South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 29 January 1842, page 3


On Monday a large and respectable meeting of farmers and others connected in the above interest was held at the Council rooms - the Mayor in the chair- for the purpose of forming an Agricultural

and Horticultural Society. The mayor on taking the chair addressed the meeting as follows:— Gentlemcn—We are this day convened to use our best endeavors for establishing an exhibition of colonial produce, and for the institution of a permanent Agricultural and Horticultural Society. Of the benefits and advantages of these measures, it is scarcely possible but that every individual in this assembly, as well as those whose attendance we are not fortunate enough to obtain, must be deeply sensible. Considering the vital importance of not retro-grading from the high position we are likely to hold in agriculture, even among the most favored of her Majesty's colonies, and viewing union in all pursuits of consequence as actual strength, the hope has been confidently felt, that from this meeting will arise an enlightened entity, com-bining the best principles and theory, with the soundest practical efforts, all directed to the pro-gressive encouragement of agriculture and horti-culture in their various branches. In urging upon the attention of this meeting most confidently the encouragement and protection of agriculture in particular, what can I say that is not better known to every individual here than myself, and who, though not more warmly, can doubtless, much more efficiently advocate its course? Providence has smiled upon our recent harvest irK niso ?4?pt?«r mvn*viM today that we may testify our gratitude for the blessings received by a strenuous acquisition of all attainable know-ledge in the pursuits we are met to ? «■?*<., and its practical application in each e«"ning season, and that every one whom an ordinary portion of success .«'V (n:«y '••••'• «> 'prr-nMe upon its future increase «*?. •* ?W 1<" ??•<'«• to support our intended society with his purse and talent to their fullest available extent, erecting thus a constant diffusion of concentrated knowledge, which must necessarily flow from the «t?ir« of its members, and be the ■♦•':««!«• which it must

:.'■.'.; ; ' v"iri n .ili Im:ir.ri'i' •:iiJ;«f'uon. V.".-. ;:..(?■ ji:i- •:,(•'•■ ■■■!;' ,:'! ill., in'iv ...;:;i,.;.< . I itif.iv ii h;: .ii iY.::i •:■•• • ? 'ny« i:.:,i ;:.:i:,r :.:: i.'t:'.tniv a-'-i •!?;;,;.< i-i i ••>: !!i;{.:i.; r-;.! .:!.. ■v:irie, svl wiii-ii :■ jnr: ;•: .t ,on;r:.i|>:u;i!:i.;\? v.illi t1!. c ).i,i,-> -.n'll! •( : !: ;'iiith-iici'tiK1 t') ific brw.rli iii.-- '.:.->i'H we I: fciiiil I'iK.t 1 i >■> i>?yi,?-:.' rlinl! vi ..*., •r.crc.- If.i.n IwrJnri'iii \v.i? .I::. >•:•.; t>. •.:•: :j. ••■• ( .f {'.v fi;i. tilt* !':<t tec.'; <v!:ieli l.i: ■■ t , • -. •(••■«< ihf i'.,.\ m t <>( ci"! - i!i<m. «••:'< !'-T -;••.ii •■ ■ :•!• lit-1 • '.«•;> ..| t!u rap-v "I" i'!i<- !•'•■•«'. '•'•!'--, .;u?''■■■'■, ii;.? sa .•*(;;• vci)!;;'-'"' rn1ir ,..,.:...« A vatlik.- !;;',■ ior tin- |u:sccfi:l ;iursii<i H of a :tr. i:n.% lirvrst, t!:e !i-'iH-, f.ti.-i 'lie (Id. ii*: tk'.T ! '«'ivi[ liii- i'riinitivt*' i;evt suei'tvl ■!'...•-.. arts :.;-i c.ik: :ici.-i'. As we gr.-.v r:.h, siili'i.mtii! luiilditigs follow, and arts nml '•.ic-u"-s r.n-dewloei'.. At iust conic* 'noniruU tare, e<?;: nrnaiciriiCKl nit, having luc'i lii:hrr'n i'oiii::ii :! '•> i-aiiii'ii li!i<s!iw!ii2ry. Wr I'.'r'.' ::mv lir;.fsr, ii?i.s: , iiu.l I'.-irlv*. c:nl roinmoriv. ar.i s:i'!*!*?:tul hiliMiii^'—Jc( us iidt! (;ur-I«iis. It is well known how much benefit the Horticultural Society of London has conferred, even hy fivinp ri'-<s 10 Mis.ilnr intrititiioio in th" rt>. I )■;•.(*l Sl'i!e« : kl l> nut, (hcr'lbre. f.lil f-: V.-i>:\ «.'i.• o:.t part ill tiiis <!;fi"nsi<;n, by wliicli \va •.;•„,:! tie rna'.ile.i to rpccivc h:kl <iistril:i>ti> tlic im;K)f[:mt rt'^uioii^ to our fomlorts uu«t innocout lus tsrirn. Where tioriiiMi!:nr«l Societies lnn« tmj. lieon imloprii'Sontly fouiii'i;<i, l*Mse of :<i;rifii! or 01 !)«■!• si-imccE hay« a.vardcrl to tbeir. an in;por-U.nt (lej'irtinf nt. Tlii« sotipty is intr::ilc.l to <romiiinc both ; s;>,3 rnsy tim good nrpii bf «o e.Ti'rlu ii!y sown i}:U «!iy, ?« tn iiro>'iir> :tn efiifiivit t'uiift; —iin «m.\ ?!!■! s'tinio cTf?p of success! Mr floury \ then roseund sniil: — I; i? isiy i:u'y'|> exiiliiin anil protiaiily to ipo. In;.-.' for tlif ■•'.vpitisomfiit Criiliujr tlie mocitni; now Hni?!< '. It t:ny itppear |ir.'su;tij)tiii!i ,n o"i« wl.<! i* i!i.: •■ fan;i?r, to convene t'io farmers cf'tl-.e col.'-'v toi'oiisidpra |)iuJHOt fi?r eslublisirtnp a torie-ry fi-r th« |irotcrrio:i o( t!i«;r interest* 'J'lif f'u'i i>. ilial :i paper ! ''.nil srti: to i\ 'i:H^a;int> on jl.i- ;:npn!"U!irp pi !ot::idin^ n iiorli.'iiliural *-v':rty 1 nvinir attrfieitrd tit" attention of some o!"•:!}• (V;.-;M«, i v.-j« induceii to request a meeting of t!ie co]n:ii«ts lo tftlrp tin; aubject into coiisiciir «::oi>, wiirn I \??.s iiitnrmpd that the Apricultma! Scricty 'mi <?<?f;n >-t, and tliftt tin! on'y |ila« to !c -vi-.r it v. t-; t<i co.'jiin it with the projfchd Koiii-I'iih' r-'.Tie.ty. W|;pjln;r it may lie dcsirablr to r.iiiiMi'ip the union is ai:ot!itr question. It ;ip. l??i !■? mi' that th"y may be a mutual support «o c*cli ••••;?•!• (iurins t'leir iiifniiry ; vvlieii tiit'jr ai*. j i.uirc vitoir, they m;iy srp'initc adva;it'igi!Oiis!y, J x; lie-, fnrli j« "-tioiic fiiouch to niHint.'iiii itn-lt. j 'I iin €.\;il:iii!s the rrnFoti wliy niytiamc Cfijivtiis I i i i? i :lvcrti-".-nii!!it ns tcin;inrAry ?si:r«!t?ry ; ilu- j r.-:'iip?r t^rson Tot a )iennanenl i?|>pi)in:nii:it j W umloKbtcJly 8 lliorunphiy pniriicnl a^ric-i:>i:i. j i;«t. F<u-mv^ttlf I haw no personal intt-r; si to; pvatlly; ,-vt tin* prKrut mom-nt I have iii-ithvr j pcrilfii •■.-!.' i..:i:i; l:nt beiiu now, I ro^ret to >ay. nnr o( t'.u- idlest ftllows in tl;p colony, 1 drill be most hupj-y it liny pnition of my leisure may cc/H(iitc«? f> the ailvimocnirnt. i.f those iim-rc*!*; | on wliic1: i! ( .;u«-i.) tli-> prosperity <il t!": province, j *ntl I sl.flli foe! pld! to ncrvs my lirntiifrenl.iniNU ■ in *n_r ;-mt ju wliirb llipy limy think >rseof use. j Mr, W?;«on thru piorecilcd to reatl the foilo.v. j 1115 piorpr-fti:« of lli? Soviet f :— j "Tli? i>ilnbita!its of an old srtt'f.l cnuntry, ar <• it!o.<>.!.| t<; ••tijoyan infinite variety «if vrijetiible ;!ro-!'!-tion«. are. rareiy in th(! bnlot«?( rellpctinj; li'iw ir\r Hie nrtmlly natives of tlm soil, mi.l tliot i'.n> ni«jon!y Jiavff been introiiurcii hy the slow i •it:-! -i«.!nsl prn^trff of civtliralioa. Many limt fnrncrs ncriiiiJiinnied man in Ir's wHn'lfiinc* over ihr «wri!i. ::j.I it \% yrt ti:in?frrmiurr! whiit is the ::atnril I.K!:i'?£ of th« w'neat, outs, or hailrv ; or T-/ii'>t';r,- ;; l( -y Imvr Inp:j oriuiiully iinitM'l'i mi. ;ri?st". i::i;<iov>"l by rultivatio-i in a Ion; seriee j <•' ytxr«. ]r ;<s inlfrpstinp; to rttnirk how feivoi | lie p!:;i t ;i i.t hz\e c.i:ifirr<? 1 wp-.lfS :md I <-:!«!'rry r.i| }>:M'itnl?r rlistricis :ire i:idii-o:i'..iig \.-e>?. I: <n.:" VtL-st iiiiKf'in ColntiiPK \v !iav.> i:. vi.air.l •.'.;(• : u;.;r rn:ic from Cli'.v.a. the <ufae i:i:m Ar-.'.ii-. jar tir-a<! fruit (r<>m (h? Pi«rifir,«nd '!'•• h<-r" sr.-!)ii« entt'.'n frosn IVrsm. Tlip vine.

'.'.-.a <•■■:.i?At (r::it froi> upon record, tftor having ■ from n :•/■ i.T;;;';n(iii'«i ?-rrirhcd fj?r> choicest jr. yi-rtu < ' i!i.- •.•;ir:h—l'.ivin,; p:if«?.'l fr?:n /.sin into OrTre, Its;;.-. liic IViilnsi:l-i. franca, Madeira, r.;:.! t!'<* Cnp^ — nt )cii£t!i r.rrivci! at lliesi're ?:irte «-;,0r?.-, a*i«l is likely to be txtensiw-ly culti vatcri in oi;r j'irvitirf. I "Wo tnny iur.'y fpp] prt?i<l iliat, fit FO C?.rly g I t-ftiod tf ~ur ciiotiisl mVtciry. w?: have ulr.-iidy ! jtitroilucort fo gipnt ;i vnritty <■! isscfitl anil ortm. j incnta) plant?, i'lif. snions thr anxious and in iCFSp.iit cmo« of tlir ™i; •cttlrr in tl-<* wilderness, ll;p np<jmsi;io:i c-f thr?r. liows.-vcr i'.rjjoit.nit, is f e.-oi'dary tn more prc.s'nij duties; rotif-cfjupiitlv, i:i?.ny vulujlric :irticles iitivo porhVd lor want ol i rare, or from bciijj plrtMed ?t improper seasons, j or in imp. ajirr vnils. Jlut an o!v;rrt f-o important a- the r iillrction <>f dpstruMc voprf?'il«- productions (lctrnn<l«, t;tsri \v< u'd repay, «;vr united exertions. 1: i«. in <!:« fim piece, rssrtitii.l to uvrrruin the (■lr.tit* nlri'fJy in :!ie rolony, that t:mp am! money fcv tiot waved isi I'^siti importing liuni. Thiii'c sidftnta sljouM I>e i rrrun <i in t)ip tr.o't ico liofnical in^nrrr, care \irmf; tnken Umt tlu-y arrive « the tuitxMff srasou ol tlm vcur, in orrfnr tlint I'.iry ?i;ay \w savefl to tlip prnvijirf, kii«s i-vcntiiii\ly <ifn:iil)ii!cd to tfar ?ii)?cril>ers. Meeting sVotiiil \m lielit ppriodically fortl;f pnrporpnfstimti'Htitij; oxvrtion, by a«Tnr<li:ij,: pri/.rs to tiir most mjc ••*Mfnl tiiUiviitors. It iKtl'Toforf tnot;!d<":inilii; i !«t w% sV.ui:ld ut onccFfctalilirli a Horlio'.ilturni fc'fxirfT. " IJtit if comtiinnlion lx> impnifnnt 10 iho par ?ii'!'?r, it |« n:tie!i inoi'ei'ctriitial tn the fifricui tutifct. In a rifw rotttitry, Inrniprs nro widely ?o;ittprfil. Tliey liuv<! t-i cuntctid wiili nmny ixui ltits cf soil tuid rlimntp. Uow i.u)ioitBn% t!ii'r<fore,to fcsvoprripdipal mri-t-iis's for lliei.ur }<••(? «if cninj-ni injr <li?! rcusi't* f>f «)ifi>rrnt ino<!r« ••f niititrr. '/lipro i:r« iau:irr<ttn oica«ions hljo, v.l?!i the iiit; ■■■■.•M* r>i tbo agrini'luii?ts mny ro •j-iit? t'< It ]!.-nnipt]jr \n'ir\ h«forc tlic Cufonial '••n^r'insfiit. Tli? commercial rcnicntuiity Imve ' liiiiii,! thr nrl\-ntit?j:e of tlu'ir Chamber of Com lr?rre. Ttip farmers wou!<l find rcjual ntility in li;:iii|t r«|tu*ctitcd liy the rommittec uf tlic " It ncuW he mcrriy wnr\r ot litn* ti pidarcc upon th* iinpoitfltics i,i lor'nmp r.n ApriciiMiiril -icicty. The only si?iject Icr delihemtion is, !i«\r far it mtoj br Hefiiai'e t<« combine it with ihe HoriiciiUurc. "Hit? ol;jr t tn cf lioth arenitnihr, a not idfn'ir*;:!. In mir y?un? colenv. tlip stip ■'■.rlemorfooth vr.u\A be'aii:io«t it:« sann- indivi <;u*N; tn work t!i;< two «<ifiotif« lij tbo eentc tnjrhirtrr wonM rcc:ioxj«r ilai', trPiiWc, i •xppn««; nn<l ;t srems tlip «J<ri<tion of those moi-t ' eaffljietrot in foni i rnrrrrt jn<!rairnt, t!i;:t it in. j i.-ioniHjVi^M" It i«T:iW;Oi a .-'urirtf to l!.!'t o!ijer:«. mi-1 ?•? \<e entitle.* the Horticulture! aii-J Aetic.iH' Shirty. " A Jrni'ii'C ol'jsft r,t ?li> «or>:v *boald h? \\t* •nli.-crinn <if in!?rm?;inn reinti'p to the rptrulti: -:; 1 '.it;«|i"^ '?J t'l > '••■hiry. ni-! :"•- • xwr'pr.-v - f •.he stJl'fT* a^ to ?!.r !*rwt !'iv. «-,.,* n'<«!•>« <-Tcnl .!.:■'. ar,.l V.." Ai''i-m>.-v t.f :m- i'.iuritiH'ioi. tc- ii? : fifi'^KT'. f ::Wifnf!.-i?! «:f it« lra*ii':rli<in^ \vi:!?li. it in to lit' Jioj'CO, noiiM rr«pn?i .\',y vnviiiv.>.• *o ii t > rjT>-;i"ritr ti .'i'l-tidUka tlortii •.:'.t;:n wA \;-ir:iUiTi-." l}-onv<! 'VniiiT.c, ".,-. . r f ;:•.- I'.r*. ?-, v-1 1 '• • ••-•.!«'■ It*" rr.?''\ i I r. •r'-.-.- .. t'- ' p '.-'.fl '• '( =~. *■•::■'< ,*•!•::i';-n/.gT;.;.l:ui.t! m.l •'..•:li^•JV^^. i * ■ * •* <r •■•■■ . ? ,c. -vtriiirn, i".mj . ?• ■•' :•' :' ■• ■" f.;: i •:. '... .••'• •♦-■• •;■-". Pc: vutN-.rti •;•.•• (,i.<n,:<. 1-I'. • tS- '•!«••■■•'y ••'•'•'' <•■•••. .-'•:■• •••_ ••• I :< :■■ •:' :•!■•; y •);•; :; i -.-.: :_

' .;■ ;.k, : I — '.'ht? i.!/«rt of l • :'■)< i<-ry nhfc'.l l;e 'ho pro. r:-j- .iii <;l t!i;' Ai)i;i>!;,.-pi:-. i | nn.l ?«:>!ticnitural In ;tc ts of Snutli Au>?r,i:ii. ! J— Itn o;ii''i";; sl,.i i cu-i-t o'' a I'atr ( >?>, Com-I mitt'". 'J'le.'Sl.'l'i'r, l;m! Srrirtliry; v.-Jn> sll:il! !.',' .:ici-!.-<l at (".-•• :-'i(iuU ii:.'. '.!:•;;() Uc in i'l in !':.-brl. ■! •" r^>'ii ■> i*"V. :;--!::.- .-'..i-i. •>• -]:..:i :;:• • ::•: !• r>-! <.n:- :. "'Mr it. t-i r- .\mv :'.!,■ tji.tiviiy ''• ]'"l't ''■' '•' !':'' l>i- '■':.•". ■-.■'.'. :•? '.■ -.I !•■• :;i rv.-.-o--liif ;■.. J_:;- ("',,:. iivi- ••• : ■, 1 •• . t !-.;-1 (>t fl^'.: ir.eill l^i'/vltinbTnv.,!-: • :.l f..',ot:iy; t'.-n 1 tlic M::r :.<t t" !••* 4 i|'!.'iifi. To j|h- <.'olnini:t t sli-l"! '•■• finli,:.~i| til.' 1.-.-,;• 1:1—1, tits <>l tli" lir-.-..r *'■■•"■■-. 1 ml ec.rri-t.iH.'i'denr-; >vit!i titl:<-r .^oi-H'ties 1::■ \v:j;i tli.1 !• <-Mi '<!ineut, ('.n« dietrihution uisic'.:-.' ells' ii!r!?iiirrs of vaiiiible fci.'d< or tree, ?h" rjU'.'tftiuu imd diltiiMoii o( i?ioiin?v:t!ii re !:.;iv.' t.> Austr.iliin Ai-ii<-uHure and liorticnlture, mid f:r:icrully intiiKr't-aiciit of the alfuiis of t'.o Society. f>~ A recouJ slinll bs kept ol tli> attendance of tlie ii'cmbers o( tii.- Commit tor who Khali meet at ir:anat{rinriir, nnd on its being reportrd to the Fufii-ty tlint iiiiy ni> inbir has absented !iim<.e!i ••vitlieut *iilil<;ienr ••.■•si-*:- from ):cU iin sittings fl'jr-!:-: tfio quarter that tins elapK-n), tin- Society will eoissiiler flmt lie ims resigned, uiid "ill pro ci'e<\ ti> fill up tlie vacaury.

(i_Tli!it ttir atmuui sutiscription be 10*. No tncmScr slml! be entnli'il to eotnpet' 1 for piizrs o\ to •.Tccivp any plants or sreds the S<ici<'ty niny liav to ijistri'iuto, utwess his sutiarriuticn has linen paid up ut leait fourteen «Inys pn-vionsly to Mich exhibition cr distribution. Tiic tim« of pnynvnt of nil>Kfriptioii net to itdect the next l i-xi'iiiit'.tKi. wliiih shall take place on Wcdncaday, l:'.th I-Vin isnry i'.*M. I'.i'ward Strphrti*. K«j. then moved the n;>-C>>ijiiinviit. of tiie <<lS«<?-< tmd cominiKvu o> tiie ii;?li'.i!l:«>;i, to 1 c :is folio v< :_ OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY : PATRON -His Excellency the Governor. TREASURER — Hon. J. A. Jackson. SECRETARY— Henry Watson, Esq. COMMITTEE.— Thomas Wilson, Esq., Mu, Hon. Capt. Sturt, Assistant Commissioner A. H. Davis, Esq. D. McFarlane, Esq. Angus McLaine, Esq. Jacob Hagen, Esq. George Stevenson, Esq. Thos. Williams, Esq. of Hermitage. John Morphett, Esq. , seconded the motion, which was then put and carried. V.r S!<*;iiirn« niaiie a fe?v remarks re^nrdin^ t'1 * prorr«'*s of i'.|rrii'nl!;ite imd horticulture in tin.l j r/tuiitry Histrirts, sr?vr.?l ofuiiirii he )i?d vi-ite«l l:iti'ly. Ke \v!s plr./l to suy, with -Mily one ex- J r |-?;c'i, tli? a?riirultni:il <i;icialiou< of tlif Bvtti«l*i j lv.i bfen iruitt successful, and wotiM be followed ; u;> l<y fdttlipr exertions nrxt ycur Ii« also | nhiitiotir'd hnvitiif s.?en the poppy, toliairn plant, :i!i<l neveia! other ji:oilu-tii;ii« grawing most liiMitiniitly. ! A li«t «•?« th?n opetifi for •iiheciibprn.Bnil mo?t ofihe (?irn!'i?men |ir«'«?tit having stihscribed, st vote i:f was given to tbc Mayor, and tbe meeting !:iuke up.

(IN THE /.^VANTAGES OK A <SOVF.RN.MKNT r.HANT FOX SIMULATION' WOM THK llK'ill-I.AN 1:« \Ni> I«:.AM>S OP SCOTLAND ilj Mr Ai.i.X'.Mtr.r. M.\i r,ui.i>i>n. !.ii'i-iii'.u«^ of the Cliurrli v.f MMtlati.l. Mhiisc: of KMinuir. Skjo. f /••?•"••« <i« f.'-/"!/. i./ J.mrtm! nj .Ifinultur*), [Con:lnb({ from imr l\*t.\ Fini^r •*;o;i, r;) as to a.Turd flu; urcHtcst pos •.;:iir- •<:•. .::it;i^i- t:i i!m- .;>Tit-c(: <;istrit:tfi, must lie ranii'il mi :\.:\\ :r.U'-li <Ji-cMiriiual!o:i. attrj i>u t!i'! must jtiili.-ioii* :.;ui .•;;-p'<:v.>d primiplcs. It ptnuilo \>- :irran:'^ tlint tliO<f! oti'y vvSio nr« pone liii'iili'sii'iir" (?• |. '.iii.vtiu tu't'-.i"!' iMloniiS, v.iitrc tiny wcii'ii 'ijoii I.1;- in cotnloit.i'i!" <;:."<■'ii.Ht'i.i ■:■? '.•y \\-x it'iits r.l :'.'.,•.• owi Ihlkm<. Lit it lie kt-jit ;ifciviniTi'• v iri \\-\-. jii.-.t tlif iivjp'irlw.t • ::'l w.iicii is. it: l: •■ 'l-s: ii^niMT, to !■• attaint!. i> •lir .-..• ;.!:.:■( I •.." i.vr.,:i:;)i:i.r. (l | <!istlit i.«, i,y

nr;i,i'!;; ti.f )i".:;ij \\ ' :r;> ; r.-««. s lieaviiy liiion [ tii-T.i Tl.iit.'mid. «i■•;••■.■.•!••. conMst- of;n:ir.ciuis | (t ;.ics of ;:ocr ti- >| ir, ir.i::r, of wiicm hsivi- i:o ! i.-nds wJi.'.T vcr. ;i ! ' a':! < I «!:on; -:>• -!«:?f it in t- <if : t!tp itri-:i—•? <;l l;ill.riii;: ilii'ir ••.v:i .-jii'iit.u; in . riwir n:iU\i! country. Voluntary on;i:riiti?ii. m ' tin- j'Mi;■!••'•, oun «'X|'cnT, tnni'i iti (•«) ivspi n ti; j srintdy tl-o evils «;<• !ou<l!y ut<«l jitftiy cinii|i!aini'i! ■ of. Due s'.ttt'iitioii is .?atiiest!y calici! to tliis (art, I us mny :<rc Dtidrr thy belief, if the (iopiil:iti<iu l;c ri'.'iisci-'! in any n>;!tmer, suy to onc-l);iU vt its I'r<"ciit numlirr. ;i,-«t flic «jesirc! pood i* ftt once cflVct<'.l. Tliis is (;ir from licint' tlio case. Vo. luntiiiv cniiji.'tion. at tlie (n'opJe's «nvii expellee, if rnotinii«-(l lor Buy kvi^'lii c( time, \votild tuici t«i Jin- coti'itty's mm. 'n oriStr to comprelii'tid | tliif. it inu«t lie tKkeji ii to c<in<ider«tion tliat. I iin*.oii|- tl:<' <(>:i.troii [lorulation ol most Hi^lil:md { fiH'.iO.< 9, tJicrf ire two <-l«sst* of prople, viz. i flu>'..' wlio luivr less or mop.! law's, imd tliose ?vlio ! i'ine t>one, :md uvc tlirroforea Ikiklcii en the rtst. | !In tiiis | yii«'i of Kiiitmir, tile ianuk'F.i glhsk ir fiijierio- in nr.'nlier. "Now it is h fart, that tihotild j the Intuilcss iHiiilic i-itivtrt nil tlieir cifectit into j tnr.nry. tlie pross rnimint «>f it wou'.d be iiiDilil- ! fjiiite to p«y the onr.liaif of tlitir |>a?Rnt;e-inoticy \ to •> foreign !?)id. 1 1 i% therefore evident that, ; whoever tni;y ttni^rme, they will :iot, mid from | too poctl n eimse, !itc«u*'? tluy cannot, unless us- i si'tod !iy Cnvornmcnt. vr. in the menu time, l;y | wim <,f t!ip Jipiievolent. distitiition cotnir.irtccs. ! These, tlififlurf. tvbo cnti emiprute tiy their cnn ruder.vors, we the better Hirtof such tn possess Ititxi*. (or mntiy of those who posKess titit insigni fic&lit Jiatclnn are i;s uln:blc to leuve the country, i from their own resources, us the lajuilv's cottars. '. Tlie roust quw.cL' of tl;is is, that all who bitve v I flontir.e litt.'c CMpitnl of ten or twenty pounds,or j-rrli: ;is thirty pmitid", wmildeiiiipmte to a distant fdiritry. ond le.tve behind them n help!e«t nuiubcr of <leMitu!e fAtnilies, who would be unnlile, from want of menus, to occupy the deserted lands I . Notliiiip could be more injurious tv thy wellareof ' the country. Ita little capital would be taken I Hero** the «et<c by it* owners, and tbe destitute | class behoved to remain in their wonted wretched <-ircum«t*Micef, tumply befwuse they wanted the means «f cinipriiting. nUhough they were other. •vifp the only fit Mid ptoper sutjects for it. fly emigration tlius conducted, the population would, tin <1< tibt. be reduced, but pencrul poverty and i want of capital would he increased. The |io piilat':<in. in fhntt. «vb?M i>c le^«;ene<l fet «Vi?? re* pent* <if t^ie cuii:iirv's little wcslth; tind a mu>-lt lir£er«iim (if money w«uld bu rer|<iired to rimMe the prntiyk'Sl fnTiiiiit'* l-'ft bchiti<l to Ktntk the Vaoatit Istx'f:, then would be necessary at first to pay fcr t*;rtr fmijnatimi. The poor clesses arc tinablr f« l,ett«r ■heiu<i>ivp« almost under ii?y circumst .nee* while left in their native e'ens. w!i"?e?«-, vi-ri> :1..y tia:ispl«iit<'i'. to a f- 1- pn e< v.-Ver" (In* ine!iw<'u?l rfc-mbers of t'-icir .i.iiiiii/s %->;\'i r.:-:i <ei'!ur.'T ';i?i!t wapry. they v«>n'A not fall lt> t^iiin vn '!?i.p"nrienrT. l'r.'.f?s f j)uV.i«: (TTEi.t fnri^iic-aiiiin be 0%t.-.:.:i'd. the bpfprrlns: <>( the ft. til ten nits. ?fi in^: tliat tlr poor ivM'if * On-ilie- '.rill ♦ v-r be «<lrawbscfc ij{o;i th«'ir i'wrt?!:i*. wi.l fi'r.'jtWa ir.s'.ifl «v«>ry j <ni ?'-iv<ir to lra\? tlu'ccutitry \vhi!.'tbey srca'-V, j -t. 1 Vv.-.s ■ ill !« :•.- -*i.' pi. ' >n«l destitute to in | ):r r?n'! 1.-ilia < '-• nir.i-laiu-. s rs -pto w??tclwd .ivd ■ riX?ra!iu? )!ia:i ei.-r! T^.-. .-su.-x t po«-«ih!y In ■ a s'lor v-r /.-I !•>. t!>- I - .'-'-,:->• «■?':; [ i-'nnt f< ■' :■;:-\7ri\. ■■■ *'.v ' .-,v.':«r."-yt!'i •'«> >k+j •.:■■ • '.;'■ :i.^.\ ■ :-i ■.?.•"; v-V -I ?v«.|:'-! )?• ... *■• :•• •• :. v •' •■•.'.,-Hi «.•! t'- rr • ,ilm ,- !■: l.ri'.l t'eir ..■: ~.>ijls ti*|t.-iiiin.Jai

I'Voni t'le various ciroiiirsf?TiC'es v/hici> !;ne het'.i brought forwud in «ei:urd m ihe neec- sity 1.-r ; ayoveiT.'mnt £l in!: "• i:i ■■•i.-y, to institute a sy't' ki i ot I'inifrr.ii.ii fi..::i ij.p I • i f ; ilarn:- : ti.l Isi s. t.' I s ■•! •'c..ti:(iii . ■. ihe. • ••ilvi rerri' <iy U><: the evils ro:nplai<.i-.: (;!'. it ti:u*t ur't^.ir iWiiert, that r ):: iirf.-mlili'^ofi.'. rj-.ij:!i:. ts,;i ,;•■.:<<; !>y r:;o iip"!i- 'of ;.uy <>;■■. i ;•-•;.:. w'-i!,-■•. .■ • ■.■.U li «• .-<'.<: i ■;-• for :!i' v.! i "inji.-. until a (.<-vi nrniriit ri lief ronici hf < !.;.ii:ic-.'i i L ,vi i.-' lit ovp ■■■[■■•■ tin. .•■ .■ i-.'ls! I :Vc lilravT •'• r:i:, iv |.ro- MIV.! . v -J! •..,:.' ! the en.! in v ••?•• tifii: it (■.:••:■!•■:"•'< '.:■•• < ; ■ ii!:-,.;.,,,,!:* tli.. ..-,;!„ „.-.-. :,..i.i:-.i:- ■ ::e.;,,,,.;-. .„ h.i'ei". :<<•..: o?;-.led. ml; ::.:■:.:.■; :., (<■■'■ |~:< ,>. i i-!i:u: .-i^uiiift li"J li«'.<t int<':i:-:s <•!' !i:e ili^irci.-n! ! inn«litii>, it wonM hp desimlile ' t.h? i-.n-.n ■ limp, biiv Hv:<:tii(i!c resourci h whatever sli'.ii! i !•<■ I inH<!«- to hear i::iun those evils wi'ii ;i vio-.v i > ' lesson them. For this purpose, it is lumihJy fii\: pe&ted tliatt'•<■ benevolent ds'stilutiivi tMinmittvc-: ! i.t ),om!>>n. l-.itinburgh, <m:I Glasgow, siiouM unit" I in the doten-iin.itimi, :(:.• ic^tiiuc of funds | which may lit- in their hands be nppiicd, without reserve or loss of time, lo tlie |>urpitses of einigni tiiin. Such >m application, it is iium'.ily thniight, w.Mi'id ho no alienation of the lands for otlu-r p'ir. poses ih.m tliost- Ht first intr>:''e<! l>y tlieeluiritiibie contributors There is no indit-idsml. it is swi: -po£((!,\v!;o contributed liis £100. more or less. lour years ago, tor tlic purpose of uroiurinir fond fur the d.-tititute liigitianders, but would gladly Wi'iif. to apply hiiv remaining haluiiL-c of hjs con tr:ii;:tion to the forwardine of • measure which seciircs the Highlanders against the ravages, and ov.'n tlm existence, ol similar destitution in fu ture. His trni> tlint destitution exists i>von tliis yei.r to a fot^iticritblo I'xtent in niaiiy districts, mid it in equally tun that destitution Will every year exist, wliiif h redunditit |ic;mlHtio;i of poor luiidloss families ate leit in those districts where they t.ati c(>t no employment, and where they can have no looting, lint hs dependents on kiicu crof ter* ruci otlicrA a« have enoucii t.> do /or tliem s?Kcn. The families thus merr.iono.i) wo hrvond the c-nn;iass ur rnisee of such spt cu'iutive the./ii s h% iiv> tri<me!l fur their bupposed unielioration ! They rannot tome tnidertlu- denomiimtioii ufwork in^fln9Bes, os they liuve no work to perlorni 'i'iiey haveno knds whereupon to engapc ilieinselvt's, snd their country ruti ulforrf them no publieeii pioynunt. To resort to otlier countries where |inldic work m?y be ol'ttiiued. is lieyond the poiver ?f but h I lew of them. Women mid children, destitute lof food and clotl.iiiL'. ?re unablt* to migrate i:i I IntnilirK to more favorable quarters of tin- kinp dom to earn tl.e m-eessniies of lite. They arc under the ■necessity of reniainiiin in jiovertv «i>d \vr«tcl;odness n'. their humble hoircs ; whil« the liusliuiris, and fors v.lio liave nttaired the hgc of manhood, hotnkc thfiiiseives to other ; parts ol the Itingdoiii. to t-nr;; such small amiriiils 1a« are np:nly i<xpende(S by tlir-ir fsttniiics b?fur« they return to tbeir «!f«.titii'r dweliin^s. It MiiiPt ho rcrollcetrd. too, tlint the uuinher of such fa milies is prent; in this |inti«h they <>o:.-i(!r!a''ily etferd the number of families who have !«vi!s, H'ld who itiv oppressed uilii the liurdcn of their | destitute brethren. To siieh families, tlicrel'ore, k fiipply t>f the HccepK-irios of life vvouM, «t shy time, he mveptable; tint the ((tiention mines to he. whether it would lie ultimately more tnii". liciHl to :uHid the remain^iti^ fnndr in tempo rury Riijipii. < of food, «.r to mvard the sHmn for the forwarding of measures Hireetly ca'cuinten to do away with the necessity of such supplies in future? Hy the former {siipp?sition, one is naturally retninded of the wary Mir;;eoti who consoles his p?tient by !he n]';>'ieaii<iii of oint ments and nv.tie; ttinp l;alm? to the of the deeply-root'.-d malady; whercr.s. tiy the !itt«r, the ?«iiert a!ia!n:ni?t is repr<?se:iti'i\ ?l.i), m :isil?l« of the milady's naiitve and extent, skilfully proiius it fn the root. tl:u< eradieutinc tin? rfendly bane, utn! • pt-pciily effecting a cure !

j Altioiiijli th<* a(Torfii'.i(r <>l riiniriliare re'i'^f ' wuisld lio very <lesirit!i!e. niirt, ii every nsj-. el, ti nlen'iuit eireiiinstance t«i?li v.lioareeye. wihies-os to the presently exijtinp (!:'r-.titi>tion j y,-t such arc lm-iviy prorepn;i? of a jMl'iix'ivtl imtmv, whosi: i ;'■••!> me purely tnnpmury, an<J iviu^i! hrnefits <O'i'<i lie* Jii- >'.v;?'cN'd to <'.\""n.) li'.%inii'l n S'llfllo yt'.iv. lihcl <!cs;ituiioii .-.J i::i- |■■•• ««-iit time beer. jso t:niiTiil ns in the caii.'ni'oi: ■ M'a-ni.s <if IB.}(i I j : mi* 1537, it v.oi;lil eerl:iii:'y i.-r :• .-i-wtiy loaiiVtrti ; > ii:'ii:i 'l:;tri> tciit f, us \\P" tinii «!i:in\ !?i:t li;ip'ii!y ] :n-it is not liie case. Tiul <. r.i*tiii(,' «n:t u( tin-I of life )i tn;.;)o ere! to Sir )i< pr«-mi;r ! tliiii in nKii.y \":ir< •.mvion* •" IHliiJ n;;ii iB>';7. ' when norclii i Wit* hr'Uert for. itstlu* ■iicinnstHiu'cs i-f llir> [MfO)'.''. t'.mnuli lUniouliti-illy liliscrahle «-nonc!i, were nut «-l suorvio;: n fittuic >.s to :'.r rctst public rytnpnthy in their liiliu'.l* Lot it I | not, however, he. supposed, that t'..i".e isaiiywis'n, hy thrse remmk=. to utiderrHte ibe real wiiuts of tlm «liftress«d or to represent them in stiy lifilit but in tbot of truth :m<l reality. Quito ! the contrary; it is freely wlmittcd that <>stitu> tit-.n exist* in insist Hijblatid district--, and that it will exist «o long as they nre overburdened with n rednnoKiit population who liHve neither tbe iikans tior the inherent power to remedy tluir condition by their own exertions, or to add one fraction to their domestic comforts by a wmb to be industrious, which cannot be real is •.•«}. l:i other quartets ot the united kingdom, where the pea santry ''ii-oy n I'i^her standard of reressmy suli «istci"tr«','iio ade<jimte idea can l?e formed of tbc manner in v.hicb the pcaei-'iib'e nn<l loyal High limtkrt. lave lived in manyof thcirovcr-po ( iutated (ii^tiiot-. Yet. H(te: till, it is rfee.i'cd the beet polity, ittid thp most prudent «t<p, onitcr existing rircHinntanees. to use «we every vndeavoi to re lieie the tli'tre^s. liy prapplirp. riot with itself externally, but with the sources whence it flows, «nd comes into *<xistence. J-'-t the evil be en tirely uprooted. hihl not pruned :ind pampered for no permanent benefit. Let the ovetprown amount of population be judiciously lesff>ned, and let tbe dead.weight be removed '•intnamr," which pre«sn on the face of '■very improvement. It must be j evident that surh is'tbc only method nf success fully accomplishing the end in contemplation, the only meant whereby tbe tli inlanders can po«silily be placed on n tbiiving «"d permamnt footing. XVhile appeals nre in projrves* tn tbe Lcgitlature for the elfe^lual atluiitmeiit nf tbis bappy end. Set tbc honorable conr.nuttees already mentioned be | pleased to step forward with the residue in their hands, to keep. n« it were^dive tbe present tnove-I ment for emigration. By die nisi'tance aflordrd ooine months ego to the destitute emigrant* in th'n parish, ut>out l<o souls left it, never again to he a burden upon those who remained But were this assistance not granted nnd judiciously ap plied, it is supposed (hat thirty vouis would not have emigrated. £nnc few l.tntilies tnrliided in tl'.r above siumbcr. tcceivct! n%\ us^istant-e, as tVy If.d me:iti« cf tf« ir o«n, Rtsd ronsisto! <>f flint :* wbirii wo«!?l hive been for tbe country** i Ikii« Tit h-id they r.-miine«l, frciideil that ?limiiar j number c* di^litiit*1 hid been able, rveti with the i ; assistance giver, tn ofn'erare. liiciv is bere. \ I thereforo, A t]ir<«rt iirnofoJ tjn- ndivtitsi-c •lciiwi I Jrom the :*M*tam-r iat"ly jijit<rii?-1. Oy miftt.« cf | i*. nti<nit tl«« rTvJ't'i "ar* ol the rri'undHM' pnpn j bi'ie.i! i>f n i-i«i\v«lt -I lii-trict w.i<x*nabl<'«] toremovp 1 to c'lnics wSien* tach i<nii\iln «l'f Mitlustry viiH !?r.ept with if rc\T:'ril. I' may !«• a «i>;evii:-ii wilh fco.e. ;u v\,n\ s'.npe i?n n^f'sr?:i«-e to b«'t uwarHcil ? T!ie ?i;'ii:ile stund in in ed of <<iod, ot clothinc;.mil o' p?s>i3je-tnoney. Shnulrisupplies of food :ivA i''«?:b!ns l'« lil.wi>- prant-d. ih<-n

• N.B. —finrr th<' r.borr ««Ti- vt'Mi n c I«tv moiXii< <:c-o.'.!ic crifs wi>.i«-ht: n im<l a !nn:ri.ii:f ap)v.iraii''f. !..-.•.<• i-i tmtiv i>'i*p« rai':i!. In r-m«?' i^prri- nj the wrt ■ :i!llii>i«?i tm:1! Inrtf*. >i:ti:t ti< <!« V-?« i?ron «':t qitif ptiTi'. w'rrli nt«liT>. •.: • |«wp <t« «.I wx: >;ia«r>n ahv tliiiic l«:t I:itrt.iWf. T.ii* r,r.-oiri'.laii'r ir. rnivnii' in .iil<i.<iinin; |.n < V < f tlir vn -*tv «f an 'inn.-<).?t • srttitn ~i,....;«-,-,. .., r .- 3 .,. tin- riilir ■<.I<l )•••;>.!*.•«■•••!• :o t!:r i:i ny c.-risl «•:•!•(■•• oi?('iiui<l.i c<r ?««'i!ir.. 'a-'i -riln.r. lo !-'a?<- t!i.-t>- «1« re tVt t ai" . iii j>r-.«-r>. vtV'it'niK^diK^

[ (Oin's .-:i iii'iiiic:-. '•]>> l:r:-, jj.-u «i' ::..-cn-:-. : it-!'■■;• I- iiis : :,-i .:;■, ■ ;..• ■.'■:<■.,: ih •'. , ■.I.1; ; v'J'-':--, th-'v i'..|,n' ; ~.., ,>-.i',./<? -i • ;;tr. ••■.::; ;. ,it t) 1 |:ii-l!.o ••in'-'- uHC; theiremi(;r.<i<..ii c? pi-n-":-. ! It !$.M'-i.'rrW[.!"i-"h:ii .. .■>„-.•,:-•■-:..:,. ..r,-;,.,,,;''.!! of I.v a---: ■■■■■■■■■ I.ran- v vi-i-iM In; t i v -n in :!,e sill!"' >•.: \n-.< .•::••!->•;•, ..-',|. :,•.!•... >!;..y v/iil 1. -!-.>:rh :.-d ■,' .•:...i,.::,-. r- •'••.,. :;. r ;. ~om.'r"t.". ■'■ ;•■■■' >'"■ :! '•' ■•••' ! •.r!'..-.ii. .■•■flotl.ii-.-. •••: " ■ '•■•"- ■■..on. y. ;..i;.i! ;'i^- d,.. ):ist !)■<<!:. all v!i'? r-i!:.- ;:\i ill1,:,,; -; :; t:v ■:i-«- = i.rro*-«-i:.i' Ml!j;'et til '■l:iijrr..ti.:Ti. !-.•■.•: ;;-.- ~!.;. ,-t , V ;;ii y-lliifi th'T ire mi"'.' is in :.;[.;,! ; ■•.■;,;,. i-i.',-.T.;i.iti'i'i to "nlI ?•!..) Imvp ti K . ~,;;, ;'.. [~ WlTt : . ijr ; ,) ;( . symp-ility. In .-ontrli. ;••• •., tlie relief -.f ;l ).,r -p|p lour; i*ijii'(y :••::.. ■■;:,.,! fo:- thi-i- '.-eroism. ioyn'ty, "■■•!•'■ ■■■.::iy u-:'.<; u.i^ <{u..:itif«!

hem thiol'iy <:.iisi".-.-e-: :.■ ?'■.,• .-i1...•:-,{.. ; |, t , t t ;; ,. vorioits k.'ll-i.i! advaiit:.-t.. iv"t.;.ii :l o « tlioi.-fiom ome. n')\vto lir ;uii'j!y ~n-ii':i••:..-.',. I? ( si' ad vantaires '"■'" ?f !> thn .■!'..!.! <?r..T;:'.ion. When t!.coveriT..iv>;i-d -fite ef-.i ~iv 'li-'i- U id «Ji--;rirt< is hike.' !iiloe(i!!si,|i.r:i«i:::i : iL ;- Mil'rieieiitiy evi dfiil ;ii-U iim:,:. h-.-icCt would arise bydiminisli ins t'lfj.njii'laticn to that extei:t which wniiM enable iiie n-mui.'iwig' ii!>i-.l?it:tivt«- to npp!y their j iiiiiustiy !:ni'. ripit:il tt> all neees<;«ry I irients. and to culvert ?h>ir extended pnsseesiotis j into roin|)ai-i little farm*. wh«r. upon they could | live in jK?ar« and romfort. lieinp deed (rotn the . luvesMty of re-'..tinjj to all quaiters of the king. j doi;i in quest "i" employment. In this respect. tlie iKh-untsp-s of eini|:rati<ui fo the mother rountr;- are very pent, and liy in??ti>. of it the dunces of a sitr.i!?r destituti'm to that «>f 1S:1(J «:;d I!":J7 would almost be placed beyond t!je ranee of possibility. J'Voiii wliHt bvs b"*n already s^t forth in repaid to the t<!ifui|ii>y rircctnst.-«ur(-s <•■< vi:idi most of the Mitshbiud 'iistriets ;n-c >.m :<,). it is sufii eit-ntiy evident that ur^'tht :i;>jK-.-!a iimst ncces surily iiid s])?edi!y be mw'.e to l\\o. Irfpislature, to lake tin- limtler into serious con>:i<Wai:<,tt, and to prant thnt remedy which is so loudly called for There is no other eour*? tu>"V open, and there are iv? ctber ini-aii'! whereby the <>.\i?tiii(? evils can be eflectisai'y and pcnrmtientiy cured. It is well known Wk'is.and landlords, frnm motives of humanity, wero in a mnuwr forced to parcel out their lands in trilling fragments to tin- increasing population. M!id thus to let th«%m. njueh to their own dp-'nivatttaLT, to such us had m-ither skill tinr capital to improve 'lioirs Hut wlm? -.vitstlms do'ic froJii li'i:n:ipe .Ttif! eh ri table \:\: -jioo'S-, was done, it is hi-lis-ved, \vitl-,:mt the lpi>«*. aiitieipnvon of the 1.-:inefti| consequi'iiro? of snel: :i system. And grout a« the o:?"e:il wjs to wl:!e!i Inw'* were subdivid.'s!, tliiT,' f>\\] rf-m:;in k tiuiiteriMis c'ass in every riisitirt, it> w:u> c.-..-0.-- u'tinutifiv.; fo :?ore than half tli-1 ;;r;'iil:iti'j?i. '.vii.-? )!:••.<■ ■■:■■, ?li::ve of them. :i;:fi who, : r l:.:s Ihtii :tlre;in- rlnTid, lire merely d?j,cn<Jent<i on (;,i ;r lotttis : ;id < roftriv, whose possess:.-!) ate by f;;r too < O'i;rr.< <ed for thcmscUvs. it i< tl:en.T<ir« the uiHjiiP-slioi.'a't'e duly of all Highland ;ii«i;.iif tor.*, ri' <vc:y nohlf mau and K?" l<cin;iri Cdiui.'eied with the ifichlsiids and tsl?nds. mid of nil and BUidry who tuke an interest in the welfare mid happiness of a people whose titles of vivlue ynd valour ■•mi ii'.'v.r bo forgotten, to p'tition ri<rVi;i?ienr lor ? v.dicicu^ system nf cii-igr.-ti'i;. ::..d lor a eotniiinn i:x- o( tiui'. !.yst'"i), ye«r uftor y.r, itiilil the «sis«.vii-:s o( di^tres, !.<• ili, ctu;!!y ril.ev.ii lion t?:? nrf-sure «.f a'ni;d::i::: p.-iiulnlini T-.r <.iiises whi'iic t<'ie owls c.ii;i|ii:iii'ed '•:' t "i: '.} ov <:::^iii are suiljt ii-miy kiio'.vn, ;.;,d ratli-'r t'taii di-v.oil !)H how <;r v.icn those re,'* s r;it;:e ri> ■ \i--, ir is tlie more prudent nod dn'iva'ilo ee!ir«e to i!f;i.<:i'J ?rren:ioii.->Sy tl-it tiny tl.cuM no !(.?•;■..• !.. yt-r mitt'-d to e>:i-% nv.d to r.j-p'y. v.-it'r ' ■•',■;•?! r.iiit-lii"■«« in-.! ze:.V t> t'.'e !>ro;-ev ij::.i;U'. ';; I tl:? Hi'i.i.'ii nt--.)it i.-f !::•■ <■■■'. l:i thi-: ;;■ ;•.■.■.; the various :: ••: !< ts m' the K'f'il. !i;l? ::;:(! I-.i :: ds | limy be s;it"i'...\ refoi..-fi ir.r.itl •■■i.::^-; ;• i( • :•-..!-,; , ;:i--!rc?.s :n:r) i:'o t;iv, :'. '■'. :jJ-.-,..t..;i- \\W?'.: ?..'.:".j resuif fr«un .1 j,i)?i;:i.-ii.. i.r gr:n;! Uv < •.■;.;;.;ii.>:i, ;!;ou!.;. i:. r i;^v!!', r.T-M.i :i ir..-tiv-.- <■:.'.:),■>, :;tlv powerful to j — ti'y :!..• !i.i::iii.i-o;:s Ri:i;.-;;..:i f! f'.i:'ij:ne:;t :c 11 ■ ■ • ! . ::ii r;-i,:{ir* ?1. V.':-.:1.!. ii;i--|. .. .<• ii- ■: :" . :idv «..:.' \:y; :' .:■ ; -.. llliJtiiiti of tl:e '.i.:':';!!1.-. •' ■!>., w. '•■ <ic>', 11 \-w s'.'iiViK-es :.-...•.■ !• ■ .-)); i!. . ;: ! wV.y ... \.v <.-.'..'.:, ;:.>!•.. eJus-ui. ;r: l:.-i,.ii; of liieh ■ ;iiri?t:ai v.-i'lf.rt:' "!;^ir

int I'll* !:<•( I! e,,.r in aei ..m;i-, •••.•rtaiM1;: .<:■ \: i;Tl"> lur their :-i;|i;-i;n. Inn, ],'.■<. v lir tin- Aii:ii;!fy liis[nivi<r <.f :..' i-v.r!?. l:v .-.: v :'. <*. ■■■:>:■' wl.ii lii'.ve tiit. r..i mi o|.,.'..viii!'ity oi" iicnir- i!:c juyful hciun; < ( i i'hc cospt-l—-.vl-o lnvo the lures dissei'iin '.1 aiiiu:.:- tl::m i:i :':.:r naiive langU'lge—mi v :•::■ 3iov«- ,1 r u.ivJ.n -cpe ni s.ln..>K for traiuin/; tin' ••.•ipjr ii! •:•. \.ii.;.ii- l;r<r-<" ':.. s • f useful knoivli"!.-. l;i :iiis niHutie' ii y !i.'e hiippi'y cnj"yi A ;'.■■.■ >v■■ ■: ■of <jl.uiiii?i(;,. oml ::t:.-'. religious iiisiiueiioii.-, \vi.i'!;ti •.:; :• t ;'.-, y :iv.i:'f.l themselves ol iJ-.0.- W.'tsni.^ f.j ih.- lie-t i.;' t'.rir ability. And, un-Vr tlic?'.- < jivnuist:;•..•'■-, <•>•:: it be other?vis.n than v mutter of deep i<:-;-t. tl.:''. ihotisands should <p:ive ihcir t:.iriie i«:i.?i -.\ ::1: ■•••it a preacher «n- UncVdto ti; ti'l'.i-rfivc, ;u:t\ their orT?piing in the new v.'.-.;.!? A famine of bread is truly ?lnru:inp--l'u:. wliat is poverty, what is tbc Wiint of breitd, in oiitij-uiison with v spiritual futnine? At> bn.<'' eon^litutos t>ic proper nouricliiiieiit for the b'x'y. mj the tvord of ?Jod constitutes the only fit an:: ?;i'utiiry food for the soul. Where the common ni:iitis or fiiste n.mce iiro Wtttitint. natural life iati^uip'vs ntid soon becomes extinct. And tn, " where tlicrr i<s no vision." or where there U nn absence, of the word of life, " the |ieo|>ie perish." It in, there fore, earnestly hoped that, ivbee :iny permanent system of emiuratioti is e<t:tS<!ishe(l, it !i«tiefit which is so loudly called for, due attention will be paid Co the mean^ of coinmutiioatiui: mural and religious instruction. It Mould itidc<4 be melancholj', while ample provision roiiu* to be made for tbe tcmporul ••umfurts ?l tbe i«dumlnnt population of tbe Ili^lilmiri* and Islandu, byre moving them to the tK'tiiul climes of a foreicn land, tbat no provision v.-h?trv<'r «t-oiild be made for tbeir spimual beni iit. C-4?« thy kingdom patt with so many tboti<>nnd* of its l.iive ?«<l loyal natives, without Blior.lniit i'kmii "Ilie minus of moral and religious in;tructiu« ii" tbe land of their adoption ? High is the honor, cn<l fibril tbe felicity, which will be conferred on ntt are instru- | mental in the dis?cininction of (■(riptural know. ledpe among tkeir brctiircn of tnankin-i. Ca«t a retrospective gUnre nt Athens and Rome, lit Coios-e Bnd I'liilippi, at Tbe«? i'«<><ira atid Fp'ic. 6U«. at C.tiintli n;id <Vi!tioeh~:nal behoid tiiose i cities at 'irtt eu> k in the grossest idcriatrit« ?tid | alioiniuations. Uut tiny them n!;?rw«rds, when , a happy change was tlfectci?—view them sil liie interesting period \wipm the l«ar.ii« • •'-.?" tv.>. Cioss | Waved in ttiunii)': «jvcr the laiisu -, .f i..-> X';. :r«. , utid **y wlmt lihl'.i «>i L.'i.:y *vri■>.•'•'* tli.- \:rnA of him w«o first •*.-;>■.; i:i;.i i: < ?•.,:.- a J.;t!o\v><lLC rf flip oiti.e I Look ••.: <; : ? ir:v\ ?-n lielii«-:n-^ tir.d J.i^;- V «.i\r<rr4 !;i«j:i. «J;iri tj! i.t t>:ie «'?">' ili'rji:.ii.; I ■•,• a i^.f h1 ,,-j \:,\:.t<-* pnj'uWti'-si. whr nr.-ii >:<1 ll.e i :.-.«-t <«<vi>'.l':«is ■ lites !•"•' cere :.<>,.•:. ?-.i;, w<:: tl«- <•(' tlie wil«!c*t s?f-'.-:«.-;ic:., v.1.0 f.-.; ti. :i aei::::s, an<! «-<?rsbip?«« l\ :• i'i,«t<t->, I'.t t^T iini-' j dom no?w sit« a* j'Uje^s jitri i; • t .•• ::::t;oii*<f j th>' Carrie ::«d ;s :■. i e>i ?!•.■> I \.;,:, ; .v.i.ous I admirati'Mi by stiriv. r-s,r.; li' :j;>*.i.u:-5 '••■; !;<t i 'i^i.t. b«-r i;i«iJy, o!?. !:.r -or.-.-...jr; •■ lie I M>/«i'<> «if t!.i>, f. ! t-: - «-i, 3 < !■••;• v.. : V!--j iirtts v.«rf aeroiii- ... :.- -• ; . "•.,;.. -'...s, | jns:iuir.<ti: ii r: t'...^ i. '.-, ...:i ..:' . „-. ■•, IH'■• ■• i :•■• .:.■ v.'. ,!•,-' ;.. . . .•.. ... v ;■ ■• ■ -•: '•'. i" '? :•• •■' ■: i': ■ .i :■.... voirs r* ?•.•'" !'• Hi*! •.• ■ ■ '■-,•■. ■ ■ i isuwliT* v.-i.. : . !..: .•.- '. .?!.:.■- '. • ;

ph-cir r •vitl:;.-: tiuir 'c-i)i (':• '0.-Tiirs of n . r.-'igiol^. .'Ti-1 < ':«titi: '.-•: il i- '::•■:.?"<;•!. flint they i: y li.! <:■ -.Vv] heriv,:':■'!• ' l^ iv.-j:',; woit'ty «it I: ■ Lvi, i::r 1 nil plei.s'pe. In-ill^ lruiilul in e.-ory r?'>i:.l v.";!c, n'wi i.ier^Hfii-'j: 111 t'.ie l;now. ii.ige o!' (•'-(!" (Colos. i. Ji) ) j FACTS, 1-ANCIKS, AX!) KKCOf.LECTIOXS. Tin: >':-m\i <;v !a;.:. ?.! •.:.!. :s ITS 4 — There 1 ir. vc lie :i "•■■ viral i'jiop'ib in ill' domestic histury •'f Garlt^iii I-.':;:..?; und cert'i'.i'.y'ofie of the first vis tbo iv ii id wheii the pri-rt- lipe,\me iiitimat* v.ill. tin- n:iny:!ior<:;, Sir .'?!ia L:i^<'. Captain Morris, C'!itii;l SJanpT, ami 11 feiv i<<hcr« of tliHt sruin;:. cur.vivcx <n i.i.,- . si'v •• >rm-'-. Nothing; c Mi:.-; ?'.Tcrjd Ihe \::< V\ -.'. :.: ■ '■ i.'itioiis cciidiict c! iiis f::td!« ?t this p«.r.. 1.. wht:": wns most{;or>re-Otisl-.- • •.;;pli«'d and mo«t vv;i;it.):::y h'iusti!. The or/iei :>' uip'.'t. in such co:np:riy .•>.« tUcrp ussein hlt-!?, f-l:rulrf iu'V"- In- :■ conie-i; for the entire •nrsii; nf the bo:::o for yc.irs would be •

never ceasing history of ri!i.ild oonvrrsction, drunkenness, nnd debauchery. Aliout the year 1754, in the zenith of tbet coterie which assem bled in Curltoti House, tv&s the period when tlio Duchess of Devonshire graced the table there, and several ladies eminent for grace, wit, and every female chr.rm. These meetings were en livened by Eueli men ns Cli?rles James Fox, Sheridan, and a select few; such rare companions, if we may be pardoned for the levity of the re mark, as no ape inuy ever see mjain. Though retrospectively, yet how palpably before our eyes arc the pay scenes of 17P2! when the Man of the IVopV (Charles l'\n\ Sam House, Colonel Hangar. Cupt. Morris, and msny another who moved i" <hat day, made a prominent figure in life, in adveiting to this period, the closing of the last century, the reminiscences ot the actors in thc*e scenes are sufficiently melancholy; for of the many that appeared amongst, these dazzling meteors, how few can be named thnt were no{ obscured ns they disappeared, one by one. on the gloomy linriion of their inortnl career! The g«y, the beautiful, the feeling Duchess of Devonshire, the munificent patroness of the ingenious the active eupnortrr of thouphtless pniety, the be nevolent Mtstuiner of tha friendless—fcbe, siveet liidy, liecar.e almost reduced fo seek a friend for herself. T!iit Uuehess suffered nuieJi in public opinion by the prominent part she indiscreetly took in tlie elections of the Hon. Cl'srlefi James Fox, whicli, to say the least of it, was ill advised for n e;i.'ntl(?woman alviiya travels out of the path of eleoorutn wiien si:? becomes t'te conspicuous suppnrror of any political party. In the election for Westminister lor !7S*2, which lasted for two nnd-forty days, she wus d-tily seen in the public streets, or at the private house of some partisan, 1 with the " Man of the IVonie." as Vox was de nortiinatcii: sometimes with the noblemen anil j pentiemtMi, his political Mippmters: :ind lies been seen in rompxny, almi)«;i: ''rin-in-ar-n, ■vith that sinjriiliir cliimeter, Para liot:s<.\ the flvek hi?illord oislio C;'cii jn.d Uors?-s sii vii«u.«e in WarJoiir-Mrrct, Sol;:'. This P.iiti Ki--lte miy bn repaidrd

' :>■: cur oft! 0 .'i-i (if lii't i-Cf.'ri'lic vp-"ics wSiirh ] j vr::' !::«<r.v:;:;: ii!:r.u.-t iv -l:i :■: .:: \V t ;.-t;iiiiu-t«:r | j iT.y i.r si:"/ yu..: ■ ■'■•:; ..!■(? 0:1 .- th.-.f, beii:g once | | i.w. v.ouM f ;i lv.:- ti-1 n i'ugoue::. He 1 wf.v ::!'■:•::'f.vv t'-'i i irii in !ir;:iir, cmi r.s cleanly n;'. ')■'. Nif.u's t:i!i:t ;.s :i :■■ x'y eoiru.d Tower £iii:.t:t. \'.i- )..■'; iii; * lit!'- i:."'i" tt;>rm liir: iTaiiiilin, v.l-inii \v:is'^fi! il'v niff'.'iii'il. lie rarely wore :i cf>af. lint v.-::>: i;"m'!v uttircd i:i £ jielut (! nan. kv •;, v. it Ii iiTvc'"i"i dl tl.' rir.i.if : ui.nncnd l:t-i«c -i'^rhic?, «;,( ii i:; «lress, iinii in iijie silk ha*e; u\:ist<o:u uns white dawask, his whole «os ttn.u* vi!S wit'iiiit ';i'.ik or bVs.i-;i, o;i<; bit linen m;;' ' v:c in w'. I.i .-.-.-. wall li;.; littivil under (he win;. >'i" ft swoii. Viiis is n fuithfiil limning of. S:im IJoiw, tt-.* <Vvotod friend r,i;d preat tup ••otter <•'the fi.\i!i)U' w.-uibrr fcr Wi similistiT, v■!:•) l:i?pt ')!)>"i Jio<r- ■ ;'.>r !)'*'iti'-"il •: ■ rniuiticcs aii'l ■■'<' si! .•«:<; < ■ n.-i'l<-tcM>' ftiii.!:-. nli of which he 1.e.-lowi-'i en two '•t t!.ret; uf Fox's elections lipraiuc s-i'P':ii:y f.-r -..i! prectu sunsso<: thesame account, ami <;k-1 v.:: i.ujt a doit. We recollect si prcci."-?i<)li, o:ie i'liMin;; many ol' (lie pi me kind aiiout period, which, setting out fro;n tlic St. AlUns mustered in Pall Mall opposite Curlton Hmtse, ni ( L n in forenoon, composed ot fifty of ttie finest women of the land, with (lie Duchess of Devonshire, and other ladies of the /inwt fo?,«t their head, forming together such n galaxy of beaut*, as most certainly will never lie aecn again on nuch an occaxion. TJicmc fusci nating ladies were termed the blue and Luff squa dron; bring diesecd in blue riding-habits, with York tan plowed, and each wearing in her lint or bonnet a laige fox's brush; and so great was the influence o< these political gaieties, that half tbc beautiful women in Westminster perambu lated the public places, wrecr'irc similar syn;Vi>'«. Immediatoly at tbeir pay heeU followed sfandanl bearers, bunds of music, &c.; mid then Mr Fox, arm-in-arm witb Sum House, with certain noble men mid gentlemen of ttie I'lectioii-Roiiiinittcet; j Btminggt whom was conspicuously prominent. Colonel George Hanger, with fain preposterous cudgel an:l wbite frill, plaited down to hi* wa«t batid; after him four-and-twenty fresh looking butchers, alt clad in white jiwVrta, ?i?nkrrn breeches, and littie aprons tucked round their wni«t«. soui.diK? « merry |>r«l with mn-row-bones nnd cleaver?, followed by numerous Whig lord* i end gentlemen, all wcil mounted, m.d a motley ! group of tap-rag and bcl?-tni! in their wake, j ! linn rquipnto, tbry marrbrd off t«« tbe liU«ting« | ia Covtrit GarOsn Vaikrt. 'rertcdin front ?f St. ! i'-ml's Churrii, tW 1 dies Itaitwt ?t tie Krtytl Hof«J, «*fr::«-r al Ki.n--6tref% Mrfwere trteiFei^'.i iKji'tesi-iis buz?.**. ?^J tr.« «it t allthej'<y<Hn t k Vy oft'nr t< wr. wns ir?.i«poU«ril b?Aepnrtf : <i? lii.-rl lii.ilni, by which «#I?01K* F«i KH ! (umili.'xiy Vtii.w: t«> I'ijrb *"& •«?; whilst all ' t!i? party ?.fr<t!!S in (iie nt-i).'n'-""U?i Ji3od of Corrtit j da.-den r-:^ St. J.imw*« trt'r vMMtart scene* cf ! I <iri:.tit-rr. ii->". ?'<«. -'^ I'rt.-qartiift moniinp, I i n<.ci,:ii|d*-:- )^^. Tliit.-riitti•* w.ritooin?iti«p ;to i:;?ny ...' .'.• • >A-1y i:,trt..-.'f *«€?)«? heit-appa j , :■■■, ;_tli«' a • r.-i-- :■•« < 2 j'.i. ♦ •■ '^ratec \Vhi? club, i ,•.; .-)tiirr -;-.4-;r:it« v<«r< :i?*;"«1 V' *?*r Poland ;,,. ~,rtr t m .:. .;.— r.i i::iV -/Illy obtained too .• v .ii .- . ; ..•:.;••<•;• v.i I'-.. thmipbttc--* !.• :•• . -i. <.'•• :> •■■ ■' .•. '" ■•■• "S ••.>«.«) change*!

Tm- nicrxs or Limkcikjk Catiiiurai Tlere Is • .iirious mid interesting troUition connected with the lulls o( Limerirk cathedral. The «oiy is prettily told. Mid will bear repetition. Tlioy wwr. it in sii.l. hnmpht ori C ii. B || y f rom ftalv, where they were mamila, tured by n youn R na tive, who grew justly proud of the successful re-I Milt of years «r .mxious toil expended in their ' |>ro.!ncti..?. Th.y were subsequently purrbwed liy tliu prior of v neighbouring co'ivcnt; and with profits of this sale tiio young Italiun procured a littie villa, where hi! had the pleasure of henrin,,' : (lie tolling of his bells from the convent clifi", and iof groivinpo!.! in the boima of domestic happi. j ties*. This, however, was not to continue. In j some of those broils, wh?ther civil or foreign, | whirli tire the undying worm in tlie peace of a fallen iMiid, the «ood Italian was v sufferer amongst many. He lost his all; and after the passing of the storm, found himself preserved atone nraid the wreck of fortune, friends, family, and home. The convent in wliich the bells, the dtefs dauvvr. of his skill, were l:ong>es razed *o the «fl«h, and the bells were carried «way to another land. Tlie unfortiiriatc owner, haunted by his memories, and deserted by his hope*, lienamc « wanderer over Europe. His hair grew grey, and his heart withered, before be again found a home and a friend. In tm"? desolation of spirit, he formed the resolution of seeking the place to which the treasures of hi* memory had been finally borne. He sailed for Ireland, proceeded up the Shannon; th* vessel anchored in the pool near Limerick] and he hired a small boat lor tlie purpose of lauding. TJia city was now before him; and be beheld St. Mary's steeple, lifting its turrcted head i above the smoke ami mist of the old town. He j sat in the stern and looked fondly towards it. It j w«a an evening *o calm and beautiful as to re mind him of his tmtive haven in the sweetett time of the year—the death of the spring. The broad r.tream iippcnred !ike one smooth mirror, and the little vessel glided through it. On a sud den, amid the general stillness, the bella tolled from the cathedral; the rowers rested on their oars, and the vessel went forward with the im pulse it had received. The aged Italian looked towards the city, crossed his arim on his breast, nnd laid hack in his seat; home, happineas.eaily ie-Follections, friends, family—all were in thesout^f at:d went with it to his heart. When the lotjprs looked round, they beheld him with hie face Hill turned towards the ra>hcdral; but his ayes were rlosed, mid Hien they landed they lennd him dead i—Jttrs Halls Inland.

A Go'ti'.mano iK Ecstact—After tbe soup, we had what I do not hcritate to call tbe very be« beefxteak I ever «te in my life. By tfc« ?b«dcof Hiliogabalim! an I write about it now, a week ufter I have entcn it, the old, rich, weft, piquanu juicy taste comes smacking on my lipi "gain; mid I feel fomethiiig of that exquisite •eiisution I then had. Inm ashamed of the de liglit which the c?tinj of that piece of meat caused me. O— and I had quarrelled about the kmii> (I said so, and «!on"t wish to return to the sut'jert); ?>ut when xre lief an on tlie steak we looked i:- e;rh otlic:, nr.ii loved rach other. We did not siM'al:—oui hearts were too full for that; but we took n lii:, and Isid down c::i' forks, nnd looked ?t one miothcr, i;nd understood each otlitr. There were no two individuate on this wide I'wtii—no two lovers Willing in the shade no mother clasping her lipliy to her heart, inors su;ircisiely ha;ipjr .than we. Every now and then we had n glass of honest, firm, generous, Hurgundr, that notily supported the meat. As you nifty fancy, we did not leave a single morsel of the steak; but when it was done, we put bits of into the the silver dish, and wistfully Mijuied up t'.;c gravy. I suppose I 6liull never in I'm* world ta«t<> an; thing bo j;ood ugain. But wiiatthen? What if I Jid like it excessively? Way my likiap unjust or u-imaily ? Is ray regret now pullinj- or itaworthy ? No " l.nudo tnantm ttmf m Titmouttc sayf. When it is eaten I resign myself, and can eat ft two-franc dinner at Richard's without ill humour, and without ft pkne.— Fra'cr'g Magazine.

Ketfct Yorit Dinner.—Sir, Respect your Dinner; idolise it; enjoy it properly. You will be by many hours in the week, many weeks in the year, and many yean in your lift, tbe happier if you do. Don't fell us that it is not worthy of a «nan. All « «n*n'« «en«e« are worthy of em ployment, and should be cultivated mt a duty. The urines an; the art*. What glorious feasts •loci Nature prepare for your eye in animal form, in landscape, and painting! Are you to put out your rye* r.nd not we ? Whst royal dishes of melody ilocs fcrr bounty provida for you in tbt shape of poetry, mutlc, whether windy or wiry, note* of liir human voice, or ravishing songs of liir4t • Arc you to *tuff four ears with cotton, nti<t v<.w that the sentc of brarini; is unmanly ?— you obstinate dolt you 1 Nn surely; nor must you htm absurd auto laney that the art of eating i« in any way le«? worthy than the other two. You like your diiitn-r, man ; never be a«hai?«4 to say so. If you don't like your victuals, pass on t<> the next article; but remember that every man who hoi been worth a lip in this world, as |>ort,f>itintrr.or ainfcimn,tia« had a good appetit* and a good ta*te. Ah, what a poet Byron wontd have been bad he taken his meals proper!?, and niton cd liinpeli to frow fat—if nature Intended dim to grow fat—?nd not have physicked his intellect with wretched opium pills and acrid vinegar, that rent hi* principle to sleep, and turned li:« feeling* «our! If that nan had re spected liis dinner, he never would ha?* written " Don Jnan.*"—lfctrf.

APF.I.MDE : Printed and FnMMhed by (he lYoprirtort RoMitr TnQMks 4 Co.. at thnr Printing OSes Hiadhfttrrct.afctteCMH* and Adirrtlsmcnls. ami •Hroumnirationtiotlic Rliiem, will I*" "wired. ftiee, per anmii, fl IS«., «« l<c H^ '" •* -?* m?. A*wtf«rmcms (paid In adrtnre) m* M-Tntinp rigl.t V.w-s, 3.., and 2<l. f<w r?*T ■4**'«^ •inc. Adrnti^'inriiOi rflt frepaM wi'l w Mmtyrd 4s. for the tir>t cipW line«, «nd *d. Tor every ad ditional line- . . . , . _ . ■nw-Swrtft Aii*trnli<in?n<i' trrta*y**h*A «*cW lowimr A<wnt«, bywiwm crf.-r??«l «dmU«.MicM!< wil alcnbonveiTpd:— .. «... Mr run*. Hindi-}-««•«; Mr AWw*,Nor* ***^*; Mr ll.*. Mr Aatovxu Emn lioiH. Worp^-tt V«"o- Me ««*<■?* Rahcrwno, l'c*r??HT, tfewifr Town; «r T.«T. Gronse - «*n-et. Sy.lwj , ■«nr« Biark *rd Arr?««"ii{. North ?«lUfltw>i?-«?*?H Strmn* Usodo?.