West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 9 April 1919, page 8

SFOR SALE. S Wo PAINS'I AliD 001O 089 ims -e STOCK OF WIHTEE AND COLOURS ON lAND, Sole Ageats: MIILEtY BROS. and RIGCO. LTD., 1"4 M[tirry-dtreet, Perth. .AilSOKS ON KAND of B&RGEKR WHITE LEAID. IADBURYT Sewing 3achinc, fainrly good or. der. 103 lay-stt., SUbiaco. C:11Lt- ~ E flt ;O , ,Stamped in deep ceief ske r roas clegant. Prices frees, s.. Catalogues posteal free. - - WUNDEISLIOH, .LIMITIP, 3anufacturers, Lord-street. Perh.} LCC Carbide.--Quart on applteation CousercialTrading Co., 9 Brookmans Buildings. Barrack-st. 'Phone 1608. y(lUjidus, all sizes, both fin a.nd plate, by. Sj-lfalish and American makliers; pre-war lirices charged. Accessorses and all photo raphio material as current rates. Photographso and 'Typewriter Co.. 10 Central Arcade, Perth. ,IIlI folfding, P.C. Houghten's Ensign, d lxtensionhand or gtand, and A1l p cssorica, cheap. 198 Hay-st. East. fBMEN0T, Swedish, Green Island, Hong Kong, V gnuaranteed paes teit, at lowest ralea. Paterson and Co., Ltd., Viking House, Perth. CIILD'S Iron ot, large; 2 Cycloneo TransC stralint Stretchers. 90 Laftas.st., Jeo. CREF.a M SEPARAlTORS.--Jst arrived a ship.. sment.of "VEGA" Cream Separators ,noted tee moersor quality and Anisehnnd good value, aide; lS and r 0 gallons. Sole agents, Richard Pawe and -Co., West Guildfonr, l'sEBA3 Separators. from £1. Send for part. ticnlars to William Sandover. sad Co. eirth. -' SUPS- and - Sancers, printed, brealdast saic, 9s. &1. dosens whito and gold. 10s. Od.; Plater. tea. 6s. Cd.. 7s. -6d., dinne los Sd. is- dd; dorsm. THE LOBABOHER MESIiES, lcai Mrray-st. IUrLEYI ' CUTLERY! CUTLERTI / The House for Valuo and Quality. SOF -. KNIVES. FORKS AND SPOONS. SEB OUR WINDOW DISPLAY. No. -141.-ttrong leatherboard Cutlery Box, osetfaing 24 pieces, § dozen Zylonito tablo )niros. § deas.Xylonite.deeseet knives, 4 dozea Austral ilver table and dessert forks. Price 6i. No. 149.-Strong .leatherbioard Cutlory Box, containing" 30 pieces, § donen Xylonite table ktnives, I donen Xylonite demsert knives, 4 dome Austral silver table forks, 4 doozen Austral silver desert-forks, ; dozen Austral silver tea spoons. Price:' 57s. d. No. 143.--,Strng leatherboard Ontlesy ,Box, containing 36 pieces, ; dozen ytlonrs table knives, § deen Xylonite deesert .avees,. doen Ausetral silver table forks, 4 dozen. Austral silver dessert forks, 4 donon Austral sili-r table spoons. 4 doen Austral ail-ep des'srt'spoons. Price 75s. No. 141-Strong lbathibolsd Cu tlery Box, containing 43 pieces, I dosoa-Xylonite table knives, } dezse Xylonito dessert klnives, - doens Austral silver table forks; § dozei Austral silver dessert forks, 4 dohe Aunstral silver table ns, § dozen Austral, silver dessert spoone, 4 dozen Anstral silver "tea spoons, Price 80.. - ETNELL cool THIISTON, "The Cutlery House," Willism-et, Petrs. DON'T unse lath and plaster. OERILYTE gives.jugt the same efect,anditissalfeo ; no mareumsibitly cracks. -Write for booklet. WUNDERIOBH, LIMITED, S Lord-street, Perth. BRESSER. 4ft. Cin., £2 10s.; large Earri D Wardrobe, E7 1s.: large White Pedestal, Drawers,. 30s., 3Su., Sib.: large Marble lWab sbatatidl, £3 10s.; quantity Native ~Veaneosa 2-Roll Mangle, large, 40s.; Double Iran Bedsteads, wits. wire, from 20s.; E.P. and Glass 'Ware and Books in great variety. JOE HallrHEWS,:118 Hay-st. W. 'Phone AR1M. rESS - Coat and. Vest, suit man about fit. SlOin., chest about 3S, almost new; bargain, £ 1Ls. 812, this ofies. DROPHE AD Sewing Machine, almost new, cheap. 42 Marquis-st., West Perth. 'IDISON Phonographs, to play cylinder re. cords. from £9 to £20; Edison Phonographs to plsy disc records, from £33 to £70; both lkd_.e in*strinmeats play with a diamond point and- ther is no bother with needle changing. We have a great choice of records. Dliso Gramaphones from £5 to £20. These play with the ordinary steel needle. We stook ap pars for all these machines. We repair a kindsof talking maohince. S.PONOGRAPH and TYPEWJITHR CO., 10 Central Araade, Perth. "ELEVEN foot Bowing Bret, just built. Who's J ' irst? £7 cash, Paddington, Higham-rd., Northl Fremanle., NOOC jGW ltM,-Stoeok now avesflble: No. l... gauge Galvanised High Tensile Steel Platypus Brand Wire; approximately 1,480 yards lo qct.,'8501b. breaking strain; "3[onessen" No 14- age Barb Wire-sheet barb, record length ya' ', 10' Syardss OdlT y Wlres .No. 8, 10 It interested, write for Price List and you will saveso money. -Orders neaow beig booked for prompt delivery and forward delivery-at lowest rates. 5 a -PATHEBRDN and (CO., LTD. Viking ooue, Perth. FENINGOIN WIRES. We shall be pleasrd to send quotations for all ganges upon reeipt of inquiry. -iLD,DEI, SMITH and 00.,. LPII lND, SPerth. `I3-vvtSTfCI l IsaTe+ . idcs, Sheet, Gas F a1S st for it, very chap. Robin, IS Manrbiet st., Premantle. 1UEV) ft. solid oak Sideboard, latent design, ,o for Sale, cheop. Davis, 6 Glendowerat, Yorth Perth. FW ESof Sniphor (refineo), for fruit tresQ, J4 vines, etc. Paterson and Cd., - td, Viking Houee, _Perth. FUIT OASBES. We axe prepared to QUOT for Prit COms cf all sines. Delivered prompt, or as 'rquired BUCKINGRAI BBOS., aswmillers and Timber Mercbants, East Perts, And IUCK"INOIW'S - gDING

Tel. A.4=, T'.,S from orchard: Pears Os. h iss, crse rmadalo stationa, cash ýitb sudsy I. Dale Cullen, Armadale. F0R Sala Lunen Press Dreeeer, er Tus. High Chair, Mifler Lampn n Fram. ouars; , aBagot-rd., Sabisco. 'SO Sale, Deal Table, Zft by "ft. 1nl aloe its iron Bedstead.__iASberdonat West. ;OWI Saleon Laandry ironing Itto. Jnma :t.and Co, Ltd., Charler-st, West Perth, 1l .Sale, Chiffoniae, dark weood' ood cos. :ciL' ditonvP.3. l ns. o SanOat. WGilS FijOB Sale, W1it. lis. Piping, goodi-romrt i. FOlncr, Canpmaa-rd, n ga . d , -ln - EAWT BTTIN LING.-Bo te year -v fraui .Lr ht £ 6.suguar. gannueo satLesaOtory ioNeult awith Fowler Flruit ond Vegelie Bhttrg Ontilt. bend for llustrated leaflet. WTLIAAM SANDOYER and 00., ay-setreet, Perth. BAUGAINSo now Offering at LFe 'S, f opp. Melinrso Theatre, Muerny st., aelh.. aat n orray-st, next Dynon'e. in. epeetiop inhited. Handrome Oak Wing Mirrnor ilso eom Sute, £14 iOy.; Oal DinIngroom Suitec, including aoneb, 7 Iia. d.; Splendid Carpet, £4 li.: lboro assortment of Linos. Rote neddreac: ALoe S, opp Melrose Theatre, and 2l© Murray-st., Perth. Goods pane;d ansti ounsigned free. Thre, Planeos, real bargains, til, sell cheap. no reasonblo offer refused.t Lara seay ChaIs from 4mr , Tel. Alo 2'3 Fur. nitG0 wantedr to Buy. F U tr p.B 0 I iU nt . One only, Ti-pie Jarrah Dining Suite, isepolstred. backsb , lo4ose sreas, revere in Spanis rcl mToroelinc, toclear' at £J0 O.; lso ft. Ocak Oinlrnrm Suite, large mirror in d mong table, side winga, marbl. top wasia-tand, ile Racki; also Swining Mirro, large Warts e, tno leng m.rrors, only one, at £ r1. r. PARtKINSON, Gennine Cabinetma per, i6S Nrewaeetle5srlao. near ChurlePstret. r NNITbtand: Wardrobr and Dressing Table. S3ft, Comb. ledartoed and el Child's Caot small .Chalir.' Bissartk amps, Singes's Sourin Machine, Bicycler . KitFchen iteunils, land au.n ,lries. Apply mnter 5 pmB 2-0 Murchion-ter, off Lordit. . UI> N1TUBB.-The FEasy House F'urnishers, r Abbets 1 d William-t., near Wellington a. Terms to sit all. J(uRNITUR1E at extraordionry low priors for Scash. Oak Purnituro our speciality, Country ordemr packed to. 'Phone A4i39. F UR.TR5RE: Sengrass and Cane Suites from £7Ai 10t.; Easy Osairs, i'ss.; Cane Lounges, l:s. *1.; omnonl Cbars,' Iie, Gd., at Abbot's. U~GI CNrTCUIS, Bede~eul Lts, and Ouseartlsn -'' our eoa payment yestsm. Abboit's, lii WWilliau-at.. near Weilingtanast. GIFI tlE CQIUIUIATFID IRLON, Sen. onlisand. goad condition, all sises. Prizea en application. ILDEt, SMITH aid (Xl., LImIITD, Perth. AVLA.ISED Iron oxoo secondhand, all G lend hs, Dloors, lmindotcs Ridl~ing, Coppers etc. Stoearuc is,. and O g,, Cppning rs B .la GALL~. Piping: S9(HODS, Iin. iagsr. Pipes , seoonnanu', cheap, equal to new Barry .irnstvrog. dl William-st. Perth. .TrES.-IANK lIEGE Tubular Steel Giatos, G the sandlarl W. farm and side entrance gol. rem nfnfctnred in carlous styles. We also ,make a large. vricey of ornamental dates to lit any cine opening. IBALLOCI{ BROS., WIlliamst,, Perth. O( CAiTS. Prams. FoWOeM. Sulkies, old ones U'taken in exchange. niteuts a aoeelitg. Wheels retvrel from 4s. Gd. Et. idnelip L Central .ressde. and Murray-st. ,LAOPH:ONOSE.W0i hsvo just resivesd a small shipment of Ilelina Machines. main .psinogs, nevdles, and spare parts. Westral Yiramophbon CIO. :1 Wellington-at. (551A.\, T2 dcli; 14.Asca. and lSuz., gent H iea. FPaereoo snd (ir., ld., Viking Bore,, Path.

FOR SALE. O R Clipping Mahine (Barbans 7), oa J tripod stand, With adjustable head, spa'r cia4, 40s. Barnett Bro;., Perth or Preantle. IMPF.MRLt:aJ Self-heating Plat Iron, obtain. able from leading wholesale and retail hadware merchants andl stores, or direct from Watson Bros., sole agret., Si. BHenry-st., Prearantle. IITONITE WATER'lPIt)OFING CO3l POUND recn. denrs Ilriok, Cement, r stone Walls, Floors etc., impervious to water. 1.LtfI, SMITH.: ad CO., LIM.ITED, -'.1:. I NAI.tIt CUtirs aind ito-carts, Sale or lire. Uakets. Lou:ng.s, hlaire Chbairs. Basinets, etc. Jonnteily, Ctutrai ,C.ade and - lurraty-at. :I W. 'tIiNEIttlITN Situh r'f'ietg S~e'ia!i t, 1 SatiSfatCtion guaratl. Tes:ing as- advi-Ic :ree. 63:1 Alnrker-rt.. Frcnmant:e. SADJES Handbag=. ry spcial vrlues. A Every bag in our cindow now bning sold it half price; others at u r diueantisn v e. in the A. William Sansdorr a.:d Cv.. L'ni-..s. Perth. EGGINGe.-Legrgings for Farmers. Trades. .0 en and others. made of bert quality i black lather with toeraps. Price: First Iual- 1 ity, 1.e. 6d.; secand quality, 9.. id. Write is for prices of different makes. Mallabooca', Leather Goods Malnufacturers. Perth. A21.ASTl.S. two, ptio-.el jarrnh. snilt builder. Sin perfect ordter, ts each: Wertteim Sewing 3tchir.e, :s.; New Homne, ls. GILL and MANN (late A.I.F.), St. George's halo, 9 Hay-etre-t. nnfrl for Sale, atiny itnatity. Milk Depot; mIAlbert-st., North Perch 'Phone A3001., I OCCKRITJlT'S HIGH `CLASS FLOUIIS / nake more Breanwl per sack and Bet.^r Bread. OCKETTBY and CO., LTD., Perth, Cottesloe. Kellerberrin OXYDOIN, toe great healer. gives *nsrantane- c cosa relief from pain. andl will cure Rheun matie Pains, Neuritis, Sciatica, Cuts, Bumrs. r Sedlde etc. -end for particuainre. In cream or stick form, lox. jar 2=.. toe. jar 3s. WILLIAM SANDOVtRI and CO., Ilny-street, Perth. P I N 0, New and Seondh-band, all sires, for Sale. Also PIPE FITPINGS of all kinds. 0 ]IALLOCII BROS. Williamnstroet. PERUIAMBULATOR,wickrr body,- English wheels, practically now, £3 17s 6d. 118 Chelmnford-rd., North Perth. PI FtlABULATOII, superior make, cheap; also 4 L.acre Blocks Land, Palmyra. 259 Swanbourne-st., Fremantle.TIOLLAD. TIOLLAD. £7 26E. Gd. ton; Wihet, from t3. .I ld. bushel:; Chaff, market price. Tornich, Son and Co.. Produce Merchants, 243 Charlesstreet. POUL tia NETTING once used, in Sirst- a class condition, ift. and lit. high; large quantities available. MIALLOCH BROS., T32- William-street, Perth. RABBIT ERADICATION. IXL Poison, the most effective preparation, and made in Australia. Fence your dams with NETTING, supplied in lin. or 4din a lin. a 18g. LANE WIRE SPICIG RAIBIT TRAPS, the most effective trap on the market. Write for prices. IIALLOOI H BROS., William-st, Perth. MAIN. RAIN. RAIN. R Now is the Time to Sow .EEIDS. S1EllS. SEEDSi. Just Arrivedl, our New Season's Stocks. CARTER'S workl-known English Tested Steeds. Flower Beadls, Jd. and dd. per packet. Vegetable Seeds, id. per packet. Spocial Selection of Winter Flowering RSweet Pena. Now is the time to Sow. Farm Field Swedes, Turnips, Man. gels, Peas. Beans, Carrots, Onions. etc., in llb. packets. " To avoid disappointment send youar order at on-e. Coloured illstratecd Catalogue and Price List post free. Bethell and Thurston, Willi-o-at., Perth. "RI;SLPI" ECOFIN FELUT. 1 ttR'"x"rXEL First Quality, in Ilolls T2ft. Long ELDER, SMITH sad CO., LIMITEI. Perth. 0OOFING RO. 2 AGI.G, inch rorrgal ptions. practicaUy alil without holes, good as new, all sirce, ,, 8 , and 10 ft. 3MALLOCH EROS., William-street, Perth. 0 0 F I N G IR N, Secondhand, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ft., by 24 gauge, 101d. foot. Good condition. M AJI.OUH BROS., William.utreet. kPARATORS "GRCOW"' BRAND. MAIFARLAIE and 00., LTD., BTTEPR MAKERS, SOLE AGENTS. "SYLVIA." No. 1:-1I gallons .... .... £8 16 I No. 2.-20 gallons .. .. .. £11 S II No. 3.--gallon;a ....... .. £13 0 0 "DALIA." No. t0.-l0 gallons » ..- £I6 10 0 No. 11.--- gallons -...... £90 00 No. 12.--4l gallons .. .... .. £96 0 0 No. 1.1.--6 gallons . » ! 6L3 0 0 We saupply on easy and extoended terms, tak. jug arean for butter making, eggs, and pooultry nas part payment. ALL DAIRY and POULTET SUPPUIES STOOKED. 1S4-MIGTRAY-STREBlt, Telephoneo A4". P, a A POR TSB FA3AOUS DDM1O. So. PRICES D3O b A 8 Gallon. from £7. DOIO B 21 Gallona hf5L SIZES KEPT DOIIO 10 18 Gallons IN STOOl. D0310 11 22 Gas~ons ANTf 8IZE· OAN BE DOKO 12 30 Gallons RAILED AT A DOMO 13 41 Gallona MOMEN"TS NOTICE. SDOO 14 U i Gel~oas Prics from USE ONLY DONMO EPAXRAII0 OGi A. W. DOBBIE and CO., LTD., s HA -SITtER!.SE.TH,

And n COUfntlU. ZOteKlpeI. . Mark Orders Dept . S~ll IN AOm1EXB. DOBBIE'S SPECIAL: Hand Lift. £9 la. DOBBIEWS SPECIAL: A ltomsnii Litt, £10 as. DOBBIES 161MW ROME: Hand Lift, £12 10s. DOBBIE'S NEW HOME: AutamaticliTAft, £1 Io OE ON EASbY TEBMS. We have also soma Splendid Bargaix. in 8I4WOD.-BAND MACHINES, CASH ORt EABY TuRNS. Call and Inspect. A. W. DOBBIE and 0O., J.TD., 801 Bay-street, Perth. Mark Orders Dept. A. SXWING MACHINES. Home sewing saves. Do "your bit' by aking your own garments. You can save and we can tell you how. Buy a gcod machine now and sane :0 per cent. Our prices froms £8 o10s. Trrms :. 6d. per week. Liste free. BUELER and CO., 178 Murray-st. (near Baam). NGMACRINE. Drophead Singer, Cank or Tema. Apply 9 BROO3MANS BUIWINaGS, Barrnrk-street. tEWING Twine, 1Lth. packets. 3 hanks, -ply S jute. most econominsl line on market; stocks jnst arrived. I'sterpon and OD., Ltd., Viking Hose;. Perth. SEWING: A.N... Macsnom' Prised and peeied at 13 exhibitIons; eompare prime. qrslity. ters. A.N.A. Co.. Baini'; Azewde SEWING. Prime A.N.A. Machines, 191 nmodela, 1I seiling rapidy 23 years' lj'Wrntee; price. terms right._A.N.A. Co., auds's Arcade. IC+D DBOAJ., pretty design. It. 6xi. Oo 17 rattan, heotisrod, 2 upbolstered seut funmedl (hairs. 390 Lord-ct C NGER SAWING MACBINES Are sold direct to the public from our Factory at Glasroir Scotland, ONLY through our own ingecr shops, and by our own direct employees. We do not deal in secondhand mabchines, nor do we onply secondhand dealers. No mddle. lean's proitt. Trade when yoeu .ee the RED SINGER S. SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, 633 iay-street Perth. Oti5E ACTS iWORTH IIP1M MBEBING S ABOUT JONES SEWING MACHINES. Youe get s 3 years' signed guarantee with all JONES SEWING M1AcmINSE. Tr. the English oyal touseholds they ee only JONES SEWING MLAOJIINES. SThe British Government PFactories use meotly JONES SIlWLNG 3(ALHINIINES. He-huiotders ran lsy on the Aesiest.t erm, these IloNIIS SEWINIG IhIAUINES. So expe5l r ranvossing system needed to soil .IONFS SEWING IIAURINFS. We late still a goodly number of Singer D.H. that sounl pan- for nets, ead many other firstelse i'u' I su shines. Speeinlly lots prices for c .I i. );tOMS3N 00.. LTD., (Tlls .1.': S^witg uachiu People). Fcrth. Fremoantl, Kselgoosia "

FOR SALE. CMEWING Machine, talors latest, Improed. ' erfoot condition 4 15s. cash. 313 Plain. .52 ?.%s' Perth. TAPLXS.-We manufacture Wire Staples in all Sines and gauges. Also Hairpin Iropper Staprles. N ill~nm-st-ret. 9 w.PH .*rjE O1 PO'TPASHt. Apple McBEAN and DER.rON. 2.5 Cliff.street, ircmantle. Telephone fO. lPrelmnatle. SUNLIGUT ELECTIlIC r--,'. Admitted the Pisest i.ampe on the Market. Obtainabic from Loading hardware Mero..ants, i.cctrincane., nd lnrncipalities. We hare full trucks c` 16, £:,. "L, and 50 c.p. in 220, 245, and 250 vits; also stocks of .-Wart .amps in ks, 10t. 10. 411, 6150. 1,000, and 3.000 eau2a paoer in 2 0 and 50 rolts. Write CBFIIiALUN and .uriNSIOE. LTD., 117 Itig-trent. Perth. 'Ptanu A3130. 1I. il rest treeIled at least tour nd Lexpenae: Tlhe )resdnoug t Trce Puller suve, 3u pour.ds in loncey through cost of isbour oasses. Aol; tr our 'tree Lfiuer Bulletin. MAILACII BtLOS., Wtilanmrrcet. Perth. Tj 4.1NKM: Ordinary Corruga.ted (24-g., :g., na. n'! tr.1. :and Squatters' styles, manufu:uced in any capacity. Corrugated Tanks supp!iel in seections (to save freight) or made up com plere, o AILI.OC 1 B1ROS., William-st., Perth. ¶[ &tiiremcn and Poultry Farmers.-We have S 10 tons.; of Oilakeh for .ale. Ping up 155m. ar call nod lee lit. T "tIILEIL.-The -}tend" patent all steel Wire Bruch Trailer. Can ix, nttrd qulickly to any make of seed drill. 1;ac not log up. Grain covered withminimuinl disturbance of the soil. Price to it 7ft. drill, Nki., complete; other sires in proportion. MILLOCH BROS., Williamn.trcet FibtAVELL4NG TRI7NSR FOl. EASTER,. I1SPE1'CT O'llt STOCK. ALL. S1Z'TS, P~itip'lS i tGttT. A. W. i)tBBIlE and CO., LTD.. Bit Hay-street. Mark Orders Ikpt. A. TUS Sheep Shears, stocks to hand from Englind; orders now being booked, prompt and forward delivery. Paterson and Co., Ltd., Viking House. Perth. TWO heavy 4ft. in~., 2 3ft. BIench Cramps, 5Mt. Lightning Saw. 1(6 Nortorh Bech-rd., Mt, hawthorn. lTAl Bonds, City of Perth Debentures. MortS gages,. other gilt-edge investments. T. C. Villiers, 5 St. George's-ter. BIjT E L 1 A D. Superior quality, "Pioneer" brand. 'Prices on application. ELDER, SMITI, and CO., LTD., Perth. IATlltiWORK, Diamond Meshwork. Cages, Y{ Aviaries, Gravel Seienas Nursery Fire. guarrds, Flower Stands, and Baskets, Dog. lird, Poultry, anol Beo Supplies. JAMES GOSS. 1i. Mlurray-street, Perth. Zr 7lSoI is the Woncer-Paint of all time! Z(NOWAN revolutionises OUOallE painting, but coasts no more than ordinary White Lrsd Point. ZITNOLIN is the only all-zin paint-stays gloasy, doesn't fade. ZINOLIN . due not ohalk, oraenk or peelproven more durable. In 4 gal., I gal., 161b.. and g l. tians. Solo Agents, JAMbES EASTWOOD, LTD., Corner Queen . and Wellington sts., Perlth, Telephone 2231. TO LET. (PIrepaid Advertisements under this heading not exceeding sixtan words, one shilling; ami consecnutive insertions, 5. Double rates if booked.) AT 311LNER AND CO.'S, 7655 HAT-STREET (Opp. Wesley Church) Tel. Ad407. MtOUNT'HAWTRORlN, near tram, good position: Nico VIl,lA, 4 rooms, vestibule and conrunieinces, 0s.NORTH NORTH PERTH: Partly furnished 3 ROO1S, sloping.ont accommodation, etc., 20s. WAIRD-TST.: 3 ROOMS. 1s0. AT SUBIACO, 5 Churchill-ave., close Hay. Thomas-t. ear. Subiaro. 6 OMS and eonvenienccs, 07s. Pd. Ef. J Ricker ud Son, 2y Arcade, app._Town il. y u So BEACONSFIELD.-Stcno COC'TAG2E, 3 rooms, B kitchen, copper, Wright-at., rent 12s. H. Locke, Canning-rd., EP Prementlc. 'Phone 826, BAGGAGE, RfRNITURtE, GOODS, Removed, Stored, and Forwared. Covered Vans. RP. NiORTH, Untboln Arent 137 'Williamuotrcet, Pcrtb. Tel, 1 969. * Clif-street. I'Prtantle. Tel. 'E6. CECIL D(NT AND CHtd. SOMMElttS, Warwick SHouis (Tel. lilt), II.HVE TO LETABERDP.,N-ST.: 5 ROOMS, kitchon, 3es. irIEESIMAN-RD.: 4 ROOMS, c. and t., c.L, 20s. DYIRRHeT.: 5 ROOMS. Litchen, 16s. 6d. RIALWAT-RD.: 4 ROOSS bath, 16s, C(OTTESLOE.-Bungalow COTTAGE. brand new, 3 rooms, bathiroom, washhonuse. e.l, hbeutiful poItion, near Ocean Beach Hotel, 13s. id. O'Grady and soilin, Claremont. Co.t 686 (OTTESLOE.-Nm COTTAGE, just completV ed, facing ocean, Grant-st., g.s; Gd, good tenant, electrio light, Burridge, T.M.OC.A., Eremantle. CO"TTEIDE1 BEBOaR Parnished MOUSE to SLt for lwv weeks from 1th, clnie to beach and station. Apply by letter, B., 195 I Adelaid-oer. DARULAOTOINGT-ON.HO to L, for 6 months Sor more, close station, comfortably furalsaed, 5 rooms, verandahe, leepintg oat, bathroob, pantry, laundry. BB9, this ofllec. E. PRERAN~TLE.;-Re Brickr VILLA, Canningalt., 5 rooms bathroom, laundry. H. LoCke, Oonning-rd., E. Pramantle. 'Phono 1!1. TEFVE.ROOMXD furninhcd HOUSB and 8tablee X lInStirling-st. 9 Klngntonaue., ofB Oleoer. street, UItT.NISKHED COTTAGE, North Perth, four I, rooms, piano, 22s. (d. week Peterson, oeno. Robinon, Coa, and Co., Howari-t, Perth.

fTRoh ISHED COTIl4GE, facing ea, South - Beach, 4 rooms, lath, laundry, onaeni. 4nees. H. Locke, Canning-rd., E. Fremantle. FURNITURE RhMOVED. l J.H. I OUIN and 00.. it, George'ter. (next W.A. Bank), iPerth, Geaera l Orriers, Storrs, and Customs Agenta. CGOOD WORKROOM, stable, severrl looser boaes, motor car shed, cheap. Corner of Palmerston and IRadall ets. GOOSRBERRY ITLf --PaFrt of furnished SHOUSE, beautifully situated, wide verandahs, bath, all onveniences. Synnot, Rala, munda HALP furnished HOUSE, sniu 9 or 3 adults, lrent 13 6d., nice position, every conveni, ene. Privte, Cottslaoo P.O. A'IT~STDSOMIE Brie]: V LA. -8 rooms, teleSphonno, ed., cowered, a. and t., is. C Benufort-et., Mt. Lawlty. 'Phone No. A3972. L:ADY, going trip, would Let half HOUSE, well furnished in oak, every convenience, handy tram and train, 1I5s. careful tenant. 123 York-st, Sobiaco. TsIDLAND JUNUTION, Sayer-st.: HOUNE. 3 11' good rooms, kitchen, bathroom, copper, pl., acre, 814, this office. ?I ). NDA NI-P.-Iour-roomed COTO AGE, nnL1 furnished, ice garden, fruit trees, neanr station, Ils. weekly. Airs. rhilpott, Meundnring. HUM" AY.ST. 1941- 3 storeys WAIIHHOUSE, H1 tus.ll vi,, etc., long lese suitable tenant. MURRAY-ST. (5): COrner SHOP, 3 rooms, e.l.. 20a. J. FAIlREANs ThR St Georges-ter. N - EDLANDS hiewwny: .lroomwd Brick HOUSE, vernndahss bathroom, o.>, his. weekly. Langefornl and Toy, S2 A.M.P. ObChambers. PO FICES TO LET. BEST POSITION IN PREIANTLE. 3IARIKET TREET. Next Post Offreoo. Lofty, Well Tentilated, and Iloomy. Moderate Rent. Apply BiANCHI MANAGE. "WEST AUSTE.aLIA2N" NEWSPAPER COMPANY. LIMITED, Ilarket.-atcet, Fremantle. O .Afieil furnished HOUSE., i months Sfrom My 10, rooms, every omnvneniee,. 935, this office. I, Poultry Fo rm going conern, miles Pehrth, about 5 acres, gOrden. plenty feed gow-ing, louse stables. etc., windmill, water laid to runs, hborse. cart, harness, poultry, incubstor, foster-mother, implements, etc., 23o, per week. PLTMB, Storekeeper loglewrood. DOTPNE8T ItLAN: Comfortable, well-furI" nished BUNGALOWS and CYITAGItS, 3Ts., -Ilk., .ilb., 6.1. per wee!. Apply Soeretary, Colonial Secretaor's Oiier, Perth. S~iHOP :mnd Dwelling, Napolenx-at., close COts teslee station, pond business positien, rent Jts. Base. owner. CHOP. three rotons, large yard. is St. La8 I nerd'sfnae.. West iicsleryille. SWANtSEA-31P (^;-, Vieteria Park East..-Two I ROOtMS, kithen, cupper, rent Sc. 6d., clgss S""cd n traun :rminue. WELL.LIGHTED PLOOR SPACE. Facing William-street Room 39ft. 6in. I -1ff. Lately Occupied as Pailace Tea Roams. For particulars apply BUSINESS MANAGER.P, -WFSP AUST RiLIAN" NEWSPAPER COILPANY. LTD. fflO LET at North Prth. Hutwer-ot. tramn cr. J, minus, opp State School Large up-to-dat. SiHOP and. Dh#.LLL , wlth large rindow Sspace, nickel stiles and sills and tiled front. four large rooms, bath and washhouse. back rerandah, e.l., all conveniences. Rent 35s. per we~ek. Apply: FRILANK ITS.IlS, 6 Angove-stres:. TO iLet. Le*. -Nominal rent. :u falctory, Two u A- re , Co river neoaetrwr. 51 3 o-314 y-eu-jh-n.. Lard-_t, tctxsstnun.

TO LET. . EE HORSESEI (UOFIPE PALAGE, cner tof MUiiRAT and PIER STREETS, P'ERIT. These Premises are now reedy for oeenplation. Eutensive Alterations and Additions have been effected. The premties now are MODERNISED, Without doubt tIey may be viassed a6 one of, if Sot, the most R}P 'LKTh in the oity. The MAIN ENTRANCE, OFFICE, and DINING 110031 are now FItON'ING Murray and fier .treets lio' and Cold Water laid on throngbout the Il lding. Fnr full ptrticular,, saply to W. Ii. JA1E1S. 1irmokmnsn's Buildings, larrtwckt. Perth. rIWO R t003. verandabs, lit. and n1. .h6., Sor small deposit, btalune rent IBandby, lop Flindero--t., ft. Hawthorn.5 PROFESSIONS, TRADES, ETC. (Prenaid .drcritaseents under this heading not crceeding sixteen words, ts. kd.; ax eon. ecmutive inertions. 7a. 6d. Double rates if booted.) 1--.A. .1. A. A..A. A. A. A. A. A. A. I .NDlItWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE. UNDEIRIWOOD BBUSINESS COLLEGI. A GENERAL MDVAEOE." GENERALISEIIIA FOCH GENEliAld.IrT310 FOOK Says habn will order "A GENERAL ADVANCE" "A GENERAL ADVANCE" from the Rhine, if necessary. This is a "Stunting Order" in the respective Departments of tho UtNDERWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE. UNDERLWOOD QUSIjESS OOLLEOGE. Students, with tlhcir ever-rarying abilities, reeoise Carefnl Individual. Attention from '-ar apneble Instructors sad "A GENEIRAL A.U VANGCE" ito recorded as the naturul resultant. Parents:: Entrust your Sons and Daughters to us, and we will prepare them for. their Onward Match through the Business World. whilst at the samo time they will be acquiring IKnowledge which will be invaluable to them at all times trod in 11 epheree of life In fact, they will be making "A GENftRAL ADANOE"r very day they attend the College for Instruo. tion in SHORTILLLND). TYPEWtRITINSG, BOOKKEEPING,. and ALL BUSINESS SUBJTEIS. UNDFLRWOOD BUSINESS. COLLEGE, Over "West Australian" ODces, 106 it. George's-terrace. Now Head Master and Manager: A. COLENSO KESSELL, I.I.P.S.. P.O.T F.O.I., FA.I.S., eta Telephone A257. COUNTANCY E lar.LKATIO\S. THE CONSISTENT SUiCCESS OF OUR STUDENTS. We train Students in all parts of Australasia for all the Accountants' Institutes' Examinations and out record of passes and hononrs is truls remarkable. It would take sevreral columns to give our results aince 1913, and our record runs back to 1903! Taking one examination only, the Internmediate of the Commonwealth Institute, for which the majority of Australian candidates sit -hero is our record for the past four yearas:FIRST ONOUR.9-IIEMtINGWAT AND ROBERTSON'S STUDENTS. April. 1915-IR. D. Vote, Devonport. May, 1916-A. D. Locke, Melbourne. October. 1916-E. O. Rowlande, Hobart, April. 1917-H. O. Northridge. Melbourne. April, 191J--F. II. Gilder, Sydney. October, 1918-E. H, Thompson, Hobart. Our Students hare WON 6 FIRST and 8 SE. COND HONOURS at the last Eight Examinations. PASSIES-HEIIINGWAY AND IROBErTSON'S STUDENTS. April. 1915 .. .. Presented 33 Passed 28 October, 1915 .. .. Presented o49 Passed 4. May. 1916 .. ,. .. Presented :1 Passed 31 October, 1916 .. .. Presented 06 Passed 34 April, 1917 ...... Presented 33 Passced 31 October. 1917 .. .. Presented 63 Passed 36 April, 1918 ...... Presented 58 Passed 49 October, 1918 .. .. Presented 69 Passed 69 Totals:-Iresented 363 Passed 327. Thus out of 363 candidates presented by as for these eight examinations ONLY 36 FAILED. Our record is equally good for the many other Acuountancy Examinations, full partionulars of which are published in the "Guide to Acrountancy," a copy of which will be posted free to all interested. The coaching serrice that enables our candidates to do eo remarkably well against all oompetitors in all parts of Australia is the best for YOU. By epecialising wholly and soley upon this work we are able to give a maximum service at a minimum cost. Our fees are ac. tnas' below most others. One fee ONLY is charged covering a complete course of printed lessons and continuous coaching until all exominations passed and the degree secured. There are NO extras. <We garamtee you against failure. YOU must Slualify to get ahead in these days of keen competition. NOW is THE time to start. Write or cull for lIIEM COPY "-ACCOUNT.4.YT GTUIDE." Do not Delayr Get One Now. HrEMNGWAY and IROBERTBSON, Profeeibsal Accoontancy Cosadses Collins Hotse. CoIlins.strt, SiELBOURNB. Perth AgentsMESSRS. 0. L. HAINES,. WYLIE, and' 00O., Weld Chambers, St. (eorge's-terraee, PERTH: WA. !llBS TSOMP8on. te of RIHODEBIAN PUR 00) O. Now at 3 BAIRD'S AIIOADE, akeas, Clean., Curls, Dys and Renovates BOAS and PLUMBS aeoul NW. C AREN'T YOU SICK OP . C.C.U ~ MERE CLEERKINGP 0O.il.L -.Y.C. Aren't you rick of iosn pen driving CCC a fer day. fur a morn pittanoer C.v.0. Hholdn put your back to ofs wail, I.C.Ot. tons work and study for a Seereoary's G.C.U. ge~n r's jobo ? C... Too, it mayJJ be bard for a time-his I.sJ.C. you'll feel it was WELL WORTH· it ouC, sehon yen sit in your own private IC.O.o. il's been DONE befdee' to-daylWy L;s,.C. shorsldn't YO4U socceed, Son? Start jCC.tt. mow and train for a Thigher position.

O.u.,. trte up one oz our t..C.u.C. U.C.U. O.C.C. BUSINESS COURSES. ) C.C.C. 0.0.0. They are auraegd for study at the C.C.C. U.: 0.o: leg: o during you apus tme C.U.C. Aorne J'. M~f- M GU Ob MTFgD 0.C.C. cu..R TKBGIYPO coMB ERIBUA.LRCTZEG4 0.0.0. To all "00.0." business grspcate. Fall sd.C.O. uaition.abrs in our dGuide. to Bonusuem C.C.0. hrtand" post free to any e idn . C.C.C. .O.C. HIGHEIL RIfAMS. 0.C.C. u.U.C. Oral and Pos.l Tuition ba Inisermity O.C.C. Coach (i.A, Cambridge) or all UniO.C.C. ersdt3. Armsy, and Teachers Gertifid.0.C. Mrs. Olri Senaotias. 0.C.0. 0.0.0. TES CITY 0koG3IERCISL 0lXCG C.C.C. C..E. Prinipal: i. Wilkes, F.I.P.S. st. C.C.C. .C.. Si. Georgoe' House St. egoBs-ter. C.0.C. DAINTY ]reases made from l°. 6d. ii rti D from t . 6d.; Costumes a speciality 1 F'ry. Rokeby-rd., Sabiao. DAY and S Tning INuESas in Shorthan. Typewriting. and Bookkeeping", stn,. Indi,. vidaal tuition. Substantial rednctiona on usual fees. Shorthand Speedi evsery eening, MISS A. ALCOOK. P.C.T. t Royal Iasaumaoa Building. St. eorge's.ter. DUESSMAKIHG.-Dainty Blouses. smart Skirts, Costumes; country orders attended to. Miss Iendaeson. No..10 Freedman's uuidings, RLay-st.D D MSSMXUfC.--.Ceats and Skiuia, 'Pulle. made Comstue d: h AdBnothing ad evntoi. deOy done. Mrs. Olifent. Sheffield oRa, 7s Hay-nt. DESSES. Costumes. easily made. IMrs. rtugls ts and fits trom i. Pateaa to measuro. Memstitching done. 83 Hayst, app. Zimpel's.__TI DPHSSMAHI*GRC.- Iis 3isnn Shea= n sm" hebrs. 24 Hay1t., for daintyrDresses and smart Costums. FH. HTQ mxEnS BUSINJiSy GOtt,!GM. rLEIVHRRS BUSINESS COLLEIGE. FLETBWB 's EUINI.SS E CuLL.G. WK 751CM Al buhsinesu subjcts sod prepare candidates for any ennuisation. I'. OBAMBSRS, PrETE. A. P. CHAMBEBS. PER.TH. a5.? CHAMEBE. lSItTH. GOLDFI1DS , d CuCSTJIY YISITORS to Perth regnirina DIDN'T,(, .iI'ENTil'lU SHE ILALPll P0V15, TLEl DPITNAL KING. Tire Okleot Iltablivhed Adrxrtieing Derntist ins W.A. FUL. UL'P'YAI or t)n'ER Dl:"TlIT E from ,jU. ABn.orI.I .T PAINLESS EX'II AC'lIGY, Is. DENT.A. I'.ATES REP-AAlRD 1N 3 ThCIL.. (IHILDPIIS'S TEETII A SPIECIALITY. I only emplor Briti sh Workmen and Ils eonly British Maltorial. lDorrst W'orry. Kindfly Cha . tAir.P51 itTI DENTISTI. tear: r, pr_ tc Bonn Bros

PROFESSIONS. TRADES. ETC. (FURNITUP.E: Linolnme, Cnoains Bedsteads, j I. Cash or terms. E. T. Jockrson, 214 Catrr J .4 Tel. MSt. No agents I ] ti IT 1S N07 THE nC l; IIT ] OF YTOUlt PAYT ENVl/JPE, nor iQ, bulk, ths: rousts; it i- the amoount ] that follows the £-mark. Every employer and every employee is a merchant. Either has SOMETRING TO BUt. or SOMETHINd TO CELL. c We are concerncd mainly with tbp man who has something to DELL-the IEMPLOYER. It is our constant aim to help him secure a hicher pr;e for his com. inmdity-tsERCICE EMIP0OITRS PAY POR SERVICE acearding to the. QUALITY. The trained man they seck: THEY MA.KE A BEATEN TRACK TO THE DOOR OP THE ThIlNEITO.TRE.MINUITE MAN. How are y-o c-sosified? STOTT'S - BUSINESS - COLLEGES C can make a cnecess of yor-if you are e Preparesi to do your Chore. Today, tiousands of students throughout the, Commonwealth thank STOTTI"S Colleges for . the Success that iý theirs. Don't be con'ent simply to "'rub along": equare your shoulders this eery minite and set your_ r self the task of becoming a power in the commercisl world. You CAN do it, with I the help of STOTT'S. Ring A23l and make an appointment with the Headmaster. sTor'rS - EUSINESt - COLLEGES,d WARWICK HOUSE, 'St. George's-ter., PERTH. PREMANTLE COLTLEGE: C Literary Institiute Buildings, South.terrne. C DIE. LADIES. LADIiES. LEARN A FASCINATING OCOUPATION. EARN A OONSIDERAB.E INCOME. MAKE HIGH-CLASS CONFECTIONERT ' By the "EVOS" METHOD. SUPPLY SHOPS OR A PRIVATE OONNh'ECTION. I I START A BUSINES OF TOUR OWN. MY POSTAL SYSTEM OF I STRUOTION IS EMINENTLY SUCCESSFUL. POST PUPILS (whomn I bae never seen) have won numerous 1st PRIZE at LARGE SHOWS, and And a ready sale for their products. Read the following extract from gratiSed stu. dent's letter:"I. thought you wcould like to know bow I am getting on, and am pleased to tell you I have had complete success I can boast of not.haring had one failure, thanks to s.o very I plain way the lessons are given." Mrs. Maurico Smith, ] P.O., Bald Mills, via Brisbane, Q. Write for my NEW FILERt BOOKLET, with beautiful COLOUR PL.ATES, terms, etc. En. close Id. in stamps to cover postage. MISS EVA GIBSON, THE AUSTRATIAN SUGAR EXPERT,. Banking Chambers (Dept. I), RS Pitt-street, Sydney. M ILLINEIY School, day and evening classes. Rise Thomas, : Wellington Buildings, Wellington and William sts., top loor, MILLINERY Clasoes, tay. and evening, latent M methods taught. Miss Kelly, Frcedman's Chambers, Hay-st., opp. Snndover's. ETURNED Soldiers should consult the International CorreSpondence Schools. Advice and prospectus free. Electrical Engineering, Motr Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mining Engineering 18 Royal Arcade, Perth, SPEffAHLE Repairs: Broken Lensea matched. S all repairs whilo you wait. J W. Dankerton, ti Market-e., F'remantle. O PECTACLESS.-Free Test. Bost Materials. 1 I Lowest Prices. Terms arranged. Effiient repair University Certifloatei. Everett, Op. tician, 771 Hayrst., next Foy's. TPE BEST AOMLERNIL TRAIINIG is to be had at IAT'E COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, KAY' CM MEitCIAL COLLEGE, KAY'E .OGMAiLftCLL COLLEGE, Viking House, Williamstreet, Perth. Phono A.48". Prcspeotusa and Advice Ptas TrE SCHOOL of ACCOUNTANCY and LAW. NOT MBRELY OOACHES. Our Suocesses at every examination prove oar Distinction in this respect. BUT INSTRUCItRS. There need be no obstacle in the progress of a willing student; the passage from elementary bookkeeping to final qualification being uninterrnpted, as is proved by our numerous distinct Ciassee as tfllows:RLI)MENTARY BOOKKEEPING.ADVANCED ADVANCED BOOKKEEPING. INTIIRMBEDIATE BOOKKEEPING and AUDITING. INTERMEDIATE LAW. FINAL IBOOKEEPING and AUDIINIG. FINAL LAW. THE SCHOOL of A.OOUiINTANCT and LAW. DThERWOODVISIBLE TYPEWRITER. Th*NDBRWOOD VISIBLE TFPS'WIITEI. IglD-IMODELS--191 ]819-MODELS-1910 JUST ARRIVED FROM NEW YORK -Ei 8. ARALB.LL. fIT'ED WIrTEi A.BSOLUTELY THE lATEST IN TIME-ATING DEVICES: In buying the UNDRELWOOD yeu can have the beneft of the most experienced mteannaeturers; iho knowledge of the fact thst the UNERIWOOD has received the highest award by the highest mechanical anthority; that ts have nmads thirty nor cent. better ro ords by its nse; that the largest order ever planed by a compnay, the WEnTEIRN UNION Telegraph Co. (10,000 .UNDELWOODSI was garen to the UNDERWOOD becasuse of its re. sogmeled time-earing qualities and reliability. WE WILL BE PLPASED TO PlaCE A Id.R vTrvnsnwann Tv var. ay-ea rer.

fltIAL. OATALOGUES POST PRgB, 1ZO[LESIYE RRPBESENTAf'IVET: 'PHONE A.43. STOTT, HAREB TTPEWDITERS. LTD., NDEIIRWOOD and CORONA AGN2iOy, 106 St. Georgo's-terrace, PJdtTH SITUATIONS VACANT. Prepaid Adveortisements under this heading not eceediang eiteen wordsr, one hilling; six eon tivo isunserong, Z DoubeLo ratNo if A--itagerald' Westralia Registry, Cathdral. Jareooks, sbrban, coautry; Ladymelps, Waitress, city; Panrrymaids, city, at ance; Housemaid-Waitreas. Fitgrald's W tali egitry, Cathedral. eve,-Smart Barmad,4 Houlsemo idWasitress, country; Cook-Generals, Nreegirl, General, Cook-Lamadroeas, Usefuls. Tel. .186. A-Mrs. Cooper' : Wanted Waitreses, .or tham, Gera'dton, and Albany lines; laun. dry Houmsaid, £2, fields, aleo country, Sao; useful celps, oity. 350 Thay-st., upstairs. Qarfer foeess--Hr s--Hr . Cooper's: Wanted G-neral, no cookins 3or washing, 2s., hotel, country, good place, alo mills boardinghcuse;: Yordmon, Bunbury line. 3i0 Hay-st., psatairs, opp. Literary Just. A -Miss Schlitz's, I554 Hayst £ Farm Hanld, A -used horses, 40s.; botel and boarding-housr' Waitresses, f at.; Hoaeomoid-Laudnress, s 63d.; lousemaid, assist w., hotel. Gerald on, 2e.; Houcekeeper, 0s.: secondl Cook, j0s. 3lise Sohliti's. Barmaid, musicass 310-cs' E013. 51x.; institution uInondress, ril'hen'a SNurse. city, Ms.: private Cook, 2'.; Generals no w.,: Youth, farm; Tardnmn, dairy, musrrd, 5)s; Touth, dairy. . A- Wattrees, A ., good country hotel; LaunA dr..Housemaid, :0s.? : Cook-Lanadres . 25s., farm; Lady help, 15s. to 0". Siymons's i gitry. ____________ A -Genern l Help. 2s.. ssist tea rooms, lobsn; enrals, 2O, Le., child not objected; Uoeit Helps, l0.s, Its. 61. Symons'a Rtegistry ____ _________ A -Teamsters, orms Hands li), same place, S40s. keep; othoSs 5s., 40.: YouTtha, Sl., o.; eovcrd I ads learn farming. 1s. to !)s. 8ymoua's Re'istry. A -Snrticd Couple, 5..-, keep; Tasmster, Par SHand, and General. good home, interviewo em plovr 10 o'clock 'r smoua's Rgistry, 38S Wellinggtou-st, over Tro.(behet' . --Coko 30s., and Iiousesmaid 20s., country 1 hotel, suit friend : General, hospital, country. L72 year. Syogsns.'- legistry. WA -aitress. , ,sisr 1-sr .1s tHousemaid, as 3 list bar, Lu.: asitress. c'sty; Housemaid, York; Generals, Yardean. Mrs. )Darlington, Wellington Build____;_ IA -Woman Coos, 5,; ng. smart, "0s.; another, l, 30, and Be. s llonsem:'4ls, Waitarssee, and Generals. Ticenused intusller'. 311 Hua.st, A-Cook for twll'i, "".: teo lorssemaids, one Lanadrnm, .ereral Genrerals for private gentlemen's bomes. Hotelkeopers' Office, 3oDonald's Ruilding, Stlorrmy ad Barrack ats, A-Central lIe-'zstr'. reus raof : Wanted. 3 g roord . Cooks, 15 C-s -Goesersl, sl R Helps, Waitress ten rs-me. CiM' carly. APPLICATIONS rsaits for l osition 315DIl CAL OPFFICER. s-rseman UHospital: salary d400; snirnrished quiarte=: tos private prstice. Applicapts sta'e 'ar"ie' date commence duty Full psrtsicuar. u. apy;ication IERS 3. IDAVID. Secretar. BAKERS, Perth and Freasantle.-Pirot-class Men availsole on application. Employers in country are asked to rrmit fares when mak ing application for mrs. F11E. CHANEY. Secrotory. Trades Ial. :'-rlh. Tel. A291. B ARMPID) wanted. llsist srrsssntle. B001T 1Ieprer ntr.utLsI. ns.i s'orkman, to 1. .rt thh rec: n re. 11 Wi:!ism-s'. \)sY.etrar.o'i - site . . :i.r work, unsal e .rr-: preferre-i. I : . m.sc'i bomn. Orscu, (iladekand', Ytalcrlt7.

SITUATIONS VACANT. smart, wanted, good opportatnty maim sl-llad Alfred iaphael and-Co., Sl hay-st; B OYS wanted to lets s-ore trade. The £ Westral Poundry can d rset. Fast Perth. RU IIKAYtR'S L'aborer, goode. Behind 7to Sr' tation, Csboret Thte t.,tn t:o OFsb'n- station.R R KICFL tS. for G 1rilus. J. Mcrror, LL77^ 97 Ecic.,.t, 'Cttesloe B TOER, Shopnan, for . cw wkseeh. 71 B.lokfhy-r-l. C L s 3 S. . Before entertaining offers of employmsent in tbh Fsderal temporary service, pleas, OONSUDLT A. CLEMENTSoN, No. I Offie, Trades Haltl, Pserth. 1o"ONWlALTX POBLIO S r"TICE. APPOINTHEST OF ErTLTRYED SOLDIIERS. APPLICATIONS are invited for positious of LLRK. Ullass 5, WV.tern Australia, from Males under 51 years of age who have served with entisfactory record in the oamonwesalth Expcditionary or Yaval Force. in the present war, and have passed an examination prescribed in th- Cbommonwealth Publio Sorvioe Regulations which include:Examinations of Australian Universities (Matrieslation, Junior and Senior Public eta.), and examinations qualifying for appointment as Clerk i, the various State Public Services, Naval and Military Departments, and for eatranne to the Naval and Military Colleges. . Appointments will be made at the following annual salarics:-At 19,30, and 2 years of ago, til, £114, and £18 resnpectively; at 2: and over,. £156. In addition, a district allowance of 5 per cent. of salary will be paid and, in certain cercumstancss, a war bonus of £12 per anntum. .pointoes may advance by annual increments to £210. Officers of the Clerical Division are eligible without examination for promotion to the high er classes of that Division. Fares including., if married, those of wife and family, will be paid to plaon of appointmett 'Gazettoe". extrauts and application forms may be obtained from the Commonwealth Pubohlic Service Inspector., A3.M.P. Buildings, St. George'sterrace, Porth, and applieations must be lodged with the Secretary, Commonwealth Public Service Commissioner, Customs House, Melbourne, by April 24. W. B, EDWARDS, H. M AGGART, Acting Comminioner. Seeretary. MMONWEbALTH PBLIO SERVICE. ElAMINATION No, S11, for APPOINTrMENT as OLBEE, Clas 5, Western Australia. An EXAIIINATION as above will be held in Western Australia on MAT 15, 1919 and will be confned.to Males under 51 years of age bho have served with satisfacotory record in the Commonwealth Expeditionary or Naval Forces in the present war, Appointments of sueceassful candidates will be made at tbo following annual salaries:At 19, ?0. and 21 yearn of ago, £96, £114, and £138 respectivcly; at W5 and over, £156. In addition, a district allowance of 5 per cent. of salary will be paid, and, in certain circomstances, a war bonus of £1L per annum. Appointees may advance by annual increments to £211. OfBieers of the Clerical Division. are eligible without examination for promotion tothe higher classes of that Division. FPares. including, if married, these of wife and family will be paid to place of appoint. ment. "Gazette" extracts and application forms may be obtained from the Commonwealth Publio Ser rice Inspecor, A.M.Pl Buildingse, st. George'sterrace Perth, and must be lodged with the Secretary, Commonwealth Publio Serrice Commissioner Customs House, Melbourne, not later than April 34. W. B, EDWARDS, B. MKTACOART, Acting Commissioner. Acting Secretory. OMPETENT ILLINIEIR REQUIRED. mast le thoroughly up to date. Apply D. sad W. MUERAT, LTD., Barrack-street, COOS, resident, 21s.t Nursemaid, 9 a-m.p.m., sleep home. Christ Church School Queensleadrive, Claremont .COOK-GEINERAL for country, good wages V capable person. 9 Queen-st., Perth 'Phono ASSe5. COOK-General, young pretere-d. eb.tr help kiept, i. Beanfort..t., Mt. Laaley, Inglewood ear_(OOFi-Goreral (OOFi-Goreral wanted. Girls' Friendly Lodge, 240 Adelaide-ter. DRESSMAXI(G.-Wanted at once, Assistants D f for dressmaking. Hurl-y and IHoyne, Dretsmaklers, Adelaidost., Fromantle. ENERGEOTIC Man, with some experience, wanted for poultry farm, a keen man wanting to improve his position Stlate age and how previonusly employed. Rdl , this office. ,tIlRSP-fLASS Windmill Band wanted for Mur. .L chison station. 811, this ofice. LILAsTLE PUBLIO HOSPlTAlI Applicattous are invited immudiately for the Positions of WARD 9I6TER, must ho certificated A.T.N.A. or R.V.T.2.A. Sala, first year, £5, inoreasing £5 p.L antil £100 iv reached. epplioatlon. with copis ao testimonials, should he addremsd to the MatoiLe WARPED, CAPABLE KITCOHKNMAm, Apply to the Matron, mornings. K5 AltuSE noBIItSON, seeretary.

PtLBLIO EBO1 PITAL. Wasted immaeditely, h Ileliable GARDN=B. H. AB.LISS ROBINSONO, Secretarz, GARD!NER uaated, 8 o'olook today, everal G days' work. 5 i William st., Naoh Perth. GENERAL 'at, or Cook-Genera, ls., pry. erred, no washing. rs, Chas Stuart D Richardson-ar,~ Osborne (riser side)Gft.N'F.$LI exprnenced, eveningss and two ifternoona free 1 week, 3 adults. 27 Park. cii. Mrt Iamloy. GIr s WABTBD. 30R PAWORYI~. mýD Fafwro&S, MILLSI and WAIE cake and Bisonit Mannfastrers, South Premantle, G IRL or Elderly Woman. aseful in hosec and G look sfter ohildren, no washing or cooking, I. per aweek, sleep home. bes, 1353 Riay-st. West. G L for general houseawork, adult family, slep home. 6 Eay.st, Subiaco, near Thomaaret. G BLt, assist all duties, three in family,goad Shome. Kelmsott. Apply first instance, II Hf ewasstlc-et. GOOD Mon for Btcher's DIlirery Cart, most Sunderstand cuttinrg up. Applcations re Hongsmjoo ;., oeived until Thursday, 10th eo retary, Colli Co.op. Society. MOOD LIabourer wanted, one nsed to take out Sfoundationo. And of BallaraIttet., West Perth. E Girl, houustework, rated as family, Sobedient children, rar Perth, 1d.. Saht oge. 5 n0, this office. UOUSEMAID, Ils. Assistant Housemaid, OI r Is., suit friends, Dar city- Cook, genrtle. man's house, country. Scholastio Agency, 46 William-et, H OL dtrFEIEPR for widower, 4 children. Betweern 0t and 8 p.m. today 11. 0. ltasitt, 262 HamerIsy"-rd., Subiaco. TOU SXEREE R wanted, to'-. charge of four H children going school, dosestib nuties, no trashing, good aoagcq. .1. a. Msilne, Ouidldord. T iBOncIb t and Bricklae, cr Wiltin. Buioer, Lo lr itzgerald-st. or job, Inrie-st., Contoeslou, ussr river. T DY-BIlELS S, city and country: midLle age domestic Help, 3 adults, interview 3 today; otter positions, Sololaertio Agency, 48 William-:t. , SIGHT General, all dulle, dIoep home. Shop, 251 Boanfort-ut. .I'ithis. LA.IIlItED Couple wanted for farm, it, Ssoth,L 1Y. West, must he thorough practical farm hand. wages t3 per' week, with frrc house. wifo to cook for 2 or :1 honrrlere, St, this offro. i rA SO\S-.Abent. ill yaris rock-laced r;ttaining wall. Ssnth Perth. I80 Camhridteso., Chorehlands. Mslmber . 1' AFIFB- WANTE33. BUCKINHfIL.i lBtOS.. Bnekinghonos' tbling, via Volis-. Or at Claisclsook-ross, Ias , 1srtl5. DPlsTElt. good all-rassnd Isniso, -c ,eos a t Igood tradesmau. outside lissr3eft Pros,, Fremantlt, 9 iam. 3ASTRYCOsOK wuant-l, good bench baud. I Cabin Tea Riooms, Fromastta -DOUVT~ttT MlA scotedrtl, s;arri,,i, with .gad I incubtato staprEriruc,, 'vie to take charge of large ptaltrr st5.oi. u':",-. modl sommisseie. d goodnppsrtusni'y :. r rigis; msso. rcferetcses re quireo. Partictlar, as to CLWrcecOe, ag, etc, J. A. Gwarn, Bo :Ml, (i 2.U

SITUATIONS VACANT. REIVATTE Tuition: Ladies, Ghtnlomen, Book. -1 P ward ad'rvioid. 3l. Wias, F.R.L5., ex suter leading uollyes. "I Barrack-.t. Ita.r lish, Arithmetic, Bicokkeeping. Typing French, Exane.' tc. L Q IRED ioR I P 310tolom ~fGON MI-l 1 P 1iJ.Ed. WO1ISLEY MILL`S.IIIPEtIL IItHWERS r Apply MfILLAltS' TrtlRER 'nd TRADIYG CO., LTD., St. Gsurgcs louse. 011 SeprCottr wanted. E. Sterrns, SGrcenbshes. e_ S MA LLGOODSM.AN, Es1PElr, . REQiTRED, = '31iATT YLTLER.L 0 BUTCHER. Pit-ilass Shopman. Apply ANDERSON'S, Barrack-strret. is Zi WART Roy wantedl for ibakehouse. Cabin Tea j s 3 Rooms, IFrmantl r STATE PUBLIC SRPVICE. APPLICATION'S will be roostied b the Publie Service COom.mlcioner until AIRlt. 14, 1919, for the position of ONF1ClIRIN.-CHAtU E el EMIOILATIOK, London. Salary, Z1 ie-552. Applicants to stat, full particolara of their qualifications for the work. CTIING Lod -anted, handy with tools. saont Son building. T. lMason, 7 Barrack-St. i TpAHIOlRS aid Tailosremls.-All.round Hands, Salterations., renovating. CommercialI Dry Cleaner, Tailors and Dyers, 121 William-at, . T lAILOREiikIS.-Goodl Hands and Macohinists . wanted, anl departments. Austral Cloth. ing Co., Ray-c.., epp Foys. J rTltItNE Nnrrcpermanent, required for p Perth Colleg, Lawley-cres, rt. IAwley. t Apply to Sister-in.bCargo. r ltlIliER, Iron, wanted, only sorewoutting 1 man need apply. Thebo Westral Foundry,e Saunders-at., ast Perth. -r A PAITRSS.. thoroughly fzperiened, wanted. canberm, 14 Espla~nade. ALL RETUIRNED MEN To WEAR UNIFORM And BE PRESENT At W.A.T.A. GYMRKAJA. t 7 P.3M. SATURDAY, APIL VI. t (Aztlorlsedi by F. SMITH, Orvgsaler, R.S.A. Appeal) A N T " D. 6 WIIREMEN. IonM other than competent men need apply. H. C LITTLE and CO., 861 Hay-street. W A .-1NT. T D. XPE1IFENI ED ASSISTANT And an AI'PRI4ETICE For DRESSMAKINhG BOOM. Apply MRS. WLLIAS, IFAS. " MOOIIE and CO.. Raystreet. W . A N T Ii ID. XPIEIRIENCRD ASSISTAiNT For DRESSMAKING 110GY, Apply Ris. 1sBBSB, CRAB. MOORE and 00. Bay-otreet. W A N T E D. Live PROPERTY SALE83MA" Mat lare prenvious expcrence. Good remune. ration to live loan. Apply to 4, this off e, ý[j N D. STwiee pErnoed BSLEEPER O .UTrFBS LEWIS and yRED, LTD. Perth and .Gollie. X t.TED a competent Gardenern (noers and W e:A tble). for Cranmore Park; Rooma, permanent job, referiences necssary. 1t o'clock Thursday, F. Wittencom, 3 ialgety Chambers, Porth. tTANTED experienced Indy to itake oharge of S perfuery and soap department. city 1 house. mnst be good salaeswoman, withl full co. pericuce, Edt, this office. WANTED a om for Cook on farm, st 1 be ablto iake butter and rook for about four men, good quarters provided, no objeocion to child. lL;,: this off ie. mTAN'FD L.Y .ookkerperSl enwo man, one who hoR had experience in Drapery or (ameral Store. Apply by letter, stat: exoperience, to Boa xi, Irem-aatle. ANTED, Wmoman or Girl to wash for one WY day. 33 Garland-st.. sand tract between Premantlord and river, near Causeway, Vietoria Pasrk. IT7lA.'TED midtle.ogcd Woman or useful Girl. V1 snhouesledties, private family. 50 Bennett. Ai., East Perth. TWTANTED, Light General. Apply morning, TVMers. .f. J. Gerloff, cor. Alvaun-t. and Clivc-rd., Mt. Lawley. W~ITTED strong useful Girt fr hosorsrk. VT Mrs. W, A. . elrnie, Ingleborn, Eeane-st., Peppermint Grove, 3 doors sohool. (ASTED. Hou-eParlornnaid. god referot cnees req ird, ood wages, sleep in or not. W., 57 Cohin.SLr, P'erth. W. TLNTED, two Boys to deliver bills. Fred Kinninment, Wiliiamst. and St. George'ster., 9.30., , atTED, Metal Polisher for Electro.Plnttng Vi Department. hno Armstrong Cyolc and Rotor Agency, Hays4. 'TX1LNTED experienoed Girl foe kitohen. After tT 9 4 o'lecek. horrey Dining Iooms, Sc. George's-ter. TKTLNTEI) Carpenter to erect 4-rooerd Cot

TV tige, day wages or piecework. Particulars J. A. Faweett, Rruce Rook. W ANTED, a reliable Girl, care 2 children, small house, good bome. 270 William. at., Perth. TITANTED Elderly Ma. generally useful, one S accustomed to borses, garden. ita, milk one cow. Jas. Kiely, Beaohk Bakery, Ootterloc Besoh. UTA iTED a ian that understands charcoal burning ,good money to good man. 11, f'uigrove. rickriag Brook. IVA.MTID, a smart Boy, aibout 16 years, for W grocery. After 9 o'clock Rowley, BlenCoststl., Lcoderville.W W TNTED, respeoctable Woman for hoae-. work. apply eanrly, 33 Nairn-st., cor. Sriket-st., leremartle T .UATED, Girl for household duties. L. t' isseminon, 152 rPbmerstoan-t., North Perth. WTANTED, Young Girl for housework, morn Sisng only, 9onitay to Saturday. lOt Brown-st., East i'erth. W;1ArRFD reoporhle person, go country, `1 light general. ly letter, 5.1., Taillway Coffee Pa Lce_ Ti AN TED lady-help, comfortable home. 3 in i family, all rzltit. Mrs. Clayton Mason, lrvine-s., tottessoe. TAI INTED a generl! Serront. no washing, S referenocos requirled. Mrs. Edward Shentou, Windermore, South Perth. '1AVI'1'I) yourn gnirl, son cied to wine roSloon. After 1r. I* Wtilliam-st. SASTLED, a good General. no Wtashing. Ap. 1 ply after 10, 4 Finlayon.ot., Subiaco, TTANTlD, Girl, assist wi-h housework no W V oashin . 1:19 lfamcrrley-rd., Subiac, ANTEDH %i-rs'egirl. Mre. Stulenhy, Na. wo tinned Hotel. L\TEED fsmart young Cirl, :iht oties. 3 V1 3Ionnt-et., after it aam. W T.\TED, SBilmaker. good hand. F. Pascoe, SV nry-st., , Frematle.. IT IANTS, 2 goond Bricklaysers. Apty new II Poet 05cce 1j .ANTED Waitress. 5.O R'e!inetr·1st., opon W Government Ice Works. W AfTED, Male Cook. i: ll rdeen-!., V Iafter 10 ami n YAN'lS\TlD, Young Girl icr 15crchen w must to clean. 1it .Atordeneot.. Perth. VATiTEtD is yroung Girl far kitchen. 2i3 St. F 1 Ceorre'ýs-:cr lRTED Womanis for ie ning, one day. i74 1 enoutort-et. 1y ANTlKDdnrymaid, expericned' \ational o lintel, Ircmantle. NXLkILlh. a tNureegtrl. is5x-± lo.l n:· er ·1th C~. Ras Ltjr-ly s HetI, I TANTED. Isoto dlc deoienrt'l ee to rie bike. Graham. City Markets. .A. SOCIETY FOR THE PRE.ENTION OF (AIV.AT. TO ANLO ALS (ING.I PPLIC-AcTIONS, in writing. addr_.se. -oa, inder.i'gcd. for the position 51 I.AUY ('OT.. 1ECTOKIt of the SPI'.C. for the iltoropolioan Irno wk. be reo ised up ts nos-n io .'rT. itD.1 Y, j':'.1 1, 1919, nSalary, 30 per week sand 'ommniswn. Ipplilansts to rire full partietltoa. elericne, tate a-re. whetli'r n:orrild or jailne, and fornward copies only of at lteas' tre.e t.sti. monials. ny further inftrmation may bLI obtained from tih.- :nderigned. A. W. Cf:IlOOS. (Goncrs Secretary. S.P.CA.. Surrey Chamber 1 St. Geoig 's.-terraee, Pert:h. . TAll PATRIOTIC FUND FOIl. WESTERN AUSTlALLI. A1tplietiont arc invitel for the poeition of I".tEl'RIESS to the War Patriotic Funsl for 6 months, trainod nurse's certificate essential, and preference ' iven to returned war nu'es. t Partiolars of duities. o nlary, ott.. en applic cation to the .ION. SEC lii'T.1lt. .our lPatiotic.Fund. Barracksstre , 'rthb

-SITUATIONS VACANT. ar . Australia cafe, efe r r" - woelEXEs.st I will undertake to TEAL'H awo able men hetweeno. 0 and 30 years this tra4e for a re. inuneration aind pay from the Brst week, on D to.. wages Secording to the award. Refereses required.Tlnt Tlnt SPECIAT.Itil' of WICKER. PUR.trrUgR and )RtILiREnC C8 lRPLLGlt, Factory. West Subioro. YOUNG lady, unrder 21 years. with thorooga S nowledre of busineso. State wage. rxperierse. S40. this office. SITUATIONS WANTED. j (Prepaid Advertisemonts under this heading not C exceeding sixteen words, one shilling- six ennsecutive insertions . i Double rates if boo~cd3J ,y A -Cook, woman. young, sober. good pastry. Scook, country notel or bsainoss: others, institutions.. colleges, and hotuls. Symons's Regittry. Tel. FNll. A- Waitingt ?umber returned oldier for ei sitions, stores, hotels, ani general team=taring work, go any part. SynionsHe Reistryi. - Hotel Servants waiting, others for board- -tehows, eafee, city ned siubirrbs; Wait r resies, tVs roems: Housc-l'Parlourmaid. Iralid Nurse. iymons's Iegistr¶ s_ ,L -larred Orch-ard Hands waiting. also first- o A class Married Farm Hand. capable man- t aging. highest refercoos; wife cook for men. ' manos's IlRaii1ry, r -Waiting: Chatneutter Hands and all cinsoes unskiHled labour; strong Elderlr Man for farm other, private houses. Symons's Itogistry. -Married Couple, man good cook, waiter, Swife nhae sa capacity country hotel or boardins-boase (busth or mill). Symonis Ite- 1 giscry. Tel. 3119. .Jt'tzgerald' W ostrlaRegistry, CathedralAav.c-Witing, rot-ejises Servants all dipacities. hoes, cufer, and private, go any distano, good refs. Tel. :tiB. Quarter fes, t A CARPENTERI, skilled tradesman, good allA round man at repairs, give cervices for good home. Chips, this office o CENTlRAL Regisiry, Frmasntle, 'Phono 161.J Wnirin : cnrows Rormaidns, ousekeepers, Waitreses, hiousemaids, Chfs, Nuorse for in- -vatide. Nursegirls. DEB.RTHENT OF REPATRIATION. i ESPLANADE EAST (Opposite Supreme Court), rERTH. VOCATIONAL TRALING OF DISABLED SOLDIERS. The hRegulations under the Australian Soldiers' Repatriation Act. 1917, provide that upproved disabled soldiers may enter private e4tsblishnents and workshops with a view to -learning a trade. The employer is asked to pay 40 per cent. of the minimum wage, and the Department will make his wages up to these of a juurneymssu. At present about eS approved applications are awaiting such openings, and employers are asked to sran the list trades and calling given below, for which applications have been made, and to nostiy the Department (telephoine A4064) of any likoly vacancy:Electrical Wiremen.lootmaking. lootmaking. Cabinet-making. Motor 3leehanics, Salesmen. Corpeter-Joiner. Electrician Yitting-Turning-. Clerks. instrument Fittrr. ]liogrnph. Operator. Harnee-matking. Bricklaycr. Saddlery. Woodworker. Tron Turning, Boot Repairing. Wool Olweer (Shoed .ndr4s). L. E Ttt.NEI . Deputy Comptroller. Department ef Repatrirstion. ELDERLY Stan wants work, milk, garden. Suscl to horses, generally. useful. 3131, (4:P.O~,,Perth. FNERGETIC Married Couple desire poeition, I mtnaagement hotel, any part of Westorn Australia; highest credentials. 616, this office. LADY. ill give light assistance, needluework, or children, for comforttblo furnished IO)OM. XT.Z., Darey News Agent. Cotteilom. P ETURNED soldier, married, wants permanls cnt employment, any capacity, town or country, capaible and willing, referaences if required. Write; stating wages, 113, this ofirce. R ITCNED soldier, married, require work. debt collecting, clerical, or commission. B1*, thin office. QM ART, actirve Woman requires positison )I Rousekeoper, clean worker, fond children, sewing. 512, thin office. w.AITING, married Farm Hand, wifo no lti, 9 ears' exoprienoce, able manage. Full particulars to 1148, this office. W NTD by lire returned soldier, position k own or untry, trarelling or clerical work. will do anything, St, this oFfce. ' [TsANTED by experienced Touth, position as VV Junior Clerk, in city, good rfernces. S6, this office. IANTED, position Caretaker, ight job T E boot tornt so driving, in retun boardlodging. children school Pretoria. this office YrOUNt G Man reeks position driving mutor Lu. r or -horse driving, with references. 5I Sonrrnv·sst. YO O'NG lrty ilecires poeivion as Book, YL keeper and Typist, knowledge of shorthand. 133 King's-st., Eaot Fremantle 'DUNG Woman wants position Light General, Miodlndunction, 3ititland- line preferrred. iMay. Post Offee, Middle Swan. YONG irl wants igt Housework, -. us L of piano. ti3, this ofic. BOARD AND RESIDENCE. (Freprid Advertisementa under this heading not exceeding sixteen words, one shilling; six eonseontien insertion,. Is. Double rates it bookl.d) _..>..- aIt~sAL HOME P1RO 10LE. 6EfAFTESBORT lASELT HOTEL SHA~TEtlhtRA lY FAMI.T BOTEl. B. ans b. Baths. 10t Bedrooms. ELP~CXUO LIGHT and LIFT to All Flona. TABIPI? Os, 6d. per day; 'Us. per week. PERIIANkET IOARIDERS, Prim E76. Ski. psr week. Motor Goarage. hiRS. CHILE. Sce Prorietires. AT THE GREAT WESTi;R. MOTELs CLT THlE GREAT WET~SSTR uise (William-street, ever Woreshoo Bridge) YULL BOAMD iromn 2s. PER WELg

.as, s. .slgur or as. per ne . Balk WHISKY, 7s. per bottle. Caeo WHInliT, ls. per bottle, 100s. per aoco. Thone 4538. PANK It. GHAI.. A- THE FEDEIAL ROTi1L WEST PERTH. Under Entirely New Management. Well Furnished Rooms. Hot and Cold Baths. Electrio Light and In.ft' Tariff, G. Od. per Day. PFull Board. Its, per Week. All Spirits at City rrics. 'Pbon AATTf. R. E. WE.CHI31AN. Proprietor. A lMAJALE.- Spcerior .Amcc modation for A vnisitor. Write for terms and particulars. Mrs. Prior. The Bungalow. a -Victoria Haute, 1110 Hay-et. West: The 11 most healthily situate l Hrsidential House in W.A., casy walk into town; terms 25s. per weeck. SMortlake. 102:0 Hay-st. Weest, Board and t Residene: moderate tariff. A T i b ouort-at., ftrst-clu s Board-Residence, 11. front single room vacant. (.'TI ERRA.nrg igty, E.planade, IiReidential lEstabliahment. overlooking river, centre aity, good table, billiards; tariff fronm 25s. Tel. AIM~s. IOTTEST.O1 Albion Honel. 9 rin., from eat. t. lion, board :nd residence, terms modern. ate. F. Sterens. trojrieior. Tel :1. O'I'IESI,OE: A few Vacancies. Sorrerno, ii John-tr., etrc' pier.. 'iPhone PF20. E" D ADa HOTEL. BUBJSeLTOH. It. T. ELLIOTT, Proprietor: ,OQSEBBEIIItP HILL. The Glen, flno boliday resort, Visitors, Week-enders; panoraro., views spacious grrouds. dira. Cbeetbsm. OSTEL lanly, Cottcsloc. on ocean frcnt. r ids e .Casife resort, accommo3odation for visitors. tarif moderate 'Phone 1t h. T7A.LAMUNDA Brrmforo ocommodation for .1 risitors, spacious grounds, every convenience; cow kept Mrs. Naylor tira. Arthur Moanse[). Tel. 7. Kalanonda. l17Al.AhltilA.-Crio. facing station : First. class Aemmodation for visitors to the Hill:, week-enders a sp cinlity, moderse. HerL derson. j ALAIU NDA, Arcadia: Aommodation fort SBoarders. 10s.: Week-enders,. 1s. id.: :3 minutes from station; ton cow. Mr'. 'r-errtr A"LA13fUlDA. St. Elmo: --risr AcocmK mostation to visitos . w-k.enders Afeno asand luncheoos vs,.. llerrient. liZ ALAMUNIAt Write .ar ph-to sad terms. . The Blooooleo Hostel. heautifolly situoatd 1,000 fee above sea. Tel. Mrs. Matthew. I %L.IMIUSNrj Homebush. (oosebcrrr Hill: Kt Furnisbed fO0S. ran dioinS rom, sitting room, kitchen, tennis court. IlnoCel. IT TBE)HU HST. Baltmuada, s mifute Guppy e S Siding Acconnmmodation for visitors, good cooking, terms nder.r.t. Mrs, PIan. {-.U RDING -Teomukaa, aormmoadtioo for visitors. I55. re..kly. Wit. day. 10-. &i. sotos nd. Biae Coe . __c. ii U STOC l.EThLs pnrivate tooms for Nr each )patient; terms moderate. Swan Hospital. 0 3tr wrastleet., tram to Loft st. Tel. 1611. L'l'-E S11' i tlhrstrots.w Newc eti.r. N iU Sr- rior .esomosI:t.atlo moderate. Children accmmodated. Locdervile. Uleaver-st g Tel. 1470. *T Rl E--~lh Ar.. ica~o for mar tv. L.nawly, Ingl oot e.r I.. Qucen'..ores. 'TTO. A3l.JFP _____________ ALh BIIE\ .T.S.A.. has superior Aovon alta:,:: ttrme mederst*. 10 Ltit. aitiN ,as suoperipr .c mmodation for Indoes wastrug. terms moderate. 157 ClaiwbtOerd., E Lait rig'it 'est.

BOARD AND' RESIDENCE.1URS B ruLd.E T (Cprtithe Oed) Cpsia lý ccommodation . daring. aeooaohement, . fee £1 19. week. 25 6tirling-at.. Perth, 0OEANIO MOTE L, COTTESLOE BRACH. The most heaithily itntrctd Rsitential Vove in 5.A., between rirer and cean, 3 minutes Coitootor Beach RUilway Station. Ercry Service-the Best. Tariff. Moderate. W. G. iGREENWEILL, Proprietor. Phanc Ai3 Cottesloe. J RL Hotel Fremantle: Good Accommlodaion, RC~ OOMS to Let. P RITATE IOSPITAL, Irrie-st.. Cottenloe.Medical aind'Surgical. Nurse Piper. 'PhoaO Cott. ffi. ROOMI, sat one or two gentlemen, with board, ALL d 1 per week, elean bes and a good home. tot Aberdeen-at. STiRLTiG Private Hespital.-tedieal,. surgical and maternity, Narse Sefton, SIlatroa, le.t. Kalgoorlie Government Icepital Ti-. Na e676. tUPERIOU BoardResidenee at 1068 Hay-t. La) 1t comfo rtable room suit two riends, also other vacanctes, TxHR ILw3YJCOFFEE PALACE and the 1 RECAITECOFFEE PALACE, the mot suitabte for virtors to Perth. They are right opposite the Pe3rth Rilway tatioo . Bert at t.ntinn and medera:e prices. Mrs,. CiWtMBERLAIN, Proprietress fpRtDESM A_ requirce Boar-lnesidroenee, pl I Tate family, single room, walking dirtQa 1.O., permanent if suitablei. %, this offce.. j ANTED Board and esidencj. for couple, T Easter heliday, range or river, quiet pre. ferreT. 'Temperance, this office. TtABTrD, Board and Reridence prioee arno 1V'ily, barried. conple and ochld 3 ;torea moderato. litl, this o RAi TieNTBD. refined homea by young aoman. printet fatmily, sceeping onut aoommassi tion, good loculity, coentral.' li, this oftei. A~. N-BST (31), near Prlitafomt Haou. vBoard-Rceidenee, large double room Td cant VOUNG Man wants Lodgings. Fremantle, o Sdays lEaster, 0moats. i; this ofice. ROOMS, TO LET OR WANTED. Porepaid tdvertiscmonta undeo this heading cnt exceedig iurstee wores, one shilang; gasi consaeotire ianartiiOns, a. Double rat. it bookedL) 1:A.~-Beat ROOMS in Perth, from .i. 81. ar married otpuie. T I 1It-1t teet. , near Ootranlstpt: Thrce ý ntreetfurnisheds ltOO1 vacant, e.)., was Oovec, overy tonvenienc. AT Fermaja,236 Adelaide-ter., large well fur A nished 1I3, also eingle one, no ehildMan gama moe, e.l .llttl)ItRE N.ST. No, 7: Furnihed IIOO1103 ,ti. douett and single, all etavenienter A a rgfrniehcel ; suit two friends Mlaies or gn ts- 1163 tiay-st, West. CIIAN, plainly furnbahed 1B01. coil inC speetae mann3 minutes city. 54 Siirlingstrcor. O3MFORTTIBLT furnished 10031. to L-T, ci., w alking distance city, cuit gentleman. s 4uetrdcn-s t, O11ESLOE.-ROOD or furnivshd lata, r with ttendance, meals optional. C0 'orret-it., .nen ride. (OTTYtSLI lEAlIH.-Furnisbeh ROOst, u. kitcien, soit business people, clote &Iat,.ia nod oeemn. 4 Btagina!dtst. 1URNL-BED ROOgM required by gtntinuaet. S sparate entrance preferr..l. -tarticuttea et SIt,- this often, FtURNISBED APAILTMENITS, electric ligtt' £ gas 'tat,', atl COOvenittceeS no 0 hldr0etsr 10 Itanfort t., near lilitari Headquarter-. TCRNISFED front 30031, asit two ;ads. cr . gentlemen. :03 Ncarrastle.st., West forth. T llY1 reqtlircs nice comfortable furnished Jr front IWO1t, cloose to clty; private famsi1 preferred. A,%,' this office. j ADYi, young daghter, requircs nir e ;i.U citting )1100M, feran side Cottesloe, ut Busch. Holiday. thin office. L ARGE doable furieSerl 110031, n!o T.uati ifor lcdger at Alladalte, epp r chool, 1i.". toriEAve., North Fremnantle. 03hT, Frema antle, too furnished tOOMat. e..: as Nstoe, all eOOnentenees, near Iran, bearh. 68 South-nt. . .hAtDEN, 17 Ord-st.: FtLATfrlebc, ,uM A.ers Pl msa Cotrct rs. enl ut ~ s, I furnihed. ibetween 11 and 4 o'clock. /I UNDAItING, Superior farelatod ROOMS ,o INgoone rr ndas, us re of kitchen, etc. rtur.venient. ttion, moderate 1t. Are reen.t rit~t-Ding HOoilriverl vitnl onvenure IN lr 315, rereeonalr to,'ntitabla tenant. C":nerr C--rn rht. a d l rai3. ICELO f urnish ed Fi 1e00301. searr'r light,,pel fipiaar , (-rtre cnrenicen,. uncap. 65 (lcdrrichu:. RESIDFNTIAT. 1100115, dni i.ý bahohns:. ll tomn, furnijbt l ij St.licGorei.ler. 0031,. double and stogle, Tarnished and -. R'furniinhl, from 4. Fi. ttettheswrth'-, t,",." Ir'ntcrs, Illmneor,, end (contreoatrs. 319 linie.' 1)00315 to let, eryc cool Lod meot elreaIct,. fl Vin Highel".. next Town Hali. ( INGLF, 110031, teith hrct,.f ·, fr ;;rglet: t3 man. W't't Perth to ('lr.roensnt prrct.-rr. t~arpecier, Osborne Sewnt Agencr. lNO.LE tints. cimfortarl e, -'lean. near .'t'i )_ hall. afan Stable.. .'-:_A1>r ,:.-v-oc1 S T. (FlttE'iR.TEl (1511: Inr b aole-on1- 1,-i f titting 1 R001 river view oill renchretee:. ýCBIACO 9Pa ateel ;tmotl olt, t-ccirtl Rntol. 1. freplacteidetrty noten,as moiderate reel. "'' Haner:.- Sabtaco Tp 0 iE-, B~tuitrnisted, sclf-cer~latln.d II.Ar.1 Io rell catenee. i I-t oy-sjt. I ,tO forNirtted IlOGIIS. alcelriot act if;` tulotttl gaol povitienO near tract. : tOitram-,t. I IWO soperiar furnished l t3tJMS, or tuttle:· :ocou, kitrhen, electric liaht. pri'-o:e~r ehilirto. iii t'oztetrotenrmet. L N IEt~tttKD b-.lcatc FI.A\T. :1 roates. tot stavel. elte~rits tight. nreer at-ca 6 c ncrtstct tniver mroat,. TTYF'tltd~tp LATSt!rgr rooms. rl U n~r ef tttrhcn. e.l, gas oect-r, Ocir nt~.. L u eeo.ir-st. ThIYSTED. Suhineo. furaicltllhul Ilt)1OOB .ii tine moom, no,- kitchen anti n~otveienc·e,

private nonor, near seoa,, iabtiaeo. .., .O., Cottesluc . ID.Tl) bed sitting ROOM, marnied soup * b no childrenc, anll eo toirie-Oe, blls a'e frnepd. ' r, this office. 1xTceTnDi siniteo R001 for If. s.r wroti West Perth preferred. iom lem te b:. office. WTANTED to Le that 1nhor1 , o Iour .,"t Gowoen wn~ai, Frday ftentern n in: have pyrtiestars W,'strlisa' inorms, tien Bureat. Box W.I. Lay cw k D s see, anll d urnihe, a roOt meth, fireplee, n hbandy teo. inederate. 0" tbis office. PERSONAL. UIirepaid Advertisements under thi' beading xcl exceeding sixteenos hld. It.r 6d.;t siXr osen. teoutirse fsrtioa.. bt . iod. Doublu rlated . booked.) A oLL women seod to aSnchsors Ii.. t aILer Go." Quen', ri il, YlridJn afternoonr st -Omen aorln A \sw DieoaJreryliquid f.olhair," a Frotea remedyT . for Jinancist wor f p omancut 4 I dcttroying superfluous hair. D;idercut lrwL ad ot0ers0 es. el bottle, frontl eat eexe Lt agents. Western 1cru Co.. AIsiruioenX:.. YIi"rN. 4+ Xy Sharpenel, tI.; Soitore. Id.. andt eS i ], 3...; (roeecut 'aah front s:. W. 1'. SLeonard. e at ire0 l.arW. I.t Ndrth PterthEmir.t. iht .l " SIRE: Bri"' Loci.! ae Pd lanie er a: L o-r St. Barnabas dtll, waoolimh-em.got str. l S e rorll . all for Is. JEET fenuanejl ivrrfie 0 itb eb""ap' maoul" 'taey --uritn tkltex; liscdt Lilereat. S;4 Sbsnf Ltoa Office,. I t:ohcbrrd. M r 1 1 L\'SiPETJ tells Cbaracter be UKes... , cerriteee L Send IZES.u nl 1,. j f R041- Tl.o lie, Doolbhy Dlton in slor par'D foirth I'mrti Empire tonigbn. F111 ro). porting programme. D u T D OL th- great Papaw londigesiot Culri your chance; don't trnat. fth'bru .:t ure n-ou L lid. c Et1''S n eoc tie eccomig-if You ask icf i- n Inln Beer. ruonrdAy iGI"p TRUNKS FOnte i .P'r.,th r 1 INSI. L ECTI' Oil. ITOCK. .tLL SIZES. r PYl'OFS 113IGHT. .t, W. 1011I0E and CO., IAD).. a' ofeye.trcet. r lprk Orders Dept. A. ; LEx tdhe thiro rt 0 ord three iidrnen, ýV rarer It. noo hors, tihmrantetr. )itb·vc, rt Oftins 'rrmenntle. STE kindly perfreon to adopt little y'er . n ij n"r ab1. 51 torroy-l.. 1.'rthIi Aý ,181) in th.e Lol noetc sne bing- a pl. , s ure, so 'oda, acid or hime. All t.ror,, PH ut") ira 7d. fTILi any pn uson eured acid sespeparc. .e ilmpcr- ncidity of stomacnb kindly euomte'ermi cut', \\itb f'31, th;6 (IinLe. YW t.i. le's-youse lady obo apt~l to )citg t oran on iarsatrr station about lt.t El.i Mtnd.v nfor peo-i cestmmunicate witll JAt ' thia s alaa . A. I MATRIMONIAL. C 'rrpuid cedvertisemeenle under this beading, u W exooling tbirty world, three aleilisngs 3rfwo re-ie e youleg (Ito domes, hoissn dl t wiob, ish orm-oponr two reftn,'d smog' Lt-ece. 'uisew aelbo. Cirresponr Xi.'. William,. ledluo' photo-. MISSING FRIENDS. (Prepaid emdeertisement0 under this hcadmng. net exceeeointf sixteen words. s. 6Is, si. eon. tebutise insertions, 7e 6dt Tb1T$IIVAT inquiiries oi all notners m;r~ia SEfficiency aed dlebutch and ceoreo-. Writs .r Weoafl'an lnquiry Buereao. BoRx 3i. 0 Print:-l Ier the "West Aostrallsn" 'cewtpa- .j n (ompony. Limited, by Samusel Themes, iW Wlliams st the "West Antcatliq QS ftY careeoeixe,oe Perth,