West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 8 May 1920, page 9

.-.-On April 23 a campiimet- 1 u· pp bciJ. wastendered by the rduned a ,iielsof.Warnona to all the Red ages C and Treich. Comfort workerin the diric t. " An enjoyable musical progranime we gone I through, and in the course of alappty lit-. I tie epeech-the Minister for Works (Mr. W. s J. George), who had journeyed to Waroon !i foe the ommson referred to the mag _ Icent par. pa by thb e Or.ed ''rench Comforts S?citiet? during the loeg eats of war. A. capital supper was served, the retdrned eoldiers waiting upon their itests. )ancipg- was then indulged in .unLii the ozrly hours of the morning. Mr. G. Waln~aley (tlate 28th Battalion) made a capable hainrman, and Mrs.. Ws.hmeey, Mrs. Okely and Mlis Zanetti ably officiated at the piano. NORSEMAN.--The celebration of Anzac 1 Day passed of: well. Oin Sunday, 'Apri 25, i! ope3ial services wcre .held in the Aiibtic eiand "Methodist Churehes a6 11 a.I., conducted respectively by the Bevs. E. 1L. Prahl and L. Lee, On Monday an As:A picnic took placo at . the racecourse and was preceded by a procession of school child lren beaded by* members of the BS.A . mounted which paraded the town. A good -. ;ports programme was rovided, the fal-i . lowing being the principal events :Sheffield? HFandicap: 3f. Sharpe, .; F.- Gatti, 2; A. It iBursill, 3. ` rawing at- wicket: J. Dwyer, 1.- Committee race: J. O'Neill.. 1; 'W. Frick, 2; R. B. Johns, 5. Horse racing: a F.irst Plate-Orphan Boy, 1; Bracelet, 2; f Qu-en Bee, 3. Second Plate-Tommy 1, -Dill Mac, 2: Rusty, 3.; Hurry Sary: i Queen Bee, 1; .Orphan Boy, 2;- Tommy, . t SHACKLETOX.-Last - Saturday Mr. H. t Griffiths ..L.A.; officially opened the new t agricultural hall at Stackletoir in.the presenee of about 220 persons. The building, which is 09 feet long by 25 feet -wide, has " Sbeen erected on. a block of land provided i by Dr..Germyn. -BOYANUP.-Ou April 30 the final wel- t come. home was-tendered to ..all the local d returned soldiers. Mr. H. Rowlands .pre- I sided and there was a record attendance, t including Mr. Money, 3iLL.A.; nd'. Mr. t Glarke. ? ML.C. C BOYUP BROOK.-?Ir. Bilston, a me- r ier of the Upper Blackwood Road Bosal, ( met with an accident lase week. 'He. was c conveyed to the Bridgetown Hospital and 7 -is reported to be not yet out, of danger. 1I While driving a.spirited horse. to Dinninup i the animal, becoming unmanageable, wreck. s ad the buggy, Mr;.Bilston -being thrown heavily to the ground and receiving severe .injuries to the bead and bpdy.-The Scott's c Brook residents took advantage of the harvest festival to hold a sale of gifts, a . dance, and a concert to raise funds for i the erection of a hall at Mayinup and they 1 succeeded in collecting over £150.-Abense I of. rain is. causing annety -among farmers I in regard to stock and delay in getting in the season's crope. Since December 1 lset Sonly/6 pdints of rain have been recorded. HOLYOA.E.--A suessful plain ard i fancy dress ball, organised by the Dwelling p Church committee, was held in the .IIolyskec Hall on- April 25. There was an exceptionally large attendance. The-proceeds (about 17) are to go to the Anglican Church of this district. The prize for the best- fanc costume, decided by penny votes, was won by Miss Wholagan. The entertainment was creditably organised by Srs.= Wholagan, ably assisted by the ladies of' Dwellingup. SERPENTINE.-A successful sports meeting.was held hero on Anzurac Day. The folTowing were the results of the-chief events: -75 yards Sprint: F. Tonkin 1: C. H. Turner, 2; A. Tonkin, 3. Sheffield Handicap (120 vards): F. Tonkini. 1; C. . Thelner 2, R. Rudall, 3; 100 yards local champion Sship, C. H. Turner, 1; R. Rudall, 2; A. Tonkin. 3: Log Chop: W. Matthews, 1; C. Gadin, 2; A. Tonkin, 3. Horse High Jump: 0. Yandell's Grey, 1. Five FurIlogs Hack Race: E. 31[ Downs's Bonnie, 1; A. W. Partridge's, Neil, 2: M. Law's Jacob 3. rug of War: Keysbrook. Messrs. M. Law and W. McKay officiated as handicappers and starters. A social and dance were held in the evening. The committee consisted of Messrs. A. Phillips, C. H Turner, (serse: tary), A. J. J. Clark (treasurer), S-Rassell, lR. Rudall, and & Tonkin. and 1eednames MeAndrew, Turier, anid Tonkin, and Miss Rudall.. " BALINGGUP.-At the last monthly meetinp of the Farmers and Settlers' Association it was resolved that the central executive'be requested to take steps to get the Price Fixing Commission to inquire into tie sudden rise of £3 per ton in 40 days in the price of bone and other manures, and -aila thse Govearnent. holding the raw navrial. should fil a maximum selling price fir manures. It was also resolved to urge - the need of a trunk telephone line from SBalingup. A committee was appointed to draw ? p a scheme for advertising the district "and its resources. in anticipation of the Govermnent's new imm iLtion policy. "WYNDHAM (April 21.-The arrival of the ss. "Bambra on April d1 was a great relief to the people of this town. The .,.upply of vegetables, fruit, and several . ' commodities had long since been enRawimcd, w-ile a shortage m many lines alcoholic drinks was theatened. -About o. ndred passengers. disembarked -at Wyndhani; nearly all haring been engaged for the meat works. .The s.s. Kwiana srrgpid oi iaubnda afeir a stormy tfip Shee eitountered a blow outside Carnarron. and -in .coise~nueoce she was three days overdue. She carried'?eout 180 men for the meat works.-The first kill for the meat, works 'tfoR place to-day, and operations from this forward will be in full swing. A good season for- the works is expected. T'ere are over three hundred men employedLi there at present. and more will be bro?ght npuinext month.-.Something of a sensation was caused hbe ithe arrival from Darwii i fortnight ag" of thirteert men * in a 16-foot boat fitted with a motor-ear en?ine. Owine to the stagnation existing in Darwin the men determined to risk the vroage to Wyndham. After a perilous

passage, during which tey bad several lucky elpes, and on moe ocClion would i;ar starved only for the hospitality of the blacks at Blunder Bay, they arrived sere, takin? seven days to do the trip. On .their arrival' the found there was little or no hope of securing employnient at the mest works. Sixteen more men from Darwin arrived vestedays on a trger.-The season bha been comparatively dry, only 10 inches of rain baring been recorded. The weather for this-time of the rear ha. been unuaullyr bet, but a cool change is e_peted sortly.