West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 4 January 1919, page 3

AUCTIONS, . ZONDAY, JANUARY 6, At Eleven A.M. On the GROUND, W. H. MfoCORMACK'S YARD, Wellington-se. West. UNRESERVED SALE Of CORRUGATED IRON and BUILDING MATERIAL. IA W. DUCAT (552 Hay-st.) has receiied instructions from '. M. Feahan and I Bons to SELL as above comprising:ABOUT 3 TONS CORRBGATED IRON, various lengths. RIPPLE IRON, FLAT IRON. Quantity BALTIC FLOORING. Skirtn PANEL and LEDGE 12)ft. 5-8. 12ft. lengths, BRABS PIPING, WINDOWS.JARRAH JARRAH TIMBER, RIDGING anad GUTTERING. 1,000 gal. TANK, large RANGE, etc., etc. TO-DAY. TO"iBAY. At Half-past Two P.M. PIANO HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, EPEECIPS and SUNDRES. ON THE PREMISES, 234 SOUTH-ST., BEACONSFIELD. Tike Beaconsfield Tram to Edmond-t. BN S ESTATE AGENOY (in conjunction with MIESRS.. H. ABBOTT ad CO.), by the Auctioneer, Mr. A. S. intook, will SELL:PIANO, by Gresham. SPrPII GJROOM: Dressing table, canm saite, mround cane table, 1 settee, table diths small table 4 plush frame pictures, 2 cane whatnots, mnall B.R. lamp, 1 lamp, double burner1 I lamp (Miller), clock, oilcloth, 12 a 15. DINING-ROOM: 11 pictures. 1 table pine top, 7ft 1 table cloth 7ft. a clo? , clck, 1 W. desk, hand sewing madbine, Singer machine, chairs (kitdhen), 4 door mats, 1 bedstead. Also sideboard kanri), bookcae (cedar) nming lamp, mange large kitchen table meat safe, small table, bedstead and mattress, wire mattress. KITH3EN : Mixing board, mincer, Doetan dinner service, afternoon tea services, vases tins. secepans, frying pass, safe, 2 tables, etc. aork rake, grind stone, step ladder, bird cage, door, Coolgardie safe and ray meet safe, box carpenter's too e, wheelbarrow, 1 tin tar, paints end sundries. nives, forks, and spoons. jugs basins, egg cpe, teapots, glss dishes set irons (Potts's), butter dishes, etc., op"M scales. "X10 NS EBSATE AGENCY, Auctioneers, Perth. T" ?EI.DAY JANUARY 9. ON THE PREIMISIT, GLEN GOWAN. No. 179 MARM1ON-SP., OOTESLOE At Half-past Eleven o'Clock. CGARMING BRICK VILLA. Also C2HOICE HO~SEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFEItS. DOBER'ISON BROS., LIMITED, hare RL been instructed by H. W. Hegue, ohq., who is leaving the State, to SELL as above- , A very pretty Brick Villa of 4 rooms. kitchen, vestibule, bathroom, entrance ball verandahs. washhouse, c. and t., e. light, etc., etc., land 66ft. by 120ft., beautiful lawns and garden, 3 minutes from Cottesloe Railway Station, on oan side. An ideal bome. . Also The whole of the Household Furniture and Effects. PFll particulars in later issues. MONDAY at Half-pat Two as UsualAt Our Popular Msir, 822 HAY-SMEET, near King-street and Foy and Gibson's. EOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, MERCHANDISE. and Sundries of All Sorts. Full Particulars Later. TATE and CO., Auctioneers. etc., esteblished 35 years. AUOTIONS OF ANY SORT AT SHORT NOTICE. Property, Merchandise, . Buildiirg Ma)Bials, Stock. Cattle, Horses, -itorekeepIrs' Stocks, ,'Merchandise, Furniture, Pianolas, etc., in the city. any suburb,,or country. 'I 'ATE..and 00. Auctioneera Sworn Valuators, etc., 822 Hay-t:, near King-st. and Foy and Gibson's. All Auctions conducted by our Mr. Tate, who bo had 35 years' experience. TUESDAY, JANUARY 7. At Half-pest One P.M.. , METROPOLITAN PAT CATTLE MARKET MIDLAND JUNCTION. C. H. FIELDING,. LTD., ill SELLby PUBLIC AUCTION as above:65 FAT CATTLE. 65 1 small truck prime vealers. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, At Ten A.M. IEMIROPOLITA~ N FAT STOCK MARKEP, MIDLAND JUNCTION. . 1H. FIELDING, LTD. will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION as above:1160 FAT SHEEP and LAMBS 1160

500 PIGS. 500 8 CATTLE. 8 -FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, At Eleven A.31. At 46 HIGH-ST., FREMAN'TLE. IT. J. and F. G. HIGHAM will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION-HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFEIT•S. Full particlars Thursday's paper. J. J. and F. G. HIIGHAM, Auctioneers, 69 High-st., Fremantle. PUBLIC NOTICES. All that glitters is not gold. Likewise there ere beers and Swan Beer. ."Swan" is the sparkling, starbright alo which cheers and refreshes. Made just as good as they know how for 44 years pas'. £wan Stout is a fine supper beverage. I A .A.--"Eyegght s? ciawst, W J. Mai Company 20 to 23 Baird's Arcade. Testing advice free. Repairs returned per post. Any lens ground to suit all sights. We have moved to larger premises, Nos. 20 and 23. A-JTOSEPH GC. SE1KE, Undertaker, NEWMfANSTREET, FRI.EANTLE. Tel. 682. A -NOYW IS I E 'ITIIE to hare your A WINTER.FURS rcnovated at SU31MER PRICFS.Ostrich Ostrich BOAS and FEATHERS Cleaned, Curled, or Dyed equal to NEW. MISS F. THOMPSON, Feather Specialist (Late of The Rhodesian Fur Co.), Bairds Arcade. Mulray-street EndIA RADIATORS repaired promptly by SJoe Armstrong, 96r4. Hy-t. Tel. No. A1714. A BBOTT and RIC H, A For Sinwriting and Painting. Prces and Sketches cheerfully gven. Robinson-plaece, Hay-street (Next Fov and Gibson's). A IDOMINA L SUPPOBTERS (Belts) for A obesity, pregnancy, floating kidney, appendic.ti., spinal supports, elestic stockig,, artificial limbs, etc. FROST and SHIPIAW, 629 Hay-sbreet. Pamphlets Free. t ,i HtUr F. DAVIES and CO., UNDERTAKERS, MARKET-ST.. FREMANcTLE (Tel. 225), And opp. the ~Raiway Station, Claremont. ...L 3,.

PUBLIC NOTICES. A 'LT GAREISON INSTITUTI. A Acume? e ga?inst the ahbo~e Instinte most be RENDERED .to the undersigned not later than PRIDAY, the 10th ins-ant, otherwise they will nob be recognised. J. D. WHYTE, lHoward-street. Perth. ALL RETURNED SOLDIERS. Are reminded that WE DO NOT EMPLOY ANY CANVASSERS to sell our suits. Our clothes cost you less and last longer CALL FOR PATTERNS. BERRY'S, 138 Barrack-street. Perth. A MBLER. J. E., The Cleanser and Dyer, 3· ? Bust., North Perth. Thone A22. Prompt despatch for country parcels. ARTIFIGIAL Inibs Trusses Belts., Instruments for ciery description of deformity. The Maker, Hinton, 346 Wellingtonst., rear Barrack-st. Established Melb. 189. AS GOOD AS SANDWICHES CAN BE Sandwiches made with "REX" A31A PATS. "REX" HAM PATE. "REX" HAM PATE. or with "REX" VEAL and, TONGUE PATE. "REX" VEAL and TONGUE PATE. "REX" VEAL and TONGUE PATE. are real taste teasers. For luncheons, picnics. .suppers they are unrivalled. Dozens of different ways to serve. Sold by all grocers in. solder free tins. Packed byFOGGITT, JONES and Co., LTD. J.478 AUSTRALTAN GLASS MANIUFAC- TUERS i CO., LTD., Royal Bank Chambers, St. George's-terrace, Perth. Address all telegrams: Bottle, Perth, Telephone No. A4344. Manufacturers of all kinds of Bottles and Jars. All inquiries promptly ettended to. We buy Green and White Broken Glass, and pay Cash .for same. Write or prices end particulars. AUSIRALIAN TAILORING COMPANY W. DLTHRIDGE, Wellington-street, Perth. Gentlemen,-We give you an absolute guarantee. of Correct, Stylish Dressing. Reasonable prices. 21 years' local expesence. Free patterns and self-measurement forms forwarded on application. (Soldiers' Colours Free.) BLACK / DYES. We have a GOOD STOCK of the above of a most satisfaotory and reliable make. Our leading line: Gent.'s Suits, at 5s., cleaned and pressed. City Depot, No. 3: Baird's Arcade. • MONARCH LAUNDRY, LTD., West Perth. Thone A1574, A444. Give Is a ring. and our carts will call. . H. $. SMITH AND CO., . UNDERTAKE-S, 281 NEWOASPTLEEBZM . Tel. 1231. CARP OLFAN~NG We WON'T wash clothes. But we WILL clean Carpets. And when we: say CLEAN . we .mesa CLEAN. Ring up.:Phme A2395. WA. VACUUM PET.? LEANING 00., Beasement 897 Hay-street West. CIHAMP AND FOX, 86 James-street, Perth. Windmill Engineers, Plumnbeis, Etc. Every Class of Windmill Erected in town and country. All. Repairs Guaranteed. Quotauions for all Plumbing Jobs on op. p'ication. Ring Tel. 2361. Immediate Attention. CITY PLUMBING AND SEWERAGE CO.,. LICENSED (SANITARY) PLUMBERS. Phone: Night, 4387. Phone: Day, 2984. Workmanship Thorough. 203 HAY-STREET, E. PERTH. ?(,,TY Publicity Avoided, highest advances on any secnrity; strict se crecy; lowest interest. Subiaeo Loan Office, 82 Rokeby-rd. (-LA.RENDON HOTEL, West Perth.-J All. Accounts owing to the above Hotel must be paid before Saturday, 11th ins., and all - Accounts must 'be Rendered by the same date. M. De GRAGIE. -OTTESLOE - DISTRICT. FREE INOCULATION. FRIDAY, JANUARY. 3-*Hoi's Chemist shop, at 3 p.m. SUNDAY, JANUARY 5-Dr. Humphrey's Sargery, at 9 a.m. ]ITOALD J. OKIPPR AND SO?N, U UNDERTAKERS Eetablished 1888), 814 HAY-ISTRT, PERTH. Tdephone No. 3232. Moderate Chargs._ ON?T be afraid to order BIG T. REME. . DUES; your grocer ha sa full range

DRY CLEANING. Your garments Drv Cleaned by us are Dry Cleaned true to name. Our process is he thorough immersion and leansing of the garments in benzine. It is the only Dry Cleaning process recognised and used by the leading Dyers and Cleaners throughout the world. Newress, fit, shape, and olour. retained. Try us with your next order G. PARRANT and SONS, Dry Cleaners and Dyers, Royal Arande, Barrack-st., and 97 Williamst., Perth.Fremante Fremante Office: 19 Adelaide-st. Tel. 3924. ELEGTRIC LIGHTING PLANTS, OIL ENGLNES, PUMPS BALATA end HAIR BELTINGS, ENGINEERS' REQUISITES BLECTRICAL ACCESSORIES. All Best Quality Only. - DENNY BROS., LTD., Engineers and Machinery Importers, Basement St. George's House, St. George's-terrace. . O-fCT. LYTIC ZINC 00hIPANY OP A LSTRALASIA PTY., LTD. Of MELBOURNE and RISDON, TASMANIA, have appointed us their sole Selling .Agents for:ROLLED ZINC SHEETS for All Purposes. ROLLED ZINC BLOOKS for Boilers, etC? ZINGC OXIDE (ZINC WHITE) OF VARIOUS GRADES. LEADED ZINC OXIDE. LITHOPHONE. GLUE. GEL.TINE OF HIGHEST GRADE. The advantages obtained from the use of Zinc Blocks in Boilers of all descriptions is universally acknowledged by all Engineers, and it has been demonstrated beyond doubt ahat corrosion and deterioration of interior of boilers are thereby completely prevented. We are in a position to supply full suformation regarding stocks, uses, and prices. GEO. WILLS and COMPANY. LIMITED, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth. IVERY Mot her should keep at stock of E BIG T. REMEDIES a Cure for every Ill. FOR SILVER PLATING of all KINDS, SI SILVER. NICKEL, or COPPER For Silver or CGopper Oxidising orLacqucring MORTLOOK BROS., LTD., Every Tiun. RUIT EXPORT. Established London fruit salesman, with branches in three markets, invites correspondence from sound firm, able to influence fair share of Apple Exports from Western Australia. Write in first instance to CLEOPATRA. care Gordon and Gotch, Melbourne. FRUIT CASES. We are prepared to QUOTE for Fruit Cases of all sizes. Deliveries prompt, or as required. BUCKINGHAM BROS., Sawmillere and Timber Merchants, East Perth. And BUCKINGHA3MS' SIDING. Collie-Narrogin Railway. Tel. A3327. m 1 ENTLFlN. N buy your New Hat from - GROSE'S, 630 Hay-st., or 419 Wellington-t., and leave your old one to be made like new for 3s. Sd. The latest in ats, Caps, and General Merery in stock.

PUBLIC NUOTICES. HAI -THUZQKD VOICE HOTR. To CHOIRS and CHOIR&MAPSERS. Are you oing to assist in the Ugly Men's Choral Festival? Lose NO more time. Communicate with Mr. H. TORRANCE, C.o. the Ugly Men, Perth.. A'PPY IS THE HOUSEKEEPER " who knows of the many good points about IRELAND'S S BAKI-NG POWDER. In thousands of homes it is now a regul1rly used ecoking product, and is doing its part to prcduco more wholesome and delicious foods.It It makes biscuits and puddings ligater-and pie crust flakier and crisper than ever. Cokes are always light, whilst eoones baked with it. are easily digestible. Two good recipes for scones are enclosed in each tin. Try them for better scones. Sold by grocers everywhere. J. IRELAND. LTD. NRWCASTLE. -10OT Mineral Baths, Zoological Gardens, '- South Perth. Price 6l,. Now open, I, TILE undersined, will not he respon - sih!e for any Debts contracted 'by my Wife from this date. THOMAS J. SMITH. 214 Lefroy-rd., Beaconsfield. Jan. 3, 1919. If Mr J. Bellion does not complete his work at Nungarin Hall within seven days the same will be completed at his risk and expense . W. N. LUCAS, Contractor KEYS. LOCKS . KEYS, LOCKS. We Fit, Repair, and Open. Having purchased B. ,Makutz's stock and key-cutting machine -in- connection with our own, we claim to hold the largest stock in Western Australia. Ratiner's ?ritish Safes stocked, as used by the army and navy. HARRY ARMSTRONG, ILTD.. 51 Williem-street Perth. O rTel. A4396. -KYNOCH GGAS ENGINES. We are pleased to announce having just received advice from the. makers, aessrs. - KYNOCH LTD., Birmingbam, to the effect that they will be able to resume exports of moet sizes of Engines in a few months' time, and subject to ship ping facilities we ooa deliver during the coming year. As all orders must necessarily be filled in rotation at the factory, it is advisable for all inqniries. to be placed as early as possible. These Engines; in. conj -tion with CAMBRIDGE WOOD BURNING GAS PRODUCERS, form an ideal plant, and operate CHEAPER THAE ANY OTHER COMBINATION. Further particulars from MAI.O(IR BROS., Machinery Merchants and Importers, 52.54 William-st., Perth. I LADIES.. Please Note! Fur Skins of every variety faithfully vanned. Ladies' Handbags 'and all decriptions of Leather Goods made andrepaired. E. J. Denny, 42 Beaufortt., Perth, just. over the bridge. TOVELY Complexion esslee by using .l-Peach Bloom Complexion Cloths. They, are preferable to powders and eamnetiques. Is. everywhere or. post free. Wilkinson and Co.. Agents, 715 Hay-street, Perth. i f B B "BB B B B BB B B . .., THE O?? C IAN, -B Means B B W. BUCKERIDGE, F.IO., F.S.MC , B P. D.B.O.A. (LONDON), B It Freadan of the City of London. B B The fHighest Qualifcoation in B B the State by Examination. B B Call on Mr. B. in the . B B ROYAL ARCADE, ' B B Opp. Town Hell, Perth. . B M3r. B.B B BB B B B B B B B A RB L BA. SST0K' AND S.M ATION AGENTS. INQUIRIES INvrR!D. S GE- W. MILE and 00. ML ASHIORE THOMAS has RE M SUMED PRACTICE, and may he eonstilted as usual as .bi office, AJP. Chambers. ' Hours. 9 to 1 and 2 to 5. 'Phone 4798. '5IRs nMARY FOSTER, Book Lounge, S55 Wilham-st., will do shopping o?r country customers. Every satisfaction gusranteed.L Commission rate. 6d. inthe £ TBVn argue with your grMe?r. He 1\ knows BIG T. REMEDIES' are:th £~UR Numerous Clients end tlhp General

- Public are hereby notified that we have parchesed the Business and Patent Rights of the ALLEN GAS PRODUCER CO. Their staff of experts remain w-n us, and we can with confidence recommend the ALLEN WOOD GAS PRODLGER as being the most ECONOMICAL, SIMPLEST and CHEAPEST on the market. We can refer to scores of well satisfied clients and invite correspondence. THE SWAN ENGINEERING WORKS and ALLEN GAS PRODUCER CO.,.158 Roe-street. Also C. A. SMITH and CO., Sturt-street, Adelaide. PERTH SPOUTING FACTORY, The Leading Manufictmars of GCtter, etc., W.A. TO WHOLESALE MERCHEIAT AND) OTHERS. Having just landed a consigmnent of P. G. Iron, we are now in a position to supply Gutter Ridging and D. Pipe in any quantities. Price on application. J. P. DUFEU and CO.. 38 Roe-st., Perth. 'Phone A15t. -HOTO. Enla.rgements.-Owen Bras.' P Sepia-toned Enlargement framed in oak, complete, 30s.. is what you require. Our address: 88 Beaufort-st., Perth,. opp. Military Headquarters. Tel. A2406. P I 3 8 8 E 'S DRY GrINGER ALE -IS . 7 A PETISNG. DILES--Pure Faract of Rare and VainJ able Herb, speedily and effectively Cures Piles. without drugs, ointments or operations, gives quick relief. Absolutely safe. Permanent results. Three stamps for particulars. Sharp. Bayswater, opp. P.O. )RIMIUS Stoves, fitted with. any kind of burner, from 12s. 6d. each. Jackson Burners, 4s. cach. All repairs at the shortest notice. Big stock of Cycle Accesesries, Parts, T?res, Oil. Petrol; all repairs. W. Jackon, 144 Barrack-st. Phone A.3336. RETURNED SOLDIERS' ASSOCIATION (Fremantle Branch). . A CHURCHI PARADE will be held on Sunday, January 5 at 11 a.n, at St. Peter's Church, 'Canning-rcod, East Premantle. on the occasion of the Unveiling o, MIemorial Tablets to fallen 11th Battalion comrades. All returned soldiers requested to be in attendance outside church at 10.45 a.m. HAROLD ABBOTT. Secretary. S OLID LEATHER TRAVELLIXG. S GOODS T'?at Last a Lifotime. Our Trunks and Suit Cases possess that hallmark of quality that so eealy distinguishes them from the fibre article They are cheaper in the end, becanse btey stand more knockin- about end they always look good. HUGO FISCHER, LTD., THE. LEATHR PEOPLE, Perth.

PUBUC NOTICES. " METHING NEW POR THE SUMMER." FAULDING'S LEMON SQUASH. Manufactured from the pure Pulp and Juice of the Lemon Fruit. Wholesome and Refresbing. MADE IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Superior to Any Imported Line. F. H. FAULDING and CO., Perth, And at London, Adelaide, and Sydney. SUFPORT AUSTRALIAN LNDUSIIRY. Use Only the ' Broken Hill Proprietary Co., Ltd. STEEL PRODUCTS. Obtainable from leading Iron and Steel Merchants ELDER, BmITH and CO.. ,MI. E)D, Sole Agents for Western Australia .. Wholesale Only FT&XATION. Returns, Federal, State, SWar. Heavy penaltie for delay in forwarding. Christopher Hunter, Accounts ant, Cathedral.sve. Moderate Charges. Tel. A4536. ' UGLY MEN Ask UUUUUUUUUU 2 22 2 2 Help Them Make ' COOcyOOOOn.ODI TfTHOODOWWWWWNN "C 00 N T 0 W N" "C O O\N T O W N" "COONTOWN" "C 0o N T O W N" "C o oN?TOW N' • "C 0.0 N TOW N". a Aeea Su trd elping SO?L , DEPEiDANITS:_ DO this by Helping and Atending the PUBLIC MEETING P ERLIC MEE-ETIN G On •MONDAY NGHT at '8. O'CLOCK MONDAY NIGHT at 8; O'CLOCK . At the -UGLY MEN'S ROOIS NKdeil's Chambers, Barrackatreet. The attendance of EVERY UGLY and all Helpers Required. THE - COMPANIES AGC. 1893. S. V. NEVANAS and Co., Ltd. Notice is hereby given that theRegistered Office of tie above.-company is SITUATED at SURREY" CHAMBERS, St George's-4errace, Perth. Dated this a.d day ofJanaury 1919., HAROLD HEBB.LETHWAI!P._hAttorney of the above company in Wesera Australia, by his solicitors, NICHOLSON and HEN'~BAN. /11 BUILDERS AND OGNTRACTORS. We are SOLE AGENTS in this State For THE BROOKS-ROBINSON SHOP FRONITS METAL MTOULDINGS, SHOP FITTfIN BRAGKETS, Etc., Etc. Shop Fronts Designed. Peraiculam and prices on application .to WHITTAXER BROS., Timber end Hardiware Merchants, Subiaco. ITHO'6 Your Dry Cleanert? Why, WV CHERRY'S, Claremont. 'Phone F478. Gent.s Suits a Speciality. Thirty Yee~' Practical Experience.

IV 1Y DO YOU ALWAYSG BATHE WITH THE HOTEL BlEU'? Said wifey at the seaside. "I may get a chance to rscue a cook to take borne with us," answered hub. In thtse days, whe help. is so hard to secure, it is good to know of "REX" GAMP PIE, for this appetising, ready cooked meet deaimcy stops the worry wrinkles and makes meal time a glad time. For Summer Imacheo?a, Teas, and Suppers you can get nothing more enjoyable. It is always fresh, cool, and inviting' wih its thick jelly and fintflavour. Serve "Rex" Camp Pie wish any sad-traight from. the tin. Slice it thin for the Luncheon and Picnic Sandwirbes. SOID BY GROOERS EVERYWHERE. Always keep a t.in in the mouse, and you'll be ready for aar omergeacy. FOGGITT, JOE`I, and (D., LTD., Packers of "Rex" Pure Food Products, Cures of "R e" Hams and Bacon. LGROWERS.-SHORTAGE OF SHEEP DIP. - s Although it is rumoured that there is shortage of Sheep Dip, due to the diffiulties of importing, as a matter of fact Australia has never been better placed in the availability of the RIGHT quality Dip, no matter how great the demand. "VALLO" Powder Sheep Dip cuts out the necessity for imported Dips. NO MATTER WHAT THEIR CLAIMS. "V'T le" Dip is manufactured in Australia, and proven to be chemically a .- physically equal to the best dip hitherto imported. Agents for Western Australia-Malloch Bros., 52-54 Willism-st. Perth. TOUR Grocer speaks the truth. Tront chet's BIG T. REMEDIES are the b~st. BUILDING MATERIALS. W TPIAKBR BROS, TIMBE and HARDWARE For IAiW TrIDD" RO4P IG. C000LER THAN IRON. INSURANCE. LONDON AND IANCASHIRE FIRE INSIBUbANGE CO, LTD. FIRE, ACCIDENT, MARINE. C. E. HARRISON, F foiing Perth.

BOANS FOR MONSTER BARGAINS BOANS LIMITED, are throwing out a WONDERFUL VARIETY of HOUSEHOLD REQUIREMENTS and WEARABLES, whose possibilities in the attainment of REALLY ECONOM:: AL SHOPPING, will be manifest at a glance. Now is your chance to secure in unexampled profusion SEASONABLE GOODS at BOANS -FAMOUS LOW PRICES.

-MILLINERY BAREGAINS. See our Special Window Display of1 Smart, Up-to-date Trimmed MILLINERY. showing all the beautiful styles, usual proes 30s. to 35s:; Special, 17s 6d. Children's Panama Cloth HATS rolled brims, four-piece. crowns, trimnied silk cords, 3s. lld. Large Coarse Straw SHAPES, in Tuscan only, 4s. lid. COSTUM[E DEPART=ENT OR SNAPS. Special Bargains in Holland, Crash DUST-COATS. with. large, deep collars, pockets and belt. 25s. See our table of One-piece Floral Voile FROCKS, in dainty colourings and de signs, 10s. . d. . Useful Dress SKIRTS, in. rey tweed made in the newest styles "12s.'ld. UNDEROLOTHING -AND ' CHILDREN'S DEPAR.TM1ET. SLadies' White Cotton Woven BL)OOMEaRS, elastic knees and *waist, . price 3s 6d. Good Washine Cambric UNDERSKIRtTS, in nu1nerous designs end colourings, goffered and plain frills; Pcries, 3s. lid. 4s. 6d.. 4s. lid Children's White Pique, also Plain and Check Zephyr Thatch BONEFAS; Pries, Is. Little Boys' TUNICS, in nary, drill. with white stripe, some with collars, others with white facings and belt; Price 2s! ld, CORSET DEPARTMENT. Royal Worcester CORSETS, Model 400, high bust, extra long hips and beok, double su spenders, Is. 8d. Royal Worcester . ORSETS. Model 587. extra low bust, long hips and back, for the average figure, spenders .attached, 13c 6d.. Bon Ton OORSETS Model 807, medium bust lgng. hips and back, made for full figure, in aonn white coutil, suspaeder attached, 22s 6d. MANCHlDsTE DEPAIRTMNT QUICK SELLERS. . Red and Black Hannelette TABLING, 48in wide, 2s. lid. yard.

Newest Designs Coloured Madras ,US. Ir7N, 36in. wide, Is. lid. yard. White Ground Striped Oxford SHEETLNG?, 30in. wide; Special Value, is. 6d. TARANTULLE, for dainty Homesewn Lingerie.-Standard, 40in. wide, Is. 9d. yard; fine 40in. wide. 2s. 3d. yard; super fine, 40in. wide, 2s. 6d. yard. DRESS -DEPARTMENT. Magnificent range of - Best Quality VOILES, in bright grounds with spots of navy or black, also dark grounds with pretty floral e.fects. See our window display of these goods. Special Price, .s. 31d. yard. Smart line of Tussore SUITINGS. suitable for children's suits or washing frocks, and nothing smarter for a lady's costume; Special Price. 2s. 3d. yard (32in. wide). Exceptional value -'in a good range of Check ZEPHYRS, a capital washer, mi all size checks; Special Price, is. 3d. yard. VEILING DEPAR.TMENT Just arrived. New Shipment of Net VEILING, very smart design.- in black, navy, brown, F?se blue, amethyst, flesh pink, white, putty, from sl. 3d., Is. 6d, Is 11d., per yard. Ninon VEILING in all aolnars, black, navy, grey, sae, brown, royal pink, sky, blue, emerald, bottle, green, vieux rose. cream, White, champagne, rod, sl. 6d. yard. -Washing VEIIJNG. in w'hite, very effeetive designs, 2. 3d, 2s. 6d., 2s. yads_-T7 i. LACE AND MBROIDPERY DEPARTMENT. A Real Bargain - in 45in. Wide Voile FLOUNOCINGS. nicely embroidered, very effective, only a few more pieces let, at Fs. lid. yard. Camisole MBROID?RY, in old values, splendid assortment, good ptterns worth 3s. 6d. yard; s. lld . Just arrived from England. a large aip ment of Shadow Lace OUNCINGS, L'prett patterns, 18 to 22 inohes, s. 6d., Is. lid.; 27 i>ches, 2s. 3d., 2s. 11d. yard. _ N ECWEAR SNAPS. God valu in White Embroidered Muslin roll CO , very peretty- paterns, plain or-guipure edge,.Is. 6d. emh..

Ladies' Thite Embroidered Muslin FRONTS. with roll collars, 2s. 6d. each. White Cream Net OLLARS, really effective line, square shapes, Is. 6d. each. HABERDASHERY BARGAINS. Pearl BEADS, best quality, filled, 10id., Is. 9d., 2s 6d. string.. Ivorine WOOL, Is, ball of one ounce. Rubber Blouse HOLDFASTS; 6i. each.. Borealis Lustre Embroidery COTTON, cream and white, 50-yard bai, 4s. 9d. doz. OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT FOR SUDiT T AT FIT. Ii you pride yourself on neat dress and wish to be comfortable in a smart well-fitting Suit you cannot do better than leave your order at our up-todat Tailoring Department. • We specialise in wll-fitting Garments, and the cut and fit of our Suits has made this department what it is to-day. Perhaps the only other reason we are doing such a large Tailoring Business is because we want but little profit on oun saits. As owing to our large turnover we are able to sell our suits very cheaply. Order from us and save money. SUITS inde to fit from 4, 5, and 6 guineas. S MEN'S TROPICAL SUITS. Men's Silk Finished British Poplin SUITS made with deep facings, quilted shoulders, hued yoke and sleeves, m fact every detail of taller-made goods. 2-piece military, 49s. 6d.- and 55s. Ditto. in three garment suits, ;coat:with .vest. rolled lapel etc., 59s. 6d. the suit. ' Men's 2-Garn~nt Chifoor Silk Military SUTS, 63s., 65s., 70s. Ditto, in 3-Garment tac SUITS 65s., 70s., 75. . Men's Fawn Camel Hair 2-Garment Militar SUIS. 45s. Ditto, in 3-Gament Sac SUITS. S0. Men's Navy Serge SUITS, reliable dye eaes, half lined and tailor-make and fmish, 55s., 63?., 67s. 6d., 75s. MENS MERCERY AND SHIRT DEPARTMENT. Men's Black or Navy Wool and Cotinn HALF HOSE.- wth spliced heel and toe,' Boans Prices. Is, 3s. 3d., Is. 6d., ls. 9d. All Wool, do. 2s. 6d., 2s. lid., 3s. .d: Dr Jseger's, 3s ld..

Men's Extra Quality H?rvard otsm Working SHIRTS, with collar and pocket, ell double sewn, and full cut; Boaas Price 6s 6d.. Men's White Mercerised Tennis SBIRTB, made from good-stout shiming, with collar and pocket; Boans Prices Ss. 11d., a. 6d., 7s. 6d. Men's White Cotton Sports SHIRT, cod and comfortable shirt for summer wear4 Boats Price 6s. Gd. GEN'TS' HAT DEPAElE T. Gents' Straw BOATERS, newest shapes 4s. 6.. 5s. 6d., 6s. d., 7s. Sd., 8s. 8d., 9s. 6d., 10s 6d 14s Gd and 18s 6d. Gents' Panama HATS, latest alapes 8s lid.. 10s. 6d., 12s. 6d., 15s. 6d., . d., 25.. 29s. 6d., and 35s. Gen as Felt HATE, npto-date shapes, black, brown, fawn, greys and natural, es. 6d., 8s. lid., 9s. 11., 12s. 6d., 14a. 6d., 16s. 6d. and 1Bs. 6d iEW YEAR BOOT SPECIAIB Ladies' White Canvas High Leg Derby Lace BOOT, latest shape, good fiting 15s. 9d. Ladies' Glace Nurse SHOES with shaped rubber heels, 4s. lid. -Vouths' Solid Box Calf BOOTS, hooks ans toecaps. 11 to 1. 7s. 11d.; 2 to 4, k8. lld. Men's Heavy Chrome Tan Military BOOTS, solid leather, 136. 9d. Children's Patent SANDATS, veldt eew. soles. 4 to 6 6s. 6d.; 7 to 10, 7s. 6d. FURNITURE FOR THE HOME. We have a Lagie Assortment of Sea-. grass and Cane FURNITURE at verymoderFie prices. Seagrass Chairs, 15s. 6d., 17s.. 6d., 22s. 6d. and 32s. 6d. Sea grass TABLES, 11s. 6d.. 15s. 9d. and 22a 6d. S2ft Gin. Wood BEDSTEADS, with 'win mattress, very strong,: splendid for veran-:. 'dah use, 395. 6d, Collapsible GOGARTS,' £3 16s. 6d. Folding Centre Handle SULKIES, 35s. 9d. 45s, 55s., and 58s. 6d. Oak HALTTANDS, -with see, and mirror, £3 15.. 6 x 3ft. Gin. Extension TABLES, opes out to full size; £3 19s. 6d.

MAIL ORDERS.-BOANS LIMITED, have a specially organised staff of experitiassistants who attend exclusively to Country Orders, which therefore, assures complete satisfaction. BOANS LItITED, Universal" Providers, Wellington .and Murray Streets, Perth. W. J. KIRKHAM, The SASH GROCER; is still going strong. HEAD OFFICE, 124 TOWNSHEND ROAD, SUBIACO. TeL A3320, and 17 ROKEBY ROAD, SUBIACO (Near Station), and ALBANY ROAD, VICTORIA PARK, Tel. A2983. ,Leave,: Post, or Ring ipp your .rder we do the rest : We deliver in- all Suburbs, Victoria Park to Claremont. JANUARY 4, 1919. Prices subject to Market fluctuations. Country Orders Packed and put on Rail Free of Charge.

ARROWROOT, 7Ad. lb. AXLE GREASE, best, is. tin. ALMONDS, soft shell, Is. 10d. lb. AMMONIA, Cloudy, is bottle. BLUi, Reckitt's, la 4d. dozen. BORAX, Powdered, 10d lb. BARLEY, Pearl, 3d. lb., 2s. 9d dozen BAKING POWDER, Excelsior, 2s. 3d. lb., Empire Is. 8d. BRUNSWICK BLACK, 6d bottle. BEANS, Haricot, 6d lb., 'Lima, 9d. lb. BROOMS, Millet, is 3d., 2s., 24 6d;, 3s each. BRARSO, 10d. tin. BISCUIT. Mills and Ware's or Hunt's-Rice, ginger nuts, tea, 4d. packet. Milk Arrowroot, bd. Abnott's ARROWROOT, 5&d.; Sao, -%d. CANARY SEED, 7d. bag. PARROT FOOD, 6d/ bag. CANDLES, 9d., 113. lb. CLOTHES INE, rope, 6d.; wire, 2s. CREAM OF TARTAR, 4s. lb., best French: Carb of Soda, 45. lb. CURRANTS, 8d. lb. CLOTHES PEGS, 3d. doz. CURRY POWDER, 6d. and is. tin. COFFEE, is 8d lb. CUSTARD POWDER, Empire, is. CORNFLOUR, 5d lb. COCOANUT, desiccated, 6d. end Is. pkt. COCOA, Cygnet, 9d., a good line. DRIPPING, Is. 6d. tin; bulk 8d. lb DUTCH CLEANSER,' 7d tin. ESSENCE OF LEMON, 7d. bottle. ESSENCE OF VANILLA. 7d. bottle. EXTRACT OF SOAP, undson's, Is. 6d dozen packets. p FRUITS. DRIED. PRUNES, is. 2d. lb. 'DRIED APPLES, 10d. lb. DRIED APRICOTS, prime, "s.3d. lb.. RAISTNS, best, 8d SULTANAS, best, 10d. GURRAN'TS, best, 9d. FRUITS, TINNED. APRICOTS, ls. 3d. PEARS. Is. 3d. APPLES, 10d. PINEAPPLES, 10d. ASSORTED, 13s. 6d. dozen FISH. BARDINES, Sd., 72d., 9d. and is. 3d. tin. SALMON CUTLETS, small, is SALMON, best red tall, is. 6d. tin FRESH IIERRINGS, 10d. HERRINGS IN SAUCE, hld. OYSTERS, is. in.

FLOUR, BE5T-ROLLER.-. 7Th. for Is.; Sacks, 17s..6d. for 1501h; 50tb bags, 6a 3d.; 251b. bags; 3s 3d. FLOUR, SELF RAISING KEYNOTE, 7tb. bags, la. lld. 2b. packets 74;. GOLDEN SYRUP, 21b. tins 9d.; 71b. tins 2s.6d. HONEY, pure, 6d. Ib., 101d. bottle. HONEY, 21b., tins, I?s. 2d.; 71b., 4s. JAMS, Jones's, 10s. 9d. doz.; Plum, 10'd. .JELLY CRYSTALS Pioneer, 5&d. packet; English; 61d. KEROSENE, "best," 8s. lld. tin. KNIFE POLISH, 9d. tin. LINO CREAM, Iamb's, 9d. tin. MEAT PASTES, 'Ameco, 4 t.. tin. MEAT PASTES, Morton's 3d.

"PASTE THIS IN THE KITCHEN. 1UFF SED." KIRKHAM'S GROCERY LISTS appear in this paper 1st: and 3rd. Saturdays of each month.

M. . ... LIFEGUARD, 8d. tin. NESTLE'S, 8d. tin. 8s. dozen. BA?CHUS MARSH, 8d. .tin, 8s. dozen. STANDARD, 8d. tin, 8s- dozen. PEA SOUP, sticks, Yd4. each; 2s. 3d. dozen. PEAS, Split 3d. lb., Blue, Boiling, 47d. lb. RICE, beet, 3d. lb.; 2s. 9d. dozen; 561b. bag, 12s. 6d. bag. SAUCE. TOMATO, A.F.L:, First' Quality, 9d. bot.; Rosella, ls.; Holbrook's, Is. 2d.. bot.; Jlealesville, and Al Australian. Worcestersbire'Sance, 9d. bottle. Try it. WORCESTER, large bottles is. SANOPER, 4d. SAND SOAP, 3d. STARCH. .Silver Star, packets, 7d.; Loose, 6id. SACGO, 3!d. SUGAR. SUGAR. Best Crystal, lA, 3d. lb.; 701ib. bag 19-. 6d. SUGAR, Icing 5d. lb.; Castor, 5d. lb. SUGAR; Loaf. 5d. lb. SALT. extra fine table, 141b., -is. MACARONI, Sd. lb.

VEERMICELLI, 5d. ptkt. MUSTARD. Coleman's and Keen's, is. 3d. tin. MATCHES, Safeties, best imported, 7d. doz.and 6s. 6d. gross. Wax, 6d. doz. NUGGET, 2ad. and 4id. tin OATMEALS. OATMEAL best, 71b. bag 2s: 2d. AVENA, 71b.bag, 2s. 4d BREAKFAST: DELIGHT, 71d packet. JOHN BULL OATS, 10d. packet. DIGESTIVE MEAL, 6&d. pcket. NEA'ISFOOT, Is. 3d. bottle. CASTOR, 10d.; SALAD, is. bottle. Crown SALAD, large. Z3. 6d. bottle. iaw LINSEED OIL, is. 3d. and 2s. 3d. bottle.

Boiled LMISEED OIL, s. 3d. a?d 2s. 3d. bottle. SEWING MACHINE, 6d.' Morton's OLIVE OIL. Is. 6d. PICKLES, A.F.L., 10d. PEPPER.. Pure WHITE.,-loose, 1s..9d. lb., 42d., 9d. tin.' SOAPS. PRESER.VENE, 4d.. 1d. bar. WHITE WITCH, 51d. bar. No. 1 BURFORD)'S, Is. Id. SIGNAL, is Id bar VELVET, 10d4 bar J?IFEBUOY, 3'd. bar; 3s 3d. dozen bars. SUNLIGHT, is 2d. box. MONKEY SOAP. 41d. bar; 4s. 3d. doz. BORAX SOAP, 5d. bar. TREACLE, 21b. tns. 8d.; 71b. tins, 2s 3d. TURPENTINE, Is. 6d. botile. TAPIOCA, 32d: lb. VINEGAR 6d.. 9d.. and 10d. bottle. SHINiOLEUM, 10d. tin. VUT.CANOL, 7d. tin. ZEBRA, 6d. tin. TEA. No. 1 Ceylon, blended, is. 3d. lb.; 100 M- 1,....a 'l 9.

ROBUR, No. 1, Is. 9d.; No. 2, Is. 7d.; No. 3, Is. 4d. AM3GOORIE, No. 1, is. 9a.; No. 2. 1. ad. ,IPTON' Tellow, Is. 9d. TOBAC'0. EAVELOCK, I rge plugs, dark. Is. 5d. VENUS, dark, Is. 10d. plug. YANKEE DOODLE, large plugs, 1s. 5d. VICTORY, is. 84. TOBACCO, CUT. CAPSTAN, Is. 2d. tin. HAVELOCK, special mixture . Z?. pkt.; light or dark, Is. d. pkt. `ICE -EGAL, Is. 3d. PRODUCE. POTATOES, Is. 4d., Is. 6d. stems. ONIONS, 2d. lb. BRAN, Is. 2d. bushel; 'sag loates, Is. ld. POLLARD, Is. 4d. bushel; bag lots, Is. 3d. WHEAT, best,' 5s. bushel, 4s. 95. bag lots. SHELL GRIT, 3s. 3d..cwt, 2Blb. Is. CHAFF, OATS, BARLEY, otc., marke rates. CHICK PEED,. 121b. for 2s. c~d. DAIRY PRODUCE. BUTTER, only one in it, Kirkham's Special Is .11d. EGGS, fresh, market rates. CHEESE, "Rex,' 10d. BACON, Parmers, Is. 1?d. lb. br side. PATENT MEDICINES AND FOOD. Blosisto's EUCALYPTUS, Parrot brand, 8ad. -eecham's PIIJS Is. 2d. and Is. 5d. .Bonnington's IRISH MOSS Is. 3d Chamberlain's "OUGH REMEDY, Is. 5d. Deoan's PILLS, 2s. 9d. box. California SYRUP OF FIGS, Is. 5d. EPSOM SALTS, 2s 6d. box. Stearne's HEADACHE CURE, 19d. box. VASELINE. 6d. jar; lib. tins 2s. GLYCERINE, ?Od. lottle. ZAM-BUK, Is. 6d. Clements TONIC, 2. 3d. and 4s. 3d. bottle. MAGNESIA. fluid. Kruse's 10d. bottle. LACTOGEN, 5s. 9d. tin. GLAXO. 5s. 6d. tin. WOODS' PEPPERMINT GUIE. Is. 4d. Country Orders Packed and Put on Rail Free of Chtrme.


THE FAMILY STI3ULANT. 'WOLF''S SCQI NAPPS. THE BEVERAGE THAT BENEFITS. A LTI'TLE WOLFE'S SCHNAPPS NIGHt AND MORNING WILL KEEP TISE KIDNEYS AND BOWELS IN GOOD ORDER. AT PRESENT PRICES ADAMAX ASPHALTUM BOOFING IS MUCH CHEAPER THN -G ALVANIERD IRON. Figuo out the saving in frst cost and in freight. Yet Adamax Roofag will oet last galvanised iron because:AdA3LAX ROOFING is not affected by climatic changes end will not uast or pinhole from exposure to rain, acids, gases, etc., and does not afect drinking water. ADA31AX ROOFING will not rot-it contains no tar, resin, or fishl oil. ADAMIAX ROOFING is many degrees cooler than iron ADAMAX ROOFING may be used for lining Wooden Tanks and making water tight. 1,000 rolls used on Government Freezing Works, Wyndn n. 1,500 rolls used-n Imperial woolsheds, North Frenmantle. WILLIAM ADAMS & CO., LTD., 3s5 KINEET, EIT. .

DURABESTOS ROOFING DURABILITY, EFFICIENCY. BOONOMY. .DUIABIETOS SLATES are edmirably adapted for the Australian climate. Your house covered with DURtABESTOS SLATES is warm end cosy in winter, yet in the beat of the summer is always cool. There is no loss by breakage, and it is fire resisting, vermin proot and absolutely indestructible. Booklet and full partionlars free by calling or writing to Wunderlich Limited, Manufacturers, FACTORY AND SHOWROOM: iLD4¶ED& FIEE fflU 'EDL'E ,IG A614A3 S