Camperdown Chronicle (Vic. : 1875 - 1954), Saturday 24 March 1900, page 1

BUg INESS_jiOTICES._ ___ __ I; to?fSi^lNl, -WINDMIUJ^-TAXKVEUMPS.iNVtohglitorgtlv^m^diron.1 * -TROUGISINOfWATERPIPES, BALL TAPS, and all fittings. SPOUTING, DOWNPIPES, RIDGING, and all Plumbing Requisites COPPERS and FR~^£ES, SANTDBOILERS, BATHS, TUBS^etcr.-MILK CANS, ST^AINERS,.J3L:CKETS, and all Unfls of TINWARE Tinned "ancTEfISIiTB-SA^^AV^S^XSSpsSjLJL^Z^l!^^.^ . MACHINERY and PATNT OILS.' ' ". BOLTSTai^STj^ll^ffCS, <=^ARTP^Spj^^-rg--Q-^ SALOON RIFLES, Single and Double:barrelled Breech and Muzzle loading GUNsfj fV| /\ Q Aeent for NATIONAL FJRE INSURANCE COMPANY.' ' „ BKY^N-BROS."-:<wiNDAni.L'S.Vi,v.V ■ -^■■'''t .:''**:'r-('! ! „ alston'S ' ' „ >?^i%-;;. ixii-Wr^:T.:/: ~ „ HORNSB¥-S 3; .,OIL:,,ENG;!^Ei?, .^L,OT|GHS fii .REAPERS and BINDERS, and all duplicated for same; .in.onfJiijqocnifriinsqaia 9dT -I. Harrisonv Qamperdowri, Plumber, Tinsmith, ironworker, Jqfer STEWART DAWBON i;.qO^^^*^^ No Middlemen's Profits. Save you 25 Yo 5O per:?Bt, Onlers tcc?hrf and ?l?p?lch?J <U ily, carrt.Ee paid. Iltatralrf Booklet, So pages, post free. WWor cill _~„ . r , „ „ No.Bfi6j oct. Gold, Amethyst and Pe?il?el N?.E 5^ oct- Gold E? and Lucky Bell . B&BI'*!' Brooch, 18/6. Brooch, 11/& .. _ iS^oT Wic'CoM Lone Muff Chiih.. pet. Col^f^; W ??. <?•* ' Silver, 15/6. double, ?U,J/- . Siii^^MoncEOP/ftHKrrtEPiciiiesi^ \ mire ininutp to u?o itriclitly, is tho secrtt of succe=s : bat yon matt .tote it, J<e?p —^ • ■ ji. ". ■? - . \<! ; F. C. RUSSELL'S NEW PREMISES —NOW COMPLETED.— : _ An Extensive Stock^^urm^^rf?^ELSnd F. C. milgELLf FDrifITUBE WAREHOUSE,,CAMPEBDOWN. §! MABVELLOUS, r^ ] SCRVBBO §OAP For WASHING CLOTHES, : .jCLEANSING All HOUSEHOLD >WORK.' , fia Ha! Hotting uSSXir -- • J 1 1 • - — "■ if 1

CRAKTfROfcr "; Bakers, and Confectioner^ CAFE NEXT BANK OF (VICTORIA, CAMPERDOWN, - -Tl KSPEGTFDLLTIi^ <to*thank *b?ir XX customers .for..the large .amount of support accorded them dunng the past three years, and to inform them that with a view of concentrating their business, and getting in the centre of their trade, that they have Closed tho Bakery Shop opposite Mechanics' Institute, and. Removed their' Stock to Luncheon Rooms at the above address, where a Larger Stock of Small Goodu of the best description will be kept. Tmprovenieuts will be made in the Tea Rooms, and " OURDAILY BREAD ? will ilflaj a be available. O~ Pleas? Note the Removal. —-*":.. craig"bros. Camperdown Carriage 1 -~„ factory. : , ~,.,, £. [KsT.usr.iHin'.D .40 Years.] ,■ WALLS ; GENERAL BLACKSMfTXS. \f linens bffa. dScriijtWjJttWiSgs \, ? "tingle ami* Double M&J c?b)tHi?, • Phtetonsj Dog.Carts, Jinkera,. Milk Wag/., jons.'ii-horse \V?ggoDB,.andiDiray?. V mj- -: ? A'lar^e-selection of wbil-seasoned Timber lud Materials kept in atock. ,•'■•••'■ >■■'■■>'■'.I ■• OnlyTir?t-claM nien/mfiall.'dapartm?nts: ; jmployed. ;, ~ .;..,. -.. ■■■. t. , ~t : ': ■Yebiqles, Bc/pajntc)},^^ and.Ke-trimme3,'in' :he Jiite^t stylo. ;',','.; '. -~,; ,'...'. 1 " , "-. V,i' ; Vj.j, ts :In the Undertaking Departmont.,.a, new md large selection of Furniture, and Oak joflins always on hand,. and prep?re<l on. ?e VKoVtesf riotice. <a i ■'''■ V? \J "xj s t ' Letters and telegrams promptly'attended to.-- •-■ -; Agent* for ;Tombstones and Monumental Masoii?. • ■ . . ■ . : - .-,- -;..;.: ; WALLS, t H<)RNE.r ; J. Jordan; PHOTOGRAPHBR, Of Warrnambool, HAS Taken tho Premises near Tulloh's Store, Murray-street, COLAO, where 10 has had erected an Up-to-date Studio, lid is now prepared to execute First-class irtistic Photographs. Enlargements a Specialty, being a Gold Medalist for this class of work. : : Old Photos, copied and enlarged. . "r JORDAN'S ART STUDIO,--, ..,-,■ ■ ■ ■ - ■'■.*...%, •' ' a Colac and Warrnambool. ' ; '■' BUTCHERING And Chaff and Corn Business, CAMPERDOWN. j FREDERICK WRIGHT, BUTCHER & CHAFF 4 CORN DEALER, BEGS fo request the patronage of 'the people of Camperdown and District, and trusts by strict attention to business, and 'supplying a first-cl?68; article, -to be' favored with a fair share of support. ■ MaJJITOLD-StKEET, CAMPEEDO^Tf. * (%%&* • ,^ dentistry" Smectsa the Best Test of Merit. STERIiKG .FACTS. SETS of ARTIFICIAL TEETH at Greatly Reduced Prices. ~ Consult R. W. MAXWELL, DENTAL SURGEON, HAY '.S^ B U I L D I $£&, . Many Local'Testimonials RecrtTftl. Fit, Flnteh, and QaaUty. Frig- CoviCLi^naKs Daily. i R. *MAXWELLjL*M-, m MAMMBBmCAL CHEMIST. Pi R KS C RrPTION S FAIXHFULii -ii] * bISF£NBEtC \i - .TniMM/jJSpmp?pfterfnmeti, Ac. SrECTACLES, best qnality 1 V KYH^iqHX^TBSTBD FRI E. ' HAY'S BUILDIKGB, .OAJIPtWC^ra. ..v , '-, .mill .-nf/S??A ,7. "? t

- );. ' PUBLIC NOTICES-^ /f';:7^ Stock ami Station A?cnt? t , SHEEP fie CATTLJLS^LESME^ H -Hid 14, THH OLDERFLIXP, MELBOURNE.' Ajjcncj at Cimperdown— Me rs John Thornton & Co. .Agency at Tcrnng— _^ % ??^ * Mr. Ronald Maccrao, Managoi. S. C VALENTINE & CO., Stock and Station Agents, SHEEP AND CATTLE i SALESMEN, GOUMERCI \L CLDIJ BUlLDljfcX Lo\?s N'rroniTrn Vacations Map&_____ , i Agcncj atTTcnng— ■ i ?-, >ir Ronald M'Crao, Mimgcr ' Agenc\ at Cimperdrwn — -Messrs' John Thornton & (So ftILLIAII S?OTT f , STOCK AND STATION AGKNT, VALUATOR, Land, l*ro|icrl>, Mwk,, general Coiiiinls?ii?n a?<l liiburaurt* it?<*nt. RITIU^KNTINO Pri??s ?!S, KO'.V! xMUH ?: Co, S'tjt \g >t -i-t^ bourne OFIIOi IULL\KIi>\S LOILDING*-, J.'R. HINDHAUGH, :j SHARE BROKER & COMMISSION ACEHT. CAaMPEtIDOWN. SHARKS Sold Pro*pectu=cs and all in formation regarding anj compauj in Daylosford or clscwhero procured if required. Orders for Split and Sawn Timber received at Lowest Rates ; delivered, at Railway Station. Leal Rgenlfor Mutual Life Association of Australasia, established ISG9 Fire Marine Plate Glass and Accident-Insurance. . - Fidelity Guarantee, Capital £500.000. £2,6o(Lpr™ E s £2,600 A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. DRUIDS' RfllMMi GRIiR And piiBOU^E HOSPITfILt BRZilfli EXHIBITION BUILDING, JIELBOUJBNE. EASTER WEEK, APRIL/ 1900. Proceeds to.Reduce th? Debt of £26,000 . trith wHch the Melbourne BoBpnal; i VALUE £1,500 v Ttni Prite, Valne £1000 Fir?t Pru? StoondPriie^YdueflOO. ~ ; Third Prize, Talue xa*. f r Gr?nd Cyeling CwniTal. Prizae £500..^ Intercolonial Band Contest,* PrHer£?X>. £2,600 IHBIZES £2,600. Tlit£s will bi to?.W^t?l ?><> ?g??BJ ; "Hwpital Bazaar, EihlWHon ???n?jf-J?lS!|ffJ?* or'(Sr?t from the Kon. Seodar? I?- ?■<*• " ??'"; .^i?" ? i-j; BREKAN.-Hoo. Secretary, (_,> I* C?ttairanajDr??niQ?<l-^?*s. CarUon,.Metb3o??. lUrm-mti^r—£l,oCO for U- Jl.OOOior U. ..Local, Agext— Mil. J. M. I'ETBB., u DENTAL SURGEON,-WISHES to intimate that bet now VISITS CAMPERfcOWN EVERY WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, and may be "consulted bn all dental allmeSU free. ' •■• Mr. ll'lntbsh may bo.consnltod at bis Surgorj*,_Fullarton's .Builduigs.', Camper-* r _jiMeoj^ i 1 Tho upper orlower seta pf Teetfilnpnlied by -liimi ranging in price from lhree Gu?^^o4V> ri~' ;s P<Wi?^i9 epyo J' b. eing simnlyporSet 1 in appdai-ancei'and as .reasonable in price as it is possible to make them, comp*tiblo, Vi-itb. finisli, usefulness, andstren?^sto^fpiffci-?:-. ,■■■'. Shmle Artificial Teeth7roraloB. ; _ -Teeth extracted as painlessly: as; ? poasible- by the aid of localapplicattons. i ' 'J^W'BlHdl/witKgoltljf;platinum,| and enamel, a . ■■■-..: .-■: ■■;■• f ■■■-~•"'•'■'•.^ I * It is well to remember that Decayed Teeth are rugponriblfr- for -indigestion, effenjis;q breath, and toothache; also marring tho pTrEoiTaVapmaTance, ajSa'cafelHg ?her Teeth to Vepyl Itf-}*- therdif<rd ,?bpnd economy toTiaveihem attended toxt qace. ' Discplpfcd T?ethsi?l?<l ??dWo?ohil4o tWicopgin^ ??l?r- ?ie Vw'?yftW, Uiat this discobraUou^ is fc frequently, fjie forcrnnner of?jlo?*y,- -4i?e. odriaOiiHr-ol having it attended to immediately is made apparent." Y>S_"j/^ <.'.-,' ■'''( • r r~'J Having had a. varied expewnoe ta London and tho provinces, Eugliind,.intqnding patients cajiMtep?iJ ?U^-iv^%%te?t science in denial iart. ' .. ••. .1- ", _ My object-in visiting weeidy is'that I may give more.c&Te and ?ttentton~ to "all cases. Monthly ■nsiti'aite aecld?dly m?l inconvenient for patients ImAgina -receivii'.Ctiiaaaee^lp|nclMgJthe>|*?th 'and having''to irait- one mouth,- or My-you fc?s?to?rtMh?. ~•.*?- f; \ki+jl U-£.i

f^l:--V";WW?:M^'t i. i, >;^.. ■1 -it: I ?X>WWfllVs! .:.. I'.': ,: MOORl&Oqi STREET, GEELONG. Yjtrl i^h 4 ~:v~i s*'i.;,T-^i"""j :*.?■(,„; '•-,'•' if f,, 'r. ■ ■■!.•.•;:>.•.-..■ •' i f Gmvoc, Saturday, April 7th; Terang, ? Monday, 9tlT;"Mort!ikeVJ Tuesday,' 10th;' Camperdown, Wednesday, llti; Colac, Thursday,- 13th. F. J. THWAITE3 kwmt win; WAtoaAMioof . Ne^t Vmf— Canaperdown, Wiggins 1 Hotel, Tuesday, April 10. - , , Tdraog,< IJ?vie'9i Hutel, Wednesday, 4fsffl.;^TEETll.' TEETH ENGLISH and AMERICAN DJENTISTRY3 wj, ) 132 Jfeill Street, Carlton . , fSiR. C. E!"HiLL, D.D.S., Ralto.,'Md. Ml) Artifesiiff <T^lhTTfull -set ff oin'£2 2s; Teeth Stopped, Scaled, and Eitraoted free from p?in with the aid of Cocaine, Chloride of Ethyl, .orriLaughing Gas. All work GiiAraatced:, All Operation* Painlew. . .. Camperdown andCobdeo regnWrly, and may >be consulted at Barby'? Leurkd Coffee Palace,;: > Camperdown, ,on Saturday, 14th^ApriL- •..->;<;■.„: ..--,■.,...■, ~, Patients may;be attended to at their owe hpmes by leaving addrexs a? above. Physic'Reader of Diseases -i! and Herbalist, OLIkpKRS BUILDINGS, No. 13, 312 X. '~ .Flinders Streot, "near Elizabethstreet,'; Melbourne; ' Diseases diagnosed without any information being supplied by the patient either at a personal interview or by patient forwarding a lock of their hiir -(cut off by, themselves) for magnetic examination. Cost, , payable in advance. Packets ;of herbs for all diseases forwarded through postb t any address, 2s •5d each. Visits Camperdami on a date to be named, Consulting Rooms — Hav's Commercial Hotel. Hours, 10 a.m. to 4.30 Reference to patients who have been cured given on application. E. C CLINCH I"TAS on hand a Splendid Assortment of CHRISTMAS & NEW YEARGOODS TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! In Endless Variety, and at Lowest Prices. Christmas Cards. Of Every Design. Cheap and Handsome. Articles specially suited for Christmas and New Year Presents. Illustrated Journals, Books, Magazines, and Annuals of every kind. MR. T. W. HANCOCK, SOLICITOR, Sec, •pi U hh A RTON 'S BOILDINO ■ Manifold Street", Camperdowk.' I Managing Clerk—A. GARLAND. CLEMENT C. SHUTER, • KOLItIIOR,Ac, Commiauoocr'. for Taking Affidavits Australian Colonies. ggQ.aujay vo x.js?rx> 3N good Freehold and Leasehold Sccur tie*, in large or small sums, at current rates of inteiest. " ' ' , , O^icls; \J _,; XulM& Street, Ouapirleva, AND COBDEN = and = TERANG. MR. E. L BACKHOUSE, '''' ' ' 'M.A., L.L.8., ! (BARRISTER AT-LaW), i Solicitor and Conveyancer i*O/WITRUBT MONEYS to LEND \)*d vHJV/ ?t 4 to 44 per cent, in larger or ■mallar satn^ou freehold secuntios. ' OrtlCEg: Removed to Fullarton's Buildups, (oppotite Mr. James Moodie'* office), MANIFOLP BTKEET, CAMKiOOWM. AU enquiries to bo made of Mr. R. W. lUi^elVChemistrCamperdown, agent for E. L Backhpase, who will arrange ?ppoint-1 FLOOD & HOLOEN, t .BARRISTERS avd KOLICITORS, CAMPERDOWN and MELBOURNE. I "? Rbiii>k<t Pamper: - MR. ( J. HOLDEN, L.L B. 1 . Office : i ~ MECHANICS 1 CHAMBERS, Ji. '• 'MaKIFOIA) StREET. All DtVt^ct.Courts, Attended. ti. TRUST MONEYS TO LEND DOYLE APICKEN §AIIUBTttS AM MUCITORS, f Gsnjo^o, CAtrtzttooyrs, akd Teuano, " Alt** IUQKEN \ Uita Camperdown e\ erj r JCfi^Tnesday,'Wednesday, and Satur day, ?fter'l2*t*B, and onCuurt days. '- T OjfSii-2-SttSIWbD'STREET > \<A > '* (Next.CHronWa Office). t1 fi Muhiy to Ibead, Urge and imall f um? t r?M *>i 'I '■ ' fll-J ■ I1 ".-1 I'r r i ?

' n '""wiucmng. , '/'' Tailoring - I'V' ... Tailoring. DfJAMES ARMSTRONG/. ' for Yun of J. and M. ARMSTRONG. M j, --? WMiMudbool* f TA£3I*ES to l*nk a* in Hi nit* AJ* cmm4mm lte<l DMA* far it* liberal PMbr?Mi *>?*de4 M? tiftMentvmencing tlii^^(|lr>, * , * - -EngJisif x <nd Colo?l?I Goods , " SmUtfe far / l ' 1 , ALL CTLAB 8EBI.' *•' "'* 3. A , haying a bag ./nperlMr*, turn guarantee that in dl orders entrusted to turn ''" ' '? *>' ' '~" '■""l!"' i / " ' feTYl* 'and1 Utf" ""' '' 1 W 1 ll > . r I i WUlinAaaNd. . <' ?/ PRICES' will also compare' ftvourfti>ly with,tho-p,of tie JtTfitft ! cmii*a of .the. colony - , 4} r f / Resilient of (amperdow? 4ad ?e district ?*o: rttpectiqll/ .requ^?^ t to.ta^ectr-ihe. j Stock and Prim List .before jtcau^ p?aer?; ; els*wher<>; iijv,- runs ;,i".r j^cft Worn" J.-.Z'' S _ i -rrf7? ■xn-t. ?Aad??iB-^-i:' .-•".* vi.">■ ni i>-, - : fi ' J^ew.Sh^p, Cpmmeroi?l Buildings. ,j'" ■. g ■ .i-);n-> -..1 -..i-,,." ..,<. 3 ...,,.■,■■ ~. -~ j J | VTS?;.ftl ijnji ; ,f.ii .vtihvi niTj)'..:;i i.^n^i t tmporUnt Notice to House:.' | , , , ■ -:-f '■•' * I ;i iio?s -joi : HOIQeTB. J .!>? "!ii *>;.ul A i i Ja*?-Jbfa?"JaJSl.llJa'flliy'i:^ ■• ■H wvis ?BJUi^.6.H 1 E i ?i?f _..,,?.. ?r"". f |;ST Hh'inHyg jiis'tli?toirlew and the public ; ■JL ,ceDer?lly for the' very' liberal."snpport Meorded'tp fliim:during the 'last five years, innouiicef'that lie is still here, arid supplf- ■ ing tlio'M:fy'"Beati meat obtainable, anci at EIEASOSABLE RATEB. /;:,;;;'; Dash 1 Oumcbsi'X" Spec3altty* at a ; Re-1 ' H! ATriai Respectfhlly Solicited.':! ■'' ■'."' ■"',_',","• .'Addmss: ■ ■"' '/".,.'.'.' :' E. D. ERBEY, Cobden Road. . ATROPHY IN MEN. A'asted' or shrunken parti of the Human Body ENLARGED and DEVELOPED to normal sue and rigor bj; the Vacntun Process. A wonderful inrention, instant benefit—a benefit that you feel, know uid admit the very first hour of its use. Strength. hA? ■ Vitality, Klflfcood. Losses, dnuns cease mR^Qw, *t once. DescriptiTe book containing tin* Tif idonbtcd avidesce of marvtUous cures by J&JjCT *** ▼Mnn>n''LFl> u*Be?><nt scaled free. 473 BOUBKE RSIKT, HILBOTJBMK. — AND — — HUSBAND, Builders, and Contractors. ALarpe Stock of rimber, Bricks, Lime, Band] Corrugated Iron (orb bi*nd), Ironmongery, Oils, Paints Colors and Paperhangings ""' ON HAND At ffivffst) possible Sates. Messageries Maxitimesi--"Melbburne "to Londou ;; via ; Colombo , and Pans. STEAMERS oft^OOO^s, under postal contract with the French Government, calling at Adelaide, Albany, Colombo, Ba?i and Port Said will be despatched MoSTHLY, aa follows;— ■-.■::■-. i^rJ'titiot ~ " .1 ~ !,| -' \ '/-- ~ . j Dates of Departure j iioon. 11 D,m. 1 p.nv, Armutd liehlc .. OoispeUer Mar.. 19:Mu.i 2S lUr. S4 AtMtnlMOvf■ ?i\ Verroe .. April lKkpM 19 Aptl H; VUle-de-la-CIoUt FUschl Kay HW 17 May 1? PolTneaien .. CberaliirUnne lliJTune 1* Jnneie. BaUvU, China, and.Japan. ..'_; "; ---; Parti|4'in?rft}i?4Jt?olJoa3 aMlndwg, table winet. •■- -•-*•.•' t Return tioiett^oi??ikbTjl|)r 12 month*' at reduced rate*. English Spoken Ifmm^ywnm?y eta U p4id hen for pM-j asd'Train Snrope. Liberal oooetmiotm to families ? N.B.— V+matpn' ln*g?ge conveyed In* 0 { coat boo Uhmillh to Ltmdoo by l^s"' ..OFTICES: .. V\UICKEST Stwun Boat* to EngUarJ %^ t Steamers leave Melbourne ?yerj t??i lOboya f | 8297 tons I Ketch* I Foh. 90 Ot-ma r i W>o 'i* Vette '' I'Mareh 6 Own** I ?37 „ L?kUtr?JUw*a() Ohnuz 6367 „ Livett April S O?UH.~1~82B1 „ Ruthvn|April y AndF?ftaighUyTh?wkft?? ' Oj First and Seooad Saloon Ratal to Ltd *#6%5-^ #*v* *<**% l_£r^S *• l * ' ? Jbtf *■£*<#*"•> Retain, £89 to £110. Single, &Hi+Mfa Btnn, £98 to **>j ADDRESS: ?H*teW? HuMtt^.-<fcl t n.;y-J .?lni<i|l> t l?4fc?Miev-nr ; 10."' S.I qo'ruji -ifiw .p/i-neij a 1 s i — '

fht;:;,\:"'.;■:::;■ :- _„ ... ~, • |M| : j^B^p^Cii.-'^ijl^^^^^^ ■■' ■■■■ *- , rf> •V^ *Mt^s3ffi%^rf^M^a^a^a^fce^a^a^Ba^aMMa^a^a^a^a^a^M^ *j^M^V^c;'"r' "* ■ .'^^k fe? ■ v3S:fiPi'Bt^' *!** 9MATHIIML ' MlH^^W^ " !|f^jf^^ ■;. /|y Those Qettlnf'UpJa'-yM^T^-'Rkwrt*.' ;^:.-^;"'JV;.^%; ---;..; &' W To Mr. P?lmw, Sole Aus^jkciin Ageat for sft2tS?Var IhaOolo?jr of' W r : :----■-■, ;------'-'-*^--,-,-.--,~^^v'victortm.'- ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■.',:' ■■■..-.-. • • uii ' 2C Dear Sir,—lt Is with great pleasure I testify to the taMtim&le valM of JKTO Webber's Great Herbal Remedy,Vitadatio. Per the tost foot yean I have W -m . been treated by doctors, the number of which I really could not tail, for a ra ... /M diseased leg, which the medical profetsios termed • rnnnliif alow, MM noM X. fjp ' ofthemcould curtrae. "What with medicines and professional atteadaaoedurtaf Wf /ft all those years, I spent a. good sum of money, for it was my pracUca to try all u> sj remedies I thought likely to do me good. Having beard of VITABATIO, W n* 1 thought I would give it a trial, and, to ray astonishment. I soon discovered Vr M\ that VITADATIO bad found the wtakspot,and?ftwtaking fixlargebottles' rfw i I found out it was going to work a miracle on me. I continued taking it, and :p Wk now, AT 69 YEARS OF AGE, I feel myself to be quite 1 new him. My SV JJL cure is veil known to all who live in the neighbourhood, and many cfj&J £m'j i ■ friends called to see me. I give this testimonial of ray own free win, to show jlf My the great power of VITADATIO, and also for the benefit of others who may Uf JJL suffer as I have.—Yours faithfully, ,1..' R- B. CULLEN. ' rf> I WONDERFUL CURE OF "BLOOD POISONING W X - Th? Greatest Blood Purifier of th? Age. 5E Jk To W. Webber, Esq., Launceston, Tasmania. - Ujf 2|C ' Dear Sir, —About eighteen months ago I was working at Qneenttowa, at tba JK ffik Mount Lyell Fitting Shops, and was taken suddenly with great pains In ray W A legs, which in the course of a few days became swollen to a fearful site. I _Cf Si consulted the doctor, and took several bottles of his medldat, and forffid I was W fljk getting worse, ?ad was then advised to go to the Hospital; to I made op my W mind to come to Launceston to see-what could be done. Here I Interviewed <to J? one of the local doctors, who kindly gave me an order for admission into the 19: n$ General Hospital of this city. -At this time my legs had swollen to such a w Ml distressing size that I was unable to walk, and so Mr. G. Witten, of Prospect, d> drove me down to .the Hospital, into which I was carried ont of the conveyance, W tjjy as I was quite helpless. For several weeks I remained in the above institution, yU JUk and was discharged no better than when I was admitted. y^ 2^ : The doctor said mine was a bad case of ".Blood Poison," prodnced, they W <r|j thought, by the sting of some venemous insect, and with inhaling the sulphur \|/ i|L and arsenical fumes from the smelting furnaces. My pain was so intense I m could scarcely eat or' sleep; had to be assisted in and out of bed, and conld W /l\ not get about at all without crutches or sticks. VU JtL In this condition I was advised to try •' Webber's Vitadatio," but could not f*y make up my mind for some time to do so; but at last I did, and bought three W 0S bottles from Messrs. Hattoh and Laws, chemists, of Launceston, and did not ybt jLI take any more for some time, thinking it was no better than all the other Jfo 4V9 medicines I had" tried; and then I made up my mind fully that the faithful W use of this medicine, which had done so much for other sufferer*, should ttft ilk decide my case; and I did not stop till I had taken two dozen in all. J^ W lam now delighted to say I have lost all the swelling and all the pain, for W Jf\ which my thanks'are due to the Proprietor of " Vitadatio." I verily believe this U^ j£t medicine has saved me from what certainly promised to be a life of great Cf? suturing, and it shall always have my strong recommendation to all I know in Vr J§\ need of a preparation to purify the blood, as personally lam of opinioa it has tiA A no equal. You have my permission to publish this in any form you choose.—l 3Z. CIV am, sir, yours faithfully, J. KENNETT. W 0k Prospect, Tasmania, August 9th, 1899. Ujf % WONDERFUL CURE OF ULCERATION. i& S VITADATIO CURES HIM, Read. W W -" ' --r- -~. Adelaide, 13th August, 1899. W jlk Mr. 8. A. Palmer. Australasian Agent for " Webber's Vitadatio." US j& . D?ar Sir.—l,wish to testify to the wonderful effect the Great Herbal ■W? Remedy; "VitadaHo" fiashad upon me. For some time past I have suffared . - /HS-- with Ulceration of the Throat, Tongue, and Lips. I have been oader medical -• \MJ it treatment for over eighteen months, in the Hospital three times with my com-VIS plaint. I have also taken various remedies prescribed for my complaint, but W Jr\ without relief. I was advised to try •• Vitadatio," which I did, with the result Mi jL that the Ulcerations have all gone :my health is also greatly improved, .and I Jfo Cl? thank you for bringing the great healer to Adelaide. You cam nuke what use W i|\ you like of this letter, and 1 hope my humble testimonial may influence some Clip £? poor sufferer to take " Vitadatio " —Yours faithfully, Jl% 4S V CHARLES E. HAFKR. W iii Witness—W. J. Fist, Rundle Street. W A\ " Vitadatio "Is Reco?nised as the Most Wonderful Medicine W| w the World has Ever Known. 3L JL VITADATIO is Sold Everywhere, ss. 6d. and 3s. 6d. X oj\ Head Institute: 47 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Sfy %€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€€# i LOCAL AGENTS—OULD & OAKLEY. 'i,?nuf.ctur t .l,oya l .,deC o? cU i > P ])ONALD MCLEAN rDriIPU PI) PfIR^FT (Late MLcan and Fewtrell), rntNun r fc# uUnoLiv- builder, contractor, & ?-?*? GENERAL IRONMONGER. ?SW? • rrjHESE CtlebratU CORNER Mfin "I* CORSETS ar? [if ; .b,o>utew without MANIFOLD STREET & GREBSV ROAD.. yp*f~ *'"" Wwal,* occupy tht \ Premier Poeltloti gCs\ In the 0on?? tr?di Every Description of y^V^-illl throuKhoutt^ > worll „ Iliiildinsr and Fencing: Material / f^^^^m They^v. bt.ti - Kept in stock At e/mMWmtW awardid LOWEST POSSIBLE TRICES. V -^BWyv • 10 GoLD Medals — V\ ii \j|*Wi V \ '"■ : *"?u'■'".' Local Agent for the London and Lanca\Jl "IPLCMES D' HO"KDI shiro Insurance Fire and ilarine Coy. 4|sffl|liliVj\ h" v^'obtained tke ESTIAIATES GIVEN, and General Work fllHrfS^vi^l HiEh*lt Hono<*> Executed Promptly. At ?h. iMt int.rnatlon.l ■"J-'SSfJ; DANCINGr. Varis, 1M?, the PD Corj?t gained th? Hle;H*at Poralbla ???"• . Obtainable from1 all Leading Draper* -m ?"ISS M. FIELDER desires to announce •7 .? of Imitations and .? that all CorMt. IVI that fihe will OPEN her DANCING *""* CLASSES in the Mechanics' Hall on 7th r 50l ,A0.?T?r0? AUITHAUAI APRIL. ■■■■.-. 7 BORBDORFF 4 Wf'!a^wUTrls*ST Ch?dren'B ?W3 ?? Saturday Afternoons. HOBIERY imd' CORSET yd&UZ?^ "~ "■" _ Warehousemen."'- M^9^ -f q f Kl , T| ■" :.... .^.■^,, J^iSlEp) Tailoring I Tailoring! r , •tarltnr <?) B*??t?rir ". ',' ' ~ ■■":••.- Bran* ?T M??Ury. '--■ .■•.... . -"■, .' ■ ■•;"••:•.... - - A. MARTIN, Notice Of KemOVal. tjeGS to announce to^thei Residents ot ■..,." ■ X3 Camperdown and RUtrict that he hae Pl7 A APTTTUQ PURCHASED the BUSINESS of Mr. J. , *• .ilil***^*Wl> 3 WooUe, and will carry on the same for the BEGS to announce that he has TAKEN future- -.: ,_ ; / ■:■:_■ a SHOP in Mr. Fullarton'a?uildings, A. M. has been for eight years, to the a Complete Mock oi GOODS at LOWEST PRICES. ' Ladies', Gent's-and Children s Boots FnsST . CLASS workmanship GuAaAKTEED. and Shoes. PATTERNS of every description cf His Boot and Shoemaking and Repairing COATINGS and SUITINGS to choose from. will be oarried on as usiml at the new — premises. " • A Trial Respectfully Solicited. He hopes to merit n. fair sharo of patron- • ■ . age. A. MARTIN, > ■ p_ p^ LARKINS TAILOR, &0., MANIFOLD STREET, IFULLARTON'S^BUILDINGS, C A M P E R D 0 W N. | Manifold Street,' Camperdown. Two Doors from Leura Hotel. '1: NOTICE. " " .Ladie?l. 1 • Tfairwavere, Is Cd and2s6d pair; Curl•™RNlTU??|Ejj|OVra to any dis-J: Uncc ■ Oor*f*ndfnce wvitcd. premises , not Bcn t away to be done ;_good ' JOHNSALTAU, workmanship; from 2? 6d per Of. T. M - Warrn?mbool. W Hayes, Sairdreeeer Qanpardow?