West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 1 December 1920, page 6

SHIPPING, PORT OF PPZMANTLE, fRBIVAIT---gemrs 80. 3.~) p.m.-Kooringa, s.s. 3,174 tons, from the Eastern States. allwraith, MoEacharn Line. -4.) p.m.-Arab, schooner, from Albany. A. Stang. 6110 p.m.-San Francisco Maru, s.s., 5,861 tons, from Newcastle. Mallwraith, McEachara Line. 6.45 p.m.-Apolda, s.s., 4,939 tons, from Bunbury. 3lflar0 T. and T. Co. 9.30 p.m.-Tjitaroem, s., 5,755 tons, for the U.S.A. Elder, Smith and Co. DEPARTURES. 9.15 a.m.-Dromana, s.s., 3,305 tone, for Java. Westralian Farmers, Ltd. 7.30 p.m.--Sitoebondo, s.s., 7,057 tons, for Botterdam. Elder, Smith and Co. TELEGRAPHIC. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. BREAKSEA, November 29.-- 4.10 p.m.: Eucla passed, outwards. November 30, 5.30. a.m.: Marathon passed, inward; steamer, 2 masts, one funnel, passed, going west; 5.40 a.m., Arnaldo Daliresala passed, outwards. ALBANY, November 30, Departure, 6 p.m.: Marathon, outward. OTHER EATES. ADELAIDE, November 30.--Arrivals: Port Albany, from New York; and Ceduna, from Newcastle. Departures: Nestor, for Melbourne; and Eumeralla, Yor Melbourne. MELBOURNE, November 30.-Arrivals: Grao4aus, from Calcutta; and Sais aisd Alabama, from Newcastle. Departures: Warfeld, for Trieste, via Adelaide; Kooringa, for Launceston: Rotomahana, for Burnie; Hall Cains, for Smithton; and fypnettus, for Sydney. SYDNEY, November 30.-Departures: Surrey, for Lyttelton; Port Adelaide and Mantua, for leaondon; Masala, for Brisbaneo; and Dilkers, Sot Adelaide. NWWCAlfiLE, November S0.-Arrivals: Nikko Mare, from Auckland; Gogra, from Brisbane; Walton aHall, from New York. Depar, Melbourne, for Tasmania; Kooyong, for Adelaide; Wear, for Melbourne; and Inge, for mew Zealad. BRISBANE, November 30.-Arrivals: Soeretarta and Iceland, from Sydney; and Can. berra from Townsvilll Departore: Cooma, for Townsrille., TOWNSVILLE, November 29.-Departures: Hayre, for lookhamptan and Brisbane; and Clhzuan$ for Calcutta. NOTES Shigaty and Co., Ltd., bare been advised that Whe White Star steamers Tropio and Per. io both left D?uroan on hosemoer 20 for the anited Kinagdom en route tram Australian Por Fremantlo and Eastern States ports, the as. Port Lincoln left London on novembee I8. She will be followed by the Vardula, vu sail oan December 7, for Fremantle, hleloarne, Robart, and bydney, and the rart Macquarrie, o u December 14 for Melbourne, Sydney, and New Zealand. During the months if September and Outuber us,000 tons of undressed jarrah were shipped from Bunbury to the United Kingdom, South Africa. India, China, and Belgium. .It wil be learned with surprise that the gunboat Ga?auna has been sold for conversion into a cargo 'essel to trade en the Queensland coast. Ile Canadian Government has prohibited the importation of horse hides, cattle hides, and sheepekins from Europe; Asia, Africa, South America, New Zealand, and Australia, with the object of prevenung the introduction of animals' diseases to Uanada. From the Eastern atates, Messrs. Macdonald, Hamilton and Uo, expect the It.M.S. Mantua ona December 11. The Mantua will leave on the same day for the United Kingdom, via the Usual ports. The Mollwraith, McEacharn line's collier Eooringa arrived at Iremantlo yesterday afternoon with a fell cargo of coal for the line's hulks. The vessel berthed at Nos. £ and.3 buoys to commence discharging, havdag in all some 4,000 tons of coal to transfer. With 150 tons of general merchandise and 50 tons. of copper ingots the State steamer Encla is expected from Albany to-day. With. a quantity of gear from the dismantled whaling station at Albany, the schooner Arab (A. Stang) arrived at Fremantle yesterday afternoon. The Arab will leave for Albany in about a week. After having completed loading with 4,000 tons of -wheat at t'remaqtle, the s.s. Sitoebondo left last evening for Rotterdam. The ?Eoebondo picked up 4,000 tons of wheat at Albany prior to her arrival at Fremantle. The Orient liner Orvieto is due at Fremantle at'6 p.m. on Friday. The UR2.S. Orontes is expected at Premantle, en route to the United Kingdom, on December 21. The Commonwealth and Dominion s.s. Port Alma will follow the s.s. Port Dennison on the New York loading berth 'and will leave for Australian porte during January. She brings general merchandise, and will visit Fremantle. The s.s. Runrunui will cover the loading berth at Liverpool, and is 'expected to sail pa December 4 for Australia. She will also bring general cargo. The s.s. Clan Monroe will arrive at Pre. mantle on Friday morning, having left Port Pirie on Sundayi She will pick up some 500 tons of general cargo, in addition to bunkeering Collie and Newcastle coal. The agents (Messrs. H. J. Wigmore add Co.) expect to dispatch the Clan Monroe late on Saturday nsght for Durban, The French steamer Yonne left Sabine on October 6 with a cargo of sulphur for Fremantle. After discharge she will proceed to Tchio ('New Caledonia) to load ore for Europe. With passengers, general cargo, and livestock, the interstate steamer Zealandia is expected from the Eastern States by Messrs. Dalgety and Co. at 9 a.m. today. Having left Calcutta on November 16 for remaantle, Melbourne, and Sydney, the British-India steamer Surada, is due at Fremantle on December 3. The steamer Scottish Monarch is to leave Glasgow on December 31 for Australia. The Blue Funnel s.s. Aeneas left the Scottish port on November 16 for Australian ports. 'Thc Orient line R.M.S. Ormonde arrived at Suen, homeward bound, on November 15. The s.s. Calulu will arrive to the agency of the Westralian Farmers, Ltd., this morning. She will complete loading with timber, wool, and general merchnndise, and she will leave for the United Kingdom probably on Thursday. The new turbine steamer Nairana, which has been built for Messrs. Iuddart, Parker, Ltd., t~ run in conjunction with the Loongan.s on the Melbourne-Launceston servico, is expected to leave England within the next few days. The Nairana will probably call at Premantle en route to the Eastern States. To load timber for South Africa the s.s. Apolda arrived from 'anbnry last evening. Mlillars' T. and TV Co. are asesto

Pith timber from Bunb-dry the s.s. Tjitaroem arrived to the agency of Messrs. Elder, Smith and Co. last night. The Federal Lighthouse Service steamer Go. vernor Mlusgravo is expected down from the North-West tolday. From Gernldton the Melbourue S.3. Co.'s coaster Kurnalpi 'as expected down in the early hours of this morning. WIRELESS SPEAKIN-S. Yesterday the Applocross Wireless Station were in communication with the following vessels:-lellfleld, '"Malwa, Governor Mu1grave, Australmead, Orvieto, Marathon, Tjitarvem. and Dromana. OVRISEAS NEWS. London, Nov. 29. Arrivals.-At London: Ormonde. At Panama: Wiltshire. At Antofagasta: Blaokmannaushire. Departures.-For Sydney: Orsova and Devon. For Cape lorda (South Australia): Manisia and Lowhill (barque). For Melbourne: Koronui. VESSELS IN PORT. Victoria Quay. A and B Shed.-Apolda, e.s. Millars T. and T. Co. G Shed.-Gorgon. s.s. Dalgety and Co. J SheL--Arab, eohr. A. Stang. No. 1 Buoy. San Francisco Marn, s.s. Mcllwraith, Mo. Eacharn Line. Nos. 2 and 3 Buoys. Kooringa, ss.. Mallwranth, McEBac arn Line. North Wharf, No. I and 2.-1jitervem, B.s. Elder, Smith and Co. EXPE(1T.D ARRIVALS Zealandia, s.s., 6,660 tons, from the Eastesa States. Duo to-day. Dalgety and Co. Euela, a.s.. 564 tons, from Albany. Due to-day. State Shipping Service. Orvieto, R1.M.S.. 12.130 tons, from the United Kingdom. Due December 3. Orient 8.N. Co. Calulu, s.s., 4540 tons, from the Eastern States. Due today. Westralian Farmers, Ltd. Surada, as., 5,445 tons, from Calcotta. Doa December 3. Macdonald, Hamilton and Co. Clan Monroe, s.s., 5,919 tons, from the Eastern States. Duo December 3. H. J. Wigmore and Co. El Kantaro, s.s.. 6,888 tons, from Marseilles. Due December 10. Dalgetv and Co. Mantua, 1R.3.8., 10,883 tons. Due December t1 from the Eastern State,. Macdonald, Hamilton and Co. Dimboola, s.s, 3,854 tone, from the Eastern States. Due December 13. Melbourne 8.8 Co. Port Lyttelton, s.c., ,444 tons, from U.S.A. Duo December 12. W.A. Shipping Association. Palermo, se., 7,507 tons, from 'nited King. dom. Due December 12. Maodonald, Hamilton and Co. 3tinderoo. ar.s., 2,720 tons, from Singapore. Due December 15. Dalgety and Co., agents. Morea, R.31.S., 10,889 tons, from the United Kingdom. Due November 16. Macdonald, Hamilton and Co. Orontes. R.M.S., 9,033 tuns, from the Eastern States. Due December 31. Orient S.N. Co.