South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 30 April 1845, page 3


BY the [?] Maria, arrived it Hobart Town on the 3rd of April, we have English news down to the 24th of De- <*> cember.

IM fUBUHI* alMMfet thtt L'OUtt Ift that her Majesty is s^ain emeiemi*. Parliament baA been prorogued from the 12th of Deeembe* to th. 4th of February, then to meet foe the de? lite Omrt Journaloi th« 19th De etmbtr has th« feUowing cxtraordiaaryj leadsr, which we as* utterly enable to ferhom: W* us aot Ifeotsat of the nmmun wfciea ar«foihv*ri<Hisly waifpsraa; turn Mac ptrsww of the mott«S*(ted raak ; but dM subject ? ftr too delteiU* c*? 4w«ll «? eft preseat^ wm •saedallv wi«6« atiiub a bane, afaaaat mwnmartag t? >pr?yr f •?«<?> At fftfw rayon 6aa«t wholly Arise, stock «u^erMmi has bam asodby Hhm« wfcs? antst h* ttu^ewteA to tava accurate faJbraMtina. Ok ttta Mitrmy't Review ?f the 10th of April remark* :— UlstWttarfcabla that at tha «aty noMeat when taJa mtoor was the tuJbfceat of Cuort wfaUpwtof*. tae Queen sad Maeo Albtrt •m svepsriaa; •? ?«t (*• D«t« «f WdSag^M •t fttraiaieUwm, wfam him G**em was ml Uaf tan MM* mMU miiNMii far ifceir l^t^MlM. Iwa ia certaia, tiMt the Mrry Ai>A«^ punfiM of la* Koyal PnaSf caaaat be rufoti^bt fodws*. ft a «tnwi dboat the Conrt tk«t atv UfaJ?ttj iaagidki nwcMlk. TW, nest trtfinl «n? awMMHHr, awdt* kaavs cither tltat th# iwim is, at aW Cfearf Jmummt ItaffMk altacMltor felw. «r brW pwtirakn of tfca " <ttftnat?i" «UM«* to, vsit«rsta ftmii xlii poblifli. A Urn Mfcer txtracta art ail for which w? am aow abk to find room :-CwaijiiiwaKu fVfiNr* «f Gnaia.—Weekly A*«n«iw fcf ta« Eaiperial <|«Hrtsr v from the Gma*m «f PfUay, Deecwber l« 9 l«*4 — Whu*. 45b. W. < an**, as*. ia.«- <mk 2:^ •i t fj*. Ma, **•? Imaa* 18c; fMa, as*. a^WW a*V aaiaiP B^a^^a^a^^al?w y^a>a^a^ar W^aa?PW^ B^^^a^a^Bavvamr M? !S43:~Wik?*t. Mo. lij bwky, 3>« ed,; aaia> It*.; iy^ «P?w 74 t Wav, 81*. Milt A towiiwafcai —Miiiw aw aoaa fmi«4 by ? wiMt aW ta? Oi wiiMiaiai anw I yyhy •? .aW Taw per Cam aVAieitd. Tart AhmHb alwayaa awto iwwr tihrn * Chawh/* Wemfg •f Uni wa—fauna t** it *fli la dbctargerf Itt?*l?-id tht Sir aVihart PtalaMmMoalv >? fdiww th« bti w>> to two «ul *~h«ir. gi*k?£ •a* ?ptiM to (ikoM •awUkoklM* whowUlset tal« e?H aMa b> B« fkU •#. Tlw r«part •# a^^?a> Vav ?BPw? wP ■*^a^p ■^Hf lHaaaw«)r taMMf bto a?«at?bH?dL «pw mortgage and BttukM*!** j.* ftMm afeaaat Aamt Bil?at oWaam Ik?^^B?aw WapPPNi ■• W?w |V* ••■■'•ft •■• «a> VffJM awaiW ttHMIMt. CjaVHH^^ Ittft Aflf Oft- ftlfeA- ftAhE fi^^K^ft* a?r*tioof All ta« fcnafaa f>f«f aaiar &? aWetibiaf; wJtfea aai aaai mtpemtmd t* away ?««*. W« aaiK? Mat fcflowi«g: —fc«< •# a letter awMa a fjMHwawi of aiaja wpcdMaHity v wWch awy laiwfiMia a? tdbA aaoat*-* laaaea. l*ta Dmssmbm. IMS ""t •oda* vwbf hMntfiwa) sf •hjbjpaMt fl^wv Waflb Pit:. lanuvtaaiaaa aawataa *?tflm*j tki* jmr Imm tmn fail fe> ••* «ther«4«!n:_£(in« UNlittAj. a^Ma> t^riii 9aW fl?aaaka> Vf aH>W 4W a^aa^aarai *— ■aw* a?lawa? avlW^av •■/•••a^ aavavalMaj aai tola* Marietta AoVnec«f !««.aad pW* pPr Ioal* Cal|Ow v 4aVa% 9|MRw OH* JfrcPw to JIJ? t h^*A MMMr, X?a t« X 91 1 Mac* «6V 4t6to«3S; wb*UtHMW, £910 to £230"

THE LATE MRS ALLAN.—The remains of this lamented lady were interred on Tuesday, the 11th ult. at the station of Mr Wills, Mount William. They were followed to the grave by the gentlemen from the country round, who had received intelligence of the deplorable event, the deep solemnity of whose bearing, abun-dantly testified the high estimation in which they held the deceased. It may be gratifying to the distant relatives of a lady so deeply lamented to learn, that on the arrival of the funeral procession at the station, the remains were borne to the grave by six of the gentlemen present. Mrs Allan was the daughter of Captain Lipson, R.N., now resident in Adelaide. It appears that the medical attendant (Dr Power, of Bininyong), entertained serious apprehensions for the safety of the deceased for some time previous to the fatal event ; and regardless of self, remained with her to the last. It is scarcely necessary there-fore to add, that every means humanity could devise were resorted to; but in a case so hopeless, medical skill was of no avail. "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away." The attention of Dr Power to the inestimable lady, were so gratifying to her friends present at the last sad office, that with much importunity, they obtained his acceptance, as a last testimony of their regard, of a purse of twenty guineas.—Geelong Advertiser.