West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 19 May 1915, page 6

NEWS AND NOTES. L-4--The Mails.-The closing at the G.P.O. of this week's despatch for the United King dom and foreign countries, by the R.M.S. Omrah, has been extended until this morn ing at 6 o'clock. Mails for the Eastern States, New Zealand, etc., will be made up to-day at 8.15 a.m., and (to meet the vessel at Albany) 2 p.m., for transmission by the a.s. Dimboola. For Derby and intermedi ate ports and Java, mails close to-morrow at 8.15 a.m., and (via Geraldton) at 4.45 p.m., to be forwarded by the s.s, Paroo. R.M.S. Mlalwa Mails.-Mails which left Fremantle on the afternoon of April 12 by the R.M.S. Malwa arrived in London on the afternoon of the 15th inst. Parliament.-In Executive Council yes terday Parliament was further prorogued until June 29. The Rose BalL--An energetic committee are working hard to make the Rose ball, which is to take place on June 26, in aid of the Children's Hospital, a great success. Preparations are progressing very favour ably. A committee meeting will be held at the Savoy Hotel this afternoon at 3.30, when further arrangements are to be made. From Municipality to Roads D4strict. Ever since the declaration of Mr. W. D. Johnson,when Minister for Works, that he could have treated Queen's Park better had it been a reads beard district, instead of a municipality, a section of the ratepayers has been working strenuously to effect a change. A referendum was taken on the subject, but only about 14 per cent. of 'those entitled to vote took the trouble of expressing an opinion one way or the other. Out of a number of meetings convened for discussing the matter several lapsed owing to the paucity of the attendanoe, and when the officer in charge of the roads board branch of the Public Works Department addressed a public meeting on the subject very little interest was manifested. At the instance of two or three councillors the matter was considered fully in committee, and as a result it was decided to hold anothle referendum of ratepayers. This de cision was arrived at after the Public Works Department had given a categorical reply to a set of questions relative to the advantages of a roads board form of gev ernment, the council being informed that the change could be efected either by a referendum of ratepayers or by a petition addressed to the Minister tnder the seal of the council. Cr. Serisier. who represented the west ward (Welshpool), has been the most active advocate of the proposed change, and at the meeting of the council v' Monday night he moved, pursuant to

notice, that the motion relating to a refer endum be rescinded. The motion was agreed to by five votes to three. the Mayor and one councillor being, however, absent. Cr. Serisier then moved that the Minister for Works be requested to take the neces sary action to change Queen's Park from a municipality to a roads board district, and this was also agreed to, Crs. Serisier, Mason, Collins, Long, and Horton being for, and Crs. Coker (acting Mayor), Hammond, and W. D. Robinson against the motion on each occasion. At the close of the meeting Cr. Serisier intimated that he was about to leave the district owing to a wretched railway service, and tendered his resignation, which the council accepted with regret. Legislative Council Election.-Dr. Athel stan Saw has been asked to stand as a candidate for the Metropolitan-Suburban seat rendered vacant by the death of Mr. D. G. Gawler, and has decided to ac cede to the request. Mr. T. G., A. Molloy states that he will probably be a eandi date for the vaoandy, and Mr. H. E. Moff lin, ex-Mayor of Claremont, also intends to contest the seat. Anglicising Samoa.-Mr. Allen, Minister for 'inanc, in New Zealand, says that from May 1 British currency displaced ter man currency in Samoa. 'the oange is a step towards Anghcising the island. (ier man notes and coan hole good no longer. A branch of the Bank of .New Zealand han been established in Samoa. Empire Day.-In order to mark the cele bration *of Empire Day the members of the Million Club will hold a meeting on Tuesday next, when his Excellency the Gov ernor, patron of the club, will deliver an address. Luncheon will be served in ,the Y.M.C.A. gymnasium at 1 p.m., and any members desirous of introducing a guest for the occasion should communicate with the hoe .secretary (Mr. A. O. Neville) in order that accommodation may be pro vided. The Governor's Movements.-His Excel lency the Governor (Sir Harry Barren), at tended by Major Wilkinson, will leave Perth this 'morning on his first visit to Collie, and will return to the city on Thursday evening. Whilst at Collie his Excellency will mako an inspection of the district, and lay the foundation stone of a new church. On Saturday afternoon he will be present at the opening of the Hunt Club season, while at night he will attend a function arranged by the Perth Royal Yacht Squadron. On Sunday afternoon his Excellency will attend the ceremony in King's Park in connection with the fallen soldiers' memorial. In connection with the Empire Day celebrations he will, on Mon day morning, visit the James-street school; at midday he will attend the veterans' luncheon: and in the afternoon he will witness the school children's demonsta tion. State Steamships.-It was stated on good authority yesterday that the State steamer Western Australia had been purchased by an English firm and would leave on her last trip to the north on Saturday; fur ther, that the Prinz Sigismund, one of the captured German steamers, would sup plant the Western Australia. While the Actin2 Premier (Mr. Collier) and the Colo nial Secretary (Mr. Drew) declined last night to make any statement regarding the matter. it appears evident, from the tenor of their brief remarks, that some change in connection with the State steamers is contemDlated. .f it has not already been carried out. "I cannot say anything at this stage," was Mr. Collier's comment. The Colonial Secretary was busy at his office last night when one of our representa tives telephoned him after having got into touch with the Acting Premier. "I cannot give you any news to-night," said Mr. 'Drew, "but I will do so as soon as I Motor Ambulance Project.-The sucess which has attended public movements to nbtamn subscriptions for purchasing and equipping motor ambulances for use at the front has doubtless been responsible in part for a project to raise the necessary funds for one or more motor ambulances to be subscribed by railway employees. With this end in view Mr. E. G. Backshall, sec retary of the Locomotive Engine Drivers and Firemen's Union, has convened for Thursday evening next at the Railway Insti tute a meeting of heads of railway depart ments and other officers and members of the railway unions. The idea of the con vener is that the gift shall be made by railway men in Western Australia The Timber Indnslry.-Meers. Lewis and Reid's mill at Arklow, West Collie, employ ing between forty and fifty men, has been closed down temporarily owing, it is under stood, to the increased cost of produc tion. The manager of the company, re ferring yesterday to ?se closing of the mill, stated that a considerable item in expenses was the cost of horse feed. There was no lack of orders, bhut under present conditions they were unprofitable. It was probable that the mill would be again working when the new season's chaff was available. A.N.A., Re Ta e Prmantle branch of the AIN.A., at a recent meeting presided over by Mr. G. Spiers (the president), nominations of offi cers for the ensuing half-year were received as follow--President, Messrs. G. Spiers and C. H. Perry; vice-president, Mesra. H. P. Pophain Dunham, and W. Gordon; secretary, Mr. J. B. Mills (unop posed); treasurer, Mr. H. Pithouse; com mittee, Messrs. G. Jeffrey, E. C. Gould W. Gordon, H. Farrington, and C. B Far ringbton; Press correspondent, Mr. E. C. Gould (unopposed); conference delbgates, Messrs. G. Jeffrey,. E C. Gould, and Co R. Farrington; and delegate to the hospital gala committee, Mr. H. P. Popham. Public Servants and Outside WorkL--The Honorary Minister (Mr. Underwood) stated yesterday that he had discussed that day with fmendly society representatives the .,cition of ,the secretary of the dispensary in connection wth the movement. That of

eal, ca a?aea, was a civil servant, and the Government had declined to allow him to take outside work. The deputation had urged that the Government's decision should be reconsidered, and that the official in question should be allowed to retain his secretarial duties. They set out a number of circumstaneea in support of their re quest. which he had promised to place be fore Cabinet. The interview with the Min ister was not open to the Press. A Commonwealth Lease.-Acoording to the latest issue of the Commonwealth "Govern ment Gazette" the following lease has been approved of in this State:--From Horace H. Cockram, for postal purposes, of the pre mises known as "Melba Hall," Murray street, Perth, occupied as a parcels post office, for a period %i three years as from August 5, 1914, at a rental of £364 per an num. Western Australian Fruit in London.-A London correspondent, writing under date the 14th ult., says:-"Passing through Covent Garden Market the other morning I saw some Western Australian apples in karri boxes, and was prompted by curiosity as well as interest to ask some of the dealers a few questions about the quality and condition of the fruit coming from your orchards. They informed me that the Westerj Australian apple is at the moment the best on the market. At first the packing was very unsatisfactory, but now there is little room for complaint on this head. A long sheet of corrugated paper at the top and bottom of the case is much better than shavings. Short weight--at all times an abomination-used to be very fre quent. Once a brand can be relied on for full weight (a bushel, about 421b.), good quality, and careful packing, purchasers ask for it again and acain. Cleopatras, Jona thans, Dunn's Seedlings, and Newtowns are the safest for Western Australian growers. Cox's Orange do not carry well." The Silver Chain.-The Silver Chain is daily increasing the number of its friends at Fremantle, in recognition of the excel lent work that is being done by tTe dis trict nurse. A generous offer has just been made to the Fremantle auxiliary which, in view of the growing demands for funds to carry on the extending work, is greatly appreciated. Mr. Bert Weaver has very kindly volunteered to hand over his billiard rooms, containing 12 tables, for a day and a night for the benefit of the movement the total proceeds to be devoted to the "Chain." It is probable that a day will be fixed during the next month and that special arraagements will be made for lady visitors to the rooms. Kelmscott Agricultural Society. At the annual meeting of the Kelmscott Agri cultural Seoiety Dr. H. M. Benson presided over a large attendance of members. The report of the committee showed that al though the Government subsidy had not been forthcoming, the annual show was held as usual, and exhibitors cheerfully accepted a decreased amount of prize money, equal to 50 per cent. in all classes, except those for special exhihits and the lor-chopping events. Nothwithstanding ad verse circumstances, the year terminated with a credit balance of £29 12s. 4d.. which was a very creditable achievement. The thanks of the society were due to Mr. T. H. Denny for a gift of two calves. which realised a substantial amount; also to Messrs. Arthur Gates and Co., G. Lind lhv. and other donors of trophies. In their report the auditors said that the ac counts were all in order, and that the books were so well kept that their duties were purely formal. Messrs. hMolyneaux and McLeail, in moving and seconding the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, complimented the committee and secretary (Mr. Bickford) on their zealous efforts, and the election of office bearers was then pro

the district the president. Dr. Benson, ceeded with. Owing to his departure from was unable to again accept the position, and Mr. G. E. Hulse was elected in his stead. Messrs. V: Hamersley, M.L.C., and Nairn M.L.A.. were elected patrons, and MIessr.s- J. Collins, E. Molyneaux, A. Cor nish, B. V. Cross, C. R. May, R. Cowan, and H. Brown vice-presidents; the commit tee consisting of Messrs. Molyneaux (chair man), C. Spencer, R. Fernie, G. Lindley. G. V. Cross, H. Cockram, H. Fancote, and W. Ullyotf. Messrs. C. Mielan and Oliver were appointed auditors, and Messrs. F. W. Bickford and W. E. Fretwell secre tary and treasurer respectively. The mat ter of revising the rules was referred to the committee, and after some further busi ness the meeting resolved itself into a social gathering which was attended by residents from all parts of the district. Dur ing the proceedings presentations were made to Dr. and Mrs. Benson, who are leaving for Katanning, and who made themselves very popular during their resi dence in Kelmscott Camel Dealings.-Mr. Justice Rooth yes' terday heard two actions arising out of North-West camel transactions between Afghans. In the first case Abdul Roof proceeded against Secundah Shah for the delivery of 76 camels and accoutrements, etc. Mr. A. S. Haynes, who appeared for the plaintiff, explained that the tran saction took place in March, 1909, when the camels were sold br the defendant to the plaintiff. One of the conditions of the sale was that the plaintiff should take over certain liabilities under bills of sale from the defendant. About two years ago the plaintiff cpme to Perth for a time, leaving the camels in charge of the de fendant, who was to work them, for a payment of £9. The defendant took over the camels, but kept them, and the plain tiff had been unable to get them back. In the meantime the Receiver had taken over some of the animals, and the de fondant had been in trouble for contempt. After a brief hearing, in which the defen dant conducted his own case in a more or less incoherent fashion, his Honour gave judgment for the plaintiff, with costs. The same judgment was given in a similar action, with Secundah Shah as the defen dant and Mahomed Dean as the plaintiff. In each case an injunction was made re straining the defendant from making use of the camels. Photographing the Emden.—A Sydney syndicate, originating at the Sydney Mil-lions Club, some two months ago sent Mr. Charles Cusden with a cinematograph to take 1,000 feet of film showing all that was left of the German cruiser Emden. Mr. Cusden is returning by the R.M.S. Egypt, which called in at Fremantle yesterday. He was landed at Cocos by the s.s. Han-ley, which was specially chartered to run a day out of her course to permit of the pictures being taken. Mr. Cusden said that he was greeted at Cocos by an armed guard, who were unable to understand the movements of the Hanley, and feared a second German invasion. On being satis-fied that the mission was a friendly one, the guard on the jetty lowered their bayonets and from twenty to thirty armed islanders crept out from the bushes on the shore. The pictures which were taken show various views of the Emden and photos of the officer who sent out the distress call from the cable station, and other inhabitants of Cocos Island. J. A. Thomson, Ltd., the Jones sewing ma-chine people, will be moving into new premises in Murray-street at the end of this month, prior to which they intend getting rid of an accumulation of secondhands at exceptionally low prices, osash or terms. li ers. GI orpe and Ce. draw atsstios to an auction of residences near King's Park and blooks of'land at 3 p.m. on Tharday next in the rooms, 23 Bariack-t, Under instruotions from the West Anstralian Trustee, Executor, and Agenay Co, Ltd., Mesas. Robertson Bros. will sell this afternoon at 3 o'clook, in their roms, 91 St. George's-terrace, is order to wind up various estates, a number of lots in BRupertstreet, Sebiaco; Swanbourne terrace, OoCttslos; Ocean-rotd, Cottsloe Beach; West Gaildford. and North Perth, on easy terms. At 3 o'clock this afternoon Messrs. Robertson Bros. will sell, in the rooms, 91 St: George's-ter race. building sit* in Subiaco, West Subiaco, North Perth, and Bayswater, practically with out reserve, under mastructions from an absea tee owner. A mortgagee's sale of a .weatherboard cottage in Brisbane-place and building sites in the Ohurohlands Esttae is to take place at 3 p.m. to-day in the rooms of the auctioneers, Messrs.ra iobertson Bros. At 2.30 toaday Mers. Chas. P. Hobart and Co. will enadact a clearing sale of furniture and an organ pt 897 Hay-street. on acoount Mrs. Martia. Tbis afternoon at 3 o'clock Messrs. Chas. P. Hobart and C0o will hold an auotion sale of a complete outfat of plumbers' and carpenters' tads? glazed sashes, shop fittings, and two rifes. at 897 Hay-at. Messrs. T. Tate and Co. will oenducet their asual sale at their mart, 713 Hay-treet, to. marrow, at 9.30, and a clearing sale of furniture and efects an the premises, 10 Money-street. at 2.30 on Friday teat. The war prayer meeting will be held today as usual in the Guild room of Trinity Cie gatiomal Church at 1330. Mr. T. H. Samler will preside. Miss Clark, who has just arriql from. the Eastern States, has decided to open dancing classes in Perth and eubcbbs. Thee will in elude tango, hesitation waltee, rag, sad al ballroom and fancy danoinr. Tonight at 8 o'clock in the Literary Institute Mr. J. S. Lasgle' will lecture on "Bationalism its Meaning, Object, and History." The winning numbers of the art union in aid of St. Kieran's Chureh, Osborne Park, are ad vertia-d in another oolumn. Prizes-winners may eolect their prizes on appliation to Mr. 1. Barke, Hamilton-street, Osborne Park. Owing to certain modifctions in the pndl service between Australia and the United King doam, it has been found necessary to postpone the June theory examination throughout the State in conjunction with Trinity ollege of Musi, London, from June Is to Saturday, June 19. Entries for the pr?atial exanmination close on Jmune 3. The monthly exhibition of the Hortieuturapl 8oeiety will be held in 8t. Andrew's Lesser Ball this evening at 8 o'clock, when Mr. A. Panaly will leoture on "Hoses and lese Growing." . i... . . _.,