West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 27 May 1922, page 8

NEWS AND .NOTES. :The Mails.-The usual mail for the ,Eastern states, New Zealand. Fiji, etc., .will close at tue GCP.P.U., erth, at ti.3U p.m. to-day. Parcel mails for America and New Zealand will be despatched at 0 a.m. W.A. National Council of Women. The annual meeting of .the \.A. National Council of Women will be held in the vestibule of the Government tiouse ball .room on Wednesday next, commencing at ]30.3l a.i. The Acting Premier (M?r. H. P. Colebatch) will ueliver a short 'address at 3 p.m. North-West Exhibition.-It has been arranged, in order that an opportunity may be afforded to those attending the interstate conference of Ministers of Agriculture, to be held in Perth next week, to view the North-West Exhibi tion now in progress in the hall of the Council of industrial Development, in Barrack-street, that the exhibition shall remain open until and including Friday, June 2. Proposed New lRailway.-Some two years ago the Advisory Board reported favouranly on a proposed railway exten sion from YarrAmony, through Hind marsh and Yorkrakine to North- Baan dee. a distance of about 70 miles. This was an extension which was strougls advocated by the Leader of the Country Party (Mr. T. H. Harrison). A survey party is now defining the route, and will submit its report in due course. after which the project will receive Cabinet consideration, and finally will require Parliamentary .sanction, provid ing it receives the endorsement of Cabinet Unemployed Returned Soldiers.-A preliminary meeting was held yesterday afternoon of the committee of the Sol diers' Aid Association to arrange the de tails for the meeting of prominent citi zens in Perth. There were present Gene ral Sir J. J. Talbot Hobbs, Colonel Til ney, and Mr. .T. T. Butler, secretary of the R.S.L. It was decided to hold a meeting 'at 4 p.m. on Thursday next at the Returned Soldiers' Institute. Re sponses to the invitations sent out were very satisfactory, and it is expected that about 100 persons will be present. The committee have not been idle, and through the week they have found em ployment for 150 men, with a promise that by Thursday next an additional 40 men will be placed. Mr. Butler states that there are still 380 men awaiting employment. "A Distant Connection. -Tt is diffi cult to discern the clement of bad luck in the person or career of Mr. J. J. Poynton (general manager of the Mid land Railway Co.). yet, if the popular belief in the fatality of the number 13 is well founded, he should be about the most unlucky man alive. IIis relation ship to the number was disclosed by his brother, the Postmaster-General (Mr. Alexander Poynton), at a luncheon at the Commercial Travellers' Club, yes terday. The disclosure was made in a humorous sense. The Postmaster-Gene ral stated that when he met the Prince of Wales for the tirst time his Royal Highness asked whether he was a rela tive of Mr. J. J. Poyton. "I confessed that he was a distant connection of mine," said the Minister. "The Prince was curious, and asked 'Very distant?' I replied. 'Yes. I'm the oldest, and he's the thirteenth of the family.'" The Prince merely asked: "Are there any more?" A Reversal of Evidence.--A sensa tional occurrence marked the adjourned hearing of the case in which Weston Sutherland and Itobert Taylor were charged with having been unlawfully on the premises of Eileen Templeton, 23 Gyide-strent. East From:antle. on May 24. On the previous day. when the ease was called in the Fremantle Police Court, Mr. P. L. Gibbons. H.M1.. after having heard certain evidence. decided to ad journ the case. That evening, how ever. Mrs. Templeton visited the police station, and admitted that the evidence she had tendered to the effect that the defendants had forced their way into her house was false. She corroborated the story advanced originally by Tay lor that he had met the complainant from whom he had received an invita tion to visit her house. This statement was placed before Mr. P. L. Gibbons, R-M.3 by Sergt. Cassidy. The woman, who appeared. reiterated her statements, after which Mr. Gibbons, speaking stern ly, staed that she had put the liberty

Sof two meit in jeopardy. Had they been I imprisoned; a grave miscarriage of jus tice would have occurred. "Complainant's evidence of yesterday," said Mr. Gib bons, "gave one the impression that she was telling the truth. I was fortunate in ordering an adjournment." Address ing the complainant, he remarked. "You have placed yourself in a very serious position: how serious you do not know. You may go." Mr. W. E. B. Soloman. who appeared for the accused, added that complainant deserved credit for admitting the truth, and that she had tendered false evidence. The charge was withdrawn at the instance of Sergt. Cassidy. Ambulance Day.-No effort is being spared by the council of St. John Ambu lance Association to make the Ambulance Appeal on Friday, June 2, a successful one. A varied programme of street at tractions has been arranged, including displays of first aid and resuscitation work. A special feature will be an exhibition of rescue work by the fire brigade. A "fake" fire will be arranged .at the A.3LP. buildings at 1.30 p.m. The brigade dashing to the scene will bring into operation the latest fire escape de vice, which reaches to the top of the A..P. Buildings. A sham rescue will be effected from one of the top win dows, and when-the, "victim" is brought safely to earth the ambulance will give an exhibition of first aid and resuscita tion. Another interesting feature will be a sham motor accident in St. George's-terrace near Howard-street at 12.30. In conjunction with these at tractions a band of ladies with 'collec tion boxes will solicit funds. Any ladies willing to assist are requested to communicate with the organiser. Mr. W H. Gee, St. John Ambulance, Perth. The Wagin Tragedy.—Inspector Con-don stated on Thursday that the investi-gations of the detectives, who had been sent to Wagin in connection with the death of Albert Edwards and William Wynne, had fully borne out the report of the tragedy which was furnished by Ro-gers, the survivor of the three partners who were farming an area of 2,000 acres. On Saturday last when Rogers returned to the homestead at midday he was con-fronted by Wynne, who was carrying a shotgun. Wynne, who had been acting in a peculiar manner during recent weeks, threatened to shoot Rogers, who turned and ran away from the homestead. Wynne followed, and he chased Rogers for about a mile and a half. Rogers effected an escape, and subsequently the police from Wagin arrived, at the farm, where Edwards was found dead, portion of his head having been blown away by a gunshot. Wynne was found at a spot along the route of the course taken by Rogers in his flight. There was a hole in the side of his body where he had shot himself after he had inflicted superficial wounds in his neck with a razor. Brothers at Law.—When the case brought forward by William Glassett against his brother Sydney was concluded yesterday morning, in the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice made a further effort to effect to' settlement The de fendant was in the witness-box about to give his version of the farming at Mal yalling. and to support his counter-claim, 'wheri his Honour expressed the opinion that the case ought to have been settled, and, in his view, could very easily have been settled. If it were fought out to the' bitter end there would be dissatis faction on one side and very ' likely on the other also. and the feeling would be. aggravated: Perhaps they had learnt a little wisdom during the last day and a half. They now knew what litigation was like. The Judge's suggestion, that he should adjourn the case for a brief period was agreed to. When his Honour returned Ito the Bench, Mr..C. L. 'Stawell, K.C. (for the plaintiff) was able to an-. nounce that the 'parties had, agreed to drop the proceedings- They released one another from all claims. His Honour: "In short, each man keeps what .he has got." Mr. Stawell: "Ycs-'as you were." "I hop'e they will shake hands and go back and endeavour to be as good friends as they were in the past," said his Honbur. Road-making Materials.-With the ap proach-of winter local gov'erning bodies all over- the -metropolithazisuburban'karea are' being importiined'_to 'iroceed'-wth the construction of roads and'-footiaths, drainage and other works, for which in many instances there are adequate funds but a decided :scarcity of mate rials. The Public Works Department -promised-. supplies of 'bluemetal nearly two years ago, but, through various causes, the Boyn State quarries were .unable: to meet 'evenrrdepartmental re quirements. and many- local bodies had to suspend operations entirely. The Su biaco .Municipal Council., for instance, was unable to-proceed with a schedule of.' works, aggregating several thousand -pounds; although."the ;money was; avail able; and in order to relieve the situation the council imported a - stone-crushing plant, which is now fully employed: The council has fortunately a good supply of tar. and was actually in a position to oblige the Works Department with a quantity for urgent requirements, while the C!aremont Council has also an ade quate supply of tar for another year at least. Tenders for the supply of gra vel were called by the Subiaco. Council, and from the ready response made'there is not likely to be ?any shortage dfor' a long time -to come, but few- other -local bodies are equally fortunate. Interstate Agricultural Confereice.· The visiting members of the Conferetice of Ministers of Agrienlture,. to be held in Perth next weak, are due to arrive by to-morrow's train from Kalgoorlie. The conference will be opened by the Lieur. tenant-Governor (Sir Robert McMillan) I at 10 o'clock on 3Monday'morsiang. There

will be a civic reception at noon, followed by a luncheon at Parliament House at 1.15.p.m. Conference will resume after luncheon, and Tuesday and Wednesday will be devoted to it. On Thursday there will be a motor trip to the Swan and Kalainunda districts. On Friday morn ing the Peel Estate will be inspected, and a visit will be paid to the Western Aus tralian Meat Export Works and the State Implement Works, at Fremantle, and at 7 p.m. the Observatory will be visited, and on Saturday the Ministers will attend the Helena Vale races. The agenda paper is a lengthy one, and in cludes important subjects, such as Comr_ monwealth control of the inspection and grading of dairy and other produce, Com monwealth intervention in purely State concerns, the export. of Australian pro ducts to the Orient, meat-export. irriga tion areas, co-operative organisations or pools, bulk handling of wheat. and quar antine administration. The subjects of dairying and also of fruit and vegetables will be dealt with in various aspects. Trespassing on Railway Property. The persistent defiance by umany subur ban train travellers of the railway regu lations governing the order that en trance to and exit from the stations must be achieved by means of the authorised barriers was mentioned during the course of departmental prosecutions in the City Police Court yesterday by MIr. R. Hutchinson. who said that two re cent fatal accidents could be attributed to disobedience of the injunction. Twenty-three persons were charged with having trespassed on railway pro perty. the trespass having been caused through breaches of the regulations. JIr. Hutchinson said that the offence. in stead of being on the decrease. was in creasing. It occurred particularly at stations where the traffic was not suffi cient to warrant a permanent barrier. The offence was serious from many view points. The offenders trampled down sand banks right on to the line, and. they damaged and destroyed fences. The department lost control of tickets, as it could not be ascertained whether the offenders were in posses ion of them or not But the most serious aspect was the danger that attended the action of those who crossed the metals to achieve their purpose. Twenty of the offenders were each fined £1. with costs. and the other three, the evidence against whom indicated that they had crossed the rails, were fined £" each, with costs. GENERAL NEWS. "East and West" i. the subject of an address to he delivered at the Theoso phical Rooms to-morrow evening. Wesley Ogilvie. a well-dressed young man, was arrested in Barrack-street about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon and charged with using obscene language. The Commissioner of Railways has re ceived the sam of 3s.. conscience money, from an anonymous correspondent "Justice." Leslie Tooteltl (2) was arrested yes terday by Detective O'Brien and charged with having stolen £1 in cash from Boan Bros. The National Laboar Party is calling for nominations for the Federal Senate and the Perth. Fremantle. Swan, and Dampier divisions of the House of Rep resentatives. Detective l.ewis yesterday arrested Harold Hutchinson (IS). on a char"e of having stolen a hundredweight of Crass dumps valued at £8, the property of Messrs. A. and W. Dobbie, Hay-street "The Tides on the Western Austra Fima Coast" is the title of a lecture to

be. delTered at the Observatprt on Tues day night before theb Astronomical So ciety, by Mr. H. B. Curlewis, the Go vernment Astronomer. The, secretary of the Fremantle Hospital desires to acknowledge with grateful thanks the sum of £100 from the Commercial Travellers' Association (Prize Packet Day), and also £15 from the W.A. Turf Club. A.meeting of.the Association of Head mistresses of Non-departmental Second ary Schools for Girls was held at the Girls' High. School, Claremont, on Mon day last for the purpose of discussing educational matters of common interest to the schools. Candidates are notified that the short hand championship examinations which will be held to-day, will commence at 2 p.m. Candidates will be expected to be in attendance,,at Stott's Business Col lege, Warwick House, St. George's-ter race by the time named. A pleasant function took place at the car barn recently, when Mr. J. C. Phil lips was presented with an aluminium kettle by his fellow tradesmen employed at the barn, in recognition of the good services rendered by him on their be half Complaints against smokers on the railways abusing their privileges and entering non-smoking compartments have moved the department to action. Yesterday in the Perth Police Court five men were summoned for that breach of the regulations. Each was fined 10s., with costs. The Rev. F. E. Harry, who is leaving shortly for New Zealand, will give a fare well address to young men and women at thq Y.W.C.A. rooms, 16 St. George's 'terrace, to-morrow, at 4.15 p.m. Miss J. L. Young has arranged a special musical programme. All young mnen and women are invited. The seventeenth anniversary of the Churches of Christ Chinese mission will be celebrated on Tuesday evening at 7.45 o'clock in the Lake-street Chapel, Perth. -Mr. D. M. Wilson, the president of the Churches of Christ Conference, will pre side, and musical and elocutionary items will be rendered by the scholars of the mission schooL Although cold, frosty nights are now being experienced, the South Perth Road Board, at its last meeting, was asked to grant permission for out-door camps to be formed at Como. So far from grahting the necessary permission, the board- decided. that no camp permits should .be renewed. and that existing camps must be removed. The following tenders have been ac cepted by the Public Works Department: -Robert Chapman. Guildford Police Buildings, renovations. etc., £3S2; Robert Chapman, West Nungarin School, remov al from Marvel Loch, £247: Arthur Woolbouse. Northam High School, teach ers' quarters, verandah and renovations, £190; Edmondson Bros., Clackline School quarters and verandahs. £68. Mr. W. Thomas. B.A., secretary of the School Teachers' Union, will deliver a lecture, entitled "Outline of the Eng lish language,"- under the auspices of the Leederville men's class, at the Town Hall. at 3 p.m. All men are welcome. "The Coming of Christ" will be .the subject -of a lecture to be given in the Literary" Institute, Hay-street, on Sunday evening at 7.30. From inquiries made at a late hourlast night-it was learned that the girl Ada Ralph, who was found in the Government Gardens on Thursday in circumstances which indicated that she had swallowed iodine, was still on the danger list. Lilian Goodwin, who on the same day told her mother that she .had taken poison, is not in a serious condition. It is understood that the Government has decided to purchase through Mr. Joseph Charles, of Warwick House. the property known as Bacton Station, in the Minginew district, owned by Mr. G. 'J Gooch. The station, which will be cut up for closer settlement, comprises about 11,000 acres, and the price to be paid is in the vicinity of £34,000. Attention is directed to a railway ad vertisement in this issue giving the amended time-table which will come into operation between Perth and Fremantle at 11 a.m. on Sunday (to-morrow), con sequent on relaying operations. which are now in hand. At the, same time the ocean-side platform at Swanbourne sta -tion will be put out of use, and until fur ther'notice it will be necessary for pas sengers to join and leave trains at the' Splatform on the river side of the station. On the dissolution of the South Perth Municipal Council the services of the Town Clerk and other officers were re tained in order to carry on the work of the district, pending"tlie appointment of a permanent staff by the new road board. The matter was brought before the board at its last- meeting, when it 'was" resolved that the ix~stidn 6f' clling applications for the combined position of secretary- and engineer should be re ferred to the works comi.ittee, and. that consideration of filling all other positions should be deferred until the next board .meeting. Mesdames Bird and L. Craig. the or ganisers 'of ,the Cafe Chantant in aid of Anglican Orphanages, which is to I take place on June 8 and 9, acknowledge, with thanks, further cash donations from Mr. A. C. McCallum. ,Mir. Gooch, Gingin, . Mr. D. Stewart, Mrs. .Cown, IM.L.A., and Mrs. C. Y. O'Connor, the gift of a ham from Mr. Padbury, and a.piece of beef from Mrs- Bannan. They aidd that Lady Lathlain has kindly pro Smised pot plants and that Mr. A. E. .Joyner has undertaken to provide la i bour in connection with the flag deeora tioas. Following is the report of the Child ren's Hospital for the week ended May 25:--In-patients: Admitted, 31; dis charged, 27; remaining, 10. Out-pati ents; New cases, 64; re-attendances, "348: totaaL 41.' Admissions: Subi'eo. 1: Lake Clifton, 1: Perth. 6; East Perth 2; Mt.. Hawthorn, 1: North Perth. -;

leederrille, C: Carlisle. 1: Swan Boys' Orphanage. 3; South Fremantle, 1: Mid land Junction, 2: fMt. Lawley. 1; Victoria Park, 1: West Petrh, 1; Maylands. 1; West Leederville. 1: State Receiving Home, 1; Bedfordale. 1. Deaths: Nancy Fowler. aged 71 months, in hospital 12 days; Mervyn Loxton, aged 1 year, in hospital 49 days. A considerable amount of attention was devoted to the control of dairies and milk supply by the Maylands Board of Health at its last meeting, at which the chairman (Mr. E. W. Hamer) pre sided. The health officer reported that a number of samples were submitted for analysis, and had been found very satisfactory. The board . decided to adopt that portion of the model health code relating to the registration of dairies, thereby bringing the Maylands board into line with other bodies. The secretary (Mr. R. Dixon) submitted a list of outstanding rates aggregating £300. and instructions were given to in stitute legal proceedings for their re covery. A list of rates which, in the opinion of the board, should be written off was prepared for transmission to the Health Department. MEETINGS. The half-yearly meeting of ratepayers of Perth will take place in the Town Hall at 8 p.m. on Monday. A general meeting of Fremantle mem bers of the Silver Chain is announced to be held in the Supper, Room of the Town Hall next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. The secretary intimates that the business is important and requests the attendance of all members. A. Labour propaganda meeting to he held at the corner of Newcastle and Oxford streets to-night. is advertised in our columns. Messrs. G. Lambert, MJL.A., and H. Millingtoun. general sec retary of the A-L.P., will address the meeting on the "question of "Wage Re duction" and "'Arbitration." The proprietors of the "Mirror" announce that among the features in to-night's issue is a special story of Colin Ross written by his mother. A wonder carnival will be held in St. George's Hall on Wednesday next. Miss Olga Philp will hold her usual juvenile class this afternoon at L.30 in the Protestant Hall. The usual dance will be held in the Bib ernian Hall, Perth, to-night. The Scottish Pipe Band will hold the usual weekly dance to-night at the Caledonian Hall, Fremantle. Miss Ethel Philp will hold her advanced ciass at the Y.A.L. Hall, Hay-street, to night. Mr. Fletcher advertises a grand lucky chair and streamer carnival to be held in the Leederville Town Hall on Tuesday night. At Victoria Hall. Premantle, this evening at 5 o'clock. Mr. Ted Irving will hold his weekly dance. Attention is drawn to an advertisement calling for tenders for the supply of mea, to the Soldiers' Institute. Miss Doris Melville advertises that the usual weekly dance will he held to-night at the Protestant Hall. Mr. E. R. Banks will hold a 'jazzina car nival" in the Perth Literary Institute Hall, vay-street, this evening. A dance will be held to-night at Brown's Academy. 169 Murray-street. A jumble sale organised by St. Andrew's Women's Guild will be held in the Assembly Hall. Pier-street, at 3 p.m. to-day. "C" Company. 11th Battalion, will hold a dance in the Drill Hall, Leederville, to night. Mr. Windred announces that the dance to be held in St. George's Hall to-night will take the form of an oriental carnical. There will be the usual dance in the Perth Town Hall to-night. Training classes for sight singing and chorus work are now being formed by Mr. W. H. Coupland. Particulars are obtainable at Sago flayt etf