Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 28 May 1870, page 6


The annual meeting of the members of the above club took place at Lenneberg's hotel. Queen Street, on May 20. There was a large attendance of members. Mr. J.B. Carver

occupied the chair. The following report was read and adopted:-- "Your committee in presenting their fourth annual report of the proceedings of the above club are of opinion that the past season of 1868-69, in regard attendance and improvement in the style of play, may be considered on the whole as a very satisfactory one. During that season as many as eight first-class matches were played, the most noticeable being—(l.) Artillery v. the Club (two matches), the first contest proving a victory to the former, and the return resulting in a tie. (2.) The Civil Service, in whioh the club secured the game. (3 ) Also, a match against thirty of the Brisbane Grammar School, which also fell to the credit of the club; besides several scratch matches which took place amongst the members, all of which proved of an interesting and exciting character. The statement of the treasurer shows a fair balance on hand, which, with receipts due, will prove ample for all requirements during the approaching season. Your committee have heard with pleasure of the formation of a football club in Ipswich, and look forward in the ensuing season to several friendly meetings. In conclusion, your committee would endeavour to impress upon the members of the club the necessity for strict punctuality in their attendance on the ground, especially on match days, as much annoyance was caused last year through the unpunctuality of members." Messrs. J. B. Carver and R. R. Davidson were re-appointed as treasurer aud secretary respectively. The following gentlemen were appointed to serve as a committee for the ensuing season:—Messrs. Harris, Short, Board, Miles, Bourne, Heyline, and Belford.

THE AMMONIA ANTIDOTE TO SNAKE BITE. —The efficacy of Professor Halford's antidote to snake bit* is being tested with the most satisfactory results in other parti of the world. A correspondent of the Natal JJeratd furnishes the following iuteresting particulars of a r»t* which came under his notioe:—" About 8 p.m. on Saturday, November 20, one of our Kafirs was bitten by a putfadder—which, you are aware, is a very deadly snake. The fang* entered on each sido of the groat toe where it joins the foot, and drew blood slightly. Although only a few minutes elapsod between the time of tne bite and the remedies applied, the boy complained of a strange sensation risinf in the chest and throat. I at onco bandaged the leg, and placing a stick in the bandage, twisted it sufficiently tight to stop the circulation | then scarified the wound*—leaking three incisions—and poured in each out a few drops of stroug 8. ammonia, at the same time lajing a rag saturated with ammonia over the wcunds, and gave the boy a large tumbler full of gin, with ten drops of Croft's tincture ; in flfteeu minutes, half a glass of Kin •"^ teD drops of amuouia, and a fresh rag over the wound ; and in half an hour another dose. Immediately after applying the ammonia the blood Mowed freely, but almost black; after the socoud done atill black j but after the third it became more hcalthv, when I took off the bandage. In less than three-quarters of an hour the blood flowed a bright healthy color. The boy became quite tipsy (a good sign), and I sent him home, feeling quite satisfied that he was safely through the dancer. Very little swelling took place, and now he is peHectly welL I may also stuff that I have tried strong 8. ammonia in oases of snake-bite, bites from scorpion* and spiders, as well as •tings from hornets, and have never known it to fail as a remedy. There are several other simple remedies, tut none so oorUta at am* mooia."