West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 26 November 1910, page 1

t SHIPPING. S ~. P H 'Y; R. SATURDAY.i-10.15 a.m., to s.s.- Kanowna. Zephyr tranships Passengers and Cabin Baggage:direct 'along~id Steamers.at Fremantle. -Fare, including Cabin. Bggaggage or return, 2es. Tel. 748. p. and i -0. : i YAL MAIL S STEAMERS. -For MARSEILLES, LONDON, INDIA, Etc. Moldavia, Nov. 28. -Mantua, Feb. 6 1911 Mongolia, Dec. 42. ; Malwa, Feb. 20, 1911: orea;'Dec 26.. I Macedonia, Mar. 6, Mooltan.'Janj; 9 '1. 1.| 1911: China,.Jan. 23, 1911. India, iMar. 20. Rates of Passage Money on application. Return Tickets can be issued .for. return journey by P. -and O. Branch Service, via sho Cape. All remittances to be sent to the Perth 0ffic For EASTERN STATE . Mores, Nov. 22. 'Mantua, Jan. 3. "Mooltan;' Dec: 6. Malwa.- Jan. 17. China,' De; c.20.: 3acedonia,~Jan. 31. . Prooeedini .to New Zealand. LEWIS' PLUMMER. Agent, Perth. P. and 0. ROYAL iMAr. STEAMERS. HOMEWARD PASSENGER SEASON, 1911 . CORONATION. YAR. ' ' For MRSEILLES, LONDON. INDIA, Etc. Steamer. Tons. Commander. ese 1911. 'Mooltan . 10,000 R. L. Haddock Jan. 9. China 8,000 E. Street Jan. 23. "Mantua 11,000 F. W. Vibert Feb. 6. "Malwa 11,000 E. F. Daldy. Feb. 20. 'Macedonia 10,500 C. D. Bennett March 6. India 8,000 tL S. Bradshaw March 20. Moldaia 10,000 E.H. Gordon April 3. 'Mongolia 10,000 C. F. Preston. Arl 17, 'oes 11,0 W. L. Broun May 1, 'Mooltan 10.000 R. L Haddock May-15.. 'Twin screw. All steamers 8tted with Wireless Tele. graphy Owing to the great demind for berths in the Eastern States, intending pasenuAer are requested to book early to nale them to secure the best accommodation. LEWIS PLUMMER, Agent, !Peth. , H ONASTERY. Grounds. Estate. sitiuate Sr on the Heihts of North' Perth, commanding views of Perth and River. Cool breeze in summer: war in winter. Picturesque views. Charming?'homiesall round this estate,:. and facing the. extensive :rounds -of the Monastery. One' minute' tram. Submitted to: Public Auction.'Next Wednesday Afternoon -on: the grounds; at 3 .o'clock. See Auction Column. G OSNELLS LAND SALE TO-NIGHT. BARGAINS. -

U, clLWRAITH McEAGCARN, and- CO. .L. -PROPRIETARY; LTD. Circumstances Permitting,. STEAMERS of 'his Line will uEAVE FRE MANTLE as under:For- S.S. WOLLOWBA ALBANY (Omit Albany and Melbourne). (Passengers only) THURS., DEC. 1. ADELAIDE, . New MELBOURNE' '?'.S.S. ?AROOLA, and 7,391 Tons, .SYDNEY EAT., DEC. 17, At Noou. (Translipping for all At N Queensland 'Tas- T.S.S. KAROOLA, manian, and New Zealand Ports;. SAT., JAN. 14, 1911. For .SS. WOLLOWRA, GERALDTON S TUESDAY, NOV. 29. FARES by WOLLOWRA. Saloon, Steerage. Single. 'Return. Adelaide... 51.5 0 8 8 0 3 10 0 Sydney ..... 90 0 0'1310 0 5 03 -New twin-s:rew steamer, having luxurioes. accommodation for. First 'and, Second Saloon and Third Class Passengers (Third Class consisting.of 2, 4, and 6 berth cabins); private suites-de-luxe, gymnasium, etc. \Passage Tickets interchangeable 'with other Inter-State" Companies, subject to .conditions ascertaicablo on application: Coal. best large and small, loose or ''n 'bags, always in stock. .Apply Mcllwraith, ? McEacharn and Co. Prop., Ltd., 105 St. George's.terrace (next Palace Hotel), Perth: 27 Phillimore-street, Fremantle; Lower Stirling-terrace, IAlbany; and Dalgety and 'o., Ltd., Kalgoorlie; 0. F.. J Hall, Co6b?ardie; Burns, Philp and Co., Ltd., Geraldton: and Thos. Hayward and Son, Bunbury. THE ADELAIDE STEAMSHIP COM. - PANYTY, LTD., Will Despatch Steamners (eii umstances permitting) from Fremiantle. MAIN INTER-STATE SERVICE. Albany. transhipping for S.E:,Coast xorts. S.S. KANOWNA, S(Passengers only.) THIS DAY Adelaide, transhipping for 'all other (SAT.). e.lbd ports.. At Noon Sharp. Sydley. transhipping for Brisbane and S.S. WOLLOWRA, all Queenslami,n N.Z., and Tasn' THURS., DEC. 1. gunmana ports. 'Fitted with refrigerators. FARES%y WOLLOWRA and MIARLOO. .Saloon, Steerage. Single. Return. s.d. 'E £ s.d. E£Ad. Albany .. .. 115 0 210 0 1 0 0 Adelaide. .. 5 5 0 .. 8 8 0 3.10 0 Melbourne . 7 0 0 10.10 0 4 0 0 Sydney .. .. 9 0 0 1310 0 5 0 0 Passage Tickets- interhangeable, with other inter-State .Companies on terms and conditions ascertainable on application. * Perth.-Througb Bills of Lading issued. N.W. MAIL SERVICE and COAST TRADE.I eraldton Jetty. THE R.M.S., ?.Sharks Bay, Denham ?nechorage, KOOMBANA, 'Carnarvon.Jetty, . Ashburtbn Roads. For WYNDHAM Cossack ,Roads " P , Pt.:Hedland: Jetty. r.' fermipal" Port), Broome-Jetty;. Derby Jetty - . 'i all Ports, rWyndhai Jetty , (For Taiami Gold THIS DAY (SAT;), fields-'' and Po Darwin). -At 9 p.m. SOUTiH COAST MAIL, SERVICE. SS.- FERRET leaes Albanj tfor Esperiance Bay- is?Ports and back, .Wedneday;, 30h. CO5YAL, TRADE. '-"Best; rgae! 8feam, B?,ai'i Gaa;. Houahbld. adSiti:.Siii?.-Coa'l;. -?-l?Besi Purified Coke, always available ishdre. -Apply to the Company at. Port Hedland. Geraldton, Albany: EMAINUEL BROS., Ltd. 'Perth?. STODART'; and ; CO.- IXal-' eoorlie: arnd ADELAIDE . STEAMSHIP COMPANY, 'LTD,, FREMANTLE (Registered Offe in W.A.); -or Agents at. all other Ports. owAn SMITR LINE. STEAMERS LEAVE FREMANTLU '(Circtstancea Permitting)- ' For-ALBANY. ADELAIDE. ` S.S. MARLOO, ?D'd . DEC. 15. .DNEY - . (To 8s. . WOLLOWRA, mania, and ,New DEC. 29. Zealand-port). For GERALDTON D .5. MARLOO, -I, DEC. 13. FAES ,by MARLOO and. WOLLOWRA. Saloon, Steerage. ' " Single., Reirn. £ a. d. - s.d. £ s.d. Albany'.... 115 0 2 100 1 0 Adelaide. .. 550 8 8 0 310 0Me.bourne.. 7 00 1010 0 4 0 0 Sjrde. . . 9 10 0 '13100 5.O0'0 PERTH CARGO.-Througlh Bills cf Ladin isssa. SPasasge Ticket. internbangeabl rwith other interStats companies,' subjet to conditiolna ascertainble on application COAL.-Best New South Wales LARGE Al\HOUSE, ENGINE:" and SMALL COAL delivered loose or in baas. 'Beat BLACKSMITH'S COAL asppli ; any uantity do. liara. Ring Up 1 or 83 or HOWARD -SMITH COMPANY Ltd. :Phillimoreastset PrFauntlis. Phono "3. . Perth Agents: BEN ALLEN ?a? CO..

St. George's-terrce, Perth. * Agences 'Phone 177. Agencies-at Kalgoorlie. Geraldtoa. Ban bury,;and Albany. N:. D. IMPERIAL:GERMAN MAILFor LONDON.' ANTWERP. BREMEN. Via Colombo. Port- Said. Naples EGaoe, _ - ._ Aer. lA5iers.. .Brsame. Dp 'L. Grosser Kurfurut, isten. sa.=10. . Ar?,Apl 4.'. " asiseasa' Fel To. ISevd.it. May' 2. Barbaeo, Mtirch 7. I ?charnhoret, May 30. Reduced Saloon Pares to Loadon.--Firat SeoonS .£66; roeturn; £99. Second Saloon, £38 s.; return. £57 15x Third C £15; Naples, Genoa. £14 la. , For EASTERN STATUZIEPEN, DECEMBER 5 1910. ;General Agents for W.A:: 1. RATAEZZI sandCO.. Perth aqd Fremaila. HUDDART, PARKER LLNE. For ALBANY,' ADELAID E, *S.S. RIVERINA, 'MELBOURNE, SYDNEY, I SATURDAY; .Transhipping for. all - Queenland; New DECEMBER 3, -ealand and'Tasmanian Ports. At Noon. "Passengers only. - .EXT SAILING-DECEMBER 31. Passage Tickets interchangeable with other Inter-State Companies, subject to conditions ascertainable at our office. DALGETY and CO., LTD., SAgents. for Western Australia.. / .."COOK'S" TICKET enables,. ,ou to lL TRAVEL all the time with DIGNITY, and d CONFIDENCE born of the knowlede that WHEREVER YOU MAY BE you will invariably: find yourself WITHIN HAIL of a representative of THOMAS. COOK and SON, at your service without.extra cost. HUNDREDS of PASSENGERS on route to various parts of the world, apply from time to, time for. information, apologising for doing so, and expressing regret that they did not book at "COOK'S." CALL and HAVE A-CHAT if you think of travellin . Obtain a copy of Cook's Gazette, giving' the very information -you e uir e. HORACE P. THOMAS, W.A.- Correspondent, ~ William-street 'Perth; 27 High-street, Fremantle. JT. RMOULLIN and CO., TD., Customs. EJ . Shipping, .and Forwarding Agents end General Carriers. Prbmpt'Delivery. guaran. teed. ?Goods forwarded to all parts of the world.: Head office, New Zealand Chambers, St.. George's-terrace. Tel 791. Fremantle -Office_.Clih.Cltamberp, Clif-st. Tel. 127.'

.MELBOURNE STLEAMBISP COMPANY, 1'L LIMITED. For ALBANY, V 'Fast and Favourite Transhipping for S.S. KAPUNDA, S.E. Ports. ADELAIDE, ' DEC. 8. MELBOURNB, (Omits Albany.) SYDNEY, J S. MONARO. NEWC(ASTLE. DEC. 28. FOR BUNBURY, S.S. KURNALPI BUSSELTON, (without transhipFLLNDERS BAY, Sment). ALBANY, Carrying Passengers. HIOPETOUN J.. DEC. 5. "SS. KURNALPL STUESDAY NEXT, GERALDTON I 29th: Cargo received Mon-. DIRECT, day and-Tuesday. S/.S KAPUNDA. DEC. 5. FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION. INSPECTION INVITED. Third Saloon Fare. Clam. Single, Return Single. -Albany .. .. 115 0 ..2.10 0 1 0 0 Adelaide:. .. 5 5 0 .8 8 0 3 10 0 Melbourne ... 7'0 0 10:10 0 4 0. 0 Sdney .... 9 0. 0 1310 0 5 0 0 Newcastle, .. 910 0 14' 5. 0 5 5 1 Round trip, Fremantle to Gelditon, £3 10s. Excellent Passeniger 'Accommodation in both classes. Saloon deck cabins amidships. Passage tickets interclingcablo with all Inter-State Companies, subject to conditions ascertainable at office. Passengers can return from Geraldton by Singapore and N.W.. Steamers. PERTH CARGO.-Through Blls of Lading, issued to and from.:. COAL TRADE.-Best Newcastle HOUSE, ENGINE. and BLACKSMITHS' COAL SUPPLIED. Spply Hcad.OBce ~A.,..Cliff-street,. Freo mantle (Tel. 135), or 45 St. George's-terraco, Perth (Tel. 916),.or Agents at all ports, and Maughan and Gurner, Kalgoorlie. MELBOURNE STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. FAST and FAVOURITE S.S. KAPUNDA (Captain Neale). SPECIAL CHRISTMAS TRIE Leaves Fremantle December 8. Arrives Adelaide December 13. Arrives Melbourne-December 15, 'Arrives Sydney December 18. Early Application Necessary for Berths. A.U.S.N. COMPANY, LTD. ,. The Magnificent New Twin-screw STEAM. ERS of.the Line will SAIL"as under (circumstances permitting) for ALBANY,' ADELAIDE,. MELBOURNE. SYDNEY. and all Quieensland, Fiji. New Zealand, and Tasmanian Ports (transhipping at Melbourne or Sydney):- Steamer. Tons fCommander Fremasntle. , This Day KANO'NA 7.000 . Watt. j(Saturday), 'Noon sharp. KYARRA 7,000 ]:.Osborne. Deceiber 10. KANO'NA 7.003) ,.Watt. December 24. ýYARRA 7.000 M. Osborne. January 7. No cargo taken atFreinantlo for Albany by the.Kanowna or Kyarra. ' -Intercbange'of.Tickets.-Tickets are inter changeable with .Inter-State Companies Conditionsaascertained on application. SAgento for the "ALL-RED" ROUTE to London and SUNION CO: of N.Z., Ltd.. Perth.-Thiou hi Bills eof Lading issues from Eastern States to Perth; "and vice versa Fpr. particulars apply A.U.S.N. COMPANY. Phillimore-street. ' Fremantle: or W.A Club- Chambers, St. George's-terrace Perth; Stodart,"d Co., *iP' -oorlie; or Transport ,:-acit?? n;r?. c Coogardie: . Hayward and sou. unburyj- . M--l C4ANADIAN - AUSTRALIAN LINE -: . .(Tho.All-Red. Line)., SAILINGS AS UNDER:" j DECEMBER 19. . And at 28 Days':- I tervals Thereafter. Cheapest andiMost Direct Route to Canada anidd United States. ROUND THE WORLD RATES: First Class, £143;. Second Class,. £82. Further particulars. A.U.S.N. COMPANY. LIMITED, Perth and' Fremantle; S And T. STODART and CO., Kalgoorlie. W .A.S.N. OMPANT. 'LTD.-OCEAN S.S. COMPANY. LTD. UNITED SERVICE. FREMANTLE, via NORTH-WEST PORTS, TO "JAVA and SINGAPORES.S. CHARON.SUNDAY, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER-27, At 10 a.m. For -Geraldton, Carnarvon, Onslow Roads, Cossack Roads, Depueh Anchorage, Port IHedland. Broome; Java. (Sourabara). Singapore. S To be followed by S S.S.'MINDEROO, DECEMBER 11. Will call at Brown's'Landing, Sharks Bay. DALGIETY and CO.. LTD)., Agents for.- Western Australia. SPECAL . EXCURSION '.TRIP8. * JAVA and RETURN via EASTERN STATES. In connection with the Royal Packet

the InterState Steimship Companies, the West 'Australian Steal Navigation Co., Ltd., and the Ocean Steamship Co., Ltd. Joint Services. have: made arrangements to ISSUE Saloon Tickets from Fremantle to Soura. baa, available for return by the Royal acket Navigation Co. to Sydney, and'thence to Fremantlo by inter-State steamer. Fare for Round Voyage, £40. DALGETY and CO.. LTD. Fremantle. Perth, and Kalgoorlia, A LBERDE-N:. LIN-E,. :FREMANTLE,. ,. DURBAN, CAPETOWN, TENERIFFE; PLYMOUTH; and LONDON. ONE CLASS ONLY. ONE CLASS ONLY. S.S. SALAMIS leaves Fremantle on or about December 16. The notice of intending passengers is drawn to. this steamer, which has been saa. cially fitted to carry ONE CLASS ONLY. ONE CLASS ONLY. Magnificent Accommodation in{ Two, Four, Six, Eight, and Ten Berth Cabins. Early Application Necessary; Return .Tickets aro Interchangeable with the steamers of the P. and 0. Branch Service (late Lund's Liie). DALGETY and CO., LTD., Agents; Perth, Fremantle, Kalgoorhle. W HITE STAR, LINE. Twin-acrew Steamers LEAVE.. ALBANY EVERY. MONTH For LONDON. via DURBAN and CAPE TOWN. NEXT SAILINGS: On or about-SUEVIC (12,000 tons).-DECEMBER 5. PERSIC (12,000 ton).--JANUARY 2, 1911 Installed with "Marconi" wireless tele. graply, also submarine signalling apparats.i Free rail, fares (eecond.class) to Albany from Perth and Fremantle only. DALGETY and CO.. LTD., Agente or Western Australia. BAGGAGE NOTICE.--I. GRAVES and CO., Baggage Agents, Carriers, Stor. age Agents. Head Office for WV.., Phillimore-street, Fremantle, opp. Customs House (TeL 43). Perth Office, 213 Murray-street (Tel. 1415). Authorised Baggage Agents to the P. and 0., Orient..N.D.L., N.M., Ad. laide S.S. Company, A.U.S.N. Compaay and all other companies, Customs Agency, through Frank Cadd Company, Ltd., Eis?a. ad Customs Agents. Perth. and Freusal.a Bample Rooms; Fremantt e SA LL Mothers should- know that Top-not Ointment and Top-noet Soap will keep their children's hair- free from those nasty little' things.". Price' :Is. each. Trouchet, French chemist, Pc.th. MAT HEW'S BLOOD PURIFIER, J tI

UEIPPINf. O RIENT . LINE. For PLYMOUTH and LONDON. Via Colombo, Napes, and Marseilles. tOtranto Dec. 6. tOrsova Mar. 14 tOtway Dec. 20 tOtranto Mar. 28. tOrvieto Jan. 3 tOtway April 11 Omrah.. Jan. 17 tOrvieto Apri' 25 tOsterley Jan. 3L Omrah May 9' Ophir Feb. 14 jOsterley May 23 Orontes Feb. 28 tNew "Steamers, ,12,000 Tons. All twin-screw, fitted with wireless tele gralhy. FIRST and SECOND SALOON to LONDON.-Fares on application. Third Class, London, from £17: Naples and Genoa, £14 10s. For EASTERN STATEStORVIETO, NOVEMBER. 29, at 1 p.m. T. DAY, Branch Manager, 105 St. George's-terrace; and at Fremantle.. MIESSAGERIES MIARITIMES. FREMANTLE to MARSEILLES, Via Colombo, Bombay, Aden, Suea, and Port Said. Passengers Booked to London via Paris. F.M.S. ARMAND BEIIIC, On or About DEGEMBER 7. Fares to Marseilles. £24 4s. to £78 28. FREMANTLE td EASTERN STATES and NOUMEA. P.M.S. NERA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER '16. Special Reduced Fares, including table inesa Inter-State Return Tickets, First and Second Class, interchangeable with P. and 0. Orient, and'N.D.L. Co.'s. Special Excursion Fares to Colombo. DALGETY and CO.. LTD., Agents. Fremantle, A.uan; Kalgoorlie, and Emanuel Buildngs, Perth. S T O .B G E. S McCORMACK'S FREE STORES. Established 1887. Tel.. 557. LOWEST and CHEAPEST RATES Charged for General .Merchandise,. Machi nery. Produce, Furniture, Luggage. PERTH FREE STORES, Wellington-st. W., opp. Railway Yards, Licensed, Customs, Ship. ping and. Forwardin. Agents, General Cu nets, Merchandise forwarded to all parts of tSh world. GEO. TURNER. Manager. AZUBSRXENTS, STAR SKATING RINK. Direction of Victor Picture Co., Ltd. Business Manager .. .. Victor J. Newton. AN IMPORTANT PRELIMINARY MANAGERIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. READ THIS, Then Tell Your Friends. VIC'S The PICTURES. VIC'S Acme PICTURES. VIC'S ' of PICTURES. VIC'S ", Perfection. ICTURES. FIRST PRESENTATION IN PERTH OF AN EXCLUSIVE ATTRACTION. The' Management of VIC'S PICTURES announce with considerable pleasure that they have completed arrangements with Mr. G. SPENCER, the Premier Australian Pictorial Caterer, for the First Presentation in Perth Of "THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES '"THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES "THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES Of JOHN VANE." - . . JOHN VANE.". .JOHN VANE." The Notorious Australian Bushranger. Being a true narrative of his career, illustrativeo of varied phases of life in the New South Wales: back country fifty years ago, in .which his experiences as bush boy, goldseeker, cattle-stealer, ?iid a member of the nTotorious gang of bushrangers, led. by Ben Hall, which teriorised the countryside inthe early sixties, are faithfully depicted. A TRIUMHANT .SUCCESS EVERY. .. .WHERE. Fresh from the Ringifl' Plandits of Australian Multitudes thast flocked tosee it in Sydney and Melbourne, where an `aggregate of upwards of ,a.quarter of a milhio persons paid for admission during its exhbiti. In addition to this Staple Attraction VIC'S PICTURES. presents. an ENTIRELY NEW. PROGRAMME of the latest. subjects, comprising-" SSublime Artistic Dramas! Exquisite and Glorious Seenics. Comedy Dramas. Glimpses into Foreign Lands. Educational 'Series. Laughable Sketches. Picture's and 'Music go Hand-in'Hand. In this connemtion the Management an,nounce with pride and pleasure .the Special. Engagement of SVIC'S VIG'S POPULAR-ORCHESTRA POPULAR ORCHESTRA to Supply Appropriate Musical Accompaniments for the Animated Scenes, In Addition to Introductory Overtures and Incidental Selectiqns. Popular 'Prices-To Suit Everybody. TOWN HALL,- FREMANTLE. VIC'S PICTURES TO-DAY, at 2.30. GBAND MATINEE and PICTORIAL FESTIVAL. TO-DAY, at 2.30. Children Sixp~inice to all Parts. TOWN HALL. FREMANTLE. Direction of .. Victor .Picture Co., Ltd. Business Manager...... Victor. J. Newton. THE MOST POPULAI ENTERTAINMENT "IN FREMANTLE.

AN UNPARALLELED SUCCESS SIn MOVING PICTURE ENTERPRISE ALL TASTES CATERED FOR' By VIC'S PICTURES.. • VIC'S PICTURES. VIC'S .PICTURES. VIC'S PICTIURES. - "Botter than the Best." ; Keeping to. our Usual Custom of a Complete Weekly Change '*e-have pleasure in announcmg at 2.30. TO-NIGHT at 8. TO-DAY at 2.30. TO-NIGHT at 8. A GLORIOUS NEW- SERIES A GLORIOUS' NEW SERIES Of Gems in Life Motion Photography of allRound Variety, especially -recommended sa an EDUCATIONAL TREAT: AN INTELLECTUAL ENJOYMENT. The Misterpieces are as under:-"A SUMMER IDYLL." "A SUMMER IDYLL." A PiCturesque Play of Rustic Simplicity. "The FLIGHT: from ANDERSONVILLE." "The FLIGHT from ANDEPSONVILLE." A True Incident in the Anierican Civil War. "DADDY'S DOUBLE." "DADDY'S DOUBLE." Most Delightful and Original Comedy Drama, Charmingly Played by Perfect Artistes. - "PICTURESQUE. SYDNEY." "PICTURESQUE SYDNEY." "PICTURESQUE SYDNEY." (Second Series). MagnificentViews of this Great City. AALASKA'S ADIEU TO WINTER." ALASKA'S ADIEU TO WINTER." A Beautiful Study. of Scenic Grandeur.i "ENVY." -An Exquisitely Coloured Biblical Subject. "NATIVE LION HUNTING." "NATIVE LION HUNTING." The Finest hporting Picturo Ever Screened. "A VACATION IN HAVANA." A Budget of Fresh and Original Comics. "FOOLSHEAD AS FISHERMAN." "SEVEN DAYS." "A RUNAWAY STAR." "TONTOLINI'S DISCOVERY." Specially Arranged Music and Accompani. ments by VIC'S POPULAR 'O~ICHESTRA. Conductor .. Wni. T. M. Hansen. Prices: Is. 6d., Is. and- 6d. Plan at Nicholson's ..A A PPLECIROSS'and CANNING BRIDGB '1 FERRY SERVICE.-Time-table. week 'days (Saturdays excepted): Leave Perth. 7.20-9.30 a.m., 2.30 5.30 p.m. Saturdays: 7.i a.m., 1.20. 3.5. 6.15. 11.15- p.m. Sundays:9.10, 11 a.m. 2.45. ,7 i.m. SUTTON and OISON. Proprietors .Tel. 512 MTMI HE' S -EYE LOTION.

N TOM INA TI ON S CLOSE WEDN8IDAY; NOVEMBER 30, For THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN TURF CLUB'S ANNUAL MEETING, 1910-11. FIRST DAY. . MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1910. CHRISTMAS HURDLES. A. handicap of 200 soes. Two miles. Nominations 1 so.,' acceptances 2 sore. W.A.T.C. PLATE. ndicap of 200 sovs. Six furlongs. * Nominations 1 soy., acceptances 2 soya. PERTH STAKES. Of 650 sors.; for .three-year-olds and up-' wards. Weight for age. One/mile Sand a quarter. Nommations 1 sor., acceptances 5 sors. WESTEBN AUSTRALIAN DERBY. Of 750 sors. For three-year-olds. Closed with 58 nominations. One mile and a half. Acceptances 9 sore. KARRAKATTA PLATE.. Of 500 soya. For two-year-olds. Closed with 49 nominations. Five furlongs. Acc? eptances 6 sors. HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP . Of 150 sors. Minimum handicap weight. 8st. Seven furlongs. Nominations 1 soV., acceptances 1 sov. SECOND DAY. WEDNESDAY, DECEBMBER 28, 1910. METROPOLITAN HURDLES. A handicap of 300' sovs. Two miles and a half. Nominations 1 sov., acceptances 3 sors. MAIDEN PLATE. Of 150 sors. For maiden borses. One mile. Special weighti. ~o6mintions 1 sor., acceptances 1 sor. PERTH CUP. A handicap of 2,000 sor,. Closed with 69 nominations. Two miles. Second payment 5 sovs., December 7; final payment 7 sors., December 14. .EPSOM HANDICAP. Of 200 sors. Six furlongs. Nominations 1 soy., acceptances 2 soya. SAPLING STAKES. A "iandicap'of 250 o)vs. For. ty6o-year-ods. Five furlongs. - roniianions'l 1sov., acceptances 2 soyas. MIDLAND. HANDICAP. Of 300 sos. One' mile.," Nominations 1 sor., acceptances 3-rovs. THIRD DAY. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1910. JUMPERS' FLAT RACE. A handicap of 150 sors. Minimum handicap weight, 9st. One mile'and a half. Nominations 1 soy., acceptances 1 sov. SWAN HANDICAP. Of 150 sors. Seven furlongs. Nominitions S1 so., acceptances 1 sov. RAILWAY STAKES. A handicap of 800 so?s. Closed with 16 nominations. - One mile and a quarter. Second payment.3 sona., December 7; final payment 3 sors., December 14. WELTER HANDICAP. Of 150 sove. Minimum handicap weight, 7st 71b. One mile and a furlong. Noininations 1 sov.. acceptanoes 1 saor. ALL AGED STAKES. Of 400 sora. For two-yesrolda and r~pwards. Weight for age. Seven frrlongs. Nominations 1 soy., acceptances 4 soys.

Of 200 sors. One mile. Nominations 1 soy., acceptances 2 soys. FOURTH. DAY... MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1911. CLUB HURDLES. A habdicap of 200 sove. Two miles. Nonmi. nations 1 sor., acceptances 2 seovs. FREMANTLE PLATE. A handicap of 150 sovs. Six furlongs. Komi. nations 1 soy., aceptanoes 1 soy. IMPERIAL STAKES. A handicap of 600; sovs. One mile and a half. Nominations 1 tor., acceptances - 5 sots. COMMONWEALTH HANDICAP. Of 200 soas. For two-year.olds. Six furlongs. Nominations 1 sov.; acceptances 2 esos. CORONATION STAKES. A handicap 6f 200 sora. For three-year. olds. One mile and a furlong. Normi nations 1 soy., acceptances 2 soya. FINAL HANDICAP Of 200 rors. Minimum handicap weight, ?st. One mile. Nominations 1 so., acceptances 2 sors. CONDITIONS. To be run under the Rules, Regulations, and By-laws of The Western Australian Turf Club. For further particulats apply to the Office. NOMINATIONS CLOSE WEDNESDAY, NOV?EMBER- 30. GEORGE HL WICKHAM, * Secretary.

K ING'S PICTURE GARDENS. Esplanade Foot of William-st. .WE RANSACK THE EARTH FOR YOU." TO.NIGHT, SECOND GRAND CHANGE Of the THIRD SUMMER SEASON. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT Present KING' PICTURES. Pathe's Animated KING'S PICTURES. WeeklyGazette. News KINGS PICTURES. from Everywhere. No. KINGS PICTURES. 80. Genevieve of ScosKING'S PICTURES. land, Ajaocia de .KING'S PICTURES. Bonvenato, The Heart KING'S PICTURES. of a Warrior, Fash KINGS PICTURES. oda, The Chinese PiKING'S PICTURES. rates, Unbroken Sea, KING'S PICTURES. etc., etc. ' KING'S KORUSCATING KOMICS, 3With THE "ALL-EFFECTS" MACHINE. KING'S ORCHESTRA, KING'S ORCHESTRA, In all Up-to-date Selections. Plan, Dease Studio. Reserved Seats, 2s., ordinary rates Is. 6d., Is., and Sd. STAR SKATING RINK. STAR SKATING RINK GRAND FARBWELL NIGHT. GRANLT) FAREWELL NIGHT. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30. "AU REVOIR, BUT NOT GOOD-BYE." POSTER, FANCY, and EVENING DRESS CARNIVAL. A MEMORABLE FINISH TO THE 1910 SKATING SEASON. A MAGNIFICENT and POPULAR PROGRAMME, Composed of the GEMS of the SEASONS CARNIVALS. Most Graceful Couple. Best Couple (plain Two Step). Most Graceful Couple (Plain Circular Waltz). Best Couple (New American Two Step). Best National Representation Costume. Best Poster Costume. Best Fancy Dress Costume (Lady). Best Fancy Dress Costume.(Gent.). , Best Local Poster (Lady). Best Local Poster (Gent.),, Best Sustaiied Character. Most Graceful Girl Skater (under 16 years). NOTE.-Anyone who has been or is at preent employed on any Rink NOT eligible for. competition. -PRIZES for.the above events now on view at HEALY and FONTAINE, TAILORS, HAY-STREET. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE PERTH GCITY. BAND THE PERTH CITY BAND (Under the baton of Mr HUGH McMAHON, the Famous Conductor), After. arading' the, City, will :inaugurate prpoceedings by reiderin' some of their SPECIALLY SELECTED ITEMS .at 7.45 p.m., on the centire of. the Riak Fldonr In ADDITION to the ABOVE, a FINE PROGRAMME of GENERAL SKATING. DOORS OPEN at 7 O'CLOCK. SKATING TILL 'IIDNIGHT. Admission (including Skates and Floorage), Gentlemen 2s.; Ladies 1s. STAR SKATING RINK. REE.MANTLE . OVAL.. R E"MA NTLE O V A L. FREMANTLE OVAL, TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 27. THE PERTH CITY. BAND. THE PERTH CITY. BAND. THE PERTH CITY BAND. Under Personal Direction of MR. HUGH McMAHON, The Emperor of the Coret. Late Bandmaster Boulder City Band. SGRAND PROMENADE CONCERT. PROGRAMME AT 3.30 P.M. 1.-March, "Departed Comrades" .... .: ................ .. (H. McMahon). 2.-Overture, "Bohemian Girl" .... (Balfe). 3.-Grand Selection, "Cavalleria Iusticana" . .... (arr. Hugh McMahon). 4.--Waltz, "Amaretanu" .. .. (Gmgl). 5.-Grand Selectin, "ong of Fame," . .. .... . .. (arr. Huh NoMahen). 6.--March, "Albany". .... (H. McMalshon). God Save the King. \ Come and hear the Grand Selections from

ravauersa nauxcaua. asu eunsa 0or iame, arranged by Mr. Hugh b MeMahon. Proceeds in aid of Frenmantlo Hospital and Ballarat Contest Fund. Admission d. to all parts. H. P. PARTINGTON, Bandmaster. A. H. BAILE, Secretary. qpWN HALL, PERTH. EMPIRE PICTURES. The MIRROR of the UNIVERSE. Direction .......... F. C. COTTRELL. THE EMPIRE PICTURES STAND ALONE. MATINEE TO-DAY, 2.30. LAST TIME. . . LAST TIME. TRIAL SPEED of the Australian Destroyer, YARRA. Received Last. Night with Tremendous Cheering:and Thunder of'Applause. CAN be SEEN at EMPIRE O\NLY. MAGNIFICENT and ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMME. PARKS of SANS SOUCI, a superb scenic Film. FORGIVEN, a Touchin_ Domestic Drama. LIFE in JAVA, a Picture of Rpyal Splendour. DAVY JONES and CAPT. BRAGG, Comedy. GORGES DE L'ARDECHE, the most Beautiful part of La Belle France. and absolutely the best Coloured Subject ever Screened in Perth. MOHAWK'S WAIF. an Indian Drama. WHAT THE DAISY SAID, American Bin. graph's very best. A 29-CENT, ROBBERY, Comedy. LIEUTENANT ROSE and the CHINESE PIRATE, the most Sensational Picture ever put through a Biograph Machine. Our SCREAMERS are SCREAMERS, and include:-The ,Man to Beat Jack Johnson, Fatty, Try a Bath, Tontolini Pays a Visit. etc., etc. EMPIRE ORCHESTRA, TE SEUL. SSecpre Seats Early. SPECIAL NOTICE.-The Management request Patrons to Watch this Paper for Startling Announcements. Remember, THE EMPIRE PICTURES CAN'T B.B. and WONT B.B. RETENEZ BIEN CECI. H. E. SEGUY. Representative. &YHEI\'5 MISACULOUS OINTMENT.

SAMUSEMENTS. Q U E EN' H AL L. GRAND MATINEE; 2.30 TO-DAY. GRAND MATINEE, 2.30 TO-DAY. WEST'S PICTURES. WEST'S PICTURES. Children'to All Parts, 6d. (Matinee.) 133rd COMPLETE CHANGE 133rd Includes a New, Interestinig Series of.' "PATHE'S ANIMATED GAZETTE" And American Biograph Company's Masterpiece, "A MOWHAWK'SWAY."r U E E N'S H AL L. __ Director".. ......... Mr. T. J. 'est. Manager for W.A. ...... Albert Clark. THE BIGGEST PICTURE ENTERPRISE IN' THE WORLD. THE SUN NEVER SETS ON WEST'S Best PICTURES. T?, S of PICTURES. WFT'S All PICTURES. THE WINDOW OF THE WORLD. TO-DAY,; 2.30. TO-NIGHT, at 8. New and Unapproachable Programme Direct front London per R.M.S. Morea, Includes the Following Gem Films:-The American Biograph Co.'s Masterpiece, "A MOHAWK'S WAY," "A MOLAWK'S WAY," Inspired by the Leather Stocking Tales - (James Fenimore Cooper). 'LOST IN THE SOUDAN"-Military Drama of the Desert. One of the most thrilling stories ever told on a, picture film. "PATHES ANIMATED GAZETTE"--With Topical News from Everywhere--"Football Flashes," "Clement Bayard's Wonderful Flight to London," "Royalty at Play," "General-Baden Powell Inspecting the Boy Scouts," 'Trench Railway Strike Incidents," 'The Crippen Case," etc. etc. '"THE DUMB HALF-BREED'S DEFENCE." "HEALING FAITH." "PRINCE FRANCIS OF TECK'S FUNERAL." "DAVY. JONES AND CAPTAIN BRAGG." And a Well-selected Budget of Comics. Overture and Incidental Music by , WEST'S . SPECIALLY SELECTED ORCHESTRA. Plan at Nicholson's. Reserved Seats, 2s. Prices of Admission, Is. 6d., 1s., and 6d. ING'S THEATRE, FREMANTLE. 1K Director ....... Mr. T. J. West. Manager for W.A......... Albert Clark.1 THE SUN NEVER SETS ON WEST'S PICTURES. WEST'S Best of All PICTURES. 'THE WINDOW OF THE WORLD." GRAND MATINEE, 2.30 TO-DAY. GRAND MATINEE, 2.30 TO-DAY: Children to All Parts, 6d. (Matinee.) 107th COMPLETE CHANGE. 107th. TO-DAY. 2.30. : TO-NIGHT, :at 8. MAGNIFICENT LONDON PROGRAMME, FII4EST EVER SHOWN IN W.A., Includes the Great Play, Adapted from Harriet Beecher Stowes FAMOUS AMERICAN STORY" Of REAL SLAVE LIFE?. "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN," "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN," In Three Parts, Nearly 3,000 .Feet Long. THE GREATEST STAR PILM EXTANT. BUILDING and-LAUNCHING Of the World's Maminoth Steamer,, the OLYMPIC, 60,000 Tons. Launch Successfully Performed in 62sec. Sole Rights of Mr. T. J. West. 'TATHE'S ANIMATED GAZETTE': Of Topical News from Everywhero-Avia. tions, Motorings, Opening of Boxing Season, Sensational Cesarewitch, etc. The American Biograph Masterpiece, "A MOHAWK'S WAY." "DAVY JONES AND CAPTAIN BRAGG," And a Host of Picture Attractions NEVER BEFORE EQ?IALLE~;''E '' WEST'S PICTURES, -THE TALK OF FREMANTLE. To be Seen at KING'S THEATRE Only. Overture and Incidental Music by WEST'S SPECIALY SELECTED ORCHESTRA.: Prices of Admission, Is. 6d., is., and Gd. ERTH CITY BAND. ERTH CITY • BAND. PERTH CITY . BAND. TO-MORROW (SUNDAY) NIGHT, NOV. EMBER 27j TO.MORROW (SUNDAY) NIGHT, NOV. EMBER .27, SAt SWELD SQUARE.• WELD SQUARE. WELD SQUARE. WELD SQUARE. Programme at 8.45 o'clock, after Church. 1.-March, "B.U.F.." .. . (H. McMahon) 2.-Waltz, "Prmnotionen" .. .... (Strauiss). 3.-Grand Selection, "Giiys of Sullivan".... .. (Ord Hume). 4.--Cornet Solos (a) "Lost Chord" (Sullivan). (b) "Killarney" .. .. ..... (Balfe). By Mr. Hugh McMahon.. 5.-Grand Selection, "Cavalleria Rueiticana" (arr. H. McMahon). Special request. 6.-March, "Washington Grey" .. (Grafula). God Save the King. Mr. Hugh McMahon has kindly consented to play two cornet solos, "Lost Chord" and "Killarney," and all who have ever heard his rendition of the latter never failed'to de. mand a vociferous encore. Owing to numerous requests, "Cavalleia Rusticana" has been included in erogramme. Collection in aid of Band's Ballarat Contest Fund..

Bandmaster. A. H. BAILE, Secretary. NOMINATIONS - CLOSE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28 For the WESTERN AUSTRALIAN TURF CLUB'S DECEMBER MEETING, SATURDAY, -DECEMBER 10, 1910. JUMPERS' FLAT RACE.--A handicap of 100 sors. One mile and three furlongs. Nominations, 10s.; acceptances, 1 sor. FLYING HANDICAP.-Of 100 sovs. Six furlongs. Nominations, 10s.; acceptances, 1 so . NURSERY HANDICAP.--Of 125 sors. For two-year-olds; Five furlongs. Nomina. tions, 10s.; acceptances, 1 sov. DECEMBER STAKES.-Of 250 sovs. Weight for age. For three-year-olhd and upwards. One mile and a furlong. 'NomiN nations, L sor.; acepptances,'.2 sovs.. MARLBOROUGH HANDICAP- (Welter).Of 100 sovs. Minimum handicap weight, 8st. -One mile. Nominations, 10s.; acceptances, 1 soes. YORK HANDICAP.-Of 150 sores. One mile and a quarter. Nominations, 1 soy.; acceptancce, 1 nor. CONDITIONS. To be run under the rules, regulations, and by-laws of the Western Australian Turf Club. I Nominations close at 5 p.m. on Monday, November 28, 1910. For'further particulars apply to the office. GEORGE H. WICKHAM, Secrctary. AUSTRALIAN FLEET. AUSTRALIAN FLEET. DESTROYERS PARRAMATTA and YARRA. PARRAMATTA and YARRA. Open for Inspection. SATURDAY at 2.30 P.M. SATURDAY at 2.30 P.M.S.S. WESTRALIAN.B.S. B.S. WESTRALIAN. SUNDAY, at 2.15 P.M. SUNDAY, at 2.15 P.M. S.S. WESTRALIAN S.S. WESTRALIAN SUNDAY, at 2.30 P.M., S.S. ZEPHYR SUNDAY, at 2.30 P.M.. S.S. ZEPHYR Will LEAVE PERTH Direct for the Austra.lien Fleet,, which will be Open for Public Inspection. RETURN FARE, 2s. ý AYHEW'S L _ I'E T.

AXi.USENZN . .T .S. Z:..E P ,H Y B, S.S. WESTRALIAN,' Will Run from BARRACK-STREET JETTY ' as unider:" 0OONLIGHT TRIPS. -MOONLIGHT TRIPS. . SUNDAY, 8 p.m:.iS.S. ZEPHYR. SUNDAY, .8 p.m.-S.S: WESTRALIAN. MONDAY.-8 p.m., .s.. Zebsyr. TUESDAY.-8 .p.m.. s.s. Zephyr. RETURN FARE, ls. YACHT fRACE. YACHT :RACE. SATURDAY. 3 P.M., S.S. ZEPHYR.' RETURN FAZE. 'ls. ` MANDURAH. MANDURAH. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 3, at 8 A.M, S.S. WESTRALIAN. -RETURN FARE. 10s. (Continued on page 9.) , , IesT 18 Your g D. [Prepaid Advertisements o.der this heading not exceeding eighteen words'one shilling; three insertions, two shillings and siape e.j IOUND'in my paddock, and now impound. I'. ed in my. yard at Cavershamu, 1;Red and White HEIFER. branded like -Z1 of side; 1 Red and Wjite:STEER, branded-like R.C.3. milking side; 1 .Dark.. ersey, COWO indistinguishable brand milking eside: 1 light Jersey COW, branded like P2.K.eoff side; 1 Brindle and White COW, :branded.like AS off side; "1 White and Red HEIFER,; branded like P.D.1. milkingside and like I.O.C. of side; 1 Red and White HEIFER, branded like 10c. off side; 1 Red and, White HEIFER' blotch brand of side; 1 Dark Jersey HEIFER, branded like ENO off side;' 1' Black and White HEIFER, ,branded like ENO off side. All brands on.rump. If not claimed and expenses.paid, within time allowed by law,:will be sold to pay exDenses. E. M, KERRUISH, Caversham, West Swan. ', VOUND, drifting Rocky. Bay, Punt, L: Owner can have same by paying ex. penses. J. Harmess, North Fremantle. MPOUNDED, Cottesloe Beach, Red and 1 White Heifer. 2yrs. old; blotch brand on off rump. W. Kenwortliy, Poundkeeper. TOST from Fremantle Wharf, on No, vember 7, from Toff the:Bremnen one GLADSTONE BAG, with clothes, -" Addressed M. 'KUHLMAI N, Pretantle. Reward. on returning to No. 8 Hutt-st., North Perth. TOST from near Merredin, one BAY ' STALBLION, medium draught, :'india. tict -brand near shoulder, 7GT ofE sholder." Rewapi for information that will lead to its recodery. Telfer's Store, Merredin. LOST, between Bayswater'ais Subiaco, 1 Black Leatler Pocket-book; contents, three refeznces, one. gold cross and chain. Please return to Bayswater Hotel; reward. R. James. Bayswater'HoteL LO ST, in Albany Bell's, Hay-St., opp. Salov's,, ivestone Emesid-"Ring, centre stone :missing. Please apply. .M. SHERRY, Australian Tailoring Co., 401 Wellington-street, 'Perth;' reward. SLOS between James-street and-Emerald i? Hin-terriaee, Gold Medal, insacribed "May Denman, O.aS.". Retuir 3 May-st., West Perth;.reward. LO? , between Belmont and Perth -Gold Curb Chain Bangle and "Padld4, -engraved "Yale Lock." Bewar: ''Mrs.;.'P. Bolger, Belmont. LOST, Bicycle, "West," free wheel'rand brake, mudguards, near Town 'Hall, election night; reward. 8 Tamar-street, E. Perth. OST, between Ventnoravenue "and. Outram-st., small Gold Cirb. Cha"in Padlock Bracelet; reward. Mrs. Couch, 1305 Hay-st. W. LOST, Letters, addressed to Benjamin, 96 Heytesbury-rd., Subiaco. Fider kindly return above address, enclosing finder's ad-dress. LOST, .'Prth-Fremantle-road, November S18, ,Crossbred Pug Pup, .named':Fido.; 10s. reward. Rosalie House, tram terminus, Subiaco. SOST, from Wanneroo. Black Mare, about L 13 hands, branded,5RG near ribs, white star on forehead. R. S. Coc~ man, mana. ger'for Messrs. Clarkson-Bros.; Wanneroo. LOST, "between; Hay-st, east and William. st., Lady's Gold Watch, keep1,ke. Reward on returning to 129 Wellington-et. L OST, Fox Terrier Dog,. nickel collar, pad. lock attached,,well-known private mark. Detainer, prosecuted. Reward. 39 Lake-st. LOST in Perth a Bunch of Curls. Liberal reward on returning to. Palace Hotel. LOST, Spaniel Bitch, brown and white, with disc, November.13, Mount N?g. net,, from Madrid Restaurant, Fremantlo. Finder handsomely rewarded. Apply -Frank Windsor, City Baths, Premantle. ' OST,. Delivery Book.., Finder please re turn. Donaldson and Collins, 48 'Essex-st., Fremantle:.LOST, LOST, on. Perth Railway Station, Parcel, r containing Gipsy Table Cover; 'Re. ward. Guildford News Agency. "'`TRAYED from 8 Emerald Hill-terrace4 Brown Spaniel Dog. Rewaid. *2 REWARD for recovery of Brindle Stag. hound, taken from Guildford, October 29. Thos. O'Grady, James-st, Guildford. BAROMETIERS and Thermometers for SErveying, Naval, Military, Sceutinu. Clubs, Public Buildings.\or for housenald use. - Now is the time to make your nur. chases. We have the finest selectiojls FROST and SHIPHAM, 629 Hay-st. ¶LEANIUNESS v. Dirt. "Berz," the 1 Instantaneous Straw Hat Cleaner. Simply marvellous.- 6d, packet. Guthrie'a Fancy Repository, Hay-st. NGAGEMIRT BRINGS,

Diamonds, Emeralds, Pearls, Sapphires RuLzes, etc. We dtock all Precious and Semiprecious Stoh?es, and shake anyecomn binat?oo on approval Best value in W.A. J, .-. TAYLOR'S JEWELLERY WORKS. 545 Hatreet, Perth. to be unmrpased drfor Quality, Beauty turalness, 'and Durability, the Set Teeth, £2. 10s. (10 years' guarantee), up plied by METROPOLITAN DENTAL'.O. PANY, the most colossal and progre dental . enterprise south of the Equator, Operators: Edgar H. McGillicuddy, R .S.V.1 II.D.S.W.A. (late Demonstrator in Proeost tic Dentistry, Australian College of Detise try, .Melbourne; Dr. Thomas Wilso, D.M.D., Harvard, U.S.A. (M.A.OC.D.' pri man and medallist Australian. College of Dentistry); aid Albert E. Ford,. R.D.S.V. and W.A. 788 and- 790 Ha?? treet. Perth. 'nearly opposite Poy and Gibson's. 7iOUND at Shine's Catholic. Art and .' Book Depot,' corner :Pier and -Murray streets; Perth, great Variety, 'Catholic Re quirements. IOUND,, the only Place to Obtain Sty. .?'rlish and Sensible Hats is Mrs. Glan. ville's, Market-street, Fremantle. See win. dow. . FOUND, that the best way to spend half a S dollar is to purchase a packet of Trouchet's French Herbs for Kidney and 'Bladder Troubles, 2s. 6d. Sold everywhere. NEVER mind why. Purchase "Bertel," . the instantaneous Straw Hat Cleaner, 6d. packet, from Walker's Supply Stores, grocers, Claremont. LOST, but never will be, forgotten, a boshter sore corn by the simple application of Trouchet's Corn Cure. 2s. Sold everywhere. OUR NEW COMBINATION FRAME, the "BI-MAHTSORF," is becoming a great favourite, and can only be obtained from FROST and SHIPIIAM. Vice-Regal Opti. cians. 629 Hay-st. f5 REWARD upon proof that "BERTEL" will not clean Straw and Panama Hats, BAIRDS CO.. Arcade, Hay-street. T OST. a Block of Ground in the Monps l tery Grounds Estate. North Perth, Please return so that it can be offered by Public Auction with others on the ground at 3 o'clock lext Wednesday Afternoon. HlE Bullfinch comes after "Bertel," the Instantaneous Straw Hat Cleaner. 6d. packet. Foy and Gibson, Patent Medicine Department. KY DO YOU DRINK - ". NO. 10? BECAUSE "ONE"-"OUGHT." T OST, all that Pain in the back, and that tired feeling, by taking Trouchet'a French' Diuretic Herbs for the Kidney :and _Blad?e?2. ¢6. Sp_1 ._Perp cr,