West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 10 May 1919, page 8

I FUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. T 3LoIS C. )'DWARDS. Yesterday afternoon the largestgathering ever -known to attend a funeral at Fromantle assembled to par their last respects to e he memory of the late Mr. 'ITomas Charles Edwards, .who died on the 7th .:n-' stant, as the result of dejuries received on the Victoria Quay on Sunday morningl ast. At. 2 p.m. the long procession moved frmon the Fremantle Trades Hall to :the strains of the "Dead Marich"in "Saul," rendered 'by the Fremantle.Band to the local cemetery. where hae remains were interred in the Church of England portion. The huge proce-don, comprising over 5,000 people, vas witnessed by probably the ihole populau ion of the Port and districts. The cortege was headed by Mr. W Renton, pre -dent of' the Fremantlo. Lumpers' Union. then came the, band, hearse, pall und coffin-bearers, a floral car, whicdh was heavril)r laden with wreaths, the chief mourners, the Parliamentary IAbsur Party ibeState executive of the A.L.F.. whilst the rear wa& brought. up. by thousands of unionists and their wives, comprising representatives of all unions from Fremanitae to Midland ,Junction, and representatives of mnany. country organisetions. The casket was borne to the grave-side by workmates of the deceased,, viz., Messrs. George Sallur, C and Ted -Bill, J. Bevoridge, sJ. Baker, and A. -Foster,' while' the following pellbearers held navy hhie and white ribbons (Labour coloumr) tied to. the handles of the casket: Messrs. A. H. lAEnton (presiderrl A.LF.), A. McCallunm (general secretary A.L.F.) F. A. Baglin (secretary Femantle Dtridt Council, A.L.F.),' A. J. Watts (secretar A.W-U.), C. Haynes .eoneral secretary Western Australian Amalga mated Society of. Railway Employees).' W. Forster (president Fremantle Tally Clerks' Union), and F. Rowe, secretary. and J. Widdicombe, committee (Fremantle Lump. ers' Union). The chief mourners were: iss. Edwards (wife), MIss Emily Edwards (daughter). Miss M. Phillips (sister-in-law). Mr. ,J. - Phillips (brother-in-law), Mrs. R. Rovell,, Mr. and Mvr. J. F. Coema, Mrs. C. Brady. and Misis A. Havel( (cousni; and Mrs. C. Hill and Mis. G. Sallur. Al,. tiha conclusion of the sebrice. whidb was conducte.i by the Rev. F.. T. Bowei,. an ia -pressire' and sympathetic address was -elivered by Mr. T. 'Walker,. ML.A. The: following attended:Parliamentary Labour Party, viz., Hesms. P. Collier, T. Walker,. W. C. 'Angwln, W. L. Jones, A: .E. Green, S.' ?u?sie, J. Lutey. P. O'Loghlen, G. Lambert, S. M3. Booke, "and T. ChesOon, 3''s.L .A , H. Millington, afLLO., and E. W. Caorboeja.H.R.; .T. McGrath (Perth Lum ?ar' Union, W. Roche, ecetary (Fremantle TMaly Clerk Union), J. W. Bird, president, a?d L.. B. Fortunme.' secretar. (Federate . Harbour and Rive?- Usildn), J.'Graham, secretaryu (Amalgamated Butchers' Union), .J.'W. Burgess'aad D. Freedman (Banbury/Branoh), Shop Assistants' Union; J. O'Neill, secretary, and T. Gorman, prisident (Edet Perth RB.A., S. Elphick secrotary (Drivers and Tenders), C. Web (Peth Plumbcrb),'O. Webb- (Fremantle Plumbers), W: Coils (Amalgamated. Soety' of Engineers); W. Wauchop, president, F. Baglin. secretary. (Fremantle District Canocil, A.L.F.), W. Roberts (Fed. Meat Employees, Queensland), "J. Taylor (Fremantle Habour Trust), L.- argn,.-seretary. (Federated Boulders) P. P. Farr, president, d G. Hird, saecretry (Midl"nd Distrinct eomnaci, A.L.F.), E. J. Tonkin, president, . Sideettom, secretary (Horse Drivers' Union), W. Jeffrey and J; Gawned (W.A r Amalgamated So'cty of Llail way Employees), T. Walsh (Railway Otfioem' .saooitien), T, L7one eioe-president, W, Dacns, iecretary (Barmaids and ?rmen's Union), C. H. Rule, resident (Taners and Carriers), J. A. Lake, T. Egan, and F. Morley (Bootmakers), J. H. Colo (Fremantlo Tramways), J. H. Green (Marvel Loeh Miners). W. N. Smith, secretary, and W. W. Mvoney (Furniture Trader), . -J. Tweedll, secraetne- (Htel and Restaurant Em.ployee), A. V. hughes, president., it. B. ar. shl, vice-president (Brewery Employees), E. Pikering, T. Bycroft (Perth Tramway.). T. C. Butler (A.W.U.), G. Kerr (Municipal Employee nd Water and Sewerage Employee). lr. Lindhey, and Hr. £ Martin (Leedenrvif AL.F) Airs. W. D. Johtson (Laboar Women West Guildford branch), S. H Pne (est Gildfees A.L.F.) "31. Donnes n outh Fremantle E.S.A.) Miss Webb '(secretary Fremnsntle L hour Women) P J. Trainer (seeretasry Social Democratio League) H.. Stoekdaler . (Vertonia Mliners), A. E. Pryce (secretary Fremsntle SWorkers' Club) J. Lutes aSr.AJe' (Esrn Goldfields District Councri, A.(Fn , E. G. Biekshuil (Loeo. Engine Drivers'. Firemen's. nod Cleaners' Union) E. W. Wslsh "((Aerated Waters, Pastry Cooks and Saddlers) T 3McShearer (secretary Federated Seamen's Union), C Otnried (president) E. eowr?dn (secretary (hipwrlghts);. rs. eoaties (Labour Sunday School), J. Patterson (secretary Wine and Spirit Employees), "It Barnett (president) and 3. Cehill (vie?-president East Fremantle :tL.F.), Mrs Hegirth (Perth Labour Women), A. D. O'Brien (Bread Carters) T. Grant (Frenmantle. Painters) G. C. Kerr (Metrpolitan Timber Workers) D. Barnhy and E. L. Driver (:.ecretary 'Metropolitan Heupitols and Kindred Institutions),. A. , V. Willmott (D.irymen's Union), B Fraser (Perth Letter Carriers' Aso. iation), V. Norkers (Fremantlo Letter Carriers' Association) . T. Symonds- (Clothing Trades), H. K. Sur?an, J. H. Heitman (secretr9 Federated Engine Drivers). B. Fraser (North Fremantle A.L.F.), L. White (secretary Sheet. Metal Workers) J. Hummerston (Timber Workers' Union), J.i. Simos (East aPerth A.L.F.) 4. Curtin leditar "Westralian Worker"), E. L;. Driver (Fremantle "Herald"), T. Osen (Quarrymsn). A. Melbourne (Limeburners) O. 'fell (subiasco L.L.F.), H Wright (South 'Fremsntle A.L.F.), L Morgan (president Metropolitan District Council: A.L.F.), G. F. Dennis (Anetralian Engineers). Tho following countiy organisations were also reprcentea:-Ger. 'ooiton Railways Employees and Engineers ?ernlaton A.W.U. Gesaldosa U)istrtot Council,. A.L.F., Cue Minerjs' Union Nartham District Council AL.F., South-West District Council A.L.F., Wyndham Workers, Collie Miners, Al. Ilsnv District Council A.L.F., Albany Lumpere' UrlSn Leonora Miners' Union, and others The funeral arrangements were in the hands of lessers. Arthur B. Davics and Co. of Fro. rsantle and Clarenont.