Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Monday 31 December 1883, page 4


EXHIBITION. . . ' . .- ?

The attendance ot tho Juvenile Exhibition on Saturday last waa hardly so good as wight haro boen : expected, aud it is a pity that tho outerprlfo of tho Purramatta psoploia not incognito! hy moto liberal patronage. Doublions the residbulsof Parramatta are not backward in giving their support loan exhibition which relleoig' crodit aliko upon themselves and tho town, but tho peupla of Sydney und suburbs could woll devoid a littlo moro attention-to it, especially whun tho holidays giva them so much leisure. Tho attendance was not far boyoad 2000 on Saturday aftornooa, aud in tlio oveniug the numbat- of persons present could huvo been counted without dillleulty. 'The musical portion of the entertainment waa furnishca by the Volun-teer Ilord-quirters Band and tho baud computed of Vernon boya. Tho former also porformol in the ovoniur, and gave a ' very enjoyable selection of musió, lu tho way of outside nhov.-r. tho principal entertainment was that by Mr. L'Estrange, who went through his oxcolleut though somewhat hazardous perform-ances on the tightrope, but owing ptububly to tho oppressive state of th« weather, his offorts were uot received with tho amount of enthusiasm they certainly deserved. As tb tho oxhibits inside'tho building, they woro inspected with aconsidorablo ouiouut ot intorost, and tho glass-cutting and i pottery work always attractod a orowd'of spectators. It is

difficult at present to notico tho oxhibits critically owing to j tho clussilicution being iucomplote, but when this task is j Unishcd tho various sections may ba tuken in regular order

and will bo moro opprecinlod by thepublio. Misa Constoneo Maud M'Maboti, pupil of Herr Pionsker, was stated inadvertoutly in tho report of tho musical contest at Parramatta to bo 17 yturs age, whereas Rho is 15 only.