Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Saturday 2 March 1912, page 8


A large life-saving class has been formed

at the Young Men's Christian Association under the direction of Mr. George H. Wil-liams (secretary), assisted by Mr. Edward A. Mooney, Messrs. John C. Wearne, senior, of Casino, and L. A. Morris, of Lismore, ar-performing excellent work for the society in the northern rivers districts.

A large number of candidates are beim prepared for examination in the Nowcastli and Hunter River district. These will b. examined during tho present month by Mr


Lieutenant Blair Swannell Is specially In Btructing a good numhor of the Common wealth military forces senior cadets at Rush cutter Bay baths for examination by thi secretary of tho Boclety on the 9th instant

Mr. Norman Rorke, honorary Instructor ol the Bronte Surf Life-saving Club, intendi spending a month's holiday at Norfolk Island and has arranged to teach the islanders thi methods of rescue, release, and resuscitatioi bf the apparently drowned as practised bj the Royal Life-saving Society.

Mr. Arthur B. Parker, one of the oldesl members of the R.L.S. Society, is how locatei at tho Royal Military College, Duntroon. H< has several life-saving classes in hand, ant expects to have the candidates ready foi examination before tho cold weather settles In. Mr. Parker has done splendid work foi the society in South Africa, Queensland, Now Zealand, and various parts of New Souti Wales. . ' "

The following members » were successful at tho recent examinations 6f the Royal Life-

saving Society:


Manly Life-saving Society. John T. Gamble, Frib

II. Schwarz. .

Sydney Ladies' Swimming Club.- Nora M. Rennebry Sydney Swimming Club.- JWilllam. IL Bale, Harolt J. Buhl, Philip A. Chambers, Robert G. Douglas, Charles H. liclshnm, Roscoe, S. Jones, Johns F, M'Carthy, T. J. Leonard M'Cartby.


Ballina Surf-bathing and Life-saving Club.—John Mobbs, James Cummine, Alexander J. Pothier.

Sydney Swimming Club.—Blair I. Swannell.


Ballina Surf-bathing and L.S. Club.—James Cum-mine, Charles W. Hill, John Mobbs, Alexander J. Pothier.

Police Depot Life-saving Class.—Leonard J. Scott, David H. Steedman,

Lismore Life-saving Club.—John B. Carlton, John C. Dight, Edward D. Jenner, Vesian B. Macdermott, Alexander M. Sullivan, Eugene Sullivan.

Rushcutter Bay Tram Depot L.S. Class.—Thomas


Randwick and Coogee Ladies' League S. Club.

Nellie F. Meads.

Sydney Ladies' Swimming Clnb.-Bridgina C. Cloonan, Dorothy N. Lunden, Catherine L. Morris, Ivy West, Lily A. West, Neille R. White.

Sydney Swimming Club.-Sidney T. Brandtmann, Y/illiam Crawford, Douglas Forsythe, Herbert J. Gil-lespie, Reginald Hellings, John B. Malone, John Schwartz, Lewis Solomons.

Young Wallsend L.S. Club,-Joseph Hughes,


Ballina S.B. and L.S. Club.-Clyde Bertram, James Cummine, Geo. Dcadord, Arthur Grant, Gaythorne Hardy, Egbert W. Hare, Charlea W. Hill, James N. Kelly, Norman Lavery, Hector M'Eionon, John Mobbs, Arthur Tress, Arthur H. Tuck.

Little Coogee Life-saving Club.-William Ahearn, Fmscr Brunner, James V. Cunningham, Stanley G. Cunningham, James Fitzpatrick, William llauipson, Arthur M. Hill, Michael J. Hurley, Percy M'Donald, Alexander Morrison, Archibald Smith, Joseph N. WU


Lismore L.S. Club.-John Bede Carlton, John C. Dight, Edward D. Jenner, Vesian B. Macdermott, Alexander M. Sullivan; Eugene Sullivan.

Police Depot Life-saving Class.-Harold G. M'Alister Boiision, Harry Fleming, William M. Hannon, narold A. Horsley, William U. S. Kerr, Thomas N. M'Bae, William Pickup, William F. Walton.

Randwick and Coogee Ladies' League S. Club.-Nellie M. Meads. ",

Rushcutter Bay Tram Depot L.S. Class.-Hobert GlazchrooU, Thomas B. Nash, George J. Parr, Alan J. Redford, Henry Stunt*.

Sydney Ladles' Swimming Club.-Bridgina C. doonan, Dorothy W. Hill, Katharine F. M'Dou&all, Catherine h. Morris, Ivy 0. West, Lily A West, Nellie

II. White.

Sydney Swimming Clob.-Sidney T. Brandtmann, Douglas Forsythe, Herbert J. Gillespie, Beginald Hellings, John B. Malone, John Schwartz, Lewis Solomons. _"".T,


Sydney Ladies' Swimming Club.-Katharine F. M'DougaU. _