Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Wednesday 8 October 1919, page 18



MÍ Basda.

il. ROSE. Crosby House, 130 OcÓ


? 17 Castlereugli-st (Teachers' Guild of'Ti.t.W.)

MASTERS.-For next year. Resident; or non-resident,. Menee, Chemistry, Physics, from £250. Middle-school ABsistant, Science, and general subjects. £200-«¿275.

MISTRESSES.-For next year. Itesident country .cbool, French, Geography, important subject«, Vom £125. Visiting History specialist, tia). Baily middle-form, English, French, Arithmetic, £100.

QUEENSLAND.-Resident, Latin, History, £150. Keri dent Commercial subjects, £110. NEW ' ZEA-LAND :-Resident, Science, Mathematics, £]50. Itesi-dent, English only, £150. Itesident, Physical Cul hire, and Games, trained Ostcrbcrg Colleen, £120. _^OT^l»ggSSl^_8_chililren, N. line. .Clio,_


_APPLICATIONS are invited for the Position of TUTORIAL CLASS LECTURER, at Broken Hill, 'M from 1st March, 1930. Salary £100 per annum. The duties ot the positon are to conduct Tutorial Classes in Economics, History, and Political 'Science. Further partira lara may be obtained from the Director of Tutorial Classes, Sydney University. Applica-tions accompanied by testimonials should be lodged with thc undesigned not later than FRIDAY, £ltb OCTOBER. 1313. ".


_ Wanlen and Registrar.

rpHE PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD invite applications -a. for tho Position of MANAGER, KURRAJONG SOLDIERS' SETTL13MENT. Returned Soldiers' Settle irast Branch. Pay £300 per annum and quarters. AtiplicanU should have had experience in Citrna Fruits on. * commercial basis, particularly coastal experience; thorough knowledge of'clearing and fencing, and the preparation and laying-out of citrus orchards; experi-ence in commercial inter-crops, their sewtng, -market-ing, and harvesting; knowledge of culture and handling of cirrus fmits for market, also treatment of diseases. Experience in liandling men essential. Kmployment will be in terms of Section 44 of the Public Service Act, 1802. and Section 3 of tile Amending Act, 190.1. -Application should be made on a form for thc purpose, obtainable at thc o/Meo of thc Board, 33-30 Hunter ibrmt, Sydney, or from Clerks of Petty Sessions in country districts, and should reach the undersigned not labrr-üm the TSth October, 191». Salaries other than those- at weekly, daily, or hourly rates will bc srib ject^o tho deductions provided by the Superannuation Acs. 3016.

OB-«)_T. 3. CHAMPION, Secretary.

rT*ADX)R wanted for Pressing and Repairing. Alex.

Pairwcathrr. 302B Blizabcth-st opp. Railway.

rriAILOttBSS.-Wanted, Trousers or Vest Hand. Alex. ?*? Fairweather, 30GB BUraheth-ot. opp. Railway.

ffUHiORESSES-IsOciass Coat Hands, work with Man, ? J- constant, £2/13/6 wk. Kopolowitt. 5CT CrowiMrt.

rTUITX>RESSES.-Firrt-cla/B VEST HANDS, in or oat A. door. Constant work, under best conditions. Top

B. MARKS, yay's-chamhers, 61 Markctrstreet

ri vx-i-iáTE wanted, ono with some office experience

X preferred. Box TM. G.P.O._


J- LIMITED «ron and Steel Work»), !


Apply with copies of references, stitlng experience, *» the_Manager, Box HW. P.O.. Newcastle.

fTtYPlSTE.-Smart young Lady, age np to 18 years,

as Junior Typisto and Stenographer, good salary to commence, progressive position. Apply to Mr. HSton, JOE GARDINER'S HEADQUARTERS, George «nd Barlow streets. Haymarket._ rpHE CIVIL SERVICE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY OF I A N.S.W., LTD.. 152-6 PITT-STREET, SYDNEY.


JUNIOR LADY ASSISTANT, for Electroplate Depart-

ment. ,

JUNIOR LADY ASSISTANT, for Cake Department. MESSENGER GntLS. for Cakes.

BOYS for Grocery Department required.


We have Vacancies for several smart Female Apprentices to learn all branches ot Tailoring


No Saturday work.

Apply Mr. Bourke. - i

? GOWING BROS.. LTD.. ' ', ¿< 434-430 George-street,

gf _SYDNEY._




ALTERATION HAND for Mon's Ready-made Clothing

Workroom. No Saturday work.


Ml) floor, Marke&trcct

, Tye lift at Market-street Gateway. _ " "TTPHOLSTERER, for private job, must be a good y tradesman. Apply Manager, Box 84, G.P.O.

TriOUNISl'.-Wanted, Violinist, also Comet Player. V Apply Battle of Flowers. 772 Georgest._ WANTED, smart Typiste. Apply by letter to Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Cond. Milk. Sweetacres, Rosebery ÏX7ANTED, experienced GIRLS, for Confectionery. '»T Apply 647 George-st. Haymarket_

WANTED, LAD to deliver milk. Martin Weaver

Loop. North-rd, Gladesville. _ ? WANTED, Boy, for light delivery. Apply, with

refs, ot character. 72 Queen-st, Woollahra._ WANTED, two Girls, ior labelling, 17 years of age.

Cooper and Barclay. Phillpott-st, Marrickville.

1 fCT/ANTEb, Pick and Shovel Men. Hudrodean Motor ! Garage, l'arramatta-rd. Petersham._*v

¡\X71ANTED. 3 good G Ul LS for Confectionery sliop. '-vv' Apply 2S7 Pitt-st-_._ tjCTTANTED, STABLE BOYS, at once. Sclbrook, An

ITT, zac-pde. SUi. Kensington. Tel.' Rand. 157.

¡XTJANTED, experienced CIEL for confectionery. 108,

flTtTANTED, GIRLS for confectionery 6hop, good wages. IW' Apply 823 Ocorge-vt. Railway-square.._

WANTED, a Smart SHOP BUTCHER. J. Condon, 165

Klng-st. Newtown. 'Phone. 1743._ "tA/ANTED, Trousers Hand, first-class work and wages '"V Lubnmo. Commercial Ilank-chbs.. 27.1 Geo.-st.

FIATANTED, two refined Girls, with experience in con 'W fectionery shop. Apply Refresh. Rina., Milson's Pt jntTANTED, MAN to work on Sandpapering machine.

VÏ71ANTKD, LABOURER tor screening soil. Apply

'* V New Bungalow. 30 Raglan-st, Mosman._ W- ANTED, a strong Man for wood ami coal yarri.

Apply MILLS, No. ll Barlow-strcet, Haymarket, or Kew South Head-road, Hose Hay._ .YX7IANTED, SMART LAD, 10 to 17 years, constant cm

¡VVrploymcnt. FORD, KUERINGTON, LTD., Kippax rtrect, near Central Station._

ItTTANTED, Case Malier, casual liand only. Apply 9 .>V O'Conncll-Bt, Newtown._ WANTED, Moulder, used to moulding pattern plates.

Apply G. H. OLDING'S MALLEABLE FOUNDRY, 47^j^mata-roadj^pp.JUniyju^ty._ WANTED, Girls, no Saturday work, good pay. City

Art Leather Works. 134 O'reagli-st, side entrance.

WANTED, GIRLS, for packing department. Apply|

Parsons BroB., 821 Kcut-st._ .V7Î7ANTËD, Plumber, good general hand. Foreman.

VV Apply Urgent, Post-office, Dulwich Hill._ ; WANTED, a first-class HORSESHOER and JOBBING '

SMITH. Fry's Forge, Dulwich HIIL_ . WATCHMAKER required. Permanent position to ¡

competent man. Wages £1 per week. ?



TT71ANTED. Pick and Shovel Man for road laying.

i\ V^PetersJlros., J^d.,_Pjilll¡tst,^Redfern. _ , \TrANTED, a smart Boy, jiist, leaving school, as As

VV slsümt jn_our City Spnrt8_Sliop. M. Simmons.Hltt. | WANTED, roung Woman ,as Assistant Sales, City

Tohacco Shop,' exper. pref. X.Y^..,JJ'marJtct_P.O.

' \X7ANTEO, resp. Boy, for writi«iow dressing, just left |

VV school._Mick Simmons, Ltd., Haymarket._j WIREÍ\rORKKR.S wanted; also BOYS. Apply Peat '

Bros.. 00 Hendersnn-rtl. Alexandria._ WANTED, young LADY, for shop. Apply G. Currie,

3«! King-rt, J?owtow«. opp. Mnrkcts. _I WANTED, experienced Milk Carter, "must have rc

ferences. .112A l.iverpool-rtl^ Ashfield._ WANTED, cxper. or smart young LADIIiS for con _fertioncry i.liop, good wages. . 203 Georgc-st. _ 1VTWNTED, HO VS, It'to 18 years o'f nae. Apply


Blwuit Manufacturers, GcnrKc-streH,_Hpmçbush._ ANTED, a lîÔCk-CIÏO'PI'KRiist. Peters Station, before S o'clock this morning._ WANT 4 Demolisher. Apply on job, comer Fnm

_ci» nnd Yurong sis.__J_| WANTED, A CARPBXTERS, long job. Riley and,

(}0«ill»jj.t«:_eitv.-_ ANTED, PIANIST for Picture Theatre. Apply lie

I ween_l() and 2_p.m. to-(toy, Ktrwlngtoii Pict | WANTED, cxpcrléñréíl GIRL for confcctloncrv. and

fofl. iJrj^B^27.'l^U^t;_I WANTED, TYPIST, for Heal Rítate Agency. Apply

¿So. JJiqS.JIcrald OHIccu_,_i ?ÍTTAN'TKD, strong YOUTH. Apply, hcivecii 10 «lld 12, !V>_Uiiiiinate<lJlelt Co.,, Kcnt-st._ _ W- " ANTlfD, smart Ï10Y to puck tea. Apply 30 Gros

_v«nor-st,_clty._[_ WANTED, respectable Boys for icc waggons, wages

18/. Ar-'v earl}'. -Melrn|i. It^SUhes. iiarris^t, I'vr

ANTED, (.'lltl.S tor con'ftKtionery »hop, high wilges, j TiSJ^rge-M.Jlayimtiknt. _i_ STTANTED,"\ouiig Man, 3U""or ¿0 years, inuit be good !VV_drivcv._S._P. Bi-iy, Sliadfortli-st, J'adtlinftun._ \\fÂN'n:i). a cÁui'ENTi'.its.""H:M, 40 ixniije-sti .' VV^o^t Lodge. Roofs ii ml lenee._ WANTED. GIRLS for confectionety, tea rooms, good _wages. _7<U_ lieorge-st._. (rtrANTKÛ, GÍH¡7 TYPISTE, just left school prefcrnxl.

iVV Apply _C'omg:in_iinil O>., JS0 Susscvst._i .ANTÏÏD, ñW^éW'CaMnplñmker.'tnr conniry, güótl

__wagw._Apply ll. W.. Herald "IUf e._v_ \ifrAXTEi), sñiart YOUTH,"'able"tn"drive.' II. Meyer, VV gr<><.er, Criii»ii-st,_|fjirlhUmoJ*ark,_ncar Ktiitum.

WANTED, exp. Salcüniiiii, insurance exp. pref.. £10

per week, p.Tiuniieut. .), Spencer. U.l'.tl.. Svtliiry TfrÄSTRD. JIÎXÎÔTt "(girl)", for oflice. Apply Box Y\^rc),_njMX_v_

Vt'AN'TliD, a LABOURER, lo take foundation out

'VV^imjv Zi l.llly-st, Eiitlel.l. _

\.\7'ANT1!1). for Mercha ifs Olilce, BOY, jus*- leaving IVV suliool. Appllcalijns by letter to

BOX 431, G.P.O. 1

«-T7ANTEI1, HOY, 17 yam. for pastryeouk bakehouse.

|VVj71_C:cprgc-st,^ear^iiiay.__._ .?i vMNTED, smart llcxllt.e Assistant, knowl. of em IVV broidery. Madame Sawlc. Viet., Arc, 12. 2nd fir. W" ANTED, t'OLIo'UEIi, good all-romid mau. itpply

Anchor Plating Works, .'I llarluw-st, near railway.

TTTÄNTIII), a good CARPENTER, used lo Waggon and | 'VV Skip building. Apply O. nm! 0. HOSKINS COM-, PAN'X._1',JnJ!il)t...y,Jí!SíwJ_ V\?ANTÊi), a smart, Boy to lonni Hairdressing trade.

'VV Apply IA Vinant, 310_EIizaW!lli:8t._I VXrANTED, Hov7 about 10 "or 17,""for Striker. II. VV Lloyd, Cl I'iing-st, Ncvvtown^_!_ TT/"ANTED at once," young Girl," ns Messenger, wage's 'VV 12/0. Miss Castle, Milliner, 178 Pitt-sU_

WANTED, compt. Machinist, for blouses, also sleeve

Hands. Apply Madame 1'elller, 107 Kilig-st, city. JÏTTAiv'l'ED,. smart Lad ns messenger, despatch room.

IVV ' PEAPES und CO., Ltd., sy , _ 300 George-street. WANTED, strong LAD, for brass fuundry. J. M.

Campbell. ChnbeUt, Marrickville._ WANTEH, smart GIRL, for Sandwich Counter.

M'Kny's Ham Shop. 325 Oistlcieugli-st._ WANTED, a PUPIL TEACHER fur private school.

Apply 111 Hnrgrnvc-st, Paddington.

WANTED, DR1VÍÍR, for single. Apply carly, 3 _Easton-ft, Itreollc._ WANTED, a smalt BOY; must tie able tn ride ItT

cvele and know city well. 15/. A. MACDOU GALl/and CO.. ll Wynyard-limo._ W" ANTED, smart Youth "for offii.-e, quick figures. __Lauiidry. Oswalddnne,-off Wooleott-st, Darllnghst. WANTED, Collccior "lind Ouftlrwr Representative, Cfi

to £7 wkly., provisional liomis £50 required. Ap ply first Instance, with refs.. Daig, Herald.- ?_ WANTED, strong Youth for Deliveries, opportunity

to become typewriter mechanic. Apply Mr. Saber, JD3XRÛP0LITAN TYPEWRITERS, 338 ntt-strict.


YEASTED. HOV, assist on curl, £1 per week. 152

t^ASTED, 2 smart nuls. Apply bue.Au uud , ''Aki-.ii, Engineers, Brassfouuders, Murphy-lanc,

Ultimo, rear of 76T Harris-street._ . VX/ANTEU,competent MACHINIST-for Hobes. Apply

' » i MD Oxford-st, Bondi .Hinctlon. ?

ÏT/AXTIÏD, URI VER for Parcel Delivery van, living ? » » North Sydney,; own stable. After Ul a.m.. H; S. WHITEHEAD. Factory and Harbour sts, Darling llbr. YX 7 ANTED, smart OIRIA 'or canister making-. Mit-' T » euell's Factories, Ltd., 05 Forbes-st, Woolloomooloo

T\;AXTED. GIRLS, for our Canister Dept. No previous » » experience necessary. RICHARD HUGHES, 143

St. John's-road, Glebe. _ ? '

WANTED, PAJNTEIt GootT Mr. Cloner, new

building, Kelso-rd. Enfield._^__ VÓANTED, smart Apprentice .for tailor-made skirts, » » also first-class Finishers. Apply 248 George-street

First Floor. _ ?

WANTED, smart young Lady as invoice clerk. Ap _ply, stating age, salary reg.. Box 800; G_ .0. WANTED, 2 Girls, at once. Apply Ham Shop; _ Royal Arcade._'_ WANTED,- Typista for manufacturer's representative's

office. State age and salary required, references necessary, apply Box 873, G.P.O._

f."CTMNTED, smart Office Boy. Apply with ref., bo I VT tween D.SO and noon, to-day, HENRY DEAN

and SONS, 100 Pitt-street _

WANTED, experienced Girls for ladies' handbags, I

also GIRLS to learn trade, good wages.


!__._22 City-road.


Tho Manager,

A.B.C. Factory,

Mallet and University streets,


, TXTOOD MAOH1NIST wanted, used to ehalrwork pre-!

"VV ferred. SYDNEY WOODTURNINQ CO.,' Hill-st off Miller-st. Pyrmont_.



Apply Office Manager,


_4 Brldge-gtreet

WANTED, CLERK Ofale), for Work« Costraff Ofllee,

experience essential. Apply Works Manager,

BENNETT and WOOD, Ltd., 2S4 Pitt-street


Glover, Mick Simmons. Ltd., Haymarket

WANTED, MAN able to repair CV--OÎ and drive _horse. E. Rowlands Prop.. Ltd.._Litüe^H»y-st_

WANTED, steady, reliablo GIRL, about 22, to assist |

in shop, one used to pastry business preferred, i

Apply 9 ajn., II. WILSONV^

_Pastrycook, 107 Glebe-road, Glebe. |

WANTED, Pick and Shovel MEN. Apply on Job,

Smith and Reynolds sta, Balmain. E. Higgins. 1 ANTED, young Girl, to learn Finishing and ga

Messages. Misa Qtlzean, 117 Bath.-rt, top floor. WANTED, competent SALESWOMAN, for Skirts »nd

Blouses. Apply


_._2nd floor, 94 Oxford-street city.

WANTED, SMART CntL, over 21 year*, to line

Trunks; also GIRLS, 14 to 18 years, to leam trade. Good wages, no Saturday work.


Manufacturers of High-grade Leather Goods,


1_near Central Station.

WANTED, TOWN TRAVELLER, with experience.

Apply by letter, GOODLET and SMITH, LTD., 2 Harri3-6treet Sydney._ 'TTTANTi.-D, a GIRL for Labelling, Apply 9 a.m., ?yy- FESQ and CO., LTD., Wino and Spirit Mer-

chants, 44 Clarence-street

WANTED, GIRLS, 14-17 years of ace, tor our Spin

nine- department Apply


____;_ Sydenham-road, MarrickryiBe.


"..^V.1^3 HAND. Apply to Chief Engineer,

;RESCH'S, LTD., Dowling-strect Redfern.

WANTED, young Ladies, door-to-door canvassers, for

' high-class toilet lines, wages and good commls B1_P- _ Apply 78 Campbell-st, Haymarket._ WANTED, AVOODWORIUNG MACHINIST for Cab-

inet Works. Apply Forster's Bedsteads, Lt_,

Mary Ann-street, Ultimo._I

\7U-ANTED. competent CARPENTER, take charge, .» Vrwork, Rose Bay, wages £5/5/. Apply 8.30 o.m., 1

No. 4, ls*, «loor, 1 Bond-street, city. _ WANTED, Married Man to drive Produce Cart Must

kilow South Kensington. Apply W. SIMPSON, Pro duce Merchant, South Kensington._

ANTED, 'YOUNO LADY for Assistant and General Duties, in our Boot Business.

_ANGELO, IP Castlereagh-street city

[On<ANTKDj, 2 smart YOUTHS, for packing pastry

orders, must be accurate at figures, good wages

to right applicants. & P. BRAY, Shadforth-strcet Paddington._.

WANTED, competent LADY BOOKKEEPER, solid

tor's office, help shorthand and typing. '

_No. 0782, Herald Office.



Mountain-street I

'_^_ off Gcorge-strt'ct West. ' WANTED, good Traveller for music trade, good pro-1

spects for smart man. Owen's Music Warehouse,'! Bathurst. N. S. Wales._ WANTED, 6mart LAD, to mn messages, £L Apply

Diserons's Cake Sliop, Old South Head-road, Rose Hay. -

WANTED, smart JUNIOR, for Hardware Store Office.


_Box J595,_O.P.O.

VAUNTED, a IMPELA VER and MANHOLE BUILDER. ,? , , AIk.(¡. " ,few ff°"lJ ''it,k aH(i Shovel MEN. Apply l-.r^klniivillcj^and^^borpe^t, Erskineville. Hogan. WANTED, TURNER and FITTER, must bc com-

petent, for maiuUnance work. ADPIV Forster's Iledsteads.__I/td.,_ Mary -'.iin-strect, Ultjmo._ WANTED, CARPENTER, ¿a leading hand, and*'to

take charge of bungalow cottage buildings, good ttiigcs to energetic man. Send particulars of age and experience, RIMU, P.O., Ashfield._ WANTED," 3 Typewriter" Mechanics, also Improver.

Apply Mr. Farley,

_STOTT and UNDERWOOD, 70 Pitt-street


mouths' experience, for various Dcpla. Apply Staff Oltlce, 1st Floor,

MARCUS CLARK and CO.. LTD., ContnU-square.

WANTED, at once, First-class BLOUSE MACHIN-

ISTS and APPRENTICES, for exclusive work only. Miss GENTLES. 3rd Floor. Victoria Arcade, 0.wtlcrcagh-8t QPP.^ Hotel Australia._ W" "ANTED, strong BOY,'-ll to Ul, wUlUig to learn



_l.'lA Edward-street Redfern.

WANTED, young GIRLS to leam machining; also


Shirt Manufacturers,

? _,_Bueklnnd-street

WANTED, good PRESSER, electric irons, top wages

to good bund. W. A. DAVIDSON and CO.,

Shirt Manufacturers,

'_? -Buckland-streeL

WANTED, for Sydney and Suburbs, First-claw Bust"

ling Specialty -Salesmen to handle latest cheque protecting device. £1 a doy easily earned. Apply any morning before 10.30 lo BRADFORD,

_' ' 78 Campbell-street.

TX/ANTKD, in every town in New South Wales, a Live

» 1- Agent to handle latest Cheque-protecting device. £1 a dify easily camed. Apply with full particulars of references to L.S.B.. Box SO.

_Haymarket Post-office.

TT,T.\NTED, Ladles in all towns of New South Wale« IV tn sell high-class Toilet Lines, salary 30/ a week and liberal commission. Apply with experience and references to L.S.B., Box KO,

_llnvnmrkot Post-office. Sydney.

ANTED, 10 Smart CHILDREN, .for Ballets. Chorus.

.Specialities, big production. Tuition FREE, 7/0 entrance fee. Good salary guaranteed In two months. Applv readv to start, ThurKds.v, 2-:, p.m., also Friday, no ether daj\__(is Oxford-street, citv. _ TTTANTED, a YOUNGRA DY HAIRDRESSER. VV Apply

Mons. Bonnet,


Broadway, Sydney.



Bmrnrr^lÄÄNT ROYS, »höht I« to 17 years1

or age. preferably with a little experience, to

nKslst with Displiiv Windows. 1

as st >.U "j, suprsmsTEXOEST.

11 " 2nd Hour, George-street

l-THNDOW DRESSER.-Wanted, a young energetic VV Man iwith experience), as Assistant Window Drcs



Livcnwol and Castlereagh streets.


A|lt"y G. and C. HOSKINS, LIMITED,



WANTED, for good ( cunt ry Town, Smart Young]

S\LK!>WU.\1A"N. with knowledge of Millinery and Boots. Apply ll a.m. In-mairow (Thursday)

¡ i > u|id a llcARX,1UKi LTD..

70 York-street




iippeuriin'ce, for Dressmaking Department.

SVLEsWOMEN for Ready-made Skirt Department ?\ >plv STAKE SUPERINTENDENT,

_2nd Floor, George-street

VITA' tiETT DISTRICT HOSPITAL invites appîîattiôus VV l>r Positions of TWO JUNIOR PROBATIONERS, hilary £3» per war. Also, V.OMAN COOK and LAUN-DRESS ami genl'rii M >i :. sa!try £80 per year. Apply Immediately,' nayin. v..«;ii start duty. ..Forward ex. lieuses returned after six months service. Mnntli s notice' either side to terminate agreement

i _ _, W. H. WRIGHT, Secretary.

VNTED, for. Teiltafield olllce, Llsmoic-Tenterlleld 'mail seniee, a email JUNIOR CLERK. Salary £-710/ lier week. Must have previous bookkeeping 'experience. Apply in. first instance, with copies of

credentials, to ...


cAre of BOX Ul, P.O.. Newcastle.

ANTED, for Important Sheep Station, New Eng-

land; .MARRIED MAN, able to keep simple ac count books, and assist with station mutters gener-ally, outside as well as oltlce.. Salary, £150 per nu-llum, and found. House provided. Written aimllca. Hons, with conies of references, to VIGA Rb and MO, Ks. C. P. A ;, Public Accountants, 12-14 Loftus-st, Syd. W" VNTED a Capable General CLERK, for motor re-

pairs and mail and passenger service business, Casiim. Must have a lair knowledge pt this clue* of

business, and be familiar with double entry bookkeeping. ; Salary £1 per week. Apply in first instance, withi

wl,iCS °f CrcUC,lll"^NERAL CLERK,

_caro of BOX 141. P.O.. Newcastle. | "YVA 'VmJTH^as LIGnT PORTER, for our Country

Order* Department. .

Apply, with- references, at 0 a.m.,

"to. The Millinger,

Country Order Dept.,

Basement, Bay-street Building,


_BROADWAY. f i ^VAMANnFACTURER, to cut, make, and finish,

lllunses Skirts, and Kimonos, from our own materials. Constant work all thc year round.

Apply ., i


Blouse and Skirl Drpts., I




WASTED, LEDCEHK EEPER, experienced loose-leaf

system. Good position right mnjfc' Copies of credentials to . ACCOUNTANT,

' _Box -107, C.P.O.

WANTED, ? : '


Can earn up to 2 Pounds per week, I NO SATURDAY WORK. '




YOUNG LADIES required for Electrical Work-x


'_t W-f_f>7 Clarence-street

*VX5UNG GIRL, to Attend in dental rooms. Previous i experience not' necessary. Agc and salary re quired, DENS, Post-office, Oxford-street, city.

YOUNG Lady »anted, pastry, sales counter. Betw. _12 and 2. Ernest, Hillier. 1(12 Pitt-st_ YOUTH wanted, for. Merchant's Office, one with

knowledge Typewriter preferred. Apply, with ref. crences. Cooper. Nathan, and Co., 201 Clarence-street.

YOUNG LADY for office and light errands, splendid"

opportunities for advancement. Apply STOTT'S CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE, 117 Pitt-street, Sydney. YOUNG LADY, assist in office, knowledge of typing,

good .English essential. MORRISON and BAILEY, Printers, City Mislson-bldg.,' 278 Elb-st nr. Ballway. YOUNO GIRLS REQUIRED, .

for Tea-packing. Apply to

Messrs. LIPTON, Ltd.,

Tea Merchants,

114 Kent-street,

_ '_Sydney.

YOUNG LADY, experienced confectionery. After 10.

Keene's, 1Î0 King-st


ACOMPANIONABLE HELP. Prot., to assist gen-

erally, quiet home, opp, rai I. stn. Lindfield. J16_ ASMART GIRL wanted." uäful, assist wine bar.

234 George-st Nortii: afternoon. _. ARESP, young Woman, for half-day's work as

housemaid, perm., good wages. 71 Darlinghurst-rd AOOOK-QENKRAL, no laundry, no polishing of

floors, references, good wages. Apply Mrs. Graham, Olive Bank. Frederick-street, Rockdale_

SSISTANT Woman COOK, used restaurant-, early.

9V Goalbura-at. _

YOUNG GIRL fdr house duties. Nulgunyah, 3 Park-parade, Bondi.__ ' A ' CAPABLE LADY HELP, no laundry or house dean X- imr, good wages. TeL, W1102. Pera. rcL reqd. ACOMPT., another maid kept, liberal

outings, refs, Karita, Carrington-rd, Waverley.

AGOOD GENERAL MAID, small family. ¡lisa

Matheson, Drambuie, 2 Dovcr-rd, Ro_ Bay.

AUSEFUL aiHL, no washing, ironing, muling, sleep

home. 302 Park-rd, Paddington._; AWOMAN for Washing and Cleaning. 17 Belmore

rd. Randwick, off AUiaon-rd._,

AGIRL, to assist all duties. Excelsior Hotel, Bar

com-arenue, Darlinghurst_ AGOOD Home for respectable little Girl, aa Mower's

Help. Apply Mrs. REID. Maroomba, Bayiirater road. Roseville; or 'Phone, J1757._; ACOMPT, WOMAN to Wash and Clean, 7/, refs.

Otaki, cr. Botany and Arthur sta, Randwick. A YOUNG GIRL wanted, to asajac in housework.

XA, No. 1 Stewart st, Glebe Pt. tram tenninua._ AHOUSEMAID, assist table, every night off, £1

a week. 2U0 Victoria-st, Darlinghurst._


AT Mrs. PEKRLE'S, 103 Castlcreagh-st.-Wanted,

Housekeeper, bachelors, interview 10 o'clock; Cook, hotel, Hartley, 40/; 2 . Housemaid-Waitresses, country; H'maid, bar,_country; Fem. Ck., 70/; M. Ck. AT. Mrs. WOODIN'S.-Married, Couple, Chef and

Wife, ladies' college, £3/10/; M. Couple, Cook-L" Gardener-Useful, Moss Vale, £140; Working House-keeper, Hotel, Mts., 30/; Pantryuiaid, 21/; Cook, Moun-tains, as one of family, 35/. ll Elizabeth-street. , ASMART K1TCHENMAN wanted. Apply Scott s

Strand Cafe, Strand Arcade, city._'

AYOUNO Girl wanted as WAITRESS, no Sunda?

work, wages 25/. Apply SCOTT'S STRAND CAFE, Strand A-eade, city._

A T Simmonds' Agency, 1S8 Castlereagh-streer. Xis' Hotel Useful, assist bar, «0/; Ploughman, milk, 42/6; Houseman, 20/, U.C. clergy; Sacristan, R.Ü. Church, 20/; Useful Man, ndlk, 25/, hotel, country; Useful Man, 20/, commercial hotel, country;; Youth, useful, homestead, 20/; Woman Cooks, 45/, 40/, hotels, etry.; Ukpr., £1, R.C, clergy; Woman, make up pkls., 30/ Html., 25/, stn.; Hiud.-W., 25/, hotel, South Coast ASS1STANT COOK wanted, smart young man pre-

ferred. Wages 60/ per week. AARON'S EXCHANGE HOTEL, 1 Gresham-strect, city._ ,A N Asst. OOOK. cafe, city, 48/: K'maid. 27/: Daily X_ Worker. IwU-l. city, 40/; Cook-Gen., stn.. G'uurn,

25/,_3 fam.; W. H'kpr., 20/. M'ville. .72 Enmoieroad.

AGARDENER wanted, experienced lawns and flow-

ers, married preferred, for Darling Point Write, ching age and particulars, to

_GARDENER, P.O., Haymarket

ASUPERIOR GIRL, good suburban hotel, little

housework and bar, will teach bar to suitable girl, splendid opportunity. PETERS. 41 Elizabetli-st ASMART young Working Housekeeper, fumily 2,

lovely home, feaslde,JiO¿^_Peters, A" ~T MCINTOSH'S, 35 lälii.-st-Camp Cook, 40/; M.

Couple, £M0; Blacksmith, handy man, 42/._ A "HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS, esp., 22/« per wk., it A once. Wallaringa .Mansions, Neutral Bay. Tel., NVith 1207. I _ ARELIEVING GUtL, at once,. 22/0 \roek.


Tel, North 1207._Neutral Bay.

A T MRS. CAMPBELL'S. «0 Elizabctli-st.-Cook. Hii/_ X_ Bay, £2/10/; Two Friends, H. Md. 20/, H.P. Md. 25/, D'buret; Pantry Maid and H. Md.,-W'tress( name house, 18/ each; Cook. 35/;_Pnrlour MjL,_30/,_priv._hse ASENSIBLE GARDENER, young, wanted, all day

Saturday, regular, 10/ per day. CAVELL, Gros venor-stieet, Kensington. Apply after IO a.m. ACHEF; start at once.

Mis. COLLIER, Uar.clliurst

Murduek-sl.rcet, \

'Phone. Y2000._._Crcmorrie._ A T Mrs. Mulligan's, 82 King-st, next Theo. King's. Xi. Cook-L'dress, 35/; H.P'maid, 25/, stn., West line; Chef, board.-liso., £2; Cook-General, 30/, Mtns.;'Cook, daily, 30/, no Saty., Sunday, or hoi, work, 8 till 4._ ASUPERIOR Lady Help wanted for cottage, 2

adults, close Chatswood tvamt Apply Wediics day, 1.15, or Friday, 0.30, Miss FINLAY, Studio 50. 4th floor, Pnling'8-buildings, _Asli-striet_ ACHARMING Bungalow Home oilcied to Girl ..r

Woman; do all duties for young married couple, with two walkin, children. Good wage, every con-venience, five nights and all Thursday free. Alter Ju o'clock, CAVELL. Grosvenor-strect, Kensington._

REFINED, trustworthy GIRL as NURSE for two children, refs, required. Mrs. A. BROWN, Hurst ville Hotel. Hurstville._-.

L. IL or GENERAL. 4 in family. 2 children, 2 adults, no laundry, small villa, every conv., plain cooking, ref., Ealary 25/. Bather, Gillies-streel, woll-stonecraft, tel.. Vlf.» N'.w_ "AT MISSSLAYARD'S, 29 ELIZABETH -STREET. Xi- GARDENER, 35/, Southern Lino, references reqd. YOUTH, 20/, useful about house, station, 10 o clock. M COUPLE,. £140, 2 adults, station, references reqd. LAUNDRESS, 30/; H'MAID, 20/; school, near Sydney. HOUSI>P'MArDJ_30/,_jLtMio^^ "ty'

A- T~Mrs. M'liENZtE'S. ll OisUer«igii-st, «pp. Hotel

Australia.-Cook, 45/; Kitchen Boy, H'maid-Vi., and Pantry Maid, for Bowral; Waitress and Hotiscmni', first-class country hotel ;'laundress and Houseman , hotel, suit motlier and daughter; Cooks, private fami-lies (smii.ll), suburbs, 30/; capable person, 3 adults. 2./il. ne waiting table; W. Housekeeper. business People, suburbs, 20/; Lady.Hclp. 2 Jadíes, .small cottage. A./, middle-aged person pref.: Woman with a child., 1 dress, housemaid. majiy others; also Governess"*,_ t A T lSRAEL'S.-Not«-19 ELIZABCTll-STREET.




WAITRESSES. CAFES. BOARDING-IIS.. 25' SEVERAL HOUSEMAIDS. W'TRESSES.II. and P. MAIDS, stn.. &>/ LADY HELPS. GENERAIS. HOTELS. PRIVATE. SEV. A T RYAN'S AGENCY, 101 CASTLEREAGILSTREET A. CHINESE CHEFS. £3/10/, £2/10/, hotels, nr. Syd EUR CHEF and MATE, £5, country hotel. > EUlt CHEFS, £3/6/, £2/10/; IC'M.EN, 35/. 30/. M COUPLE, £3, hotel, both in kitchen, W.U. M. COUPLE, £3, tips, hotel, cook and groom.

M COUPLE. £3, hotel, cook and k'nian, useful, N.L. SECOND COOK, £3 and keep, country hotel. HOTEL GROOMS, drive 'bus, 23/, 20/. -

D.MR Y FARM HAND, 25/, S. Line, near Sydney.

STATION USEFUL, about 18, milk, WU.. 25/, Mtns. YARDMAN, 25/. also GROOM, 20/, tips, same hotel. POHTEH-l'SEFtTL,-.!/, good tips, Northern I'">c:

W CHEFS. £2/10/, Mts.: also £2, N.M. and S. Lines. W COOKS! £2/5/, £2, 35/, 30/; L'DRESSES, 30/ 25/. COOK, £2, also HMD.. 20/. R>">c hotel, near Sydney. COOK £2, also W'TRESS. 20/, same hotel, nr. Sydney. MOTHER and DTR.. £2/5/, mil. hotel, both in Kit. COOK, 35/. also HMD.-N'DLEW MAN, 2.,/, same hotel. COOK, 3U/. small hotel, child taken, mt ll o elk. COOK 30/. small hotel, child taken, near Orange. COOK-L, 30/, small hotel, child taken, N. Coast. COOK, 20/. small hotel, child taken, N. Line. .

mu-n Glum 25/ each, same place. Mountains.

"n°T» 25/, also W'TRESS. 20/, T» hotel. Mtns.

KTrCIIENMAIllS, 3.-,/. 25/. Mountains and Cronulla. Kif MAID, also H.M.W., 25/ ea., same hotel, V..L. T.vriY HELP. 25/, good station, 2 to do for, rec fl M -L'URESS, 25/, also H.M.W., 20,', rame Ml., n. Syd HOUSEMAID, also W'TRESS. 20/ each, sainç hole .

.> HOUSEMAIDS. 20/ each, good. tips. s. city hole . ?> W'TRKSSE1!. 20/ each, good tips, same city note .

TmilSEMMI«: 'SS*. W/: W'TIIESSES, a».'. SS/. 20/,; VVREK Pun RYAN invl CO.. If'1 rasUerengh-strrct. B~*TEMUD, expcrienecsl, roUablc. g(Hiil refs. Subway

_ lietel. Jli'Vjmshjre^_ BARMÀÏO* smart, young, experienced. Apply Mrs.

S~! »ffno-'..| Hotel. .1 eii.i.hnrdt-._ RARANT'S. 03 EH/abeth-Ft. City ^OI.-AVomar, Coota. SO/. 35/: Chef, SO/- 2 H'mairt.W'tresses si ll friends, ctr'.: lTniiscmalds. cita-: W'tresscs. 30/0, mis. BLADE'S, 48 IClir-.-pt.-Mar. Couple, cook-baker, h'md.

l'dreft!, £175; Mother, Dir., or Friends, stn., £150; Cook.L'drcss, £2/2/, stn.; Gens., hotels, 25/; Con., assist bar, subs., 31/0; W'trew, hotel, ctry., a./; Cool; and H'mil.-W'trcss, hotel, subs-, _25/_njid_j0/. BARMAN, 4»/; Barmaid, city; 40/; Useful, 00/.

CHEF, hotel, country, 00/; CHEF, hotel, £55. [PANTRYMAN, city hotel. 48/; WAITER, 48/.

IcENERALS, hotels, 30/; KITCHENM.UD, 30/.

IPANTRYMA1DS, 2ft/; Laundress, 25/; Hall Boy, 25/. _MASON'S, 03 EH/aheUi-strect City 4115.

XJ BARMAIDS, Wyalong, 30/; Ardlethan, 30/. lst-cl. HOUSEMAID, assist liar, Fcasidc suburban hotel, 25/.

Com. Room WAITRESS, Bomke, 30/; Narrandera, 25/., HOUSEKEEPER, Working, Coonamble, 35/; int 10.13.

Till« is a . first-class position. Station refs. reqd. ¡ STN. COUPLE, Trangie, £150, man milk, kill, wife!

cnuk-laun. Mr. Vincent Hamilton, wife, please cull. Miss MACNAMARA, Wcnlworth-st., Ill Eliz.-st. Cy. 3371 CAPABLE, trustworthy Ccncral, £1 p.w. and ferry

ticket, or would train girl willing to learn. Good home, light woik. Mrs. BURTON. Nclsoii-pde., near Prince ErlivJrcl's-nde., Woolwich. 'Phone, II. 312,

COMPETENT LAUNDRESS, 2 days week. Apply

Delwood, Warrawee. Tel., 100 Wah._

CÍOMPT. LADY HELP, for three months, quiet country

/' home, three in family. Soldier's denendent pre-ferred. Child not objected to. Mrs. II. T. LEE, Durriilmnya. Thornford, vin Goulburn._? COOK-GENERAL, downstairs duties only, gas stove,

no laundry, small family, another maid kept, pcr rnnal references required. Af», Douglas, 7 Etham-aveiiuc, Darling .Point .. .Tel., 8S0_Edg._ /COMPETENT DOMESTIC HELP, no inundo-, P'« \J stove, 25/, references. Tel., 070 North. Mount Stewart, Raymond-road, Neutral Bay._ C0MPETENT""GENERAL, good wages, no washing,

close to station. Warrawee. Wah. 404,


/COMPETENT General, all duties, 2 family, near tram,

references. Mrs. .lames Simpson, Medway, Seres furd-road. Rote Day. Edgecliff U33._

OOK-G EN ERAL wan ted í¿r Leura, t no laundry,

wages SO/. Apply Mrs. RICHARD JONES, Winbah, Ed-"cllff-road.rEdgecliff. Tel.. PU.. .__ COOK, exp., wanted, refs., no objection to one child.

No boarders. Wages 27/0. Call . or write, late paid. OLIFFE, Como flotcl. _.

/"tOOK-GENERAL, Housemaid, aud Houseboy wanted. \J Ref. Melrose, Queen and Oxford sta. TN 'laura. />OOK-GENERAL, or Relieving Cook, private house, v_y city, no laundry, 27/0. Welch. 00 EHzabetn-rt.

COOK wanted. Charles Christiansen call. St. Peters

Dining Room, at once._ COOK and LAUNDEESEfand HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS,

for Mountains, same house; good, comfortable homo, week-end a month given. Apply Thursday, from 10 a.m.. Lift Attendant, 21 Oxford-Btreet, city. _

COMP. GENERAL, all duties, cottage, small' family,

good wages, refs. 'Phone, M1.U79. 13 Arcadia road, Glebe Pt_;_ '

/COMPETENT General for two adults, refs, required.

Apply this morning or evening, to Mrs. LE PATOUHEL. IUI Queen-street, Woollahra._?

C\OOK-QEN., daily, 7/; small private house. Darling

' Point; references necessary. Apply 9 a.m., POTTS POINT BUREAU. 1 D'hurst-road. Potts Point COMPETENT COOK, plus House-Parlour Maid (no

bedrooms), wages 15/ each per w., refs. req. Mrs. Andrew Watt Greystanes, Redmyre-rd, Strathfield I^OOK, 80/; ILP.M., ¿il: Gen., 30/. no ldry; Laun \J dress, 25/. ' Love's Registry. Summer Hilt

COOK-L'DRESS, W. line, good place, last woman 5

_years. Meet, emp. 10.80. M'Kenzie's, 4* ffrcagji_t CHEF (Woman) wan'ed, must be used high-class

.. cale service. Apply after 0. Manageress, VoL Workers' Cafe. 189 Pitt-street_ C--Y001Í, at once, small Hoarding-house. SO C».opbell

J st. Milson's Point, after 0._.

GLEANER, for carly morning work, for tearooms. _Apply. The Mary Elizabeth, 60 Klng-st_ CARPENTERS' Shop Fitters. Sheaves and CO., Wasb

_ington-Bt. off Buthurst-st_ > CtOOK, man or woman, wanted, for first-class boaid

J iug-house, highest wages to competent person. 76 Roslyn Gardens, D'hirrst 'Phone, 130 Wm.

GOMPT. Housemaid, good wages. Uemon's Burdekin

Hotel; Oxford-at Hyde Tark._ C1LKANEK required, male, wages 25/ and keep. Apply

) afta- 10, Secretar}-, Royal North Shore Hospital, St. Leonards._ COOK, Man or, for hotel. Southern Line,

good wages. Apply Sandoman, Ltd-, 17» Castlo reagh_st_ COMPETENT COOK, part .Laundry. 30/, cottage, 3

adults, own room, ' another maid kept

Miss MACMOLLEN; Raeburn, Milner-crcaeent,

Tel. North 57._Wollstonecraft

/TOMP. Gen. or Lady Help, as relieving maid, 20/, \J pp wash., refs. Fur, pars-, 132 Victoria-st Ashfield OOOli-GENERAL, modern home, SO/, Btart at once.

Mrs. Clamp, Eastolitlc, Grccnoaks-avcnue, Darling Point Tel. 1310 Edgecliff._. /CAPABLE Person to .assist light housework, and \J cldldren. good wages to suitable applicant

Mrs. BRIERLEY, turner Ulll-st and 'Roscville-av, U1905._ _ ._Roseville.



¡ Mri. RITCHIE, LuleO, ,

_The Boulevard. StTOtMjeld._ OMPETENT young GIRL, to relieve for live weeks,

no bedrooms or laundry work, 3 in family. Good wages and home. CUMBERLAND,

B -_2 Laurence-street Manly.

OMPETENT COOK, personal references, good wages.


comer Shaw-street Addisou-road (tram),


OOK, General, or Lady Help, wages 30/ ; 4 in lam

Uy. Tel., 45 Wahroonga._ DOMESTIC HELP, light place, 2 adults. Miss New-

man, Eumalla, Beecroft-rd. Beecroft Epp. 68.

YVAILY Help, assist in housework 9-f>.3U. Merthyr, JL> Gloria-crescent off Springdale-rd. Killara. J2256. DAILY HELP wanted. 8 vo 5 p.m.. Sundays excepted.

£1 wk. Apply 43 Franris-st, Leichhardt_ TTkOMESTIG HELP, adult family,- no washing, assist U ance given. WONDAH, Bunnerman-strect Crc inornc. Tel.,_North 747._ DOMESTIC- HELP, cottage, 3 adulto, no -washing, rç

. sidence optional. Mrs. PRIDDLE, Elswick, Rcd

mvre-rd. Stratlifleld. TeL. U0O3O. - ?

Xl'EHlENCED WAl'JRESS, for dining-roouj; alst

WAITRESS, for night only. LOOSEN'S CAFE, 61 Castlercagh-street_;_ EXCELLENT Position in thc country for Cook-Lds.,

light duties, goodwages. 'Ph., North 210 Thurs. ITÜSTVVOOD.-Mr. C. G. MOORE, The Bungalow,

lt Rutledge-street, requires LADY HELP or LIGHT UENERAL._'Phouc._Enning ¿03._ E~XÎ'WÊNCÊD HOUSE-PARLOURMAID, 27/6, four

free nights. _ .. " , -

570 Old South ncad-road, '

Waverley 00._Bondi Junction.

T^XraRlÉÑCED Tearoom WAITRESSES wanted, Day Xii and Night Stalls. Apply alter 9 a.m.,


FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS wanted, wash and iron. _J>auloj^_^vrtje^^Miimirc:_ TTVOll New Zealand, Station, Cook and H.P. Maid, 2 J-1 sisters or friends, Scotch or English preferred. I Apply by letter, with references, MISS DIBBS, Gray

imvaitc. Edgecliff. _:_:

T7TRÏÏH. Mrs., 00 C'rcagh-Bt T., 10]21.-Çhef, Tour Ä? ists' Hotel, 70/; K'man, city; Marr. Opie., both in kit., £1; Useful, lst-nlass hotel;- Waiter, ctry., 30/; Woman Chef, £3; Barmaid, ctry., 30/, public, city, 50/; Housemaids, Waitresses, Parlourmaids, city ami country._ GENTLEWOMAN, as Help, for convenient cottage.

Apply Mrs. Rothery, Carlingford.

GIRL wanted, assist all duties, cottage. 22 Court

id. Double Bay, j_

GOOD LIGHT GENERAL, able coot, sleep homo

pref., liberal outings. 4S3 Klng-st, Newtown.

r\ ENERAL or Lally Help, 4 adults, no washing, 20/. VJ Mrs. W. R. Savers. TeL. 7S3 North.-_l_

OOÜ CENERAL. no laundry. Cameron'* Palace

lintel, comer George und Hay sta._ GENERAL, light household duties, evenings free; 2S

_Alt-st. /Ashfield._,_. WENERAL, no washing, wages £1 a week. Mrs. J. \X W. Cocks. Donacls, Allison-rd, Randwick._

^"OOÍFGEÑÉÍÍÁL or Lady Help; for seaside cottage, VT summer months, adults. Apply Mrs. M. E. Shaw, Petty's Hotel, Church_ Hill. _ GOOD HOMI-f'glvcn to respectable Woman, small

wages in return for light services. 3tk> Victoria road, MaiTicUvïHe.^ramljne,_ Ct ENERÄL7 housemaid kept good wages. M'Donald

VJT 1 litel. Erskinevillo_J.ram_Jerminu;(._ G~" ENERAL, Ö adult* washing optional, assistance

given, references. Dr. Beazley. Wahroonga.___ GIRL ns Useful, week-ends off, sleep home. 601 New

Cnnterhury-nl, Dulwich Hill. _. /SlRL, one wanting good home preferred, plain \y eoolcing, no washing, two adults two children, .1 and 2 years, villa, 17/fl week. By letter,

Mrs^J31IdL_j__isington r.O.

-KXKBU* no washing, 2 adults, 2 children, nurse

kept 6 minutes' station, cottage: references Mrs. ARNOLD, P""«"!, jcniamjgvcnuc. Killara. J2014._ 7SÖ0D GENERAL, plain cooking. Apply Darby's IT Fruit Slif-n, Till Avoca-1, Randwick._ GARDENER and Generally Useful. Apply Thursday,

¿.13, D. Rutherford, Uig Lodge, Wentworth

st. Point Piper. _,-_

ENERAL, no laundry, sleep out, 22/0. 50 Young

st, near Hotel JbHiopolc. 'Phone.saiO. ?¡TI IRL. assist h'work. rn washing, ironing, ""kins

VT f)i)l. Culwulla-chambera, 67 Casllereagh-strcet Tel., Waverley 270._-_._ !/G ARDENER.-Assistant Gardener required, must be

VJT able to milk, single man preferred. I ARTHUR RICKARD,

Benth Park,

_nillyard-a^enue,_\yjdiroonga. _ C' ? y MtDENKHS-Wanten, a good Man, for day work.

I" After 0 p.m.,. J. MONRO, Kingston, Pearce-street,

Double Bay._, G' ~ENKHAL-COOK.-Wanted, fiood Girl, good wages.

V Apply Mrs. Craven, 24 Phillip-st, Neutral Bay. _ GOOD 'WORKING HOUSEKEEPER or General Ber

vant) good wages, all duties, small family. Ap pl.y 20 Lelrhhardt-strect, Glebe Point_ GIRL, 50 or 18. wanted, light duties, in good home,

only three in family, good wages and treated well.

Apply EASY.

_Post-officc,_Hurstville. _ ARDENER .wanted practical worker, Howers and

vegetables, 1 days per week regular work, resident ot dist?« preferred. ? Mrs. SBVIEH, E-ysian, Bee-, croft-road, Beecroft _ 'Phone,, Lpi>mg_214._ HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS wanted, good wages. Apply

Jlatron,_45_TlicJloulevard,J^wlsliain.____ . HELP"wanted, light hou.-.ebold duties, married couple,

ut Bellevue. Uiver-st,, U'vuc Hill. Edg. 1043. _

.pyOÛSEMÂlD, 25;. 45 Boulevard, Lewisham.

OUSEMAN-WA1TER, 25/. 45 Boulevard, Lewi

chain._._ HOUSEMAID-WAITH ESS wanted,- good tips, wages

22/0. GalMy_YvrlWLj31hTÇj1_<^^ _^_ HOUSEMAID, exp., hotel, Queensland; good wages.

Reeom._Ref. _ .Miss Gardiner, 5J Elb-.-st_ HOUSEKEEPER "wanted. Apply T. M. Soper, Doti

tist, 18» Wardell-nl. J.>»j?jJch_Jllll;_ HcJÎÎSEMAII) or GcTicräl. Mrs. Craig, Arran Place,

Wolseley-rd, Point Piper. 1 min. tram.

HOUSEKEEPER, reliable Widow, 30 to 40, manage

widowrr's home, working man, young family, sin.

tala ry._Sliitii_naitji;iilars_t.o Hollie. Gladesville P.O. HOlISE-pXltLOUR MAID, 'small"family, good wages, _Nrornuc. Cooprrst. nt Strathfield Station.

HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS, 25/ week. Apply Mrs.

_ l'Jcl<s._Kjllaij. '¡.Of Chili, Killara. .11141._. HOÜSIMArö-WAlTRESS wonted, >kiy and Illili oil.

25/, sleep in. HOUSEMAID, assist, day and half off. 255, sleep in. Woo'pnck Hotel. Parramatta.

HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS, high-class boarding estab-

lishment, good home and wages.

Td., vwti._Thc Laur.'U. Old Crenii'inc.

aOUSKKEEPER (Working), for 3 adults, at Wool-

lahra, must be coinjieieiit and trustworthy, com-fortable place. £L Rciriciices til

"ÍÍOUSEMAID, experienced. Apply, references, mom

l~l uie or evening. MR. T. F. KNOX, Leura, Vlctoria rond, Bellevue Hill. Watson's Bay or Dover-road tram. HOUSEMAID^WAITRESS "and Housemaid wanted at

once, wages 20/. Tel., North 1110. Mrs. KERR, KIngston._Lower_ Wycomhe-rd, Neutral Bay._



Blacksmith and Oarpcutci-, 4S/; Scrubcuttcrs, £2; Housekeeper, city hotel, wage nrranged at interview, 10 sharp; Waitress, 25/; Kitchenmnid, 80/; Cook-L'dress, 30/, no obi. to girl over D years, can personally rec.; Yardman-Useful 30/; Cook, 30/, interview 10._ HOUSEMAID, assist in tho har, wanted, good wages.

_ Apply after 10 a.m., 101 George-st North._ HOUSEMAID-LAUNDRESS, boys' school"housman

kept, na Hoors, stiff shirts (riven out, 22/0; exua pay' for jiew scholars. WELCH. 03 Elizabeth-street .

TTOUSE-PARLOUR MAID, competent. Before 11.30 -Or or after 0 (faro paid from town),

Lady HUGHES, Cranbrook Cottage,

._New &Duth Head-road, Double Bay.

ÖUSEMAN-WAITER, private" house, suburbs, re-

turned soldier or reject preferred. Meet em-ployer, Hotel Australia Office, between 12 and 1 o'clock; or by letter, _ TTOUSE-PARLOUR MAID, refs, required. Mrs. R. XX LITTLE, I'arsethorn, third house on right, Wol selcy-road, Point Piper. Town fares paid._'

HUT 'COOKST tal. South: 42/, S. West; another,

onlv u few men. 33/, North.

YOUTHS, to milk and kill, nil lin- 20/. 21'

M COUPLES, man Cook, wife L'dress. £150; man,

milk. etc.. wife Cook-Laundress. £150. COOK. 30/: L'DRESS. ?"', same station.

COOK, sn I: L'DRESS. 30/; H.' and P. MAID. 25/. COOK (only). 40/: H. und P. MAID. 30/. North.

Tel.. f"- 1S72. SIMPSON BROS.. 1 Elizabcth-st

T^ITCIIENJIAID wanted nt once, short hours, no

jA._ Sundu.VH or holidays. Tilts, 22 Pitt-st, JJuay. KITCHENWÖMAN wtd., smart, exp. Chef, Café

Continental, 1st floor, 2S3 George-st, city.


KITCHEN-MAID, exper., also Mldd-iy Woman (or kit.

Start onie: Antlion Cafe, Sydney Arc:, King-st. '|¿ ULrir..> AnaisTANT. uo cooking, wages 25/ per 'XV week. Apply THE M A lt Y ELIZABETH TEA , llOOilS, J^viiig-strcot_.__ KITCHEN MAUI, Pantryman!, also Tea Wahr««.

Clyde Coffee Palace, 200 Castlereagh-si.

IAUNDRY.-Wtd., Ist-class Maelilniat, uJ»o Statelier.

* Excelsior Laundry, Charlcs-st, Petcrsnam. j

LAUNDHY.-Wtd., comp. Shirt, Collar Machinist and

Ironers. Kent Ldry., KB Booth-sc. Annandale.

IADY HELP-COMPANION, for one lady, sin» tl cot

J tage, liberal outings. Maravl, Woodiide-av, St'fleld. LAUNDRY.-Wanted, smart Packer and Sorter. Cil _lnrd's laundry, SO Dowllng-st, Paddington.

LAUNDRY.-Wtd., Girl, pl. non., exp. not neccs., 25/

wk.i Globe Laundry. 185 N. O'bury-rd, P'ehnin. Li - HDRY.-Required, Starch Ironer. Shirt Backer,

Sorters, Cai. Hands. Sunlight Ldry.. Sum. IH1L LAUNDRY;-Starcher, T Girl with some experience.

Acme Laundry. Potcrshnm-rd, Marrickville.

LADY' HELP, no laundry, liberal outings. Mrs. _Pickering, 5- Wiuchcombe-av, Haberfield._, LAUNDRY.-Wanted, capable Plain and Starch Ironer, 1 constant work. IBO Oumberland-st, Church-hill.

[ADY NURSE, for girl 3 years of age, every after * noon, from 2 till 6.

RATHGAR, Bercsford-road,

Edg. 1403._Rose _Bay__ LAUNDRY.-Wanted, good all-round lroner. ilorton's

Queen's Cross Laundry, ICO Forbes-st, off William-st LAUNDRY.-Wanted, good Flannel Washer. Gil

lard's Laundry, SO Dowllng-st Paddington.

T .AUNDRY.-Exp. Sorters; Girl leam, good X-i writer. French Laundry, 232 Oxford-st Woollahra IT AUNDBY.-Assistant Packer and Sorter, also Starch

' and Plain Ironer. foKing-st Newtown._

_DY HELP, 25/. 45 Boulevard, lewisham.

LAUNDRY.-Wanted, Body Machinists, also Girl to

learn packing and sorting. ABERDEEN LAUX

I PK*"» Broadslair-strcct, Balnialn._ LAUNDRY.-Shirt Machinist, also Baoker-up and

Sorter. Fed. Ldry. Co., 176 Wllliam-st, Darl'hurst

T AUNORESS. by tho day. Mrs. J. W. Cocks, Donacis, XJ Allison-rd, Randwick._ LAUNDRY.-Shirt and Collar Machinist, good wages

to competent hand. Apply by letter, 7203, Herald. LArVDRY.-Collar Machinist, also Starcher. Woman

for wash__Fnmorc Laundry. 139 Enraore-rd.Enm. LAUNDRY,-Shirt "and CoBar Machinist" Plain Iron-

ers.also Useful Woman. Turramurra Ldry., T'muixa, LADY HELP, adult famfly, corni, home, Protestant

girl. Toolooa, Burra-rd, Artarmon._ LAUNDRESS wanted, 3 in family. Serat», Kdso-st,'

Burwood._ LIQHT General, small family, no wash luí, ifheral

outings, good .wages. 63 Roslyn Gardens, Kits. Bay. LADY NURSES' BUREAU.-L. Nurse, 1 girj 4, and

sew-, Klrribüli, 1L30; infant ll mths.. England and return, 3 p.m.; Girl 9 yrs., E. Bay, must sew; Oom pan.-IL, squatter's wife, Coulbum.Miss Rofe. 105 Pitt-st LAUNDRY.-Wanted, Backers-ip, Girl for pressing

'machine, also Girls for calender, experience not necessary. Elite Laundry, Glenmorc-road, foot of

Cascade-street, Paddington._ LADY HELP.-Capable Scotswoman required, assist

mother, several children, all duties except laun dr_,_»/._Apply J., Bor 1605, G.P.O. _ L"IGHT GENERAL wanted, no washing, sleep at home.

BROD1EV1LLE, Sydney-street, Artarmon, off Mow. bray-road._ LADY'S'HELP -wanted, light duties, good home and

wages. Apply Glenora, Crinan-st, Hurlstone Park. 'Phone, Pet 1187._

UGHT GENERAL or LADY HELP, modern bungalow,

liberal outings. Mrs. ANDREW WADSWORTH,

Lynton, Oranbrook-avenuc, Cremorne._ T AUNDRY.-Plain Ironer and Good Starch Ironer, XJ also Backer-up. Top wages, good conditions.

¿ ACME LAUNDRY, Gordon. 'Phone, Wah. 2S0. ,T AUNDRY.-Wanted, Starcher. Apply Welby _ran

XJ dry, 218 Dowllng-st ott* Willlam-et. _

LAUNDRY'.-Wtd., competent Sorter and Packer;

good wages. CAMBRIDGE LAUNDRY, comer Bourke and Cleveland streets. 'Phone. Padd. 890.

LIGHT GENERAL or LADY HELP, 3 adults, no wash-

ing, good plain cook, good wages.

Y2392. 54 Rangers-road, Neutral Bay. LADY HELP or GENERAL, 4 in family, no washing,

must cook well, gas stove, 26/, ref.

Mrs. J. J. KISSANE, Casino.

LAUNDRY.—General Ironer, inexperienced Girl's,

under 18 years, for folding, wages 22/. Lion Laun-dry, Wentworth-street, off Underwood-st, Paddington. LIGHT GENERAL, two adults, sleep out, week ends

free. Top flat (39), 39 Roslyn Gardens, Elizabeth Bay. LAUNDRY.—Smart Girls and young Women, for

folding rooms. HAMILTON'S STEAM LAUNDRY, Blue's Point-road, North Sydney.

MIDDAY or Three-quarter Waitress. Apply 10 o'c.,

no Suns, holidays. Anthon Cafe, Syd. Arc., King-st. MOTHER, Daughter wanted, mother do house duties,

daughter mind two children, good wages to trustworthy person. TOWN and COUNTRY HOTEL, St. Peters. MIDDLE-AGED Woman, take charge of dining-room

and kitchen. WENTWORTH CAFE.

207 William-street, Darlinghurst. MIDDLE-AGED MAN wanted for light gardening and gen. useful. W. J. Coogan, 14 C'reagh-st. MAN COOK, bake, stn. homestead. W.L., £3/3/,

keep; Teamster and Gen. Stn. Hand. S.L., 42/ ; middle-aged Man. milk, kill. N.L.. '25/; M.C.. stn., W.L.. man carden, useful, wife H'maid-L'dress. £120; M.C.. stn.. W.L., no obj. child. man milk, kill, work gard., wife Gen., £140; others, N.W.L., man. Cen St Hand, wife Gen., small adult tam.. £130 and £150; H.P. Maid. W.L.. 30/. SCII0LEF1ELD. 41 Elizabeth-st. NURSE and-NEEDLEWOMAN required for station ia

Queensland, good salary. Apply Thursday Cth inst, nt Simla, Bnrnctt-nv,_Wav<_ley. Bondi tram to Flood-st. "NjimSEilY HOUSEMAID, 4 "children, close to Warra ___wo_sttHon,_goo__w_.^ _i. ORDER WAITRESS, 30/, ready tn start; also Pantry _maid. Ryan's Cafe, SO Botany-rd, Redfern.

PANTRYMA1D wanted. Apply, ready to start, Paris

House, Phillip-st._ 1PARLOURMAID. Mrs. Manning, Toft Monks, Eliz».

^"^iyL-M^'^'-i^3^011!-Buy^-_Te____'-_íisr POULTRY.-Man or Lad" wauted, 15/ and board.

M., North Hyde P.O._ T Î3ANTKYMAIU-WAITUESS wanted, 21/; also Klt X elien Maid, 22/0. .?

Telephone, petersham 051._ PARLOURMAID, to relieve for 3 weeks, 25/. Lady

l-RENCU, Vangc, Fairfax-road, Bellevue Hill, Double Bay.. 'Phone, Edg. 813._'_.

PERSON, young, light house duties, assist walking

child, general kept, wages £1. After 10. Imperial Hotel, Ersklncvillc-road, Erskineville.

Telephone. L1R72._ . _ POSITION vacant, Coogee Beach, superior domestica-

ted young Woman, in private family of 2 adults, references required, wages 25/ a week, all duties, plain rooking onlv. Apply, llrst instance, 12 o clock, to-day, LITTLE and TREVOR, Publishers, 12 Cunningham strcet,_oJLi27^1U-jstnpct,_I Ijiymarkct_, REFINED Working Housekeeper, 3 gentlemen, fiat,

Kirribilli, Fridnvs and Sunday afternoons free, no mid-day meals. BOX 2047, G.P.O., or City 3842. R'ËTÙRNED Officer, willing lo teach well-educated

' Youth, mLxcd (arming, in return for sen-ices, i.o premium. M., Box 1508, G P.O._ RESPECTARLE Person wanted, housework, few boura

' dally. Apnly after 0, 32 Rnycc-st, Glebe Point

RELIABLE Girl wanted, all duties, except washing,

cottage, £1 per week, per», refs. Beverley, Cre morne-road, Cremorne Paint Tel., Y"1478._ KEFINED WOMAN, to cale for-Farm Home, and

' assist in Nursery work, mounting grasses. Apply _359_EJiZ3__Ul;6_rO^^

R- EFINED ,yng. Girl to assist with teach 2 .little

girls dnilr. 0 till 5, one afternoon and Sunday free._12 Couk-strcct, Randwick._ REFINED Daily or Resident HELP, to ussist alt

duties Bi-.inlw50d, Haiicroft-avenue. Roseville.

Tel., J1CS6. _ ? SUPERIOR' MOTHER'S HELP, fl to 4. no Sundays.

17 Fairmount-st 1-uershnm.__.

SMART young GENERAL, sleep home. Sunday free.

02 Eiiinorc-rd. Newtown._:_ ^'lOBER WOMAN, bedroom work, few hours daily,

} lioep out 240 Kent-st_._, (SOLDIER'S Widow or Mother, assist light duties, cora >-> fort, hame. Tivoli. East Crcscciit-st M'Malion's Pt STATION USEFUL, iniik. kill, m.-aged 30/, refs.:

M. Opie., wife cook for men, ldry. for homestead, man useful, £150; M. Opie., Mountains, man gulden useful, wife cook, 1'dress, £150. refs., ll oe,; J -ts Friends, 3«/, 25/: H'maids, I/dress, 30/. 25/: Gen. Helps, with a child, 20/ and 22/(1, int 12 o'c - li P. Mils., 25/, 2(/: Nurse. 22/0; Cook-Gcn.. 2V.'_/0- Lady Helps, 2f/. 20/; Elderl« Man, cook, 27/; Shecsby f_l-_Mra- .'lcOlusky, 24 C'reagh-st 2nd ll. aWO 6mnrt superior Girls, Jicad waitress and house

. maid-waitress. Tel.. 21 Epping. Fairs paid if engaged. Hotel nntnpden, Pennant Hills._ rïlEA-UOOM WAITRESS. Apply ready to start, Uart X rell. White, Ltd., 83 Klhaheth-st, nr. Klng-st _ f|1 WO LAUNDRESSES wanted to do laundry work, al) X. household linen given out. Apply MORVEN GAR-DEN SCHOOL, Lane Cove-road, Gore Bill, 2nd section tram stop. Tel., .11013._._

fl"UVO Order Waitresses, a Tea Waitress, and Pantry J- maid. Gildea's, through panase, 9 Oxford-st, city ÜS1-.FI/L Man »anted, uccusioiueu lo buawuia-noifco.

Sn Bay»water-rd, D'hurat_ USEFUL MAN, young, used icrubbinc. cleaning,

smart, clean. ..Dply after 9, Manageress, Vol. Workers' Cafe. 169 Pitt-trcet_ WANTED, WAITRESSES, good wages; start at onw»

'11_y,'í'i:K?:sJ_.V!1_tII!I1*E.--._ WANTED" laundress, ono day lortnlght. S. T.

Greenwell. 1'owcllst, Killara. TcL, JIB H.

ANTED, Cook-Laundress, country, child not obj. _to.__Apply_72l3J(erald._ WANTED, WÄrrRi-ÄS"an"d"lIOUSi;JIAID, assist wait

jii£___Jtfra_Daw^^ 12S ANTBD, Ligiit General, 2 adults, treated os family;

refs. Mrs. Groves, l'cnnanl-st, Parramatta. _ WANTED, respectable young GIRL, us Housemaid. __J_urint_n_,_Chaiioltc__t, Ashfield. T., U1290.

W" ANTED, LADY HELP, alFautics, cot_ge,"2'adûlts.

4S Wiliiain-st. Double Bay. Tel.. E<ig. laiL

TX/ANTED, thoroughly reliable young Woman, as

?tXMNTED. competent young Cook-General, 3 adults, ? W references. 5 Rhodesia Flats, Macleay-st, Potts Pjt.

3MAN to wash and iron by day. Apply Mrs. Clarke. Lamroclc-av. Beach End (new lise.). Bondi.

' \Xf¡ANT_V smart Midday Waitress,, start at once.'

VT San Toy Cafe. S3 Hunter-st city._

' > V Drultt-st city._?

?^yÂNTED, GENERAL SERVANT. 50 Druitt-st city

WVNTED, Relieving Good Plain Cook-Ccneral,

Apply Ethnni*. nillyanf-iiv. Elizabeth Bay._ ANTED, Companion Help, dally. 7 i Apply 03 llanger's-ril. Cremorne.

* > out. lip\\\x after 10, 171 George-st. nr._Quay.

WANTED. " Uôïï. cmniil-Waitreas,'""small "board.-houBO

lloUlngtou, WycTiibo-rd. Neutral Bay._ WANTED. PANTRYMA1D," ORDER WAITRESS nb»

TEA WAITRESS. ,'leMiilaii Cafe, 223 George-st N. WANTED, Yardman, good nicker. W. Buchan, MÎi"

_Pn Dalry, Carringtuii-rd. Randwick. -. ? ,

WANTED, Caretaker, for empty house, Ro«; Buy, for

few months, suit old-age pensioner. 7407. Herald. WANTED, "GENERAL, for doctor's house. liri.

Gllisonj_143 Elizabcth-pt, city._

iTTTiAi-riiD, 4~Wñitfcsscs, 1 Midday Waitress, 2 Pan i 1 » tryiiiiilds:, good «ages: none but. thor, coiiipt..' ', girl __ncod apply._133 Liverpool-st, iie.\t_Snow's._

WANTED, a good GENERAL. 103 Pitt-st, Redfern; _Every night off._«'

W" ANTED, good HOUSEMAID. Dr. Shirlaw, 447

Darling-st, Balmain._. j ANTED, a young Woman, 2 days a week. 1 washT | 1 clean, ready stJirt._18 Flindcrs-st, Darlinghurst WANTED, GENERAL, middle-aged preferred, . 4

adults, no heavy wk., gil, wgs. D.S_ P_0.,- Rwck. ? TXITANTEb, KITCHEÑMAN. Court House C_£''379 ; lVViBourke-st Darlinghurst J


WANTED, young GIRL to help with household

duties. 0 Cccll-st, Ashfield, _ \A7ANTEO, good Ocnerul, no upstairs work, wash lng ' V optional. Epacris, 32 Chandos-st, Ashfield.

Y.Y/ANTED, a respectable young GIRL tor housework, Vt in fruit shop. Apply 1»! Bourke-sWIurry.Util»1

TXTjANTED, respectable Housekeeper" trustworthy and ? VVJcuiniit. Apply 70 Cityrd. city. _ WANTED, MAID for general housework. Tel., 181

Kdire. Cintra. 13 Ocean-st, iyooUahra__ WANTED, dally, strong refined Woman, knowledge _ nursing, att inv. lady 10 Challis-av.,_ Moville. W"ANTED, a smart young WOMAN for household

'duties. 123 Parramatta-rd, Annandale._ WANTED, reliable, trustworthy GULL, for general

housework, easy place, good home. Apply

Mrs. ANDREWS. Stockton, 40 Nelson-st Annandale. WANTED, a good GIRL, for convent kitchen; a

good Woman for cleaning. Apply Lewisham Hosp. ANTED, a YARDMAN', good milker. R: W. Gow, French's-rd. Willoughby. _ WANTED, a Ught GENERAL Apply Glasgow Bak

cry. 012 Croun-st, Surry Hills._ WANTED, light voung GENERAL. Mrs. Denniston.

Lilnrnel, cor. Welllngtou-st and Bondl-rd, Bondi. Tel., Wav. 39._ WANTED, GENERAL, good platt cook, woman with

giri 3 tn 6 years preferred- Between 12 and 2 o'clock, 161 Wilson-street, NewfjaVn._, WAITRESSES and MIDDAYS, for Sargent's, Ltd.,

Market-street. Apply 0 o.m._ WAÜTBD, HOUSEMAID. Apply Redfern Coffee

Palace, 40 Eli_bcth-st_ WANTED, Man, for ?Window and General Cleaning,

must lie used to ladder work, married man pre fcrrcd. Apply 52 Thorrrson-st, Darlinghurst._._ WANTED", COOK, Kitchcnmaid, and Waitress, no

Sunday work. Apply 10 Elirabcth-st Redfern.

WANTED, a youtig MAN, assist general housework.

Ref., age, wages, DOT 1281, G.P.O._. WANTED, two HOUSEMAIDS, assist waiting. Beach

Court. Manly. TeL. 384 Manly._. WANTED, a young GIRL, to mind baby and assist

light duties. Apply 133 MHitary-rd. Mosman.

WANTED, WOMAN to do day's washing- and ironing.

21 Watorioo-st Surry Hills._ . WANTED, young G1IU, for tea rooms. 339 Eltai

beth-st, city, opposite Railway Station._ WANTED, WAITRESSES, start at once. Pepper's

Cafe. 10Í Livcrpool-st Sydney.


-1 wk. Matron, Children's Home, Weldon-st. Burw. WAITRESSES wanted, good wages, start at ancc. | Allies' Cafe, 60 Oxford-st, city._.

WANTED, GIRL, domestic duties, holiday» off, 1 hour

Sunday, alecp home. Hunt, 48 Gurner-st Padd. TXfANTED, GENERAL, sleep out pref., afternoons off.

I_T Y Royal Hotel. Williarn-st._

WANTED, Believing Maid, another kept

after 9 o'clock, 141 Macquaric-st_

TT. MockbcU's, 10 Custlereagli-st city._ WANTED, Waitresses, start once, 80/ week. Apply

after 0, 735 George-st onp. Railway._ WANTED, Pantrymaids, wagea-,k27/6, aprons found,

also Waitress, 25/. Apply »¿-»ru, 07 Campbell-tt. WANTED, Tidy GIRL, assist housework and chUdn.

Dorisville, Meryla-st Burwood._ W" ANTED, IÜTCHENMA1D, used to (Trills, also Gen-

eral, start once. '.30 Oxford-st, Darlingburtt

WAITRESS, refined tod experienced: also Kitehon

inaid. lo a.m.. The Myola. 30 Caatlere-gh-st_ WAITRESS, tea room and cife, experienced. Avenue

Cafe. Kawaon-place. Railway._

WANTED. Companion Help, Heathcote, nr. stn.,

3 adults, h. work, cooking, mau servant kept, 85/; Refined Girl, about 15, mother's help, very light nudes; 2 daily nos., subs., nurses for infants, walk. chUdn., 25/ to SO/. Miss Marl.mhlnn'6. 350 Geo.-st WANTED, clean, rcpect WOMAN, to clean biHiard

nn. Olympia Billiard H_l, opp. War, tram depot WAITRESS, "must he exper.. good wages, aprons

laundered. The Waldorf. Crem. Point Y14S0.

Girl to mind a baby, easy

\XTEEK-END WAITRESS, 16/. Apply Mrs. Hicks, . VV Gol! CTub. Killara. _ Jil«._ WANTED, 2 WAITRESSES, also KITCHEN MAH).

App¡y_at jmcc,j0ai__C'afc,_Rowe_t_ TÁ7ÜHKING Housekeeper or Lady Help, 25/, no laun ?VV dry. Woodstock. Sprtngdale-rd.J^II^ J^SUg. VXAANTED, smart Woman, for grills, also Order Wait ? VV.ri_ss, good _wages. Aust Dining Rms.. 20 Eegent-5t

ANTED, Pantrymaid. start at once, holiday work. Apply Moekbells. ll Pltt-st. Circular _Quay_ _ WANTED, at once, Pantrymaid-Waitress, also Girl

for kitchen, with knowledge of cooking. Apply Mrs. L. Horton. Shclcote. Slicllcove-rd. Neutral Bay. WANTED, a House and Parlourmaid. Lister Hos

pitiL_Jto¿obanl_s t_D_H____,

T^T-ANTED, thoroughly experienced House-Parlour VV.Maid, small adult family, own bedrooms and bath roinn. Open 2 days. Springfort, top Rcdmyre-rd, S'ficld. W~ ANTED, a General,9 small family, agreeable to

vacation at Bowral; a few weeks at Christmas. 1121 Ocean-atrcot. Woollahra. Tel., Edge. 103._ YÄ7ÖRK1NG HOUSEKEEPER, ail uuties, £1, ono lady VV only. A. H.. P.O.. Lindfield._ WANTED, Domestic Help, Rose Hay, small adult

family, no wattling, ga/. 40S Oeo.-st, nr. King-st ANTED, resp, middle-aged Lady Help, 2 adults, no washing, good_wages._Apply 8 Uiuou-8t,_Mosinan. WANTED, "two experienced WAITRESSES. Apply _Kkhk. "yde Park._ WANTED, experienced WAITRESS, wages 25/. The _ Dainty. 202 Gcoigo-st Wert, op. Grace »ros.

WANTED, at once, Needlewoman for three days, Cur-

tains and Cushions. Reply, suiting (erins and refs., to Mrs. BORDER. Greenacre, Willoughby. .I17el. WANTED, a MAN to take some boughs off tree, bring _ strong rope. Efl Forbes-st. E. Sydney._ WANTED, Lady/ Help, Companion, for lady, at

Stanmore, ref., required, . light duties. CM., Fort-office, South Annnndalc._

ANTEDI refined, smart WAITRESS, no holiday

and Saturday afternoon work. Apply after 10 n'elork. Entente. 20 Castlereagh-st, city._


Box 632, G.P.O._ WAITRESS. A"r>ply, ready tl start, Miss Bishop,

173 Lii'crpool-st._.

WANTED, elderly Man, us Hotel Useful, small

wages, good home. A.B.C., Oeorge-st W. P.O. WANTED, refined Lady, good home, return company,

light duties;, ref. Ill Paddington-st, Paddington. WANTED,' GENERAL SERVANT, 2 adults Apply

Olga, Aila-st, Concord, near ParrauMttt-nl.

WANTED, tniart Tea WAITRESS. 'laverna's Coffee

_l'alacc. 13 Hegcnt-st. city. _ WANTED, competent GENERAL, adult family 3: io

terence*. .Evenings free. Wages 2¿/0. i lUenhciin street, Randwick. Leave tram .'hurt-it T., (.IC

T^/ANTED, WAITRESS, 25/ week. "120 Bathurst-st w

ANTED, WAITRESS. 100 Bathursc-si

WANTED young GIRL, age 10 to IS years, as Light

General, no washing, 15/ week. Appiy

_'toowong. Holt-street Double Bay. WANTED, competent HELP, do cooking and" down

stabs work, no laundry or oedrooms, wages 25/, ;<u4 Alficd-stiect North, North Sydney. Tel., 2335 Nth. i VX/OHKING Housekeeper, for flats, cleaning and

VV. scrubbing, partially "furnished quartets, light gas. Statu wuges and age to Box 1500. G.P.O., Sydney. WANTED, ref. jug. Girl, for company, home, (locket

money. Boronia, Albcrt-rd, strathfield, nr. Dixon-st W'ANTED, exp. Housemaid, little waiting, refs, lin

ponai Hotel. Oxlord-st, 1-adilington. Tel. 230 P. WANTED, young Ginl, as Gen. Help, no Hushing.

Mrs. Bridges. Balranald, Bniee-st. Ashfle'd.

W'OMAN for wustihouse and hanging out 7/0 per ua.v.

_I. .V. L- Laundry. Archer-st. Cnatswooil._

W'A.Vl 1.IJ, strong GIRL, lo insist in house duties.

.Ï9U i'arramatta-nl, Petersham._'


CasileiCiigh-st_ ' WANTED, a WOMAN as DAILY HELP. Apply

Highfield College, Campsie._ WÀATEU, smart WAITRESS. National Coffee

Palace, 015 George-st.__,_ WANTED, GIRL, 10, housework, Sat, Sun. aftus. off, _sleep nojneJJ2/0_wk. llawtliornt 385_Clebe-rdj_G.P.

\7t7ANTED, a good GENERAL, no washing,'""good

f T wages, steep in or out Clarence Louie, 225

Brldac-road. Glel«._._\_ WANTl'-f HOUSEMAID, good wages, liberal outings.

Bidura. 2.17 Glebe-rd, Glebe Pt._MUBO._ W~~ ANTED, ' AVA1TRESSES, mid day and all day.

Mockbell, Ash-at back Paling's. No Sunday_work. WANTED, »-anlTyniaid. Apply Mockbell, Ash-st,

back of^Paling's. No Sunday or noliuay work. W1 ANTED, a resp. Woman as HOUSEKEEPER, for

few weeks. Mrs. ARMSTRONG, 10 Myrtle-street Leichhardt, off Elswick-strect._?__ W- ANUED, young General, good home, refs. Apply

alter 10 n.m.,_SaBim,_Ahred-st,_Mllson's Poiul._ ANTED, Gentlewoman, ÑÚlfSE-COMPANION, per-manent, 17/0. 57 Oxford-st, Petersham._ W~" ANTED, first-class Brasamoulder, no other need

apply. Welsh Hroe.. 78 1'amuunttu-rd. Campcrdn. ANTED, 2 Boys, to learn Fibrous Casting. Dun

slow Uros.. 7|.Lanc Cuvc-nl, North Sydney. _ WANTED, smart Boy, one just ic/t school prefer-

red. _I__lRjapsJ_3iwer, Canterbury-rd, Canterbury TX/ANTED, superior young WOMAN, assist in kltdicn V» and light household duties, resident, references neiessaiy, KO/. Apply Immediately to Mrs. FRED. Mcl¿UADE,__Qirana,_l_Wy^^ _ 'YT/ANTED, a young country GIRL, to help in kitchen,

» » need not be experienced, must have references. I Apply this evening, between 5 and 6, Mrs. A. KNOX, 13 uiisjow-avcnue, Elizabeth Bay._ WANTED, Light GENERAL, for small adult family,

cottage, near boat, no washing, good wages. North 1881"._ ??_;_ TX7ANTED, au experienced Female COOK. Bungalow V¥ Tea Rooms, 7 Buyswatcr-rd, Darlinghurst_

ANTED, Relieving HOUSEMAID, 30/. Apply 65 Macleav-st. Potts Point_ WAITRESS, exp.,, also smart young Girl to learn

walting. D'hurst Cafe, 10_ Wooleott-st_D'hurst ¥T?ÂKTËD, smart GIRL, sleep home. 122 ErsUlno VV vlllc-nl. Eraklnevllle._ XT/^VNTED, Useful Mau for private house, 15/ week .Vi and keep. Apply 62 Casllcieagh-street, between Ó mid 10 a.H!1__;_ Í('S7'ANTED7 Light Genend, smnll adult family, sleep YY out. Mrs. Multon, _Confect',_ Korton-st, L'hardt

ANTED, a MAN, work in garden to-day, 10/.

'Phone. Wm. 1012. _;_ -ANTED,' HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS. Alliance Hotel,

Park and Castlereagh ats._

WANTED, a smart young WOMAN as generaL Ap-

ply ' Mrs. HILL, Victory Hotel,

_ 4S5 King-street, Newtown.



Berowra, Belmore-road;

. - . . . '_._ Randwick. TTTANTED, good GENERAL, housemaid kept Oar^ VV ringtun Hotel, Petersham, near station._

W" " ANTED, KITCIIENMAN, start at once. Apply


Darling Polnt-rond, Sydney. Edge. 373.

VtTANTEl), COMPETENT GENERAL, small ndulf VV family, no laundry,wages 30/, every other week, end off, references required. ' , .


Gytha, Wahroonga. Telephone, 178 Walu_

ANTED, HOUSEMAID, nraist in liar. Bunk Hotel, _ ___t ÍS-iLjMí'K^-_ WANTED, LAUNDRESS, wnph and iron, by thc day.

Haul: Hotel. Newtown _Bridge.___

WANTED, a WAPTDMAID, wages 30/ per week; Shirt

and Collar Mnrhihlst, Body Machinist, for laun-dry, 20/; Ironer, 20/6 per week. '

Apply to MATRON, 0 a.m., . . _,



WANTED, Woman Office Cleaner, poor! place for good


WANTED, compt Cook. Apply Wednesday and _Thura, molli. T., 88, Esmeyvü.c.'Church-at, B'wlck. WAKTED, Btnart> experienced WAITRESS, gooil

wages. The /Wattle, 429A Pitt-st-_ WTD., yng. Girl, mind baby, aftns. only. App. M"rï

V. J. M'Pbce, Bilckland-chs., ,183 I/pool-Bt,_cityT WANTED, competent young Ccncrul "for doctor's flat,

another maid kept, sleep in. Apply, alter 10 a.m., with -references. Mrs, V. J. M'PHEE, Buckland-chum hers, 183 Liverpool-street, city._ WAISTED, young GU1L, for general housework, must!

be trustworthy, good home. Apply (¡ATES, I

Dentist, ltailway-street. Rockdale. _ [ WANTED. Experienced WAITRESS. Apply~6!)l] _Oeorge-st, opposite Anthony Honlerns'._ WANTED, Waitresses, also iîôusemald, good wages.

Apply ready to start, 1(15 Oeorgp-st North. I WANTED. Kftclienwoman, 28/. Apply 138 George- ¡

_st. Circular Quay._ ) WANTED, Che/-Cook7 also Second Cook. Apply 5.

Pitt-st Circular Quay._ I

WANTED. 2 Housemaid-Waitresses. Mrs. Pickburn,

Belvidere, Bl Woolcott-street, Darlinghurst. | WANTED, PANTUYMA1D. Tea Rooms, (17 King-it - city, Saturday afternoon and Sunday off._] WANTED, YOUNG ll. AND P. MAID, ¡

Two in family, Referents required.

Mrs. J. T. INGLIS, . ! strathroy, Napier-street, j 'Phone 37. Tram fares paid._Drummoyne, j WANTED, a Young GENERAL, to assist with light

duties, no washing, good home. Apply Valraneil, Duke-st, Kensington. Randwick 599.

WANTED, KITCHEN HELP, Male, personal refcrca

ces required. Good wages. Kare paid for inter-1 view by appointment. Telephone, Wahroonga £53. i

Mrs. SMITH, -



WANTED, : .cpcricnccd MAID, for Matron's quarters,

£1 per week, eight-hour day. Apply Matron, i _CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL," Camperdown. I

WANTED, COOK, also WAITRESS. 35D Oxford-st,

_Paddington. _1 \T7ANTED, good GENERAL, sleep home preferred. VT Apply Mrs. Cobb, Refresh. Rms-, r'ort laacquarie. WANTED, for Mountain», rel. IL Mald-W'trcss, 2ST.

H. Md.-W'tress, 25/. Campbell, (¡0 KHzaboth-st WANTED, K1TOUENMAIÜ, nd Saturday aftn. or

Sunday work. SJ Bathurst-st, citv._ WANTED, WOMAN, Kuchen Useful. Derwent Cafe,

9 Elirabeth-st, city, _ VXTANTED, WOMAN, scrub floor; start 8 o'clock Ulis VV morning. 473 Gcorgo-at city. _?_. Xï/AÎTIÎESS, also General, and a Relieving Girl, used VV to rcstanrant work. 357 Klng-st, Newtown.

WANTED, BARMAH), public bar. Apply 9.30,

Britannia Hotel, Klng-Castlercagh sta._ WANTED, WAITER or WAITRESS. McMillan's, Sd



McMillan's.'80 Erskine-st_

WANTED, Woman, used to oflice cleaning. Apply

Caretaker, B.N.Z.-cnamoerB. 339 Geurgc-st. city. WANTED, smart, exp. Waitresses, start at once,

.lil. Station House Cafe (.under new management). WANTED, competent active Gardener, vegetable»,

lawns, Ecytbc. Apply Dr. George Armstrong. 135 Mnequario-st, week-days; Saturdays, Innisfail, Wahr'ga WANTED, LIGHT GENERAL, small family, good

homo with references. MIMOSA, Blrriga-road, Bellevue Hill, Woollahra, near Banksia-road._._ WANTED, a LADY HELP, able to cook, Protes-

tant, Church of England Boys' Homo, Bruns wick-parade, Ashfield. Tel., UI480._ WANTED, a trustworthy HOUSEKEEPER and as-

sist In Fruit and Confectionery Business, £1 per week and keep. Apply H. SKINNER, Riverstone.

TT."*ANl'JiD, superior Woman, for flat Darlinghurst, 4 T Y adults, 0 a.m. to 7.30 p.m., most afternoons free. Apply, with refs., Moderation, Herald._ WANTED, Reliable Young LADY, with experience of

children, daily or afternoon, care baby (12 months). 7 Kingyllffe, MUson-rd, Cremorne. Y1319._ TTTANTËD Lady Ucip, country, good wages, small VV /am. Ref- Mrs. Hcmphlll. Treatt's-rd. Lindfield. WANTED, smart GIRL, for refreshment room. Apply

9 Oxford-rt city. _. WANTED, immediately, good GENERAL, who can

cook, for flat, two only in family. Apply nt the Flat 22 Beaufort Court, Forbes-street, Darling burs t^i^crscmjilj^crences^_ W" ANTED, experienced NURSE-. Protestant, for 3

small children, Orange' Apply Mrs. HOWSE, Hotel ALstralia, between 10 and ll, October 6, 7, lind 8,_ ,_ WANTED, Young HOUSE-PARLOUR MAID, 2-2/6. re-

ferences. Apply before 1 or after 6, Miss Pratten, Brent Knowle. Shell Cove-road. Neutral Bay. Tele-phone, North 1464.__"_._ WANTED, at" once, refined, domesticated MOTHER'S

HELP, good needlewoman, between 30 and 40 (.English preferred), lor country hotel. State salary, fefs.. Rush and Tinville. "2 Pltt-st. hct ¡land ll Ved. \A7ANTEi), a strong GENERAL, for all duties, adult VV family, quiet Mountain home, 40 miles from Sydney. Apply by letter, MISTRESS,

p.o. Miss O'Connor, 14 Rose-strpct, city.

WANTED, reliable Cook-Laundress, light washing,

b.p. maid kept, 2 in family, good wages and com-fortable home. Write or call, Mw. J. Hart. Goorawin, Ki Hara, -North Sydney. 'Phone. J1870. _. TTC/ANTED. good GENERAL, also Kltehenmaid, good

'V «ages, no Sunday work; start at once. Apply CLARENCE CAFE, Roynl_Arcadc,_clty.___ WANTED~Parlourmald, 30/, 2 adults, Potts Point,

suit competent maid. Can recommend. Apply, with references, ' to Miss LAYAR D'S, Pcnzance-chain. bera, 29 Elizabeth-street_'

WANTED, House-Parlourmaid, 27/0, small family,

Point Piper, very nice home. Apply

Miss LAYABD, Pcnzaiico-chambors,

_'29_Elizabeth-strect_ ANTED, Under Housemaid, 25/; also Relieving Kit chenmald, 22/6, for 3 weeks. Private homo, j Darling Point Fees paid by lady. Apply, with ' references, to Miss LAYARD, Pci_ancc-c)iambcra, 23

Elizabeth-street_1_ VV/'-ANTED, young Cook-Laundress, 37/6, 4, adults, I VV no bread baking or. men in kitchen, station j home. Can recommend. Apply, with references, to

Miss LAYARD, Pcnzancc-ehanibers,

29 Elizabeth-street

WANTED, experienced PARLOURMAID, wages 33/,

Housemaid kept, laundry allowed, personal re-ferences. Apply thia evening or Thursday, Friday, und Saturday, between 1 and 2 or after 6 p.m.


_117 Macquarle-street.

WANTED, WOMAN to help in housework, no cook

iug, help in washing, 22/0 week. Apply 2 Vic

turia-rd, Glebe Point.

WVNTED. Maid or Lady Help for flat, S adults, no

laundry, liberal wages and outings, a litttt cook-ing. Tel.. 763 Ed-ccliif. Mrs. LICHTNEE. Now stead, Yarranabbe-road, Darling Point._ WANTED, a strong young capable Woman, wash.,

ironing, cleaning, 2 days a wk., permanent Mrs. A E. Morgan. Stanley-road, Epping._ WOMAN, by the day, wanted, Washing, Ironing, antf

Cleaning. 101 Oeorge-st North._.

WANTED, a SECOND COOK, able to take cook's

day ou*. - 77 Ooulburn-st, city._ XÑTED, WOMAN, to Peel Potatoes for cafe. 77

Goulburn-st. city.

VTTOKKISO HOUSEKEEPER wanted, not over 35 I V Vi years. 2 adults. 25/ weekly, refs. Faro paid. [Mrs. HENDERSON, Gurney, Plunkett-st, off Campbell

street Kirribilli Point_ WANTED, Laiindrcss-Hoiïscrnald, 25/, for 3 months,

return fares paid, adult family, country, suit mid-dle-aged woman. Apply Miss LAYARD, Penzance. chambers, 29 KHzabctli-streot._ \\/ANTEU, HOUSE-PARLOUR MAID, three adults T,» iii family, room to herself, references required. KIETA, New South Head,road, Double Bay, right hmtd side, adjoining Victoria-road._ TirANTKD, a Superior I.ight~OKNÊltAL, no washing or H ironing; good wages. Apply Wainiarie, corner of Bay-road and Waverton-avcniic, Bay Road,

North Sydney.

Telephone. North 547._. _

WANTED. PA.NTKYMA1D. Wages 25/ per week, and

laundry. .

Apply SCOTS COLLEGE, Victoria-road,

Bellevue Hill.

Take Dover-road or Watson's Bay tram.

WANTED, espirienced CHILDREN'S NURSE, foi

station, near town, to-take entire charge of boy abnut 3 vtars old. Wages, £1 week, and apply willi

references to


' Bengalla,

' _ _,_'_Muswellbrook.

WANTED, Cook, S2/0, town house, . Moree, small

family, to bc housekeeper during 'summer to 1 gentleman. Apply, with references, tn

Miss LAYARUl Feuzaiice-ehnmbcrs,

_2i>JiljzaWthjdroot. XX fÂTST, ESSES.



, Applicants must be Smart and Thoroughly Experi-enced in First-class DINING-ROOM WORK,



__. ' _ _ _ _ Circular Quay. . WANTED, a GIRL, nïiout 15, to"assist with house-

work; refs, required. *



10 Cooper-street,

' _' Double Ray.

WANTED, Experienced LAUNDRESS, to lake family

laundry work home, regular work. ' " ,

Apply by. letter only, enclosing copy of refs., to

iii Maequarie-strect,

_ <ffi'

YOUNO GIRL for housework, morning only. Sun _days evocptod. Greenock. Nicholsnn-st Strath.' "\rOUNG Woman HS Companion, for low weeks, eaniii X_ We^Rjrht wurk. Moore. Terminus Store. Nnrthh'dne "xrOCNG GIRL, mind children (I), youngest 4 years, A- / 2 going school. 15/ week. No housewk. .71141.

YOUNG COOK-GENERAL* wanted, no laundry work,

small family, house and parlour maid kept. Apply Dds morning.

83 qcean-slrect. Woollahra. Tel., fi3!>_Kdse._ Y" ~ OUNG WOMAN for ulalrTcooking and""hóuso~vork,

_4 adults, £1. 242 Waikcr-st North Sydney._ ."VfOUNG GIRL or elderly person, ref., help house. I

X work and children. No. 1 Cook-st Randwick. JVTOUNG GIRL, 16, to nain as General, good liomcT - gas stove, wngei 12/ to start .

_Kenilworth, Wyntt-avcnuc. Burwood,

YOUNO Cook-Gen., 30/, also House-Parlourmaid, 25/,

2 adults Woollahra. Can recommend. Interview arranged nt Miss LAYARD'S, Pcnzuncc-chambers, 29

Elizabeth-street_ ,-? i"VrOUNG GIRL, to mind children, by dav, >or other

J. wise. Mrs. du Preeü, Bundarra-rd. Take Bondi, Ilia Bel'eme Hill, frnm_-.

"VrOUNO Domestic HELP, good glain cook, cottage. I A no washing, small fami'y, refs., 1 min. from tram.

Tel., U4031. Mrs. W. HOSKINS. ,

Iwanora, Liverpool-road, Burwood.


?ii..,. »|.|,.,. . . ,,, neram uniee._ S Housekeeper, personnl refs., 15/. Particulars, i - Miss M. Cray. P.O.,; Castlerench-sti city._ AS USEFUL HELP, house, kit, handy outdoor, mod.

wage, respect, m.a. ninn^.yL^.O_.t_Vnrk^t-_ AN experienced Needlewoman' wants anv kind Sewing! _mend child's filings. 3/0. fares, 7243. Herald.

AWAITING Position, Manageress, residential flats 'or

restaurant. Mrs. Mulligan. City 7B55. ,

AWAITINGi POS.-Twp Friends, cook and h.-p. maid,

have walking child, 25/ each; Pantry Maid, 25/; Ksitrejs, Katoomba prof.. 25/; tup. II. M.-Walter, 30/; General, walking child, 25/; young Girl wants light >_;_/. Ring 1733. Mrs. WOOD1N.


AREFINED young; Lady des. Pos. In Wagga in{.

ship, child's II., hil., any other cap. (Kui, ny AKi-.i'i.MiU jug. Lady lise fut. ai Ou.up. II,:,K~,"

laundry, or Nuise to'walking child, Minion UM' preferred; lnnst be Prot, family. Menu, P.o., Wii limn-streot. ell.vSi_;0_ BY Mid.-aged Acti.e Neat General, crooks niwlT

walting. Cali Mrs. .Miller's, 41 lioyal Arcade.'

Y Compt. Young., Cooks, Hotel, Hospital, lj,¡.

Helli or Working Housekeeper, Availing, a, MILLER'S, 41 Royal Arcade, upstairs._

itlGUT, relined country Girl, studying inuile,"óiT¡

piano, seeks Position nice fain., assist all dutia. X. G.. Stoneleigh. 0 Winslow-street, North S.vilnei^

BY reliable Man, GO, housework, garden, rte, "SrJ.

or subs., refs. .W.T.H.,'P.O" Edgecliff.

O"" APA11LE Widow Lady, justSrrived from New y£,

lund; - with daughter going business, would lil, POSITION, Housekeeper business lady and gentleman ot gentlemen. ?_ H. J., Mosman Post-office.

C~tAPAULE Lady Help, Companion, Nurse, ex.r*r~

> high credentials. Miss Marcrus,_ Bondi P.O.

CAPABLE Lady desires POSITION in refined home,

1 Uliinpanlcn or Help, light duties, cook or sew.

_i_7255. Herald.

"l^MESTICATED WOMAN wants Situation, all duüeL ¡ Xs spien, cook. Stale wages, O.M.. Williiim-st P.O. DISENGAGED, Believing or Daily Com. Cook, gei¿

vluties. rois. Miss B.. Women's H., 318 Elk-,.-ct, c.

E'XPÉRÍKNCED NU1ÏSE and Needlewoman. Aniloa,

Paildlngton P.O._ EXPERIENCE!) Laundress wants Work by day, «

genning. Apply 75. P.O., Paddington.

E- "XPERIËNOED Laundress, wash, iron, 0 years refs.,

Tues., Wed.. Th. 48 Lower Campliell-st, Surry )l EXP. Oirl, refs., wants Household Dulles, iiiorntngi

only. Artarmon pref. Write

_IMMEDIATE, P.O.. Artarmon.

GARDENER wants dJy work. 10/, fares Wilson, ij

, VVoolcott-st, Darlinghurst._^_ /"I AKÜENE1L-Wanted, by Married Man,' esp., lonj; i VT serviré, Day Work. 12/. M.. P.O., Milr-on's Point.

ARDENER, married, Howers, vegs., lawns, poul,

trv, expert, etc, highest refs., personal and writ. ten. N.S. Line pref. ILL. Lindfield P.O._ /"GENTLEWOMAN desires Position, Companion, oa' VT large stition, no children. 731g,_llcr.ild._ GARDENER has Two Days Vacant weekly, rch,

_'Phone. Hazell. 60 Falcon-st, Crow's Nest. _ a" ~ ARDENER has 3 days week vacant, expert all,

branches.^ Aster, P.O.. Rowville._ C""t ARDENING.-Have your Garden attended to by >

T Experts. We undertake all branches of th« trade by contract, any suburb. BETTS BROS., Land. scape Gardeners, Gordon-road, Artarmon, jlglj.'i._

ARDENING of every description, Turfing, Rénovât,

ing, RemodcUing, New Grounds, Tennis Court«; «nd Bowling Greens skilfully Maid out; also Top dressed, Turf, Soil, Manure, and Gravel; also Plant!, Shrubs, eta, supplied. Gardens maintained in anr suburb by day or contract. G. BOURNE, 44 Ade. lalde-street, WooUahra. Tel.. 730 Way. _ GENTLEWOMAN desires Position, Companion-lielp ot;

Governess, good needlewoman, thor, domes., roan cal. Mountains or country, Protestant. rekJWSS, Herald GARDENING, IS years' experience in laying-out;

tennis courts, grounds, gardens, rockeries, renoval,

ing, remodelling, top-dressing, tree-lopping, ecjtb«; work, gardens maintained in any suburb by day or contract, no job too large or too small, plants, soil,

manure, turf supplied, laying-out and remodelling a' speciality. HEEDHAM BROS., Professional Lanaicaf* Gardeners and Contractora1_J\eraii^t,_Wav- 828 War. H'KEEPER disengaged, es. ref., seeks Position wk.

nu laundry or children, £1 p.v. U.K., Herald. HOUSEKEEPER . wishes Position, good manar;«,

and first-class cook. Mia LEWIS, P.O.. Cas tlereagh-street _ '_ LADY HELP, Prot., wishes engagement, excolleat

1 ? refs. State wages to Refined, Herald. _

LADY seeks Position, Nurse-Companion invalid, 01 _Lady Help, one of family. Kita, Herald._ LADY- Help seeks Engagement, no washing or ronca

cleaning. P.A., P.O., Milson's l'oint.

T ADY wanta Sewing, ¿dresses, blouses, children'!

clothes, very mod. Apply Elma. Randwick P.O. LADY, good character, willing housekeep gentlcmanT

small refined home. B.L.R., Herald_ T ADY, refined, a child 2, wants Jight domestic »ort. XJ pnv. family. D. lt., Randwick P.O._ LATE Coy. Matron, would housekeep Ccnt.'s Horne , _. or care invalid. Subs, or ctry. 7183. Herald^' LADY, returning to Java, reeks Position with »

family. No. 7107, Herald._ LADY, domesticated, middle-aged, going Si-doey.

shortly, wishes Position Companion-Help, More* . talus or country. W., lu Asling-st. CqrdenJS'ale. Meló! LADY, with u baby, would like Position Ibiusekecusr

for adult family. Apply U.V., Arncliffe^ P.O.

T.ADY, m.a., wants Pos., housekeeper, bus. mutilo,

-L* u-idower; pera, refs., open 4 davs.

__A H., 1S1 Bridge-road. Clehe,

"il-f-A. GARDENER, h.-.useivork, wishes place, gentle ."X man's reaiiienee. not afraid work. 7S.>4. Herald.

"j\ T1DDLE-AGEU Widow wants work, any tup., in -LU- hnmcly family. Annelin. P.O.. Paddington.

M1D.-AGED Woman Housekeep Working Man, Hnall

wages._M^._0.vJord-st_P.O. _

MiDDLE-AOKO Pcreoa^lesifes Position with nSêi'tmZ, ^h«rt_()ist. Sydney. Wages, parths., 720l, Jleralii. ÏPERMANENT Work of nn.v description, either town

or country, acceptable to yutuig man, cx-ship'i steward «nd barman-useful, ponmiueiicy main con-ad erntiou^ good credentials. H"s" 12 Nlthsdalc-st. ell v. POSITION, pf Trust or W.H. to ContTVantrdlit .X- once where scliuol child taken; cap. all duties, ;J. ref. j» Alexander-street, Manly._

"POSITION wanted, domesticated Help, with" selwi X child, good plain ck. Chatsworth, Katoomba-st, Kat. RELIABLE Woman wants Day Work, fond of child

ren, 101 Helmorc-rd, Randwick._ KESP. Woman want* Day Work or Cleaning Offlces, - teS- ~2Sa- Herold Ofiicc._ "DEFINED middle-aged English Widow w'm'ilTTike Xv Position. Cook-Housekeeper. 7'JXt, Herald.

KEKINED young Giri like Position Nuise Girl, after-

noons pref., exp. H.U.. ll Hamnden-i-t, N. Svilney EEFINED young Lady would like position as L. Help

' or Llg^j^end^ Apjd^lirjain, P.O.. North Syd,. EEP1NKD Woman desires light Position in Wrdin-;.

house or (lat, thor, coinpt., exe, refs. 73(10. Ileralil.

T3ELIAHLE Woman wanta light Po*, in small adint. AV fwilily._Ami. I'.O., C-wn-st._'__ REPINED Woman wants Position, DalTv Help or

few dins a week. B.J.. P.O.. Bondi .lunctinn.

REPINED Elderly Widow as Companion, undertake

light duties, return for good home, btnall rc numeration. HOME. P.O., North Sydney._ REPINED Woman would like cooking. Light Gea-,

' U.C. fain., £1. Ü. A. H., P.O., .Marrickville.

RESP l*> fat

"DESP. Old Mau, give 0 h.. il., light work, 0/ w., XV key-_-Ml.. Herald Ofllre._ "DEFINED I ijy Help wUies"Position, small family, all Xii duties, pei-j^ial refs., £1 per week.

_Domestlciit-ed, William-street P.O.

SITUATION wanted as Kitchenmaii or Houseman-Ln

ful. Apply 72f>7, Herald Oliice._-_ SUPERIOR Widow desires Position, H'keeper, ctr/., i first-class experience._Reliance, P.O., Lewisham. SITUATION ns HOUSEKEEPER required by cTderíy

~1' Widow (English) to respectable Working Mon, reliable small wages. E. C., co. E. GRAY, K 'iocky Point-road, Arncliffe._, IfpWO young Women want Position, cooking or house

I X work, in small hotel or boarding-house.

j J_ï?2S.JIçrald;_ WANTED, Plain Sewing, take home; charges" inouï [ rulo. Mrs. W., I'list-nfllce. Milson's Point._ WANTED, by middle-aged gentlewoman, Position u

Housekeeper to one or two gentlewomen, good I cook, per«, refs. Apply 7410, Herald Office.

I VA70»IAN wants work by day, laundry work imf. I '* Apply ll Wntkiii-Bt. .-Newtown._ WANTED, Washing, iruuw», Cleaning, by du.v, nsf*

air . Gee. .Syrtnev-rQ. Ailhilrn._. ' "Y"\fANTED, light Situation, without washing, on I\V Mountains. A. H. C.. Sans Souci P.O._. VÏ7ANTED, work by day, clean, resp, woman, Monda)', j VV Tuesday, good laundry. H.. Crow's Nest P.O. :. IYY7ANTED, Position Housekeeper to bachelor or widow, ! V* refs., open till Monday. E. lt., Ml Spring;«t_W"j? WANTED, by young Widow, any kind day «wk. _wa-liing. cleaning, etc. C. C.. Gonrgp-st W. P.O. WANTED by resp. Woman, work by the day or

morning. A. W., ,vn Bnurke-st. Surry Hills._. WELL-RECOMMENDED Young Woman wants Dall?

Work. East. Subs, pref. AM'.. Waverley P.O._; WANTED by respect yngfiplan, Position, KÍtcheo

_man._Apply R.A.G., PTO., Miller's Point._. WANTED. Position by m.a.. Woman, plain cook er

work dally. May, P.O., Waverley. 'Ph., 11)0 W<

WANTED by thoroughly exp. Woman, Position citri«,

in ofiicc clçaninL or'residential. Apply S3 Lm«' Camphell-st. Surry Hills._ W" ANTED, bv married couple (child 4 years). Pod

tion on Station or Farm, man can repair lio-ness and fiu-m work, wife useful. Apply

I_,_ MARRIED, IJurst^leJVJ^ I "\rOUXG Widow, 2 little giris, housekeep in return i *-*- l'°""!' |llai" "w"r- A"' w'atl!rlno _ jVrOUNO Man wants Work on farm, good home, will I -J- ii- early riser, ref,-., begin I.V. 72S0. lleraljL. IVOUNG Woman, 1 child, 21 yrs., socks Position ,«

X rook or' Taylor. P.C. Epping. _¿_ ?vrOUNG 1-adv desiring Plain Sewing, S/6 P"

i X_JHys^oinfs1_H7 .^KÎÎ'ûîlPkJîMîï;_ I "XrOllNG "Woman, form country, wants Position «

X Gimcnrt.Jstate^ige^J-^

"XrOitNO Woman «unta housework, day or 1 nay. X K. S...0S Wicram-nl. Glebe,__?_ I -^fÔÛNO Widow, girl 4, as Housekeeper to hiiehelor or j^_«-i.ln\yrr with child- relsS C. P.. Asjilkld_PQ. '-vrOUNG Woman, with iumut! would like light Sit. in I A. ronntry. X. Y.JÄ., S-mth Annandale P.O.




BIRTHS, MARRIAGES. ROLL OF HOXOl.Tt, DEATHS, IN MEMORIAM, and RETURN TIlANhS, must bc properly iiuthentlcated.^ Rate, up to S lines, 3/". caob additional line, .1'.

iJKoticos of BIRTHS cannot bc inserted unless endorse'!

hiTdric of the parents. .

"Notices of MARRIAGES cannot he inserted unies rcrfirird as correct by Hie officiating minister or Reen-trar, or Marriage Certificate produced.

Ml Aclvertisenients cliarged to account must naie the authorisation of Insertion,' and state thc number of times they are to appear. No vertwl communication will he attended to. '

While ever}' care ls exercised, thc Proprietors no not hold themselves responsible for non-Insertion of adver-tisements through accident or otherwise, and they reserve to themselves the right of omitting advertise-ments received and paid for in the usual course cf business if they appear to bo^>bjcctlonable, or lor

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No guarantee is given that Advertisements shall , appear under any special heading,

To frieilifflte classification, Advertisements shorid reaeh the otfice before 1 p.m. on the day preceding pub-


Advertisers in the Country miy make payment ty Cheque, Money Order, Postal Note, or Postage Stamps. Exchange should bo added to Country Cheques.

For the convenience of Advertisers, replies to adver-tisements sentólo the Herald Office. Hunter street, »nd should bo called for within 14 days; but no responsibility is accepted in this respect.

Copy must be written Plainly in Ink, special cir» being taken with proper names «nd figures. Advcr tisenients nut conforming to this rule wi! he liri'



CITY 0015 fFour lines)._

Printed nm! published hy James Frederick Ellis, of

"Aranmore," Gibson-stTo'ct, Waverley, printer for John Fairfax <fc Sons, - Limited, at thc offices of .tel» Company, 3S Hunter-street. Sydney.