South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 12 June 1841, page 4



extent of

of land


no of section

barley oats

maize potatoes


supplied with water and how extent of land enclosed and how houses or wood houses: yards, quarries, irrigation, etc. ll 'Lfl.:j ; Y.W.ll*>, <2<;a!1::|:: .-., IHI'.J.j \ i I, in, ;• 'C.

supplied with water and how

extent of land enclosed and how


and how

P. 52

P. 43 P. 44

Charles George Everard

Walter Thompson



4 4 I !


2 1/2

•> 1

j ! | __ Two wells, forty feet deep each, Thirty acres-partly with posts, including three feet of water two rails, and narrow paling, free from smut: seed from Van Diemans land at all seasons. and partly with posts and four rails. sount about the latter end of July with seed growing rails. same soil in 1839v a very good crop, very slightly sautted? j Barley, sown in end of July — seed partly from the Cape of good hope and partly English-yielded very good crops; but the latter was the best. Oats, sewn in July were cut green for feed. Maize, planted in the beginning of September, promising well. Two dwelling houses of pise, the other of brick; stable, stock yard, sheep pens, and From section 44. One hundred and thirty four wheat sown in January, yielded an indifferent crop, full of [?] acres— partly with bark, ditch, barley, sown in July provided a good crop. Oats were and one rail, and partly with I green for feed. Maize, planted in September, looking well. bark, ditch, and two rails. I Potatoes, planted in August from bad seed, yielded a very irregular crop, but of large size. A temporary but [?] [?] the farm, &. A well, forty feet deep, including I Twenty acres,with posts, two rails I Wheat, sown in March a very fair crop, slight smutted. six feet of water.I rails and narrow paling. I Barley sown in April, a very good crop. Oats cut green for feed. feed. Potatoes, planted in April, proved a failure. Dwelling-house of pise, stockyard, & c. Two wells-one forty five feet I Give acres_partly with post on I this section is divided into acre allotments. There are eight deep, including eight feet of I end, partly with posts and I families located upon it. Stockyard, & erected upon it. water: the other forthy seven I rials, and partly with temporary fence I feet in depth, inlcuding six feet of water. Abundant supply of surface water. I No fencing. I There are two dewlling houses on this section. J ■ ...

I Two wells, forty fed deep each including three feet of water at all seasons.

From Section 44



Donald McLean I


4 I

I A well, forty feet deep,including six feet of water. 1


•Edwards Town ... I I

Henry Ovens otid others I

I Two wells—one forty-five feet deep, including eight feet of water ; the other forty-seven feet iii depth, incluiling sis j fe.!l of water. Abundant supply of surface


T,agoou Farm ! i i

I ! Henry Hennir.g | 1 i


!John Windsor ! i


jAuuiidatici; of water on the : surfacv. j ! I

101 IKetley Thomas H. Beare ■ I I 1

|Green Slip J,,),,, Woodhead j

)06 jch "tkford !Saimiel Smart ''

| 0 7 Pincahill Thomas Y. Cotter i

t ! I 106 Plyinpton HamleU jwilliam Litton & others' i i

r. 260 Duguld McTavish 10 i :

I ! A r. 200 j George Brunskill 2

A r. 200

r. 02




T. 287

V. ?Ci

v. 231 r. 202





?. 260

I I 'CoWAiidillah Village i !

.New Richmond Vil.

1 i North Richmond , i Township j 1

1 T«vickcuhamTwnt>h.

i : Tusmore I

jXetley i

|Green Slip



I Piyinptou Hamlet*

I Jas.Washington & others i 1

Frederick Skipworth.... i i

i Edmund Jas. Constable j

1 1 Thos. Reashill& It tlnnV ' Smith

Charles Bcrke'fy

;Edwin Oliver

I William Holers •





i i 1




j i i



l !

1 ■ i !

1 ■ j 1

I ! i i i i

1 I I 1

i 1 0 ' 1 1 ! i

i 1 i i i

I '


1 I ■ •

20 Ul>

> ■ '■ !i


1 ! ' ! 2 2 i i i , I

1 ! ! ! MM' ; 1 : I

1 i 1

! I ! !, 1 i ; i i :


Ml ' i l" i i i

1 j.









jAi)uiul?*ici! of water on tlielXiiir-iiiillis of eighty a«*:-es, Preparing to lmiltl aliouso <m the scciiou ; ::l iiicscnl there a«o : surfacv. p.uily with jmsts ami four only lenu, lem;.??lii)ry Imts, &:. i raii<, :iml |>:ntly with pusis | anil | wo rails. Fi\e \v«?l!s, with pood water at Several of ll?o allotments arc'This section is divided into arro allntiiieiits, :i;id t-oiiiains niiit-1 the ilejitli of lilteen feet. eti'-losed with teinporary, or or ten pist- iniH«s. There :uo eUi'ii>,:ve l>rick-\v:<rkg in I hush fence. : operation. , Well, twenty I'-et deep, iiK-lmlini; Two ae.rcs — with hank ami Wheat, sown in July, :m indii!"onut rr?i|>, ami much snuitt<-tl. three feet of youd water. ditch. I This Kection is silm divideil into aero all.itnipjit*. There :u-e j j thive dwelliiiir-lKiuses on it, and two or Hirer mure in tlie I ! rouiM 1 of election. j One acre—temporary fence. JThis section is ;i?su divided inio acre :i!loti:i'_'iits. There is I j only one pn-ou at pieseul loeated ujkiii it, in a |ii-i' ', ! ilwellillL'-l st.. .Two wells—one fourteen the Two acres—temporary IVtiee. ;This net-tiuii i> Ufc-ovisi? divided into :i<ro utii'tiu-uts. Th<?re ; oilier twelve fret deep, in- j are two briefc'S uj<ii:i it; hrivklield, &e. j eluding three fei-t of good | j water. j Well, e-i^lity-fotir fe.-i deep, in- llnlf of the soetiort— part with 'I'otatns, planted in July, a veiv hnliffere:;t erop. Tlr! huildiii-js cludiuj,'ten feet nl ualer. posts and tinec rails, anil part on lliis sedioii sire—a du'elliu^-houi>e, and three eotta^o for with p.isis on end. workmen. Well, thirty d"ei', iiieludiii.j;One hundred :inil il;rty :i ■•res— This seetion contains an inu a:ii) hoU-1, two votViges, stock-two (Vel water, verv hrsieki^liJ wiih post* :iud four rails. i yard, &e. Well, f«>rly-Uve fee! deep, in-JTwo huiidreti mid sixty-eiu'ht ; Wheat, r-o.vti in A ;>iil and May, yielded a!,cii!t eiuhlei-n Iiiis'k>!s eluding twelve feet of good aeres—part with posts of l!iree! per ..ere. Hail<'y. si\ n.-res siwn in A|.ri!. a very I'ood en>;i; water. and fcur rails, and part with etulit ncres mi\*'<i in the latter end oi .1 nu--, a Ifj-Iu eioji ; i posts on end; divided into! four aeres (eh.•v-ilier) miuii in July, a very li:;'.it crop. ?.):il:<, two paddoeKs iif i-eveiity aciesj sown in the brahmin:; of August, a youd crop; some tt.'lf-taeh, one of sixty-live acres,- sown, a liif'it <"ri<p. Mai/.e, pianteil iltirin'4 tlie nmiiltj of andoneofsivtyaeVes. Garden' Oeloher, looking: toleraldy well, l'otatus, plauted from July and orchard, three acres. to September, an iudillereut 11 .>j>. ('pun iIun I aim is h-.tiil il larce and cois?tiindioiis dwelliui"-llou>r, with st ablet, I111IIS, and granary attarlie !—all of loi.k : likewise three eolla^'es fur workmen, smith's slioii, &r. There is also a mud siud hiiek duelliu^tiouse, uilh sttii'k-y:ird, &c., and a publie-boiise, with a stable attavhed to it. Fencing just comincnced. There are on this "eelion :i dwelliii^-hmtvc, stock-ytiril, &e. ; an I ii:n and luitt-l, *vitli <!:.!.!,•, 6i •. ; and two cott;i;'es. Wr'.l, t wpiiiy-<iu'lit feet deep, None. i'J'here is a Iniek I'oase un tiiia lariu. ii.elu'lini; tluee feet water. ( Well, i xvrnty?li\p feet deep, in- One hundreii and ten acres—' A ilivpiiiti^-hiaisi** and :i cottage i:i (he ccmrse of ereclion. I cludit.irlivv feel "f water. j ()iuU awl ditcU. j Two *velii,, twent).three feet:Forl) ue.rvs—L'aiik and ditch, jM:tiz«-, planted iit September, an es'i>il"iil ciop. lVitnins, ti-tif deep, each inducing fci>. fvet of i.l.iidini' uiiUimu'!!, a vry imp. Tht v a le four of jj««od water. , ilnellii^-!;.,*:-. s ..11 the (•••ciioii ; stn-i;-;. aril, dairy, fowl-!'IVow«?!l!!, Jhiriy feel :lfop, iu.JN.iiK'. ' '. \f.- s.-'timi 1.' : «.l. .1 ii.u, .u .• .: !, •„<■;. Ttif-i- i, a r'v.i-j rlmiiiiulivflect iif^ood water, j : s-i-.ieralile in:ml?«'i "I persons I ..• •••<! up. 11 it. iWell, fs«* veiny fet ileep, incluil-'Une liumlrcd and A'ii,-;.t, «>.« 11 in V|nil, :i ,:iir <-mp. a.eta.ii.;.-t .ven'y-i:.veh<isl?<'!< ing rtve feet of (iood water. aeres — oite-lulf with post* per aeio.' ;., >?« ii :.l the same lin.e, proved a um?.l er-;\ and three zniif, t!ie other lialf and ueM<><l :ilt<?ul the same letiirn. There are on tlii-- farm witii (tank :tud ditch. ; two'lai^ie ami ••imniioilioiis dwelliic-hnu«fs, with a eolta-r i for l.ibmvrf ; s«:«Me, eait-h.-d, Mo.-k-y-ird, &e. Well, tvcnly-fivc feet deep, in- .Sixty-seven ucres — posts andWli"^!, sown ::\. out the he:iiMii:u r of Oitulier, smutted, anil an i dudili|;le*u feel of water. lour rails. j indtifeieut ir.ip. 1'otato*. planted from .lime till October, a I toler-ihle crop, partly di-strnje.l tiy ifrulis. IVhs, sown in ' July, did Lot s*ucceiJ. Mai/e. |d:iiited in October, is looking I exi-eeilinjjly \v*-ll. Hape :;nd Ki;i>eed, soivu in small ;i:itc!ie>, I succeeded veiy M''H. There is a'inii'line- of superisir el.iy for j I ! luieks upon lls« M.etiou. The du-eliin^s cousUt of an ex.-IUul j ! bliek bouse au«J cotta-e, with I. v<i<-. Vrom the Fourth Creek, n little Eighty acres—po&ts and thieelrpon t!ii< seeiii.n are a dwelling-ln.u>e, %t:s!;li-, fowl-house, above the section. Water on! rails. j daiij, t-t jik-y:iril, &o. the surface part of the year. ; Well, tliirly feet deep, including Sixty-seven acres — posts and Wheat, sown in f lie heaiuiiinirof Juno, a tolerable erop, p-trti.illy r:^ fvl of good water. tb'tee rait*. I Minuted. <?:«•*•, wiwa in the I'.'-imiiu^ of Auju>l. a ve.y Ii :ht erop. l?«?l.i;os pointed in September, a lolei ihle er<?;« -«if good size, Inn 110* miiiiei'iiU". A jr.uil 'loitsi', Kti*ck-j :\nl, &.-., ,.;,on :be STti.ui. V.VH. «ini? hundred and twenty- For fencimr, bpp Mr UnseiVs Uuildiugs--an i««ti a:.«l hotel, stiiWe, vtocli-yaru, &c. two feet, including live 1' portion oj' this (section, above, of jrouil water. I Two veils. None. I BuiMiii"*—one w<mdrn dwelling-house, and several others in th-... in*.-of «'«'icli..n. Well, forty-six feet deep, in- Two hundred and forty actcs Potato*, planted in A<i£.int, a fiiluve. Ti^jv is a sub,l:?uti;d I eluding three of good water. enclosed—twoaud a ha'lf miles wooden dwelUn^-hou^e on the rstate. with postti ;iiul rails :""' half a mile wiTli ji'ists <m end. ;Frotr? the Third Oeek, which tup paddock of ««ie liundreil On section 342 are two cottages, two stock-yards, cow-sheds, &c. |<asveii through the properly. Mid tbiity acres, one of eighty, one of one lumdred, and one I of thirty-four — all enclosed 1 I with posts uud four rails. j I Abundant ftipply from the First None. ;A pood jiUt !io«sc on the section. t:ifr?ek, whicli passes through j the Fiction. t iFrota the First Creek. None. 'A good pine lio««e. Two liundreil and Rixty-cight' acros— partly with posts and four rails, partly with po6lsi and throe mils. ' Well, twenty-four feet «lcep, Sixty-eeveit acres—with posts Dwelling-hous«? t barn, stock-yard, &c, on ihis M-clion. inoluding tno fept of water, and throe mils. Watci on the surface tiiuc mouths of the vear. Well, thirty-four feet deep, in- Sixty-seve? seres —with posls On this pioperty ar* three substantial and commodious dwelhng-cladhi^thtee fert water. and four mils. I houses, «lsiry? stable, &c. Frota the Cn-rk in ubumiani c. None. 'The><??r das just settled on tlie Kection, and lis* liuilt a j uoo.t Rlali ho'ise. Frnrn a Mream wliich r.ins One hundred acres—posts and There are four «l«elling-h«U3es, three stock-jards, xlables, &c, through the f:«rm all the year, four tails. on this farm-afiiordinq an atiutidaut suppty. frornfcclion 2?4. None. Potato", date «f p1*nti« s unknown, very good ciop. A dweJ-linylmuse, «t<ii:k->«iril,&c. oil this From the Torrcna — ft good Two paddocks of Seven acres Wheat. sj\v« «« «he latterfud «f Jnl?, a vry li;«i'c r .m. Hr- j C«a|iply. eacli, oue or twelve, ouv «r fti.tiiMinn. ll« ■ '.*" v ■ '•' •t"'.% < :l |i-llt ••"'i 1- '•:'"(>. I'- '"'"" ' twrnty, and one of four-all in Septeuit>«-*r, ?%«•.> e k , client «<<.ji. I'.tiat .-•, pl.-ui-.i ■>.: d.f- J timlosdwllSlioRtsaud tlirce fereul llm.-«-l?ai* «" •'« •r«l l «?'•?«' "n* ?«•)«?•?, but a ra i| B . great |it O portl<tn nl it badly, 011 account of tin* badness uf the seed. Substantial dwelling-house, «'.iiry, stable, lien-boiiae, mid stock-jraril. ... . Fr*?«i ? small elrcatn which Ooc-«Rfc«'« t>t a «n«p with polls A lU-elliug-li**^' ?n««U>ck.yaH aifcrtxted on this section. l?oescfi through the section. and tour rails—the rrinaiudpr oftlie s?i;ion «\ilh temporary feiie^.

Five vv«M!s, with cood water at 1 the de|itli of tilteen feet. 1

! Well, twenty f-et deep, ineludini; ' three feet of youd water. i I i

I ( I .Two wells—one fourteen the ' ! other twelve fret deep, in— j eludin- three fei-t of good water, Well, .•ijility-fotir fe-i deep, in- I chnlitj" ten feet itl ualer. j

Well, tliirly d^ep, iueludi n ..r!( two f«-el water, verv hraeki-li.i Well, f.nly-Uve feet deep, in-j'i eluding twelve feet of good] water.

•2H * T. A. Forrest

1 I i i

1 I ■'

i I ,



J I h r. i'M •Jeath Poole George lleid 3 I i

h v. zao


1 ?! I i

i i I*

I 3' ?i

: "!:

1 < I t. 202 .Tusmore Thomas Preeee, tenant of j 8 j MrUogers j

1 i] 4 I

i i A i

1 I I

1 i i 2 2 k y ! i I

'4 2,


1 v. 93 j |T. B. StiBMgn-nye !

1 i


I j ! 270 271 Edgeton William Sandford '. and-.?7l^ I t I ; 284 293 Woodfordc Esthtc ,. Samuel East ' IJ41 343 { r«47 MH'. I r84? «5O ! j

! 1 j j 1 1

j I '■ 1 ,




ji 9US ;Grcenhill j ames n utc lii«on 1

1 I

1 1 I ;

i 1 i I

i 1 ) i;08_ j George Willis j '202 2 Jo! South Auetraliau Conipji


i ;


a 2SI? JTborntngton John Hunt 12 j

i 1 1

4 299 ! C. B. Rodwell

! t 1

003 i William Warland 1 I 1

H54 85?,Glcn Stuart C. \V. Stuart I and tfSOl j

i J s


K3 JTammere jDatridWjllie J

•12 Uotin Stroil a !






: I 2CW? jGiceuliitt lltuie Jci.rirtoj.lier M. Wearing i I

2 i

P. 3I9 Hollybush Joseph Edmunds 3

From a stream passing through Twenty acres—posts and four rails—buildings two cottages and stock-yard. ; die Bert inu, | rails. Vr< .!•? M« So«wl l*r--ek, whieii Fiv<? an*l * Iialf ::em— one Four cottage** a?J • stocl-jard. j (taste* iVroc^ii «t<r teiliou. <|t:irter dunk am! <l;t<"i, t'n<« j ij:wrtrrs with pists aii.1 f««r !.V pon<l MjppH fror? a «1resii) 'J:«'««Tf—i!?s-l<-if f.-nrc. One tlBTlli«£f -'"•?«* -"•' <orl-?::rj. 1 fit,s.ii if tii:;,nv'i :Ue <ie«*t:irti. : I AI^H.dnit m.-j.K f.on, «!?• t-..r- SixJwn : >«-i.s-i ..<•- air.', tin. v Jh;< •.•,:,..? i~ I" "'i-i <" ' -i ■'■ *'J :'- T.-::v.«. V.I, .,«. ; . i>>is . - r .,,; s . ,.,„„ i :1 ,.!•■ :•■!, ! eli.l .-! .1.1.1 ■. I.:...... •.) :: ,■■■„,:, ,.f -nU-n . ■ . |,..,.'...v <,.«• ..■••—«(.. I 1.-.!-:--, j.l.1,1:-.: at l.|j-t,-,a ?■....-, , ! ,...„„„,, , ..,y >:, cr.,- n,,.:.:::,_>-,, : ,.h ,>. :1 :.j.,,h ( • ?"■■-■■>•■- .. , , , . 1 ;T:i'r ..f ?!ic '•ecli.iN— y, sN a:;-i i ..•:- ... :. .i - i.i-;-.i.-ir- '. I..••;.-.? <• 1.1; ■■ t. ... :::; tl.:s -•.•;•:!.:!•. 1 .'Vto'IV 1. -,.-.. i:i---::.l-:i:c. <?:.-'. p..;.-.«-i. ••« <\ -.1 - .s . i : . ...:..-i ••' ■•■.•■il-.i on «.-...• m.!,- In ;!. • T. ,.:... \i,-.-,; ,u ,,:■). ...... -,, ,1 t-«!: ;•: . -t-.ii.i '- !• ■■ ->' ■'■■. -• ?••" - • •' ••. ., . t'..i .-.,.. ,.!...•.•!. ,;,...• Mi....'.;,: •• >, ; ,.,,:,. 4' .. , m:'^ ir-r t: •.:.:....- ...• ••:...■ .....I -^ !■«'-«>!. i':r.--i....rt;.*« •<•„.,.■ ....... .,.,- •.-■'<■■ ,-•• I.--. ,.,!; l : -.,...-n', rt-i •


,« 1. i'.r« |Bum«i<t« l V4cr Au d crs , in j




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I I ! •JO4 k'iiftoa VJIt'j . .;it,,|, O rt llrll ' ' " ! I



Mi i :«i !

I 1

1 >I«J ji.'J.:oiab«: ( .%. j.\ al! J s. |^ 3,,,.,,,.. j .

:* 1

:; 1

I ;

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*>-•' -V. F. anJ S. K. Itouril .

I. •■'"•' «!-?'■ r.t.-; J..«.):%.V :; !kej:.r..| S:a?!.? sj.K •«

•i : ,'

"'.:!,' V-." .•.-= :', . ,' ' " I