West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 24 December 1910, page 2

ABUTIONS. SEMNMARY OF 't%?CTIONB. THIS DAY. December 24.-G. H. Prouten.-Horses, ponies, cow, harness, etc., at the W.A. Horse Bazaar, Wellington-st.; 10 a.m/ December 24:-T. Tate and Co.-Toys, dolls, and dolls' houses, mechanical toys, etc., at 713 Hay-st.; U a.m.. December 24.-G. C. Waghorn-Pot plants, hanging. baet etc., at 140 High-st., Fremantle; 11 a.m. December 24.-Harry Wilson and Co.-Furniture. poultry, etc., at 13 Adelaide-st.' Fremantle: 11 a.m. December 24.-Phil. Benari.-Furniture, poultry, etc., corner Charles and Aberdeen st.; 2 p.m. December 24.-James de Burgh Morrison-Properties at West Gnildford.. December 30.-A. W. Ducat-Furniture, at 96 Outram-st.. West Perth; 11 a.m. January 11.--Learmonth. Duffy and Co.Furnite, etc.. at Tockfeld-at.. Fre. mantle; 11.30 a.m. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 30. At Eleven A.M. On the PBMISSES. 96 Outram-street. WESr PERTH. VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. SA W. DUCAT has received intructions "1 from the owner to SELL as above. Rl pWrticulars in future issue. A. W. DUCAT. Auctioneer, 56 William-street. TOYS. TOYS. TOYS. Vr Large assortmejtDOLLS, HOUSES. BAYS. WAGGONS, SMechanical Tosys lml Dgmptspios. OMCKETING SES, LEATHER GOODS, Fancy Goods of All Sortsb. COMTINUATION BSLE, THIS MORNING, At Eleven A.M. See Fell Advertisement on Another Page. ft1 TATE and CO. (C. aDowall, Ametioneer) have received imperative in. stroctioni from the Importer to CLEAR EVERYTHING. regardles of emt. At the MART. 713 HAY-STREET, STHIS DAY. ,At Eleven A.M., And continue ill ienished. XXS.D.IO.ATONS. DECORAITUMS. - SALE BY AUCTION At 140 HIG-SBEENPTFandOn .the PREMISES lately oceped by WILSON and JOHNS, of Perth, GRBAT CLETAIhE SALE . Of POT PLANTS, incldings Plns (allM Hangmg_ Baskets, Fucmi, Hydaamgs, Coles, I1ree Frn Rases, etc. THIS DAY. THIS DAY, at ? 1 orloek. lst Day of Sale. No Reeve. 'Dan't TIsW.SDAY, JANUrARY 5. 1. )Ih ,n?JY and CO., LID.,havi-reeived. ist1anctions from varion owners to SELL by PUBLIC AUC2ION1,600 SHEEP and LAMBS; S Also, CATnLE, PIGS, BOSES, .? e Further entries inovied4-t DALGfY and CO., LTD., Perth. Or J. E. GLAToW, asirgin. 71EDAY, JANUARY 5, At woPM. A. -SPECIAL SAýE Of DAIRY HERD ad POLL DiAR EQUIPNEAR GUILDPOMD.AL AL GETY and CO., LTD., have been favoured with instructions from Mr. J. Va. OOs. -GBeelýýý Dair, to the ilace, situated 24 miles from Guildford, when they will OFFER as a GOING CON12 Acres FREEHOLD LAND, subdivided, suitable for the growing of at kinda Sofcereals; 2-h.p Croedeyoil with mp; ater 60 per mute for ire ion, 4-roamed W.B. bahse, fruit trees, etc.; milking sheds. milk rooms, pig sties etc.; 23 frstclabes DAIRY COWS (makers and -, including several Jerseys, 1 H ball (2 years) 4-year-old draaght gelding, pig, and 30 fowls, one pony, epringcasrt. snt. harness * chafcutterseparator; coder, and a utensils and farming implementa If the property is not sold as a whole it-will be sold in lots to suit pcaers,as the owner is retiring from business. We commend the partier attention of af dairymen to this auction. For fuller particelars apply to D*LGETY ad CO., IRD., froaY, theNMARtY 22, OEBER by PUBLIC AUCTIGI at their . Oles, Premantle. on the above date, the PORTION of FREMANTLE TOWN LOT 33, containing 1 rood 12 8.flhs

P"rliON of ?REMAN??E ToOWN LOT 333, containing 21 9-MLs perches; Both being situated in Adelaiestseet, The Properties havee a total frontage to Adelaidestreet of 214.5 links, with a depth of '212 links. Erected thereon is a butcher's shop at present occupied by Messrs. Chester Bros.; saddler's shop, at present tenanted by Mr. K. McKenzie; and liery stables, etc., used by F. W. Bluett- also offices and stares at present let to Iesss. MoElin and Company. This property, being so splendidly situated, should commend itself to investors, and we would draw special attention to this section. For fuller particulars apply to DALGETY and CO., LIMIT , Perth or Fremantle. HF-RN HILL ETATE. HERNE HILL ESPATE. 3* A 17, M i. LG and CO., IlDo., hase been Sfavoured with instructions from Mr. W. G. Lefroy to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTON, at the Builders' cnge, St. Geogoge'a-terrace, Perth, on JA URY I7, 1911 Famous HERNE HILL ESTATE, c ainin in all 1,057 ACRES cf EHO LAND, being SWAN LOCATION 9. and situated about 15 miles from Perth and four miles from Midland Junction. The Estate bas' about miles mrontage to the Swan River. and contains about 300 acres of rich alluvial land, equal to anything in the State. About 150 acres near the homestead have been cleared and cultivated; 20 odd acres have also been planted with orchard and vineyard, now in full bearing. The balance of the property is admirably adapted for farming, orchard, or vineyard purposes. A splendid homestead, with all necessary outbuildings, yards, etc., has been erected, and the whole has been subdivided into numerous paddocks. Further details can be had on appleation to the AUGCIIONEERS, ST. GEORGE'STERRACE, PERTH.'FOR FOR PRIVATE SALE. NORTH-WEST. 2,000 MERINO BWES, 2 and 4 tooth. A SPLENDID LINE. For fuller particulars apply to DALGETY and CO., LTD., PERTH. T1HE Best Life Insuranco is Trouchet's L French Diuretic Kidney and Bladder Herbs. Recommended to all suffering from Kidney and Bladder troubles. Invest your money in a packet. Price, 2s. 6d. All Grocers and Chemists.

fHE OFFICES of- the undermentioned J Auctioneers and Estate Agents will be CLOSED from Monday, December 26, to Monday, January 2, 1911, both inclusive. JAME GABDIMHR. LEARMONTH. DUFFY and CO. CHAS. SOMMERS. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 191. In the ROOMS, 56 St. GeorgesMeerrae. At Three P.M. EBECUTORs ' SALE THE "CAPECUP ESTATE." MOUNT BARKER, GSrB. Containing 5882 Acres Freehold Laned. 292 Acres C.P. Land. -6174 Acres Together with the Whole of the Livestock, Working Plant, Growing Crop Etc., Etc. AS A GOING, CONCERN, to be SOLD -WITHOUT RESERVE, by Order of the Executors of the Estate of the Late H. .C. Warren, Port.Pirie, S.A. (1hAS. SOMMERS bas been fbvoured with V instructions to SELL as above, THE CAPECUP ESTATE, Cetsi 6,174 acres of.freehold land, ite" miles from Mount'Barker, and 40 miles from Albany. The property is seuenrely fenced with dogproof netting fences, and subdivided into 10 paddocks, 100 acres are cleared and 30 acres partly so; 75Q acres ringbarked. Splendidly watered by four large dams and numerou soaks. FINE OROHA1D of 50 ACRES, planted from 1 to 4 years, containing 5,000 trees, 4,500 of which are aples of the best export vac?ties. The orchad is looking:eseptioaslly well, and in a few years should return a competency The soil over th greater part of the etate is rich. there bemg at least 2,000 acres still available for orchard purposes, the balanep being good cereal and gr land. The district has a rainfall of 36 inches, and possesses a delightful climate. Apples from this district invariably top the London market The improvements include substantial brick residence of six rooms, with' five 'aditioaal rooms of iron. man's room, woodshed, dip, 4-tall stable, buggy shed, cowshed, stallion yird and shed, barn etc., etc., undeground cemented tank, 5 large G.I. tanks. STOCK includ)E 18 merino ,see , 12 ala drag staion, 3 ligt hores, a y by 1 steer, 2 yarng,40 head PLANT'. 2 drays, 1 gig, 5 ploughs, 2 sets Immess, roller, chacutter, scoop, separator, blak auith's forge, etc., etc. , tion of this fie estate, it being for absoute sale as a going concern, with inse .p.es sTHESDAY, JANUARY 19. In te .ROOMS. 56 ST. GEdBGE'S. TERRACE, At Three P.-, DiERABLE FARM, 1,731 ACRES, Eight miles from Brookton, G.S.R., With STOCK and PLANT, as a Going Concern. H.A SOM8bMERS has been istruated by v the Owner to SELL as above LOCATIONS 5903, 5904, 5408. 5409, * 608, 715, 7298, 7299, comprising in all 173j acres, of which 60 acres'are freedold, 630 acres C.P.. and 782 acres gasing lease, situated 8 miles by good' main road from Brookton Railway Great Southern Railway. . the 'rwell-known properties of Messrs. R. L. S. Crawford and T. Faiwood. 'RPROVEnEv 1 . - Substantial Homesbad, with 6 large ooms, Mt. 6in. awmar round large stabling and machinery abed. man's hut, storerom, poltry pens, smsa orchad, lad all f 6 wires and sbdivided into 6 paddocks; 250 acres eleared, 1,000 acres ringbarked, good portion bent- down. The stock and plant consist of two cows, two heifers, one calf, two ponies, waggon, -crt, sulkty. Sshine harvester, drill, This is a choies piece of oo~try, timbered with York gem. jam, red gum, white gn sheok. and wattle, 22 miles from Beverry in splendid district for wheat and sheep f . It is' only lI miled from the West Brookton Hall and School, in an excellent neighbourhood. The pcperty is ready for immediate occpatin, Ind inspection is confidently invited, Terms: £1,000 cash, and the balance to be arranged. Pall particulars may be obtained from the a utioneer. PEDIGREED SHORTHORN CATTLE. ehreaMaN HOMESlBTEAD, GnGmw. FRIDAY, JANUARY i. At One P.M. iLDEBR SHENTON and CO., LTD. are OPPER by AUTION after e arrl of the mornng train, and s soo as Inn7 .Pdigreed Soortorn bull, reds and 23 Cows and bhese, good oedoursm. This choice draft which has been carefrully bred by Mr. Edgar from the best strains of Shorthorn blood in Australasia, will be sub. mitted in grand candition, and buyers am confdently invited to attend the sle a Mr. Edgar has decided to make a total earanee of this year's drft, and no reaasla o?ers will be refused. Fell pedigee w?

be obtainable at the sale. -Also, at the same time and place, 6 Boys' ponies, by Montairi Hero, inclmiing one very stylishb pair of Byers conveyed to and from the station. Lanebon Provided. Terms as Usual. FOR SALE. -250 MULES. 250. In drafts, beginning early in the New Year, or privately in lots to suit purchasers: Nearly all broken in. From pony mules 10 hands, to big team males 16 hands. The finest mob in Australasia. ,Unequalled for hauling or for dry country work, standing any hardship, and working to great age. Especally suited for stations, mine work, and farms. Affiy ELDE, SHENTON and CO., LTD., FOR SALE at BARGAIN PRICES. FREEHOLD DAIRY FARM, NEAR PERTH. 411 ACRES. All Fenced. DWELLING-HOUSE, EXCELLENT OUTBUILDINGS, 2 Wells, Dam, Good Swamp Land. Red and Black Loam, Rich Yellow Sand. Small Deposit. Easy instalment terms, or would Let on Lease at £100 per annum. GROCERY BUSINESS, To be Sold Cheap. Centrally-situate SHOP and DWELLING. Low rent; excellent opening. Low Price for Stock and Fittings. 1IIcBEAN and DEASON, VcBAN 42 Williamstreet. DESON, S ANTARES-STREET, SOUTHERN CROSS, At McDONALD'S YARDS, Will ARRANGE for AUCTION SALES WEEKLY. Contractor, Livery and Letting Stables. Buggies, Sulkies, and Traps for Hire By Day or Night. HORSES and CATTLE for SALE. HORSES BOUGHT, SOLD, or EXCHANGED. Urgent Telegrams Delivered on Shortest Notice. Telephone No. 21. P EET AND CO., LTD., L Ben to Notify that they are now Prepared to Conduct AUCTION SALES Of PROPERTY and FURNITURE. New Address : 46 ST. GEORGE'S-TERRACE, Next to National Bank.

OUR OFFICES WILL be CLOSED On the 28th, 27th. and 28th INST., Also JANUARY 2 (Bank Holidays). EBEN ALLEN s ad CO., 1 Liceshed Auctioneers, St. George's-terrace. 'Phone-Office: 177. House: 1t0. gYBEN ALLEN AND CO., Old-established IGCENSED AUCTIONEERS, ST. GEORGE'S-TERRA-E. ALL'SALES CONDUCTED By Our MR. EBEN ALEN PERSONALLY. IMMEDIATE SETTLEMENTS. LOANS ARRANGED On Freehold Property and other Securities at Current Rates of Interest. AGENTS for ABSENTEES. HOUSES and LAND for SALE. FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED HOUSES to LET. Office 'Phoe 17. House 'Phone 1880. PRELIMNIARY NOTICE. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11; At Half-past Eleven A.M. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE . Of VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD. FURNHE RE AND EFFECTS At FREIEANTE. TEARM'ONTII, DUFFY and CO. have a been favoured with instructions from Duncan Paterson, Esq. to SELL at his residence,- "HolyroOd," ikfield-steet, -Pra. mantle ;as above. Catalogues available on January 4. HORSES. HORSES. COC RAM'S (Late Dean's) STOCK 202 PIER-STREE. THIS DAY, 'THIS DAY, At Half-past ahn A.M. A B. SOCKRAM will BELL by PUBLIC AUCTION of Mr. Hanson, Madamling1 roan draught gelding, a good worker, any trial. Tipdray and set of harness. . On amount of Mr. Edwards Gigin-1 bay mare. 1 by ged Suitable for ht harness, ito be sold practically without 'reserve. On account of various Owners20 mixed and' useful horses, suitable for farmera, butchers, bakers, spring-carter, sand ir sorts, etc. A dairy and family cows (imp.), prine ýand milkers young, sound, and in pood COCKIAM'S TOCK BAZAAR. 'Phone 1111. PRELIMINAR. HIGHLY- IMPORTANT ANN'Oi3IEMENT. To Station Owners, Professional and C?om mecial?en, Racing Men, and Others. GRAND PARADE GRAND PARADE And SALE by AUCTION SALE by AUCTION -Of HIGH-CLASS 'THOROUGHBREDS RACBHORSES, STALLIONS, HAGKNEYT, TROiTERS Etc., Etc. ,A. C.at the request . 'a number of 'influential b?eedera, race horse owners, and others, will hold a Grand Parade and Sale by Auction, sabove, at ' The SANDRINGHAM HOTEL, BELMONT. On TUESDAY. JANUARY 3, 1111,. At Half-past Two P.M. Pull particulars in future advertiasmets, or meanwhile at the Bazaar, 202 Pier-st.. Perth. Telephone 1111. THOROUGHBRED YEAbLINGS To be sold on FEBRUARY 20, 1911, At the lbTAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIEFY8 SHOW GROUNDS, CLAREMONT,' By A- MDOUG L, Pure Stock Salesman, A-Fuanival Chambers, St.. George's~tersce, Perth.On On Account of Edward Roberts and Sons, Yathroo. Chestnut Colt, by Mural from Trionia. by Tremando from Gels?a, by Lord Wilton from Twinkle, by Slanderer ,-from Evening' Star (imp.). Chestnut Colt (brother to Lady' Florin and Floral), by Mural from Florrie, by War Cry from Beeswax, by King kirk (ip.) from Spa (imp.). by Scarpia from Beeswax, by Ring Cole (imp.) from Beeswing, by Ladykirk (imp.) from Spa (imp.). Chestnut Filly (half-sister to Honeyde). by Mural from Honeycomb, by Wanrig wllie from Bees ax,, by Kn Cole imp.) fom Besmiwg, by Ladykirk (imp.) from Spa (imp.). Chestnut l bCarbineer from Muriel, by Mral rom BuyBee. by Tremando from Beeeswax, by King Cole (imp.) from Beeawing, by Ld (imp.) from Spa (im p.). Gulden Spur (1908), -chestaut colt (brother to Binate), by Carbineer from La Beensby Mural from Tareer?n, by

rremando from Tritma by The Drummer from Colima, b Bigadier (imp.) from Ghiva, by Velocity from Atlanta by Reprieve (imp.) from Langar 4ueen,' by Langar from Queen Victoria, by Gratis from .Lady Emily, by Manfred. Testdo (1908), chestnut filly, by Scarpia / from Muriel, by Mural from Busy Bee, by Tremando, etc. Bakhita (1908), chestnut fily, by Carbineer from Mies Donna, by Auric (half-brother to Aurum, b Bill of Portland) from Donna, by sheAt Anchor from Donna Anna, y Don Giovanni from Drift, by Smuggler from Sea Foam, by Peter Wilkia. On Account MacKel?zie Grant Esq. Native Heath, hestnut colt, by Homeward Bound (grandson of St. Simon) from Red Health, by Wallace from Warrawee, by Gan- Forward from Sunningdale, by Hampton from Sallyport, by Theobold from Fortress, by Knight of Kars from eiacine. Keer Weer, brown filly by Homeward Bound from Tiger Lily (m of Persiteat), by Positano from Lily, by Roodee (brother to Chester) from Adeline, by Kingsti. -Bestenally, brown colt by Fusillade (son of Wallace) from' Tuagter, by Mirnee (brother to Malua) from Galena, by Richmond from Frolic: by Talk o' the Hill from Majesty, by Conrad from Britannia (imp.). Negotiate, brown filly by Meteorite (eon of Thunderbolt) from Diplomatical. by Reputation (son of Escutcheon) from Diplomacy, by Neckersgat from Fidelity, by Gang Forward from Promise, by Rosicrucian from Persicaria, by Lord Clifden. Sardam ch colt, by Fusillade from Manoeuvre, by Bloodshot (son of Maxim) from Plan, by Precious Stone from Device, by Tregeagle from Signet by Ace of Clubs. Bay Gelding, by Fusillade from Brunette (winner of many races), by Richburg (son of Richmond) from Brockman, by Sir Hercules. On Account of Jas. Drummond, Esq., Dandarragan. Mural Maid; chestnut filly (sister to Mariner and Murella), by Mural from Una, by Auchendarroch from Eunony• bareenyha.Bay Bay Gelding, by Mural from Gipsy Queen (dam of Musketeer and Tix Bandit), by Sir Oliver from Cigarette. Chestnut Colt (1908), by Mural from Minna (dam of Inverso and Seria), by Tremando from Pearlshell. Marigold (h197) bay filly by Mural "from Wldflower (dam of Yeria and Scarp), by Swiveller from Impudence. Chestnut Filly (1907), by Mural from Minna, by Tremando from Pearlshell. Chestnut (19._), (sister to Mutineer), by Mural from Malwa (sister to Ingliston, winner of Caulfield Cup), by Malua (winner of Melbourne Cup, from Chakwa, by Richmond from Contest, by Tregeagle (imp.) from Proserpine dam of Emulator), by Lucifer (imp.) from Britannia (imp.), by Melbourne. Scarfdale (1908), bay gelding, by Scarpia from Black Angel.(dam of Cis-y), by Piscator from Gioranna, by Yattendon from Lady, by Deerfoot from Lauristina, by Scratch from Latona, by Skelton from Miss Lane (imp.), by Rector. A. _McDOU GAL L. . STUD STOCK SALESMAN, FURNIVAL CHAMBERS. ST. GEORGE'S-TERRACE, PERTH. YOU will not be disappointed if you use Trouchet's Corn Cure. Absolutely the best. Price 2s. Sold everywhere.

AUCIJOMB. WEST GUILDFORD. THIS AFTERNOON. At Three oClock. On the.PREMISB , West-road, corner PerthWest Guildford-road, 8- minutes from 'stnation. JAMES DE BURGH MORRISON has been favoured with instructions from owner, who sells through ill-health, to SELL-Substantial Iron Orae or Cottage, excellent garden and fruit trees, with 2a. Or. p. land, 132ft. to Whitfibldstreet by 335ft. to West-road, opposite Recreation Reserve of 15 acres, near Riverside Reserve, and in all ways a inost desirable investment. Also, Lot :100, near above, highest position, Whitield-street, and five other blks in immediate locality. Fll particulars may be obtained from J. and R. Maxwell, solicitors, 79 Barrackstreet, Perth; or the Auctioneer, telephone 19, Guildfomrd, HORSES. HORSES. HORSES. THIS DAY, At Ten A.M. At the W.A. HORSE BAZAAR, WELLINGTON-ST. G. H. PROUTEN 9wI BELL by PUBLIC AUCTION EKanowna-12 head superior mant -and gedin, medium and heavy with trials. gxE Wagm-1 truck mdm and heavy draught mares and geldings, right ages, with t •i.ls. On account of various owners--20 head medium, heavy, and light horses, and a few tip-top ponies; 1 very superior Jersey. eow, imported; a prisetaer in Melbourne,- with calf at foot. Also-1 R.T. brougham cab, borse and harness. 6 springart turnouts, 4 sulky turnouts. Sp art_ villige carts, crank-axe arts. Bnu~g , sIis, and tip-drays. Springcart, sulky, and buggy am-se. Saddles, and a lot of -useful hares J. G. ELKIN, Auctioneer. TeL' 1060. ; TA'TERSALL'S HORBSE BAZAAR (The zdeognised Blood Stock .Slsyards of ' " W;.), TUUIAY, JANUARY 3, at Nooe. GEO. H. KIRBY has received instructiond from the resective owners to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at his Annual--Blood Stock Sale, the following well-known' racehorses:- Boy, Seycheees, Glenella, JuliaB., -Woodside, Kroner, Coral, Princess My•U, Gre3rght, Artois, Bond, Dyed arments, Sus, ,High Guard, First Perkeo, Banjo, Lttlde (2 ears old), trotting mares M of em, ld ., o .her.s. IBher particularsn in later isse. Etnries at above Address... Tel. -133. CENTRAL STOCK BAZAAB. THIS DAY At Half-past Ten A.L Sharp. , PERRY and THOMAS have been instructed to SELL, Account owner-30 grand medium draught mares. ex yarra and Kanowna; 8 medium. draught geldings. "1 truck medium draught colts and fillies, ex Brunswick; 1 truck-de livery sorts, ex Nannine; 10 butcher and baker cart sorts, broken and unbroken; alto, 6 superior dairy" ows, with calves; lso;, without reserve, 1 splendid hooded sulky, in perfect order; 1 sprmgcart turaout , ENTRIES INVITED. PERRY and THOMAB, Central Stock Bazaar. DECEMBER 24, 1910. TO-DAY, TO-DAY, -(At Two P.M. CORNER of CHARLES and ABERDEEN STREE8T. DHIL. BENARI will .SELL by 'AUCTION J- Household Furniture,' ollies, etc.; also Podltry. NO RESERVE. Two P.M. i THIS .DAY, at 11 A.M. CONTINUATION OF AUCTION, CHOICE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, POULTRY, Etc. HARRY WILSON and CO., will SELL, at 13 Adelaide-street, , Fremantle, as above: kauri and ash suites, dining suarites, wal sidebis~d, 4 B.M. and N.M. itaL. b'dsteads, 20 pr. ducks and fowls, e4. .EBlA IN the SUPREME COURT of BBTERN -U AUSTRALIA. PROBATE TURISDICT?AN. In the Matter of the WILL of JAMES ARTHUR TRIASK; late of :York, in the State of Western. Australia, Solicitor, Decseed.o NOTICE to CREDITORS. Notice it hereby given that all CLAIMS against the above Estatesare to be RE -DERED to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of JANUARY, 1911.

NORTHMORE and HALE, Solicitors and Agemns for the Executor, W. F. Shellam, of York. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1893. THE BUNYIP SOAP CO., LTD. Notice is hereby given that the Registered Office of the above Company has been RE'MOVED from Weld Chambers to 42 William-street, Perth.Dated Dated this 2Pth day of December, 1910. The BUNYIP SOAP CO.. Ltd., By their Attorney, I. H. DEASON. M?HE COLONIAL MUTUAL FIRE INi SURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Notice is hereby grive that the REGISTERED OFFICE in this State of the Colonial Mutual Fire hisarance ComMany. Limited. is situate at Samson's Buildings. 33 Barrack-street, Perth, and that PAT. RICK JOSEPH SULLIVAN is the ATI'OR. NEY for the said Company in Western Australia. Dated this 23rd day of December 1910. G. W. H. LUKIN. Sameon's Buildines. Barrack-street. Perth. Solicitor for the Company in Western Australia. TRANSFER OF LAND ACT, 1893 (Section 75). APPLICATION No. 837/1918. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the'direction of the Commissioner of Titles in this behalf it is intended on the 21st day of -January next to ISSUE to JOHN ROBINSON and HERBERT ROBINSON, both of Albany. merchants, a SPECIAL CERTIFICATE of TITLE to the land described below,/the duplicate Certificate of Title having, as is alleged, been lost. Dated 15th day of December, 1910. ALFRED E. BURT, Registrar of Titles. The Land Referred To. Woodanilling Lot No. 4. standing in the name of John Robinson and Herbert Robihson. both of Albany. merchants. registered in Volunre 412. Folio 20. ROTELS. A L B A N y. FREEMASONS' HOTSL, Stirling-terrace. Within 100 Yards of the Railway StAtion. Spacious Balconies Overlooking the Harbour. THE LEADING and LARGEST HOTEL. Greatly Added to and Refurnished. Electrim Light, Septic Tank. Sanitary Arrangements thoroughly Up-te. Date. Spacious Dininroom Excellent Service, Upwards of %ixty Bedrooms. Every Convenience. Porters meet all Trains and Beats. For particulars apply the PROPRIETOR. CLUB HOTET., NORTHAM. The Best-appointed Residential Hotel in the State. The ideal place for a holiday. BERT WEAVER. Proprietor. "QHYN-UP." January. "SHYN-UP.~ 3HY!~:UP." January. "SHYN.Up'

KOTELS. A L *B AN N NEW and UP-TO-DATE HOTEL.' THE.LONDON HOTEL.. The Well-Known Commercial House, facing the Harbour, and close to Railway Station. SIMS. Proprietor. IAVE A WEEK AT APPLE X. HOTEL MELVILLE, on the Swan River. Six Miles from Perth. Comfortable Rooms, Lovely Beach. Tariff, 35s. per week. Pavilion Free to Societies, Clubs, etc. jI.ELBOUE s HO at s When in Melbourne ITAY t SCOat l The Leading Hotel in the City, recently redeorated. Convete? to Stations. Wharves. and Thats. C. W. WILSON. Propriae. E BEST SUMMIE RESORT. ND- LANDS PARK HOTL. Fishing, Boating. Residents at the Hotel have free me of the SALT WATER SWIMMING. BATHS. Cheap Tram Fares. Cars run early and late. Terms from £2 2s, a Week. Children S. FINLAY, . Proprister I- TERN AUS RALIAN GOVERN. -r " MENT. RAILWAYS. S CHRISTMAS. -AND NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS. . Excursion Tickets will be issued to and from all stations. including Midland Co.'s Line (Suburban and Extended Saburban Area excepted) DAILY UNTIL JANUARY 2,-191, inclusive. available for return. up to 50. miles, until January 7, 1911; over 50 miles; for 3 months. E?cursion Tickets between all Metropoli,th Suburban and .Extended Suburban Areas by any train 'from DECEMBER.23 to JANUARY 2, 1911. inclusive, available for day of issue only. Saturday and Sunday tickets available until Mon 6y followian day: of issue. Excursion Tickets also from Metropolitan Stbiirban to Extended Suburban Stations and vice versa, also from Extended isuburban Stations on another line by any train from DECEMBER 23 to- JANUARY 2. 1911, available for return until' January 7, 191L - EXCURSIONS TO ALBANY, , DCEMBER 17 to 25. INCLUSIVE. Excursion Tickets, 30s. First-class, 20s. Second-class from Fremantle, Perth, Northam, and Intermediate' Stations,, available for return within 2 inonths. Train leaves Perth for Albany 7 p.m. ach week day. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2. A SPECIAL TRAIN (connecting with the 2.30 p.m. ex friemantle) will leave Perth 3.30 p.m. on December 24, arriving Albany 7.30-a.m. Christmas Day. The 6.25' p.m., Albany-Perth will run Saturday, Depember 24, also the 7 p.m. }Perth-Albany on'Sunday, December 25. SSpecial Excursion Tickets to BUNBURY and BUSSELTON, December 17.to 25, incluive -from FREMANTLE, PERTH, and METROPOLITAN SUBURBAN Stations, ay lable for return within 2 months. Fares -to Bunbury--irt15... .;.:Sec.nd, 7s.' d,, -.Fares to Busselton-irst, 20s.; . d, 10s. To KALGOORLIE, December 24 by 7 a.m. ex Perth at 50s. First and 30s. econd. class, available for 2 weeks. TRAIN ALTERATIONS. SCHRISTMAS EVE, DECEMBER 24. 1910. ADDITIONAL SUBURBAN and .EXTENDED SUBURBAN TRAIN SERVICE. The 4,145 p.m. Perth to Banbury will conrey passengers for Piniarra, Bunbury. aaid -Busselton line only. Train at 5.10 p.m. will leave Perth with intermediate passengers and connect with Buseelton train at Picton. The 11.20 p.in. Perth to Bunbury will leave at 11.35 p.m. Marrinup Branch Additions.--1.30 .m. Pnrrah-Dwellingup and3 p.m. Dwellingup-Pinjarrah. 5 p.m. Expess to Kalgoorlie, frat-clas; prassengers only. The 5.35 p.m. conveys second-class and intermedite parsensers.

Pickering Brook-Canaing Mila.-The 6.52 p.m. ex Midland Junction will be extended to Canning Mills. A Special Pamsenger Train connecting with the 11.5 p.m. ex Perth will leave Midland Junction at 11.42 p.m., arriving Pickering Brook 1.10 a.m. CHRISTMAS DAY. Additions.-9.15 a.m. Perth, Collie. B?nbury, and Buseelton. and 7 p.m., Perth, Northam, and Albany, also slight suburban additions. BOXING DAY, DECEMBER 26. 1910. Special Holiday Service on Suburban and Extended Suburban Areas. The 8.15 a.m. ex Perth foi Smith's Mill line will leave at 9.15 a.m., and the 5.15 p.m. at 6.15 p.m. Addition: 11 p.m. Perth-Chidlow's Well and Northam. The 5.50 p.m. Midland Junction-Parkerville will not run. The U.D.R. Raiway Saturday Servioe wil one. rate. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28. 1910. Mundaring Weir: All trains cancelled. The 5.15 p.m., Perth-Chidlows Well and Pickering Brook will leave at 6.15 p.m. The 5.45 p.m. Midland Junction-Chidlow's Well will leave at 6.50 p.m., and the' 5.48 p.m. to Pickering Brook at 6.52 p.m./ GOODS TRAFFIC AND WAREHOIU?B. Traffic for all -lines having connecting trains will be received at Perth and Fremantle on December 23. 24. 30, and 31. All Goods Warehouses will be closed on December 26, 27. 28. and January 2. except between hours of 7.30 a.m. and noon. when they will be open for receipt and delivery of perishable and urgent goods only. EXCURSION to SMITH'S MILL LINE, DECEMBER 26. Train leaves Fremantle 8.30 a.m.. Perth 9.15, and return leaves Chidlow's Well 4.40. Mundaring 5.12 p.m. Trains stop where required for passengers. W.A. TURF CLUB RACES. DECEMBER 26 (DERBY DAY). Special Trains leave Perth 11.10 a.m. and at frequent intervals up to 1.25, also 2.10 p.m. Passengers wishing to see the first race should leave Perth not later than 12.27 p.m. Special from Fremantle at 11.25, stooping at North Fremantle, Cottesloe Beach. and Cottesloe. Horse train will leave at 9.5 a.m. See handbills for full particulars. W.A. TROTTING ASSOCIATION RACES at BELMONT PARK. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1910. Trains leave Perth at 1.10 and 1.45 p.m.. and return at 5.47 and 6.4 p.m. MUNDARING WEIR. SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1910. Fremantle dep. 10 a.m., Perth 11 a.m. Return will leave the Weir at 4 p.m. CHEAP EXCURSION FARES. N. DOUGLAS, Chief Traffic Manaeer.

GOVRW.UXET XORIN. i DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEYS. 'Perth, Dec. 23, 1910. LAND SURVEYED and OPEN for SELECTION. t For WHEAT and SHEEP: 512 Blocks. 545,296 Acres. I -] For SHEEP, FRUIT, PART CEREALS: 381 Blocks. 132,064 Acres. For DAIRYING, PRUIT, ROOTS, and STOCK: 500 Blocks. 86,880 Acres. Full particulars as to prices, classification, and in many cases Agricultural Bank advances. may be obtained at this office, or the Government Information Bureau, at the Agricultural Department, in St. George'sterrace, Perth. Details. of the new subdivisions made from "time to time notified in the'"Government Gazette." The.following areas will appear this week:-Warren River,1,500 acres; Trayning Siding, 931 acres; Yarding, 2,350; Waddouring, 11,414 acres; Moulyinning, 4,627 acres; Dalwallinu; 10,261 acres; and Jingalupp Estate, 9,900 acres. In addition to the above, during the next few weeks areas at Tone River; 3,000 acres; Karridale, 4,500 acres; Lake Muir, 4,000 acres; Dalwallinu, 41,600 acres; Margaret River, 8,735 acres; Yuba. 8,984 acres; Geraldine, 30,644 acres; Moulyinning, 4,~27 acres;' Perenjori, 59,399 acres; Magitup, 5,368 acres; Yorkrakine, 4,255 acres; Mullews, .4,027 acres; 'Waddouring, 10.414 acres; Mt. Arrowsmith, 20,432 acres; -Kurrenkutten, 10,260 acres; Nugadong, 5,182 acres; and *owes Estate will be made available. Information with regatd to lea in the various land districts may be obtained at the Land Agencies. R.. ECIL CLIFTON, Under-Secretary for Lands 118266/10., OF LANDS AND SURVEYS. Perth, December 21, 1910. APPLICATIONS. for LAND by TELEGRAM. 'It is hereby notified for Meneaa information that APPLICATIONS far LAND forwarded. by TELEGRAPH .will NOT IN FUTURE BE ACCEPTED by the Lands Department or its Agents. SAn applicant may. however, if he desires. telegraph to an Agent (other than a Government Land Agent) instructing him to lodge an application on his behalf. It is also hereby notified ,that sn·ications for land will not be accepted unless the" land applied for is actually advertised as open for selection. and any deposits for;warded with applications for land pot duly .advertised as being open will be refunded by the head office. R. CECIL CLIFTON. SUnder-Seeetary for Lands. MICROTOILtN WATER SUPPLY, ..I SEWERAGE and DRAINAGE. .ACT i 1909. METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY. IS GE .AND DRAINAGE. pE . Perth, December 23, 1910. FREMANTLE STORMWATER DRAINAGE. . CLIPPF-TREET DRAIN., Notice is hereby given of the intention of. the: H6n' the Minister for Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage 'to undertake the Constriotion 'ftlb' Work' hereinsfter described b-virtue of the powers i and under and shbect'to .the provisions of the Metropolitan Water Supply. Sewerage and Drainage Act, 1909. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORKS. Stormwter drain, 2ft. 3in. diameter. constructed of reinforced concrete, with manholes and all other apparatus connected therewith. THE: LOCALITIES AT 'WHICH THE 'PROPOSED 'WORKS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED. Commencing at a point in Cliff-street about 51ft. south from the north edge of Victoris .uay, and thence along Cliff-street. aid terminating the intersection of Clit and Phillimore etreets. Leangth. about '70ft. THE PUBPOSES FOB WHICH THE WORKS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED. For Stormwater Drainage purposes. THE PARTE OF'THE' AREA INTENDED TO BE, DRAINED. Commencing at the intersection of Victoria Quay and Cliff-street, thence northeasterly for about 500ft.,. thence ·~south-~ easterly to. the southeastern 'alignment' of Phillimore-street, thence southerly through privau e property to the oentre of Highstreet,' thence westerly to the PremantleTama nn Anmireb re nilr line thenc

southerly along the railway line for about 200ft., thence westerly for about 125ft.. thence north-westerly for about 400ft., thence north-easterly for about 260ft.. thence northerly to the railway line at the rear of the Harbour Trust Offces, thence north-easterly to the point of commencement as shown on Plan P.W.D., W.A., 15342, Drawing No. 1. THE TIMES WHEN AND PLACES AT WHICH THE" PLANS, SECTIONS, SPECIFICATION. AND BOOK OF BEFERENCE MAY BE INSPECTED. At the Office of the Minister of Water Supply, Sewetage and Drainage, for one month on and after Deceinber 23, 1910, bebetween the hours of 10 a.ni and 3 p.m. (Sgd.) H. DAGLISH, Minister of Water Supply, Seweraee and Dminare. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. LAND and INCOME TAX ASSESSMMENT AOCT, 1997. Form F. NOTICE to MAKE RETURNS. INCOME TAX. Notice is hereby given that every persoa liable under the abovenu med Act to make any return of income is hereby required to make sad furnish to me, on or before' WEDNESDAY, the 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1911, a RETURN in the prescribed form of the AMOUNT and PARTICULABS of his or her INCOME for the year ended the 31st December, 1910. together with all prescribed details relating thereto. LAND TAX. Notice is further hereby given that every person who was on the 31st December, 1910, the owner within the meaning of the said Act of land in Western Australia, and who is liable under the said Act to make a return, of such land, is hereby required to make and furnish to me on or before WEDNESDAY. the 1st day of FEBRUARY, 1911, a RETURN in the prescribed form of the I DESCRIPTION, SITUATION, and VALUE of suoh land, together with aHll prescribed details relating thereto. Penalty for not furnishing return, £20. Penalty for' making false return, £100 and treble tax. NOTE.-Taxpayers are required to ebtain the return forms for themselves, which they may do at the Taxation Department, Perth; at the principal Land Offices (except Perth), at the principal Treasury Offices (except Perth), and at Police'Stations in the suburbs of Perth and other places throughout the State, as the case may be. Forms will not be posted to taxpayers unless a stamped addressed enveloped is forwarded to the Commissioner of Taxation, Perth. All letters, packets, etc., must be addressed to '"The Commissioner of Taxation, Perth," and must have full postage affixed. Short postage will be charged to taxpayers. Dated at Perth this 16th day of Decem. ber. 1910. E. A. BLACK, Acting Commissioner of Taxation.

PERFECTLY MOULDED FIGURES. ANOTHER MEDICAL DISCOVERY. To get out of condition is detrimental to beauty of form as well as to health. There is a certain flatbiness which robs a good. figure of charm and grace. -Those who are' beginning to grow fat rapidly are never m the pink of condition. But here medicail science has slipped in with a very wonderful remedy-one which not only restores a perfectly moulded form, but renews health and"' strength. We give the recipe in full for the benefit of our stoutish friends :-One~' ounce of fluid extract of glycyrrhiza, B.P., one ounce ot pure glycerine B.1'., one haglf: ounce of Marmola, and peppermint water to make six. ounces m all. Any chemist will make up this prescription or .upply you with the ingredients, which you can mix yourself. The dose is two teaspoonfuls after each meal. The great virtue of this harmless remedy is that while the excess fat is being expelled the person under treatmen - --as a healthy appetite and does not need to study dietetics or go in for tiresome exercises. The whole system is "refreshed" sod.invigorated, the blood renewed, and musa.., lar development restored. LOVERS Of a good Smoke At Xmas Time, Ask for LONUS, 2oz. Tins, 1s. TIE "DOCID? 'S" MIXTUR? .