South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Wednesday 1 May 1844, page 3


[Abridged from the Southern Australian.]

On Saturday, at one o'clock, a meeting was held in Messrs Lambert's rooms, pursuant to a requisition in the public newspapers. Present—the hon. Messrs J. Morphett, and J. Hagen, Messrs E. Stephens. J. Ba-

kcr, F. H. Dutton, G.L. Aston, W. Giles, T. Gilbert, W. Peacock, W. G. Lambert, G. S. Kingston, George Morphett, Ind, Thompson, Duffield, Clark, Nash, Wyatt, Phillipson, Stocks, Wotherspoon, Everard, and G. Stevenson. The Hon John Morphett was called to the chair. Mr Morphett staled that the present meeting had been convened by a number of gentlemen who were members of, or subscribers to, the society for the pur-pose of making arrangments for properly conducting the affairs of the society, and particularly for electing office-bearers for the year ending, as he understood, in December last. Mr Stocks said that the committee had prepared a report, which he would, by permission of the chair, read to the meeting. The report is as follows : Report of the Committee of the South Australian Agricultural and Horticultural Society, to the General Meeting on the 17lh April, 1844. "The committee under whose superintendence the last annual exhibition of native produce took place, consider it their duty to report to the present general meeting, that after paying all prizes offered and com-peted for, and the several extra rewards recommended by the judges to be given, as well as every other expense of the occasion, there remains at this date to the credit of the Society, in the Bank of South Australia, the sum of £36 19s. 9d. The committee have seen an advertisement in the newspapers, calling a meeting of another Agricultural Society for a day next month, which, as it bears the signature of the gentleman who acted with such cre-ditable zeal as secretary to this Association at the last meeting, and if unexplained would lead to erroneous conclusions, some brief notice of the facts is required at their hands. In August last year, a number of respectable indi-viduals organised an association for the particular purpose, it is believed, of encouraging farm servants, under the title of the "South Australian Ploughing Match Society." They suddenly changed this name to that of the "South Australian Agricultural Society." The mem bers generally of this society made no objections to the Ploughing Match Association partially assuming the name and duties of a society already existing, the mem bers of which, notwithstanding the times of depression and private suffering which then unhappily prevailed, continued to exert themselves in carrying out its de- signs, as at least one exhibition of Colonial produce annually during the last four years testified. But the necessity of union in matters so exclusively affecting the general good, and the evident propriety of including in an association like tho present not a sectional interest, or a single class of the community, but all interests and all classes, strongly impressed the members of this committee with the feeling, that two similar institutions in the same place could not beneficially exist. It was with satisfac-tion, therefore, that they understood an amalgamation to have been effected, and the co-operation of both in the common cause secured. This understanding was con firmed by the facts, that from the period of the public meeting in January last, several members of both com-mittees acted in concert, nnd all subsequent proceedings were taken in the name of the South Australian Agricul- tural and Horticultural Society; the gentleman alluded to acted as secretary to this committee, corresponded and received moneys under this designation, nor was it until afier the requisition, calling the present general meeting appeared in the newspapers, that the advertise-ment of the Agricultural Society referred to was put forth. With these few explanations tbe matter is left in the hands of the society itself; the committee sincerely trust that no division of interests will take place, but that the Colonists will frankly agree to sink minor differences, or small jealousies, and cordially unite to support an associ-ation. having for its chief object the encouragement of their own industry and enterprise, and the earliest de-velopment of the internal resources of the Province. It was understood by the committee, that all contri-butors to the last exhibition of sums not less than 7s. 6d. should be considered members of the society for the current year. The committee recommend that this un- derstanding be confirmed by the present meeting, and the lowest qualification for a member of the society to be fixed at a like sum, payable at Christmas in each year. Donations and contributions of larger sums, it is hoped, will be made by those whose means permit, but the committee are of opinion that the rate of annual payment mentioned will encourage the Colonists gene-rally to become competitors at the future exhibitions of the society. The committee have pleasure in reporting, that his Excellency the Governor was pleased to become the patron of tbe society, and beg to recommend that the society be managed by a town and country committee, to be appointed at this meeting for the current year. Upon the report being read--Mr Wotherspoon rose and said that as he had been alluded to in the report, and as he had hitherto acted as secretary to the society, though the report had been drawn up without his knowledge, and without any communication being made to him, he would take the liberty of correcting a number of blunders and mis- statements which were made in it. Mr Stevenson rose to order Mr Wotherspoon could not properly make any observation upon the report, until its adoption by tbe meeting had been moved and seconded. The chairman having decided that that was the proper course, Mr W. resumed his seat. Mr Stephens moved the adoption of the report. He said that he did not consider it amenable to the charges which Mr Wotherspoon had so unceremoni- ously made against it. The public good alone was the object they had in view. They wished to enlist the zealous support of the community in organising this society. They had taken tbe steps which were narrated in that report, which was strictly correct; and it was for the good of the society that it should be adopted. Mr Stocks seconded the motion. Mr Wotherspoon begged leave to make an expla- nation. This society was the Agricultural Society, and it was a meeting of the Agricultural Society which got up the last exhibition. In order to prove this it would only be necessary for him to read the minutes of the several meetings, which had taken place in reference to it. The first was held on the 24th October last, and there were present, Messrs Frew, Auld, senior, Auld, junior, Thornber, Masters, Mc Ewen, Wotherspoon, Pinkerton, Stocks, and E. Stir- ling ; Mr Frew, chairman. He then read the resolu- tion passed by that meeting, as well as the advertise ment published in the newspapers on the authority of the committee, for a general meeting of the members of the society, to take place on the 13th January. The public meeting was held accordingly, John Morphett, Esq., in the chair; and the resolutions were as follows : — "That the Committee of the Society, wiih power to add to their number, be requested to make the preliminary arrangements for the exhibition of produce in February. That the meeting for the exhibition be held in the vicinity of Adelaide, instead of in town. That a deputation, consisting of the Chairman, the

Advocate-General, Mr E. Stephens, and the Secretary, be appointed to wait upon the Governor, to solicit his patronage. That Wednesday, the 14th February, be appointed the day of exhibition." The Committee met on the 17th January, and the minute is as fol-lows : —" At a meeting of the committee of the South Australian Agricultural Society, held in Mr Wother-spoon's house, in Grenfell-street. Present—The Hon. W. Smillie, Messrs Stocks, Stephens, Stevenson, and Wotherspoon, Mr Stocks, Chairman." Messrs Smillie and Stephens reported that the deputation ap-pointed by the public meeting of Saturday last, waited upon the Governor to-day, by appointment. His Ex ccllency was pleased to assure them of his desire to promote the interests of the Society by all means in his power, and he would assist the Committee in the arrangements for tho show by such means as the Go-vernment had in their power to render. His Excel-lency would, moreover, furnish his private subscrip-tion, and become patron of the Society." Mr W. then read the rest of the minute, which contains a copy of a note by the Private Secretary to him, enclosing a subscription of £10 to the Agricultural and Horticultural Society ; and the nomination, under the power to add to their number, of a large list of gentlemen, as town and country directors. The committee also recommended " that a communication should be opened with the other two societies in the Province, whose objects are similar to those of the South Aus-tralian Agricultural Society with the view of effecting a coalition." This minute is signed " Samuel Stocks, jun., Chairman." Another meeting of the Committee of the Society was afterwards held on the 18th Jan., at which Mr Frew, president of the society, was pre-sent. The minute is as follows :—" Bank of South Australia, Adelaide, 18th January, 1844.—At a meeting of the committee of the South Australian Agricul-tural Society, held here this day—Present, Hon. Wm. Smillie and John Morphett, Messrs Frew, Stephens, Stocks, Stevenson, and Wothcrspoon; Mr Frew, chairman"—at this meeting the regulations were made for the exhibition. It, therefore, appeared, continued Mr Wotherspoon, that there were not two societies, but one. The gentlemen who had got up the requisition appeared determined to establish ano-ther. He regretted it, because he would be sorry to see a split. He had made his explanation, however, and he had only lo add one thing more, which was personal to himself. The term of service of the of-fice-bearers expires in about eight days, when, according to the rules, new officers would be appointed for the ensuing year, and he considered that the call-ing of the present meeting to appoint new officebearers was a mark of disrespect to himself. What the other office-bearers might think he did not know. Mr Stephens said that it was an anomaly to see mis-understandings exist as to who shall be foremost in working for the benefit of the Colony, and contending as to what is the best way, and how they shall to the greatest extent advance its interests. He considered that this was a pleasing characteristic of the Colonists. He had heard for the first time that there were other societies in existence. The truth was, that they had coalesced. He had always understood that there was formerly a Ploughing Match Society, and that an amalgamation with the others had taken place. He remembered that, when the deputation waited on his Excellency, at which, if he mistook not, the Secretary was present, it was stated to his Excellency that the two societies had amalgamated, and in that view the Governor had, in the most handsome manner, given his assistance towards getting up their magnificent exhibition. He (Mr S.) was much surprised to find that a misunderstanding had taken place. No motive could exist on their part other than to advance the interests of the Province, and, by the junction of the two societies, to get up a better show. Several members of the old society were now members of the new one, and this was done according to the recom-mendation of the public meeting. The old society had stopped for want of funds. A little money was due to India for plants, and they thought it would be better to associate with the new society. The old society was named the Agricultural and Horticultural Society, and the new society had no right to take the title of the Agricultural Society. But the secretary was egregiously mistaken when he supposed that this meeting was got up to oppose him. His friend acted very well—he never knew a better secretary—only his friend from the north of Scotland had got a crotchet in his head, that they wanted to make two societies. This was qnite a mistake, as they had no desire to shut out men from either committe (as we understood). Mr S. hoped that any discussions on the sub-ject would be forgot, and that matters would go on pleasantly. The present meeting was called to decide what should be done in the circumstances, to arrange as to the funds, and to elect new office-bearers. The meeting, in fact, was called because the secretary re-fused. After some little further discussion, in which Messrs Stephens, Wotherspoon, Stevenson, Peacock, and Giles took part, the report ot the committee was put and carried. Dr Nash then proposed that the old committee should be re-elected. This was seconded by Mr G. Morphett. Dr Everard moved, and Dr Wyatt seconded, that the old committee should be re-elected, with the ad-dition of Messrs Trimmer and Peacock to the Town Committee. This last was put as an amendment, and carried. Dr Wyatt moved, and Mr Stephens seconded, that Messrs Anstey and Fortnum be added to the Country Committee. Mr Stocks proposed Mr G. S. Kingston as secretary, in consequence of these circumstances. Mr Giles asked whether Mr Wotherspoon could not still act. Mr Wotherspoon was heard to say that he held himself secretary till the 7th May. Mr Aston wished that the office should not be filled till after that period, and that the committee should then have power to appoint Mr Wotherspoon. Mr G Morphett proposed that Mr Kingston be appointed secretary pro tem, and that the committee have power power to appoint Mr Wotherspoon. Messrs Wyatt and Giles took the same view : and a motion was made to that effect, and unanimously agreed to. Mr Stephens proposed Mr A. Forster, as a member of the Town Committee ; and Mr Evans, of Angas Park, as a member of the Country Committee, Agreed to. Mr Slater, as a lover of horticulture, was added to the Country Committee, on the motion of Mr Thomas Gilbert. Mr Baker proposed that the stock show should take place in the first week in September. This was unani-mously agreed to, and it was intimated that a dinner should take place after the show—admission to mem-bers only. Thanks having been voted to the Chairman for the able and disinterested manner in which he had dis-charged his duties, the meeting broke up. Travel, it has been said, may make a wise man wiser ; but it makes a fool worse. A few drops of ox-gall mixed with ink makes it flow easily from the pen, and enables persons to write on greasy paper. By adding an equal quantity of spirits of wine, the gall may be preserved in constant readiness for use.