South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 16 January 1841, page 1

FOR LONDON DIIIKCT, jr-JT *- TMK fine (list class Barque SMisrcKrs. G VIA XA, Inn then 4ij tow, It. hfflas/fS^J^v Winter, ecniinander. TgarjwjgT^' For ''vifi'" "r P'wi-agc upp'y t 0 'dBBJBiISjVr ul-tu'" v"' b'outh-tetrave.or to 1 CHARLES BECK & CO., Fi'inJiis-street. AJeluide, 24th Dec, 1810. ) N.!i .' ivan as will U mude on wool for ship ment by this vessel. FOB LONDON DIItKCT, *-*-,- THIS /.ALLAH ItOOKU, Capt. j?^b^^ Hekrv Ki.nsv, 37' i tons register tffi.#SW*wV "'" l >o?' f'vt''y *•">'! «•• Sunday wE&iiiSr licxt tlie l7cll '"£t> Slie llas stl* -iIBiSS&S&O perlor iiccommodations for pas sen?eis, and carries v" cxpeiieneed surgeon. Persons wishing to engage cabins in the cuddy are r«quebted tomake iinmedh'.e upplicutior. •' For terms upply to the Captain on board, or to 11. W riflLLlPj*. Siiocestor to John Morphett. FOtt B ATA VI A, To sail in Fourteen JJur/s, £■&£: THE A J tiiip FAIRFIELD, I. Sj^rySnv Lee, Coinmanrfer, 438 tons re^is n@fin^^^^ lel ' "IBS fclll| W'or meominodhtion wS'Jfcywa^ for paskenpi-rs. "%iaimm&wiffrp I?r frcigl.t or passage apply tv j JOHN NEWMAN & CO.. j Rimdle-Rtreit. FOR BATAV I A, To sail in a few days, THE fine fast-sailing ship ROYAL ADMIRAL, Capt. Martin. For freight or passage apply to GARRATT & FISHER. Pirie-street, 12th Jan, 1841. FOR KING GEORGE'S SOUND, SWAN IIIVKH, j AND SIXGAIOnF.. | *-JST«- THIS tine new t,bip DEVOX, 3w?VSL\ 009 tons register, Captain C«'-th'.ri(r, will, a ail in a fortnight. tellMjMjjS? 1^ For liei^ht or patsaire upply to iluiidlc-stnet. Adi'luide, Islh January. 1841. FOR KING GEORGE'S SOUND & SWAN, (If sufficient inducement offer J. -3T"2t. j THE well-known fine fast-sailitn,' jrf&S&kt* to«que SIRATHISLA, .')S7 "iMfij&iMgCff to?s register, 500 lons Lurtl.en. <3&33ZK&&si> This vessel is dnily expf-eted from Sydney, a?d as s!is will lie fitted tip lor tit conveyance of stock, fclie will convt-y them on morler^tc terms, and meet with imna'diate dis putcb for the above ports. V. & E. SOLOMON NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES PER ROVAL A?MIRAL. r£j^ ALL persons holding Dills of Lading ■ISftSSiE for this vessel arc requested to instruct their cgents ti> receive their goods und giant re ceipts (or tlie same. GARRATT& FISHKR, Pec. IC. 1640. I'nie-strect _ i / if NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. #' THE Fairfiehl, Cantain, from Lon £ don and Plymouth, is now moored ut Adelaide, opposite McLaren wbarf,und >X ready for discharging. All holdeis of hills ol luding are rt<)ueslei to fitnd a'.uiigsidc )'mnici/taf<('i/ for their goods. JOItN NEWMAN & CO.. Agents. ON eale ex NaiaJ, Uirmav, Fturfidd, niid other lute arrivals— Itish prime mess pork in h..rr?ls Edam cheese in catte Wcbphalia hams in do. London wax and mould, candles Cape raisins Irish I'Utttr in firkins and kege. A>SO Ilyeoii-skin, pekoe, and other leas; refined imd raw sugar; I'utn* and coarse rice; paddy ; negrohead, cavendish, and tl)eep-WH?() toltuvto ; oilman's stores of ever> description; V. DL. und American flour, line und coarse salt, ironmongery and hardware of all kiude, cordage, wrapping and other p?ncn, tte. Us. A. 11. DAVIS & CO. Currie-strcct, 4lh .lannnrv. 1841. TO AGRICULTUHISTS. AH. DA VIS & CO. have on aide at their • stores in Curric -street— Farmers' stives in sets Flour seives De?i London corn and Sour racks. | Also the following grain and seeds grown ot ■• Moore Farm -."— Wheat, hurley, oats, stone and Eweedieh tur. nip; early York, eugarloaf. and diumhead cnbbajre ; cauliflower ; wvoy; coss «nd cabbage lettuce; curled crc«s i knokole, &c. &c. Curric-streer, 4thJanu?rj-, 1641. ON nale at the cellar* cf the undersigned, in Currie-street— Truman's London brown stout In lihds Bottled ditto ditto in 4-dozen casks Bottled pale ale in 4-tloren cases and 0-dorei. catks Plnerofniac brandy in lilkls. (6u<zcrac'< bruiid) Weil Indix rum in bhds. Kngntb 4"m in hbds. Geneva in cases Pine rhutnpagnc in easel Pine claret in v «*rt and sherry in bhds. and quarter casks ' Pontoc in quarter casks, &c., &c. A, 11. DAVIS Ie CO. J>tiu?ry4. 1841. Wll. OURCORD applies ittUrticles con. • nected «vith tlie tmsines«ol Plumber, Painter, and GUtier.tind executes ull work in the best manner in its various branches, including Graining, Writing, Paperhanging, Distempering, &c. Termc—Moderate prices for ready cash. N. B.—Several Sons cf Micet Lead and Zinc I'UMI^J. W' 11. IMJRFOIt li wr«iW imptcss upM the • attention ol gentlemen the great advan tage of having pumps to their wells, lie files them to order on very moderate ttnns. Plumbine r*.«taliUs!imciit, 154, Grenfell-street. MANUKACTURIi OF CANDLES. Wll. BUttro?Dsup,,tic c the pnbUc with , candles «f superior quality, lit for store ing, at per doten lbs., as iv the price currcut. Metropolitan Caudle Mauut'acJoiy, 154, CJreufe?-stre<-t. WH. DURFOKD is now rcidy to mnplr • twlleot Cart Grease, ot his ««« atawitfaetaffe, either i* s«u«U ar Urgp quantities. JlamvGKtoiy, 154, Grenfe!!-str<~?.

I'K.HLIt: CATTLi: MARKET AND;uiiTi:it uoi;si:. rif.lll B, MAYOII. TVyOTICE is in ul.y f.-iven, llmt liy 1.11 order of J.N His Kxee!!t-:ry the Governor in Council, elated ilie 29ili «'i:y of December, ISJO, it Was oidi-ietl, " Thiit lYnin ui:d alter Thinsdny, the Till " <I.y ol'J.Kiiiui y. ISH, ilie Siuii^iittT House !'<■• "rciilly ereeicil ill ilie |iuik 1.ic.l near to tin; *'village of Thfltaitoii, tui-'ith.-'r xtitli mk!i addi *' lions rs m..y ho liei-caller .:i.-.(]<> (lionto, shall •■ In: ti.<" awtlioiizo.l jiluee i'nr !>iiu r !.;ciiii^ catile "fir tin- city di--i net of Ail.ijidc, tliut no •• iMtti'i siiall at tail tin.- i.t,i>ve-mi'litii>noil <.;ite lie j [ "slmiij-lik-ii'il in siiiy oilier plrii'r wiihin the city, "cr within tiiife aiilis fruin die «xci-iior boun- ! •'duy «f the |.iiik l.iitif. lliiTuof." - J And notice is luaiiy lurlhrr given, t!mt the* Catle Aiiiriitl iii'd felmijiliter liuu>=e men. tioni'd will he «>|u-ii lor ilie reception mill j sli.iijilitoiitif'ct'fsiiilc (ii Friday the 4<Jii ih:y <if j Jii.'iiMiy i.'iotuiit ''lint tlis Mnkit l):tjs will i •.• ! Tiu-sa.iys unu IV:«l.iv<, i::.d tl:B m.iil?ll will 1." : oj;i'iih.:ii ;-nu-iJM.' until r.wo:i. mill be <i'-ui<l cjitiro'.y l?y uiie o Vines p.m. ; mi-J that tie ojn:ti ii.^i.inl closing of ilie m-.vkct will he Moiilitd liy tli." riiiyiiy <ifa it.l i-.iit under the piuviMins ol tue Act ul'llii: Li^isliiiivi: Cuuiuil,-i:li Vutriia, No. .3, ciiiitiiU-il "An Avt to ii't'-iiiitti tli« •• fchiii^li'i-iiiifiunj pu-voiit the Stealing..fOnil'.o," niiy | i-^..;ri v.lio *>!iil: sl.ityhier ?r cmiikl'to i>e " rliiii^l.itTi J iiiiy cattle iv :iiiy liuii:<e crjiljc-! in " AJti:ii<:«<. or wiiUm t'uvii mUs oi'tiiu >>:'.<;'.ior i " lie imd:;?y < f the |;?rk Ia:i;!s tLt v at, mu-Ii peis-on | "hluiil ij.icir u:;«i ;;:iy lUc .sum of tc-n pounils f«r i ••c;.c!i smd evity lieail of cattle so ►hiughtrreii." j Aii.i "ovri"/ j.L-isoii intending lo frJ^i<p!it<.'t- iiiij j "ratiio in i.:.y town or <;is-Mict in which :,:i | " 1.-!:-;-i-rlur it' .Sl.iiij-i.tir liititcs ::;!(! Ciittle •' !ii«nds i-h.-.1l li« jijiimuitiri,: liail fir-t >;iw twilvo "lscui's notict! i?i wilting to such l.isjioctor, 4/1" "(lio f.illlo :i;Uti-!n! *o litsu sluiu'litiicd, t:jieeify> " i;:^- tia1 |il::i.! iiisd lime under tin; pviiaUy ot .f.i. " tui t'jcli ;:ii«J ev'fiy l'cud otCiittle whiciiVlsail be " so <iluii.;litL'rrii vviiJiout such notice liavinjr Sic-on "(.•ivili ti:ercul'u? i.*t liicntioiiril, iinicr.s it "l;c- maile ti) appenr to the Jtistitt's lielcrc whom "Sllcll Illll! illall t*C J'.U'.Jit lO lII* IVCIIVW.I, lllllt " .•ik!) notice could cot liuve been pi>c:i, anil that •• ovvii.,^ to foine unforeseen uccident it \v.>s "iicccss.irv th-t Ftich c?ttle should have Iti'cn " iiiiiiK-diulcly siau^liievcd; mid in vii CuKes in " wliicii any e:.ttle slisill have been sltiii^litcivil '- >w;lr... i.;iy si;t.:i SwU-ii orciistncl wiiiiont li.ivin,; "ln'i'ii j>n>\io>isly inrjicoti'd sis nlovis;viil, :ii;tir.< ' "I In i col'skill bf- iiHUi'diatoly i:ivt-n to tin; said "iiis|iti-ttii-, und ttii' skins ol such tultlo shall be " kept Mid pivsi-rvvd U,r m'Vcii days, uitd lie pro "diir.'d upon deniaiid at the |>l;i(v ol hlau^litor to " tin- I ii.-pi-. tor !«/:• the town or dii-tii.-i or pm t ol "v ii;?Uut wlieri'in such rattlu bliull have lieeu "hluii(;!iteied, under the penalty o( live pounds •• for i-very skin so iicgierteil lo he jirescrri-il .itul ■ " (iioilucud " But it is by the muiie act eniirtc-d. \ •' thai tiotliing lii«?ri'in contained shall exteixi lo "uny peiMui or jiersons s!i.ngiili'i:t:(,' nt his own " rosidonoo or farm cattle tor his own doinc-Mic ' " ronsuinption, ■ r lor the coii6Ui..jicii..ii of his su •' Va'US anil lit!>ouri'i?." That Mr liii|i'ir<l Pond hus been dii:y n<?: oin- ! ted t'lerk ol' ll.e ?lor<"?ii<l cuttle luJrk.'t, :md j inspector ol liihikK and ?l:iiif!hti.T houses w;ri.:n i liit- city ol Acit-laiiie—iiikl tii«« the Killowinf; sums will be payahli- in respect of cuttle, K-e. lirontlit into the market, or slaughtered in the public ti itig'iicr iioitfr, viz.: — For Ciilt'e, life, brought into the Maifui *. J. l-or ever}1 li<Md of c«H«e brought into } . .. the market J " For every calf 0 4 For every |>i^ (I 3 For fteiy sheep, lumb, orgoat 0 ti For every hoite or mart! 2 0 For every loose or unbroken lior?i\ > , -, inure, colt, or foal in a herd , J Fat stauyftferitig— For every lioid <if cattle slauj-htetod, ) and for ti.e u<o ol the necessary C 0 0 tools ) For eveiy erilf 2 6 F<;r every Hhec|>, lamb, or pi<r 1 0 Thct>c eh.ii|:,s arc upon the unricj landing that biittln rs slaughter their own tnu!e, und it is not f'Oiupulhory upon them to s!.uul;t<r shce|>, lambs, or |ii^s .it «lk' puliiie shui(;litcr houfe. By order o> the Muyor and Curjiot.ition of the City ol Ade aide, UAVIL) SPICNCK, I Town Clerk. ' Town ClciU's Oilici1, AileJhide, ' Sn<l .l.iminy. 1841. ASSOCIATION FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF VINES. The Subscribers are informed that Mr. Platts will call upon them for their subscriptions as the Vine Cuttings, on their arrival, will be the property only of those who have contributed to importing them. HENRY WATSON, Hon. Sec. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CLUB. ATTENDANCE will lie given nt the Club { If oil*? i<\<<rj>-Saturday from three o'clork j till four duriu- 11?«.- present iiiontli of January, lo receive i\x t itiuns for !«4l r tlua ?i\ I lie lsA instant. i Those mcnilier^ who mty find it iiiconvciiiont j to attend are r<><ju><Med lo forwsml Hie uimiuut to I Ilic South AiMralian Aseurancp Olliee any day, Sundays ekccplcd, lictweeu the hours of le'n aiid i tlucc. j JOHN Illiowy, , Treasurer. January Sth, Ifiil. GILLUS AUCADK CIRCULATING LIRItAItY. ALAHIit. hiUUivm of Novel., Uun.aiices, Kr. On J?.iU>, £83 Violins and bows, from ten ' s!iiUtiift« each lo fifteen ttuineas Splendid viu'tii and Jjur^ tstiingg Slates ??d &e!>ont li'.akr Blackiraod Tail £vwigclktit M«g«Ain« C. iLATTS. Cilleg-?rrade Cirtwiating Librxry. I'HIN SMITH. M.l>..Mcmber«f the lioyJ • College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, takes | this mode of intimating to the itilintiitatitf; if AdeUide, that 1:e lias «i])cuc.l v I >iW.:'o.y in,!«•■??})• o^;)i)«iti'tl«> Uoyl Ai'ii.ira!, 1 where he continues to j>i\.c*isc U- j)r<',i,^«i.,ii. ! Dr Smith jrajbi'omstiUt.?. i/r<i'/«. vvi>ry fore-Uoan, between die iiuu.-c often a.d t.-.clvc. Hindley.Etrect, <H, ?SM. j NOTICK U herehf pivin thit tin- '<aif^rsl::|i hitherlo BulJ^i-mitr ik-Uivim us the under sie««il Jolm iCt?T?>:it ::•!<! Jomi'i-'i II (>hin.-, lrj« i tbisri.iy Uvru <;i«i«-<. ?y n.ntunl ctmst-nt, «:d ■11 d?.iit< di«? frctn ?'" >'? :b« sa;tt fir«n will lie j?;:id and r«e;v<<l l.y'l ■<• s;? A .lo^enti Unikin«. <n<l further, tl:..t ?!'e !:«••:•.■*« «;f tt.eWc linn wiil !•>• raint^l t?« \.y ic-.• ..: •! J.-1... N.-.vii.nn A<wi;-..'fs oiir l<:i<:d« in's (;«s •;■*!* .! •;• t<f J.iiniiy, ci-.e thou sand ligLt Lui:or. ti :i:.d 1. . y-.mi>. JOHN .?KU\UN. JOSEPH HOPKINS. VTitre«—Artlmr I ?jrfv, ? SoUcitor, Adelaide. * j

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN COM 1 AW. K'OTICIS is in-ieliy niven, tbit I, David M'l.aukn, 'A AdeluiJe, Marnier tit the lim?k <if South Australii, uud «>f the Soutii Au*tia! Compunv, beinj,' about to return to Kiiriluml. Edward Stephens, lC^<|-? of Adelaide, nfur«;siii«l, 1,,-is bet-it duly appointed Munaper of ilnf *aid L?aiik,t.>iinii;i>v'iiii<l transact the business (Ik-roof; mill ( \Villi.iin Gil<n. F*n. <if Adelaide, uiuros;ii<l, has been duly appointed In toiin Managi-i- of the said Com|i-iny. to inunupo j :uid_ transact thrir Commercia' Hid General j business in Souib Australia. ' UAVin M'^ARKN. M.un^iT ol tin- Suuiii Anctriien Co. A<W..ide, Bth .l.uiuury. IS^l. TDK IJF.V. T. Q. STOWS SCHOOL will re open on Monday, January 18th. UK KIiNTS FLOUIt MILL. WHEAT ground mid dicsscd loonier s:t Pr Kent's s-umiii lloin- mills, opposite llie east j •:id t>f Ruiidlc sire :l. U AVKO, ! fUJICKS nipjilicd in :,ny'jii.infity :it tin; brlck ! yar«l, vi ■"• i<):i. jut thousand at tin; ki'.i.s. cr £3 ! |vi' iiiu<<..tintdultvi'i-vtl in Adi'liiui*. MEDICAL II\LL, NCKTII TER!IA'. X, {Xexl <<i t':c. timtlt <>/ S(,uth AwlraUa.) D!; O'HKA he/* lv :unn.t:?!O." lluit lie lias w. civil! iK-f l.'ttOiiirit-utc.iM addition l<> bis icriurr exMwiva slrtik, ;i Ibi-rc us'ur.wtMit of M:;>«.*:'i.n" I'nij;*, «.ln-i!iic,t!«. Jiors'; anil cattle modi ciii<.:«. inrliidiiifr cuirofiivi* i>iililini:i!e, s:i! iimonim", j t]iir:ts «■( tar, nrsvlii*, !iu':eui;;>l <:iultm"tit, roll | miphur, l.aatio sxid, mam of T-:r!nr, t-Kiice r.f l.'ic?>ii, &c.,5.0 , ulii.))\villoi'«'iU? liiiii in mpply piiijriT bi"T iird lemon syrup uiaki'is, uiid ail nm neitnl with the drug tinde, on tl:o ino*t iiberal tern;;;. Tin' Disppij^injj uVi>nitr.ii<nt, roinic-ie.i by ii <;ii!l;lied assistant, as heretofore, ••onJsnue.; lii be attended to uitli crcurur;/ ;m«l iliaftnlch. Miilicine t-liosis c-opijitauily oil lia::d, for the bu>li. ni for ships' use. Adelaide, January, LSI!. DKM'AI.SUKtiKKY JJT NICHOLS Ik^s to inform tin- public of -Of • Smith Australia tliat lie continues prar tisis>^; in the nl>ovc l?)ii>, mid 'jop^s, liy iiio(U'rnte cli:i-ycsmirt Mrii't attcinion to hu^inrss. to tL-tain th.t |>:ilroapc mid Eiippuit wliicb >t evct has ami cvvr will be l.i< osppciHl <:a\v to merit. Cfei'iuifiil l'-sta!i!isliuiont, UiindU-st.ic't. KRFORM VOUU TAILORS' 811.1-S. S THOMAS, from tlio coii*idi>raii.>n llial • vlinriiKitiri r]i:u^cs havo \\crU il,; in tl:O culony, tiuil also iho t'uet, tliat (Uoiilk'iiKu have |jpi!Ji iiiducfd from lhat ehciimslani'ij tv s-'iiil clKi?\vlii'rc! for their c':o||ick. S. 'J. 1?i-l'k |i> snl>:iiil thi! following list nf jiriiTS, wliich lie can supply oijii:i{ to any ii./i'.io in the place. £. «. £ ~ Superfine enals of any colour 4 10 t> ."> 0 ! Single-milled Ducskiu, and Si* jMwfiiKl Kors;umere trow rci"k <if anj euiour 1 ?0 ~ 2 5 l'ancv Wnihtcoats l"> ~ 1 ft F.ic!i"bilk, Satin, .1.- I 10 ~ 2 0 j All Miliciy cl.tliimr, plum and oiiiai:i:':ij;i', execiiti-d in lh"j iir.-l stjle. N« 15.—An eirly iiispnciion of the goods lie has on liiiiid, airl wiil lr:n- in a f«.?" da}*, IV<un iln1 fresh arrivaU is snliritcd. liiiWiUe-Klrei-t, near Gawler-plaoe, December 11), IJ-i<>. AOI'.I.MUi: CLASS AND LKAtf COMI'ANV. llindlcy-stivft, near .Morjilmtt-stiret. M'HSSKS LAMRKRT ft SON, Auctioneers, liiii.lley.streef, are niithorised by K. \V. AiK'rcWi:, l'-.'|., to stiite to il:i? Public, that llic li:i«iru'« no\r rariied dii iib iilmve, by A)r Joliu Cliuiiilicr'ain, is totally distinct from flic f'oriner cunocrn wliile under liis maiiufit'inctit lor Mr Andrews, that Mr Andrew? is not connecter! in anyway with tlie present tonctni. a considerable puitiun of their Stud; h;i> been Kuld by priva'e <-untr:ic-i, the loin.iiiiiliT is in the chur^e of Mr A. :i?i'l at (he e\'piraiii>n of three mouths will be oiTi'iv.l !•) the I'nMic for eonuietiiioii. j MiiSSJJS LAMttBKT & SO"? «re. mitJiori-cd ! to state that all rielits due to the concern under | the iiiin.if.'l'nu'iit of Mr Chaiubcrlaiii, lor .Mr i Aiidi-i'\v<, we tv <>c paid to them c??ty. \ A'iulii.le, l.t January, IH4I. Tv liuihlrrg, CiirjM'ntem, Plumber*, tSfazicrs, §'c. ADCLV.Oii WINDOW GL\SS AND LEAD v AUdIOUSi:. TCHAMnKHLAJN btgs leuvo to announce • '.liHt I;e iiiis om sale at liis Wiiivlmhisu hi iiii:<3icy-street, near Mi-rphctt street, tl.c lar^st und i?-'*t ?«so.;!iie?t of the following tver imptMU'ti .a this Colony, and at Mich will I'oinpL-titioit:— * 'llic best Witiduw Glacfi, nut to uny size, Hitd *oM in luiyc or smull qustutitifK A Irtlge quantity of Sheet l.ea«l I'ntrnt Lend I'ipc olul sizes Mindoiv Lead mid Solder I'lock Tin, in linror in^ot ilydiaulii- anrt^ Lead Pumps Spring, Valve, and fan Wnlcr Closets Imuss Coehbof «:\<;ry description I'limibcrw* and ClaziiTf,* tools Colors (both dry mid ground) for plui:i und oriMiininui paintinc Copal und Cnninfiu Vurnislics J >|i?n «nd Gold size Viiiu- I.c;nl mid millrd I'uity I.iuscel Hid boiled Oils and Tusnentinc Canvas for pafiEr-liangin/' lulra Mxcd i'apcr, lining fan vas lilus* PajKT «nd Powdered Etuwy A (>j>lcndid collection of Stained Glass Figures h\u\ Gothic, ??d Ornamental Borders, fur Church trnd private windows A quantity ol the best Patent Diamonds. I Glasi ground mid ornamented. gashes and tliop fronts glazed on tlic slioitest jiotice. J. C is nmv ready to estimate f«r Plinnbine. Paiii?inif. flbrifict Paper-lianciiig. Miitinp, CSil «iiui?? and GMiuit:).1. und whiih will be i-xtiuttd j in t!<e li'-'t p^-sil)'i'inam!cr. ■ A.K-Kidi-, S.MC-4!). j ONR *;tSIVKA RKWAWD.—t/)ST, ON lii? !!;.<•«• C .T.r-e, «..««.<•« rli* ?i!?lf-m>1r JIO-.1 i:?J tl? jurVes' st:?id. a pv!d |i«?r]l r:."-.i?. inatkrdun\rit]illielcttii I!. Wlk? -nvr wiii liriiff the fnn.e to Mr Stein, ft ibff Clt?*?- ?':!! rereiw lh<> <dti?vc rcwaid-A«lcliide, j!h J iiiuary. I^4l. I iJ«OrNII— a b?) entire Hitrse, ratUlt* mid jJL tuidU-d. bhM 11 Unve *?con I'oj'-d in Min.'Sey. '■ Mi t. <>ii Tii?M!ay <vt-mi<:r. ti .• *J««h i"r • ">'! ; -Ad- fit l>v t n-t ii,l, rin «lv: Xj.u'i '*'.'■■■■' ' :v«'iv j! Bsit St.tV.os. Tbc J.ors.- ?!;•!. sa>i?-r jhh-h j ndvi-sJiH-d l.y l)u Cnder, ii'tut i- :- l«-r.-l:y iri?•«•*: j tint chcuun'er miy have bis properiy «?o.< |"iy ] Migulll'VWWlCf?. I U. CALTOK.

cuAKiir. tlac::. rjj"^l!E prnjnicnr of thesn valuable preiniii<*s '. wislies to Ut. <>s? Iviiso fur a term of ten or f.mrtee.i years, lo a ri'spoctablo totinut, Ihn nbovo property. UeoiiMSts of nine limtses, lilted op subtil initially ami with every comfort—four built of Ititli und plasttM', of two rnnius eai !i, ?ntl now let nt 15s a wi'c-k e::i-!? ; three of ditto, with thrro rooms each, let at I'l per week e:uli ; and one? brick and wood house, with seven rooms, let at :ifls per week. Tin* nbovc are let to re:?pectab!o tenants, :u)d one of inie!;, containin:; !".ur roim::T, is occupied by the proprietor. Ab;o, the coiiKisting of about t!0O feel iroutugc not jet built upon. There is a well nf li'.'.'.'Hifol wtitir .in tl-.e pre mises, Mid a bir;:e :: r<!eu of 112 feet K(;iiare ill the centre—the whole well fenced. The above is Mliia'.eil very hoaliiiiW in tbe j centre of the town, mul oi'Vrs a «pli'ii<li'l oppor tunity for a person oi" hnsiness lnibil« to make from*.Cit}t) to i; 500 :\. yr;vr v\>-n o!" tb>! entire rental, without any expenses. Such an I opportunity is laiely to be ::iH with, and th<* j vrnpriel M- iet-'.s f.ontU.oiit it requires only to be Ikm n:i t.i W apjm-ciatPii. l'.arly iipjj'.icatiou is necessary to the proprietor, it. t'rai'.rie, K<ij. COLONIAL PRODUCE. NEALE & BELSHAM are ::i« eommi?siuiied to sell 400 bushels excellent Wheat 400 do. do. Barley Also a small quantity (jiianli: v of a sjilei;.;;,l <!;'s:-tij:". j<m of Skinless Barley. The above :rrain \v:i-> .siown se-iso:i within a shorl distanet' of ti:C .it ; . S:ii?;iles may be> secii :il Ne:ib.' & llooiiw.* TO M i:iICIIANTS, STOinJKKKI'EIW AND OTIIKItS. "VTi:.\l,li& HKLSfi AM are iir:!:u«ficl to let IN at :i m<.ih-r:i«, CAI'ACIOI.'S I'JJUMTSr.S Situated in the l-i •: \-nr\ of l!u:iu!i--strett, com prisin^e\tensive waivlio.ises o:i two iJ.ui>-, nnd ample cellarage ; the wluilo ca'i-ib'o of iMiitaiuin^ to tbc muoiiut olVir/vr/ Innuin:! ion.i. TO KF. 1.1-VJ", A lIOI'SK :inrl SIIOI* of tiir.-e r.^w. Tl! «Jy Ii liii!Kl;<.i!, in the most central p;-n of C;in:' -siiei-% riijuining the stores of V. and K. Snioif ;;. it is fitted with evny foiivenicnec, atul iiiiine(ii...<. liostcssion will be riven. Apph" to V. & li. SOLOMON. Dec. 14, IP 10. TO UK Li:T, A SPACIOUS STOlIli. situated in tie lire* -iS. part «if Hinilley-ftreet. Kent inuik'iate, and immediate ]:osieseioN will he yinn. ALSO. A private dwelliiifr, eittMted in the mo.=t p!eas;iiit part of the town, contains four excellent rooms, v firm1 stalled stable, vtorc, lowl luni^p, :i"d .every rcipiisire lor a lUt;:i'y. For further particulars apply to Smith & VaL t.ANi::--, Aui.tioneers, Uindley-Mie. t. rou salk. OXIv >>C the mo^t Viiliikblf M-etioi's {Ni>. 0) in ti:at rajiidly tiuiiiishin^ viil.if.'-.', Walkvrviile, biiii ijdt in allotment* to Miit tliu ••onvfiiiviiee t>f small c'jipilr.liKiy. Ih'.' sceiiim I'us :■ sti-cet in t!u' j e;-Mi;\ IVimt< the mai:< road, :t:ul is within a I stotu's throw of the rivvt. For further particulitrs aj>;)ly lo V,r. H. Nf/M.p. lit his ou'ce, Vut.dle-strcet, when; the plan nv.iy 'be seen, December 34, IRIO. _ _ _ to i}i:s;:iM) i\ WALKiiiiviuj;, ARILK ni jrood l?rii;lit Harley, two thirds English an I oiu--tliii<l C.ipo. ' A bur^e and cart would he 1;; ken iti i jxcbaii;;e. Apply lo D. or K. TaiAKi.i, Walkerville. to hi: sold in h'alkkuvh.i.i-:, AllOlTfcl-: and GAROMN, willi a j;ood well of water, tivelcp feet dci |>, acre (>4. front «ce to tin; rirer 39- feet, 2GSJ froiitnpe in Kowler street, the whole well leuced with stringy b?rk. Tlie garden is in v hi(jli state of cultivation, and will be xoid on modeiute terms. Apply to Daviit Tkaki.i'., «>:i tiip premifes. TO BK I.F-T, A VAMUIiMi House a«d IVeniis?s, on r\. moderate term". Wins one of tbe besr situations for business in Adelaid.-, eonti'iiiiii 4 lied-iooms, n siltiu<;-rooin, kitchen, cellar, bh>p, ami a well of £ood wator. Also, if k <juired, it fbur-stntlfd i-tjblr, mid garden under cxi-cileiit I'liliivaiion. Vii'.u,iWe frontapps, siUo, to bi1 let, of tlie :-amo tnvvn Krctiijn, <ni very inoih-rnte tern>>:. for a leasr of 14 yeiuti, in allctmciits to K-.iit ]..uries, now in wrupation of .!i?mi Stuikvy. l"'or furtUtr ji?r tiiiiiars apply <>n the pivwi&es. December IP, UW. FOll SALE, on <NcCf.lin-Iy mo.lerale term*— a valuable pinjiorty in GrenlWl-Ktrcel, on wbirli several liinidivd pound* have been vx pe'.iiled, and which, !jt :i Very trilling out lay, would become a capital residence, or product! a liigli rental. for particulars, and to treat for tlic name, anplv to N. L. KENTISH. South Australian V.state Office. ~ CODNTKV LAM> TO BK I.XT OH SOM>. ItO ie let or cold, with immediate possession, thee two valuutile fcrtiom., t?AS uud '2'/>, eitu:ilc about .'our milrs fonth of Adelaide. . 259 adjoins the bill-, aiidcomnwtids an fxeollent back run, tiffrrds a very poi>d i-itti.ition for a t>lieep <ir «v4it'c run, mid lias be<-n ocriijiicd as the former foru (oix-idcrable limo with prcat success; there is on it a Mriiiiry bark «l«<>liinjj of three rooms, ua acre and a half palilip I'tieWod K?rWen, uini uj;ond well of water; also excellent uprinjr Wiitir at about v quarter of a mile, und llie liioivnbil! creek « short distance. -1 t'itber of tliesc teclions afford delightful sites for villas, commandincr c Very beautiful view of tbe Gulf and Holdfast 1%. Also to he cold, four shares in tbe Joint Stock ; Ottle Company. For particulars apply to W. B. RANDELL, Park Cottage, near Adelaide. ' ' November 2«th. I WO. rUGEHOLO 55TORR A.M) DWILLINfI HCtSi:. ffi^O be sob], <;rlcjo«< lens?, a l^r^e uml com-H tnrdious etore, in ono of tl«c most tiipible hltiiatiou.s cl the town, \\i\\: (Iw*!lir:j but-ee, sdmted for rtiin'lcu'pcr, three-stalled MnWc, an i extensive i/v.fkousesuttaw-hed,*!; I'ho priniiees fa.*1 filtrd toi irai'icdiat«* po~BesMon. ; Tl;e prop-Utci is-..iUjiij to Ukc mttie in part j payment vi tlieiiiirc!) •><=<•. j Application to t? <zr.«ie tn *sJt*.-rs ilailcs, I'sn'.* ; j > Jiuuus, Huctionetis, ur to j j. KonrnTs. i House ani .'.cent. Vr.*ln?-«rf*~ 1 to sr.ix. ou l«:t, , rpirr -n-si-.i - ir. > :>rv. -.^ ••,:.'•lif'y-™ -1 X }>it4J \>y Mr ''.o'.il-.-U. 1 ::.• ai-'-.u- \ •?■; s-j':l at :?, <"-, !), Ii 1^ mo::.ii>. i.i.d :! yi crs credit, or let ut i"fs> L t -r ani":w. I 4OI!X BAKI£?. I Nuvim'oer Z~>, IEIO.

I KSTATI-: Ol' MJt THOMAS FUEKMAN. j ■'WJOi'ICB is lii'rehy given to the creditors of I^l Mr Thauias Froemun, of Adelaide, >ler i-Ikuii, tti::t the ir.denture u<i*i iiiin^ all hu«6tntc mid eil'ocls uiito Messrs 11. U'atsou an.l IC. \V. Andrews, triirituus theieiii )i:une<l, f<u- Iho he?cl!t I of his eivditoi's. is now lyin« sit the ofiir^s of | Messrs SsiaiiT & Wilson, *tej>!ie;jts-).l:ieL-, for Ki^natiin-. [ Himiloy-M.rfel.Jfth Oet jlirr, |S|(?. ! KSTATK OF Mil JOHN WAI.KBK. I TIIK Ti'liaTliKS lie;.' to pive noti.-e tliat \ tlii-y luive Hp|iniiit«-d Mr \V. (J. I,A;.ii'Ktii I to t-ullL-i-l :tli (Jebls due to otatc, and i!i« v.w- j I paid iii-ci.unis will l?e luimlrd to ilieir so?siri*«JiS j ulfor the Ist <J«jy(it t>ejit«'inber. i All |i:itlics lnivinj; claims apainst O|>faiu Waiktr nnist i? i'n> pmtieul.srs b-fove 'h« I a'jjvo date, nd«!ief;si-.l (ti Mr l.tmiin'it, Auctioneer, i llin<?lry->-tret, «>r they will be ili.uilowcd. ! AiU!ui;',e, iftiU Aut;ii=t, IS4U. j IvAMBI.:i!T& S(lNrAi;ct:o:i««>r? ; Jl X)JI Hiiitl^.y-Mieet, liKvc been honosi-d In tiie j I 'IViit-tef s oi" ( !n- c-tate of Captain Walker, wit!i i ii>etrii."l:i)iis :« ofler for >>ak', by ).rii-..1^ coiit.a.'t, ' I 1!.«.' lul!<mi:ii: valuable prujiettiis:—• ' |'1 hose rx.iKoJit arid v:.'ti.t!)!c htMtu-.cs |:ivn2>-?> i ! in lii.idli-y.^fvrct, cnir])ri!.ina a i-;iiuiiius ?Ure ; ; \v.!-i Jioiise, lirii-k-hiii!t dweiiiiiK «t the l;<ick | j willi sti.bhn;-, lolt. kilciien, ;;nd ollirep— pint ! t'u-ehot.-lfliii! |'!iit h'iisciiold, nr a smut! it'iui.! j 'i !;<■ <'.'t,if.ih!o siuritii'ii (or luisiaesi is niv'-es tii.M;il'i', h .:!!!ri!i;':.efi!j)alio:i.i)o:if to c"u:iiniai:d a l:r>l rate tr.'ile. The MtucrioT ji;)d weil-ronsliiieii'.l resiil.-cee witli c.!,:,' tuts (•(.'•l.irand ?)fi:i'i'?, )iu>'i<jl biiuk, with h iinlsoipe vtT..ndali and fore com t, well adap'ed (or a miVlir conipaiiV <ir luukiut- I'l-t.iltli'.hiiiciil, Tin" I.Mseoitlia udjo'.niiiji proj-.rrty, let to v. SJS''<: tj;M.' |i-ir*n(s nt b;rli, "witii well.*-o:i -s?n;.'ted biiililiiigs t!:ere<.'ii, yicWinj: a very hiiiM'sor.ii'iii<-<Miif, ?villi tliu {(iv.-iitet ofinr.i'Ouse on (hi! t iinin it un of the Ii ;;-ies. Tit- lrnntii|!«> isfljoinii!,? the ul.-ov'i', :mil next tf> tlic Ciii! :,: .i;-e. I liriil'iiii iivn'of ffceliold 1.-md in Melbourne >tr*-et, K<>:t!i Aileliiide, with three cutties elected, j .mi.' let In resju'ctabV tiiiuits. | A .juarter of an acre in fiilhert-ttnvt, ••lo<=f (o j I the fc'nnreiiH' Couit, vith un ixcelliiit Co'Jl | lioife brick Icilciien.and oven, &c, creeled. j Nine acres of freehold lam) at W.-ilkcrville. I ):1G ::cii'H iieelionl )ai><l on the North I'hi a. Naif sin acre in Ga\?!er Tcv.n. Lea<<! for five y«ais o! .ViJ acres near tiie to\v<« til f?ii'.vler—;i «i'i''jiidid inn. IVBI.IC UOI'SSK 'l'O Jslv StM.l) OU \MY, IN a central ]>mt of die <:ily. bavins a spacious fr<it;(nj'e with liar, I'arN/iir, Taproom, am) 1 lifdr.iotii, Mul a Sloe!: yuid—nn jeasomibk tcims. />pi>ly to Messrs Lnuibvit 5: S-'on, AiiclioiK-'cr^, Hiii.ilej'-stiecr. 1 H.vrr.Nsivi: \vaki:hoi!sk r«:r sai.i: at Tfii: \i:w roni\ SIX Wars unrxpiieil of liie at a ground ifliit of jC<SO only, tlie Wareuutue .V.) l>el in I '20 '.vitb mom to bull.l on :nlili:ion;l .00 lerl r^UH" jto the Cnrliim House. I'tli a £200—uceuiuHio i ilation us to the mode rf payment. | Apply la Messrs l.umbiit & Son, Aurtii:iic"vr?, Hindley-stivef. i!i:sii)i:\oi: to i:k i.kt at kknsington ACOXVENIEXT Family Residence to be Let, «i!ii an oii'loscil O:;rden of about two acres, with a rapital siipjily of water and otlier I suitahlo requisites for a genteel resitleiicp, at ti moilei'iite roi:t:il. Apply to MESSRS LAMKKKT & SOX, Anefi.inerrs. Hindley-Ktrpof. AI'KVXIMIXARY SECTION to be lot —close to Adelaide, 131 acres—on lease for 14 years, at a low rent. Aj?;i!y to Messrs Lnmtiert and Son, llinJlov-sheet. iunisii to ni: sold. ATHRKE.KOOMKI) Wooden Coita^c, in Gilles-streit, with t)j t'nl frontage liy !)l) in depth, freehold land, lot to :i respectable teimnt nt los. cef week. Apply to Me.-srs LAi!i;KiiT& J J-a.v, iiindliy.stropt. J.ANU AT TUX NKW TOUT. ME3SUS LAM?IiKT«t SON liavc tomt desirable all<>tnient« lor 6utc, ur to lie let', on advantn^cniis levins. A CAPITAL S>!OI? to be let. in the most }i:it of Iliinlli'v-stieot, at v low M-ntal. Ajiply ti> Mi-vsrs l,;.mbert und Son, .Aii''>.-r?-. j !)KSllt\tttf, ori'OUTCMTY FOR SKTTI.tSG AT VOINT HAIIUP.It. fTIKKFJIOLP I'AUM tube sold, nt Ballminab, JL M'.uut Haiker, <-o«^l^tit'pr «f Si) aeiw, v.'atli ii pifi': dwcllinjj-. •!) feet liy \i feet; ten ncrou Jeneed v i'li ]>i>!-tN and rails ; two aert's cultiv'tttd \vilbwhi:it; b;?lf an :w\v pulatoct-: uilb stoik y<iid and pouiuy house, mid the prowin;? crop^ '•« be ?,'il.| cliL"i]i. Anjily ti Mesei'K Lainb'-'lt mid <?oii. Anciioneers. lliii<ilcy-s!iect. MESSIIS l>\MlU:nT & SOX, Auctionc<M? i liiiulley-Kiiwt, have roiibiaullv un t-ule ut Ibeir t'Xtensivu ?lore and looms — i Fine :>inl seconds flour Oats :'.n<t luau <if the best «ju:i!i«y Cbees-.- and barm i'iee, sn^.ir ( ainl London soap l'riui.- mess pork and beef EllinttS ale ?«<1 London ;>nrter Kherrv in <'iise<>. August 14, }HJiK S/anr//r oti arrital in the Colony. M'tS^HS bAMIJF.UT&BON, Aii-tioiie^ro, liiiidley-^trcet, be? lointinmte they bave cxtiiipive ■jccoirttiioiatiuit (or btorape of giodsi at very reasonable rates, ut their spacious rooms and e*t«'iisi?e cellars us above. ( COOD NKWS!!! THE umleiFi^iied does not inlrnd to ndtaiicc tli« ywe t>( liis (inc. tluur, mid will con tinue to sell at Ids usual price— fottr/miicr per pound, cash, DKtGD FRUITS!! The Jirsl proportion of tlic annual «up|ily of the above article l~<tr Ibe Vicioiila Siom;, lm<ii>s arrived from l';e t'l.iled rules, six. !no:itl>«' ronsumjiii'iii i* now secured. l Naiiiilies may lher<"f'ir««lepeiul o:il«iu^suj>p!ied with American •iiiod apples, pna«bes, <juiuccfi, |icar«, aul apri cii!;; new waiHUU, 'f urkey lijrs, lime juice and American lemon syrup, tarlario aciu. cream *.«f lunar. <•'-•spiio* of l"i<ioii, a>nl peppermint. Cl.«>¥ii>N<r W FACnV DK^CmiTlOX'.! Vclliwi* and bl.tlikets, disli covers in soti, lli.k Mid while" If "I <>i!n<s M:i;ar lead, litbai^e, !U'tct( m\A ?x'««." (>iuk, Jamji ItUrl;, jtUsteier's biit-, biltk-J truils and pickles; a moderate 'I'ipj'lv of ladies' loiloi«e«h<.'ll couius ; ladi<*h' limits, a"J«l oiarV.«'t :tn<J irticuie !'n?ie<". V|.,v«r.:i\ Srn!;i:! jr.w.vir LAZ.\..i s. \tiiJK\Ticr.s wwtuo. ~ : "Wi'Hy .\N i «•.*? i.Hiiu'Ji.r? -ly. :?".'a a-'j>-i-?:tiet~! jt I ?T «1 • n<i! uicty :.:d dress ni.tki: •. F«jf ! () f.uti'jiii ajijiiy to Miss ?r.:iijj!i.:tr 1 Kii.die- j tired. \

OI'KNINU DINNKK.- JOHN OGKOATS1 HOtSK. 17KANCIS MITCHELL tvenertftilSy infoim* . Iris friends mid tlse pulilic that lha mliiitions in Jolm o'Groiifs li.:uso lieii {j nctv ci-ni|ilot«'«:, (•■nibling him to provide them with rve.y atcom •itniiiitioii mid odii'Ttiit, oix'iiinff «ii net will take pliico unAulJ J!,iudatlMo.:d t w (itih Jaiiuaiy 1, Dinner on (ho tulili' of ?'i\ o'clock proci.-t-ly. [AUVKHTJSEMKNT.J fiTHK RtiMiie*s hitherto Ciiriii-d on l>y Stevens i. and I'liiliijis. as Agents, ut (lie Old i'ort, will fur the intiuc he <Miri(>ri on under die num.; of the •' South Aiibtr.lian Shipi>iug Company,"in c-c)iinectii)ii with Messrs J. W. IX'Hume, uiul henry biiuubuii. STKVENS& I'HILMP*. SOUTH AUSI'IIALIAN SHIJHNU C-OMPANV. rJ^HK undersigned lsivinp: b;:<l Rreai experience i in transuding li«isiicss at the Old I'ort, bcj. t:> infu.'in tl.o m.-iiliiiiits of Ariflui^*-* that the) have joined in j>urti>H>!iip, mid iiiten'l cniryiiij* 01 business undir tin1 c.l.iivo iiiin, ut tin! i\iw I'ort. IJaviiijf taken die J.(.i.-oof i!ia Pout'i Australian Ciiiiipuny's.Wxiifii'itisi's, they will lie ulileto lund a:iis v.iiicUouse ;.i:v ij iuiitity ol' gtotls Hlny iiirive. J?it>c S-m-t:N*. .S/iMUKi. J'nu.t.trt-, J. \\. UoHousi:. lit: ny Siml'sos. CHINA MATS. JUST AUiJIVK!) from Clinton, at><] on phlc liv t!iR vmli.T-i.iikI.. a Im(.c ji^-oitun nt of t'riniinn Cliina U:its, imp first over imported to liiisculonv, ami adiniri'liiy ailuptod tor suiinneir «wr. i'iiccs '20a. im-1 2,"?. SANDERS 8c WHYTE. Jaminy 1, 1.541. nnHK lar-fi>st. lii'st, and olieapi'Mt assortiiicnt 1. 4if wooll.'ii <'iotlis, enssiini'res, (lo<>skiiis, &c, in South Aiistiulia, is to be found at the Suljscriljers' :— i. .o. (I. £. s. ,/. Coats rut :>.ud matle, i'l (■'- ) Khioinilil.: stylo, of J.ny % U.") 010 4 10 0 color of clnlh, iron) \ Trow«!ri.of«!.rth t CD?sxinor,> I 8 0< , 0 0 or doi-sUiH, Irom S Vi'stsofbim-kmssiiuoiv, from 0 1.1 Oto 1 0 t> I Xo nljulctnent nicde. j 'iOO jmirs blankets, frota lis. per puir >ip | AVbitc woollen swsros. i \V. UOWARU & CO.. ! KundlO'Strcct. | B HICKS (or fdh' tit ?|>iller's Yards, Nonli ndi-lnidi-, nt .€'2 4s. Terms eusli. : TO DAIItVMKN. 1!U1CIIF.«S. AND I'UUCIIASKItS ■ OK STOCK. FOR SALE, Ht .Mr Mot«alfe'« Stork-peiw —Milch cows brol.'cu in, and many others ■ near calving. j fat bullocks, wethers, working oxen and i steers, uhvayo on '.land. i Two Biipi-ricr imported Imlls. ' Also. 3UOO eweti with lunitts by their sides. I>!r Mete.-ilfe \vi!l r.'-i-eive tattle unJ other itotl: for Hitle on coimnWiun. North Adclnidn. ton sale! A VERY supmor herd of Cuttle now depn*. tiniiisj on the river Lif;ht, and iinportnd l«y •laim s Kincliclu lisq., of übout 420 licud of inixcj t-attle. Also 1000 wethers from 3 to 4 years old 1000 2 tooth Ewes of first"rate qnulity •HO (j tooth <lif(o ditto 4io '■) iniinths old inu'e mid dnial« 'flic whole or part of t!ic nliove 6tork can be liail on lii^hly udvantageous tcrni?. Applinitiou to be mudc to J. KNOTT, F.vq. VOll SALE, ASUPGKIOR lleid of Cuttle, coiisiMii g «if4OC?|,oad— Iti) 'Difte to live your o'd Biilloc'ks 1110 One to diief Vi :.r old Sixers 100 One to two year old lltiliis 108 Cowes Tliesn Cattlo wern tscloefod front ?he well. known hord of Thos. I'ot't-r McQuern. K««|.. ol Stgeuhoc, wliohc Stock realized eudi laruw liiices prcviovb to liis depariuto fiom Sydney for England. Many of the Cows have calves Ity their side, l>y en imporird Inill purchased i>y T«io?. Ujdor, Ksc]., for £J?tlt(. The above C::ttl"o will In. n*:idy for delivery in sthoitt tJircc weeks, Iwiiiir now on their rond font Port I'liillip. Apji]i<'^tioii to U j inaile to Julm Kiiott, I:m|. l.'clVriT.ce an to tin; I qualiiich of these Cuttle iray lie nia'lo on up lilication tit Mrfi^rs CjinplicUund Sturt. tiiu r,N rmi; iioksi: " i>«v;on.-TO STAND TO COVKH, f,. r ti.e r«maitid<>r of tliia Kcason, at IliirriVs Livery StahU-n «?ppofitc Iho Southern CroRS Hotel, on rveiv Saturday from U (ill S, flic* supoiior «hausl?t i!i' liarncss horse, •• IHJAGON," Into ilie propeiiyo? Mr Emery, North Adelaide, tie is of v hrnutilol <i:irk 111-own rolor—KlautlK about ilficfii ?n<l a hall* lianiln liigli—.iiiil allowed to l)P n sure fonl-jrelti-r. Terms: Tluee j;uineaa, grootnajie indudi'd. TIIK KM IKE HOUSE "Jl'PlTEtt." STANDS to rover this romrou, at Ct-jip'H I/ivery SiaWes. Wi^iroiitluMrret, tlic well known thorough-bred entire liorfo "Jupiter." lleifilit—ls haiids 2 nitLes utid a Lull. Color—Warlt. Eire—" Einicnitit," impotted into Now South Wales fiom Kngland. Uiiin—A llicroui>h-hre<l marc of t«e " Mwtw ' Ittced, Itcloiiging to Sir John Jamieson, of Nvtv Sonth \V«lcs. Termr—7 guineas, and !?. llie prootn. TIM: TIJOJtOW.H BKH> AItAU lIORBK •• AIIDAU.AII," IMPORTED Iroin Calcutta, in llie Au?tmtimi AKsociation tliip Lm-ira(d hie. trill gtntid «c cover tliie at the etables of James Cbam bers, Wovmouth street. Titius«-E«cht Guineas, proomage included. Extract (mm ralijicarr — *• I can nfEcittii>i:: experience I Lave Isad during (lip timeof tnjrrtay in Calcutta ut.4 fU<w!.«re, thut I consider liim to lie one at tin' Lifilieft cnbt< (Nfpdee)'jorte i «•• rlanfled. He is pot>SE^od of j;reiit tone mid n:usoularpovTr, rombjijed tvitl. pood temper, wlm-h is most essential-for v good stuck getter. (Signed) J. S. MORTON. * Wttrinwy Siirirron. And I'tUov.oftLe IxMidon Wtcrinjry Meoiiul Society." S. R. T!,e f r-t " AWsUaii Cup" 4«-f rliree year fildn, :it Tiijrrc Okium*. lurall h?«<;H« llw f«i?-: f/i.V (iriiiirr? «Ttl c AinSt lionw Aiiatd/ak, will '«• ii;n (or '.! Or !;. r. 184-2. Ohm. in ?:«rifiuoa. tO.J «.i -• vi t.; t' •-■ ;, J. Clltit.fvt.-H. lor rij^ry, < rt-turn< full r«:<ls.<hv£|K«M W*. a« i?; .Mi.--.:ttre<l la,:tte ui'i be alioffo'l v ;m luf