Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Saturday 15 March 1941, page 4

On The Range With

Tim Holt

After W aggon Train I predicted that Tim Holt given the full backing of his studio would develop Into one of the screen s most popular Western heroes Waggon Train was his first western His second Is The Fargo Kid and while this show has all the Ingredients that go to tile making of in ex citing western It Is not handled with sufficient vigour bv Director Edward Klllv M\ criti-cism-and It Is purely personal-Is that too much effort has been expended In making Tim Holt a romantic hero vvhenras he isas shown In Waggon Train -more at home In the Bill Bo}d category However the ingredients as I noted are all here for ex-citing western entertainment and they are cooked up Into a show In which there is hard riding some shooting a free for-all fight a lot of crooked dealing and a boy and

girl romance

The Fargo Kid opens with Tim Holt get-ting the best of a killer Then the situation of mixed Identities leads him into a plot to get rid of a kindly old man Tim how-ever would rather make love to the old man s daughter than shoot a prospective father ln-law and this brings him into con-flict with the villains of the play The story builds to a climax In which one bad man shoots another bad man and in which Tim Holt gives Killer Paul Fix a hiding before handing him over to the sheriff

Tim Holt handles a horse and a gun with equal facility, and make« real enough his couple of hand-to hand fights with Faul


Jane Drummond Is the heroine-almost a silent heroine Several songs of the range are given by Ray Whitley and hl5 buckaroos and there Is an element of corned}

Sing Dance Plenty Hot Is a not encour-aging title for a show but Republic has tag-ged it to a comic musical In which Ruth Terry Johnny Downs Barbara Allen and Billy Gilbert are the principals Ruth Terry and Johnny Downs do most of the singing and dancing and Billy Gilbert stands out In the comedy Interludes The story has to do with the staging of a benefit for an or-phanage by a producer Intent upon receiving more of the proceeds than are due to him -At His Majesty s Theatre