West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 17 January 1914, page 11

OBITUARY. DEATH OF 3111. R. W. PENNEFATHIR. After an illness extending over many months, Mr. Richard William Pennefather, K.C.. M.L.C., died at his residene., "Oakham," Shenton-road, Claremont, last evening. The state of health of the deceased gentleman had for a considerable time occasioned much anxiety to his relatives and a wide circle of friends and the heat, wave which set in a few days ago hastened the end. The deceased was a son of the late Mr. Frederick Pennefather, of Holy Cross Abhey, and was born at Tipperarv, Ireland, on July 16, 1851. When quite young he travelled to Australia, and was placed under private tuition in Melbourne. there h-i afterwards attended St. l'atrck's College. He took the degrees of .A. and LL.B. at the Universiiy of Melbourne in 1876, and, having completed his legal course, wasa called to the Bar, and practiced in Victoria for about ten years. He then spent two years in practice in Sydney. but resumed his former legal connection in Melbourne, having also boeen admitled to the Bar in Queenslan'. where, however, he did not practise. While a resident in Victoria, h,. was appointed a Commlsioner to take evidence in the great patent case which d,. termined the legal riglits of the MecArthur. Forrest Company to the extraction of ore by means of cyanide of potasiium, this action having been brought in the Trans. vaal in the days of the Dutch Republic. In all, Mr. Pennefather practised for fifteen years in his profession in Victoria. and. who. ther as an advocate in the Criminal Court as counsel in the Civi' Courts, as a crossexaminer in inlvoe ol Equity suits, or in reducing complicated issues, lie was apt in turning lis knowledge of legal lore to the benefit of his clients. In 1E96 he came 1t Western Australia. and spent the enforced six months of residence before lie coulm he qualified for admission to the Bar in tra veiling over the country to make himself the better acquaintedl with its iteounre?, devoting special attention to the nariferou.s areas. Returning to Perth, he established himself in professional practice in partner. ship with the late Mr. John Borgan, well. l:nown amrg the legal fraternity of l'erth in those days. In the following year MU Pennefather turned his attention to I'ar liamentary matte:s. and at the general elections for the House of Assembly in 1897 was returned as representative for the Greenoigh constituency. Upon the retir -ment of Mr. Sent. Burt from the Forrest Administration in October of the same year, .Mr. Pennefather received the port-folio of Atorney-General, which lie cont:nued to hold until 1901. In that year he was appointed Q.C., and, having resigned his seat in the Legislative Assembly. assumed the office of Acting-Judge of the Supreme Court during the absence on leave of the Chief Justice. In 19.32 he resumed prcrtice at the Bar, and continued for three years. at the end of which Ihe entered h rblic litf again, being returned hr the electors of the North Province in May 1908. to tepr.. sent their interests in the Legislative Council. The interment will take place' to-rrorrose afternoon in the Roman Catholic portion of the Karrakatta Cemetery. The corter-, will leave the decastn l's residence. "Oa:ham," Shenton-road, Claremont, at 3.15 p.m. Those desirous of attending at the ceme. tery may proceed by the 3.30 p.m. train from Perth.