Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), Thursday 28 October 1920, page 10


Thc following new companies have been registered. Tlie shares arc £1 each, unless otherwise stated :

Acme Bedstead Co.. Ltd. £SO,W0. - First director.:

j. s. Morrison (managing), S. J. Gentle, and I. Cole-; '"Branded Bottle Association of New South Wale», Ltd. Company limited by guarantee. First directors! G O Harris, L. D. Smith, J. Best, H. J. Gehrig. E." S. \V. Paul, and .1. F. M'Lcan.

Blackwood, J. «od Son, Ltd. £800,000. Firrt direc


tors: L. Blackwood and J. Blackwood (recoailrec-" tion). ........

Co-operative Home Builders, Ltd. £S0OO. China Trading Co. £10,000.

Clarence Plating and Oxidising Co., Ltd. £10,000. Commonwealth Pictures, Ltd. £10,000. . -

Délier and Basser, Ltd. £40,000, in 15,000 prefer-ence and 25,000 ordinary shares. First directors: F.

Délier and A. Basser.

Eclair Manufacturing Co., Ltd. £20,000. First directors: l\ Boll, A. Sta, J. 0/ M'Hastcr," «nd N.


Elliott, E. C., Co., Ltd. £20,000, in 15,000 ordi-nary and 5000 B £1 chares. Governing director: E. C. Elliott. ? .

Famous Laslty Film Service, Ltd. £500,000. First directors: A. Lorimore (managing), J. T. O'Donogbue,

anil L. A. Brown.

Greater Paramount Theatres, LU. £500,000. First directors: A. Lorimore (managing), J. T. O'Donoghue,

and L. A. Brown.

Hawkesbury Uiver Ferries, Ltd. £10,000. Firstdirectors: O. B. M. Jones, J. S. Morrison, and S. W.

Griffith. ?

Harford, Hugh, Ltd. £0000.

I Hardy, D., and Sons, Ltd. £80,000. First direc-tors: I). Hardy, V; L. Hardy, and H. S. Hardy (re-


Katoomba Electric Lighting Co., Ltd. £100,000.

- Kwalpan Bay Plantations, Ltd. £20,000. ' :

Baekblocker: Sovereigns in New York are worth I4.SM dollars each. Australian notes would bc worth I to-day about 3.37 dollars to £1. You would find a j bank draft more convenient.