Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Saturday 7 June 1947, page 2

A Liberal Onslaught Was Being Prepared

ly Our Political Observer '

^TROUBLE is said to be banking up for the Government, lt

will be another three months before Parliament reassembles. In the meantime Opposition members ore preparing an on-slaught in which they hope to obtain the backing of the Inde-


"VI7ITH the passing of each week it

is, being made plain by Gov-ernment spokesmen .that steady ef-fect is being given to instructions from the _ A.L.P. conference for nationalisation of transport.

Wherever opportunity offers, the Government is now candidly stating its intention of running road ser-vices.

This is against the declared policy of the Liberal Party, and has been the main reason for Opposition Leader Neil Campbell summoning a meeting of his followers for this month.

Meetings of the Opposition in the old Parliament were confined al-most entirely to pre-sessional gath-erings.

It is no secret that the Opposition Leader will attack the Government on the transport issue, and probably

will make it a no-confidence issue. On such a question he is certain to have the backing of one of the in-dependents in Mr George Gray, ol Franklin, who is bitterly opposed io Government competition with priv-ate enterprise on the roads.

Even in the face of opposition from the two independents, the Government would survive with ifs majority ^ of one on thc floor of the House, but such a narrow margin would mean loss of pres-


Indications are that it will be a. stormy session. The salary rise pro-posal and the 40-hour week provis-ion in the Factories Bill are two measures likely to be fought bitterly by the Opposition, although on the question of salaries it might be found that some of the party differ from the views of their leaders.

An early budget is likely, probably in the first week in October. I hear that Opposition members in-tend to scrutinise every item close-


A Minister Shunned Publicity

J^EAST publicised Minister is At-

torney-General Roy Fagan, who had the distinction of making Minis-terial rank immediately he became a member of Parliament.

The Attorney is not one who seeks the limelight. Rather he is H content to remain in the back-

ground and let the others do (he talking

I learn that he is dealing with a number of important matters that will come before Parliament in due course. Having sold his law prac-tice he is devoting his full time to the job and has gone a long way, despite the little that is heard from


Consolidations, prison reform, and such problems, are being tackled, and we can be sure that when lie completes his jobs they will be ef-ficiently done.

Business Was Mixed With Pleasure


business with pleasure, He is on the Mainland, enjoying a quiet tour of country districts in New South Wales and Victoria.

He is to drop in on his friend Prime Minister Chifley, at Can-berra. He will again dise»» whaling, and also Federal aid f»r regional water schemes.

Knowing the obstinacy oí the Prime Minister, friends think thai the odds are against getting him to change his mind, but the Premiei fe


In Adult Education

There Would Be A Stir

T\HE report on adult education

which Minister for Education Howroyd has "received from Dr W. G. K. Duncan, Director of Tutorial Classes for New South Wales, is likely to cause a stir when it sees

the light of day.

Covering 46 foolscap pages, it ¿elves deep, into the' causes pi apathy shown in adult education m

Tasmania. -,

I have heard that if Cabinet fives effect to the recommenda-tions there will be an entirely new set-up in administration.

? Until the return of the Premier no action can be expected.