Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Tuesday 26 January 1886, page 14


BEAUTIFUL Birds of Paradise for SALE,- cheap.

Wm, Cornicle, Biild Hock. Balmain.

EMPTY CASES for "MLTSTcheap-largo and simili! _Apply G. Harrington, (¡30. Gcorgo-strcct,

ElOK SALE; a largo ICE CHEST, a b^rrñííiTTíTcT,

" . . _ Herald OHico,

EJOR SALE, BIRD (American); grand talkor, says

everything. 22, High Holborn-strcct, Rurrv Hills._ imoR SAEI iron SAFE, 2 koys, with liinhognnv cup

is.: board. W. Phillips, 2(>, Bogcnt-strcet, licdfom. '


Watch, Gold Brooch and Earrings. Apply Brooks, Herald.

FOR SALE, two ürst-olass Witch DOGS7Ncwfôûïid

lands. No. 3, Stounton-termeo, Short-street, Balmain.

I'\ILLIARDi-TABLE and Fittings, CvRoborts (lihñmZ

ß_ pion), cheap. Butterwdrth, ltowo and Castlereagh streets, TJ^OR SALE, immense" Clothes TRÜÑK7i0ód"cóñdition, Jj. _ voryohcap. 2. L'entre-Btrcet, Redfern._ H' IGHEST PRÏCE given for Loft-off CLOTHING"

Letter« attendod to. Mrs. Sohon, 27, Wcxford-strcct.

EDB. SALE, PIGS' FÙOD (kitchen rofuso), cheap.

, / Apply 231. Lower George-street. , ÎÂSHINO PRESS wanted for bookbinding. Pâvnô J

*" lind tíiglrcr. Parromtitta-road. l'otai-shni*


A LEXANDER* LINDROS, bom in Kunilingo, if this

should moot your oyo; or anyone knowing your whore abouts, oro requested to communicate with your two brothers nt -IS, Ross-strcct, l'ort Melbourne, 'Victoria.

BALMAIN EMENDS,-Boat obminodrVaimTsharp.

_Bring ambrollas. _

CAPTAIN ROLFE," R;.N.rc:B'..--Cini-Qlú^slañd

_National Hank, rc London drafts.

j"^"JJ R. D.-My foiitl love lind t&ùSsTTimpiatîerit; Q. C.

HT. SHEPPEY,. Stovcdore, under contract in

. Liverpool, with Messrs. nutgrove and TTcllon, to dis-charge thc ship OAKWORTH, lix Svdiiov. Unless tho nbovc numcd gentleman sails nt our office beforo THURSDAY, at noon, to make arrangements about discharging, tho ship will bo dis-charged ut lils risk.

BURNS, PHILIP, and CO., Limited,

_? _Agents.

^jj~AM_S TERRY,-'Return homo.' Prospects.

T 1LLIE, H.-ALFRED returñéd^Sydñov. Writo" to -iL. . _ .Shirley's.

MR. FRANK POPE, Plastdror,-Call to soo William _Humphries on. 27th, next Cnrnow's, St., Leonards.

O'HANLON, CHAS.-Call nt our ollico, 10 o'clock, _To-day. Atkinson Bros., 181, Ellrabeth-strcot.

g W. GAMBLE,-Sond 2 doz.,P. to Multum's.

WILL Mr. J. BURRELL send address Sister Lizzie) ]

_ Father dend. 20, Quocnsbcrry-strcet, Hotliam._

ILL Mr. J. BURRELL pienso send address to I

Sister LÍ/.7.I0; father dead. 29, Queonsbury-strcet, Hotham, Melbourne.

Lost and Found.

CABMAN, Return at onco, BLACK BAG. A. Cooper,

' _102, KU*aboth-stioe.t._ RjlIVE Shillings Reward.--LOST, in Burwood, whito JU Pomeranian Puppy; red leather collar. Portland, Bunvood. HANDSOME REWARD.-LÖST,from 8Ï, Australia _street, Newtown, a female I'ug PUP._ HOTELKEEPERS.-Loft in a hotol, Saturday,

PORTMANTEAU and light Overcoat; nnmo of hotel un-known. Good reward on return to j. Itnddingtou, No. 7, Morgaret Btrcot. _

LEFT in a cab on Friday night, n grey-coloured MÄC" _ INTOSII; reward. Evan Jones, U, Huntor-strcct.

LÖST, nt Glebo Point. LlidViTDAG, containing gloves,

_ 'S0- ..reward. Globe Rowing Club Shed.

TT "OST, Pointer SLUT, liver and whito. Howard. 171, -a- ._Cnstlerengh-strcct. _ LOST, Member's TICKET for "Association Crickot

^ _Ç_ÎU"__lleWMird. _U'illock mid Co., George-street. _ LOST, by poor woman, PURSE, contninin'gîï and silver

nnd 2 keys ; 'reward, IPs. Apply Sclfo. chemist. Oxford-st.

T OST, Lamp and Socket, between Randwick- and Wool J_j^ lohnt. Reward. Queen and Poulson streets, Woollahra.

LOST, Sunday evening, in Qudon-sf.7Wooilnlim, Lady's

Black SHAWL. Reward. 10,1, Queen-street. Woollahra.

L- OST, in Randwick tram, Saturdftv, llÎïïckllANDBAG.

_ Reward. 1I._P. Curtis, 2, O'Cuimcll-sirect._ LOST, Buy MARË7"brttodod JB (conjoined)", nr. should".

Liberal reward. Burton.13, Pyrmont Bridgc-rd., Cnmp'dwn.

LOST in George-street Markets, £47, by poor "man ; £5 _reward. Hi, Rowo-street._ T OST, Sundnv, between St. Peter's, Bourko, Pnhnor, JLi William street's! Gold Cameo Brooch. RCw'd.Sl, Wllliam-st.

OST, in Marrickville 'bus, ö vunls of cronin dress

LACE. Kindly return E^RusfcldÇ-i'JO, George-strcct.__ LOST, botwecn St. Mary's Cathedral aird Sussôx-st.,

Silver BHACELET. Finder rewarded by returning samo to Mr. T. Ricketts, Dundoo Arms, Susscx-streot._ LG~ST"""(oFrcrwurd)"DÄ breast,

piece of browiiliollnnd round neck. J. Stccnson. 603, Georgo Birect, Haymnrket. _?_

L'"OST,' a CHEQUE, enclosed in lotter, on tho 15th]

envelope addressed to J. F. Cripps, Park Gate Hotel, Parra-matta.' Finder rewarded ut Parramatta._ LOS'fTl 1% ÎKÏÏtSE, bruiidcU'SJ" near shoulder, FF

off shoulder*. Reward given to anyone bringing samo to 55, Mqrshall-strcet, ur 170. Bonrke-strcet, Burry Hills._ LOST, Chestnut MARËTXÈ.nearshouldor, tail broken,

on rump. Finder well rewarded. £10 on conviction, if stolen. Fred. Collis, Petersham.

T EFT, Saturday last, on Mr. Wollfo's job, corner Wiso JLi street, Dnrllng-road, Balmain, PIAN and Specification of panie. Anyono returning same to Mr. Bliss, butcher, will be liberally reworded._ T OST, on tho 8th instant, botweonf Alfred-street. North JLi Shore, in steamer or cab to King-street Wharf, a GOLD

BROOCn, Gent's LIKENESS and HAIR. Reward at Mr.

Fluke's, jeweller, Gcorpo-Btrect._

IOST.--EFT m cab from Devonshiro-street to Ltmo

J street Wharf, on Friday night, a Bundle of PAPERS. Tho cabman will bo rewarded on restoring tho same to Edw. Nutter, ?IO, Castlercngh-strect. >_ T OST or STOLEN, dark brown MARE, branded J over JU MD, star on forehead. Ul roward if strayed, £2 if stolon on conviction of thief. Malcolm, Montrose, \Vost-street, St. Leonards, North Shore. . _

L"OST"SCMP,"l3unny Comor~~Silvor-Miñm^CoT,

Limited. Thc pubUo arc cautioned against denltng In Scrip NOB. 2057, 20JS, 2051), for 10 sharos croll In thc above Company in nnmo ol' Hudson Bcrkcloy, thc same having boen lost in trans-mission through the post. Joseph Palmer, 133, Pltt-stroot.

TT OST, bay saddle MARE, branded BY 43 near shoul JLi der ; brown hamos* MARE, branded > ; ohestnut enddle MARE. C ovur R near shoulder. Three pounds rownrd will be given to any person returning samo to. Peter Taylor, Windsor

rond, l'eteràhnm. _ _

MANLY.-left on board, Sundñv¡ Blaclí-Leñthor

BAG. Reward P. J. S. Co. Onice, Circular Qnay._ "¡\f~0~0RK PARK.-Lost, Spring Top SOLITAIRE,

-LT-- gold-plated;,2s Od reward. OS, Stanley-street,

ONE POUND"RE\VARD,-LOST, between Botnnv

Btrcct. and iWn Hall, Randwick, Sliver PENCIL, SEAL, and KEY, W; Macpherson. A. J. S. Bank, Haymarket._ PARRAMATTA, 11.26 tram, Snturduv night.-Gent,

kindly exchange silver-mounted stiek. Allen, 247, Qeo.-st.

TOE WARDT" Lost, a Lady's Gold WATCH and -^-*J ' _ CIL\1N__D. J. Monk, 2U*5LSussox-street._ "D~EWAR"D".-Strayed," fronfTO!), Willinm-street, small JÖU_white spotted Dalmatian Carriage. DOG._ rtHEN Shilling Roward.r-LOST"V21tli instant, Black and JL Gold FAN, in Rogent-streot, Redfern. Mihcll. 20. Kegcnt-st.

ILL the party who found WATCH and CHAIN under Port Jackson Coippuny's Wharf, Neutral Buy, Inst Saturday, kindly leave nddress at Otlloo, No. 3 Jetty. ',

WILL the Cabman who dvovo two gentlemen from

llorthwick's, in George-street, to Redfern Station. 6 train

Friday evening, leave WATERPROOF left in cub nt Alderman Jones', ll, Hunter-street._.

ÎTIOUND", n"Bunch orTfEYSlast week in Hyde- Paik.

J_ Apply NoMS, Alblon-Btrcot._ Î7I0UND, lust Tuesday, aTMiick Jct. Cameo BROOCH.

J Apply 3, Marysön-torraco, Sclwyu-sticet,Moore Park._

STRAYED into mr yiifd, carly on 'January'25~Ï88G, 1

red and whito COW-, no visible brands, with chain, bell, and lock on its neck. The owner can havo lt by paying expenses. Mr. John Smith, Unwin's Bridge-road, St.'Peters.

Religious j__ouncei_ents.




' Morning Session. 10.30 o'clock; Conference on thc subject of Personal Holiness. Afternoon Session. 2.80 o'clock; Addresses Praise, Prayer and Testimony. livening Session, 7.30 o'clock ; Muss Meeting, to bc followed by Consecration Service.

A number of ministers and laymen attending thc Conference, also ministers of other Churches, will take part in these meetings.

Rev. GEO MULLER, thc founder of the Orphanages at Bristol, England, will address the evening meeting. ....... _


A TEMPERANCE DEMONSTRATION in connection with tho sessions of tho Conference will bc held on THURSDAY next, in Wcslcv Church, Chippendale. Speakers-the Revs. Charles Stead, ' Henry Wiles, James A. Howling, and Joseph Tear Tack, Chinese Missionary. Tho President ol' tho Conference (the Kev. Richard Sellers) will take thc chair. Anthems und Solos will he elven on the ocension. Mr. M'Clelland, Miss Brown, und other well-known nmntcurs have promised their assistance. A collection wilt bc made to defray necessary expenses.

' K. A. CORNER \ Sccrotarlc,

B. J. MEEK Ï ..cciLinncs.


LUNCHEON nt 1 TO-DAY. ADDRESSES by President of tho Conference and other niimstcrs niiil^ gentlemen._


A MEETING of Ministers nnd others interested will bo held iu the Inrgo hall of tho Association TO-MOKHOW (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, nt 4 o'clock, to meet thc Rev. GEORGE MULLER, of Bristol, England, who ls nt present on a visit to the colonies. Mr. Müller will give sumo account of his Evangelistic work in 23 different countries during the last ll yours.

DAVID WALKER^ Hon. Sec._ Trt I VIN Ê"ïn3Â*LÎNf5I~A- Meet iiig for Chr'stiiuis'seek JU? ing healing will be held at tho Now Oddfellows' Hull. Eliz ubcth-strcet, near Liverpool-street, TO-MORROW, Wednesday,

at H a.m. J_ _"U-____T'



2 Locomotives

100 Ballast Waggons

9 Side-tipping Waggons

2 Half-round Water-tanks, to connect with tender Sawmill Plant, complete

3 Tangye Pumps and Boilers 1 Knowles's ditto ditto

1 Tangye Soho Engine and Boiler

2 Condensers, Timber Waggons, Tipcarts, Dobbins, Drays,

Barrows, Crabwinches, Engine-shop Plant and Tools, and Railway Contractors' Tools of all descriptions, To be seen at Wilga, Great Western Railway.

Deliverable in Sydney if required.

Apply to


257, George-street.


Green's Vertical Engines end Boilers, 2 to 10 h.p., Green's Hoisting Engines, 3 h.p. Shaping Machine, 10-Inch stroko Slotting Machine, 8-inoh stroke

Gunther's Fans for 6, 8, and 14 «rcs.

_318, Georgc-strcot._ CHOPPER STILLS, Condensers, Jnckoted Pansj llot

J Water Apparatus, Coppersmith, Brnssfoundor, Plumber. Licensed for water and gus. W. ROBISON, 07, Sussex-street, 5 doors' from Erskinc-stroctj_?_._ EN'GlNE~and Boiler, 3 horse-power, nearly new, a har

gain, £30. Gray and Harrison, auctioneers. Park-street.^ , TCiOlï-S"Â"LE, Guttering Machino, Horne and Roso's Jj :nowcst design; also. Grooving Mnchine.' Machine, Herald.

ANTED to Purehaso, a 4-horsb BOILER, vBrtjo»i,

wlthJItttlngB. Apply to C.'S., Herald OHln»

_ Meetings._<

Metropolitan Transit Commissioners' Ofrico,

T"_ " Phillip-street, Sydney, January 25, 1880.

HE Usual Weekly MEETING of tho Metropolitan

'1 nuisit Commissioners' will ho held nt 2 o'clock p.m. on A\ K DNESDAY next, 27th instant.

_;_. M\_J, MERRIMAN, Registrar.


JUsunl Mojithly MEETING will he held nt Aarons' Exchange Hotel, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, at S o'clock sharp.

Business : General.

_FRED j. w. HARRISON, non, see.


TION, E.P.. mcels Thursday Eva-., 7.30. Howlson, hon. sec. MASONIC-Longo Corinthian, Nn. ""27, Eoinilnr

Monthly MEETING THIS EVENING,, ut tlio Masonic Hull, Custlcrengh-strcet South, nt 7.30 sbnrp. . Passing. A. Clarke, Secretary.


WALES.-The Anmlnl Meeting of tho Grand Lodge will he held lu Carrington Hall on Wednesday next, tho 27th inst., ut 7.30 p.m: shun'. Business : Vonnation of new Grand Lodge, Nomina-tion of Officers for 1880, "c. B. McCOY, lt.W.G.M.

__ T. JESSEP, G. Sec.


Thc Annual General MEETING of Subscribers will beheld ut tho Ofllces of tho liverpool, London, and Globo Insurnnco Com-pany, on MONDAY', Fobrunrv 8, nt 4.30 p.m.


_. ' _ Hon. Sec. H. S. C.




for tho


NOTICE ls hereby given to tho Subscribers thnt in consequence of the retirement of Mr. 1'. Abigail. M.L.A., Mr. John Hnrdlc, Mr. E. T. Ponfold, nnd Mr. John Rosebv from tho Directorate, under the 22nd elnusc of tho llylaws of Hie nbnvçuumod »Society, a I1ALLOT for tho election of four Directors will tuko'pluce at the Town Hall, George-street, Sydnov, on FRIDAY next, 20th instant, between the hour»of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

All the retiring DIrootors nro eligible for re-election, nnd tho following Nominations woro received at thc Annual UoncrnI Meet-ing hold on the 25th instant :- . .

Mr. Francis Abigail, M.L.A.

Mr. John Hardie

I Mr. E. T. Penfold

Mr. John Roseby

Mr. D. A. 1 hotn'as.


Superintendent and Scorotary.

Randwick ABylum, January 20, ms«._


Tho ANNUAL ELECTION of tho COMMITTEE will take place on TUESDAY, February. 2, from -l to 8 p.m. ; nnd tho ANNUAL MEETING of tho members will bo held nt 8 p.m. on tho sumo day.


_-j¿_;_Socrctary. :

rp II« E- ?? C I T'Y- B~~Ä~N "K".

lt is hereby notified that n Special General MEETING of tho Shareholders of tho City Bank, In pursuance of a résolution of tho

proprietors, passed nt thc Half-vearlv General Meeting, held on ' the 10th January instant, will bc hel'd on TUESDAY, the 10th day of February next, at noon precisely, at thc Head Hanking House of the Company, In Pitt-street, Svdncv, to considor tho advisability of nltering Clnnso 17 of Pnrt 3.of ibo Deed of Settle-ment, by the (substitution in thc first line thereof j niter the letter " £," ot 1000 far 500, as remuneration to tho Directors. '

By order of thc Board.



I The City Bank. Sydney. 22nd January. 1SBB._ THE îlalf-yeiiriv Gchornl MEETING of Shareholders

of the Sydney Ice Company, Limited, to lmvo been hold at the Exchiuigú yesterday, was adjourned for want of a quorum to MONDAY, 22nd February._ mORiUNGTOÑ TIN-MINING COMPANY, J- LIMITED.

NOTICE ls hereby given that tho EIGHTH HALF YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of tho Company will bo held at 2 p.m., on TUESDAY, February 0th. at tho Company's Office, 131, Pitt-strect, Sydnoy, to receive Director's Report and Balance-sheet for the Half-year ended December 31stiaat ; to Elect a Director In lieu of Alfred Hnrcourt, Esq., and two Audi-tors, in Hon of Messrs. J. C. Taylor and R. w. Thullon, oil of whom retire, but aro eligible for re-election ; and to transact gcnernl business.

By order of tho Board,



_JantiSry 25, 1686. ._ A Ü-fRALlAN MUTUAL INVESTMENT AND




A BALLOT for tho right to an advance of £300 at five por cent. In_re6t will take place at the Company's office, 300, Pitt-street, on SATURDAY, February Otb, at 7.30 p.m.

Persons desiring to participate In thc ballot must qualify them-selves, and give notice of their Intention to do so nt lenst seven days prior to date of bullot.

No member ls qualified to participate in thc ballot unless ho shuU have paid up £2 12s pershnru.

(Signed) H. G, SWYNY,

_Managing Director.



I beg to Inform you that I nm a Candidato for the office of Director In your Society.

I have the honour to be,

Your obodlent servant,

_ : J ? P. ABBOTT.


Ladles and Gentlemen,-I beg to Inform you that I am a Candi-date for one of tho vacancios as Director of your society. ?

_ FRANCIS TAIT. _ Mnaioipal Council Notices._ JJ O R O U O H OF WOOLLAHRA.

NOTICE is hereby given, that tho Proposed PERMANENT LEVELS of tho several STREETS ontf he GRAFTON ESTATE nro lying nt this QfHcofor Inspection, during offlco hours, hy persons Interested, nnd will so remain for fourteen dnys from this date, ofter which no objections will be entertained.

' ' ' By ordor. ,

. CA. VIVIAN, Council Clork. CouncIlTchambors, Woollahra,

. 23rd January, 1880.

Municipal Elections)



A. L. FORBES, Esq., retire« in favour of




Mr. WILLIAM CHARLES WILLIS (Messrs. T. and W. Willis), for many years a property-holder and ratepayer in thu Wurd, Is a Candidate, and respectfully solicits your vote and inte-rest nt the municipal election next week. Mr. Willis is nnxjpus to urge on proper schemes for sewerage and water supply in the borough. Sih'oati'j, Ralbvny-crcaccut, Burwood._

OROUG11 OF THE GLEBE.-Electors of Forest Lodge Ward,-JOHN MEEKS, M.L.A., Is a Candidate, and respectfully solicits your vote and interest._ BOHOUGH~o? t_et3LEB"E.-To tho Ratepayers ot

Bishopthorpe Ward. Ladies and Gentlemen,-Having been solieited by numerous ratepayers to 'become a Candidate at trie ensuing Municipal Election, I have much pleasure In consent-ing, and respectfully solicit your Votes and Interest. W. D. HANKS, Builder, 1. Derwcnt-itreot, Glebe._ TÖÖRÖÜGH OF MARRICKVILLE. JL_ A Public Meoting of the Ratepayers of Middle and Cook's River Wards will bo held at thc. Marrickville Town Hull on WED-NESDAY, January 27. nt 8 o'clock, to hear tho views of PORTER, tho candidate for Middle Ward, and Mr. Alderman MOYES for'Cook's River Ward.__.._____ OE'UiRSHAM.-Lewisham Ward.-: Ratepayers,-E. IL R. Halloran is a Candidato._Do not pledge yourselves._

ORCHÍGHT cî"p_TER'SHAM.^-Electors of Annan-

dale Ward. ROBERT BARRELL is u candidato who has time, energy, and practical experience td look after your In-terests;_

OÏiOUGH of Randwick.-To thc Ratcnayers.-A.

Ashton Shorter is a Candidate for tile Middle Ward._ ATE PAVER S of St. Leonard».-Tunks Ward. i R. HARNETT. Jun., ls u CANDIDATE.for your Suffrages.

. TpTO it Ó~-~G"_ COT S T. PE TE it's.


Mr. JAMES FALLICK is u caudiduto, aiul, respectfully solicits your volo mid inllucncc._? ST. ."PETERS' MUNICIPALITY.


Mr. ABEL HARBER is a CundiJato for election, and solicits your VOTES arid INTEREST. '_


NOTICE is hereby given that a MEETING of tho Electors of 'this Borough will bc held ut tho Council-chambers, Pitt-street, Redfern, on TUESDAY, tho Second day of February, at 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose of NOMINATING FOUR ALDER-MEN (one for each, Surry Hills. Gulden Grove. Belmore, and Redfern Wards), and TWO AUDITORS, in lieu of th'isu retiring in accordance with tho Municipalities Act of 1807.

Nominations must be in writing, addressed to the Returning Officer here, KEVEN DAYS AT LEAST, viz., on or before tuc 26th instant, before thc said duy of nomination.


Mayor mid Returning Officer. Town Hall. Redfern,

January M. 1880._ ._.

Jg Ü lt OUGlf OF WA T EULO 0.


ls a


.|_iro~R ö_Ü GE "OF "WÓ O LL AHR A.

NOTICE Is hereby given that tho following NOMINATIONS have been received by mo :



WILLIAM JOHN CLARKE, Accountant, Nolson-strcot.


.WILLIAM JOSEPH TRICKETT, Solicitor, Edgccliff-rond.


ALFRED WIIITTAM SLADEN, Principal School Attendnnco

Officer, Department of Public Infraction '

JOHN BLOYD DONKIN, Stock mid Station Agent, Bellevue Hill.


JOHN TAGE, Merchant, Moncur-strcct, A RICHARD HUMPHRIES, Accountant,' Moncur-strcct.


. Returning Officer.;:. Council-chambers, "Woollahra, ' <? ?

January 2»., 1880, ,_ Ï1 OO _ W fora STARTLING.ANNOUNCEMENT JLi from tho'GAIETY THEATRE. , «

Mu KT cr rr AL EUC T I ON S.

ELECTION Ol' AUDITORS. ( Voto for LLEWELYN JONES, who lc a> Candíante, and solicits! the vote and interest of ratepayers, j BUT ll E liK7v"N_"_ÄX'Br_TtJ^ IIS" BAY,|

'_at. half-past 2, j

Professions. Trades, &c I

AN APPRENTICE ramired to"learn BI^TLSTOY.j '}

_Aubrey D.rvKJtoynl Arndts apposite Markets._ | i A'PTltKNtrCE' wunted"for" 1)U'IÍSSMAlHNG. Mrs.!

Sanderson, near Town Hill Hotel. Dnrllng-rnnd, Balmain.* Í

AVAL AN CV in our Cnr'pot Department for an ox-'!

peileneed Mun ns 1'irat SALESMAN. David Jones and Co. j'

ADVEKTLSEU, having nionov to invest, univ bend-;;',

vnntagcously consulted conecminir nnv kind of transactions'1

involving finance, willi a view to business ; reliable und secret.*. '

Box 700. General Post Office. _ { ' AGENTLEMAN of wide-world business esperlenceJ i

having odíeos in thc host part of George-street, wishes to?; . obtain the Agency or Management of tonie concern whom his» ' energy und enterprise would'provo mutually beneficial. Address" , 31. J. C., G. P. O., llox No. 87. _ S'! BOOT TRADE'.-Waning '

John Hunter,?Douglns-strent, Redfern. _jj ; BRICKLAYER waïitVd; 'AirplFlTSonth-streot, oppo-! f _ silo W minni - st rcct. It ii sh ontj er Hay, 7 n.m. _| . BOOK CANVASSERS.-Wanted, 'a fTJvRlret'-elaRs;

MEX. Apply No. 11, Scotfs-cluimbcrs. Snlnry nnd liberal' commission to.good mon, 90, Pitt-street.. Sj

BU'CIUNGIIAM uiid PEPVER'S^rcurniilf-yöärlyf

Discount SALK now In full swing. p

_MO, Gcorgn-strcct._- _| BOOKKEEPER. - A thoroughly competent young*

Man, who understands Bookkeeping, b'v double' entry, rc-| quired for tho OtAces of K. lllch and Co., l'rewariina ; snlnry,* shirting with Ü175 per uiiuiim. Apiilv llox .00, G. P. O. "| BELLEVUE ÉSTATlOlAÑL^

SATURDAY. Good bind. Elevated position. Cull for plioi? and ticket.. . . &


require a ' |. FIRST-CLASS MAN ¡

to muiicge I


: Ordy leading men with be.u wholcsnlo cxpcrlenco f

need npply. f \ ? , Rv lotter, I

CANVASSER.-Respectable MAN, good" nppcanuicojl;

. and addroas, required to canvas and manage- Debt audi , General Agency ; sulnrv nnd commission ; references ns to!

80brh'tyjind_lntegrlty Indispensable,^ Vincent, HornlrUrfflco. _! DRAPER.-Wanted, for North. Queensland, firit-class

DRAPER, good mun good salary. JOHN WILSON and

CO^aO, Y'ork-strect, before lOjVolock,;_ DULY qu uTTflcdMEDTCÄLTMAN ronuiiv-d, to travel

at onro; salary and fees. Australian Widows' Fund, 2f>3,| George-street._í 'rnöEji'. AT A GLANCE~of~Ârmiver«arj- ÏLmdicTrp Ju_ Horses, mid Twc-year-olda. Oxenhnni's Register.

GOuD PAINTER vciuited" Th"öli^^5d-Shni-p,

Lorcneinl's Studio, Polllip-strcet.' _

|^.0VER"NESSES"' nnd^McíTífístitute', 5,5, Himtor-stli

vUTOovomcsBes required for country engagements. Schoolswtd.; (GOVERNESSES' and 'lSûtors' "" Instituto.-H. N.

JTMonuyu, 104, EHa'th-rt.-Only Educational Bus, transacted.

ROCERY.-Wanted, Junior, knowledge of'trailo, to "OT drive. Stale Bnlary and ref ofenees, Box 843, O. P. 0.

HAIRDRESSERS'.-Wáutéd7á~nlít-cliüÍB gentleman

HAND; good wnges ; constant. T. B. Sourrnh. 91, King-st.

LIT1I07~PR"E"S"S"MAN wnrïtêd, good hand. Johni

Sands, 371. Goorgo-strcct. Í TT "ÖÖK* O Oflor a "STARTLING"! NÑOÜÑCEMENT ?r-± ? from the GAIETY THEATRE._ LEGAL.-Partnership.-A Sydney solicitor, prepared to

take netlvo management, Is open to" offers for Partnership with solicitor or finn m town in established practice; would suit solicitor desiring relaxation or retiring. With name, Lex, G.P.O.

MEDICAL.-"Gentleman (sino dip.), of long expe

riiince, fully qualltlcd, excellent testimonials, socks i ASSISTANTSHIP, town or country. Alpha, G. P. O.

MASTERSHIP.-Wanted, for the Sydnoy Gnuniiiar

School, a Temporary MASTER, to tnko "charge of ono of

the Upper School Classical Forms. Apply, by letter, to A. I). ! Weigall, Mittagong._ _

OFFICE DOY.-Wanted, rêspectohlo well-behaved

LAD. Apply, own handwriting. Box 038, G. P. O._'. Plf(5-ÔGTîAr_nm_.-^Miïôa, mi OPERATOR mid

RE-TOÜCHKR. 67, Oxford-street._: PACKER required for wholosnlo drapery warehouse;,

only cxporicnccd incnjjwitli references need apply. Written applications, with copies ol roforence», to Box 200, ti. 1'. O. _ Ï_>ARTNEirwniïîëdr^Û^ in im

- undertaking already established, which will return u fortune within three years. Apply Enterprise, Heinld OHicc_ PARTTNER wanted In a Wiitchmakei-'H Dusiness in

George-street ; capital £250 for bait stook and profits, with option to learn trndu ; long loase, low rent; a real fortune to young gentleman. Apply on the premises, 507, George-street.

PARTNER WANTED with .2500, to join proprietor

In one of thu best paying Cordial, Aerated Water and Vinegar Manufacturing Buslncssos in Queensland ; suro fortuno In 5 years. Apply to the


20-1, Queen-street, Brisbane, Queensland, nciir tho Fountain.

Q~" "UAÎÎRYMËN.-Good" HANDS wanted'. Apply to

T.Flow, Mossman'« Bay Quarry. A. and ll. Amos,

TÍEWIEED. a YOUTH for tho oiHce. Apply bv

jL-l-lcttor.onlv, Thompson and Giles, Donison Houso, Gcorgo-st.

jg T O N"ÍrMA~lTO"Ñ~S ' S T'R""I"K."E.

Wnntcd, Masons to know that STRIKE still continues at Mr. Jennings' lob! St. Patrick's College, Manly Bench.

W.'EMSLIE, President.

J. YOUNUSON. Strike Secretary.

_' ? _W. FERRIER. C. C. .Secretary.".

jg Y" D N E Y ïr~6~& P~ï T~A L.

Wanted, a DISPENSER. Apply for particulars as to duties nnd salary to the undersigned. Applications to bo sent In not later than 10a.m. on THURSDAY, 26th Instant.



TAILORS.-General HAND, or Coat Hnnri, wanted for

the country. Apply Wallace and Co., 80, Claruncc-strect.

0~BL7VCKSM1TVIS:-Young Man gb~M Improver";

used ngrl. hnploincnts and jobbing^ F. W., Herald Oiliec.

TO HAIRDRESSERS!.''-Wanted, lui "ASSISTA'NT. j _Long and lt party. 4tn, George-street. _ _ THE CLASSICAL MASTERSHIP at the Ipswich Grammar School has been conferred on PERCY A. ROBIN,

B.A., Cantab.

T- INSMITHS.-A first-oloss WORKMAN remiirod' to i

bike position as foreman of large factory. Appiv M. 7.., ]

norold Olrico._ j THE ADVERTISER, Imvinç a largo capital nt his |

disposal, Ia prepared toluako imincdlntu Cash ADVANCES j to persons In want of accommodation, nt un cxtrmncly low rutu of

interest, on all descriptions of securities, without tho" necessity of I n bill of sale, br any publicity whatever. All Communications j strictly private Confidence, llox 2113. General Post Oilier.


APPLICATIONS will he reef Ivod up to tho 30th of January from Gentlemen qualified to. deliver an Introductory Course of LECTURES upon Physics, including Heat.- Light, Electricity, Magnetism, ana Soiuidj during Lent Term, lb8G.

For particulars apply to thc Rcgistrac.

. Hi Vj. BARJÎF,

_ ._ Registrar^ WANTED, n good PAINTER. ' Apply un job, Bin- ! _ning-slre'et, 8 a.m., opposite. Park, Macdonaldtown^ >

ANTED,; good DliESSMAKER", "Apply Mrs.',

TuHtnr,1 Vlolot-tCrincc, Randwick,'near Rncc^oursc.

WANTED, Pit SAWYERS, to cart cedar logs.

' Mn'rccr, builder, Alice-street, Newtown._ "ANT-D, 'two youd Quarrjiiion.. Gorinloy's Quorry,

lllawarr'a-roiid. Marrickville, near Cook's River._'

WANTED, PLASTERERS, with tools. Apply on

job, near Riley's Hotel, North Annandale. %TSrJvNTED,' Sp"niig~ca7rBÖBYM Aliftlf. also Striker. V V_ Evan«, it-l. Oxfoid-slmct. l'addiiigtonL__ WXNl'iVDVFOREAVOMAN for "ironing room; also,

Irunorif. Apply .Mrs. Hail, Lower Oc-orge.strcot._

1.7S7"ANTED,"pwd MAÇHÏNiST,. ¡rootl"wujrop, W«d

» V nesditv, 0 o'clock. C. P. Hausen, 277, Çlarciicc-Btrcet.

YC.7_rlNf ED,"2rjOINERS. " Apply;oi^ob7forViiigton V V road, olí Boulevard, Rcdmyro. _ WAN TED, PL AST E R E ll." Apply comer Devon-

shire mid Elizabeth streets. Fur Rockdale, early._ W- " "ANTKDT a BOY to drive ong-ino, »nd eugineori

shop., Waugh and Josephson, Bri.sbane-stroçf.___

W"TÑl*lÍL»ra"'/uii¡'ór C'LE'ífKr Apply 'with tastT

moulais, Mlj_.Sussex-stn'et, Wednesday aftornooii._ WANTEDr^oíd "IMPROVER , to " ciiipontiy. u,

Uugu-stivut, Redfern, 8 o'clock._ ANTED,"- strong BOYS, ono used to plano, ono for

englue. Wednesday, A. Phillips, 2S, Campliell-st., N'town. W' ANTED. MASONS, lb-tie; Job. Apply Foreman,

_í?ÍLILllÍ£¡S!i-'B t-'olh-ge. Mindy._ ANTED, two good PLASTERERS. Apply comer

of Boidcvard aiid Station-strcct, Rcdmyro._' W'""ANTED", goTid'" IÏAiitîIRJâSSER. Apply bv

lcttci% A._J,, Waterloo Post-ofHcc._ ^TKf AWED, "2 "cAlÏPEN'niRS tor Roofing, picco

v V' work. G. Sandon. Sen View Estate, Kogarah.

WAN TE DT""! M P R 0""V È R, blucksiiiitli7" Apply H.

Vale and Sons, Auburn^ _ _ _ _

T^"rANTE'DT7Vugfe-iici^ Apply Îï. Vale und

V V _ Sons, Auburn.__ WANTED", ntmu'e. Ti good BARBER. Apply 142, _ .Cumberland-street._._ AN'I,ED!.sniart O'fiico 1)0 Y. Apply bv lctfer, Box _ . ? _ IPI, G. P. O._ -

WANTED, un activo and "intoïiigcnt YO'Üfil, for on

Auctiouccrts Oilicu. Resident on North Shore preferred.

Apply in own handwriting, Auctioneer, P. O^SJ. Leonards._ WANTED, u DuUv I'UPIL-TEACnER ; know-

ledge of Music indispensable ; accomplishments in return for services; no Biliary. Bertha. P. P.. Newtown._ W- " TAN TED, a smart intelligent MAN, to tukp churgo

of Slop Dcpuitincnt. Apply this morning between 8 mid 0 o'clock. Mark Foy, Oxford-street, city._ VTSTANTED, a PARTNER, with £100 to iíiñO, to join

V v in starting a business ¡ a suro fortunu cnn be mude ; no previous knowledgo required ; principals only. H. D. F., Oxford-street P. O._ WANTED, nftor tho Juno holidays, a young Lady, as

Nursery GOVERNESS foi' two children ; must be u good necdlowouinn. ' Apply after 2 o'clock on Thursday, to Mrs. Cooper, Thc Cottngo, Double Buy._ WE. RAMSDEN AVOOD, M.A., M.D.Cantab.;

. M.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., nndL.M., Edin.; Foll, of Roy. Med. Chlr. Soc., Eng. ;'Momo. Path. Soc., Lon., mid Psycho loglcnl Assoc ; late .Assist. Phys., Bethlcm Royal Hosp., nnd Med. Sup. the Priory Lunutio Asylum ; House Phys., Middlesex Hosp.,' Lohd.', nnd Seri. Surg.j London Rifle'Brigade, having .recently arrlvcd.from London,, cnn bo' CONSULTED at hl_re_ dence. Leighton Houso. Cambridge-street. Stunmore; . .

Situations^ "Wanted.

PËCTABÏJÊ'clrïwnnts SITUATION to à small

_family. _Ap)>ly_U> 136, Kent-street.

¡oom, milk and usafñl, voung Man Toquilos ATl()X^_VTiltuOiniuet Bloome, 11,%' Ultabotli-strcot._

;SON, with clüld Ö mohuia old, wishes SÏTÛA- 1

X, In small family, or elderly couple ; wairoa no objee lrciR FC. L. P.. North Riohmond Po8t-ofncc._ _

UNG" AMERrcÄNTTÄDY, jûst arrivod from gland, scoits a POSITION us Companion or I.adv Help : nn to travel. Address M. 1U 1 toroid Offlflf._'_

il) Commission will bo given to unv ono procuring idvcrtlscr a SITUATION ns mun Cook in thc nclghbour lluo Mountains : good testimonials ¡ solurv u secondary lon. Address W. ll. P.., 73, Elinnhetli-st.', Waterloo. "

OllOUGlf-competent Clironomotcr Milker, and

patrol' of nil descriptions of Watches, with a general e of the N'outieal Optician business, &c., Isopen to liberal MUNT. Chronometer, Herald._ PIONEERS" and'. OTTt'EH"S".-G'cnticniän lately rived from England, with considerable experience in Hulking, and general ilnance, with tho highest colonial s. wishes ENGAGEMENT or PARTNERSHIP in nn

;d business.

'_Address Box 200, O. P. 0.

higlishinun, stendv, House Servant (conk, tisoful) ; 'orcnecs; eldoiiy. 3. Spring-street. Paddington._ oimg lniin, dork, collector, or position of trust, Hint-class reference«. J. P., ncmld OlHco._ rcU-recoimiicudcd Person. SITUATION ns W. usekecpor or Gonoral Sorvnnt.wltH u-chlld; suburbs pro Address W. L., care of Norfolk Cottage, St. John's-rond, KlgC._,_ PETENT Gardener wants SITUATION ; tet-as testimonials: married, no fnmily. Apply John O. r. Nurseryman. Royal A rendo._ Eli IENCED CLERIC disengaged evenings from util 10, wants books to post, or other clerical work. Mcr ilcrnld Otllcc. _

'1NEER wants ntimbor of Ons Engines to look cr, keep constantly going, In thorough order, clean, ro .'. ; very numil "wceklv salary ; substantial security.

!.. ncmld OtUco.




English, Minie, Singing, nnd Drawing.


_Address A. M., Grafton g. 0.

JSEKKEPER.-Lady wishes Eiigngcnient whoro

ino or moro serrants arc Kept. Delta, Herald Office.

»Y'S MAID, or attendant on nn invalid.-A ro ?ctnhlo person of good axpcrloncc, shortie from England, cdlcivomnn, first-class English and colonial reforenccs ; ned iO;tnivch_R. H., Croit'», OJ, William-street._ STEH BAKERS.-Respectable Man requires itnation ; bread, Ac. R.W. Simpson, 1, Thurlow-st., Rfu. THER iind' DiuiRhtor want SÍT'UATTON, country preferred. M. E., 03, Mnrv-stroot^Surry lijlls._ STJ-TK^iüTOirKltS.-Vnntca hy rospoctablô

'oiing man, KNGAGMKNT ns Shopman, icfcrenccs. i. ll. C.. Newtown Post-office_ lOUED COUPLE, no iuptimberanco, wants SITU-ATION, man farm labourer, generally useful, good millier; lierai Ferrant or plnln cook nnddaimdrcss, Address J. V.,

s. Kain, No. 100, Custlovengh-strcet.

rVCTICAL Gnrdeimr wiuits"SITUATION. Address

_C.J..,_G1I\0.,'Syrmoy;__ ÍITNER wanted, with ¿óflÜO, gontlomnnly business, kht work; but quick Intelligence required; young mun

od. Address

a. I'. O.. Box No. 982.

ÛA'ÎÏON wanted.-Exp. monthly nurse disengaged, omi refs.. l)rs. orjndy^s. ÍL"Vt\ P.,_Oxforil-6treot 1". O.

UATION winter! by roKpoctiibleperson,ns C. nnd L., ifill finn. Address Nelson Cottage, N'elson-st., Woollahra.

UATfON' ns Groom nnd Coachman, singlo. Address M .T.. onie NV. Cooper, Stables. Woollahra, Hose Hay.

UATION us Nursery Govorncss or "Nurso and 'codlcwomnn; excellent reference. S. J., Hoi aid Ofllce.

tVEYOHS' (TOOK wnrtîr"S"itimtion ; experienced ; ff. F. P., Southern Cross Hotel, Kind-street, city.

lÎA'fïîïN wantodTTiy rospectnblo country Girl, ns lousemnid, or Genend Servant in small famitvj reforciico. to E. I.., aire of Mr. .Ilniui, IS, Norton-Mrcct,'Globe.

NT POUNÖS.-10 per cont, will bo given-for a good

Situation by steady, active man. A. !.. X-, Gleba p. O.

BAKERS.-Foro îinnd wanta PLACE. Address

_ _ Baker, I ierald Office__ BUTCHERS.-Sobers stendv"Smallgooda Man open ir ENGAGEMENT. A. 7...JS1, Itegent-strcot, Chippendale* MINE-M~XN AGER 9.-A first-class Miiió'Blnck mith disnngaged. good testimonial*, il. L., G. P. 0.

SOLICITORS.-EMPLOYMENT wnntcd by a oung laily; good.jjulok writor. E. G., P. O., Goulburn.


.'ION. by a first-class custom cutter ; first-class rcforcuco

Address Cutler^ Herald Oftlcc.

E PIcEbrS".-An ENGAGEMENT desired by 'oumallst, 25 years editor, proprietor, shorthand writor, r, .to. ; would 'inanugo and coniluct nuw paper, Ste. Address -, cure Gordon mid dutch, Sydney._ T A NTF7ÍL SYf ÏÏATiOTs'IiTGonoi-al S'ervaut, wuitoii

rÂNTEnTSlf UATI'ON as Gardener^ good Sydney

reference. Gardener, Herold Ofllcc.

rA_xrED7^^SHIXG and fSONÏNO. Apply

A. B., 1'ost-oflloo, Newtown._

rXNT'EBy a Fnm'Uy's"WASHINO, by competent

Umndrcss; bust ref«.* T.. H., Oxfnrd-strcct']'ost-oftlce.

j ÄiTTEiy; to tako'wrsiTß^fti7a"iiröNiNG'to dô

nt home. No. 7. Q.-tormce, Cowpor-Btrcot, Globo. _ 7" ANTED, by a resricotaltlo-Woman, otllcoa or new

buildings to cleon, _Apply Anxious, 24, Hotanv-strect.

7" ANTED, by 'respectable Poreou, AVAS H IN G or

Scrubbing by day. Apply Domestic, Leichhardt V, O.

7"ANTED,! SITUATION, liousemnid, assist laundry, ' olty or country. Address M. H.. P.7,''William-»trcot.._'

7"ANTED, Family or Restaurant .WASHING, or by ' day. Mrs Kirby, 125, Hnrhour.sLJ Hoar George-street.

X ANTED, SITUATION, by yoúñfT'Widow with*

' llttlo girl, as Ocriorul Sorvimt. ? Quod's agenoy, Putcrabnni. 7"ANTED, situliTioti as Housomaid, good rofcreucos. f M. Lundi, aire of Mrs. Burg, .ftcdmyro-roud, Jlurwood,

XANTED^SITUATÍON M Work or Bookkeeper, âge I 22. Mercantile, caro Foster,.144,.William-street._ ÏTANTED, bv VélUoducuieii Youth, lôj years, a r Sl'rUATION. on STATION- where oxporlcncc is to be ;d. Sulury no object. Add ruis, Wynchcs. Herald oiliro.

¡X ANTED, E'SlPLÔVSÎiîrTf TTy rough Carpenter ï or hnndv man r references if required. Apply 83, ran-street, Lyndhurst,__ .__'

rANTED, by a young lady, Companionship to Lady

or Invalid ¡ understands housekeeping. I'., Loma House,



* gent.'s fnmilv, with two or three rears' references ; suburb

JTAKTKDrslTXlXWÖK in Country, liv Mother and V Son, Cook «nd Laundress, Moy, tirpcrñlly Useful, ngo 10; i for a week. Address M. Mi, Post-office, Crown-street, .y Hills. _____ ,_.'.__ ETANTE!), by n, healthy, robust Man, situntion ns V STOllKMAX or'flMHlCHkl'lili! 17 years' good charnctor .nglaud .md the colony. Apply, W. Lavender, 201, Caiupbell

ut, Surrey lillis.

aXX2il'KYJ,"by « ivafKÏtnfilo youno; M^SlïtlTTlÔ'Sf V ns Delivery Clerk, Collector, br geiiornl ejflloc work ; know und suburb»; lido and drive well; first-class refernnccs; irity if required. H. A. S., 97. MBrkct-strect. _ _ -OÜNG Lnuv wishes nu ? ÊNGÂïaîM'ENÏ as . Governess, visiting or lesidenl. Vlsitiiig, Herald UUioo.

^0~UN"G~~M AIN^esiros-sitTiffl^ K iii" ïiofol

and restaurant, house work. J., Hamid ("lillee. *"ÖTiNG"Miui.*"with smùil capital, wishes

. with prbducu huirctiout ; view to partnership. 1'. T., Herold. roUNG" Mail'requires" SITUATION ; Ä years' colonial - cxper. gcndrnl nicrcjuindlsc^ refs. P. 7.., Si!, Cnstlercagh-st. T^OUNG MAN, -ugo- 26, supeiiqr address, desires to - Learn thu Sales in Kuniituro Department of good city or ?urban house. Addier« Sidesman, SJ, ICuston-termcc, Stownrt

?ct, Paddington.

Servants Wanter!

k GENERAL Servant wanted ; houi-einiud îcopt; ' good A- 1, Jfnrrow-rd., S. Kidston, off Lowlon-st., Enmore.

JL terrace, l'orcst Lodge. _


nnd 10 a.»)..' The Carrington, Pitt mid Market streets.

fe liK ST""ELTT A B LE G&tT wimFcd, ns T;raiëml"SER 3L VANT ; wages, 13 s. aire. K. Boston. 22U, lCin^-st.. N'town,

J THOROUGH Generar"""^ R VANT, wages Ms.

-i. Elixir's Exchange Hotel, Oxford-street.

&"Tli'Ö)iÖ'UGH General"' SERVANT roqiiireil^imJl A- family; rcl^_ Mrs. .1. B. Dovle^lB, llcimy-sl., Paddington. & USEFUL - GIRT. "wimfpiL Apiily'Lll.'GloiHiioreT 5ÍL _^_rond, Paddington._ _

A HEALTHY, eheerfiil COMPANION anrî LADY 'S- HELP, to perform all domestic, fjiitius for n quiet family of, nco; no servant ; comfortable home, every coiivcuiciico ; re'fer lccs exchanged. Prompt, P. O., Mudgee._ _ A YOUNGGîrl^vnnted im'TAL'NDReSS. and to assist pa. with housework; no children : assistance given withwush ¥ open for three days. Apply linden Bndon Hotel, Coogee

DJ OY wanted, from 12 to IS years, to ho goncruilv lise

l-v ful. Apply 71111, George-street.

13OY, native, wonted, to show lire-engine working. 13_Address Fire, Herald Pillee._ PKEAD-OARTBR,-Wanted, un experienced MAN, ns 3 Brcnd-ciirtcr, for the .Ashfield brunch; must bc thoroughly quaintcd with thuwosturn suburb,and a good horscmim. Apply I ii.m. A. Shadier,'machlno-brond manufacturer. 73, Himter-st.

ptOOIC and LAUNDRESS in a small private family, VJ must have character: Protestant. J. Brook, 81), Clnrnnro-át.

h ANGERS imd SPIKERS wanted. Apply Fishburn 1 DT_ and Co., Vining._ h ÈNÉRAL S"ERVXNT"wñ^ Annnn, PT Botiiny-st., Waverley, nenr Counoll-chnmbcrs and tram. j[i 1/B"EN who want good" SITUATIONS "ciiirat Express OL Begistry Company. BB. Klixabeth-strcct._ CbESPECTABLE Girl, about. 18, General SERVANT, Ltti small fiunlly. Carisbrook. l-'nirinount-st., Slimmer Hill,

b MART BOY wanted, to deliver hiuidbills. Carrington \)_Lunehcoii Booms, corner Klug and Pitt streets._ ÍR US t W O RTDTY "PéT¿on7iíi Nurse mid Neodlowomnu. - Apply early. Mrs. Bose, Glenbrook, Quecn-stroot, Ashliold.

WfAilfûî), smart General SF;iV^"K"'I"T~Apply Mrs. ' »_' Macdermott, Ben Bovd-roud, Nouti-al Buv. _ _ "¡trANTED,' Good" WAITRESS. Apply " after 10 jY . o' clock, Variety Kcfresltmcnt Kooma, Hunter & Eli», sta. ' \TANTED, a FIREMAN.' for country sawmill".

V Apply 8 Wed. J. i'mnklin, tim, agent, "*3, Sussox-at. " *T ANTED, a res'poctnblo steady Farming SÎÂN, 12

I T miles out of town. Apply to 6*i, Drultt-streok_ "l^AN-TEl), good GOO it, references required. Apply

flt- boforol nt CamnbEll Lode*. Pott's Pohlt,

WANTED, SmartFeedBO.YS, for Lithe. Machines,

good wogos._W. E. Smith, 220, Gcorgo-strcet. WANTED, good GcnemllîERVA^T

sinnll fnnillj.j l.lanmro.Vilhi^Ocoaii-strcot, Bondi.

WAN TED^thorougK good "General S'ER*\*ANT.**gol)(l _ wnges. Apply iUchniond, Nowland-atreot, Wavorley.

WANTED, ic light ROY', accustomed to rncoTiorsosv

Apply Native llowllotel,, Parrauiaun^tond, Leichhardt.

WANTED, n good smart., simjjo lÉÎN toïmlk ññd

deliver. Woodside Dairy, Wertbornc-st.,, Petersham. -.

WANTED, ft"YÖÜTH', .ni)outl0 orl7: AlmlylTl); _Globu-road. carly.' V ! WANTED, rcspreinblo'voung Oiri us General S1Î1U

VANT; good wages. ?? 301, LlverpooLst., Darlinghurst.

W- ANTED, u good Vegetable COÖK. Emory'B Ülmiñi

Booms, 570, Ooorgo-stroBt. '_'

WANTED, a thorough C001C. Apply. withTclElft _Allora;, 2-1. Upper WlWara-stteet North._ W- ANTED,. n, respectable HOU.SE3u.AlD,: sleep á> _home. C-l and CO; Ensklnc-Btroot._ ' W- ANTED, a WASÏtW^OMAN, to takoToomo'

washing. Apply 230, Ocorgo-Btreot North._

""ÏÂfXNTÎÎD, Al OOOIC7for ls restaurant; rausfee V»_steady. Apply C. 1'. S., Herald Office. _

W"" ANTED.'a good'ÖIRL for housework and wnsurnii*, _Agricultural Hotol, Haymarket. _ " WANTED, a Goncna SERVANT and' a NTDTsTtT.

GIRL. ; St. Barnabas Parsonage, Arundolrtorraco.

WANTED, a useful GÍlTL, about 13 or H. Tïruua".

man .Inn, Gcorge-atreet Weat._

^7|TXÑ"T"ÉD, a useiuTGlRL,, for general work. "ILM""?

V» Mrs. Beale, Hobartville, Itcgcnt-atrcct, Newtown.

WANTED; "KITCHENMAN. J. tifäTtiasi _' Dining Booms, 283j Pltt-streot.

"T7CFAÏITED,' good General; SERVANT, no msbjrii, Vt another kept. Apply 8, Bllgh-stroct._' WANTED, KITOHENMAN. Apply 30, Rent

stroet, DuBseno's Rostournnt._ WXNTED, good General - SERVANT, no family'

Apply Tricketts Hotel,' Brldgo-streot._ *AN TED, a. smart .YO"U"N fJTlAHlor Hotel, ftbTöTö

milk. Thompson's Hotol, 002, Gcorge-Etrcct.

WANTED, nil olnsGoa^f FoninloSorvants ; highest

_ -wages. Mrs. Tincent, Eurokit Registry, 16j^totte'gli.-sL W"Ï5ÎTË'D, ti smart Wfos WAITER. ^Pattison,

. ' . ? : lBOi'Pltt-strcot. -_' W~"Á*ÑTED, respectable General SERVANT: wages,

10s. Apply Decprncro, Now Cantotbiuyrroad, Pctoriham.

TfTSTANTED, ti competent BTTTYSR. Mrs.XTv"..

V V Lóvyvl07,^aoh2ay-strcot.:_, T/ÇTANTED, WASHERS iwd.IRO'NERS. M'VicarV V V_Select Laundry, U3. ^ctorln-strcct,_ ^TSTANTED, Broad CARTER. R. Bruce, William-' 1

V 7 soil's Bakery, 135 AVIUiaro-strcct, 0 n-ui. orll a.m.

TñKT^ÁiÓJlD, a strong girl as General SElTvXNlT^oöd.

V V hoinc. Apply with references, 35, Cnstloreagh-strcct. _ . WA^TI^rTGrlRTCriS or'10, to assist ns General

SKHVÁ1ST. 158, Harrig-streot, Pyrmont._. WANTED* a useful MÄN. Apply îlcdgo's Com.

merdai Hotel, Castlereagh and .King strceta._ WANTED, a strong GIRL, to assist in housework.

_ _ GO, Fity.toy-stroot, Surry Lillis. - _ WANTED, a Gonoral SERVANT, 4 in fnmily, Ms.

80, Cnmpbell-strcot, off Macqunrlo-strcot South.

ANTED, u respectable GIRL ta assist ia tho kit

chen. 223, Mncquarlc-strcot North. _' W"ANTED, a good HOUSEMAID, lüsöTKifchcu.

_. - man., Apply 20, Market-street.

WANTED, goqd.ucuorni.ouït v AA r. Apply airs,

!.'. YounK%J&arjJord llouao, Johnston-tt, Annandale.

\]?T7SÍTKB, two "vVhitrosses, Housemnid, ÍCitcíien und

TT Pantry Man. Arcado Dining Uourts, GW, Ororge-rtrcct*

WXNTÈD, a Chiof and Second COOK, must bo Bobcr.

20-1, Cnstloreagh-strcot._ ANTED, a swart Waitress, also two Midday Wait rcssos. .No5_VttHety ltc^aurant,J77 jntt-strect._ WANTED,. smarLGirl ak. General SERVANT; no

cooking^", Wlndndn-strcct. Miller's l'oint._ WANTED," rTtHôrôuih GôncruïTjERVÂNT, small

family. KtholTiUOjjLDojwmd^cet, Plebe,

-^TTNTED, youngOStnn or-' strong Boy, groom, milk,

V T and gcnornlly usefnl. - W. Dull, Horeford-strect, Ghi*.


Good wages. Mount. Druitt Hotel, cr. Druitt & Clárente.

."ANTED, rospeotable^GÍRL . assist generally ; take

child out. 3D1¡ Uoohostor.tcrn^p. Rllov^s^SurryJinjh^ WAlTl^DTXGÖod'ÖBNERAL SERVANT, Foster's

lietel, ilacqitarie^treot South,

^ÂTXKTËD,'young Girl as N HRSE ; to slceu nt home. VV 12, BellevuQ-ütrcct,- off Albion-street, Surry UHl»

ANTED, 40 respectable ^yQ^.íEN and GIRLS,

Suvwcu's Tobacco Factory; Clarence-street._>

intfAirTÈDi^^ w,

TV _ _KushmittOT.IMy^o,'idL_ _ ___ _

WANTED, for'MösBuiaii's Bny, good General SER-

VANT for address.; Apply 407, George-street.. ._ WXNtEDrä^IlÖD'SE^liÜDlor private botch Apply

: lU.PrinoeSrStrècti._, TPKrÄNTED, smart youngman as BOOTS turd useful,

VT Clubllolol.Jving-strcot, Newtowm_

WANTED, n young Gïlt'L' lo nssist In housework?

Apply 8, Jiortli-tui:raco,ia(ilson^ gojuj^North Shore.

WANa'E£)~iiuniediutafy, uF'MAÑ ? to tako ciiroTf an

_empty houso. S. Kendall, 40, Hunter-atroot.

WANTED, good Général tíEHVXÑT ; 2 in inply; . .. - -tvnm I»1". Mrs. Price, 33,' M'aTerlej^rontf^VoolUihrti.

WANTED, smart strong,.YÜUTli, to drivo a Titi,

^raycejiOa._ Apply fresh Food mid Ice Company, Limited. WANTED, GiKL, 13, mind baby. Mrs." DöEt . Norinan^ccjt^^pxfórd-strect, Hyde Park. '

WANTED, ait oxpoHouc"eï'BAHMAlD;7ôfercncc3

required.._Apply, Chuyidmijic^ ^aij^stjTOt^^^ WANTED, good Nurra and Ncudlowonuin. Apply Mn. _ Lloyd, Woodlands, Angel-road, Hurwood. Karo liald.

"^ftM7*ÄNTEii, respectableyoung,GencraTSElfVANTTJ

V V in family. Mrs. Bolton, 42, Wiud8t)r-st.,-l'ndriliigto]i.

WANTED, rpspeotablo young. Woman ns General Scr

vant, 3 in family. Trafalgar Ilotcl, 81, Ca.rtk'rcn¡ili-st.

?^OTELL-SINKEK wanted. Apply Dr. Hoad, Enc.

» V_ street, Itpndwick._

ANTED, a rospoctabfo Giri'ns NUKSI3, for fro children: no houso-work. Must hayereferences. Waeel, Us l'ot^u cok. Apply at "U, Kllxnboth Hay Point, before ll n.m,

ANTED, a CQÛIC and LAUNDKESS j, nto a NUHSE.'itcforcacos required. Apply, Mn. J. P. Abbett, Tenterden, near St. Thomns' Church, Xorth Shore, ._ WANTED, a respoctablo GtltL for HouBoworir. Good

wages. One ohtld. in family. 0, Wigrani-road, Glebe Point._'_ WANTED, honest, trustworthy HOUSEKEEPER,

for small family, nil boys ; roiurencos required ; It. C.. preferred. 1, DowUrig-stroet, Hentern, near Cleveland-street.

"fyfc/MNTED, ii respectable MAKMED COUPLE, tho

w » woman ns Genend Scrvantj the man for out-door work. Good wages. Apply to Mr. Mooro, Botanic Gardens;_

WANTED, a good strong iîOYTTibdut 'ó J'eus °la- '

Apply on Wednesday at BQSKIIÍC, Lloyd, ana CO.'B, 351,

VV housework. 10s |.or weok. Cul! between 2 and 3to>


"*vTFrVÑTiii) Mintió MAN, to ''room, drivo, and nu«.

W aiMliVSÄ thß .norning, to Foreman,.

".clock a.m. Sastun, Uosehank-strcet, D^lughurat. o o,o^m . _ jwul.ül Plirk sawer.

W AÄ- Ä 0 6LMR"- ,TULBC,ÍÜN1, '

and Lackey, contractors._ri-rf--T^WW^S-áí

W height, and of «cud physical health. ^T Medical Superintendent, Hospital hi^0J^^ tiff ANTEUrMÏÏiHed COUPLÉ w.t »out ^TM¡ W man to mille and garden, woman cook and lauuwCM.

JuliusÇiiro, MdwiO, Queçt^^

V * plain cool;; r.o otlicr need apply; waacs 10B. Senior'* "'?ffl"^;?:- ijMÍ£°rge-street, nair Uriduc-strcei. .

WANTED, for . Tho country, nu elderly person oí

respectability ns JIOL'SKKKfepEH ; on i-'naliilmouian preferred ; three in family, n good home; fur reraum ration / wishing put. Apply br letter to W. Jopes, care of Mt. WI _rt'ili^ííbJÍ rn-sWflct,- Goulburn. _ WANTÊTVa compétent" COOKTÍÜTLAIJ^IÍES?.

for Monly Hench ; highest wages. Apply, between ll wi 4, To-morrow, Wednesday, 8, Moorcflcld-tei-ruic, Good IIopo

streut. Paddington.

WANTED, u >\'spêcfnblii WWrTiîrwËTNÛflSE:

must huve recommendations. Apply between ll and' 4 to-morrow, Wednesday, S, Mooreliuld-terr.ic'c, Guud Ilujic «ttoDtj_Pnddliigi.on. ' '. WANTJ¿D7ÍÍÜÜ'Sl51^15ElÍ, doiwiticatcd; widow

about 05 years preferred, Apply after -1 p.m., 0. h.,

WANTED, rospoutubio voting WOMAN, to assist ¿

Housemaid and assist in bart also, a good COOK, lt assist In housework, for small hotel in cltv; open till Wutuxwlay Apply to Mrs. Hopkins, Darling Harbour "lietel, Parilla.


Suitscnii'i'ioss : £2 12» per iiimiun. This rate is for ¡lai/uimt ii, ademuv.

N.13,-Ppr mvtiit thc charge will be £2 ICs -per Annum.

All advertisements under six lines will he churned 3s to

advertisers' account ii booked.

'N.M.-Advertisers in the country eau remit ptvmcnt by Mom;

; Orders or Postage .Stamps.

j. AiiVEnTJSJiMUNTa in o dnssillcd ns ihr ns passiblc/nrconrailenM

of renders ;. but no classification cnn ho mndo unless tho object m I tho advertiser bc distinctly tinted in tliowiyci tifcnient itself. >»

guuruntco ls given that ad'vorttEumcnts sholl appear mideripecul


While every carol's exercised In regard to tho duo insu tNT advertisements, the proprietors do not hold Üiciuíolvw rei|»raW* for non-lntcrtiou.tkroughnccldciit or fromolhor cnuaes; atai Uu proprietors reservo to themselves tho right ot omitting «dwrtlK mutts that they may deem objectionable, oven altfiouih sut» advertisements may have bean received nnd paid for in (IIB MIHI

courso ol'business.

Por tho convenience of advertisers, i-opllcs lo advortlWMfflJ may bo sent to tho Herald Oillca; but tho proprietors do m

accept any responsibility In thU respect.

Dirths, Heaths, and Marriages, Ss ouch liiBortion. . .

Notices of UIRI'irs and HEATHS cimnot ho inserted in ttl« (oumul unless endorsed with tho nnmo mid nddrcss oftliepsrtoni

I by whom thor uro sent.

Notices of MARRIAGES ennnot bo Inserted unless ccrtWea M correct by tho olHclntlng Mlnlstor or lteglstrnr. . I Tho obovo rule ls'rendered necessary In consenuenci«

falso and malicious notices having- boon sent for pqMI^*tWS.*,' the purposu of minoring respootnblo porson». . . .

.SYUNBY,-Printed and-published by JOHN PAMMI A»»,,60*}

nt the office of tho Sydney ¿[ornin? Herald, Pi« ana Hum*

streets; Tuesday, January 20.1880.