the prizes were distributed to the successful competitors by Lady Morphett, for whom three oheers were given, as also for Sir J. Morphett. The National Anthem was then played, and the gathering dispersed. On Friday evening there was a meeting of members of the Adelaide Hunt Club for the purpose of presenting Mr. E. G. Blackmors with a testimonial in acknowledgment of the manner in which he had filled the position of Master of the Hounds during last season. About 14 or 16 members, most of whom had figured, prominently at the meets of the Olub, were present. Mr. O. Mann, M.P., on behalf of his fellow-members, presented the testi monial, and, addressing Mr. Blaokmore, stated that they were glad thus to acknowledge the zealous and able way in which be had furthered the objects they all aimed at. When it seemed doubtful whether they could start the Olub for the season he had oome forward, and in spite of great difficulties and the disadvantages of being new to the hounds and huntsman, and of the huntsman being new to the hounds, had given them anumberof capital runs. They had enjoyed better sport than they had any reason to expect, and the success and enjoyment of the season were mainly due to Mr. Blaokmore. He under stood that gentleman was led, through circum ■tauces over which he had some control— (laughter)— to determine that he would not retain his post as Master, bnt he hoped Mr. Blackmors would reconsider his determination, and see that there was nothing in his changed condition to prevent hilu from con tinning to occupy a position he tilled so ably, and with so much satisfaction to all who met him in the field. (Oheert.) He now presented the testimonial, with the most sincere wishes of the members of the Olub that Mr. Blackmore and all in whom he was in terested might enjoy prosperity, long life, and happiness. (Cheers.) Mr. Mann now handed over the testimonial, which consisted of a> very handsome gold watch, with the following in scription—-'Presented to Kdwin Gordon Black more, Ksq., in cordial recognition of his res vises as Master of the Hunt Club during the year 1870." Mr. Blaekmore, in rising to re spond, was greeted with hearty cheering. He said he felt at a loss for words 10 express his sense of the compliment they had paid him. He thanked them for that handsome testimonial, and for the kind expression of feel ing with which it was accompanied. He had felt that the honor they had paid him in plac ing him in the position of Master, and then rallying round him as they had done, was as great a reward as he deserved; but as they had thought fit to pay him a more substantial re cognition of his services, ht> could only expiest his gratitude. He hadjione his best to provide them with sport, and he had been well sup ported. He could not again take an official position lit connection with the

Club, but he should still be a member, follow the hounds, and do all he could in a pri vate way to promote hunting. Again he thanked them heartily for their kindness. Some discus sion now arose as te tha arrangements fer next season. Mr. W. Blackler stated that he would sell the hounds to the Club for £100, a trifle under the cost price ot the pack when first landed here, and there are now seven and a half more couples than then, although all the worthless dog? had been shot This offer was considered a liberal ont, and the question of ways and means was debated, the general feel ing being that thesubsoriptionshould be the same as last reason, £335. Propositions forvisiting th country districts with the pack were considered, several members stating that the Club would find supporters in the Stratbalbyn, Morphett Vale, and. Gawler districts, if hunts were given in those neighborhoods. The Mastership for next season was another subject brought before the meeting. Ultimately it was resolved that Mr. E. G. Blaekmore should see Mr. A. J. Baker and ask him to accept the office of Master for the next season, and in the mean time ascertain, with as little delayas convenient, whether a sufficient number of subscribers could be enrolled to defray the expenses of a wai ter's hunting, and the purchase and keep of the iajk. IX—MISCELLANEOUS. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. The Customs Returns for the quarter ending 31st December, 1870, are pub lished, showing in detail the goods im ported and cleared for home consumption during that quarter, and the exports daring the same period. To begin with totals, we find the imports to have been of the value of £678,495, less £74,014 lCs. re-exported, leaving imports retained in the colony £604,480 10s. The ex ports, the produce of the colony, amounted to £840,734 10s., leaving a balance of exports over imports to the handsome amount of £336,264. The exports are very much swollen, of course, by the large shipments of wool during the last two months of the year. On the other hand, the last quarter is the one in which there was, as is usual at that season, the smallest shipment of breadstuSs. We will now glance at the exports of staples which are Btated sepa rately. Commencing with animals, we must mention that the overland trade in live stock is taken no account of in the Customs returns. There were exported by sea 117 horses, valued at £2,338 ; and 60 rams, priced at £1 each. The omission of the overland traffic in live stock is not of much importance as affecting the balance of exports over im ports, as, while there was an excess of 16,627 sheep imported over those ex ported, with respect to cattle and horses, the account stood the other way, the ex cesses being 2,211 cattle and 38 horses. Our gold exports amounted to £11,768. Silver does not appear in the list at all; whatever quantity we ship of this metal is sent away in the ore. We now come to breadsluffs, of which from all ports we exported—flour, £63,755; wheat, £12,613. The current quarter will show the greater portion of breadstuff's exportation to consist of wheat, but the December quar ter's trade was principally with the neigh boring colonies, where there is as ready a market for flour as tor wheat. The ex ports of cereals other than wheat were very small, totalling no more than £964105. Bran and pollard show £5,150. The value of the wool exported was £536,138. To continue with pastoral produce, raw and manufactured, we note preserved meat, £2,731; tallow, £18,001; bones and hoofs, £685 ; leather, £3,183 ; skins [ and hides, £1,132. Wine exports amount to £4,783, and spirits exportations are ! very trifling. Fruits only contribute £183, the December quarter being the wrong time of the year for this article. Jama give £797 ; eggs, £1,632. In beer there is only a small Murray trade, returning in all £126. There is our great mineral staple yet to be noticed. The exports of metals, excluding gold, came to £536,138, all copper and copper ore, excepting £2,339, which represented silver, and £291 zinc. The remaining articles yielded small amounts, varying from one to several hundred pounds. The detailed account of the imports is of course very lengthy, comprising an immense number of different items, of which, however, we will simply particularise a few that it is generally admitted we should produce here, but of which the importations I are of considerable amount and value. We are, to a great extent, driving foreign beers out of the market; but still in the December quarter we imported nearly £7,000 worth. Wines imported are valued, at £2,600 odd—not a very large amount for that luxury. Of spirits, we introduced from abroad between £6,000 and £9,000 worth. According to some people's opinion of our wines we should be spared the necessity of paying even as little as £400 for foreign vinegar in one quarter. It is a proper subject for regret that the imports of malt should be so large, as this is obviously an article that should be produced here, the greater portion of our soil being admirably suited for barley. Of this item the brewers im ported to the value of a little above £7,000. Among goods for which we should be independent of external sup plies may be mentioned bacon and hams, of which we imported to the extent of nearly £600; cheese, little short of £2,000; dried fruit, close upon £3,000 ; and a number of other articles. On a great many imports, such as boots and shoes, leather, saddlery, woollens, &c., we lose the profit of the manufacture simply. Looking over the long list, how ever, it would be easy to point ont a great number of articles of which, we should produce sufficient to supply our wants. But Borne was not built in a day, and, on the whole, we have much reason to congratulate our selves upon our advancement as a producing country; and even in manu factures we are making no contemptible progress for so young a country. It is satisfactory to know that during the last three months of 1870 our excess of ex ports was so large, and we may expect as good results from the present quarter, considering our extensive shipments of wheat, and taking into account the wool sent away since the Ist January, and the impulse the copper trade baa received. GAWLER NEW INSTITUTE BAZAAR. The Opening Proceedings. According to announcement, the bazaar in aid of the new Institute was opened on Thurs day (by the President, Doctor O. Nott) in the laige and elegant hall of the new Institute Buildings, which is so far finished as to admit of its being used for this most interesting occa sion. The lailies have been working for moi* than 12 months past to make the bazaar a success, and as far as elegance, taste, use fulness, and profusion are concerned the stalls will spaak fot themselves. It is almost a won der where all the beautiful articles displayed came from, but when ladies set to work with a will the world knows what can be accomplished. The President, in his opening remarks, paid a most handsome and deserved tribute to those ladies who have so nobly assisted in getting up the bazaar. At 1 o'clock, all being in readineS?, the Pre sident, Doctor Nott, ascended the platform, aooompanied by the members of the Committee, and said—Ladies and gentlemen, it Is not always that a duty which falls to man to per form is pleasing or gratifying to the feelings or senses, but the duty I hare to perform this day is both pleasing and gratifying to my feelings, as it is in unison with my ardent desires for years past. It is now some 13 or 14 years asp that we oommenccd in Gawler to form the nucleus of an Institute, and I see many around me now who worked with me and others. It must be most pleasing to them, as it is especially to me, to see the result of those efforts continued through years—with the great success of this day—with tbisnoble build ing, and the bazaar as provided by the ladies; and indeed, as is always the case, the ladies have worked nobly and continuously. (Cheers). But for the ladies we should not have this building, but for their efforts and united work we should not have this excellent display of good and useful articles—articles many of them of great value and utility, including works of ait. We have been indebted to the ladies all through. When the bazaar was wanted they came forward—as for instance at the great fancy fair on the Park T.«n^?_ when Sir oominick Daly was present with thousands of others. Then the great success was the result of the ladies' exertions. Again when entertain ments or amusements were wanted they have always been in readiness to aaaiat. (Oheers.) I thinkthe inhabitants of Gawler, and indeed the whole neighborhood, should come forward and support this undertaking, for, during the past tiro or three yean of great dapnuion, the

Committee of this Institute have persevered in their efforts, and daring the put year they tried veiy hard to carry on the works of the Institute building, thus affording employment for a great many families in Gawler when it was so much needed—(oheers) —therefore the merchants, the storekeepers, the tradespeople, as well as laborers, bave benefited greatly by those works, and all should come forward nobly to assist in this great and useful undertaking. (Cheers.) The ladies have done—l was going to say—manfully—(oheers) —therefore, now in this good season all should come and lend us a helping hand. I will not further tike up your time, but say that I declare the bazaar now open and may it be a great success. The will be a post-office, and other amusements ; aUo, an animal from the wilds of Africa, that will grunt out unusual noises; there will he amusements every evening of dissolving views, &c., &o. Tha President then called upon the ohoir, under the able management of Mr. Per ryman, to sing the " Song of Australia." Miss Luoy Nott presided at the piano. The Na tional Anthem followed. Mr. John Mitchell called for three cheers for the ladies, who got up the baziar, which were manfully given. There was a good number of persona present. The following ladies are presiding at the stalls:— No. 1. Misses Nott, Mrs. Bright, sen., and Mrs. Woodman. No. 2. Mesdames Rudall, Warren, Wincey, and Clement. No. 3. Mesdames James, Thomas, and A. Fotheringham, with Mesdames Mitchell and Gordon. No. 4. Mrs. Turner, Misses Duffield and Mrs. Deland. Two general stalls — Mrs. Coombs, Miss Wach-smith, and Mrs. Wehrsted. Mrs. and Miss Pett presided at the refresh-ment stalls, and Mr. James and Sons over the liquids. Second Dat—Mabch 17. Although more than £170 worth of goods had been aold on the first day of the bazaar, the well-furnished stalls showed bnt small in dication of the fact, and when the doors were opened on the seoond day the same scene of varied beauty met the eye of the visitor. The collection included many articles of consider able intrinsio value and of thorough^ utility ; nor do wa remember ever having visited an affair of the kind at which so many marks of unquestionably superior taste were evidenced. The ladies of Gawler must, indeed, nave been most indefatigable in their efforts to seoure such a decidedly pleasing result, and the Com mittee may be warmly congratulated upon having such efficient co-workers. On the second day several f.iends from Adelaide put in an appearance, and were hearty in their expressions of gratification at what they beheld. We believe tha^ all the money taken will go to the Institute funds, the articles exhibited being all freely contributed to the bazaar, and none being sold on commission—a p actice sometimes ex tensively lesorted to, and b means of which a delusive idea is engendered as to the actual amount of benefit an institution may derive from a fancy sale. Where, however, all goods exhibited are the property of the institution on behalf of which the exhibition is held, the publio are much more inclined to buy, as they are then aware that whatever the Talus of their purchases, the amount goes to the funds of the cause. The Gawler bazaar never Licks atten dance, bnt it is when lighted up at night, with the charm? of nmbio added to the other attrac tions of the place, that the attendance is at its highest—in fact, the place then presents a scene of great beauty and animation, and would well warrant a proper charge for admission, although the Committee hive decided to make entrance wholly free- We fear, however, they will lose considerably by this,_ as mw buyers cannot be prevented from enteriog. Ha I a shilling admission been charged for the first two days, the value to be allowed in all pur chases, we believe it would have given general satisfaction; and the show might have been thrown entirely open on the third day. We defer, however, to the better local knowledge of the Committee, who doubtless had good reasons for the course they pursued. At all events, no one can withhold from them the oredit of having organised and carried to a successful completion one of the most pleasing and interesting demonstrations ever held in Gawler. This new Institute is really a surprising establishment, and is a proof of what can be done when energy and perseverance are com bined with intelligence. It is not the magni ficent central hall alone—perhaps the very finest out of Adelaide—that excites admi ration, but the whole block of build ing and suites of apartments, cover ing, inolnding the basement, three large floors. The whole edifice is well worth going from Adelaide to see; it Tia« an almost endli-ss nnmberof rooms, class-rooms, laboratory, library, officers' apartments, smoking and cloak rooms, and rooms and offices for every imaginable public purpose. It is not yet out of the hands of the builders, but it is sufficiently near com pletion to enable one to form a correct idea of its vast extent and ample accommodation. Of course the library and museum are still in the old Institute building, and it will be some little time yet before the interior fittings of the present stately pile will be completed. The people of Gawler may boast that they have erected a building that will last for generations to oome, and be sufficient for the wants of the township, whatever its progress. We have not heard whether it is intended to have the build ing opened in any formal manner, neither are ■noh formalities of much consequence. The spirit and intelligence that have sufficed to procure the ereotion of this noble structure cannot fail to apply it profitably, when ready for permanent occupation. "PEASANT POETS." The Bey. J. Davidson delivered a lecture on " Peasant Poets," in White's Boom, on Thurs day evening, March 23, in connection with the Toutig Men's Societies' Union. There was a fair attendance, and the Bon. Win. Milne (Chief Secretary) presided. The Chaibhan, in opening the proceedings, referred in terms of praise to the objects of Young Men'sMutuallmprovement associations, and, as one interested in the welfare of South Australia, said he was glad to know that many of their young men were interested in these Societies. He mentioned that the publio had been admitted free of charge to the lectures previously given under the auspices of the Union, but the expenses had made such con siderable inroads upon the funds, that it had been de tided to charge 6i admission, which whs a turn so small that he hardly thought any would stay away in consequence of it. Be then introduced The Bey. Mr. DAVIDSON, who delivered an excellent lecture. It was his object, he stated, to demonstrate that lofty intellect, broad sym p -thy, and pure expression were not limited to thosa who enjoyed all the advantages of a liberal education; that those to whom God had given, tha soul of the seer were not restrained by mere circumstances or accident, but some how found a. way to let the world know of what stuff they were made. He was doubtful about ** mute in^loriou? Miltons'* and "village Hampdens." There might be some; bat, far the most part, those who had the true faculty found or made the occasion for its expression. As he TLnderstood it, a poet was one who, whether he be a peasant or no, had the faculty of apprehending truth, and giving clear expression to it from his own pijnt of view. By truth, in this connection, he understood whatever was capable of faithful re-presentation, in respect of existence, and relations of likeness or difference. Such poets were sometimes, men of the highest cultiva tion ; but sometimes they appeared in the guise of thcree who had been necessarily independent of all external culture, and who had been born poets and educated by nature and grace, and who had found the impute to be irrepressible, and who literally could not help making the world richer by their lives. It was with these men he hai to do—not those who had cultivated the and made it so perfect that you could scarcely discern its artfulness ; but those who, blessed with the eye of the sear aud the tongue of fire, had been somehow compelled to tell the world how things appeared to them, and what they thought of truth, and beauty, and love. They were the unsophisticated teachers of the generations. They called no man master, and while they were content to borrow suggestions about rhyme or rhythm, they were careful always to describe everything as it really appeared to them.| The cultivated poets also gave expression to what was within them, but not with the same ingenuousness. They gathered and compared the irapre?sions of many minds, and with an accumulated experience they gave expression by their art to their educated sentiment. The peasant poets of their own land had won laurels in many fields. Lore, war, the ohase, fairy land, fatherland, the field, and the fireside had all contributed to the inspiration of their I poets. Some they knew, but some were name less. All over England and Scotland there floated a ballad literature unwritten until a comparatively short period ago—it was aIBO comparatively uaknown ; and yet this ballad literature, in all probability composed by peasants, oontained some of the most terse, robust, and vigorous verses they possessed. Amongst those properly belonging to the peasantry who had written and published their own works, perhaps the most notice able were Bloomfield, Tannahill, Burns, Motberwell, Allan Cunningham, William Laidlaw, Alex. Wilson, John Clare, and Jas. Hogg. Ths rev. gentleman succinctly sketched the lives of most of these, omitting Burns, by the way, for which he apologised by stating that he should be treated alone, although he admitted that speaking of peasant poets without reference to him was like playing " Hamlet" without the ghost. Ha ably indi cated the peculiar excellencies and character istics of the writings of the poets made the sub ject of remark. The lecture was illustrated by numerous admirable selections, which, with the Rev. Mr. Davidson's own observations, were listened to with dose attention. Mr. J. Siobbie proposed a vote of thanks to the rev. gentleman. He expiessed regret that the attendance was not larger, and suggested that in future every effort should be used to secure the presence of a greater number at the lectures,

The Bey. J. JEFFEBis seconded the proposi tion, which was carried by acclamation. A similar compliment to the Chairman brought the proceedings to a termination. PEACE REJOICINGS. Tanunda, March 15. The glorious news the English mail brought us has, as might be expected, caused great ex citement in our township. As the Kxtraor dinaries of the German paper here had been issued by 9 o'clock in the morning, there was ample time to make some "preparations for a de monstiation in the evening, and well was the time made use of. In the evening the town ship was brilliantly illuminated ; there was not a window in the main Btreet but what was lighted, and numerous transparencies were to be seen withauitable inscriptions such as " Long live the German Emperor," " Hurrah for Ger many," " Three cheers forour heroes," " Peace," &c, &o. Oneof our neigh Dors had the following humorous transparency :—Query—"Where is Napoleon?" Answer—" In the mire." In the centre of the township a rope was drawn across the street, to which numerous Chinese lanterns and a large transparency were attached, which had a splendid effect. Magnesium and Bengal lights were also lighted—in one word the illu mination proved a grand success. Shooting and firing of anvils (for want of cannons) commenced early, and was kept up till a late hour. At about 9 o'clock a large procession, headed by a b^nd, started from the Victoria Hotel, and marched through the streets, the number being augmented at nearly every hoube, and alto gether there must have been about 1,000 pc pie about. When the procession had returned to the starting point the assemblage was addressed by Mr. F. Basedow, who, in an able speech, pro posed three cheers for the Emperor of Ger many. Mr. S. yon Bertouch followed, pro posing cheers for United Germany, our Fatherland; and Mr. A. Witt for the heroic German armies. Mr. Theo. Soherk then pro posed a vote of thanks to Mr. F. Basedow, the proprietor of the Awstralische Zeitwig for his kindness in gratuitously spreading the news each mail Lad brought since the war commenced by means of Extraprdinarie?, which was carried with great cheering, and suitably acknowledged by Mr. Basedow. After a vote of thanks to the band for their efficient services, the crowd gradually dispersed. OFFICIAL KEPOKT ON THE ULOLOO DIGGINGS. The Commissioner of Crown Lands has re ceived the following report from the Warden of Gold-fields (Mr. W. J. Peterawald) :— "Adelaide, March 27,187 L "The Hon. the Commissioner of Crown Lands. "Sir—l have the honor to report that I re turned to Adelaide on Saturday, 25th instant, from a visit of inspection to the Uloloo Creek. ":?ince the date of my first report I have made a thorough examination of a great pare of the adjacent country, which is composed of un dulating bills, with large oreeks or watercourses interspersed. " The Mount Bryan range is the most precipi tous in the immediate neighborhood, and there is a large rocky range to the north-east. Quartz, sandstone, and slate are plentifully scattered about, and the reefs are composed of a dull laminated whitish quartz, well denned in slate walls. " The gold-bearing country appears to me to trend in a north-easterly direction, and will pro-Lably contain a large area of Crown lands. The creek in which the gold has been fouad rises in the plains a few miles north-west of the termination of the Mount Bryan range, near Uloloo Hill, and after pasaiog through a small range of hills in an easterly direction for 14 miles, loses itself in the plains near Mr. Dare's, at Meridie. ** Eighteen months ago gold of a thin flaky description was obtained about two miles from its source, near Mr. Brayley's station- I believe that several ounces were got altogether. The present discovery is about a quarter of a mile from Mr. Ohewing's station, tnree miles lower down. '• I have already stated that Mr. Brayley and myse f had seen Mr. Westcott wash out about 4 dwt?. Since then he and his party have got nearly one and a half ounces. " Owing to the want of a cradle and proper appliances, considerably longer time was taken to obtain this than would have been the case had all conveniences been on the spot. Three men could have got it easily in about ten hours. " The gold itself is one of the best samples I have seen in South Australia, rough, nuggetty, and very heavy, totally different from that found at the head of the creek. A layer of shingle about three feet deep rjns along the course of the creek, which in some places is about forty feet wide, with high bank?. Under this shingle is a stratum of clay, resting on a bed rock of pipeolay slate. " Westcotc has found the gold in a part of this slate bottom, which has been thrown up, and forms a bar across the creek, with the slate standing on end. Some has been pioked out dry from the crevices, the rest washed out of the earth adhering ti the slate. I was in formed by a gentleman at the Burra that after I had left on Friday rough gold had been got out some distance from this below the shingle on the slate bottom. "The only parties at work when I left were a few persons from the Burra, without appli ances, or any knowledge of digging, and of course, with very poor chances of success. A few experienced diggers who had been up there and seen the prospects had gone home for tools, &c. " Surface gold ef a different description to that of the creek was got by my party about three miles from this, at Scrubber's Camp. *" There are plenty of large waterholes along the creek, and where the bed is dry water can be got at a depth of four or.flve feet—indeed, it comes in so strongly that a Calif ornian pomp would be necessary to work the ground. "As there is a large tract of very auriferous looking country totally untried to the north east, I have thought it advisable to leave the two men who went up with me to prospect for a few weeks. " With regard to the report circulated about Mr. Dare finding gold, the accounts are so con tradictory that I can form no decided opinion— the gold that has been found giving, however, same oolor to the story. I find that one or two of the squatters ia the neighborhood have been aware of the existence of good gold ia the creek for some time back. "I may state that just before I left two men came in who showed me some rough gold which the) had obtained three miles farther up the creek. "I have left a book of miners' rights with Mr. Coglin, Crown Lands Banger at the Buna, who has kindly consented to issue them to applicants for the present. "I have, fco., " W. J. Petebswald, Warden." SALES OF LAND. One of the moit satisfactory indications of re turning prosperity is the large amount of money which ia being expended in the purchase of land. A return is published in the Gazette of the quan tity of laud alienated during the month of Feb ruary. The quantities thus soli—eithvr for cash or on credit—are indicated by the following figures : —Sold at auction—For cash, £12.539 (inclusive of improvements); on credit, £745 17s. 6a. Sold privately—For cash, £7>58 15s. (inclusive of improvements); on credit—out of areas, £8,506 (interest deposits, £850 125.) ; in agricultural areas, £34,820 17s. (interest de posits, £3,413175. 6d). These figures of course refer only to the land alienated from the Crown. The transactions between purchasers and land agents during the same time would no doubj largely enhance the total area of land which has changed hands. THE CITY RE-LIGHTED. The city is now delivered from the reign of darkness—the Corporation lamps having been relighted, sfter a lapse of many months, on Thursday night, March 9. TArn is the practical result of the poll recently taken upon an extra gas rate of 2d., and the citizens may be con gratulated upon it. It has not been creditable to Adelaide that it has for so long a time been enveloped in darknesss after nightfall. There may be a proportion of the ratepayers who are pleased to term the expenditure incurred in Uluminati&K the street? a waste of money; but even they, we imagine, will not deny the streets presented an improved appearance on Thursday night, contrasted with the dark and di?inal aspeot they have assumed these months past. On Friday evening the employe's en gaged at the establishment of Mr. H. L. Vobz had a friendly meeting at the Hotel Europe to spend an evening with his son, Mr. ffm. Voaz, who has so long been known, as connected with it, prior to his early departure for Europe. The hea ty sympathy and best wishes for bis wel | fare and success were spontaneously rendered by all present (numbering about 40). A most pleasant evening passed off, and was enlivened by songs and recitations. The Collingrove, Elder Liner, cleared at the Customs on Thursday, and has a very large number of colonists as passengers for the old country. On that afternoon the passen. gers proceeded en board the vessel at the wharf, and they, together with their friends who ac companied them, were hospitably entertained on board by Captain Angel. An excellent band had been engaged, and discoursed sweet musio on board throughout the afternoon. The third session of the Norwood Young Men's Society was commenced on Friday evening, March 3, when the annual business meeting was held in Mr. T. Caterer's school room. There was a large attendance, and the President, Mr. W. L. Glyde, M.P., presided. The Secretary read the report, which stated that there were 54 members on the roll, and 31 j meetings had been held. The Treasurer's statement was also read, showing a balance in hand of £1 11b. lid. after paying £9 donation to the Franoo-Prussian War Kelief Fund, and £5, donation for speoial prizes, for competition by pupils in Mr. Caterer's school. On the motion of Mr. Dagenhardt, seconded by Mr. Spong, a unanimous vote of thanks was passed to the retiring officers, for whom Mr. W. H. Phillipps responded. The following gentlemen

were elected for the ensuing year:—Prresident Mr. W. L. Glyde, M.P. (re-elected); Vice President, Mr. T. Caterer; Treasurer, Mr. F. H. Wigg; and Secretary, Mr. W. H. Phillipps (re-elected); Committeemen, Messrs. W. P. Auld and J. W. Bussell. Auditor, Mr. G. Dagenhardt. Delegates to Young Men's Society's Union, Messrs. J. W. Bussell and J. L. Coombs. We regret to learn of the death of Mrs. Parkin, the wife of the Hon. W. Parkin, M.L.C Mrs. Parkin was an old colonist, and one who with her husband bore the hardships and priva-tions of early colonial life. For a considerable time past, however, she has been a great suf-ferer, and has consequently lived in retirement. She died on Thursday. Mr. Parkin will, we are sure, have sympathy in his bereavement from a large circle of friends. The funeral of the late Mr. F. W. Thomas, whose remains have been brought to this colony from Tasmania, where he died on the 15th of February, took place on Wednesday afternoon, March 8. It was very largely at-tended, there being, in addition to four mourning coaches, between 30 and 40 other vehicles. Amongst those present were many of our lead-ing citizens, who attended to testify the respect entertained by them for the deceased gentle-man. The Revs. J. G. Millard and G. W. Patchell officiated at the grave, the interment taking place in the West-terrace Cemetery. The Smelting Works at Wallaroo, says the Wallaroo Times, are in active operation a.: the present time. There are now, we believe, 27 furnaces at work, including the three re fineries, and, besides these, there are the 21 calciners, some of which hwe recently been built. It will give some notion of the importance of these works, not only to the district, bat to the colony, when the fact is considered that about 100 smelters are employed at the furnaces and about 20 other men at the calciners. This is, of course, exclusive of laborers, of whom there are several, and a number of woodcutters, charcoal burners, carters, and others, who re ceive indirect employment. Till this week bnt two refineries were at work, but now there are three; and these will turn nut 130 tons of fine copper per week—very nearly £10.0J0 worth. Last month, during four weeks only, from the two refineries, the very large amount of 379 tons of copper was produced, and so hunied was the operation at the close, thai the copper which was molten in the furnaces in the morn ing was delivered on board the steamer in the afternoon, and was at sea in the evening. We believe that these 379 tons represent a larger quantity than has ever been produced from two of the refinery furnaces before in the same time. On Wednesday evening, March 8, at the Town Hall H'xchange Boom, the employes of Mr. D. Gall's print ng office entertained that gentleman at a social meating on ihe eve of his departure for England by the Collingrove. There were between 50 and 60 persons present, including a number of ladies. The entert iin ment comprised vocal and instrumental music, readings, and recitations. Supper was also pro vided, Mr. Smith catering in his best style. The toast of the guest's health was heartily honored, and allusion was feelingly made to the necessity for his trip to the old country, the cause'being impaired health. Mr. Gall warmly thanked the assemblage for their kind expres sions, and ihe health of Mrs. Gall and family, as well as other toasts, were given. Shortly after, a happy meeting closed. Another old colonist has passed away from us in the person of Mr. John Dickins, a gentleman for many years connected with the press of South Aus-tralia, who died on Saturday, March 4, in his 79th year. The deceased was a son of the late Mr. J. Dickins, shipowner and mer-chant, of Plymouth, and on the death of his father took his position in the business, and was for many years a partner in the firm of Warwick & Dickins. Owing to a reverse of fortune he left England in the year 1838, in the Pestonjee Bomanjee, for Adelaide, with his family, excepting one child whom he left in the old country. Bringing recommendations from Mr. G. F. Angas, and other gentlemen of high standing, he secured a situation in connection with the South Australian Company, which he held for many years, till he became connected with the press; and after taking an active part in the editorial management of various news-papers he was engaged upon the staff of the Observer and Register by the late Mr. John Stephens, and retained his position with those papers till within a year of his death. He was much esteemed by those who were acquainted with him. He leaves behind him a wife, three sons, three daughters, and numerous grand children, to mourn their loss. The remains of the late gentleman were interred in the West-terrace Cemetery. In addition to relatives of the de-ceased, there were present at the grave several gentlemen, principally those connected with the Register office, whose attendance showed the respect and esteem in which the deceased was held. The Rev. S. Mead officiated at the grave. The first meeting of the 12th session of the North Adelaide Young Men's Society took place on Tuesday evening. Mr. J. F. j Conigruve, Vice-President, presiding. There J was a good attendance, 'l'he Secretary's report showed that " thirty-three meetings were held during the last session, and six were omitted. The members had discussed various subjects of local and European interest. The number of j members ou the roll at the beginning of the session was 83, which number was reduced by five during the session. The average attendance as entered in the book was 38." The Treasurer's report showed a. balance in hand to begin the session with of £8 ISi. 3d. The reports were unanimously adopted, and remarks made as to the prosperity of the Society. The election of officers was then proceeded with, with the following result:—Prosideat—Rev. J. Jefferis, LL.B. (ex officioj; Vice-Presidents— Messrs. J. F. Conigrave and \V. Shoobridge; Secretary—Mr. E. P. Nesbit, jun.; Treasurer —Mr. B. P. Pilgrim; Librarians—Messrs. G. Stace and B. Hutchinson ; Auditors—Messrs. T. W. Harris and C. & Leader; Delegates to the Societies' Union—Messrs. F. Searle and A. Pomeroy. Thanks to the past officers having been accorded, business in connection with the coming session was then transacted, after which the Society adjourned for a month, as the building operations in connection with the com pletion of the North Adelaide Congregational Church interfere with the convenient assembling of the Society. A bazaar in aid of the Clare Public School Funds was held on Wednesday, March 8, in Peterson's old premises, opposite the Clare Hall. The attendance, which was very large, was no doubt considerably augmented by the ibflux of visitors to the Agricultural Show held the same day. A large variety of useful and ornamental articles were offered for sale, and many were satisfactorily disposed of. Music was discoursed at intervals, and there was a liberal and tempting display of refreshments. Amongst the visitors who attended were Sir G.S. Kingston, the Hon. W. W.Tuxford, Messrs. J. G. .Ramsay, M.P., H. C. Gleeson, M.P., W. Townsend, M.P., and O. Peacock, J.P. The affair was, we understand, very successful Some time back Mr. Lindsay's boiler ■hop at the Fort was the subject of a descriptive paragraph, but daring the past few months some most important additions have been made, and it is pleasing to notice at present there are two boileisinoourse of construction ultimately in tended for the screw steamer Aiamkga. The selection of the Port manufacturer was the re sult of an invitation for tenders which was issued to the engineers of Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide ; and during the late elections in Victoria the fact of the successful competitor being a 'South Australian resident has been dwelt on with mush force by several candidates. The work has been about three months in pro cess, and already some good progress is made, especially with the walls Jand lower portions There are fourteen hands constantly employed, and it is expected they will complete the task in about three months. It has not yet transpired whether or not the steamer will undergo the necessary refit at Fort Adelaide, but if 33 she will be the means of circulating a tolerably large sum of money. Captain MoLean has had a very lengthy experience iv iraoh matters, and ha affirms the workmanship to be quite equal to any he has had an opportunity of inspecting; and to those interested in the progress of our manufactories, a visit to the yard will prove how much may be done by such perseverance and energy as Mr. Lindsay has exhibited. The Athektone Institute was opened on Thursday evening, March 9. There was a large and fashionable attendance. Mr. A. Hay, M.F., presided, and in opening the meeting expressed the pleasure he felt at see ing such a lirge attendance, saying he thought it spoke well for the energy displayed by the Athelstone people in the disposing of tiokets. Then there had been doubts expressed as to the advisability of puttingup the building; but it was thought to be requisite, for they wanted a room in which the people could meet together, and have a conversation or some music : without having to go to a public-house. The Athelstone people had built that edifice, and they deserved every oredit for what they had done. They had received a subsidy from the Government proportionate to an amount they had themselves raised. He had intended to say a few words as to the benefits of Institutes, and the advantages they afforded to young men; but he would not detain them. He referred to his first visit to that place, and commented on the increase of population since then, saying their public spirit had also increased. He hoped there would ba nothing done to interfere with the use of the building, and he hoped it would cc used to its fullest extent. There was a small debt on it, bnt doubtless when the time came the same energy that had raised the building would be exerted to wipe off that debt. (Applause.) The programme was then proceeded with. It comprised solos, duets, quartettes, and

recitations, and was carried out principally by amateurs. One or two gentlemen who as sisted in the entertainment might be called professionals—for instance, Mr. F. Ellard, who Bang and played in first-rate style. There were one or two others, including Mr. B. Mtgrath who, though hardly to be called a professional, yet has succeeded admirably as a comic singer He sang several comic songs on Thursday even! ing, and was vociferously encored. Altogether the entertainment was a decided success, and the proceeds will doubtless go a great, way to wards the liquidation of the debt. At the close, on the motion of Mr. H. E. Downer, S.M., votes of thanks were accorded the ladies and gentlemen vrho assisted in the entertainment, and the Chairman, and these having been acknowledged, the proceedings terminated. A meeting of the members of the Bushmen's Club was held at the Home, Whit more-square, on Friday evening, March 3, to take into consideration the necessity of raising a Building or Extension Fund; also the best means to adopt for the attainment of the object. There were 25 bushmen present, and Mr. Edward Oholton,on6 of the members, presided. He said he thought they as well as himself understood the object of the meeting, which was to raise a sufficient sum for the purchase of the property for a Bushmen's Home. Every true-hearted, bushmtm, he was sure, would desire to see this object attained, but it was for the meeting to say whe ther the funds should bs raised by the iasue of shares confined to the members of the Club, or wheher they should be raised by general subscription. The Home wanted extension, but he did not know how that de sired object was to be attained if more bush men did not come forward and join the Club, which was a most deserving institution, and worthy of all suppoit. They had received a good deal of assistance from outside, but he would appeal to the bushmen for their co operation. The Honorary Superintendent " William" read the minute of the Managing Committee as follows :—" The Honorary Super intendent has bean applied to by bushmen who are willing to contribute to or raise a fund for tliA purchase or erection of a suitable build ine. He is hereby authorised to raise funds in the way he considers best, and thus provide for the further prosperity of the Club." Mr. James Campbell moved—''That steps be taken to secure this property (or a portion of it) for the purposes of the Club." Mr. John Campbell seconded. Carried. " William" then read a letter from Mr. James Hosking, who holds the lease of the property, stating that the trustees of Sir Chailes Cooper hid that day informed him that no extension of time would be given us regarded the Whituiore-squaro property. He wished the property sold ;"and unless the right of purchase under which it was held be exercised within the term named in the lease (Ist July), the Trustees mast have possession that they might sell it themselves. Mr. J. U'OonneU moved —" That a regular ciavass for subscriptions be made throughout the bush, and that if sufficient money be not raised in this way, tbe subscriptions be returned, if de?ired, and funds raised in another way." Mr. K. East seconded the motion, which was carried after a little discussion. Mr. Potter moved, and Mr. Burton seconded—"That a Sub-Committee of three, including the Hon. Superintendent, be appointed to draw up a circular to the bush men of Australia, appealing to them all on behalf of this institution, and to take such other steps as may be needful for the fur therance of the work; also that this meeting respectfully suggest to the Board of Manage ment that a circular emanating from them might advantageously be sent to the sheep f irmers, stockowaers, managers and overseers of runs, soliciting their co-operation, and asking them to use their influence and kindly undertake the transmission of any sums of money that might be collected among the men to the Superintendent in Adelaide." A Sub-Com mittee, consisting of the Hon. Superintendent and Messrs. Stewart and Watson, was ap pointed. Mr. A. B. Stewart proposed, and Mr. Olaik seconded, "That '"William' be respect fully requested to undertake the management of this matter on the bushmen's behalf, and see to the oarrying out of the wishes of this meeting in detail." Carried. Mr. Jas. Campbell moved that all amounts of £1 and upwards be advertised in the Chronicle and Observer as a receipt for the money. Mr. John Campbell seconded, and the notion was carried. Mr. East moved a vote of thanks to the Fres?, and in doing to said bushmen owed a great debt of gratitude to the Press of the colony for its ibfluence. Mr. Pe^er Campbell seconded the motion in laudatory terms, and it was carrie I. A vote of thanks, on th-5 motion of Mr. A. R. Stewart, seconded by Mr. J. O'Connell, passed to the Chairman, closed the proceedings. A subscription-list was at once opened for the attainment of tbe desired object, and several names attached. X.— APPENDIX. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVED. Wednesday March 1. WEST AUSTRALIAN, 599 tons, Saml. J. Andrew, from London November 19, via the Downs November 29. Harrold Bros., agents, Town and Port. Passenger — Mr. Cornock in the cabin. Friday, March 10. CŒUR DE LEON, 847 tons, J. D. Le Con-teur, from London December 5, Downs 7th, Start Point 8th. Jos. Stilling and Co., agents. Passengers — Messrs. R. Byrne and M. McCarthy, in the cabin; Messrs. Charles Collins, E. Page, and A. Richter, in the second cabin. Saturday, March 11. ANNIE LAITY BANFIELD, 743 tons, Geo. Sherris, from London December 3, Downs 5th. Elder, Smith, and Co., agents. BANDA, 481 tons, R. S. Evans, from Liver-pool December 2. Philip Levi and Co., agents. Tuesday, March 14. MARY BLAIR, 328 tons, Jno. Carson, from London December 20. C. L. Meyer, Town; J. Newman and Son, Port, agents. CLEARED. Wednesday, March 1. CHARLOTTE YOUNG, 295 tons, William Louttit, for Liverpool. Thursday, March 2. JESSICA, 545 tons, John Congden, for Fal-mouth. Friday, March 3. ODENSE, 249 tons, A. Bagsen, for London, No passengers. Thursday, March 9. COLLINGROVE, 861 tons, R. Angel, for London, via Cape of Good Hope and St. Helena. Passengers — Captain and Mrs. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore, Mr. and Mrs. Cotton, Mrs. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Dixon and servant, Mr. Gall, Mr. and Mrs. Turner and infant, Mrs. Routledge and child, Miss Lawson, Rev. Mr. Yorke, Mr. Winterbotham, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Christen and child, Dr. and Mrs. Helm and child, Mr. Hawkins, Miss Watson, cabin; Mrs. Stephens and three children, Miss Burchell, Mrs. Blay, Miss Thompson, Miss Zetner, Mr. and Mrs. Bunde, Miss Clare, Messrs. Smith, Hartman, Clarke, English, Robinson, second cabin. Friday, March 10. RUBY, 552 tons, Green, for London. Thursday, March 16. ARAB STEED, 635 tons, H. W. Walker, for London. Passenger — Mr. J. Robinson. Tuesday, March 21. WHITE EAGLE, 879 tons, Wm. Andrew, for London. Passengers — Captain Charles and Mrs. Hackett, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Rowley, Masters Fred. and P. Spencer, T. Rowley, Rev. C. J. and Mrs. Evans, Master F. F. Evans, Miss A. L. Evans, Mr. J. Wilcox, Mr. H. W. Hughes, Mrs. Stephens, in the cabin; John, Colin, Catherine, Duncan, Angus, and Flora McDonald, Mrs. Bertha Essberger, William, Julius, and Bertha Essberger, Charles Kerr, S. Mudge, Mary Mahaday, Wilhelm Beese, Richard Pen-berthy, Jas. Wright, Mrs. Mary Jefferys, Mrs. Sarah and Miss Young, in the second cabin. Thursday, March 23. RUTLAND, 1,004 tons, A. A. Gardner, for London. Passenger — Mrs Gardner. EXPORTS. CHARLOTTE YOUNG, for Liverpool — 3,739 bags wheat. Elder, Smith, and Co.; 328 casks copper, Wallaroo Smelting Works. JESSICA, for Falmouth — 6,576 bags wheat, Solomon Cousins. ODENSE, for London — 519 bags flour, 1,950 qrs. wheat, D. and J. Fowler; 661 do. do., Giles and Smith. COLLINGROVE, for London — 1,026 cakes copper, English and Australian Copper Com-pany; 1,649 do. do., Wallaroo Mines; 2 casks copper ore, Yudanamutana Mining Company; 23 hhds. 88 qr.-casks wine, 4 cases samples do., R. B. Lucas; 370 bags wheat, G. W. Cotton; 99 do. do., T. Johnson; 479 do. do., G. and R. Wills and Co., 87 casks tallow, Elder, Smith, and Co.; 13 tanks do., R. B. Smith; 825 cases meats, 10 tanks tallow, H. B. Hughes; 475 bags bark, Peacock and Sons; 1 case plated goods, G. D. Catcheside; 1 case, D. and W. Murray; 1 do., Bank of South Australia; 675 bags wheat, J. Rawlings; 498 do. do., J. Bosworth; 541 bales wool, J. Taylor; 7 do. do., T. Johnson; 119 bales wool, Trustees Levi and Co.; 9 do. do., P. Maurice; 8 do. do., G. and R. Wills and Co.; 79 do. do., R. O. Hankey; 10 do. do., J. Baker; 51 do. do., Reid Bros.; 794 do. do., Elder, Smith, and Co.; 2 do. do., E. Sterling; 300 bags flour, H. R. Angel; 435 cases preserved meats, Ade-laide Meat Preserving Company; 5 bales wool, J. and G. Wilcox; 56 do. do., C. B. Fisher; 7 do. do., G. W. Cotton; 1 do. do., J. Tapley; 1 case specimens, S. Seegar; 5 cases wine, 1 trunk, E. T. Smith; 141 casks tallow, P. Maurice; 40 tons bark, G. and R. Wills and Co.; 7 bales wool, Elder, Smith, and Co. RUBY, for London — 289 bags wheat, Giles and Smith; 962 do. do., Elder, Smith, and Co.; 461 do. do., E. Sparshott; 598 do. do., C. B. Young; 279 do. do., 30 do. flour, D. and J. Fowler; 2,537 do. wheat, 500 do. flour, 904 do. bark, D. and W. Murray; 500 do. flour, J. Hart and Co. ARAB STEED, for London — 25 tons copper, E. and A. Copper Co.; 668 cakes do., Pro-prietors Wallaroo Mine; 230 bales wool, T. Taylor; 1 do. do., Hickman and Bell; 1 do., Tassie, Ramsay, and Co.; 137 do. do., Cleland, Mitchell, and Co.; 11 do. do., T. Magarey; 14 do. do., J. Linklater; 10 do. do., J. Dunn and

Co.; 6 do. do., W. Morgan and Co.; 256 do. do., Acraman, Main, and Co.; 13 do. do., R. B. Smith; 13 do. do., Guthrie, Bullock, and Co.; 74 do. do., Elder, Smith, and Co.; 111 do. do., 22 do. leather, 30 bags bones, W. Peacock and Sons; 14 bales wool, 4 do. leather, J. Colton and Co.; 4 do. wool, 2,670 bags flour, 1,758 do. wheat, Harrold Bros.; 1,359 do. do., 225 cases preserved meats, Adelaide Meat Preserving Co.; 3 pkgs flour, 8 cases wine, E. and W. Hackett; 7 bales grass, Philip Levi and Co.; 12 cases wine, G. White; 14 do. do., R. H. Wigg; 1 case, Gall; 1 do., C. H. Lycester; 6 cases beeswax, R. B. Lucas. WHITE EAGLE, for London — 33 bales wool, Watts and Wells; 359 casks tallow, 178 kegs tongues, 2 brls. runners, 2 cases galls, E. M. Bagot; 1 cask tongues, Grant and Stokes; 66 bags silver ore, 6 cases gum, Captain Hackett; 2 cases gal-vanised iron, 457 bags bark, 103 tons chopped do., 3 cases, 814 bales, 3 pockets wool, Stilling and Co.; 1 box, W. A. Pratt; 414 bales wool, 1 tank manure, H. Scott; 4 bales wool, G. W. Cotton; 2 cases jams, Puplett; 245 bags wheat, A. Jaffrey; 56 bales wool, J. Taylor; 6 do. do., D. and J. Fowler; 23 tons flour, Harrold Bros.; 65 bales wool, H. F. Walker; 100 bags wheat, G. W. Cotton; 7 bales wool, T. Whinnerah; 1 do. do., W. Fowler; 20 do. do., A. Mullett; 24 do. do., 2 pkgs. skins, H. D. Dale; 26 casks tallow, J. Tidmarsh and Co.; 50 tons copper, Patent Copper Company; 90 casks tallow, Adelaide Meat-Preserving Company; 3 casks, 2 cases wax, G. Phillips and Co.; 2,196 bags wheat, J. Rawlings; 115 do. do., J. Bosworth; 40 bales wool, Acraman, Main, and Co.; 15 do. do., J. H. Angas; 1 case, J. S. Moorhouse; 5 bales wool, P. Levi and Co. RUTLAND, for London — 6,590 qrs. wheat, 20½ tons flour, J. Darwent; 143 ingots spelter, M. C. Davies; 44 casks tallow, L. Conrad. MISCELLANEOUS. The WEST AUSTRALIAN is a fine iron ship, which was built by Pile, at Hartlepool, ex-pressly for a voyage from Liverpool to South America, but subsequently she embraced the Swan River trade, in which she continued for some time. Judging from appearances she is a ship which will be early enquired after for a wheat freight, being 160 feet long, 28 feet 6 inches beam, and 17 feet deep. She is built in three water-tight compartments, and bears a very high class. The voyage out has been ex-peditiously performed, seeing several barnacles have clustered in the run to stop progress as far as possible. She left London on November 19, but having a very strong westerly wind was unable to proceed further than the Downs, where a matter of 10 days were spent laying windbound, but at the conclusion of that in-terval a light norther set in, which afterwards increased as the Start Point was passed, and in eight days made the latitude of Madeira. From there to the Line fine weather supervened, and it was crossed on December 27, in longitude 23° 50' west. The south-east trades were very light, and for 10 or 11 days little other was noted but light airs and calms. On January 27 passed the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope in 44° south, with fine fresh breeze blowing and favorable winds, which continued to 45° south 53' east, when light northerly winds set in and prevailed for over a week. On February 19 was on the meridian of the Leuwin, but north-east winds prevented her making a very good run in. The vessel looks in excellent order, and has evidently been very well attended to by her officers, to whom her clean and orderly ap-pearance is extremely creditable. The CŒUR DE LEON, from London, is the same vessel which three years back made her maiden trip to Adelaide, and thence took horses to India. Last year she visited Melbourne. But on the present occasion took in general cargo, and in command oE Captain Le Conteur sailed from the Start Point on December 8. At the early start very violent gales were ex perienced, varying from west to south, and such a conflicting heavy sea was running that some damage was sustained, especially by the main stay carrying away at a time when the decks were repeatedly filled with water. In this emergency it was necessary to throw overboard the cases of acids stowed on deck and on over hauling a lot of the bulwark planking was stove, as well as the life-boats on the davits. The cabin skylight was injured, and other minor fractures sustained. Such tempestuous weather was not of long duration, and on the 17th the vessel was bowling along at top speed, with all sail set, in company with a three-masted schooner, which was supposed to be the Mary Blair, also bound from London to Adelaide, but she refused to signal, therefere the identity was imperfectly established. On December 23 sighted Maderia, and the Cape de Verd Islands on the 29th. The north-east trades were fallen in with in 24* north, but the f avorables were very light, and only continued to 6? north. The south-east trades werr also very light; and on the equinoctial calm belt eight days were passed with heavy ruin, thunder and lightning, with out intermission. On January 4 the vessel had rather a narrow escape from a water spout, two of which formed close to her, and one passed within 20 yards of her quarter. Here also two homeward vessels were spoken, and one was tendered very timely assistance, by name the Petrel, a barque, bound from Congou River to Lisbon, 18 days out. In this period all the men were laid up by fever, and being short of fresh provisions and medicines, Captain Le Con teur behaved the " good Samaritan" and sup plied everything in his power. On January 11 crossed the line in 27? 56' west, being 34 days from the Start. On Januaryl9, in 22* south, the south-east trades failed, and the wind seemed in cline! to veer to the southward. On January 2L in a squall sprung the mizen-top-gaUant-mast, but subsequently light airs and variables with thick foggy weather set in, and continued for five days before crossing the meridian of Green wich in 43? south. Then strong north-wt st and north winds gave an opportunity of making some excellent runs, and on February 7 crossed the meridian of the Cape of Good Hope in 44? 30' south. On February 14 sighted the Crozets and Possession Island, and witnessed the gambols of several whales, which seemed very numerous there. Here the weather is described as ex tremely five, with favorable breezes and smooth sea—barometer varying from 30 to 30*40—and after passing the Crozets similar weather con tinued, but afterwards the wind veered to south-west, and on March 3 was in 38" south 126 east; Cape Borda bore N. 66? E.. dis tance 610 miles, but the prospect of a speedy termination to the voyage was marred by the wind veering to north-east, with a heavy rolling swell, and this delayed making Cape Willoughby light till the morning of the 10th, when the vessel entered the Gulf by way of Backstairs Passage, being but 31 days from the Cape, or 92 from Start Point. The ANNIE L. BANFIELD is a fine iron ship, belonging to the Scilly Islands, and well she bears out the proverbial character of the Cornish seamen for neatness and good order. There seems a place for everything and every thing in its place. She loaded here with grain during the last wheat rush, and a year back filled with wool at Port Victor, but the prospects of the present voyage are better than expected, seeing such a vessel is not likely to remain long without engagement. The report of the passage, as furnished by Captain Sherris, differs but slightly from that of the CceurdeLion, very fine weather predominating throughout. Gr&vesendwas left on December sth, and on the 7th landed the pilot at the Wight, and on the S>tb took departure from the Scilly Islands. Until the 17th very heavy weather continued, and on that date was only abreast of Cape Finisterre, when the weather became fair, and daring the remainder of the voyage has con tinued remarkably fine. On January 10th crossed the line in, 23? W., and when in 48? S., on February Bth, passed the meridian of the Cape. From thence the easting was run down between the parallel of 43? and 44?, and singular enough, this vessel reports the prevalence of foggy weather between Tristan d'Acunha and the Urozets, the same as the ship which arrived the previous day. At noon on the 10th passed Cape Borda, and at 2 a.m. reached the roads, where she anchored till the same evening, when her light draught permitted the passage of the bar at tide time. The BANDA, from Liverpool, reached the roads on Saturday, Maroh 11, and on Sunday morning was taken to the North Ann, where she would disoharge 10 tons of gun powder before mooring in the inner harbor. a c has before visited the Port, but has since then made several voyages in the China trade, the last being from Singapore to Liverpool. Captain Evans reports leaving the dock on No. vetnber 30th; on December 2nd, took final de parture, and on the 7th had very heavy weather. On January 9th crossed the line, in 2G* 30' ! west, and between the tropics had a'most ten days' light variables and calms. The south east trades were also extremely light, and of short duration, but on February 2nd crossed the prime meridian in 41? south, The entire passage has proved most monotonous, the only incident of importance being the most singular disappearance of the tailmaker, during the night of December 14th. It appears (he was a man named George Moore, who had belonged to the ship for a term of over three yean, and was always accustomed to turn in at night, .being exempted from keeping watch. When in 36 north 15? west, during a heavy squally night, the poor fellow was seen going from the break of the poop to his sleeping cabin, but whether he turned in or not is not known, for at 3 o'clook in the morning he was mis?ed, but all search being of no avail, it was considered he had fallen overboard by some mischance. The MARY BLAIR, from London, is a three-masted sohooner orbarqnentine, which arrived on March 14, after a good passage from London. In appearance she is as handsome a craft as ever visited the Port, and when it is known she was built by Messrs. Duthie& Co., of Aberdeen, for rapid passages between the colony and China, it is not astonishing a very pretty vessel has re sulted. On going off to board her the propor tions of hull were observed so faultless that she was supposed of far less tonnage, but on nearing her she proved of 323 tons, 142 feet overall, 27 feet beam, and 14 feet 6 inches depth of hold. A half poop extends from the taffrail to before the mizen mast, and there being no object above the rail-in the shape of heavy deck houses, the beautiful light appearance of 1 yacht is attained. On board it is evident every care has been taken to perfect the appointments, and in boats and deck gear very good workmanship is apparent, while the toprail being coated with metal, and kept bright, is preferable to a gilded«treak, and much more substantial. She is the property of Messrs. Fraser & Ewan, of Sydney, who may

well be proud of such a vessel. The voyage out has been unmarked by any incident of impor tance, having left London on December 20, with strong S.W. gales, whioh continued without in termission for four days, but the vessel showed herself equal to the emergency, and when the breeze shifted to the eastward made some good day's work towards the line, which was crossed on January 10 in 27* west, when 21 days omt The trade winds were very light, but on January 29 rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 41? south. From there to a position lat. 40? south 73? east the weather was very light, and subsequently, from February 23 to Harcn 2 north-east winds prevailed; indeed similar weather has continued till making the land. The ship is consigned to Messrs. Meyer, Town, Newman & Son, Port. The RUBY.— In consequence of the illness of Captain Norden, he has given the command of his vessel to Mr. Green, who has been here several voyages as chief officer of the Arab Steed. Captain Green having taken charge, the vessel was towed out, on March 9. The ARAB STEED, for London, has had re-markably quick dispatch, and on Sunday morning was towed to the anchorage a full ship. She ii composite, and so is the carge, seeing the lower hold is devoted to wool, pre served moat, oopper, and sundries; while the 'tween decks contain cereals, of which 692 long tons are thare stowed. The cabin passengers expected tj appreciate the accommodation of this fine vessel did not make appearance, con sequently Captain Walker has devoted the space to bales of wool, which axe calculated to bring the ship into splendid trim for the home ward voyage. The RUTLAND, American ship, has completed her home loading, the last barge load being re ceived on board on the 22nd. The utmost oars andattentionhave been bestowed on this vessel's stowage, and her cargo is a most extensive one, consisting of 12,661 bags wheat, 205 bags flour, 44 casks tallow, 143 ingots zinc The draught of water is 21 feet on even keel, and she is in first-rate sailing trim. The ANNE ROYDEN is making good progress with her wheat loading, in whioh process very valuable assistance is rendered by the paddle steamer Oulgoa, whioh has been ia constant attendance since the vessel anchored in the roads. It is worthy of note that during the past month large ships have continued day by day to load outside without being on any occa sion compelled to relinquish the operation through stress of weather. The WHITE EAGLE was taken in tow by the Eleanor on Friday afternoon, and, with the Young Australian in attendance as second tug, proceeded dowa the river, when the signals de noted 17.9, and by the time she reached tha, bar there was sufficient on it to allow her passage. Bather more than usual interest was attached to the departure of this ship, as she has been for several days water-bound in harbor, being laden to 18 feet 6 inches, or quite six inches more than is usually recommended. The result has quite borne out the idea that 18 feet is the maximum to which ships should load, although in some cases a westerly wind would probably set up a tide ; but on this there is but little reliance to be placed. The fine ship has several passengers ana a fall cargo, and although 16 years old, looks as well now as when she arrived here seme years bank. The Rev. C. J. Evans (Congregational Minister of Gawler) and family are passengers by her. A number of ministers accompanied the rev. gentleman to the Port to bid him good-bye. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. BAYNTON.— On the 21st March, at Mount Pleasant, the wife of George Baynton, Esq., of a son. BELLHOUSE.— On the 11th March, at Whitmore-terrace, North Adelaide, Mrs. Bell-house, of a daughter. BENHAM.— On the 12th March, at Talarno, Mrs. W. H. Benham, of a daughter. BIRD.— On the 14th March, at Gover-street east, Mrs. S. H. A. Bird, of a son. COBBIN.— On the 8th March, at Port Augusta, the wife of George Cobbin, chemist, of a daughter. COOK.— On the 2nd March, at Kapunda, the wife of Mr. G. Cock, of a daughter. Both doing well. DRINKWATER.— On the 26th March, at her father's residence, Young Queen Inn, Freeman-street, the wife of Mr. J. Drinkwater, of a son. FERGUSON.— On the 13th March, at Strath-albyn, the wife of Dr. Ferguson, J.P., of a daughter. FRANCIS.— On the 7th March, the wife of Mr. George Francis, Hutt-street, Adelaide, of a son. GARDINER.— On the 2nd March, at the Semaphore, the wife of C. L. Gardiner, of a daughter. HALES.— On the 22nd February, at College-road, Kent Town, the wife of Mr. F. G. Hales, of a son. HARRINGTON.— On the 27th of February, at O'Connell-street, North Adelaide, the wife of Mr. Joseph Harrington, of a daughter. HARSLETT.— On 12th March, at South-terrace, Mrs. Moreton Harslett, of Wood's Point, River Murray, of a son, still-born. HINCE.— On the 24th March, at Vauxhall House, Stepney, the wife of F. Hince, of a daughter. HUNTER.— On the 14th March, at Wake-field-street, the wife of Mr. William Hunter, of a son. KELSEY.— On the 11th March, at Franklin-street, Mrs. Benjamin Kelsey, of a son. LAWRENCE.— On the 11th March, at York, Mrs. James Lawrence, of a son. MILDRED.— On the 26th March, at Clair-ville, Mrs. H. H. Mildred, of a son. PROCTOR.— On the 26th March, at her resi-dence, Bierley Cottage, Gouger-street, the wife of Mr. F. Proctor, of a daughter. STEVENS.— On the 16th March, at Gilbert Town, the wife of Mr. Chas. Stevens, of a daughter. THOMSON.— On the 20th March, at Gawler, the wife of D. Thomson, saddler, of a son. TIPPETT.— On the 22nd March, the wife of Mr. John Tippett, of Mortonton, Millbrook, of a son. WARREN.— On the 15th March, at Spring-field, Mrs. John Warren, of a daughter. WENDT.— On the 1st of March, at North-terrace, Adelaide, the wife of J. M. Wendt, of a son. WIGLEY.— On the 7th March, at Glenelg, the wife of W. R. Wigley, Esq., of a daughter. WOOD.— On the 3rd March, at Seaton Cottage, Magill-road, Mrs. Gilbert Wood, of a son. MARRIED. BROWN — SCHOTELICH.— On the 27th February, at Port Adelaide, by the Rev. M. H. Hodge, Captain D. Brown, of vessel Annie Brown, of Ardrossan, Scotland, to Bertha, daughter of the late Mr. Schotelich, farmer, Echuca. BROWN — SCHOTTELIUS.— On the 27th February, at the Congregational Church, Port Adelaide, by the Rev. M. H. Hodge, by special licence, Captain David Brown, of the brigantine Annie Brown, of Ardrossan, Scotland, to Bertha, third daughter of the late Charles Schottelius, farmer, Echunga, South Australia. CANE — ANDERSON.— On the 2nd March, at the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev. H. J. Lambert, Charles Cane, to Janet, eldest daughter of Robert Anderson, Sydenham-road, Norwood. GRANT — MASTERS.— On the 7th March, at Festus Grange, by the Rev. J. Hannay, Jemima Williams, third daughter of the late Mr. Charles Masters, of Angaston, to Mr. Robert George Grant, of Tarlee. GRANT — PHILLIPS.— On the 28th Feb-ruary, at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. H. L. Tuck, Mr, J. Grant, Tarlee, to Miss Phillips, Stockport. HASLAM — LLOYD.— On the 28th of March, by the Rev. W. L. Binks, at the residence of the bride's father, the Rev. James Haslam, Wesleyan minister, to Martha, the only daughter of Mr. Joseph Lloyd, of Adelaide. JACOBS — MITCHELL.— On Wednesday, the 22nd instant, at the Synagogue, Melbourne, by the Rev. Mr. Ornstein, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Charles Jacobs, Esq., merchant, Adelaide, South Australia, to Matthew Mitchell, Esq., of Melbourne, eldest son of Michael Mitchell, Esq., Great Yarmouth, England. LAKE —THORNE.— On the 2nd March, at the residence of S. J. Way, Esq., Morchard Cottage, North Adelaide, by the Rev. James Way, assisted by the Rev. James Roberts, the Rev. Octavius Lake, of Watervale, to Serena, fourth daughter of Mr. Samuel Thorne, of Plymouth, England, and granddaughter of the late Rev. William O'Bryan, founder of the Bible Christian denomination. LANGBERG — BASTARD.— On the 6th March, at Kingston, by the Rev. Mr. Milne, Congregational Minister, Mr. Henry Langberg, son of Mr. Frederic Langberg, to Martha, third daughter of Mr. Thomas Bastard, of Adelaide. MATTHEWS — COOMBE.— On the 15th of March, at the Bible Christian Church, Young-street, Adelaide, by the Rev. J. Stoyel, Henry, second son of John Matthews, late of South-street, Exeter, to Amelia, second daugh-ter of S. Coombe, Esq., Brompton. English papers please copy. McCALLUM — PENGILLY.— On the 22nd March, at John Knox's Church, Morphett Vale, by the Rev. James Benny, Hugh, eldest son of Mr. Archibald McCallum, to Grace, youngest daughter of Mr. John Pengilly, both of Aldinga. McMILLAN — PARSLOW.— On the 15th March, at the Wesleyan Church, Pirie-street, by the Rev. Mr. James, William McMillan, to Mary Jane, youngest daughter of the late Abraham Parslow, of Marion. QUICK — BELL.— On the 7th March, at the residence of the bride's brother-in-law, Golden Grove, by the Rev. J. R. Ferguson, Charles, eldest surviving son of H. C. Quick, Shiraz Vineyard, Marden, to Amy Rhodes, youngest daughter of Joseph Bell, Sturt. STOUT — PEACOCK.— On the 2nd March, at Seaton Cottage, Magill-road, by the Rev. F. Griffiths, John Stout, to Deborah Peacock, both of Adelaide. VOGT — WATTS.— On the 8th of January, at St. Margaret's, Woodville, by the Rev. Wm. Scott, Incumbent of St John's, Salisbury, John Hermon Vogt, second son of the late J. H. Vogt, Esq., Frankfort, on the Maine, to Catherine Watts, daughter of Mrs. Weedon,

and grand-daughter of the late Thos. Blore, Esq., Middle-Temple, B.A., F.S.A., and niece of the late Sir Wm. Gell, Bart., Hopton Hall, Derbyshire. WATSON — GOLDSMITH.— On the 20th March, 1871, at Mitcham, by licence, by the Rev. Thos. Playford, Edward, second son of Benjamin Watson, Prince's-street Adelaide, to Sarah Jane, second daughter of the late A. Goldsmith, Clare. WILLS — KNAPMAN.— On the 24th Feb-ruary, at Adelaide, Samuel, son of John Nathaniel Wills, of Lefevre's Peninsula, to Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of William Knapman, brewer, Port Adelaide. DIED. ABRAHAMS.— On the 27th December, at No. 1, Houndsditch, Joseph Abrahams, in the 59th year of his age. L'homme propose, mais le Dieu dispose.— How puny, how worthless do we seem, with all our intellect, with all our boasted power and ability. For years man toils, and raises up step by step the edifice of his ambition; he concentrates all his energy, all his time and pains, and just when he sees the crowning stone being placed triumphantly on the temple of his hopes, a hand that no mortal, with whatever science and learning, can shake off, is laid upon him, and a voice, the unknown voice of death, bids him appear before God's tribunal, and await His judgment. Last week Joseph Abra-hams was to have taken his seat in the Great Synagogue, London, as the head of that congre-gation. The post of Warden was to have been given to him by his fellow-workers, as a token of their appreciation of his intelligence, energy, and goodness of heart. Ere Friday arrived, Joseph Abrahams was stricken by Divine Pro-vidence on a bed of sickness, and on Tuesday morning last, God, in His infinite wisdom, took him, after he had blessed his weeping sorrow-stricken children, to a happier land, where we are taught virtue reigns supreme, and vice is never known. Thus, one of a zealous band of workmen has gone above to meet the reward of his honesty, sobriety, and industry. Judaism has lost one to whom she has oft pointed her finger with pride, and has been deprived of one of her most devoted children. The public career, the many excellent traits of Joseph Abrahams, are too well known to the whole com-munity to need any further details from our pen. As the President of the Burial Society of the Great Synagogue, and of the Philanthropic Society, he was loved by all who came in con-tact with him, and he went to his grave, fol-lowed by the regret of the whole Jewish com-munity. His character, free from any stain, will be a passport to eternal bliss, for "The purest treasure mortal times afford, Is spotless reputation; that away, Men are but gilded loam or painted clay." Joseph Abrahams will long be remembered as one of the most energetic and persevering of the Jewish community, as one ever willing to help the poor, ever ready to work for the cause of civilization and Judaism. To his distressed children he has left a noble example — an example they all should follow; and it should be their resolve, as they sit mourning for him, now no more, to sustain his name untarnished, and as bright as he bequeathes it to them. May God's blessing dwell on his memory, and his soul rest in eternal peace.— Jewish Record. ANDREWS.— On the 22nd March, at Nor-wood, Henry James, only son of George and Louisa Andrews, aged 5 years. CHASTON.— On the 20th March, at Bowden, Sarah, relict of the late John Chaston, aged 63 years. Her end was peace. COBBIN.— On the 13th March, at Port Augusta, Emmeline, infant daughter of G. and E. Cobbin. CORNOCK.— On the 15th March, at Unley, Edward Henry Cornock, second son of Thomas and Ann Cornock, aged 27 years. COX.— On the 10th March, Louis Henry, son of Henry and Louisa Cox, Jolly Miller, Noarlunga, aged 12 weeks. DARE.— On March 10, at Hindmarsh, after a short illness, Eliza, eldest daughter of Robert and Louisa Dare, aged 14 years and 11 months. Her end was peace. DICKINS.— On the 4th of March, John Dickins, in his 79th year, after a short but painful illness. Many years connected with the South Australian Press. FOWLE.— On the 2nd January, Mr. Charles Fowle, aged 44 years, eldest son of John Fowle, Esq., of Brixton, Surrey, and brother-in-law of Mr. W. West, of Redruth, South Australia. GALE.— On the 8th March, at Redbanks, the infant twin daughter of Stephen and Jane Gale, aged nine months. HARRIS.— On the 28th February, at Hind-marsh, Jane Ann Harris, relict of the late John Harris, of Bedfordshire, England, aged 64 years. Deeply regretted by all who knew her. Her end was peace. Bedfordshire papers please copy. HARRISON.— On the 23rd of January, at Ravenswood Diggings, Mr. Henry John Cawkwell Harrison, late of Gawler, S.A., aged 45 years. HEARNE.— On the 14th March, at Manoora, Catherine Jane, wife of Mr. Thomas Hearne, aged 32 years. HOOKER.— On the 24th March, at Reynella, Rosa, relict of late Mr. Jas. Hooker, of Happy Valley, and daughter of late Mr. Thos. Young, of Kingsomborn, Hants, England. IVETT.— On the 19th February, at Steelton, of heart disease, Mr. Henry Ivett, son of H. Ivett, of Salisbury, aged 37 years. Deceased was an old colonist, and leaves a widow and seven children to mourn their loss. JEFFREYS.— On the 26th March, at Mr. C. Springett's, North Adelaide, of effusion of the brain, Annie Henrietta, youngest and beloved daughter of the late Mr. Edwin Jeffreys, aged 16 months. MATTINGLY.— On the 10th January, in the 73rd year of her age, Jane Mattingly, the relict of the late William Mattingly, of Nimeham Courteny, Oxfordshire, and the beloved mother of James Mattingly, of Kent Town, and William Mattingly, of Brighton. MAUGHAN.— On the 8th March, the Rev. J. Maughan, at his residence, Whitmore-square, aged 44 years. McCALLUM.— On the 2nd inst., at her resi-dence, Semaphore Beach, the wife of Captain D. McCallum. MILES.— On the 9th March, at Young-street, Adelaide, Frederick George Miles, aged two days; and on the 11th March, at Young-street, of dysentery, Catherine Maria, the be-loved wife of Frederick John Miles, coach-painter, aged 38 years. MOUNT.— On the 12th of March, at Mount Thrive, Balhannah, Peter, second son of the late Thomas Mount, aged 41 years. Melbourne and New Zealand papers please copy. NOLTENIUS.— On the 2nd March, at South-terrace, after a long and painful illness, Hermann Edgar, third son of Mr. Henry Noltenius, aged 13 years. PAINTER.— On the 15th March, Elizabeth, the dearly beloved wife of William Painter, of Alma Plains, in the 40th year of her age, of typhoid fever. PARKIN.— On Thursday, the 23rd March, at Plympton, of heart disease, Sarah Mary, wife of William Parkin, in the 58th year of her age. ROACH.— On the 26th March, at Clare, after a lingering illness, Horace Leonard, youngest son of Isaac and Mary Roach, aged ten months. SPENCER.— On the 16th March, by drown-ing, at Glenelg, Mr. Thomas Spencer, late of Birmingham. STEAD.— On the 28th December last, in London, in his 85th year, Francis Stead, formerly in the firm of Hodgkinson, Stead, & Tong, and younger brother of John Stead, of Norwood. WALLACE.— On the 27th February, at Kooringa, after great suffering, Jane, the be-loved wife of Mr. James K. Wallace, aged 24 years, leaving a disconsolate husband and three children to mourn their loss. Halifax, Nova Scotia, papers please copy. WILLCOCKS.— On the 25th March, at Port Adelaide, of consumption, John, the youngest and beloved son of the late R. W. Willcocks, and grandson of Major John Willcocks, late Resident Magistrate, King's County, Ireland, aged seven months. WILLIAMS.— On the 4th March, at Koo-ringa, the infant son of W. H. and E. Williams, aged 13 days. WURM.— On the 7th March, at his resi-dence, Flinders-street, Friedrich Ludwig Wurm, aged 69 years.