Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 26 April 1905, page 7



Tüo twin-screw sloop Clio, ot 1070 tons dispincement, tho last of her class to be built, which has been on tho Australian station slnco May laßt, sailed from Sydney yesterday for China, to which station she has been ap-pointed. Tho vessel left her moorings in Farm Covo shortly before 10 a.m., and as Bho steamed down tho harbour hearty farewell cheers were given by the crews of the othor warships in port. Tho Clio passed through tho Hoads at 10.10 a.m., and signalled Norah Head Lighthouso at 2.40 p.m., and Newcastlo

at G.15 p.m.

H.M.S. Clio arrived at Sydney on May 0 last year, aftor a somewhat eventful voynEO from England, to replaco H.M.S. Sparrow, now out of commission, and lent to Now Zealand as a training ship. During thd time tho Clio was on tho Australian station she made an oxtonsivo island cruise, and lt wns by this vessel that tho dcpSrted Tongan Minis-ters wero convoyed to Fiji. When off tho New Zealand coast, In October last, tho Clio oncountored a violent tompest, and waa dam


Tho Clio was launched at Sheerness, in 1003, and was completed oarly last year, at a cost of £80,927. The principal dimensions of tho sloop are:-Length, 185ft; boam, 33ft; and draught, lift Sin. Her machinery was sup-plied by Messrs. J. S. White and Co., of Sheerness. Tbo indicated horse-power of tho engines is 1400, and tho speed of tho vessel ls about 13 knots. Tho armament of H.M.S. Clio consists of six 41n guns, Tour 3-pounders,

and threo Maxims.

Commander Henry Douglas Wilkin, D.S.O., ls In command of tho Clio, and associated with him are tho following officers:-Lieu-tenant tho Hon. H. O. B. Bridgeman (a son of tho Earl of Bedford), Lieutenant. Arthur C. Petherick, Lieutenant Lionel H. Shore, Surgeon Michael J. Laffan, M.B., M.A.; as-sistant-paymaster in chargo, Arnold H. Gul-liver; gunner, John Cassidy; and artlflcer

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