Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Friday 12 December 1941, page 3


'Q/F the progressive measures taken by

the Hobart City Council in recent years, none has played a greater part in the beautification of suburban areas than the development of nature strips. These patches of lawn, studded with trees, are being extended gradually through residential districts. Among the latest residents who have adopted them, in co-operation with the City Council, are those in Stoke St., New Town. But no sooner had the strips been made attractive and the trees care-fully tended than the vandal was at work. Despite high guards, three young trees were smashed one night this week. Coming on top of the destruction caused in University Reserve recently, incidents such . as these make one wonder what can be the mentality of some of our


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Musical Plenty And Lack

rJX5 those who have at heart the

continuance of individual mu-sical proficiency in Tasmania it is grati. fying to note that of a considerably

larger number of pianoforte students who sat for the examinations conducted by the University of Tasmania under the syllabus of the Australian Music Exam-inations Board, 421 in various grades satisfied the examiners, or, by gaining credits and honours, more than satisfied them. Less satisfactory is the fact that the number of successful violin students was only 31. The disparity is disquiet-ing in view of the necessity for the continuous reinforcement of orchestral ranks. Educationists might do well to consider the formation and encourage-ment of school orchestras to ensure that the standard of orchestral playing in Tasmania shall be maintained and in-creasingly, merit comparison with that in Mainland States. Pianists, obviously, are plentiful. The future demands vio-

linists also.

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Election Promises

"ONLY about 10 . more promises

and I will have my quota," a candidate for the State election tomor-row told me. It is his first attempt for Parliamentary honours, but I imagine he is too old in the head to accept the position that everybody has told him the truth. The spate of promises given candidates serves to recall the charity of a candidate for civic honours some years ago. He was defeated, but he thanked all those who had promised to vote for him and did so. He also ex-tended his thanks to the greater, propor-tion who had promised to vote for him and did not, for at least they had given him a degree of confidence for a few days until the numbers were up. Elec-tion candidates are passing through that stage of confidence now, but tomorrow night will tell them whether the truth, and nothing but the truth, has been a matter of principle with electors.

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"Eventful History"

[ WONDER if Alex. Gurney, who ' , " every day enlivens us with

his sketches in "The Mercury'' of "Bluey and Curly," still uses his historic drawing board which once formed a panel of a cedar door in the Old Bell Hotel in Elizabeth St.. Ho-j

bart. The door once gave entrance to the room in whjch Marcus Clark[e] is be-1

lieved to have written his famous book "For the Term of His Natural Life." When the hotel was demolished the door was bought on account of its fine wood. The panel, made into a drawing board, was later presented to Mr. Gurney. It is a strange thought that on that drawing board whose wood once witnessed the writing of one of the most painful stories of the past there should now be sketched the laughable anecdotes of Australian soldiers fighting for the Em-pire.

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"Old Soldiers . . ." , ?

r|?0.ino body bf returned . soldiers, i

'. perhaps, is the saying that "old! soldiers never die" more applicable than

to the Tasmanian South African Return-ed Soldiers' Association. Many years haye passed since the memorable cam-paign, and some of it? veterans are-vet-erans also of the First World War. There were several of these "dual" returned men at the annual gathering of the "South Africans" at Hobart last night, and it was difficult to believe that many of the members were old enough to have seen service in the halcyon days of Mafe-king. There is no doubt about it they are hardy, these perennial veterans. Fig-ures don't lie, and the membership of 70 odd reported last night was said to be a record for many years!

Tasmanian Economists

'pASMANIA is a happy hunting

j ground for the Commonwealth and other States whenever they need the services of ah economist. In succession the State lias lost such eminent economists as Profs. Copland. Brigden. Hytten, - and Mauldón, and now Prof. E. R. Walker is going to an important post in the newlycreated department under the Minister of War Organisation of Industry. When the war is won the University and the State Government hope to have his ser-vices again, but so necessary have econo-mists become . to Governments in thew days, particularly in relation to finance, that it is probable another appointment will be made shortly to fill the vacant post of economic adviser to the State Govern-ment. I understand negotiations are un-der way, and an announcement may be expected shortly.

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Ugly Situation

', - "I'M going to shoot you." . ;-' 1 "Why?"

"I've said I'm going to shoot anybody who. looks like me."

'Do r look' like you?"

"You do."

'"Then shoot"