West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Monday 5 June 1911, page 8

MINING AND STOCKS AND SHARES, The Sunset lease, over which the Golden Valley Excelsior G.M. Co., Ltd., recently obtained an option, is now to be taken over by a new company, the Sunset G.M. Co., Ltd., which has been successfully floated in Perth. The latter company was registered last week and intend immediately pushing ahead with development work. 'The registered offices are situated at 32 and 34 Weld Chambers. DEPARTMENTAL NOTES. The following notes on the mining industry for the week ended June 3 have been received from the Mines Department:The Mining Registrar at Mount Magnet reports as follows:Tom Payne, prospector, reports a new discovery by him 110 miles south-south-west of Mount iMagnet, 50 miles south-east of Field's Finn, and eight miles north of Clinch's Goodingnow Station. He has applied for four leases containing, 78 acres. s'ayne has a high opinion of the find and the country generally. Forwarding further particulars by ma$i. Geological Survey of Western Australia.On !the 23rd inst. ,r. Talbot, Assistant Government Geologist, and Mr. Honman left Perth Jfor Southern Cross to examine the country to the west of the M'ulline-Lawlers road and south of that between Sandstone and Lawlers, thus making a start on those flying surveys which are aesigned to link up geologically the known mining centres. The results should afford a valuable guide for prospecting purposes. During the month of April Mr. Torrington Blatclhford, temporary Field Geologist, was 'engaged upon field work at Coolgardie. Water Supplies.-With the object of providing an adequate water-supply near the leases eight or 10 miles north-west of the Pigeon Rocks, at the locality known as Yarbu, North Yilgarn, a boring party from the Mines Water Supply Department is now engaged in this vicinity. Approval has also been given for the sinking of a well about half-ivay between Nungarra and the 16-Mile Well, Murchison goldfield. Nannine District.-The total gold yield in the Nannine district during the mohth of April was 5,627:35 fine oz. from 5,002.8 tons of ore milled. The State battery at Meekatharra was kept running consistently, and the Quinis State battery treated 211 tons for 153.93 fine oz. At Nannine the Caledonian -mine is raising stone and carting it to Day Dawn. The Champion' South Mine is raising payable ore; and the fourhead battery lately erected is running satisfactorily. ' Among several good crushings reported the principal are those of the In-gliston Consols Extended iine, 1,150 'tons njilled for 1.298.34 fine oz.; the Marmont, 570 tons for 477.91 fine oz.; the Parramatta af Quinns, 150 tons for 113.94 fine oz. Satisfactory reports have come in 'from Jillawarra, the .Gibraltar Rock having struck an exceptionally: rich leader, from which 256oz. were dollied. Rich specimen stone is beingtraised from this claim, and several leases have been pegged in the vicinity and suirrounding reserve. The scarcity of water 'has retarded prospecting throughout the district. Cue District.-During. April the Hidden Treasure returned 339.36oz. gold from' 180 tons of ore: The snlendid returns thus ob. tained have brought the locality under notice again. •A number of holdings have been applied for,' and are being .prospected. The Lord Nolan returned 19.01oz. fsom 17. tons of 'ore. : On"the Hidden Treasure 18 men arq now employed, and, a further parcel of 300,t tos is being milled this month, the value of which is estimated at 3oz. to the tois. Developments at the .bot tom level of the Princess Royal' are .not satisfactory. - Driving is still 'being . carried on. . Parcels. of ore are being .raised from :the Duke of, York,. Dewdrqp, Happy :Jack, .and Depot mines, and from severoal' :prospecting areas, from which good returns are expected.. .Work has been stopped of. the Barrambie Ranges G.M., the company going into liquidation. Messrs. Paton andl Hayes report a return of £225 for'1.44 tons of wolfram obtained -from Mineral Lease No. 11, west of Cuddingwarra, .and representing six weeks' work'by.the two-lpsees. Day .Dawin.-In the Day Dawn district the. April returns were .9.049.75 tons of ore treated for .3,468.19oz0s. . Peak. Hill.. Goldfield.-The Mining Registrar. at Peak Hill reports a find on .the Pealk 'Hill-Wiluna.road, 30 miles, from Pek. 'Hill. One lease and four prospecting areas: have been applied' for., About 15 men are. on the ground, but so -far'very little work has been done. ' The' country .is stated to,ibe likely-looking. There are only a few rich floaters, two of which are estimated to con: salh 25oz. of g6ld. Yalgod Goldfield.-On'this field mining.is quiet, the only. producer 'during April being the Royal" Standard leases at Yuin.' . Mount Magnet District.-The Black Hill Development Co.'s leases crushed 819 tons of ore; during 'April, the return from. all sources beig '423.66 fine dz. gold. The St. George lease returned 596.43 fine oz. during the same period, and milled 1,797 tons of ore. Cash Bros..obtained' a fuither 331.93 fine oz. of dollied gold from the Boogardie View lease, making a total of 7.50.05 oz. in 'two months. . . Greenbushes f Tinfield.-At Greenbushes rich deposits of tin are now being obtained from Hynes and Scully's property at Spring Gully. With the coming of the rain in this district'more energy has been displayed in mining. The floating dredge at New Zealand Gully is about to be removed to another of the Greenliushes Development Co.'s pr'operties. ' " I Phillips River Goldfield.-The total output of metallic copper for ,the month of April on this field was'139.03 tons, valued at £7,537, .produced from 2,176 tons of copper ore. The total. gold produced was 218 fi.re oz. Black Range District.-The' gold returns from the Black Range district show i slight decrease during the month of April, during which period 9,235.50 tons of ore were

treated for a yield or o,5tu..o one oz. an. 242 fine oz. of dollied "old. The Black Range. Mining Co., N.L., are erecting a slimes plant on their lease, which will be completed in about a fortnight.' Scruby and party, of the Lady Sedcon Lease,. No. 633, at Hancocks, treated a parcel of 25 tons for a return of 26.32 fine oz. The MIontagu Boulder lease at Montagu crushed 220 tons for 115.85 fine oz. The district in general has been quiet during the !period under review. Prospecting operations have been greatly retarded for want of rkin. Wiluna.-It is understood that work at the New England centre has ceased for a time. Mining at Wiluna was quiet during the mbnth, but the local State battery is expected to recommence operations shortly. A good deal of activity in prospecting seemsto be in evidence at Mount Keith, which lies nearly midway along the track between Lawlers and Wiluna, and to the north-east of Mount Sir Samuel. Lawlers District.-The output for April from the Lawlers district was 2,155 fine oz. from 7,209 tons of ore, 16oz. alluvial, and 4oz. dollied. The five-head battery at the Vivien Gem, near Harris, started recently, and has been running for about a fortnight. The owner now expects to crush at the same cost that he previously incurred for cartage to the Cinderella mill. The ore is all broken below, whence it goes direct into the hopper of the self-feeder. The Inspector of Mines was favourably impressed with the plant. At the end of last month the Inspector pf Mines visited the'. Mount Keith district, \previously mentioned herein, and after describing the various properties he remarks, "The reef on which the above-mentioned work is being done 'runs in very true alignment on the surface, and can he seen outcropping in an unbroken line for very many chains in length, and is, in my opinion, well worth extensive development. A request has been made that this centre should be connected with the Wiluna district instead of hawlers, it being considered that Wiluna is the more convenient centre at which to transact mining business." Leonora District.-The output for April for this district totals 7,241.99 fine oz., being an increase of 229oz. over the return of the previous month. The tonnage treated was 15,036 tons, this likewise showing a slight increase. During the month a good deal of attention was paid to Mount Redcliffe, situate about 20 miles north of Mertondale. This country was worked some years ago by prospectors with very fair resuits, but the cost of carting and crushing was found to be too heavy to admit of profitable working. There are understood to be three lodes running through the ground, all of good size and easily worked. and with the expenditure of capital so that the lodes can be tested at a depth there is every probability of this locality turning out a good mining district. Another good yield was obtained during the month from the Victory mine at Mount Clifford, 20 tons of ore being treated for 108.86 oz., and ore of equal grade is still being raised. The Starlight mine at Pig Well treated 491 tons for 204.55oz. THE GOLD YIELD. APRIL CRUSHINGS. Kalgoorlie, June 3. The tributers on the Central and \\est Boulder have crushed 431 tons for a return of bullion valued at £2,559. GREAT FINGALL. Kalgoorlie, June 3. Messrs. Bewick, Moreing, and Co. advise having cabled the following development particulars to the London office of the Great Fingall Company yesterday :-No. 17 level: No. 4 winze has been sunk from 186fI. to 192ft. in values averaging 11s. over width of 57in. North drive has been ex

tended from 293ft. to 309ft. in values averaging 39s. over a width of 62in. -A crosscut put 7ft. to the footwall at 288ft., averaged 21s. per ton, making the total width of the reef at this point 144in., and the average assay value 36s. per ton. South drive advanced from 322ft. to 328ft. in low values. A crosscut to the hanging-wall at 322ft. alsb gave low values." BOULDER NO. 1. Kalgoorlie, June 3. The follwing is a copy of a cable sent to the London office of the Great Boulder No. 1 Company:--"At 100ft. level winze sunk S5ft. on the nmw body of ore, assays average 13dwt. per ton. 190ft. level north: Struck ore 50ft. south of winze, width of ore is 12ft., and assays 8dwt. per ton. ADELAIDE. Adelaide, June 3. The following were to-day's Exchange sales: 3s., 3s. Id. Golden Ridges, 17s. Great Boulder, 17s. Boulder No. 1, 2s. 10d. Oroya Links, is. 7d. Broxen Hill, 37s! 6d. Block 14, 8s. British old, 22s. 9d. South con., £5 la. Block 10, 35s. South Extended, 3s. 71d. Bullfinch Proprietary, b 17s., a 17s. 3d. Bullant, b 5s. Id., a 5s. 3d. Bullrush Estates con., Is. Sd., b is. 5d., a is. 6d. Greenfinch .,Proprietary, 2s. 7d., 2s. 8Sd., b 2s. 8d., a 2s. lid. Great Chaflinch, b Is., s Is. Id. Bullfinch West, b Is. 4d., a ist 7d. Tarcoola Blocks, Is. 5Ed., Is. 5d., b Is. 4 ad., s Is. 6d4 Mr. A. J. Meller, sharebroker, St. George'sterracei received the following Adelaide quotations on. Saturday:Gioening Prices, 10.51 a.m.-Bullfinch, b 17s., i 17s. 3d.; Chalfinch, b is., a is. ld.; Greenfinch, sales 2s. lid.; Greenfinch, paid, sales Is. 74d.; Butterflys.' sales 9d.; Commodores, sales 3s.; golden Ritiges, sales 17s.; Great Boulder No. 1, 8 3s.; Mararoas, b 12s.; Orova Links, sales 1s. 7#d.; Lake View and Star, b 3s. Gd.; Hainaults, s 5s. lid.: Perth. Gas. h 47s. Gd.. s 49s.; Chillagoes, b is. 7d., a Ts. 10d.; 3tount Elliotts, b 87s.; Great Fitzroys, b Is. Gd., s is.; Broken, Hills,, b 37s. Ed., a 39s.; British, old, sales 22s. 9d.: British, new, b 21s. 9d., a 23s.; Junctions, sales 2s. 10d.; Broken Hill South Blocks, sales 2s.; Junction North, sales 20s. 3d.; Lake. View and Star, b 3s. 3d., s 3s. 5d.; Pine Hill, paid, sales 10d.; Associateds, b 7s. Sd.; Cumberlands, b Is. 9d., a 2s. 10d.; Sons of Gwalia, b 36s. 3d., a 36s. 9d;; Gwalia South, a 5s. 3d. Closing Prices. 12.50 p.m.-Bullfinch, l .l16s. 10d., s 17s. 3d.; Pine Hills'b Sd., a 6d.; Green. finch. sales 3s.; Greeninch, paid, b 2s. 8d., a 2s. ld.; Bullrush, sales is. 5d.,- Babylonian, sales Is.; Chaffinch, b is., s Is. ld.; Butterfly, sales 9d.; Hainault, b 5s. 1kd., a .Gs.; Cumberland, Is 2s. 8d., . 2s. 10d.; Commodore, b 3s., s 38. Id.; SGrea Boulder, sales 17s.; Great Boulder No. 1, b Is. 7d.. a 2s. lid.; Mararon, b 12s.; Golden Ridge, b 16s. 10id.; Oroya Links, b is. 7d.; Per. 'everance, b 4s. 4dd., s 4s. 7d.; Parings, b 6d.. a ld..; Lake Vieow and Star, b 3s.' 3d., s 3s. 6d.; Star Exploration. b 3d.. a Sd.; Perth Gas, a 49s.. Bount Eyell, b 30s. 6d., a 31s.; Chillaroe, h Is. 7d.;'o 7o. Dd.; Broken Hill Propy., b 37s. 6d., a 37s. 9d.; Broken Hill South. paid, b £5 8s.. s £5 10s.; Broken Hill South Blocks, b 20s. 9d., a os.; ,British, old. b 21s.. a 21s. 9d.; Junctions. bs 2s. 9d., a 2s. 10d.; Sulphide, ord., b 20s. Gd., a 21s. Messrs. S. C. Ward and On., sharobrokers. Barrack-street, received the following Adelaide quotations yesterday:Bullfnch Prop., b 17s., a 17s. 3d.; Chafilneh. b ls;, as s. Id.; Greenfinch, sales,2s. lld.; , West Bullfinch,, b is. 4d., a Is. 8d.; Butterflys, sales 9d.'; Babyloniaps,' b 9d.s a lid.; Oroev Links, sales is. 7id.; Paringas, b 6d.. a 8d.; Sou(h Kalgurlie, a lls.; Lake Yiew, and Star, b 3s. 'l., a 3s. 5d.; Commodores, sales 3s.; Cumberlands. bIs, 2se\6d., as2s. 10d.; Golden Ridges, sales 17s.;. Great Boulders, sales 17s.; Boulder No. 1, a 3s.; Mararoas, b 12s.; Greenfinch, pafd, sales 2s. 7d.; Broken Hill Prep.,ib 37s. 6d.. a 37s. 9d.; Block 10,.sales Bs.; British, old, b 2s.' 6d.,; s 23s.; Bri. tish, new,ib 21s. 10d.;, Junctions, b 2s. 9d., a 2s. 10d.; South, paid, b £5, 8s., s £5i10s.; South, con., sales £5 Is.; . South'Blocks, b' 20s. 9d., a Iso.; Junction, North, b 20s.; Broken.ilill South Ex'tended, sales,3s. 71d.; Selphide, ord., b Its. id., s:21s.; Chillagoes, b 7s. 7d.. s Ts. 9d.: Mt. Lyells. b 30s. 7fd., s 31s. lid.; Chaffinch, paid, sales Is.; Pibe 'Hill paid b 9d. a lid. Closing Quotations to 1 p.m.-Bullfinch Prop., b,.17. a 17s. 3d,, Chaffinch, b ls,,,sls. Id.; Pins Hills, b'jd., s Gd.; Greenfinch b Is. lid., s 3s. ld., sales 2s. lid.i' Bullrush,'sales Is. 5d.; West Bull. fnhli, b'is. 4d., a is: 6d.; Babylonians. b 9d. a lild., sales 9d; to lid., Bullants, b 5s. ld., a is. 3d.i Butterfys, sales 9d.: Chaffinch, paid, sales is.; Pine Hills, paid, b 9d., a lid.; Greenfinch. paid, sales 2s. 7d.; Oroya Links, b Is. 7Id., 'sales ls. 7d.;' Golden Ridges, b 16s. 10ld., a 17s. 41d., sales 17s.; Perseverance, bIs '4s. 4d.,. a 4s. 8d.; Lake View and Star, b 3s. 3d., a 3s. Id.; Paringas, b 6d., b 8d.; South Knlgurlis, a l10.; Associated, b 7s. 6d.; Commodores, sales 1A. 'd.; Star Explorations, b 3d., s 6d.; ,Chaffers, b is. 7d.,- ls. 9d.; Cumberlands, b Is. id., s 2s. 9d.; Great Boulders, sales 17s.; Boulder No. 1, a 2s. 10d.: Mararons, b 12s.: Chillagoes, b 7s. Id., a 78. 9d.; Broken Hill Prop., b 17s. Gd.; British, old; b 22s., a 23s.; British, new, b 21s. laOd.; Blook 10, sales Ss.; Junction, b 2s. 9d.; Junetio' North, b 20s.: South, con., sales. £5 is.: South. paid. b £5 8s., a £5 10s.; South Blocks, b o0s. 9d., a 2s.; Sulphide, ord., b 20s. 6d., a 21s.; Mt. Lhells, b 30s. l7d., s 31s. lid.; Broken Hill South Extended, sales 3s.' 7d. Mr. W. H. Willis, sharebroker St; George's. terrace, reedived the following Adelaide quota. tions on Saturday-:Great Boulders,' 17s.; Bol. der No. 1. 3s.: Golden Ridges, 17s.; Bullfinch Proprietary, is., 17s.; ?I.; Ohaffinch, is. Old.; Greenfnei paid, 2s. 7dl., Greenfinch con., Is. lid.; Butterfly, 9d Mr. A. G. Bird, sharebroker, St. George'sterrace, received the following Adelaide quotations on Saturday:Opening Prices.--Oroya Links, Is. 7#d.; Bullfinch Proprietary, b 17s.. a lie. 3d.; Greenfineh Proprietary paid 2s. 7d.; Greenfinch Propriemodorsco, 3s.; Golden idges, b 17ts.; Great Boulders i7o.n;.Closing Closing Piiesro.-abbylonian aid, b is.; Bull. finch Proprietary, b '16sl 10td., m.p IsT. 3d.: Greentneh Proprietary. con., 3;.: Greenfinch 'Proprieary paid, b 1d., a Is. 11d.; Bullrush Hesrs. Saw and Grimwood, jun., received the following Adelaide closing quotations on Saturday:- :--B?llon ch Proprietary, brl6s 101d., o ?lis.; Pins illa, ?'5id.; Giecenfitdch, roales nnd h3.: s Crenfinch paid. b s. .d.\ s Ia. lid.; Chaffers b ls id., a is. 10d4; Lake View and Stars, h is 35., 5 3s. 6d:; Cohomederes. is. 3d.; Cumberlande, b 2s. Id., a Is. 9d.; Bollrsh, is. Id.; BRbylonians is.; Boulder No. 1. b Is. 7d., s I 10d.; Chuffinch, 'is. Old.; Butterfly, Cd.: Golden Rtidges, 1.; Great Boulders, I7s.; Gel

MELBOURNE. Melbourne, June 3. The following' were to-day's Exchange soles: 4's, £101. Black Range, 47s. Great Finch,. ld. Greenfinch, 2s, 8d., 2s. 91d. LONDON. London, June 3. The following are the' latest quotations for the undermentioned mihing stocks:Broken Hill Proprietary, b 36s. 3d., a 37s. 3d.; British Broken Hill, b 22s. 6d., a 23s. 9d.; North Broken Hill, b 95s., s 97s. 6d.; South Broken Hill, b 106s. 3d., s 108s. 9d.; Great Boulder, b 16s. 6d., s 17s.; Mount Lyell, b 31s., s 32s.; Great Fingall, b 17s. 6d., a 18s, 9d. Mr. A. J. Mellor received the following London quotations on Saturday:-Ida H., m.p. 10. 9d.; Golden Horseesoe-, m,p, 71s. 3d.: Associated s 7T. 9d.; Northerns, b 4s. 9d.; Perseverance, s 4s. 9d. Messrs. S.C. Ward and Co. received the following London qgotations on Saturday:-Ida H., 10s.' 9d.: Horseshoes, 71s. 3d.; Associated, 7s. 3d.; Associated Northern, 5s.; Perseverance. 4s. 6d.; British old. 22s 9d.; Broken Hill Proprietary, b?6s.6d.; South paid, £5 7s. 6d.; Amalgamatea, 33s. 9d.: Swan Brewery, £3 3s lid. Mr. W. H. Willis received the following Lon. don quotations .on Saturday:-Associated, is. 6d.; Northerns, .s.; Perseveranceh 4 Gd.; Ida H. 10s. 9d.; Golden Horseshoes, 7ie 3d. Mr. A. G. Bird received the following London quotations on Saturday:--Bullants, b Ss.: Gel den Horseshoes, m.p. 71s. 3d.; Ida H.. sales 9s. 1d. to o10. 9d.: Associated, m.p. T7. Gd.; Associated Northerns. m.p. 3s.; Perseverance, m.p. 4s. 6d.; Great Pingalls, m.p 18s. 3d.; North Broken. Hills m.p. 97s. Gd.; British Broken Bills. m.p. Bde. Gd.; New Zealand Waihis, m.p. 61p. 3d.; Waihi Junctions, m.p. 24s. 101d. Messrs. Saw and Grimwood, jun., received the following Lordon . quotatione on Paturday:Avociated. 7s. Gd.: Associated Northerns, is.; Perseverance. 4s. 6d.; Horseshoes, 71s. 3d. A J. 3II:LLOR. Stock. Share, and Investment Broker, Menber Stock Exchange of Perth ONE COMMISSION ONLY. Stock' Exchange Buildings. Tel. Nos.. 1247 and 2162; Private 'Phone, 5015. Agents London and throughout Eastern States. Cable: Broomhall, Morering and Neill, Bedford and McNeil; also Private Code. SAW and GRIMWOOD, Jun., Stock and Share. brokers, 16 and 17 New Zealand Chambers. St. George's-terrace, Perth. Tel. 877. Membern Stock Exchange of Perth. Agents in London and Eastern Statec.. HAROLD WILKINSON. Sharebroker on Com. mission only. 25 Henry-street, Fremantle. 'Phones. Fremantle 156 and 324. Direct com. monication with Eastern States. Quotations posted throughout the day. A. G. BIRD, Stoca, Share, and Investment Broker, 12 New Zealand Chambers, Perth.: Member of Stock .xchange of Perth. Tel. 1068. (Commission Business Only). W. H. WILLIS, SHAREBROKER, Member of Stock Exchange of Adelaide and Perth. ST. GEORGE'S-TERRACE, PERTH. Tel. 1064. S. C. WARD and CO., Stock and Sharebrokers, Telephones 2201. 2020, 2203. 23 Barrack-street, PERTH. 12 Pirie-street, ADELAIDE. Agents for WARD and CO., 383 Collins-street, MiELLBOURNE. . H. WALSH, Sharebroker, one Co nmission Only, 2 Furnival Chambers (Tel. 671). and at Kalgoorlie. Agents in London and Eastern States