South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 26 April 1845, page 3

Powyk op MsacHAST* to see roit sn Ai.r.j q-iaSTlTic* or Srinrrw. —We direct atten- j lion to a decision of the Resident ttagm- j tfaj?« iattt tlhev column, by which it will ; be seen that an uulieetned person may re. j cover for a small quantity of ►ririts. WM?e?| or beer, although b« had sul?j**cteil htm. ; •elf to • fine for setting it. This will be news of ute**st H? many who have Hither** j been eontpetted to sumbniit to a fraudu- | teat refusal of a just d«tbt? from the fear,j that by enforcing i, they might draw upon themselves a penalty. We know teveral instance* where, as a favour to oblige a friend, a mingle gaUuti or so baa be ?a sold from my fine sampL*, and where the buyer has neglected or refused to pay, sheltering himself under the disgraceful plea, Uiat the transaction was illegal. Mr Wigfcy explained the first clause of the Act (2nd. Victoria, *. I , aa only inflicting a fine, but not •• depriving'he aeUer of hia right to payment for hia goods. And if oar friend* refer to the 54th clause, they wilt me, th-w after the sale haa hem effected three wwmffr'S no infartnaJtioa or complaint can be bud Cor the purpose of recovery or fine. We hope «hia decision will lead to the settlement of many mkv dierepntabie account. Co? Fumu —Out city wa? yesterday liberally supplied with cod fish from the Hurray. They were of a large size, weighing from fifty to sixty pounds each, and were offered for sale in Hindiey-street at threepence to fourpenee pet pound. They were brought from the river to Adelaide in twenty-four hoars, and were perfectly fresh. We hear that some enterprising parties have made preparation* to supply ua weekly with the produce of the Mwrray during the approaching season. T«« AcetfO? Mart.—Mr Neales haa now fiurly completed hia very spirited undertaking, and not only has own rooms, tat «W two tittle shops at the entrance ate open. The effect is very good, and will MBsJad thoaw who remember I.ondon of tka futWHMM to the Royal FjcHiange. On the right hand is our old friend PlatU, wiih his stores of literature for the enJture of the mind; while lest dux refreshment of 4fc* body should be neglected, his fhif neighbour on the left displays upon to wULfiHttd counters, pastry, sandwiches, and biscuits. We wish them both race***.

Mining Association.—The election of directors will take place to-night at the Auction Martt Tavern. Our friends will not forget the chairman's notice last week, that he should requre all who voted to produce their scrip. The following is a list of those nominated for directors:— Charles Beck, Hon. Jacob Hagen, John Cundy Sieman, Emanuel Solomon, Henry Mildred, Alderman William Peacock, William Paxton, Samuel Stocks. junr., Matthew Smith, George Bean, Samuel Payne, Thomas Whistler, Robert Sanders. Tom Cox Bray. and Edward Castres Gwynne—of these seven are to be chosen. Taa Comus?M«a?, ep Pouck.— Mr , Finnias (hw month's leave of absence hnvtng •KMcod), has nistimsd h? duties «t the Polic* Court, m C?rri?-street. Tbo wwnfa> magistiMc look hb seat on the bench |tatari?y. T«« Q&rumMim!'* Tfci? tx tb? •* JTuw **? Emjm.w—From our shipping hvell*. gene* it wUI be seen that hw Excellency list Governor, with a smalt party of friends. | sailed on Wrfntday m the newty.pur cheated cutter Jmm amd JSmum. under the «ommaod of Captain Lip«oo, R.N., Iv visit iko islands and mneh of the coast of the colony. The result of hw excursion may b* important, involving, as it probably will, some changes at Port fineofanand the establishment of a township at Bivoli Bay. Wo aw glad, too. that be m accompanied by Mr Ang«s, from whose faithftil pencil wo may expect a pleasing iHwtwttow of the journey. Tiuokskak's Bajuu.—A privale pany was given at the Fraemason's Tavern, | on Tuesday, intended as the first of a se. rias of Tradesman's foils. We bear that tho who? want off mast plaaaantly. The company was large and respectable, and not a sutgfecttfttir* tempt happened to ruffie the mirth of the night which was extended wi h nnabaied vigour long beyond the •• weesma* hours," nor ceased until the! sum had peeped above the mountains, Sift*.-—-A most distressing fife occur- j iwd on Sunday at the Reed Beds, by which Mt Miller lost corn to the amount of £250, and everything also belonging to him except his bnllockt and two sacks of flour,' which Utter were fortunately at the mill.' We hare just k^srd of another fire at Mr Cow's, Thebarton which he supposes to have been from malice. We do not know the particulars, but we believe it is a anwll affiur.

ALboaj. Furrow.—A party, not very twwrwrt with the eabtletKe of the Imw. one day bnt week, made hi* appearance at the Sfttident MagtHmfru Court, and with a long fan*, complained to the etek of Che court that he had come in some distance ft«m tfce eounti?, for the purpose of having * aaiatake reettfed in a mbpawia he had taken out to aerve, the previous day. And haviog handed the auatertow deonnent «ftlt c etnae of awe to tta* functionary^ reanestod that the witneaa "John DoeV ttanw night be ttraek out. v he waa not •anaJ?tad with any raeh peraw. neither did be require him on the day of trad. Mr Fhipaon endewvottred to explam to him the legal action, bat a ill that it was uetiewwy that that omnipresent personage ahonJd be, at Court on the appointed day. Tlte apoti- ' mat went away? lootntg more packed than ; «ver. B*ppy ■?•> • **<& ignorance is blia*. tin follY to be «ie«. GovcmvansT DcnssTiracv. —The two Oovemmeat Dehentnrva advertiaed by If r Menlee, were cold yeeterdaf. That for £100 to the Beak of Sonih Aitatraliaai 15 per «ent. diaeonnt. and that for £138 fc. M.,<Ottw IW Lodge of Odd Fellowa fcf JCIW («ho«t U per cent. dU

count). These investments will yield in. tercet at about 5f per cent.

CiTTt* M abject, Wcdsksdw, Ap&il 23—We had an average supply of cattle this morning, both for the knife and yoke, which realized better prices than of la'e; this may be owing to the very short supply of sheep fit for daughter. Indeed, so scarce is this description, of stock, that 12s. each has been freely offered for sheep of 601b. weight, and heavier in proportion. Total at market: -Fat oxen, 2« ; working seers, II; dairy cows, 9; sheep, 267.

The V«b at Swah Rtvam.—The rapid growth and abundant fruitfulness of the vine in this colony, together with the ready manner in which it at once adapts itself to our soil and climate, h«s long excited very just admiration. Another example, worthy to be recorded among the rest, is cow afforded by the success which has attended the rearing of the very valuable cuttings lately imported from New South Wales. These cutting* were planted only eighteen months ago, and several of them are now bearing fruit; in the garden of William Henry Mackie. Esq.. there is one from which a bunch of grapes was gathered on Monday last weighing; nearly I Ib. These cuttings, 32 in Bomber, were imported from the botanical garden at Sydney, bhere they were selected as the 32 beet aorta out of between 7 and 800 choice varieties; a fact which at ones establishes their very great value. It will be gratifying to those friendly persons in Sydney by whose kindness these cuttings were procured, to know that not a single one of them has been lost; the whole «i the 32 having taken root, and are thriving prodigiously, and several of them, as we have stated, already bearing fruit. Such of the fruit as has yet been gathered is of a remarkably fine and high flavour, and would dosdttless,'under proper management, produce wine of a superior uuahty. — Perth Enflair cv, Feb. 26.