Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 30 June 1870, page 2

Cowwtsr.-The following: partioular» reepeoting the wreck of the aboveaamed sohooner have been kindly supplied, bj her late command r. Captain Ccach. The Colonist salted from Sydney, bound for New Caledonia, on the 18th May,' hiring on board a full cargo of general merchandise. For tba following 3G hours she kid a use southerly bréese; which oarried her a considerable distance on her courte, being on the 19th 200 milos from land, steering E.N.E. On thc 90th thc wind backed round to tho E. and N.E., blowing very hard, with thick rainy weather. Na sights were obtained " since tho 19th, and on the 21st the TCBSOI'S posi-tion wis supposed to be Howe's Island, 8.B.E., distant 38 miles ; vessel's course N.E. and E, tho wind haring como round to S.E. tho water smoothing, but'tho weather still thick, with beary rain and wind. Ellzaboth Beef was supposed to hiTO been bearing N:N E" distant 60 milt», and with every ! allowance far' current, tho vessel should hare olearcd : the danger by SO miles. At midnight, oa the 22nd,

Captain Geach went below to mark off tue schooner's track, intending to keep her away N.N.E. for Noumea, when the ohiof officer called out, " hard up," ana within a few woonda she struck the reef on the south side. The schooner wu under double-reefed canvas at the time, and a fearful sea running. All sall was kept an her for tho purpose of hardening her on the j reef. The first sea swept. orer her, an! burst through tho main-

sail; tho second stove in the boat, and In this state she ' remained until daylight, whea the boat haring been ' temporarily repaired tho crew left on the 23rd, and got safe into ; the lagoon in smooth water. . The nest thing dome waa to con; struct a raft, on which the crew remained whoa it became , dangerous to be on board the wreck; and lt was, on con-sultation, determined to make the boat ai substantial as possible, and a portion of the oraw by this means ¡might reach the main land, and obtain assistance i for those left on - the reef. With considérable labour

two strokes were added to ! the topsides, formed out of palings which wero on board, and on the 14th June all was j ready for a start. Theorewdrew lots as to who should,go in

the boat, and they fell to Captain Geach, the chief officer, thc I steward, Mr. Simmens a passenger, and two natives,

j Mutual farewells were exchanged, and the , little, craft,.

passing through an opening in the' reef, 'started on her-passage. The weather, with the exoeptlon of ono beary gale, proved fine, or the boat would havo Inevitably been' lost, as abe leaked very badly, keeping tho hands constantly employed baling. On the 21st June, ts the joy of all on board, a vessel was sighted, which proved to bo tho schooner Joan Andrews, Captain Stewart, who at onco took them on ' board, and showed thom every kindness and attention, ; of which they stood in great need, their provisions being nearly ' exhausted, Thc John Andrews was from Brookhampton to Sydney, ! and amved on tho 27th instant. A Government steamer has ,; been despatched to the eceno of tho wreck, for thc purpose of I rescuing the crew.