South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 27 May 1843, page 3

!r's circular under date of Deceme7th.~ ie termination of the public sales of Go-' iVool, which commenced on the 24th we submit tbe following statement of ntities and prices at which the various s were s ?J«1. ittondance of buyers was large, and the vent oft'with much spirit, at prices how an advance of from Id. to 2d. per low and (Diddling qualities, but little, on the 6ner sorts, over our sales in bcr last. This advance, we presume, attributed to the cessation of hostilities Hast, and to the prospect thus afforded ing new markets to the manufactnrers country. 7376 bales Australian, t. d. s. d 0 10*to2 Oi L ? 1 1? led 0 7 10* id skin 0 9} 1 ti* pieces, and fribs 0 7 17* id part black 12 18 887 bales So'ith Australian. cces 12* 1 4 mbs* 10 1 2i washed 0 7 10 2676 bales Port Phillip. eces I 1* I 5J robs 0 10 17 washed 0 7 10 pc ami skin 0 10* 1 2} cks, pieces, and fribs 0 7* 1 1* cv and part black 0 7* I 3J 2070 bales Van Diemen's Land. wees 10 19 ■mbs' 10 114 ■trashed 0 6* 1 I* Hpe and Skin 0 10* 1 2$ Kcfcs, pieces, and fribs 0 8 15 ■rey and part black 0 7 0 8 ■ 2222 bales Cape of Good Hope. ■cece 0 C* I 4* ■tto (1 bale)... 1 7* ■nibs' 0 7 14* ■washed 0 4* 0 8j ■ipe and skin 1 O Kicks, pieces, and fribs 0 5* I 2 ■rey and part black 0 9* 1 0 I East India. ■4 bales, at I*dto9d per lb., as in colour, ■ quality, and condition. ■ Colonial, 15325 bales, and 1205 bales brouk-Hsthed Odessa, Odessa Merino, Dnnskoi, ■mnisli. German, African, and South Ameri■n wool. Total, 16530 bales. ■ Hazaiid & FEimr, Wool Broken, ■ 2, Samhrook-court, Bassingliall-etreet. Kondon, Dec. 7, 1642.

The Dorset is positively to sail tolorrow, having been only 6even days in ort. This is despatch indeed. A new club has, we understand, been rganized, to be called the Adelaide, and ot the South Australian Club, the terms f admission to which are 10 be £8 Bs., nd £4 4s. per annum subscription. We rith it better success, and more stability, ban its predecessor. We have much pleasure in contradicting ?? report respecting the failure of the wnersof the Emma, Messrs T. and N. Voolcy, of Sydney, occasioned, no doubt, >)■ the stoppage of the house of Campbell nd Wooley, of Port Phillip, but with j rtiich the Sydney house is in no way contacted. This fine brig, we are happy to tear, is to be continued in the trade. She tas just contracted with the Government a take the prisoners to Van Piemen's ■and, and will positively clear out on Tuesday next. The Town Council, we observe, from m advertisement in another column, arc bout to be sold up on Friday next. This s a positively disgraceful affair, and ought at once to be resented. Plenty of money to pay off the debts is in the hands of Mr John Morphctt the Treasurer, but this he illegally advised not to part with until lomething is done towards amending the Act. It is with great pleasure we learn that Mr McEwen, well-known as Mr George Stevenson's gardener, is about to publish a work to be called the " South Australian VIGNEHON and GaJIDENEIIS' MiSUMi." The best test of Mr MeEwen's capabilities and experience in this department is to be had in the success with which his past efforts inSoulhAustralian horticulture have been crowned. From our knowledge of Mr McEwen, and from what we have heard of the proposed work, it is one, which ■hould at once, and which must eventually, find its way into the hands of every settler in the Province. The practical hints of practical men are what the Colonists want. No time, we hope, will be | lost in filling up the subscription list. In our last, we suggested the propriety of some testimonial of esteem to Mr Jacob Montifiore. This suggestion, we arc to *ay, has been taken up, and is Hput to be acted upon, a dinner being A \rtised to be given to Mr Montifiore on Wednesday next. We may now reasonably expect to be better supplied with Gsh than in times past—codfish weighing from 20 to 80 pounds each being taken in the Murray, ■nd we MndersUnd that a certain quantity will be brought into Adelaide at regular periods. This fish takes salt readily, j Wid either fresh or cured, will be an ■greeahfe addition to our bills of fare. The Adelaide houuds went out on Wednesday last, and had an excellent run ' ?F about five miles, killing the fox, which' Fas turned up in the neighbourhood of the pon-rtores, in the open plains near the! Palf-way house on the road to the Port. ] Pr Williams, late of the " Victoria Hotel," '■J *he successful competitor in the run, •w carried off the brush. Tm first Day with thb Southern lotmns.—Adelaide, May 28th 1813.— «~On Taetd&y, the 23d nit.. I met the outlMra, l«t« the Onkaptrings hounds,

now hunted by Mr James. The morning was all that a sportsman could wish—;i kangaroo was soon found in the neighbourhood of Mr Boord's station, at Currykalinga, which we killed after a severe run of twenty-five minutes among this adjoiuine stony-ranges. Having refreshed ourselves with a pipe, aud the merry little pack being still eager to renew the sport, we " tited" our game, and soon started a fljingdoe, which gave us a splendid run over the fine grassy country towards Mr Robinson's station ; and after threequarters-of-an-hour, with only a single check of a few minutes, we ran into her iti the open, having held her in view at a truly racing pace, for the last half-mile. Should the foregoing prove interesting to any of your sporting readers, you will perhaps find spare room for it in your valuable paper. I remain, Mr Editor, yours, &c, NiiCK on Nothing.

The libraries of three of our Colonists (two of them, Dr Harvey of Port Lincoln and Mr T. A. Forrest of the Mount Barker district, lately deceased), have just been brought to the hammer. Mr Forrest's, which was sold by Mr A. H. Davis, comprised a number or" the genuine editions of several standard works, including those of Scott aud Byron, for which there was some spirited competition; another, the property of a gentleman in North Adelaide, sold by Messrs Lambert and Sou, was in many respects unique, consisting, for the most part, of vmy choice; and scarce works, beautifully illustrated, together with some valuable MSS. and paintings, and engravings of the early masters. The third, Dr Harvey' 6, and, we hope, the last, was sold by auction on Thursday, by Mr Bentham Nealcs. A severe competition arose amongst several of the faculty for Dr Harvey's medical works, many of them not being to be had in the Colony. The classical and historical portion sold at unusually low prices. The plate, all old-fashioned, fetched from 3s. Bd. to 4s. 7d. the ounce. Dr Harvey'a beautiful portfolio of illuminated drawings of subjects of natural history was purchased by Mr James Allen, proprietor of this journal.

Whilst we are told that "The Adelaide hunt had a good run on Wednesday," and that " His Excellency's levee was well attended, and the ball kept up till a late hour," the Adelaide Total Abstinence Society were not a whit behind their fellows in their demonstrations of loyalty and attachment to the British Queen, albeit they did not drink her Majesty's health with "all the honours," nor her Colonial representative's with " three times three, and one cheer more." Upwards of 100 of the members and friends of the Society sat down to an excellent tea in Mr Drummond'B Chapel (kindly lent for the occasion), after which, a public meeting was held, which was more numerously attended than on any former occasion. On the motion of Mr .T. Reynolds, seconded by Mr Owen, Mr John Stephens was called to the chair. Mr Stephens commenced his address by observing that whilst many of their fellow-Colonists and fellow-subjects, throughout her Majesty's dominions, on which the sun never sets, were celebrating the national holiday at the shrine of Bacchus, it was far more congenial with his feelings, and, he might say, with those of many by whom he was surrounded, to regale himself at the fountain of the Naiades, and to preside at the festive board which the Society had that evening spread, for a more humble, but a no less loyal band of her Majesty's subjects, on that the anniversary of her natal day—quaffing the cup of temperance, and partaking of "the feast of reason and the flow of soul." Mr Stephens's address, which occupied upwards of an hour in the delivery, was listened to throughout with the deepest interest and was loudly applauded. Several of Mr Stephens's remarks, particularly his facetious allusions to snufftakers and smokers, and his com-parison of the fictitious wines that are now-adays palmed off upon the public to Morison's pills, excited a good deal of merriment amongst his auditory. Spirited addresses were afterwards delivered by Messrs Thomas Harvey, James Sparshott, George Cole, and J. Reynolds, and the Rev. James Prior, one of whom avowed himself a reformed drunkard. The National Anthem was then sung, after which a number of persons signed the pledge, amongst whom we observed the Rev. J. Prior, and more than one backsliding teetotaller. Thanks having been voted to the Chairman, the meeting separated. The Society is in a flourishing condition, and numbers 184 members. We understand arrangements arc being made to hold a meeting at the Port, at which Mr Stephens has consented to preside.

The Editor of the Sydney Australian says, "We have seen and tasted an excellent sample of colonial figs, dried and cured. They are interior, we confidently assert, to no Smyrna figs thnt ever came into the English market. A sample of his new article of export has been just sent to England, and it is hoped that it will obtain the prize offered for cured figs, the produce of one of the British colonies."

The liwry Post iufonusus that incredible as it may appear, not only has the £2,000 been obtained tor a church in the west of England by the collection of the amount in postage stamps, but a farther sum of £4,000 fora like object has been collected by the same whimsical stipulation ! Both the collections were mauc by ladicg of rank. The donors have cor'-Uinly dove their best to take off the grace of the donations by exacting so ridiculous a condition.