West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Thursday 29 June 1911, page 8

MINING AND STOCKS AND SHARES. MINING NOTES. "If we are to do any good with the mine for shareholders," remarked Mr. Aarons, the chairman, at the Chaffers meeting, "we cannot do it in the small way we are going on now. We cannot give shareholders dividends ou; of the profits we are making, be-ruse every shilling of the money that is being earned is required for prospecting and development, but if we are able to work on a larger scale and show that we have sufficient ore in sight to increase our milling capacity we have some hope of doing something for shareholders later on." As previously *.oted, the idea is to risk £3,000 of the company's remaining capital in special developmsnt on the off-chance of a big increase 'n ore reserves resulting from the outlay and the way cleared for a short cut to the dividend stage by means of increased outputs and reduced costs. On Decenmber 31, 1909, Great Boulder's ore reserves were computed at 751,077 tons, so that according to figures just published the present year began with a quantity of 9,100 tons greater, although 195,407 had been estracted from the mine in the interim. The grade of the ore treated during 1910 averared 14.31dwt. per ton of fine gold, being under the grade of the reserves. Develbpment acrk was carried out during the year with more than usual activity, an' this policy is being made a feature of this year's operations. The following information respecting the past fortnight's work in the Lancefield mine was cabled to the London board by the general manager on Monday last:-No. 5 level: The main north drive has been extended a further 5ft., total 510ft. average width of reef, 90in.; average value, 2s. per ton. No. u level: The main north drive has been edvanced a further 9ft., total 286ft.; avenge width of reef, 96in.; average value, 5s. per ton. No. 7 level: The main north drive has been extended a further 17ft., total 52ft.; average width of reef, 90in.; average value, 2s. per ton. The main r ueth drive has been extended a further lift., total 40ft.; average width of reef, 80in.; average value, 3s. per ton. The main shaft has been sunk a further 12ft. to a total depth of 920ft. Last year the quantity of ore treated by the Chaffers company was double that of 1909, when ti eatment was in progress for six months, but the yield averaged only 29s. 3d., as against 36s. Sd. The oxidised ore reserves hare shrunk from 15,000 tons, assayng 32s. 6d., to 7,300 tons, worth 24s. On the other hand, Ndhereas the sulphide ore reserves at 9Icember, 1909, were estimated at 1,000 tons, assaying 30s., the quantity de'vecloped is now computed at nearly 60,000 tons, worth 28s. Messrs. Bewick, Moreing and Co., general managers of the newly-formed Yuanmi Gold Mines, Ltd., cabled the following progress report to the London board on Monday last:-300ft. level, new main shaft: North drive from 101ft. to 121ft. the reef averages 46s. per ton over -a width of 72in. South drive from 86ft. to 108ft. the reef averages 16s. per ton over a width of 63in. Rise at 40ft. south: Fromp 45ft. to 76ft. the reef averaged 95s. for a width of 59n. The main shat has r.ow been sunk a total depth of At a meeting of the Kalgoorlie Miners' Union held subsequent to le declaration of the ballot in, reference Ato working with non-unionists,' it was resolved to convene a conference of representatives of unionists engaged in the local mining industry to further consider the matter. The conference will take place in about a fortnight's time." Several mining leases pegged at Eniuin during the boom in the interests of a Boulder syndicatc-iave been abandoned. - Though encouraging on the surface, values considerably diminished in depth, and it was considered inadvisable to do any further work. These leases are situated at .the northern end of the Ennuin field, and a few miles from Golden Villey. ' Messrs. S. C. Ward and Co. received a telegram from their Adelaide office yesterday stating that the-ýtuinover in Western Australian gold stocks on the Adelaide Stock Eachange for the week ended yesterday vras as follows:-Oroya Links, 2,300; Great Boulde'rs, 2,000; Mararoas, 400; Marvel Loch, paid, 500; South Kalgurlis, 300; Golden Ridges, 900; Commodores, 900; Cumberlands, 300; ChafTers, 400; Bullfinch Prop., 8,300; Bullfinch South, 400; Birthday, 1,100; Chaffinch, 5,400; 'Pine Hills, 500; .Rowans, 600; Greenfinch, 12,390; Bullrush, 900; West Bullfinch, 900; Butterflies, 1,400; Babylonian, 400; Great Finch, 100; Lake View and Star, x00; Hainault, 100; Boulder No. 1, 100. PILBARRA FIELD. Marble Bar, June 28. The State battery at Marble Bar is now treating a parcel of stone from the Jojo lease. Some good gold-bearing stone is reported to have been struck in the Franklin mine. Messrs. E. Cox and R. Scott are about to make a start on the copper and gold show about a mile south of the itown, which yielded such a good return some little time ago. With regard to the reported rush at Yule River all that ban be ascertained is that several prospectors from that vicinity have arrived at Port Hedland with some nice looking specimens. Atkins and party are on good stone in the Bonnie Doon lease at Bamboo Creek. The tributers on the Bulletin are raising nice looking'stone. / BULLFINCH EFATT. The 'following is given by the chairman, of directors (Mr.\Lewis Aarons) in the London "Financial Times" of May 30:"My attention has been called to a letter in your issue of Saturday, the '27th instant, headed, 'East Bullfinch and Bullant,' and signed 'A Shareholder in Both.' Your corre

spondent contends that 'it is time the directors of these companies recognised the fact that any further expenditure on the pro perties is an absolute waste of money, and that work has been going won for months and not a speck discovered.' "Speaking for the Bullfinch East, I may say that the latter statement is untrue. About five weeks back a small leader was struck. only a few inches wide, but containing values of from 2oz. to 6oz. per ton, and it is quite likely that this leader may lead to a bigger lode. It is a well-known theory in mining that when gold is once located in a property, no matter how small the formation, it is well worth following. We therefore consider that at the present stage it would be nothing short of madness to abandon these leases." "I freely admit that at the statutory meeting of the Bullfinch East I stated that the mine was a pure gamble. So it was, and so it is still, but in view of this recent development I do net admit, that we have arrived at the stage when the property should be abandoned. The shareholders may rest assured that not one penny more than is absolutely necessary to, prove the property will be spent. As soon as we are assured that the property is valueless the company will be put into liquidation. "Shortly after this company was formed heveral so-called experts, inctluding Mr. Gerald- Williams (your correspondent's authority), stated that the leases of the Bullfinch East were valueless because they were sn a granite formation, in which gold co'ild not live. This theory has been entirely exploded by the developments. Three shafts have been sunk-one 40ft., one 60ft., and one 111ft. A considerable amount of crosscuts and drives have been driven from all the shafts, and some hundreds of feet of costeens on the surface, but up to the present no sign of granite has been encountered. So much for expert theories! "Mr. Gerard Williams's opinion that the Bullant was well worth prospecting is about as valuable as his granite theory of the Bullfinch East, for up to the present not a speck of gold or sign of a formation of any kind have been met with in the Bullant. "I do not for a moment wish the shareholders to think that I am unduly optimistic, but while we have the presence of gold, howsever small the vein, I do not consider that we would be justified in abandoning the leases." A letter signed by "A Shareholder" appearing in the same issue of the paper mentioned endorses the remarks made by "A Shareholder in Both" regarding the Bullfinch East, and suggests that unless the directors take immediate steps to wind up the company. it would he advisable to take such measures as might compel them to do so and "so protect shareholders from losing everything." MINES DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION. dIr. R. Crawford, of the Carbine mine, wrifes as follow:-"As an old prospector of the Western Australian goldfields I would like to express my feelings in respect to our present Minister for Mines (31r. 11. Gregory), whose ability in the administration of that Department everyone who has followed prospecting well knows. The liberal legislation introduced by aMr. Gregory has done much for the prospector, especially in the registration of prospecting areas for the sum of 10s. and doing away with the survey fees until the area has been proved payable. Also in the erection of public batteries in any district that warrants the erection of samne. andy as far as possible br the sinking of dams in most little centres has provided a domestic supply of water, which has proved of great benefit to the moving prospcctor. I am leaving the State for a few months and sincerely hope when I return to find our present Minister for Mines still at that Department. I hope he will again stand for his old

constittency. and I feel confident-if he does so his old and loyal supporters in that district will again rally round him and not forget the work he has done in the past. It would be a great pity to lose Mr. Gregory as a goldfields representative, as his sympathy with and personal knowledge of mining is of great value to that industry. Personally, in the district in which I have resided for the past few years, the timely assistance which he rendered helped in the development of a mine which but for that assistance may still have remained an abandoned show, but which now is a payable proposition and has prospects of developing into a very large mine. THE SHARE MARKETS. PERTH. The following were yesterday's quotations on the Stock Exchange of Perth:Associated, a 9s. Chaffers, s 1s. 6d. Cumberland, b is. 7d. Golden Ridge, b 14s. 6d. Great Boulder, b 15s. 6d. Great Boulder Perseverance, a 4s. 3d. Hainault, a 7s. 10d'. Mararoa, s 12s. 44d. Oroya Black Range, a 7s. 6d. Sandstone Devp., a 10d. Bullfinch Stocks. - Bullfinch Proprietary, subs., b 14e., a 14s. 6d. Golden Butterfly, b d64. Great Chaffinch, con., b is. 2d. Greehfinch Proprietary, paid, a Gs. 3d. Bronzewing, s 3d. Investment Stocks. Donaldson, Collins,. b 9s. 3d. Emu Brewery, b 15s. 9d. Fremantle Gas, b 12s. 6d. Perth Gas, b 50s. (ex div.). Swan Brewery, pref., b 24s. 3d. Swan Brewery, ord., b £5. Swan River Shipping, con.. b.14s. Gd. W.A. Trustee, b 33s. W.A. Brewery, b 3s. 6d. W.A. Govt. 4 per cent. Inscribed Stocks, b £101O. Commercial Bank, ordinary, b 15s. Gd. Union Bank, b £66. W.A. Bank, b £34, a £34 15s. ADELAIDE. Adelaide, June 28. The following ,were to-day's Exchaige sales: Links, is. Id. Great Bouilder, 15s. Sd., 15s. 10bd. Boulder Perseverance, 4s. Ojd. Hainault, 7s. 4d. Mararoa, 12. .3d. Sons of Gwalia, 35s. 6d. Broken Hill, 42s.. 41s. 10id., 42s. 3d. Block, 14, pref., 12s. 10bd., 12s. 6d.; ord., 11s. lid., 11s., 11s. lid. British, old, 30s. 9d., 32s. 6d.; ditto, new, 30s. 6d., 31s. 3d. Junctions, 2s. 9d., 2s. 8d. South Blocks, 19s. 6d: Junction North, 20s. 11id. Exchange Tanami, b 9s., a 12s. Kookynie Options, b 71s., s 75s. Bullfinch Proprietary, 14s.. 14s. 4jd., 14s. lid., b 14s., a 14s. Gd. Bullrush Eestates, coa., b is. 4d. s is. Gd. Greenfinch Proprietary, 2s. ld., b 2s., s 2s. ld.; ditto, con., 2s. 6d., 2G. 71d., 28. 7d., b 2s. 7s., a 2s. 71d. I Great Chaffinch, b 1s. Id., a Is. 2id.; ditto, con., is. 3d., is. 3d., is. 4d., b is. 3id., a 1s. 4d. Tanami Cons., b 2s., s 3s. Bullfinch West, b 9d., s is..1d.; ditto, con., b 10d., a is. Various Tarcoola Blocks, Is. id., b is., a is. 2d. Mr. A. J. Mellor, sharebroker, St. George'seterraee, received the following qauotations from Adelaide yesterday:Opening Prices, 11 a.m.-Bullfincc, sales 14s.; Chaislnch, b is. 3d., a is. 4d.; Greenanch, b Is. Cd., a 2s. 7d.; Greenfinch, paid, a Is. 2d.; Rowan's Find, b Sd., a 9d.; Rowan's Find, paid, b Sd.; Birthday Gifts,'saleo 3d.; Bullants, b 5s. 6d.; Associateds, b Os. Gd., s 8s. 10d.; Chafers, b 1s. 6d., a is. Sd.; Cumberlands, b-is. 7d., a is. 9d.; Commodo es, b 2Ia Gd., a 3s.; Golden. Ridges, b 14a. 9d.; Great Boulders, b 15s. 71d., a 15se. 9d.; Great Boulders No. 1, b Ss., s Is. 6d.; Maarroas, b 11i. 10., a 1is. 3d.; Hainaults, b Ta. 4d., a sTo. 9d.; Lake View and Star, b 3s.y Perseverance. b 9s. Gd.; South,Kalgurlis, b 9s. 6d., a 10s.; Wallarooes,. b 3Be. 6d., a 36s. 3d.; Mount Lyells, b 30s.; Broken Hills, sales 42s.; British, old, sales 31s. 6d.;, British, new, b 30s. 6d.,\s.30s. Sd.; Junctions, iales 2s. Sd.; Broken Hill South Blocks, b 19s., s 19s. 6d.; Junction Norths, b 20s. 3d., s 20s. Cd.; Oroya Links, li is. lid.; a 2s. 3d.; Perseverance, b 4s., a 4s. 2d.; Bainsults, b 7s. 4d.; Lake View and Stare, b 3s., s 3s. 3d.: Rowans, sales 8d.; Associateds, b Ss. 6d., s 8s. lid.; Cumberlsands, b 2s. Gd., a 3s.; Sons of Gwalia, b 34s.; a 35s. 6d.; Great Boulder No. 1, b Is., a s29. Cd.; Mararoasa b 1s. Sd., a 12s. 3d. Closing Prices, 3.52 p.m.-Bullfinch, sales 14s. 3d.; Chaffinch, rsales is. 4d. Greenfinch, b 2s. 7d., s Is. 9d.; Bullfinch West, sales 10d.; Rowan's Bind, b 8d., s 9d.; SouthBullfinches,'b 2d.; Baby. lonians, b 5d., s 7d.; Pine Hills, J 3d., a Sd.; Bullants, b is. Cd.; Great Pitzroys, 'b Is. lid.; Hamspdens, .s 27s. Sd.; Chaffers, sales is. Ed.; Great Boulders, b 15s. d., a 15s. 10td.; Gialia South, a 4s.; South Kalgurlis, b t10s., a 10its. 6d.; Associateds, b Ss. 6d., s Cs. 10d.; Cumberlands, b is. 7d., a s1.- Sd.; Commodores, b 2s. 6d., a 38.; Golden Ridges, b 14s. Sd.; Great Boulder No. 1, b 2s., a Is. 6d.; Mararos;, b Ils. 10itd., sa is. 3I.; Wallaroos, b 35s. Gd., a 36s. 3d.; Mount Lyells, b 30s.; Broken Hills, sales 42s.; British, old, 'sales 31s. Gd.; British, new, b 30s. 6d., a it30s. 9d.; Junctions, sales Is. 8d.; Broken Hill South Blocks, b 19s., s 19s. Cd.; Junction Norths, b 20s. 3d., a 2Os. Cd.; Oroys Links, b 1s. Id., a is. 3d.: Persererance, b 4s., a 4s. Sd.; Hainaults, b 7s. 4d.; Lake View and Stars, b 3s., a 3s. 3d.; Associateds, b 8C. 6d., s 8. ild.; Sons of Gwalia, b 34s., a 35. Cd.: Maraross, b ie. Sd., a l1s. 3d. Mesers. S. C. Ward and Co., aharebrokere, Barrack-street, received the following quotations from Adelaide yesterdsy:Opening Prices, 10.43 a.m.--Bulltencb Prop., b 13. Sd., a ide., salesids.; Gree nnch, Ies 2Is Cd.; South Bullfinch, iales Sd.; Chafinch,. b is. 3d., a is. 4d.; Pine Hills, b 3d., s 3d.; Bowans, b Sd., a 9d.; Bullrush, b is. 4d., a Is. Cd.; West Bullfinch, b Sd., a 1ld.; Bullants, b Os. 6d.; Babylonians, b 3d., a Td.; Oroya Links, b is.; Perseverapcc, h is., a Is. Id.; Hainault, h Ts. 4d., Ts. Sd.; South ralgurlis, b gs. 1ld.; Lake Vie and .Star, b 3s., 's s. Id.; Associated, b Ss. Cd., a Cs. 10.; Chafers, b ls. Cd., a 1s. 8d.; Cumberlands,'b 1s. 7d., a Is. 9d.;' Golden Ridges, h i4s. 3d.; Great Boulders, b 15s. 7jd.. a 1Bs. 9d.; Boulder No. 1, b Is. 3d., a Is. 3d.; Mararoas, h 12s., s 11,. 3d.: Ocova Black stance. e Ts. Cd.: Son, of

Gwalia South, a 4s. GSd.; aihis. bh2d., a 46.; Broken Hill Propy.. sales 42s.; Block 14. prof., sales 1Is. 10}d.; Block 14, ord., 1 ls. 41d.; British, old, sales 30s. 9d.; Junctions, b Is. Sd., a 3s.; Junction Norths, b Its., s Its. 6d.; Broken Hill South Extended, b 3s. Sd., a 3s. ild.;. Zinc.: ord., b its. Gd.; Wallaroo, b 35s. Gd., s 36s. 6d.; Mt. Lyell, b 30s.; Mt. Morgan, b 61s., a 63s; Fitzroy, b is. 101d.: Greenfinch, paid, a Is. Id. Closing Prices, 5.58 p.m.-Bullfinch Prop., sales 14s. 3d. to 14s. lid.; Greenfinch, con., b Is. 76., Is 2. 5d., sales Is. 7d.; South Bullfinch, sales 2d.; Birthdays, sales 3d.; Chafilach, b Is. 3.. e Is. 46.; Pine Hills, b 3d.. a 5d.; Rowans, b Sd., s 9d, sales 86.; Great Finch, s 11d.; Bollrush, b is. 46., a is. 0d.: West Bullfinch, b Sd., a 11d.; Babylonians, b 61d., a 74d.; Bullants, b 5a. 6d.; Butterflya, b 6d., a 76.; Greenfinch, paid, a Is. 2d., sales Is.; Sandstones, sales 106.; Great Finch, paid, a is.; Oroys Links, b Is. Id., a is. 3d.; Hainasult, b 7T. 4d., a 7s. 6d., soles 7s,4s.; Goldeh Ilidges, b 14s. 9d., a 15s. 3d.; Perseverance, b 4s., a 4s. 1d.; Lake View and Star, b Is., a Is. 2d.; South Kalgurlia. b 10s., a 10s. 6d.; Kalgarlis, s 73s. 0d.; Associated, b 8s. 6d., a Os. 10d.; Fingalls, a 18k.; Associated Northern, a 48 9d.; Chaffers, sales Is. Ed.; Commodores, b Is. Gd., a Is. 10d.; Cumberlands, b Is. 7d., a Is. 9d.; Ivanhoes, a £6 7s. Gd.; Westralia Waihi. b 26., a 46.; Great Boulders, b 15s. 90., a 15s. 104d., sales 15s. 1014.: Boulder No. 1, b Is. 1d., a Ia. 1d.: Lake View Consols, a 12s.; Maararos, b 12s., a 12s. 3d.; Marvel Loch, con., b is. 6d., a Is. 10d.; Sons of Gwalia, b 34s., a 34,. Gd.; Gwalia South, a 3s. 0d.; Owalia Consol., a 3d.; Oroyan-Black Range, a 7s. Ed.; Wallaroos, a 37o.; Great Fitzroys, b is. 10d.; Hasmpdens, b 27. 9d.. s 28s. 3d.; Mt. Elliotts. s 74. 44d.; Mt. Morgans, b 61S., a 63s.; Mt. Lyells, b 30s. 3d., a 3s. Sd.; Broken. Hill Prop., sales 42s.; North Broken Bill, a £5; Block 14, ord., b 11s. 3d., a Ils. 6d.; Block 14, pref., a 12s. 106d.; Block 10, a 40s.; British, old, s lls. Gd.; Junction, b 2s. 8d., s Is. 6d.; Junction North, b Its. Td., a 105. Ed.; South, con., a £5 7s.: South Blocks, b 13s. Ed., s I20s. 3d.; Broken Hill South Extended, b 3s. 9d., s 3s. 116.; Sulphide ord., b 21s.; Zinc, ord., b 10s. 6d.; Oroys Exploration * 13s. Gd. Mr. H. H. Walsh, sharebroker, Furnival Chambers, received the following Adelaide quotations yesterday:Opening prices, 10.50 a.m.:-Bullfinch, sales 14s.; Chaffinch. b I. 3d., s Is. 46.; Greenfinch. b Is. 6d.. a So. 7d.: Greenfinch paid. a Is. 1d.: Rowan's, b 0d., a Od.; Rowan's paid. b 0d.: Birth. day. sales :l.; Bullants. b 5s. 6d.: Associated, b 85. 6d.. a So. 10d.; Chaffers, b Ls. Gd., s Is, Sd.; faraross. b 128.. s 12s. 3d.; Perseveranee, s 4a. lid.; Ridges. b 14s. 9d.; Mararoas, b 185s., a 12s. 3d.; Bullfinch. sales 14s. 3d.; South Kalgurli, b l03.. s 10s. 44d.: Chaffinch, sales le. 3d.: Green. finch, sales Is. 7d.: Wests, sales 10d.: Fitzroys, sales 1s lis.; Ronldgr, sales lts. d.; Asocinted, b Bs. Gd., a 8S. 10d.; Greenfinch paid, a Is. 2d.;: umberland. b Is. 7T.. a Is. 0d.; Marnrons. b ls. 101d., s 12'.; Hoinanlts, b 7,. 4d., s 7* 6d.: Chafters, b 1s. 3d., a eIs. d. Mr. A. G. Bird, sharebroker, St. George'sterrace, received the following Adelside quotations yesterday:Opening Prices.-Golden Ridges. b 14s 0d.: Hainanulte. hb 7s 4d., s 7s. 9d.: Lake View nam Stars. b 3s.. a 3s 3d.: Bullfinch Proprietary, m.p. 14s.: Greentinh Proprietary paid, a So. 3d.; Greenfinch Proprietary con., b Is. 6d., a Is. 76.; Cumberlands b Is 7d.. a la. 0d.: Great Boulder, b Its. 74d., s lit. 90.; Mararoas, b Ie, 101d., s S19o. 3d Closing Priees.-Babylonians, b 65d., o 7A.; Oroyn Links. b 1s. Id.. a Is. 3d.; South Kalgurlis, b 1Os., a 10s. 6d.: Bullfinch Proprietary, 14so 3d.: Great Ohalfinch. le. 34d.: Bullfinch Wests, 10d.; Great Boulders, b 15s. Sd.. a 15s. 104jd.: Chaiffers, Is Gd.; Golden Ridges. b 148s. 0d., a 15s. 44d.: Gwa.lia Couth s 44.; Greenfinch Proprietary con., h Ia. 76.. s Is, Sd.: Greenfinch I'roprietary paid. 'ales Is. 14d.; Golden Butterfly, 6d.; Hainaunlte, 7a 4d. Messrs. Saw and Grimwood, jun., received the following Adelaide quotation yesterlday:Olseing prices, 10.43 a.m.:-Bullhinch Proprie. tsr'. h 3s. .1.1 s 14..; Ghafiseh, Is. 316.; Grontech. 23. 61d.; Great Boulder, b 15s 74d., 1.. a d : P'erseversnce, 4U. 1d.: Hainnulte, b T 0. 46.. s s. ..; Golden Ridges; b 14. 9d.; Oroyn Links b la.; Aseisociated, b So. Ed., a So. 10d.; South Kalgorlis. b lOs., a 10s. 44d.; Mar,. rowe. b 11<. 1d., a 12s. 3d. Closing prices, 5.26 p.m.:-Bullfinch Propris. tary. I4. 14lid.; Greenfinch, Is. 74d.; Chaffers, Is. G1.; Lake View and Star. b X.. a 3s. 3d.; Cnmberls.nds, b Is 76., a Is. D1d.: Golden Ridgces, b 14s J. a Is.i. 0td.; Great Bouldere, b 1s. 0d. Ss 1016d ; Greenfinch paid. Is. Old.; Hainault, os. }1.: Sons of Gwalia South, b 3s. d., a 4s.; 'ons of Glalia, b 34s. Sd.. s 3Mo. 6d. Mr. . H. IWillis, eharebroker. St. George's. terrace. receirved the following Adelaide quotations yesterday:Opening priee, 10.40 a.m.:-Bullfinch Proprie. tary, sales 14s.; ChalInos, sale is. 314.; Grenl.

finoh paid, sales S2 2d.; Greenfinoh con., sales 2s. Sd.; Bullfinch Wests; b Sjd., a l. -Closing prices, 3.33 nan.;-Bnllfihch 'Proprietary, calls `14s, 3d.; Chaffinch, sales is. 3.; Greenfinoh, sales So 01.; Bullfinch West, sales 10d.; Rowan's Find. sales Sd~: Great Finch, a Ild. MELBOURNE. Melbourne, June 28. The following were to-day's Exchange. sales: Range, 46s. 9d. Bullfinch Proprietary, 148. Great Chaffinch paid, 1s. 2d. Great Boulder, 15n. 71d. Mr. A. J. Mellor received the following Melbourne quotations yesterday:-Bullfinch; b 14U. 3Sd.. s 14s. 4}d.; Greenfinch, b 2s. 7d.; Great Pinch, b 10d., a is. Id.; Chaffinch, sales sle. 4d. LOND)ON. London, June 28. The following are the latest .quotations for the undermentioned B.H. mining stocks: -Proprietary, 40s. 6d. b, 41s. 6d. a; British, 31s. 3d. b, 32s. 6d. s; South, 110s. b, 112s. Sd. s. -r. A. J. Mellor received the following London quotations yesterday:-Great Fingall, m.p. 18s.; Associated, b S9.; Northerne, a ss. Perseverance, m.p. 45. 3d.; Hainault, b Ts. 3d., shaffers, b is.; Oroya Links, a is. 3d.- Lake View and Star, m.p. Ss. 14d.; Oroys Exploration, b 138. 3d.; Lake View Consols, m.p. 12e.; Sons of Gwalia, m.p.. 36s. 6d.; Gwalla Consolidated m.p. 3d.; Oroea Black Range, m.p. 7s 3d.; lalgHrlis, m.p. 73. 9d.; Ivanhoes, a £6 8s. id.; Great Boulders, m.p. 17s.; Broken Hill Proprietary, b 405. 6d.; Broken Hill Norths, m.p. £3; Broken Hill Block 10, a 40s. 3d.; British old, b 318. Sd.; Briseis, b 55. ad.; Mount Lyelle, m.p. 30s. 3d.; Zinc ord., a 10s 4d.; Hampdens, m.p. 2i75. d.; Mount Elliotts, m.p. 74s id.; Mount Morgans, m.p. 06o. 3d.; Great Fitzroys, a S2. Messrs. S. C. Ward and Co. received the following London quotations yesterday:-Great Fingall. 18e.; Asesooiatcd, So. 3d.; Associated Northern. 44. ad.; Perseverance, 4e. 3d.; Hainault, 7s. 3d.; Chaffers, s19. 3d.; Oroya Links, Is.; Lake Viewr and Star, 3,. lid.; Oroys Explora. tion, 13s. Gd.; Lake View Console, 12.; Sons of Gwalia. 36s. 6d.; Gwalia Consolidated, 3d.; Oroya Black Range. 7s. 3d.; Kalgurlis, 73s. 9d.; Ivanhoes, £6 745. 6d.; Greaost Boulders, 17s.; Broken Hill Proprietary 40,. 9d.; North Broken Bill, £5; Block 10, IOs.; British old, Si,. 6d., 31s. 9d.; Brfsels 7s.; Mount Lyells, SOs. 3d.; Zinc ord., los. lid.: Hampdens, 27S. Sd.; Mount Elliotts, 743. 4id.; Great Cobara, 83. 94d.; Monnt Morgans, 63s. id.; Great Pitzroys, is. 7id., Is. Sd. Mesors. Saw and Grinwood, jun., received the following London quotations yesterday:-Ohaters, m.p. Is. Sd.: Great Boulder, m.p. 17is.; Lake View Console, m.p. 12s.; Lake View and Star, m.p. Se. id.; Aesociated, cop. So. 3d.; Northerns, m.P.. 9d.; Hainault, mp. 7e. 3d.; Oroys Links, m. leis.; Great Finall, m.p.'l1s. H. W. H Willis received the following London quotations yesterday:-British Broken Bill, 31S. 9d.; Cohers, 835. 9d.; Mount Elliotte, 744. 64.; Aseociated, Se. 3d.; Northerns, 44. ad.; Chef. fers. Is. 3d.; Great Boulders, 17s.; Rainaults, 7s. 3d.; Oroya Links, Is.; Croya Black Range. To. 3d.; Sons of Gwalia, IMe. 3d.; Ealgorit, T3,. 3d.; Pingalls, b 18s.; Ida H., b 7. 3d. Mr. A G Bird received the following London quotationie yesterday:-Associated, m.p. So. 3d.; Associated Northerns, m.p. 45. Sd.; Chafers, m.p. Is. 3d.: Oroys Links, M.p. ia.; Great Boulders, m.7. I-T.; Perseveranoe, m.p. 44. 3d.; Great Fin. galls. m.p. 185.; Hainaults, m.p. 7s. 3d.; Lake View Consols. m.p 12s.; Sons of Gwalia, m.p. 36s. 6d.; Lake View and. Stars, m.p s, 1Ot.; Oroys Black Range, m.p. Ts. 3d.; Ivanhoes, u.p. £6 So. lid.; Ealgurlis, M.p. T73. Sd.; Great Cohars, M.p. 838. ad.; North Broken till, m.p. LI;. Mount Elliotts. m.p. 74s. 44d.; Broken Bill Proprietary, u.p. 40d. 6d.; Block 10 m.p. 408. 3d.; British Broken Bill, m.p. 305. id.; Mount Lyells, m.p 30s. 3d. Mr. M. H. Walsh received the following London quoto*ionis yesterday:-Northerns, m.p. 4s. 3d.; FinPaills, m.p. 18s.; Perseverance, 4s. d.; t. I an, is 3d. Chatters, m.p. Is.; Stars, 3s. lid.; Console. .Ie.; Gwalias, 30s. 6d.; Kslgqrlis, T35. 3d.; Bouldere, rep. 175.; Broken Hillo, 40s. 64.; Brisei, 6s. 9d.; Elliott,, T52.; Morgans, m.p. 615. 3d. A J. MELLOR, BTOCK EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. STOCK, SHARE, and INVESTMENT BROKER. Member Stock Exchapge, Perth. ONE COMMISSION ONLY. SHARES BOUGHT AND HELD UNDER COVER. Tels. Nos. 1247 and 2162. Private 'Phone 2015. Agents, London and throughout Eastern States. Cable, Broomhall, Moreing and - Neal, Bedford and McNeil. Also, Private Code..SAW and GRIMWOOD, Jan., Stock and Share. brokers, 16 .and 17 New Zealand Chambers. St. George's-terrace, Perth. Tel. 877. Members Stock Exchange of Perth. Agents fin London and pastern States. .HAROLD WILKINSON, dharebroker on Com. mission only. 25 enry-street, Freemantle. 'Phones, Fremantlt 156 and 324. Direct comu noicaion with Eastern States. Quotations postsd throughoot the day. SG. B`IRD, Stoee, rare, and lavestmenal Brok'er, 2IS New Zealand Ohambers, Perth. Member of Stock .exchangs of Perth. Tel. 1065. (Commission Basiness Only). W. H. WILLIS, SHAREBROKER Member of Stock Exchange of Adelaide and Perth. ST. GEORGE'S-TERRACaB PERTP Tel. l0SC S. 0. WARD and C00., Stock and Sharebrokera Telephones 2501. 2102; 2203. 23 Barrack-street, PERTH. 12 Pirie-street, ADELAIDE. Agents for WARD and CO., $83 Collins-street, MELBOUBNA. M. H. WALSH, Sharebroker, one Commission Only S Flrnival Chambers (Tel.. 671). anI aS Klalgoorlie. Agents in London and lestors State