Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), Friday 16 February 1951, page 1



TOKYO, Thursday.

A United Nations relief column to-day smashed through Chinese forces which had encircled an American and French force at

Chipyong, 12 miles north of yoju, on the

central Korean front.

The Chinese broke and fled in the face of the attacking task force

This action took place Just be-fore dusk and ended two days,' encirclement of the U.N. troops

United Nations forces also still hold firmly on to Wonju after, shattering four enemy shock


Wonju is the hub of the Allies communications.

Enemy troops earlier had

driven a 20-mile wedge into the Allied lines in an attempt to reach Wonju and trap 100,000 Allies in the Seoul area

Fighters and bombers from the British aircraft carrier The-seus made 57 strikes against

Communists -on the west coast yesterday with, excelolnt results "

On the east coast United Nations wai ships including the Austrialian destroyer, "Warra-munga " bombarded 'Communists fai -north or 'the 38th Paiallcl, between Si"ipo*and Kyongsong

Eighth Al my Jicadquai ters an-nounced that "the Allies inflicted 10,223 ' casualties 'yèsteiday on CornmunläH -battling to captuie Wonju and Chipyong

A A P,- Reutcr <. coi respondent Ronald Batchelor describing the battle, said thVsectoi became a va st" slaughterhouse

' Piles of twisted'and toni bodies httcied the battlefield

* Ono AWciioaii division alono claimed ¿I" ftillod 3,070 enemy in the piist 24, hrçurs

À comroandôr' of Allied divi-sions on the^Ccntial fiont said,

"As of this* moment we have a vletoiy If the enemy makes anotjiei ti y he will have to îaisa his stakes " . s

%* VAnoUic-i« Unltt4 Nations vic-to! y on a usmallei seale waa

claimed on the Western ii ont

'againèt Noith JKoicans who had hoped to smash ¿he Han River line near SeonL

* Fnihei it wis announced that Biitish AustnJian and New Zealand 11 oops 11 ushed into tho billie hue on Hu» <ential KoreaVi f i lint > c1 ri day lind I lu own back a upv Communist rhive In Ina Ciii]iYim0 loju aiee, *