West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 7 May 1921, page 3

AUCTIONS. NORTHAM" MARKETS. TUESDAY MAY 10. At Two P.M. E'LDER, SMITH and CO., LIMITED, IJ have received instructions from vari- C Toas owners to OFFER by AU-CTION as *.bove 50 prime wethers. 430 good store merino wethers. PIGS. 20 prime baconers 30 prime porkers 40 slips. CATTLR. 4 good cows Further Entries Invited. Terms at Sale. EETROPOLITAN" FAT STOCK ,MAR r. MIDLAND JUNCTION WEDNESDAY. MAY 11. LDER, SMITH and CO.. LTD., have r11 eceived instructions from variou. p:?ers to OFFER by AUCTION as above-At 11 a.m.: 3,604 SHEEP and LAMBS. At L30 p.m.: 418 PIGS. TOODYAY MARKET. THURSDAY, MAY 12. J At Two P.3, SLDR. SMITH and CO., LIMITED, have received instructions from rari'eus owners to OFFER by AUCTION as . bove-100 fat wether'. 100 fat ewes. 100 mixed weaners. 120 weaners. forward to fat 100 store wethers. 120 merino and comeback ewes, mated to Longwool rams. CATTLE. • 5 cows, with calves at foot. PIGS. 3 Berkshire boars, 7 to 8 months, from pedigreed stock. 12 good porkers. 5 good baconers. HORSES. 1 medium draught mare, 4 years, broken, lso account Mr. Trevor Hawker-16 Hawthornden bred stud maiden ewes. rising 2 years. F?rthu Entries Invited. TERMS AT SALE PERTH HORSE AND COW MARKET. 202 Pier-street, FRIDAY, MAY 15. At Half-past Ten A.M. Sharp. EEDR, SMITH, and CO., LIMITED. ;fIE have received instructions to OFFER - a?nction as above'?Er Mr. R. G. Mazrh, Armadale3 young dairy cows freshly calvd. or Mr. J. Herron, Jarabdal 3.well. bred heifer calves ; or Contractor, Menzies6 heavy ,drays 1 dray body e 1 pair spring. cart wheels 1 spring cart axle 1 pair springs Quantity harness ptr Shippers25 horses, comprising medium to heavy draught mares and geldings, right ages, all in good condition. r or Country Owners- m / 50 medium to heavy draught mares and geldings,' right ages, od con- A dition, all tried farm workers..' .'0 good dairy cows with calves at foot., or springng. -" FURTHER ENTRIES INVITED. Further Particulars Later. Note:" Light luncheons available by the 1Returned Soldiers' Sandwich Supply. -GENUINE CLEARING SALE. 750 SHEEP. 750 BOYUP BROOK. SATURDAY. MAY 14. At Half-past One P.M. ?.. E, S ?ITH and CO., L3ITED; Shave received instructions from Mr I I. I-itsof to'OFFER by AUCTION. as 350 dry ewes 150 wethers 250 hoggets 3 Corriedale rams 1 English Leicester ram 1 dairy cow in full profit. Further Entries Invited Terms at Sal. PRELIMINARY ADVERTISEMENT.. CROYDON STATION. THURSDAY. AUGUST'T1,1924i At Three P.M. IAT THE-.IPALACE HOTEL. PERTH . !G DER, SMITH and CO., LIMITED, LA under instructions from .Mr.- S. P. Mackay, will OFFER by AUCTION as glove, his well-known Croydon Station:SITUATION: 50 miles from Roebourne and 20 miles from WFhim Creek. with which it is connected by telephone 'nd is thus in communication with both Roebonre and Port ~edland. Wool is shipepd from the port of Balla Balla connected by tramway with Whim Creek. AREA: .459,580 acres Pastoral leae. Rental 20s. per 1,000 acres per annumn. The leases expire on December 31, 1948. and arn subject to prorisions of Section 29 of the Land Act Amendment Act. 1917. WATER SUPPLIES: There is an abundant supply from pools in the two Sherlock Rivers, also 17 wells equip. a.ndl it.h mill. 1? t . t ,nk , , merh.

rg. [PROVE qENTS: Abodt 300 miles of fencing, forming numerous paddocks; comfortable homestead with sleepingout accommodation: shearing shed equipped with 6 stands, Wolseley machine and engine, men's quarters and i other necessary outbuildings, sheep I and stock yards. STOCK: Includes about 12,000 sheep, about 2,000 head cattle, and about 100 horses. PLANT: Full and complete plant with everything necessary for the efficient working of the station. DAET OF SHEARING: May. RB3EARKS: Croydon is an old-estab. fished station well and favourabhl known and with present improve'ments is capabla of carrying up to 20,000 sheep. Being good country, well situated to port, it should appeal to station buyers. TERIMS: One-third cash, balance by yearly payments with interest. further information from ELDER, SMITH and CO.: Perti. PRELIMINAR ?OTIC.-BALMORAL TPATION.366,000 366,000 ACRES PASTORAL LEASE. THtXSDAY. AUGUST 11, 1921. At Three P.M. AT THE PALACE HOTEL, PERTH. ELDER, SMITH. and CO.. LPITED have received instructions from the Directors of Balmoral, Limited, to OFFER by AUCTION, as above, their well-known Balmoral Station. Situation.--Abot 80 miles from Robourne and 11 miles from Fortesque Landing, connected by telephone to Post and Tele7raph office 9 miles away. Area.-366,000 acres of pastoral leases, expiring December 31, 1948. rental 20s. per 1,000 acres 'per annum. Leases are-subject to Section 29 of the Land Act Amendment Act, 1917. Improvements.-About 175 aniles ? fencing, enclosing about 250.000 acres into numerous paddocks: good homestead, shearing shed, equipped with Moffat plant,. 10 stands, and engine: stock yards, 6 sets sheep yards. all necessiary outbuildings. Water Supply.-Abundant supplv by - permanent pools, in addition to 23 wells, eqrfpned ,with windmills, tanks, and troughing. Stock.-Include about 22,0C00 sheep, about 50 Ocattle. 100 horses. Plant.-Full and complete plant for effcient.Ir working the ýt tio,n. Remarks.-Balmoral Station has been established many years. andl is well and favourably known. There hare been excellent rains, and the country is in good heart. Terms.-One-third cash. balance by yearly payments.Further Further i-fc?n nr?,.n frorn ELDER, SMITH. a,-d CO., LIMITED, ePrth. THIS DAY. At One-thirty P.M. On the Premises. ANZ C-TER:, WEST GUILDPORD. F. DESHON has been instructed by Mr. W. Smith to OFFER for SALE his broom B -UNGAIOW. stables I acre good "arden land. Also FOUSEOTI D PURN-I_ TURE and efSects. FINE HORSE, CART (double cale) and HARNESSj DPEHON. Auctioneer, West Guildford.

AUCTIONS. FUTURE STOCK SALES, DALGuETY and COMPANY, LIMITED, Swill CONDUCT SALES of SHEEP, CATTLE. HORSES and PIGS at the following centres: -PINGELLY: Tuesday, May 10. NOR.THAM: Tuesday, May 10. KOJONUP: Thursday, May 12. BEVERLEY: Tuesday, Ma 17. KATANNING: Thursday, May 19. CUNDERDIN: Clearing Sale. Thursday, May 19. GERALDTON: Friday, May 20. KOJONUP: Clearing Sale Wednesday. May 25. Entries invited with DALGETY and COMPANY, LIMITED,. Perth and Branches, Oi Fountry Representatives. NORTHAM MARKET. 375 SHEEP. 376 TUESDAY. MAY 10. DALGETY iand COMPANY, LIMITED, will OFFER by PUBLIC. AUCTION, on, account of various owners, at their East Northam Saleyads-205 largefrained merino wethers, good condition. 111..weaners, mixed sexes. 60 mixed asherp Further entries invited with DALGETY and COMPANY, LIMITED, Perth- and Northam. METROPOLITAN FAT CATTLE I .MARKET. COPLEY'S SIDING FREM?NTLE. TUESDAY, MAY 10, 191,. At Eleven A.M. Sharp. T-;E'-" and-' COMPAY --LIMIED ad ' ELDER? SMITH' and O. LIMITED, in conjunction, will'" OFER by PUBLIC AUCTION, .on account of the Kimble Pastoral Co.240 FAT" CATTLE. METROPOLITAN FAT CATTLE MARKET SCOPLEY'S sIDING -.(FEMAi- ).. S TUESDAY, MAY 10,:1921 At Eleven A.M. Sharp. IALGETY and COMPANY LIMITEDJ and ELDER SMITH and COMPA-NY" LIMITED, in coon ion,: will OFFER by PUBLIC AUCTION, on account of Messrs. Z Emanuel Brothers Limited:300 ,fat cattle. METROPOLITAN ;FAT STOCK MAREET. GOVERNMENT :: ARATTOIRS SALE- I MLAND JUDNC TION. WEDPNESDAY, MAY II; 1921. ALTP Y C and OOMPANY- LIMITED .l ) llOFFER by - PUBLIC AUCTION: -!- 1 50 sheep and lambs at 9 am. t >90',pigs, at 1.30 p.mSALE OF: FAR? 'AND ,LANT AT'CUNDERDIN_ sO 7HE PREMISES2 Situated' 7 1H.E from CUNDERDIN." b. ' THURSDAY, MAY 19. At Two P M.ALGT ancd COMPANY, LIMI TED, hiave- been. instructed, by the Trus' tees in._the Assigned Fitite -of. G. w. McKie, Cuhnderdin, to-SELL -all his.Right, Title, gnd Interest in the following-. e FARM. Spiendidly .improved farm -of 1.281 es; 7 -miles fromi- indecdin. oinprsimng Avon Locations 12506, 1249, 18221, 17264, and :13390, and being tlhe subjects`r e ct?vely of Homesfead Grants 11257174, 12554,4; and C.P. Leases 792J8, ?601 55, anti 72290Oj56. IMPEROVEMENTS. Sbdivided ,into ' 7 paddocks,- all 6 hirves?and:in good order;' 900 acis have been cleared and: cultivated. Hamestead comprises 3-roomed- mud bat house and outbuildings 1- large ga?vanisad iron shed-7?-x A.' - STOCG. * horses, -. . MACHINERY." . Sunshine harvester,. I McCmsmin drill, I spring -tooth cultivator; 14-fplough, I cornsrusher, 1 waggon, 1 oil engine and chaffcutter 3 tanks, 1 s.et of scales,- and sundry harness. The property is offered subject to, a frst .mortgage of £725:and .a second. mortgage of £250, and the erms - for -thebalance of the purchase money are £500 cah ant the residue by.annual instalments of £150, carrying intirest at 7' per 'cent, per an, nam. - For further particulars apply a DALG 'Y and.COMPANY, LIMITED, Perth and Northam. I PPER GASCOYNE STATION FOR s "SALE. MOUNT JAMES CATtE - STATON, . Consisting of S569,1UD-ACRES. PASTORAL LEASES, Together with e? ATBOUT)O MIXED CATITLE, 80 HORSES AND ALL PLANT, r On . MONDAY, aJ]jE 20, 1921, d At Half-past Two P.M., At DALGUSTTS CHAMBERS, WIILIAM-ST., PERTH.

" FhALGETY and COIMPANY LIMTED U have received instructions from the Wtst Australian Trustee, Executor and Agency Co. Ltd., Executors of the Will of -the late S. J. Phillips and from P A: Healy, Esq., to OFFER the above station a- for SALE as a GOING CONCE0N. id . SITUATED on the Upper. Gascoyne. lp 190 miles from Meekatharra and 280 miles from Carnarvon- and adjoining Pt Mt. Augustus, Mt. Phillip, Yinue t thirra, and Landor (Mt. (iere) Stations. AREA: 569,180 acres Pastoral Lease.* It RENTAL: The annual rental payable to the Crown is 20s. per 1,000 acres, subject to appraisement. The leases b expire on December 31, 1948, in Y terms of Section 30 of the Land Act e- Amendment Act, 1917. 0 WATERS: Several fine pools practicF. ally permanent, tawo springs, also J two wells at present unequipped, but new mill, troughing and material for 5,000-gallon tank are oi the site. The Murrumbuddo and Jealo creeks run through the leases. . IMPROVEMENWTS: Stockyards and 7 miles of 3-wire fencing. A stockman s small camp with iron store. PLANT: Sulky, harness, .well sinking plant, blacksmith's tools and sundries. STOCK: About 400 mixed cattle, about 80 horsesREMLLR.KS: The country is of a hilly and undulating character, carrying the usual top-feed with intervening salt bush plains. That part of the Spate in which Mt. James is situated has for many years proved suitable ' for cattle raising. The comparatively R short distances to the railhead at n Meekatharra and the shipping port of Carnarvon respectively makes accessible the metropolitan fat stock mard ket and other outlets for surplus stock. TERMS AT SALE. For further information app.y, THE WEST AUSTRALLkN.TRUSTEE, EXECUTOR and AGENCY CO., to LTD.;I j Or t: DALGETY and COMPANY LIMITED, Perth. THIS A PERN?.ON, At One P.31. ON THE PREMISES, 118 SEVENTH-AVE. MAYLANDS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFEGCT ,n .SSEN and CO., (having sold the id property) have been insL-ucted to - FLtL as above, comprising:Dining Room Suite (7 pieces). Dining Table, and felt cover- 2 occasional r. tables, Black and silver D. Bed with extra good wire mattress and bedding 5 Single beds. Bedroom Suite 2 table. M.T. washstand. 5 D. Duchess, Toilet ware. Carper square 9 x 9 ?good), Mirror. Blinds and rollers throughout, Curtains and poles. 3 rooms, Linos. throughout. ab?'s high chair Dresser, 6 K. chairs, Kitch en" safe, 2 clocks, electric iron. Afternoon Tea Let, Balmoral china, 3 jardinieres. glassware, pictures, lawn mower, kitchen utensils and all usual sundries.r" r" HASSEN and COY., St. Georgd's-terrce--Safes to Let. Valuables, Money Papers, Luggage, and Goods of all escription taken for afe el. custody.

AUCTIONS AUCTION SALE. THIS DAY, THIS DAY, At Two P.M. MANCHESTER-T., VICTORIA PARK. (Fifth house from main tram line). T. T. EDDY tiELLs under instructions Sfrom owner, Freehold Property. Lot 868 and newlybuilt Six roomed House, front and back verandah, bathroom and washhoue, copper built is bricks. Cash or terms. Also on account of Mrs. E. H. Smith: First class FURNITURE and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTSMag. Iron-frame PIANO, Sostenuto, (almost new), mne b.g- Bedroom Suite, n.m. dble bedstead and wire, quantity of bedding, good linos, 4 folding iron bedsteads, and- kapok beds, 5ft. b.g. SIDEBOARD 2 Duchesses, 2 chest of drawers, SINGER'S DROPHEAD SEWING MA -CHINE. fine quality, canegrass suite - of 9 pieces, carpet square, tables, chairs, pictures, safe, mir' rors, lamps, washing machine, gocart, kitchen glass, enamel and crockery ware, wringer. Qty- Timber, iron, bull-nose verandab, mantelpiece, gent's bike and a s boat of sundries. A GENUIN-E CLEARi~ G SALE. TUESDAY NEXT, .MAY 10. At Half-past Two P.M. IN THE. MART, 134 BARRACK-STETFP. GENERAL FURNITURE. SUNDRIES, and INDAIAN MOTOR BKE. .- A. MANSEIELD will SELL as above. " Further .goods received for this Sale up till Noon Tuesday. FOR PRIVATE SALE. Two Alcock Billiard Tables, National a Cash Register marble-top Couner and fables, ron afes, Avery Platform Sales, 2 h.p. Petrol Engine, etc., etc. HOTEL and (1HER. VALUATIONS SMADE.. SALES CONDUCTED EVERYWHERE. Goods. purch?sed outright for T asha or ). idrances made pending sale. Tel. ~4761. WEDNESDAY NEXT, MAY 11. At Eleven A.MOn the PREMISES, rear 211 NEWCASTfLESTREET (next corner Willism-street). BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS' PLANT. A. .MAN-SFIELD, instructed by JAS. I -S?KNNER; Esq.,- will SELL as above, Comprising: . Chain, Floor Dogs, Sash ) Weights,- Cramps, Scafold, Ropes,. Mitre Cutter. Planks. Putlocks. Bench Stools, Bor.Prame, Nails and Screws. Galv." Iron, Water Piping, quantity Timber,: -2 Wheelbarrows, Mortar Boards, Tiles,. Sieps, Tools, Stonecutter s Tools, and a quantity of sundries. SNO RESERVE. NO RESEBVE. TUESDAY NEXT A?:HIalf-?'ast Two P.M. '-a sHE D-- and-CO. will SL. on the PýF.MISES, 53 TATEST, IEEDERVILLE, coiner of Tate and Cambridge sr?efa :-THREB-ROOMED WEATHERBOARD1 1 HOUSE, "LINED THROUGHOUT, with BATHEOOM, WASKHOUSE, and WORK SHEDS and. FOWL RUNS. Fine block,- with lawns, hedges, and garden. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECi'S. .(Under (Under instructions from --the Ezecuors in a: Deceased EstateFull Particulars'in Monday's Paper. ASHIDEN - and OO.. Auctioneers, 'Phone A4588. WEDNESDAY, NEXT At Half-past Two. 1A 4SHBNDEN and CO. will SELL at . their MART, ST7 HAYST., opposite Bon Marche- -I HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, and EFFECTS. e Poll - list in Wednesday's paper. ASHENDEN" and CO.- conduct OUTDOOR . SALES at SHORTEST NOTICE. ASWENDEN and CO. PURCHASE FURNITURE and MERCANDISE for CASH. ASHENDEN and CO. will ATTEND to your EQUIREENTS if you Ring up your 4588 THIS DAY. - THIS DAY. ! SATURDAY. MAY 7. At Eleven A.M ON THE PREMISES. 1~62 STIRLING-E. s PERTH. J?S. BEOW~ ? 23 oysl Arcade HayJ st. (in conjnction with kr. L COHEN). by their Auctioneer, Mr. F. DESHON, have been favoured with inSELL as above

D K2-- P anu case, Dy rraumans, Le Hambu. d . Number of 4 and 5 diswer DUCHESSE , CHESTS, towel rail washstands, quantity of toilet ware, comb. bea- steads.SINGLE SINGLE BEDS and wires, good kapok beds. Two double bedsteads-and R.S, wires. Mahogany SIDEBOARD, MUSIC OABLNE~T, glass doors. Dining table, H.B. and A.B. chairs, heavy linos. throughout the hodse. Hall and other curtains, blinds Leather up. couch, ornaments, E.P. ware. Fine collection of PIU?URES, HA/.. S A CARPET couch and squab, sekl. wt ardrobes. Crockery, kitchen dresser, oce. tables, bookshelves, rush and S.G. chairs, o pots, pans, and kitchen utensils too numerous to mention. S SALE ELEVEN A.M. SIHAEP s MONDAY, MAY 9. Ab the MARBT. 822 HAY-ST., near King-st. 7 At Half-past Two P.M. GfiARBBEI and BALESB will hold theitr g V usual ondas SALE of FurnPure 2- and Effects, including2 D.R. SU1Tk. It 2 SIDEBOARDS. PIANO BY JACKSON. .yAnd Lots too numerous to me~on, g Fuller particulars in Monday's iss. SdFurniure bought. Outdoor sales conSducted. le TUESDAY. MAY 10. at ON THE PREHMISE. 161 VINCENT-ST., near. Monastery. K. PERTH. r- At Helf-past 'wo P.M. £1 ~IBET end B?L?S have been in"W structed by the owner to SELL. Superior Household Furniture and Efects, indludin" d D.H. Singer Sewing Machine. Fine Sideboard. OAK D.D. D.M. WARDROBE. 2 COUCHES. 2 Kitchen TABLES. 10 AB. and Other ,CHAIRS. 2 Occ. TABLESMaassiv Black and Nickel BEDSTEAD WIRE and BEDDIING. 3 Rooma LINO. Passage LINO. HALISTAND CURTklNS and BLINDS. Swin MIRRJOR. Kitchen DREES.RE. CROCKERY and Kitchen Utensile. DOOR MATS. etc-. etc.. S WI.TH'OUT RESERVE. GAR.BEI7T and BALES, Ao uctioneers. 822 Hayst. FAT (AiITPLE MARKET. COPLEY'S SIDING. I TUEtSDAY. MAY 10, 1921 b At Eleven A.M. 2 RAZIERS' CO-OPERATIVE, LTD., have " received instructions from the owners, to OFFER by PUBLIC AUCTION as above: 73 FXT CAT¶T-IE. 75 ) lLTROPOLITA FIT STOOK MAUE. r- IDIAE4 JU?NG?ON. 3 WEDN-SDAY, !kAY 11, 1921. SA Nine A.M. 1- RýZITERS' COOPER ý1TVE, I TD., have received instructions from varwus owners, to OFFER by PUBLIC AUGTION as hbove: 1.40 FAT SHEEP and LAMBS. L450 60 PIGS. 60 d DERCY BRUNTON'S "Table Talk." Id., lEs for Racing and Football Tips and latest newas.

AUCTIONS. • MONDAY, MAY 9, Half-past Two. On the PREMISES, No. 2 UNION-STREET, SUBL.O. . CH. EEY has received instructons from the Owner to SELL--Iron-frame PIANO in splendid order, BEDROOM SUITE, C. and N. D. BED, RS. wire, kapok mattress and pillows, bedroom lino, hell linoleum, blinds and curtains, extra pretty set B ware, bedroom chairs, handsome Axminster carpet 9 x 12, b. and c. oak et occ. table, seagrass chairs, pedestal. S.G. table, passage lino., good as new; hallstand, dark, with b.g mir- i ror: very pretty sideboard, dark: D. table, pile table cover, green; 6 H.B. dining chars, rugs and matse, extra good lino. 12 x 14, fender, glassware. I, crockery, duchesse chests, single a stretcher, kapok and horsehair mat- b treis, kitchen chair, safe table, dress- 1 ers, and usual household sundries. The above Lot is almost,-new and extra ti lean. I; S. cOENEY, Auctioneer., I TUESDAY; MAY 10. a At. Eleven A.M. 1 36 CIARDIQAN-TESRACE, JOIIONT, I . HENEY has received instructions from Mr. Pitt to'SELL contents of six rooms of FURNITURE, comprising-Dark bedroom suite, double bed, and R.S. wire, kapok mattress and pil Iowe. Handsome set bedroom ware. Linoleum, _ood as new, 12 x 12, 10 x 12, 12 x 12. Rugs, mats, and" runners. - / Dining table 5 x 3. Handsome sideboard, dark. 6 H.B. chairs,' pedestal clock, pictures, ornaments, blinds, curtains, hall run- ] ner, easy chairs, kitchen dresser (extra well made), K.-ceupboard, K. t safe, K. table, K. linoleum, crockery, K. chairs, saucepans, coolers, single bed; lot of tools, and usual household sundries. The above is an extra clean lot, and for absolute sale. S. CHINEY, Auctioneer.. 'FRIDAY, MAY 27. AT THE CORINTHIAN- MINE, N-EAR SOUTHERN CROSS, At Ten' o'Clock. A.M. 1UNREs RVED CLEARING SALE OF VALUABLE MACHINEY, BUILDINGS ( eiC. . "-' 1E rBS aH. D. 'PELL and CO., have Sreceived instructions from W. Montgomery Esq., Attorney for the Corinth- 1 ian North Gld' Mining Co., to SELL all their I MACHINERY. BUILDNGS, E C. 1 Winding Engine, Phoenix Duplex cylinder, 12in. stroke, 36in. 1 Fouche Condenser, 5 units complete. 1 Norwalk Compressor and Receiver, -1,200 cubic feet2 Ridgway Vacuum Slime Filters complete. 1 10 head Battery, Sandycrofb framing; Kalgoorlie foundry' boxes, 1,270Ib. stamps, Challenge type feeders, in good. order. 1 No. 3 Gate's Rockbreaker. Grindng Pans, mild steel Vats, mechanical Thickeners and. Sundries. 1 dup. slime Pump, 8in. x 12in. 1 dup. slime .Pump, 6in. x 12in. 2 cent. Pumps (Zollner). 2 Vottex Mixers. . 3 zinc Boxes, oregon Trays. 3 sats push Conveyors. . 2 Yale Hoist Blocks, 3 and 5 tons. 1 1-ton Tangye rab Winch. 1 1 Hor. Egine, 13in. x 16in. (Taylor and Chandler). 1 G.C- Tank. 20 x 6. 1 G.C. Tank, 18 guage, 6ft. diameter, 6ft. deep. . ' 1 cent.. (Gwynnes). I 2 Worthin Pumps, 41x 2 r 4in. 2Ml0ton" ore Bin (pine -and oregon). 100ton ore Bin, (oregon). 1 set poppet Legs, 12in. x 12in. oregon 102 feet high. Blacksmith'S Tools, anvils, vices ind forges. cranes, stores. etc., smelting ances, assay appliances, certling uleys, etc., exhaust fan; shafting pleys, mining tools, piping, steel girders, 'anks, spares and innumerable sundries. About 40,000 feet oregon and jarrah.-and a very large amount of good corrugated iron, bricks, etc. on various sheds and buildings. People leaving Kalgoorlie by Thursday's express can be back by Saturday morning. 915 train leaves Southern Cress on Friday. 9.15 for Carinthpan, and will return after sale. Luncheon Provided. ..No Besezve. LIVE, STOCK, VEHICLES, ETC. (Sixteen ·words. Is. d.; six coasacutivs iasertiaod 7s. d.) J. McENCROE'S WA.. STOCK BAAAR, Stirling-street. 80 IMPORTED HORSES., 80 80 IMPORTED HORSES. 80 Arrived ex s. Zealandia April 28. 30 head of nice young Mares and Geldings, just suit farmers. Specially soleeted. On Hand-ex Victoria and South Australia: 50 head of Horses, omprisig heavy draught geldings (suit loghauers), also heavy Farm Mares and Geldings and Lorry Horses, all a good quality 10t. NOTE.-Arrived s.s. Katoomba, WedSneaday, May 4: 25 head of the heaviest and lbest Draught Geldings procurable in Victoria, purchased specially for loghanle.> mad brick carters.

Conaignments arriving Weeskly trom the East. Bank orders, LA.B., and S.S. Scheme a - speciality. Inspection \invited. J. McENCROE. Tel. A25. 0 A .A.A.A.A.A. ,At RHODE'S, Coachbailder, Vehicle, and Harness Emporium, 102-4 James-t.:~ 3 R.T. Piano-box BHggies (one very small suit 10 to 12 hand pony), one strong leatbea trimmed throughout; 1 R.T. Landau, 1 Mourning Coach; 1 Phaeton; 1 I.T. Buggy £25; Prnce George Cart, 2 Village Carts, 2 Milk Carts, 2 'R.T. Jogcarts, 1 hooded Mk. King o' the Road bulky, 1 supenor bent-shaft leather trimmed. Sulky, 1 drop1 tray Sulky, 12 Spring Carts and Drays, 1 o Timber Dray, suit tarmer; 1 good 'Tip Dray; 20 new and S.H. Sets'Harness; anig assortment of good Riding Saddles and Bridles, Collars, etc.; 1 12-hand Timor Pony, 1 Hungarian and 1 Hackney Pony, suit ladies or children; I thoroughbred Stallion 5 years Country Orders and Repairs receive prompt attention. r Jus rail them in we do the rest. ABny s , entshaft ,S" ky, rubber tynes and hoods; any prt tor any vehicle. SIMESON, LTD., 91 Jamest. A BUTCHEE'S Order or Baker's Cart, S£26- light piano boa buggy. £30; masher cart, £18; new heavy market gar dener's cart. carry 35 owt. £35. Campbell, Coachbuilder, 305 We~lington-st. Tel- 3720. A BAGAIN.--Sprng Carts .and Farm Drays, Settlers' Carts. Sulkies, Masher C arts, Farm Waggons, Wheels, all sizes stocked. Geo. 1. Grigg, Coach Builder 441 Murray-st. Tel. 13552. A GOOD Sulky Pony, 13. hands, also couple suitable light delivery; trials. 2 Walcott-st. Mt. Lawley. A VERY Styiish, I.T. Sulky, best nu Perth: also set Harness; owner going East. 110 Havelock-st. A SPORTING R.T. Turnout for sale, . cheap; at 12 a.m. 28 Brisbane-st.-, Perth. A Village Cart, new, roomy, and cheap to clear. Attnrige, next East Perth 3 Howel. Slight covered Masher Cart, Male axle, as good as new. 36 Galwef-st., LeeABBO'P Stables, 103 Murray-st.Farmer's Buggy, pble and shafts, 2 seats, set, of double Harness, SP lot; young Horse, Masher Cart, and Harness, £23, trial; also new Sulkies and Buggies and 20 sets Harness, cheap. A LL Good Value arness at Bairds. 3 Walk through. Springcart Set £S 15s. Sulky £6 17. 6d. Plough Colara. AT HATCH BROS.. City Markets (foot Horseshoe Bridge): Hooded irone tyred Buggy, splendid repair, and Bar, ness; King of Road, rubber-trred, screw seat, balLbea-iny exle; Spring Cart. gcod as new. Cows, two due in about month. Tel. A2161. AT Foy's Stables. James-s. Ferth. for ý1 Hire or Sale, Homes Ponies. Sulkies, Buie, Spring Carts Express Waggons, Harness. Riding Saddles, etc. No resaane able offer refused. Tel. A239. & -Tem Newbold' Market, Fremantle, . Tel. B024: Young country Horses, light Lorry. solid condirton; ruit Barrow, quantity Timber, Building for removal; Turkeys. Ducks, Fowls. BAY Mare, 15 hands, used to town traff S ic, harnees, or saddle,, any trial, £9. 7'? esae?frst., altm T pam.

LIVE, STOCK, VEHICLES, ETC. BLACK Pony. 14 hands, very. reliable, any trial. 9 Smith-st.. Highgate Hill. ,CHEAýP Horse, £4 IOs.: Sp. Cart. £12 ,C P.: 1.T. Sulky, £20. 6 Braid-st.. off Newcastle-st., near Lord.6t. C ITY SALEYARDS.--For Sale, Vehicles, all classes and prices; good Sulkies. at moderate prices; also Farm Horses and Harness of every description. J. Hand, opp. Police Court. Beaufort-st. C S for Sale: 1 Jersey cross, with calf at foot, 3 Springers, quiet and sound. Woolley. Cannington. COW, Ayrshire, second calf, heifer at foot, milk anywhere. Mrs. McPhee, R4edcliffe, Belmont. FI?ARMER' Buggy, pole and shafts and brake, first-class order, sell or exchange for sulky; Milk Cart, patent axle, good as new; imall ton-tyred Sulky, £12 lOs., bargain, 100 Francis-st.. B. Bennett. OR Sale, Shorthorn Cow. quiet, giving - at present 3 gallons. 4 gallons in winter, good reason for selling. Mr. Burrows. Isidore-st., N'orth Fremantle. FOR Sale, Black Pacing Gelding Jack JL Wilkes, with engagements, cheap for a quick sale. Owner going East. I. Digney, 101 lake-st. FOR Sale, Horse, fast, Sulky, rubberStyred, Harness, Lamps. G. Finlay, Belmont-rd., off Sinclair-st., South Fre mantle. 1jIOR :Ele, aged medium Golding, exce.U-' lent orchard sort, good condition; gift for good home. Harris, Sawyer's Valley. R Sale, 2 Dry Goats. (good). 1 NanFie 6annost?sorexchangel milking goat. :'Ashdale" Crawford-st., East Cannington.LOR Sale, iron-tyred hooded Sulky. .: Horse and Harness. T. Wilson, Shenton-rd., Claremont. Tel. F354. POR Sale: 1 M.D. Horse, suitable for plough, or heavy work and heavy Springeart. Wooliey, Cannington. tOR Sale; Masher Cart, "wheels light, F second hand. George Toll%, St. Albans 91 Broome-street, Cottesloe. FOR Sale, Goat, milking, with nanny kid. 30s.: also young Billy, 5s. Castledine, Watkins-rd.. Claremont. FOR Sale, reliable Buggy Mare, 6 years, or would suit light delivery. King, Caversham, next school. L'OR Sale, one heavy draught Horse, -1 Dray and Harness, suit sleeper carter. J Alexander, Armadale. -FIOR Sale, Pony, 4 years, harness, light W masher cart, any trial, cheap. 115 Crawford-rd. Maylands. week old. Turbett, Railway-st., Queen's Park.. I-OIR ale, Stylish Black Pony. 14 .L' hands. 4 years, ?heap; 152 Harold-st. Highgate Hill -POR Sale, reliable Buggy Mare, broken I o saddle and harness, lady can drive. 230 Pier-st. P ER Sale. five Heifers, 6 to 18 months, ' good condition. Delaport, Pipe Track, Maddinggton. OR Sale, good Horse, Masher Cart and Harness: cheap lot. 111 -Bourke-st., Iederville. ?'IOR Sale, set Sulky Harness, in good .- condition. also Lamps. 250 Beauforts.. Perth,"IFOR "IFOR Sale, dark Jersey Cow, 4th calf; ? good and rich milker . 'Phone 4S, Midland. FTOR Sale.. Horse, Spring Cart and W Harness. "Cheap. 19 (-ayton-st., Bellevue. 0R Sale, Spring Cart, floating rail, pull Sfrom axle, £12 lOs. 132 Royal-st., East Perth. , I0R Sale, 1 light single Lorry, nearly i' new. 61 Phillimore-st., Fremantle. F1'OAT?, several, point of kidding, stud, J3 grazing. 12s.. 6d.; every care, no responsibility. Billygoat Farm, Cottesloe Beach . 1 RAZIES' COOPERtATIVE LTD., SHave at their Yards, 00 JAM -STREET, For Private Sale:20 imported Heavy Draught Mares and Geldings, from Victoria, all 4 and 5 years old; suitable for mill or dray work. 10 Medium Draught Mares and Geldings, broken and unbroken, suitable for farm work, in good condition. 5 Delivery and Light Sorts, right ages. 1 very fast Sulky Pony, 6 years, by Wilkes G., sound and quiet. VEHICLES of every description, includSTip Drays, Spring Carts, Masher Carts, Sarlky Tnouts, and Harness. ISPECION INVL TEDD. PULL PARTICULARS ATE THE YARDS. REENGROCER'S -Cart, carry 1 ton, £15; strong delivery Mre, young. Home Sunday, 172 Brisbanest. A1ERN~ESS, CARTS, BUGGIES. IZ Spring Cart and Harness £16; ýarmer's Buggy, pole and-shafts; 2 good Spring Carts, 10 sets secondhand cart Harness in seta Collars. Hames and Winkers ana Chains; a large atock Riding Saddles and Bridles. All' classes repairs while you wait We Buy, Sell, and Exchange. Agricultural Bank orders accepted. W. ROWLAND, 84 and 86 James-st. Tel. 2361. TIOBSE AND COW MARKET, -I Charles-ct., West Perth. The WESTRALIAN FARMERS, LTD.. have on hand for PRIVaLE SALE a large I number of Unbroken and Broken HORSEi. SThe Unbroken Sorts are mostly Mares and are a very suitable line, being from b light to medium draught sorts, and have just landed ex Trans LineThey are well worth mnspection.

For further particulars apply STOCK DEPARTMENT, THE WESTRALIAN FARMERS, LTD., 569 Wellington-st., Perth. iH ORSE Rugs, "Fitzesy," 6ft. 31s. 6d., i5ft. 27s. 6d.: Collars from 35s. Spring Cart and Sulky Sets, Saddles, etc., always in stock at lowest, prices. THE BAIRDS CO., LTD. 1 ITORSE, Cart and Harness. .ot £1? 10s.: 11 quiet Pony, Sulky and Harnm~s. sur. children, £20. Foy's, 80 James ,t. HORSE, heavy draught, 6 yeats; 2 Jogcarts. one rubber-tyred Hooded Sulky. 64 Wellington-st [H OODED Sulky in first-class order. Particulars C. Pitchford, • Coachbuilder, Hoe-st. ,UNTERS.---Two well-bred Hunters, perlJ feet in saddle, young, sound, ight, and reliable. Full particulars at Graziers Company, James-st.. JUST NDED EX S.S KATOOMBA, From VICTORIA12 Extra Heavy Draught Geldings, 4 to 6 years old. suitable for tip drays or timber mills; 6 exceptionally choice Draught Mares, broken to all work and well worth inspection. Have also on hand a number of Springcart and Delivery Horses of all kinds. W. DEAN, Perth Horse Bazaar, Wellington, t I GC] Spring Cat, male patent axle and Sgood set spring cart Harness. 10 Wade-st. Tel. 1263. -LIGHT Spring Cart with cover to carry S about seven c;t- Apply I.LV. Royal intel, May 9. TAR?E, 4 years, good in plough, saddle, Barness ,splendid for orchard, £20. Traylen, 11 Stephen-st-, Guildfqrd. SNE Pure Bred Peigreed H tn o Buhll, eising 5 years, quiet; also tharoughly educated child's pony, 4 years old. B. T. Daly, South FremantleE good Milking Goat 1 young Nanny and 1 Billygoat. C. Lee, South-crescent, Bayswater.FN-E FN-E Delivery ~are and Foal for sale, S1 6yrs. old. A. Swanson. Gosnells. ONY. young, very quiet. ladv drive, ride. soand, fast, cheap, rare chance; i must sell. 544 Murray-st. West. .jPRRING Cart. Horse, and Harness, good S as new, horse staunch, reliable lot, £3[. Hart, Highway, Nedlands. PTRONG Spring Cart, suit market gars dener, owner must sell. cheap. Nancarsa, Blacksmith, Fitzgerald-st., North Yeath. QULKIES. SULKIES. SULKIES.--Thirty k? (30) of Sydney's best rubber and iron tyred Sulkies for Sale. or exchange.; n. reasonable offers refused. Foy's, 80 Jamesstret. t ITMOR Pony. 10 hands; Rubber-tyrad L Buggy and Harness: also good Rubber-tyred Sulky. 64 Wellington-st. .LAN'?D, Buggy, Sulky, or Masher Cart and Harnaes for 15 hands thoroughbred. Percy G. Challinor, care Mr. McIz tosh, Winchester. Midiand Railway. r ANTED Horse. Harness. and Sulky, SR.T., low, hooded, must be souna. K.H.. this office. full particula.rs. ATANTED, good strong Masher or VilW lge Cart and Harness. Ring A1503 or Box 427, G.P.O. .T TE -ED Springcart. in -od cond; tion. Price and particulars. R.E.K., Gnildford P.O. - -ANTED to Buy, Sulky. low wheels. . strong. cash. 322 Railway-par., West T.eederuile.

LIVE, STOCK, VEHICLES, ETC. W.A. GOVERNMENT TEDER BOARD WANTED,TO BUT. TENDERS are invited for the SUPPLY of one secondhand SULKY, in good running order.Forms Forms of tender obtainable at Tender Board Office, Marquis-street, West Perth. Tenders close 2.15 p.m. on May 12, 1921. No tender necessarily accepted. MONEY. A . A. A. A. A. A. As A. A. A A. ABSOLUTELY AT ONCE WITHOUT SECURITY. By Simple Note of Heand. Privacy assured by Constant Government or Civilian Employees, Householders, Professional Gentlemen and others. £3, £5, £10, £1.5, £. £50, £100 upwards, repayable by Easy Weekly. Fortnightly, or Monthly Instalments.Also onTITLE TITLE .DEEDS Without Mortgage. ZEADE BIILS. BONDS. Etc. On Terms to Suit Borrowers. LOUIS SEELIGSON First Floor, Colonial Mutual Chambers, St. George's-terrace. Stamp reply. A BSOLUTELY THE FAIREST, CHEAPSEST. and BEST MONEY LENDINGFIRM IN W.ALUBER and CO.. FINANCIAL EXPERTS. We advance cash against Furniture, Pianos, Sewing Machines. Stock in Trade. (without removal). Title Deeds without registered mortgage, Machinery, Interest un-. der Wills, Life Policies. Jewellery, etc. Promissory Notes discounted on day of ap. plication. Advances made without secursty to constant Government or civilian em?loyees, householders and others. from £3 apwards. All Loans are repayable by instalments to suit borrower. Busines strictly private. If you are in financial straits consult LUBER and CO., Financiers. 263 Murrayst., Perth (opposite Melrose). A DVERTISER requires £1,000, two or three years, willing to pay 121 per cent. Income of £300 to £350 collected by lender. Capital. sum adjusted each year. Security perfect. In first instance reply K108 this office. A DI TERTISER wishes to meet Gentleman or Lady, willing to finance hun m a good proposition. FRANCIS. X144, This office, Fremantle. A NY Sum from £5 lent upon deposit of t titles, pro. notes. etc., no delay. M. WALTERS and CO., Warwick 'House, St. George'e-terrace. BOANS LIMITED, Estate Agency, have Trust Money. to Lend at lowest current. rates of interest. Thoese. requring Financial Assistance, or wishing to Sell or Purchase any Property or Business, should get in touch with us at once. BOANS LTD. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT, PERTH.?BORBOWERS ?BORBOWERS requirihg money on good Sfreehold property. at current rates. Thos. C. Villiers; Mortgage and Investmnient Broker, 54 St. George's-terrace. Reference National Bank. 1 ` .DENT, LTD., Have . a number of- Sma: Sums, Ra!nino from £25 to £150, For Loan on Mortgage On Houses and Land. "TVEVi your -Money at 7 to 8 per cent. 1 in Commonwealth Bonds or freehold first mortgages; other good securities. Thos. C Villier, Investment and Mortgage Broker, 54 St. George's-ter. LTANGyFOýlD and TOY. Estate Agents, No. 2. A.M.P. Chambers. Have Trust end Other Moneys to Lend at Lowest Current Rates. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. SMALL or LARGE AMOUNTS available on TITLE DEEDS, FURNITURE, Pianos, etc. (wit.hout removal), and Securities of any kind. PERSONAL and TRADE PRO. NOTES discounted to any extent. Terms to suit alClients. Equities purchased. PERTH, FINANCE and D. CO., LTD., 4 A.M-P! Chambers (Basement), St. George's-terrace. HENRY SEELIGSON and SONS, Directors. M ONEY TO LEND, an Brick or Jarrah Properties, £50 up to £5,000. Building financed in course of erection. Current rates of interest. Also -mone to lend on vacant- land, pianms, furmture, etc. DUDLEY and DWYEB, 41 Barrack-street. AKONEY: Trust Fuds, .lar or small .Lsums to lend on Brck Properties, 7 per cent., Jarrah 8 per cent- Advances on vacant land for building. . Carefully read and note change of address, No. 13 South British Chambers, Barrack-st. Fred Villiers. MONEY to LEND from £5 to £10,000. on title deeds, war bonds, or wili buy. W. G. HENDY. (Opposite Church England). Corner High and Queen sta.. Frematle. Br.ONEY TO LE D on. approved Free IV' hold Securities. i E H. THOMAS. Mortgage and Investment Broker, 40 Weld Chambers. St. Georges-ter., Perth ROBERTSON BROS., LTD., Auctioneers 91 St. George's.terr .

nave Xrust ana otper murLnLx to LJrLa At Lowest Current Rates. TRUST MONEY TO LEND. B ARTHUR F. ABBOTT. Solicitor. Commercial Chambers, 46 St. IGeorge's-terrace. Perti. LUST MONEYS TO . LEND. ROBINSON, COX and WHEATLEY,. Solicitors. 20 Howard-street, Perth. .W P. TOMPSON, Land, Fstate and Financial Agent, T. and G. Chambers, Money to Lend at Current Bates. 'Phone A2579. BRASS and COPPER SHEET ROD and TUBE Also BRASS WIRE all GAUGES. A. W. DOBBIE and CO.. Il?D, 804- Hay-treetWjE have £1,200 to Lend on good city or suburban Property. Apply GOLD ESTATES, T and G. Chambers. ELECTION NOTICES. JIGISLATIVE OOUNCIL ELECTION. SOUTH-WEST PROVINCE. The following are the POLLING PLACES in the COLLIE DISTRIOT for the abovenamed Province:I.-COLLIE: Court House. 2.-KIRUPP: School. 3.-NANNUP: Hall. 4.-NOGGERUP: School. Polling Day: MAY 21, 1921. Hours of polling, 8 am. to 7 p.m. F. 31. I. READ, Deputy Returning Oiamr. Collie, May 5, 1921. NTORTH 'FREMANTLE MUNICIPALITY. EXTRAORDINARY ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinery Election of two Councillors for the West Ward of the North Frementle Muni-cieality will be held in the Town Hall, North Fremantle, on FRIDAY, the 27th day of May, 1921. Nominations. accompanied" by a deposit of FIVE POUNDS in cash must be in the hands of the Returning Officer or Town Clerk not later than 4 o'clock in the afternoon on FRIDAY. the 20th day of May, 1921. I hereby appoint T. W. Taylor, Town Clerk. Deputy Returning Officer for the said elections. ROBERT BRACKS. Mayor. Returning Officer. RAILWAY NOTICES. iSTERN AUSTRALIAN GOVEBiN,)IENT RAILWAYS.CONTIRCOT CONTIRCOT for KONDININ TRA.FFPI OFFIGE. YiUiminning-Narembeen Section, G.S Railway. 'Tenders. sealed and marked on the outside "Tender for Traffo Office. Kondinm,' will be received by the Chief Engineer. Way and Works. Wellington.st. Perth, up to n?on Thursday, the 19th day of lay. 1921. for the above contract. Tend-r forms and full particulars may b'" obtkined at the office of the Chief Engineer Way and Works. Wellinton-st., Perth, and the District Enginecr's office. Na.-mon. No tender necessarily accepted. H. POPE, Commissioner of Railwaye. Perth, May 7. 1921.

POWRIONS GOSNELL .ESTATE, GOSNELLS BY ORDER OF THE MOU;GAGEs. HIGHLY IMPORTANT SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE AUCTIONEERS' SALE ROOMS, WARWICK HOUSE. ' ST. GEORGE'S TERRACE, PERTH. oN WEDNESDAY MAY, 18, 1921, at 3 p.m. SOME OF THE BEST LAND WITHIN FIFTY MILES OF PERTH SELCTED NEARLY ONE HUNDRED YE&AR AGO MESSRS. HODD, CUTHBERTSON and NORTH, under instructions from the MORTGAGEE, will OFFER by AUCTION as. aboa,. 4,542 acres or thereabouts of freehold lands as comprised in Certificate-of Ti?. Register Book, volume 696, folio 192. Do. 696, folio 194. Do. 69`, folio 195. Do. , folio 196. Do. 66, folio 197 Do. 69S, folio 198. Do. 696,; folio 199. Do. 702, folio 147. SDo. 729, folio 146. Do. 744., folio 148. Do. 745, folio 49 The following Lots' are improved as under:Iot No. Area. Improvements, a. r. p. 169 - . .. .. . - O 1 0 Partly fenced 170 .. . ... ....0 1 9 Partly fenced. 213 .. ...... .. . . 0 1 25 Fenced, cleared, portion ploughed. 229 ... .. .. .. 0 126 Fenced, cleared, portion ploughed. 243-.. . .. ... .. .. .. 1 0 Fenced and partly cleared. * 268, 269 ... ........ 0 2 0 All fenced, cleared, planted with frun! trees; small wood andiron cottageof 4 rooms and outbuildings. 305 to 310 - .. .... ... 13 32 Partly .fenced partly cleared. 320 ........... . .. ...0 112 Partly. fenced. 379 .. .. .... _ .. .... 0 1 12 Partly fenced posts and 3 wires. 404, 405 - .. .. .. . .. O 2"24 Cleared and fenced. 448 ........ .. .. .. 0.112 Cleared and fenced. 533, 534, 535 .. .. .. O 3 36 Fenced. partly cleared; small cottage, wood and, iron, two wells, fruit trees an8 ornamental trees. "558, 559, 560 .. .. .... '0 3 36 Partly fenced. 592, 593 ...... .. .. .. 0 2 24 Partly fenced. 808 ... .. .. . 3 0 24 Fenced, cleared, portion ploughed. 809 ......... .....'.: 3 0 24 Fenced cleared, portion ploughed. 84, 843 .....; .. .. 3 2 0 -Fenced 5 wires, 4-roomed wooden cotb tage, front verandah 2 tanks, cart shed. 844, 845 ...... .. ... .. 3 2 0 Portion cleared and fenced. 846, 847, 848, 849 ....... ...6 0 0 About '2 acres cleared, fenced; small wood and iron cottage and shed- Well or o "/ water. 854 to 857 ......: . .... 7 0 0 AU fenced, nearly all cleared, -ood and iron house not. quite finished; shed. Well of water. 879 .. ..... .......... 3 1 1 Partly'fenced. 886 887 .... .. . .." 5 3 8 Partly cleared and portion fenced. 888, 889 .." - .... - -.5 3 8 Fenced, partly cleared. 912, 913, 914 -- -. - - 5 310 Fenced, portion cleared. Good "wellHumpy" of 'two rooms. 983 to 988 r- -, ,. .- 6-0 0 Partly cleared. Small portion fenced. .Small iron cottage.: 1014, 1015 - - 1 0 17 Cleared, fenced; few fruit trees. 11317- -- - -- ---- 5 :2 12 Some fencing posts; no wires. 1221 .,- .. " " . .. 10 310 Fenced, cleared; small wooden cottageand shed. 1226.. ... . . . w - - 10 3 10 Fenced and. cleared; good jarah cottage. and 'outbuildings. I234 .. .. .... -, .. .. 12 0 0 Fenced, cleared; good wood and iron cotb taege and outbuildings. Some fruit trees. 1235, 1236 .... .. .. .. 24 0 0 Fenced, portion cleared; iron oottage. and shed. 156... ...... . .... .... 8 1 2" Partly fenced. Posts no wires. 1257 ........... .. ...15 3 30 Fenced 4 wires; small portion cleared; small 2-roomed cottage; 2 small she?. Good well. 1391 to 1397 ........ .. 24 336 Fencing posts, no wires. Portion has Jeen cleared .Good well..... .... 1398 to 1403 ......... .. .. 21 1 0 Partly fenced, posts no wires. Portioahas keen cleared. 1490.... - . -... ... 3 216 Portion cleared. Partly fenced. 1527 to 1535 - . .. .. .. - 34 3 2 Partly. fenced. About 5 acres clare,.. Small wooden cottage; shed. Well of

water. . ` .. .. .. , 1545 to 1549 , . . .. .. 191 9 About 4 acres have been cleared. 1651 .... .. .. -. .. 10 0 0 One acre has been'cleared and ploughed. The whole of this Estate -is close to the Gosnell Railway Station, and has been judiciously subdivided into residential blocks; also into areas from 3 to 50 arw each, suitable for market gardens, dairies, orchards, pig and poultry farms, etc. The Canning River skirts the Gosnell Estate. The Southern River and the Woongan River run through the Gosnell Estate. Beautiful fresh water obtainable from 8ft. to 24ft. Store, School, Churches, Hotel and many improved properties with fine Hoe steads are on the Gosnell Estate. THIS OFFERS A VERY FINE OPPORTUNITY FOE SPECULATORS OR iNV ?IORS TO SECURE THE ABOVE PROPERTY FOR RE-SALE IN LOWT TO SUIT PURCHASERS. For further particulars apply to STONE, JAMES, and PILKINGTON, of Furnival Chambers, St. George's-ter., Perth, Solicitors for the Mortgagees ag also the Auctioneers, HODD, CUTHBERTSON, and NORTH, of Warwick House, St. George's-terrace, Perth. "Vega" Cream Separators. The result of years of experience in the manufacture of high-class Swedish Cream Separators. Based on sound, well - established mechanical principles. Sold for Cash at following prices : } Model E15 Gal. capacity £9 5 0 30 GaL capacity £125 0 I Model F230 Gal. capacity £13 15 0 Model G45 Gal. capacity £15 15 0 r Power Attaclr-hment for Model G ... £5 15 0 R1 psnting modedr F2 sad . The "Vega" is a simple, reliable and highly efficient I Cream Separator. Perfect in material and construction. W Smooth and easy running. Closest skimming capacity. Easy to keep clean. Beautifully finished The Cream Separator with the troubles left out. Order through nearest Agent, or write direct. Geral Ageos: RICHARD PURSER & CO. West Guildford L 254 5? ?,J ]