West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Thursday 23 January 1919, page 4

SHIPP1NG. POlRT OF FIREMA'A'LI. JERIVALS.-January 28, Iad Erne, s.e., 4.230 tone, from Aden. George WVills and Co., Ltd.L Karoola, s.s., 7,391 tons from the Unites Kingdom. Mcllwraith 3oEacharn and Co. Hunsbhook, v.s., 4,4 tons, from the Eastorn States. George Wills and Co.. Ltd. Sardinia, so., 0,511 tonet from the Eastern States Macdonald, Hnmilton and Co. Burma .6., 7,47i0 Ions, faom the United Kingdom. liolgety and Co.. Polgowan, s.s., 4,347 tons, from Aden, George Wills and Co. LAd. Wyandra, s~., 4,038 tons from the Eastern States. Macdonald Hamilton and Co. DDEAltTUitES.-January 21. Somali, s.s. 1,712 tons. for the Eastern States. 'Lactlonald, Hamilton and Co. Noelip. s., ,1Zw0 tons for the Eastern States. George Wills and Co. Ltd. TELEGRAPHIC. Wisances reckoned from Fremantle.) WESTERN AUSTRALIA, BREAKSEA (319 miles).-January 21, 10.30 P.m.: Korionga passed for Premantle. January .2o Steamer, two masts, one000 funnel, psset going east. W tNDiA.3I (2,048 miles).-Arrlival, January 2ti, 1.30 aom.: Bambra, from Derby. OTRItL STATES, ADELAIDE (1,373 milts).-Arrivals, January 59; Riverina, from Fremontle; and Cape Orti. gal, from Italy. MELBOURNE (1,874 miles).-Arrivals, Janaary ±1: Loongans, from Launeeston; -Leiecatershtre, from Suen: and Dimboola, from Western 4ustralis, Departures, January 2s: Loongana, for Launceston; ad .3tillinn, for the West. UTYNEY (2.418' miles).-Arrivals, January 22; Meetnderry, fronm Mletoourne; 'larsina, from Newcustle; Ceoluna, from Adelaide; and John Lna (i-masted barque), from Uunosdin. De. partures, January :: Marathon, for London, via, ports; and 1Y. . T. Lewis (barque), for Newcostle. NEWCASTLE (2,503 miles).-Arrivals, January 28: .Oonah, and Moorahbool, from Sydney. Do parture, January 2: Marsina, for Sydney, NOTES. The P. and 0. steamer Sardinia. which artived at Flremantle at 10.45 yesterday morning from the Eastern Statres, will leave for the United Kingdom via Colombo, at 10 o'clock this morning with a oargo of wool and skins. The s.s. Somali, of the P. and 0. line, which was placed in quarantine upon arrival at Fremantle last Tauesday; proceeded to Albany yesterday morning to take in a suppi) of fresh water en ronte to the Eastern States. Frot the United Kingdom the hospital ship Karoola arrived at Fremantlo at 10.30 yesterday morning with fink and wounded troops, and left for the Eastern States late lass might. To-morrow tthe s.s. Dilkera leaves Banbury for Adelaide with a cargo of timber. Leaving Sydney to-morrow, the a.s. Viotoria wilt 'convey general cargo and passengems to Fenmantle. Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'olock the tromop. ship Barma arrived in Fremantle from the Uated Kingdom, and is expected to procees to the Eastern States to.day. TMnE WTLANDRA ARElVES. Albter having had a pleasant and uneetfaut ran from Adelaide, the ase. Wyandra arrived at Flemnstle shortly before 7 o'clock last nights , br' the following. passengers:ý[esdoa nos ,Favll a() D avies nce and ailt Meyer and infant, Bradner ani child, oain, Charles Buohlee Gornish and child Thompson, Miskin, Gonly, Colyer, iarri owrie Austin and three children, Acre, and Coles- Misses Davies Bradner, Mlunro, 'Eh~slday (2), Sees Binka, Marsh, Mufnro, De1,ProlGregg Grieve, and Young; Mesrs. Murray, Geraril, Best, Oxworth, Brad. nor, Derrick, Morrison Ryan Hedges Bischboith, Thompson, FlemingFowler, Gregory Oar- lisle, Sutton Steadman Canpbell, Martin Brown $nith, Swason, Simpson, Bucklee Mistin, Rev. Consterdine, Charles tahkin, Gallaher, Wino. croft, Rev. Carroll, Neill Harris, Loeton, Bach Pearce; Bakerville, Austin, Braithwaite. Grieve. - The. Wyndra is expocted to return eastwtrds at 4 p.m. on Friday. .AUSTRALTA TO AFRICA SERVICE. William Crosby and Co. have received adrice that their Australian and African service is shortly to be. resamed. Steameras of tane Ellerman and Buoknall S.S. Co., Ltd. will in future sail regularly from Australia toI South African- ports. 8s.- 3Manica and si. Swans will load in February, and s.s. Bouth Africa in IMarch. Other steamers.,will follow at regular, Intervals.INTERSTATE INTERSTATE STEAMSHIP a, SPECIAL CARtGO- STEAMER" ,FOR STDIEY. The Western Australian interstate sub-com' mittee advise that the i.s. Kooringa has been fixed as a'specinl steamer to load general cargo at Fremnatle for Sydney direct. 'Cargo wll be received on Monday and Tuesday next at C shed. For further particulars shippers lre referred to the interstate sub-committee's advertisement in our shipping columns. OVERSEAS NEWS., * Leaden, Jan 20,. Axulval:fte"London: Carpentaria, Dqpsrtere for SydnsysrQlty of, Newcastle.., PROJECTED DEPARTUBES, FOR LONDON. Orontes, .s.o., February 20. Orsova, ss., .March 12. Osterley, s., March 13. FOR EASTERN STATES. Wtyandra, e.s, January 24, at p.a. as., January 29. 31allina, s.s., January 31. Victoria, s.s., February S. Dimbeola, si., February 14 FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM,Sardua , e.., this morning,.10 o'olboa, via Columbo, FOR JAVA and SIN(APORE. Charon, as.., January 24, 11 asm, FOR GEILALDTON AND CAtRNARVON. Kurnalpi, as., noon today. VESSELS It PORT, Victoria Quay. -CJ.S., brq. Elder, Smith and Co. (Ibacon, a.s. Dalgetv and Ce. Eastern City, as. aCdallaInd, HamIlton and Ca. Kornalpi, e., Melbourne Steamship 4. Sardini, s.s. Maedonald, Hamilton 'sd Co. Wysndra, s.s. Macdonald, Hamilton and Co.

North Wharf. Lorderno, ss. George Wills and Co. Polgowan, a.s. Gebrgo Wills and Co Pualos, s.s. George Wills anm Co. Wanotto, schr. Whalini Co. Mooring Buoy. Burma, LB, Dalgety and Co. wauabrook, as. George Wills and Ce* SEXPECTED ARRIIVALS. OVERSEAS STEAMERS. Kaaowna, sns., 6,942 ons, with bodital patients. Due February 20. Macdonald, Hamlton and Co. Orontes, ss., 9,023 tons, with troops from United Kingdom, Due to-night. Orient Co. Bakara, s.s., left London December 18. Dnae about February 10. W.A., Shipping Aioeia. tiou. Gilgai, e.s., 5,512 tons, left Lirerpool Decem* ber 31. Due February 23. Dalgety and Co. Trafalgar, s.s., 3,01 ton's, from the Mcdi. terranean. Doue. George Wills and Co., Ltd. Hooio, ss., 3,721 tons, from the Mediter. raneon. Due, .George Wills and Co., Ltd. Mamari, ns., 8,114 tons, with troops. Due January 29. Dalgety and Co Janus, s.e., from the Eastern States. Due tomorrow. Macdonald, Hamilton and Co.