West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 23 October 1912, page 10

*LAIN QUESTIONS TO PERTH. Would Perth 'people recommend Doan's Backache Kidney Pills as 'they do if the medicine were not reliable?, Would they confirm their statements after years have elapsed if their experience did not show the remedy to be deserving of it? Statements like the following must carry conviction to the mind of every reader:Mrs: T. Blake, 15 Ethel-street, North Perth, says:--"For years.I have been troubled with my kidneys, and to such an extent that I have been under treatment nearly all the time. But the medicine I took failed to give me-relief. My back-ached constantly. A year or two ago, when in Melbourne, a friend told me of the splendid qualities. of Doan's Backache Kidney Pills; but I did not get-this remedy then. I remembered this praise when I saw them advertised later on, and I then got, some. They.cured.me and I have been well for some time. I advise all kidney sufferers to-use Doan's Backache Kidney Pills." STwelve /years later, Mrs. Blake says:-"I have-been absolutely free of every- symptom. of.kidney disease for 12 years. I need say no more; the facts speak for themselves."' Let this point be fastened in your mind"Backache is kidney ache. and\if neglected brings in its train all the horrors of advanced kidney disease." Doan's Backache Kidney Pills 'are sold by all chemists and. storekeepers at 2s. 9d. per bottle (six fottles 15s. 3d.), or will be posted on receipt of price by Foster-McClcalan Co.; '313 Murray-street, Perth. . . But, be sure you get' DOAN'S. GOUGH GONE. -- -SCOTT-S EMULSION. CHEAPEST IN THE END. The strength-restoring powers of Scotts Emulsion are proved not by months'but by 37 years' stringent tests and proved results ALL THROAT AND CHESTr.COMPLAINTS -all weaknesses due to. poor nutrition are ,banished, by this .pure, palatable, emulsion. THIS IS ONLY ONE OF THOUSANDS " ' OF LETTERS -"After taking the contents of one bottle of 'Scott's Emulsion, my cough is quite gone. My doctor recommended .Scott's Emulsion, and stated as his opinion that it was the best preparation of its kind, by far the cheapest in the end. It 'has been very fully:borne out in my 'own case. Mr. 'P. J. Hart, 'Heidelbergroad, Alphinton, Melbourne, Victoria, Observe, the doctor, said Scott's Emulsion not an imitation or substitute. Therefore, do not ask merely for emulsion; aik for Scott's Emulsion, and see the trade mirk. Of all Chemists and Medicine Dealers.' SOUTH AUS. TRAVELLER'S OPINION. Change of water and food oftesnlcause colic and diarrhoea, and when Mr. F. Bannister, traveller for aenz 'and Co., Adelaide, S.A., is attacked with either oftthese complaints'` he' takes Chamberlain's Colic ind Diarrhoea Remedy; In 'a 'recent letter he states:--"Having suffered severely from Colic, I have much pleasure in informing you that Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy has on several occasions given ine instant relief, and I always carry it 'with me." Our 'KOCH PIANOS'iat 40 guineas are best value in the Commonwealth. 3. J A. Thomson 'Ltd., Perth. Fremantle. TRY BURNET'S PENNY JELLIR. HfORSES.-VEHICLES, LIVE STOCK [Prepaid Advertisements under this heading not exteeding eighteen words, one shilling; three Insertions, two 'shillings aAd sixpence.] -AT DEMPSTER'S STOCK BAZAAR, 301' Wellington-street. 6 Extra Heavy Draught Geldings, young, sound, and in good condition. 12 Heavy and Medium Draught Mares, specially selected for farm work. 6 Springcart and Delivery Horses. 1 Thoroughbred Stallion, IslamiiteL-Ballet Girl. ' 1 Well-bred Gelding, 6yrs. old, suit Abbott buggy, a frut-class saddle horse... 1 Rubber-tyred Sulky, with lever hood, a particularly smart turnout. 1 Silver-mounted Double Set English Buggy Harness, in perfect condition. H. H. DEMPSTER. 'Phone 2013. A,.-OSnO ? SULKIES BIDE EASIEST, LAST LONGEST. FACTORY and SHOWROOM, 51 JAMES-STREET.' AT BOLTON AND SONS. Expert Builders of MOTOR BODIES, and ALL REPAIRS. Trimming and Painting. Large Stock of SULKIES, BUGGIES, and CARTS. FARM DRAGS and WAGGONS. Telephone 230. 19-45 William-street, Fremantle. 4 -A. J. BISHOP'S HARNESS, COL.A_ LARd, Etc., Best Quality in Perth. Prices Right. FACTORY and SHOWROOMS, 95 Jamesstreet, Perth.Nexat Nexat to Simpson's Carriage Works. A-BARGAINS.--Spring Tp and Farm Cars, Tipdrays, Farm Waggons, asher Carts, Sulkies, ~Wheels of all sizes on hand. Gee. E. Grigg,. Murray and Milligan streets. Tel. 1552 A .A.-BARGAINS--Setlers' Springcarta, .. new and secondhand; Spring-tips, lasher Carts. E. G. Lewis, 299 Welligton'.

n.aSs, near suer-a. rmrne 1.a70 A GED Horse, Cart and Harness, £12 the t. lot. Apply BU. Mattner, Stirling-st. Markets. CART. Masher, a superior. new, with all woudue frame. all York gum wheels, suit farmer or gracer. l15a Newcastle-st. CART, Spring, new, with half patent axles, a floating rail, hickory shafts. a splendid town cart. 115a Newcastle-st. CHEAP, Covered Express Van. Milk Cart, SCrank Cart, Tip S. Cart. Clifford, Central Stock Bazaar, Wellington-st. OBS (2), 4 years, quiet, stylish, fast, lady can drive, also rubber-tyred Sulky and four Springcarts, cheap. 418 William-st. COW, just calved, a splendid butter cow, guarantee 16 quarts daily, very quiet, guaranteed sound, £13; a gift. 145-tirhingEtreei.

HORSES VEHICLES LIVE STOCK 1OCKREAM'S STOCK BAZAAR, S 202 Pier street. .45 Young FARM MARES and GELDINGS, arriving ex s.s. Karoola on Thursday, 17th. 1 Beautiful Single Hooded Rabber-tyred Show BUGGY and HARNESS, a bargain. 10 New Strong SULKIES. / 5 SPRING~ARTS. 1 Hooded Dairy Produce CART and HARNESS (new).I I CLYDESDALE STALLION, 4 years. 1 ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION, 3 years. 1 ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION, 2 years. 1 HACKNEY STALLION, "Caledon." HORSES, VEHICLES, and HARNESS in all classes. ?aspection and Correspondence Invited. COCKRAM'S STOCK BAZAAR, 202 Pier-street. Telephone 1111. COWS (4), prime, heavy milkers, just C. calved, cheap; stout Pony, 4 years, quiet, for lady. 7 Nash-st. P ERS,. GALL IN AND SEE MY SSULKIES, BUGGIES, FARMERS' DOUBLE-SEATERS, - RUNABOUTS. Every Line a Bargain. COCKBURN, Coachbuilder, _Murray-street. JIRST-CLASS Filly for Sale, three-quarter Draught, just broken, must Sell. 110 Forrest-st., North. Perth. FOR Sale, cheap, four-wheeled Waggon, with cover, suitable for produce mar chant or carrier. Apply Daniel White and Co., 414 Murray-st., Perth, VjOR Sale, 4 Cows in milk, from £6 each, A and 6 Ponies. bioken and unbroken. C. J. Brittain, Wittenoom-st., Leederville, tram. OR Sale, Light Springeart, horse and - harness, cheap. Corner Monger-st. Railway-parade, opposite station, Leederville. F 0OR Sale, 2 Carts, one covered, well built, ' suitable any class work, cheap. Shorey and Townshend, Hay-street Subiaco. "IOR Sale, Goats, heavy in kid, cheap. -'- Apply first house Anckland-st., North Perth, off North Beach-rd. -OR Sale. horse, cart, and harness, a - good lot, cheap, any trail. 119 Jaines-street, Perth. Fj OR Sale, Half Jersey Cow, rich milker, .- iluiet, suit family. Cheap. A. Law, Watts-road, Queen's Park, Cannington. -OR Sale, the Trotting Horse Loy Yang. F Apply J. hartin, 164 Grosvenor-road. FOR Sale, 1 Snringeart, in good order. 'Brisbane Hotel, Beaufort-t. SOOD strong Sulky ands set harness, £9. G Apply The White Store, Mt. Lawley. ARNESS,; ARNESS, HARNESS. The Cheapest and Best in Perth. Cart Saddles and Breechoings, best 50s.; Plough Winkers, 5s. 6d. and 7s.; Hames. 4s. 9d. and 6s. 6d.; Chains, from 3s. 6d.; Spiders. 9s. 6d. 10s. 6d., and' 12s. 6d.; Plough Backhands. 4s. 6d.; Rims, 2s. 9d. and 3s. 95.;. Riding Saddles, from 30s. P. T. McCOMISH, New Address:,293 Murray-street. H AR.NESo, Three dozen Second-hand H Collars, Second-hand Spiring Dray, Springcart, buggy harness, all splendid order. John Moss, Saddler, 354 Wellingtonstreet .H? H? ARNESS, heavy and strong, £4 set; Collars, 17s.; Hames, 4s. 6d.; Winkers, Second-hand Harness, all kinds; Second. hand Riding Saddles. W. Rowland, 119 James-st. HORSE, iupstanding Hack, and' Harness, strong, no vice. 5 years off,.no further use. business sold. 375 Bagot-road; or No. 1Bairds Arcade. H ORSE, upstanding heavy draught geld:I ing, aged, thoroughly staunch; and quiet. Apply. 704 ..Wellington-st. H ORSE for Sale, yrs." old, good sort, suit lorry or heavy delivery: van, can be seen. at 210 Brown-st., Perth. HORSE, Medium Draught,. for Sale. . Apply T. McLaughlin and Co., Lime and Stone Merchants, 641 W?cllington-st., Perth. H ORSES, Horses.-20 0 extra heavy Draught Horses, to land to ss. Kasldwns on the 24th inst., also 3 Colts in stable', and 10 heavy Draught Horses at work, for Sale, reasonable. A. R.'Fenn, 162 Wittenoom-st., East Perth. H ORSES, Mares; heavy, medium, and l light, always on hand, all sold with a guarantee as described: American S.R. Buggies; wire -wheels, L 'trimmings;, cushion tyres, open- and hooded. Jerald's Sulkies, 351b. .JAMES NICHOLLS, Hilltop, 110 Prancis-t. 6ORSES, 15, good sorts, mares, geldings, L-young, sound, suit farmer and tradesman, just landed from East. 1398 Newcastlest., near Fitzgerald-st. H ORSES.--One truck medium draught and delivery, also two cheap draught Horses. 64 Wellington-st. East. !NTERCOLONIAL HORSE BAZAAR, =. ' ' 58 Roe-street.' " Draught MaIres and Geldings, Medium Draughts.(Mares and Geldings), Buggy and Slk? . Horses. \ One four-wheel Double-seated Buggy, one our.wheel Doubla-seated English Dog CartSprinacarts and Sulkies, Tip Drays, and HarH. SCHMIDT. Telephone 1047. -TERSEY Bull for Sale. 2yrs. old; also 2 I .good Dairy Cows. F. Bush, Miuchea, Midland line. IfGH-CLASS CIGARS for-everybody, at everybody's price. Noble Cigars, 3d. each. I/F OTHERS. no not avteS *ta ,u

111. Trohet's Teething Ban - ill chi. mists, Is. JAMES McENCROE, LIVERY, LETTING, and BAIT STABLES, Stirling-street.. Heavy Draughts, Medium and Light Horses, Sulky, Buggy. and Springcart Turnouts, by the day or week. Moderate charges. TELEPHONE 2425. t'RES, 15 to nick from, good farm sorts 1i all workers, just arrived ss. Karoola, prices to suit all; 2 rubber-tyred Sulkies, one good King of the Road, cheap. Hand and Flower, just past Lord-st. tram terminus. ,IASHER Cart, strong, patent axle, axle 1V- pull, sulky strong, light cheap. W. G. McIntosh North Fremantle. PEDIGREE Berkshire Sows, also lare Black Sows, for sale, price from £2 s. Barnes, The Lakes, Chidlow's Well. PONY, fast and stylish, thoroughly educated, lady can drive, four-wheeled rubber-tyred Buggy, rubber and gold set of harness, English leather, prizetaker last Royal Show, also two prizes last year. Apply 95 Barrack-street. PONY, with new Mock King of Road Sulky and new Harness, a splendid turnout, suit lady, worth inspection, £22. 115i. Newcastle-st. PONY 14.2, thoroughbred, quiet, stylish, reliable, cheap: also Kelpie Pup, prize stock, best offer. S. Gardiner, Rockthn-road, Claremont. DONY, nuggety, with new springeart and- harness, £1'3, a gift, suit lady; half-ton trial. 115i Newcastle-st. _ONY, 14 hands . thick set, trial, cheap; . also Hooded Sulky (K. of Road), practically new. 18 Monger, off William-st. PONY for sale. 464 Newcastle-st., West SPerth. R. C O 0 K B U R N, Murray-street (Tel. 800), BUILDS EVERY CLASS of MOTOR and VAN BODIES. Call and Inspect. FLUSH-SIDED TORPEDO BODY Up to Date. RIDING Saddle and Bridle, in good order, for Sale. 39 Wardie-street, South Fremantle. +OUTHPORT, by Gosport-Brown Girl, 7 5. years, good hack, splendid jumper, winner many races, make good brood mare, or exchange for two medium draughts. SMILY, Cockram's Yards. ZULKY, £10: Village Cart. £12 10s.; .J Springeart, £9; hooded, rubber-tyred Buggies and Sulkies: quiet Ponies and Horses. 210 Beaufort-st. ULKY Pony and Harness for Sale, very S quiet, suit lady. Apply 462 Ray-se. ?HIE COMING HORSE OF AUSTRALIA. THE PERCHERON. INVINCIBLE, Property of M. Corbett, will Serve a Limited Number of Mares in City. FEE: SEVEN GUINEAS. Apply by letter, M. CORBETr, C/o R. Smith and Co., Saddlers, Murray-trtet, Perth.

iHORSES. VEHICLES. LIVE STOCK r7jHREE Springcarts, cheap, suit farmer, .1 settler, anybody. £7, £9 and x12. Farrell, Corn Merchants. Fremantie. 't rT1ROTTING Machine for Sale. good as . new, cheap. Abbott's, 141 William-st., Perth. S .A. STOCK BAZAAR, STIRLING-ST. S Ex Pilbarra. 12 EXTRA HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES, 'Prizetakers from Victoria, up to 19cwt. One of the best shipments landed in W.A. JAMES McENCROE, TeL 2425. WATANTED to Let out on Hire, Lorry, WV nearly new, carry up to 4 tons, withshafts and pole for single or double, ,with or without a horse terms moderate. G. J. Barnard, 19 Pier-street, Perth. W- ANTED for Farm, Horse or Mare. W strong, sound, and staunch. State price, particulars, Taylor, 79 Stirling-st., Perth. W TA"NTED to Buy, Village or Masher i Cart. good order, with or without harness, state price where seen, Morgan, Brunewick. , ANTED Sulky, in good condition, V' hooded and rubber-tyred. with Horse and Harness preferred. P50, this office. ATANTED to 'Buy good second-hand V V Sulky. must be cheap, spot cash. Apply Roselea Gardens, West Subiaco. 'YOUNG Cow and Calf for Sale, good milker. Apply 71 Aberdeen-st. MEDICAL. A SIMPLE FAC-T VITADATIO will Cure you if you use it, but thinking abbut it or knowing how good it is will not cure you. Advice given freely, 9 to 6. No. 1 Baiida' Arcade.' All stores. Chemists 5s. 6d. and 3s. 6d. ALWAYS remember that Taufik Raad, Phar., M.S., M.C.S.S., is the "only' Herbalist who holds a University Diploma. Consultation free, at 275-277 Murray-st., Perth (two doors west of William-st.). A WARDS Treatment for Rheumatism -1. and Sciatica is an absolute cure, numerous references. 296 William-st.,,. near Newcastle-st., Perth. CHINESE HERBALIST (L. SHOHENjiSuncessful-Treatment for all Ailments and Diseases, internally and externally. 133 Jamesstreet, near Lake-street, Perth. HEA..ESS Head Noises, Gathered SEars, Catarrh .of Middle Ear; treated by latest scientific ,treatmoi4, '"MechanoTherapy." No drugs, no operations. Trial treatment, 5s. Perth Heath Institute, Wellington Buildings, William and Wellington streets. DENEY'S CATARRH MIXTUR Acknowledged One of the Finest Known REMEDIES for this DREADED 'COM.PLAINT.. There is no more need to worry. Adopt our treatment, you won't be-sorry. PRICE, 3s: per bottle; postage 6d. extra. NERVINE PILLS, For all Nervous Diseases, 'Headaches, Sleeplessness, Hysteria; etc., tlhese. Pills are ideal, and prepared :from. Mr;. -i DENNEY'S best nerve prescription. PRICE, 2s. per box,. by post, 2s. 1d. INDIGESTION PILLS, An e?cellent remedy for all troublas c.f. the Stomach. Recommended for Gastritis, Spasms, Flatulence, Dyspepsia, etc;PRICE, ls. 6d. per box, by nost Is. 7d. Note this Addresa: R. DENNEY, Herbalist, Central Hay-street. Perth. D R. L. L. , SM IT H'S PRACTCGE, 71 COLLINS-STREET, MELBOURNE. CONSULTATION PER BY LETTER, £1. Medicines appropriately packed . aid for"wardied to W.A. Specialist in Brown-Seqcard and- the. New ' Rnedy-606 ": -:: Dr. L. L. Smittha Medical Aljansac f-or 1912 just puiliished. Price 6d. Albert 'and Co., Central Arcade. DRUNKENNESS Positively Cured by .1J Dr. Shaw's Anti-Alcohol. Guaranteed home cure, inexpensive, can be given secretly. 1161 Hay-street, West Perth, 9 a.m. to b p.m, Tel. 1606. . ELECTRIC BODY -' BELT. High-class; Well-known Make. As Good as New. . Sell Cheap. P26, this office. NASAL CatarrTh, a Catarrh of stomach, . causing Acute Indigestion. Catarrh of Throat and Lungs, causing 'consumpt?on, treated by "Mechano-Therapy," latest idjen. tific treatment. No drugs,. no. oper"iipns, Trial treatment,. 5s. Perth Health:'Institute, Wellington Buildings, William n-and Wellington streets . N?ERVOUS Debility, Sciatica; Luinbago. Paralysis, Rheimatism, Stiff Joints, treated by "Mechano-Therapy," the latest scientific treatment. No drugs, no operations. Trial treatment .5s. Perth' Health Institute, Wellington Buildings. POST-NASAL Grcwth treated painless~y I by "siechano-Theraipy," without operi tion or drugs; will not form again. -See testimonials leading citizens Trial Ctreat ment, 5s. Perth Health Institute. Welling. ton Buildings,, William and .Wellington. streets. P ROPRIETBARY MEDICINES for SKIN Sand other DISEASES, without tht'Use of dsugs that permanently injure'the sys tem. No delay.; no huinmbug. 'Forwarded free of observation, and strictly confidential.' Dr. Scott's Female Pills--safe, certain, and reliable, to remove all irrcgularities. per post. Elastic ,oods and all. thi? requisites of the toilet (London price). Lec tprn antwomel folinwinermai;l Nn nmea

(Late John Wri;bt, the Red Croes), 163 William-street, Perth. THE SCHOOL FIEND Is EXORCISED 1 And Mother's Labour Greatly Lightened by the use of BIRKS' NIURSERY HAIR LOTION. This.is the most effectual remedy yet introduced for the school trouble, 'and has never failed where properly used. Price Is., or Is. 3d. by post to any address. Sole Maker and Proprietor, JOHN N. BIRKS, •Family and Dispensing Chemist, 130 Williamstreet, Perth. SH E R A P I 0 N, L The Now French Remedy, No. 1, No.2, No. 3, price 2s. 9d., leading chemists, cures Blood Poison, Kidney Bladder, Urinary Diseases, Discharges, Weakness Piles. ,end stamp address envelope for free booklet to Dr. Le Clerc Med. Co., Haverstock-road, Hampstead, London, Eng.: 12 rue Castiglione. New York Depot, 90 Bcekman-st. A CURE FOR YOU. Try New Dragee (tasteless) form of Therapion. Easy to take, safe and lasting cure. See that trade mark word '"Therapton" is on Brit. Govt. stamp affixed to all genuine packets. TIHE objectionable tone of the usual talkL ing machine is quite eliminated in the wonderful "Kalophone," obtainable only from Beale's, 839 Hay-street, in His Majesty's Theatre Buildings. S OUR EYES REQUIRE ATTENTION. Many cases of head and body trouble are caused by the eyes being under strain. Many cases of eye trouble are caused by' body weakness. WE ADVISE ON BOTH FREE. ASSOCIATD OPTICIA\NS, No. 1 Bairds Arcade. M ADE in Australia, for Australians, by LY1 an Australian firm. Noble Cigars, 3d. each. MUNICIPAL NOTICES. NORTH FREMANTLE MUNICIPALITY. S DISTRESS WARRANTS. Take notice that the following resolution was passed unanimously by the Council on September 30. 1912:"That final notices be sent out immediately, to be followed by distress warrants in every case of default." Unless the amounts involved are PAID by 10 a.m. on THURSDAY MORNING !NEXT, 24th inst., distress warrants will bhe served on FRIDAY, 25th INST. The Town Clerk will attend at his office on Wednesday next, from 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. W. D. EVANS. Town Clerk. Town Hall, October 18. 1912. H IGH-CLASS CIGARS for everybody, at El everybody's price. Noble Cigars, 3d. each. PRINTERS. STATIONERS, Etc. CHEAP READING for Town or Bush. Sixpenny Novels, latest, shopworn but complete, 3s. per dozen, postage or railage extra. Only from ALBERT and CO., Book. sellers, Perth. Central Arcade. fTr, COMPLETE SHAKESPEARE, 1,600 pages, good paper, large print, beautiful cloth binding. Only 3s. 6d. postage 4d., only from H. B. ALBERT and GCO.'S Book Stores, Perth. A USTRALIANS, be loyal. Support your A industy. Smoke Nobl Cigars, 3d. ~ach.

TENDERS. BEFORE the Summer comes Coat Your Roof with Taylor Bros.' Refrigerating Cooling Paint, obtainable all merchants or wholesale only from Meston and Walters. Taylor Bros.' White Ant Exterminator is an absolute specific. RIGGS and ROWLAND, Lime and Stone Merchants. 589 Wellington-st., Perth. We are prepared to quote for Builders' Lime, Ground Lime Ground Limestone, Cyaniding Lime, Special Spraying Lime, on trucks at our works, or delivered on rail to any station in the State. Write for particulars and save money. We also stock Cowhbair Air Bricks, White Sand, Cement. etc.. etc. We are the Lime People. Established 1890. BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS.-For LIME and STONE we can meet your demands. Satisfaction assured. T. McLAUGHLIN and CO., Lime and Stone Merchants, 641 Wellington-st. 'Phone 1022. -.OMMONWEALTIH MILITARY FORCES. WJ ?ESTERN AUSTRALIA. TENDERS FOR.EMPTY BRASS CASES, CARTRIDGE. TENDERS for the PURCHASE of EMT!Y FIRED CARTRIDGE CASES will be received up till noon on the 16th November, 1912, at the office of the Senior Ordnance Officer, Ordnance Store, Museum-street, Perth. Forms of tender and full narticulars obtainable at the above office. G. F. PEARCE, M?inister of State for Defence. 22110112. I'ORRUGATED Iron Roofs made 22deg. - cooler with 2 coats of Calzic. The best Refrigerating Paint for Iron and Canvas. It makes canvas houses fireproof. Only 4s. 6d. a tin. THE BAIRDS' CO. DEPARTMENT OP, DEFENCE. MILITARY FORCES OF THE COMMONWEALTH. TENDERS will be received -by the Senior Ordnance Officer, ,Ordnance 'Stores, Perth, until three (3) o clock p.m. on the days and for the SUPPLIES shown herewith. Tender forms and all particulars may be Ibtained at the Office of the above-mentioned.Senior Ordnauce Officer. The lowest 'or any tender will not necessarily-be accepteu.I I MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, .1912. SBoots, ankle, buff, 20,000 pairs, for Citizen Forces. Boots;, ankle, black, 3,000 pairs, for Permanent Forces.Clothing, Clothing, Kit, and Necessaries (Brushware, Metalwork, Enamelware, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Razons, Hosiery, Mer' cery, White Hats and Caps, Helmets, Towels, Gloves, Combs, Polish, and other MiscellAneous Articles), for the Permanent Forces. " MONI AY, NOVEMBER 4, 1912. .Ambulaince. Boxes, Operating Tables, Ambulance Stretchers, and Pack Transport Stretchers.FRIDAY, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1912. Waggons,.; Limbered, G.S. Felloes, Spokes, Poles, and Wheels spare. . ,, . G. F. PEARCE, S ?inister of State for Defence. Melbourne. October 15, 1912. -RODINGHAM STEEL STRUCTURAl SWORK. SAUNDERS add STUART Perth. IF you. have Damp Walls 'try CERESIT, Obtainnble TRom Saunders and Stuart, Perth.' IN the BANKRUPT ESTATE of WILL- o lr 'RUSSELL, of Cariarvon, Sad'TENDERS, are invited, and will be received by the undersigned uip to. noon on Thursday, -the 24th inst.,! for the PURCHASE of. the STOCK of the above Estate, comprising -an assortment of. Saddles. Harness, Collars. Hames, Bridles, Whips, Brushes,. Combs. and all other accessories of and incidental to the' business of a Country Saddler, too numerous to detail. ,Orders to inspect and farther particulars can be obtained from Mr. E. Arundel, of 179 Mtsrraystreet, -Perth, Saddler, etc. or the tundersigned. No tender necessarily accepted. All tenders njist be accompanied by a marked bank cheque or cash deposit of 10 per centurn. Tenders should be endorsed -'"Tendes for Saddler's Stock." M. M. MOSS, Official Receiver, Supreme Court, Perth. October 16. 1912. E ?AGUBBINE " HOTEL. FREE HOUSE. `.--TENDERS will be received by the iindersigned. up to FRIDAY, November 1, .1912,.for a. five or seven:- years' LEASE of-the above, £6 per week for first two years, £7 10s.., per week for balance of lease. Sto?& and furniture at valuation. Arrangemersts can be made for right? of renewal of lease,- or purchase of freehold when lease expires. Deposit of £50 to accompany tender. V. H. SPENCER,. Northam'" Tel. 62. H/M .I, L L S and C 0., New Warehouse, Corner MURRAY and PIER STREETS., ' Persh. 'Phone 269. All Classes of STONEWARE PIPES and Specials and PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES.The LARGEST STOCK in W.A. of Fireclay Sinks, Urinals, Slophoppers, Lavdtoiy Basins, Pedestal Pans and Seats, C.I. Enamel -Baths and 'Silks, Tiles, Opolite and Glazed. All kinds 'of Sewerage Brass Fittings, Taps,- Stops, etc.; Lead Piping, Galv. W~I. Piping and Fittings, Plain and Corr. Iron, I(T lilt Trans an, Gqratims RTncil,-ar Tran.

Smonoery, Cement,' Register' Grates, and Mantels, Vulcanite' Plugs and Washers, a Speciality. NOTICB TO PLUMBERS. The TIME for Receiving TENDERS for SEWERAGE WORK at Railway Hotel, Barrack-street, has been EXTENDED to noon on Friday next, 25th instant. R. J. DENNEHY, Architect, South British Chambers, Barrack-street. PERTH CITY COUNCL. ANNUAL CONTRACTS. TENDERS will be received at the City Council Office, Town Hall, Perth, until 4 o'clock p.m. on WEDNESDAY, the 30th instant, for the undermentioned CONTRACTS: and DELIVERY, ofFootpath Gravel, Road Blinding and Road Making Gravel, Gravel Lumps Ballast, Cartage of Metal, etc., Hire of Teams, Tarpaving Footpaths, Granolithic Pavement of Footpaths, and Lighting, etc., Kerosene and Acetylene Lamps. Specifications may be seen and tender forms obtained at the City Engineer's Office. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WM. E. BOLD, Town Clerk. October 22, 1912. PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACTS. TENDERS will be received by the Hon. the Minister for Works until noon on the dates specified for the undermentioned CONTRACTS. Particulars at the Con. tractors' Office, The Barracks. St. George'sterrace, Perth, and elsewhere as stated:OCTOBER •29Blackvwood Blackvwood River Bridge and Approaches. (Particulars Courthouses, Bunbury and Busselton.) Bullfinch Post Office.-Alterations. (Particulars Police Station, Bullfinch; Courtbouse, Southern Cross; and P.W.A.D. Office, Kalgoorlie.) Fremantle.-Fort Forrest, Quarters, Additions. (Particulars Courthouse, Fremantle.) Northam.-Defences, Drill HBall and Quarters, Repairs and Renovations. (Particulars Courthouse, Northam.) NOVEMBER 5. Menzies Post Offiice.--Fencing, etc. (Particulars P.W.A.D. Office, Kalgoorlie, and Courthouse, Menzies.) Fremantie.-Prison Chaplain's Quarters, Renovations. (Particulars Courthouse, Fremantle.) Clackline School and Quarters.-Renovations. (Particulars Courthouses. Toodyay and Northa'm.) C. A. MUNT, Under-Secretary for Public Works. TI'ENDERS, BRICK and STONEWORK, 1 Labour only Apply Congdon and Grant streets, Osborne. BARRETT', Contractor. A USTRALIANS, be loyal. Support your industry. Smoke Noble Cigars, 3d. each.

TENDERS. LLED 1STEEL JOISTS, CHANNELS, IL TEES, ANGLES, and PLATE, British STANDARD SECTIONS by the following good makers:-Glengarnock, Lanarkshire, Cargo Fleet, Dorman, Long and Co., Earl of Dudley, who are acknowledged the best makers in Great Britain, and are stocked by the undersigned, who is prepared to submit ESTIMATES for all kinds of STEEL STRUCTURAL WORK made from the above. LEVI GREEN, Ironmonger, Murray-st., Perth. ? TENDERS are invited until noon of I Thursday, October 24, fpr the ERECTION of STONE and BRICK VILLA, John-street, Cottesloe. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WH. E. ROBERTSON, Architect, New Zealand Chambers, St. George'sterrace. r ?DERS required for FENCING Two .1 Blocks, and ERECTING CLOSED SHEDS at Nedlands. Tenders close on 25th, at 12 o'clock. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. E. CLARKE, Architect, 3 Weld Chambers, St. George's-terrace, Perth. TflENDERS are invited up till noon on L Saturday ,November 2, for BRICK RE, SIDENCE for Messrs. Jager and Scadding, York bricks supplied on ground. No tender necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of GLOBE HOTEL, Perth. S E N D E R S. T LICENSED PLUMBERS. TENDERS are invited until 12 noon on FRIDAY, November 1, 1912, for carrying out of SEWERAGE CONNECTIONS (Labour and Material) at "Lydford," 189 Brisbane-st., PerthFull Full particulars from R. E. WELCHMAN, This Office. T.IENDERS for the Erection Jarrah CotStage, Claremont. Plans at Peters and Co., Cathedral-avenue. Perth. No tender necessarily accepted. T .O BUILDER`S. TENDERS are invited until noon on THURSDAY, 24th inst,, for ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS SANITARY SERVICE and SEWERAGE CONNECTIONS, Etc.. to ST. GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL, ST GEORGE'S HALL, CRYSTAL CAFE, Houses, in St. George's-terrace and Pierstreet; FACTORY, Pier-street; CHURCH OFFICES, Cathedral-avenue, and Cathedral SUNDAY SCHOOL, for the Diocesan Trustees Plans, Specifications, and Conditions of Contract may be seen at t4e offices of the Architects, Weld Chambers. The lowest or any tender Sot necessarily accepted. HOBBS, SMITH, and FORBES, S Architects and Surseyors, St. George's-terrace, Perth. October 11. 1912. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited up till 4 p.m. FRIDAY, November 1, for the ERECTION of RESIDENCE, North Perth. No tender necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications at my.offce. 4- -JOHN SELBY, SArchitect and Sworn Valuator, T. and G. Chambers, Perth. O oONTRACTO.RS. TENDERS will be. received up till noon on FRIDAY,. NOVEMBER 1, for the ERECTION \ of a WAREHOUSE in HAY-STREET For CHAS. ATKINS and CO. (W.A.) LTD. SNone necessarily accepted. BASTOW and BOAS, Architects; St. Georgpe?s?terrace. ENGINEERS.--Wo. are prepred to . quote for Milling Cutting, and Thrning all kinds of Gear W'heels, Bevels, Pinions, etc. The Baker, Carrick Co., Ltd., General Engineers, 888 Hay-street. Perth. .A. GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD. TENDERS FOR FIREWOOD. TENDERS, addressed to the Chairman, Government Tender Board, -Murray-street, Perth, will be received up till 2.15 p.m. on the 31st October, 1912,for the SUPPLY and DELIVERY of FIREWOOD to No.-3 Pumping Station, Cunderdin. Tender Forms and Spedfications may be obtained on application ti the officers-incharge of the Pumping Stations, and from the undersigned. / JAS. THOMPSON, Chairman, Government Tender Board. WtMEsRNN AUIWAvraL GOVERN; ••. MENT RAILWAYS.

DWELLINGUP-BUSINESS PREMISES, ETC. SEALED TENDERS, marked on the outside "Tender for Boarding House," will be received by the undersigned until NOON on THURSDAY. October 24, 1912 for the LEASING of a BOARDING-HOUSE at the Working Railways Timber Mill at Dwellingup. Tender Forms and full particulars may be obtained from the Chief Engineer of Existing Lines, Wellington-street, Perth. No tender will necessarily be accepted. JOHN T. SHORT, Commissioner of Railways. Perth, October 8, 1912. EST GUILDFORD ROADS BOARD. TENDERS for the undermentioned WORKS are invited until noon Tuesday, November 5:SWest-road. 10 chains. Elder-parade, 12 chaibs. Main-parade, 17 chains. Carnegie-road, 4 chains. Watson-street, 24 chains. Kenny-street, 16 chains. Kathleen-street, 12 chains. Parker-street, 12 chains. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be seen and forms of tender obtained at the Office of the Engineer. H. W. HARGRAVE, M.I.C.E., T. and G. Chambers. St. George's-terrace, Perth A USTRALIANS, be loyal. Support your industry. Smoke Noble Cigars, 3d. each. BUSINESSES SALE OR WANTED [Prepiid Advertisements under this heading not exceediaf eighteen words, one shilling; three insertion6, two shillings and sixpenoe.1 A .-HOTELS. HOTELS. Long lease? low Rental. Turnover 4 hhds weekly, well and substantially built. About 30 ROOMS. ONLY £1,500 CASH REQUIRED. SOMETHING GOOD. HYEM, HESTER, and CO., LTD., Forrest Chambers, St. George's-terrace. .-HYEM, HESTER, and 00O., LTD., A 1.NVTPE BONA-FIDE BUYERS To CALL and INSPECT OUR LIST of BUSLNESSES and HOTELS, Metropolitfi, Agricultural Area, Seaside, Nor'-West, and Goldfields. Wine Saloons, Coffee Palaces. BoardingHouses, Lodging-Houses, Bakeries, and Butchery: Town and Country News Agencies (authorised). Tobacconisis, Stationery, Drapery, Wood and Produce, Tea Roomns, General Stores in all parts of W.A. HYEM. HESTER, and CO., LTD., Forrest Chambers, St. George's-terrace HIGH-CLASS CIGARS for everybody, at e.a everybody's price. Noble Cigars, 3d. each. TTOP-NOP OINTM!ENT and Soap, just Slanded. Cannot be surpassed for children's heads; is. Alex. Trouchet, Bar. ack-a.. Perth.

BUSINESSES SALE OR WANTED. A GENUINE PROPOSITION. First-class LODGING-HOUSE, centre off city, full lodgers. Owner compelled to! sell through ill-health. An Absolute Gift for £100. BROCBMAN and CO., Town Hall Buildings, Barrack-st. Tel. 883. A--BOARDING or LODGING HOUSES or BUSINISSES. in CITY and SUBURBS. I have a list of first-class paying properties, from £55 upwards, all of which I can guarantee. IT WOULD PAY YOU TO CONSULT MY LIST. E. H. COLLEY, Royal Arcade. A very superior Boarding IBouse, well furnished and full of boarders, 14 rooms and 5 new rooms will be built to suit tenant, on a 5 years lease, prico £400. Full j particulars T. TATE and CO., Auctioneem and Estate Agents, 713 Hay-street. ALL kinds BUSINESSES for SALE and AWANTED; new list, daily. HUGH McKERNAN, 27 Barrack-st. A -BOARDING-HOUSE, on sawmill, 46 boarders, furniture and effects, including 24 beds, pig, fowls, ducks, etc.; a paying concern; no opposition.; £150. E. J. Hickey, 23 Royal Arcade, Perth. A LODGING HOUSE, central, 6 rooms, A 14 ;ron bedsteads, furnished throughout all good stuff, rent 25s., price £60. E. J. Hickey, 28 Royal Arcade, Perth. A FIRST-CLASS Town House 4 boarders at 22s. 6d., six lodgers 6s., 9 rooms, t: ceptionally well furnished, £120. E. PYMAN, 11 Central Arcade, opp. Station. A WELL-FOUNDED MILK ROUND, 115 quarts, horses, carts, etc., £110. Dairy, with cows, cart, horses, etc., £160. Town Woodyard, good corner, £175. E. PYIIAN, 11 Central Arcade, opp. Station. BERRYMAN BROS., James-street Markets. FRUIT, . CONFECTIONERY, GREEN-. GROCERY, two horses, covered cart, shop well fitted, furniture, 60 head of poultry, round of picked customers. Sell cheap for quick sale. GROCERY, GREENGROCERY, horse, cart, splendid position, great chance for live business man. STATIONERY, Fancy Goods, Confectioncry, School Requisites, right opposite school; nice business, suit lady. cheap. BOARDING-HOUSES, Lodging-houses, Vacant Rooms and Furnished Roopia (use of kitchen, etc.), Butchering Business, Produce Business, Ham apd Beef Shop, General Store, Small Mixed Store, Wine Shop, Cool Drinks and Fancy Goods, Hairdresser and Tobacconists, Grocery and other Businesses. Good Values. Fair Rents, etc. T. TATE and CO., 713 Hay-street. N.B.-Auctions Conducted. BOARDING-HOUSES, three for Sale in leading agricultural districts,. 14, 15, and 9 rooms respectively, all well furnished and guaranteed good businesses. BOARDLNG-HOUSE and RESTAURANT, new premises in leading agricultural town, a splendid paying concern, 5 years' lease, 13 good rooms and all conveniences, every investigation invited; price £135 for a quick sale. E. H. COLLEY, Royal Arcade. BOARDING-HOUSE, 12 permanpnt boarders, four minutes from Town Hall, will sell for £100 cash. Apply P37, this office. BUTCHER'S established Business for Sale, absolute bargain, cooling chamber, fittings. etc., chance, lifetime. 82 Brisbanestreet, Perth. ' 1IXCELLENT Opportunity of Buying a Lt Really Good General Business in a splendid agricultural district, and where the prospects are great. Only reason for selling ill-health; £400 will buy the lot. Full particulars T. TATE and CO., Auctioneers and Agents, 713 Hay-st.EXPERIENCED and linergetic Business I Man seeks Position, has money to invest in a business bearing investigation. P41, this office. J~ERST-CLASS Boardig-house.. Hay-st, 9 rooms, all conveniences, well fnrnished. Full particulars from F. E. Harrison, 60 William-st. FOR SALE AT BUSSELTON. The old-established and Favourably Knoi-d 4 .GROCERY, DRAPERY, PRODUCE MERCHANTS' Business successfully carrid on by 0. A. Bovell. The business carries a GALLON LICENSE and has a large turnover. Substantially built, shopa and dwellings are included as the whole. Must be sold as a going concern, by order of the Trustees, to wind up the Estate of W. and J: Bovell (deceased.) Full particulars on application to C. A. BOVELL, Busselton. FOR Sa, General Store, 14 miles from SPerth, rising district,. stock, plant, etc., about £300; turnover £200 monthly, store and dwelling house, }-acre block, £570. G. Wood, Son, and Co., Fremantle or Perth. 13OR Sale, High-st., Fremantle, three .3' minutes Town Hall, Grocery, Confectionery, Soft Drinks Business; owner leaving for country. Apply 268 High-st. TOR Sale, fully furnished Lodging House. F For full particulars apply 114 Cantonment-st., Fremantle.O0R O0R Sale, General Business, splendid opportunity, owner must sll, only genuine buyers entertained. Apply P25, this office. FRUIT, 'Confectionery, Mixed Business, £.55, walk in, walk out, going East, shop Thomas-slt. Bridge, Leederville. (NlOCERY Business, sound, no ingoing, SrbA-. at, ,,d,,tienn Annly to R20.

this office. H OTELI - HOTEIS I Country Hotels, 7 years, 5,000; 9 years, £1,000; 7 years, £2,000; 8 years, £3,500. Goldfields, 6j years £1,000. City, 41 years, £4,000; 4 years, £5,000. Suburban, 4j years, £2,000; and others in various places. SAW ,and GRIMIWOOD, Junr.,' New Zpaland Chambers, St. George's-terrace H OTEL. country, 34 miles from Perth, good motor run, opp. railway station. free house, lease 3 years and 7 months at £2 per week, furnished; small Store attach= ed. Price, £200 cash; stock at valuation. Saw and Grimwood, Jun., 16 and 17 New Zealand Chambers, St. George's-ter. HIOTEL. freehold, rent £300 yearly, tak. I u' ings £75 weekly; £1,250 cash. J. Phair, 66 William-st., Perth. OTELS.--Over 7 years' le . e, rent £6, bar trade £46; another, £400, rent £2. Full particulars HUGH McKERNAN, 27 Barrack-street. TODGING-HOUSE, 9 rooms, fully farnished throughout, central position, rent 35s., £135. F. E. Harrison, 60 William-st. LODGING-HOUSE wanted, must be central and clean. P51, this office. MILL Boarding House, S.W., only noo on Mill, 40 boarders, 25 beds, poultry and pigs, everything complete, £150. Apply E. J. Hickey, Royal Arcade. NEWS Agency (no round), Bookselling and Stationery Business, city, unequalled position, prospects excellent, must sell account of ill-health. P54, this office. OLD Established Business, Hardware, Furniture, Glassware, etc., best position. Furth.r particulars on application; no agents. Baker, Collie Post Office. OLD-ESTABLISHED Grocery and Green. grocery for Sale, dwelling attached, excellent opportunity for two smart men, no reasonable offer refused. J.B., Post Office, Subiaco. TEA and Dining Rooms, splendid position, good business, going cheap. Particulars fromA. A. TERELINCX, 40* William-st., Perth. rFHE old-established Wine and Small Goods 1 Business in the most prominent part of Hay-street. Large shop, 4 rooms over shop, front and back entrance. Owner retiring. Rent £5 week to a. suitable tenant, cash £ ,000, balance as per arrangement, or owner will take partner lease 2 years. Apply SEWELL and CO., St. George s-terrnae W ANTED, good Lodging-House, about 9 rooms, must he v,,rv central and well furnished. P52. this office. TE want IIUSINESSES of all sorts, Boarding and Ilodgiug Houses, Furnished Houses and Cottages, and Empty Houses for our contafnt stream of clients. T. TATE and CO., 713 Hay-st., Auctioneers, etc. lmADE in Australia. ior Australians, by an Australian firm. Noble Cigars, 3d. each. TF you have a most atrocious corn A And wish to shift it sure; Upon that most atrocious corn Use but Trouchet's Corn Cure.