His Excellency the Governor on Saturday morning received through the Secretary of State for the Colonies a telegram conveying a request from the Earl of Rosebery, Prime

Minuter, that he would, on behalf of her Msjbety, offer the vacant ]iishopric of Bath and We'la t.-' l-'r. Xirmion. Bishop of Ade-Uidd. His Excellency duri&g the morning informed Bishop Kenaios of tlia oSer. *od tendered Eiacere rongmul&Uons on the high compliment which hu thus bten paid alike to the oisbop aid t}je diocu?? of Adelaide, lord Kintore txpects to reetive a definite reply from Dr. Keomon early this week. The Treasurer will open the new bridge over the Uoeky Kiver at Laura on Friday next. The Ministers, the members tor the Northern district of tLe Legislative Council and the membora for the District of Gladstone id the Hum of Assembly have been invited to attend the eeremoay. With a view of oentraliFinfc the different dopariuiante under the jurisdiction of thej MiniKt-r of Agriculture tbe Central Agricultnral Bureau are rumoring tbfeir qoarten from thnoid Parliament House to the new wing of the I'ost-Office, where they will occupy several rooms which have hitherto not been naed by the Education Department. The inspector of batter and produce .had a room adjoining theeu. Od Monday morning 25 men, whose names were taken i**t week by tbe PuWio Works Dt?parin?*iic, were dispatched to the Happy Vatii-y waterworks. There were do men assembltd in Viutoria-equxre on Monday, and the unemployed difficulty has tor the time being been minimised by tbe department sending out three men and also a number to various wocka Uec week, la the neighborhood of Quorn work will be found for some 159 men for the next eight or nine month* on the watorworlu woito )>avejuet been commenced there, but in this Gate only local labor will be engaged. The steamer Orizaba, from London, reached tbe anchorage shortly after 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon after a pleasant voyage. She had * Jiwited cumber of paweeagera. including the lUv. Fathers Keogh and J?idcoci, of the Order of Jesus, who are returning to Australia after a few years' abeenos. No paesenpers wore taken on board at Albany, the Orient Company deeming it advisable not to ruu any risks iv concoction with the quarantine regulations in South Australia and the eastern colonies. I Tbe X.M.X. Cmco, of the Orient line, on tbe homeward mute, arrived at Lwg« Bay ou | Monday from Melbourne. lv adcition to a full cargo ?he had a fair number of pasatafceri!, but at finit communication with the •hure was denied them on account of ft suspicions oast of sickness on board. The deputy health officer, as is customary, trent off to board the veesel, fully expecting she would have a clean bill of health, but on ascertaining chat everything was not well he declined upon his own rueponsibility to award pratique, caueed the yellow flag to be hoisted, and commuoicaced with Dr. Toll, who about half an hour later gave authority for the vessel to be cleared. The sickness proved to be a can of obicken-jiox, but an tbe patiens had been strictly isolated from the first there was no need to piace the vessel in quarantine. Dr. Toll vieited the yes.-el during the day. Mr. Alfred Dumpier, who has had a long counection with the Australian Dtage, bis ?iie. Him, and daughter, and his manager (Mr. George Buller) are proceeding to England by the homeward-bound mail steamer Cuzoo. before the vessel left Sydney Mr. l>?uipi« was presented with an address by his admirers, as so acknowledgment of the appreciation in which they bold his histrionic talents. Ho proposes to produce Australian drama in London, such as "Kobbsry Under AnW' and similar playe, which be has presented to the Australian public ia past years. Daring an interview on Monday Mr. J. H. Geddes, of Sydney, who returned by the Orizaba that afternoon, stated that he had secured the colonial rights of a ratent temperature-regulating prooese, which he thinks will lake the plaoe of the refrigerator at present used iv the produoe export trade. It is a chilling process, and during the entire voyage of the vessel fitted with it the. temperature will not deviate from 30". Snouid this prove booceeslul it will, he states, within five years mean au increase of £5,000,000 per annum to the colonies by preventing any Josa of cargoes. The eteainer Tort firie is to be fitted up for a trial shipment, and will also take to England an experimental cargo of live cattle. It was recently announced in our telegrams that Mr. C. B- Valentine, who is the dairy produoe commissioner for New Zealand, had been appointed (o represent New South Wales in England as Produce Commissioner. In addition to this (says the Sydney Daily 'Telegraph) the Victorian and South Australian Governments Lave instructed their Agents-General to co-operate with Mr. Valentine in connection with dairy produce matters wherever the interests are identical. Mr. Valentine will visit various centres in England with the view of opening up markets for the I dairy produce of the colonies. The proposal to light Adelaide with electricity instead of gas has not been allowed to drop, and at yesterday's meeting of the City Council the town clerk was instructed to notify the citizens of their intention to obtain a loan for this purpose. The vexed question of whether thoHunt Club should be permitted to cross the park lands was settled' on Monday. The City CotinoU, at the instance ot Councillor Johnson, decided to allow the redcoats and, as one of the aldermen put it, "the tag-rag and bobtail who follow in their wake" to hunt over the park* on making • payment of £6 6ft.

Housewives will be interested to know that the public health committee of the City Council have been considering the question of the milk standard. The conclusion at which they have arrived is that it fchould be fixed at 12 per cent, of total solids for morning's milk and 12*5 per cent, for afternoon's milk. With this view the city fathers concurred. The question of tbe banking of fruit and other edibles received attention in tbe City Council on Monday, and it was decided to instruct the city solicitors and the town cleric to draft a Bill giving the corporation power to regulate this trada Tbe East-End Market Company fail to see tbat their present position should be in any way interfered with by the City Council, as is proposed by a motion recently tabled by Councillor Myers. That gentleman wishes the Company's Act to be so amended "as to prevent the roads of Rundla-Btreet and Eaetterraoe being occupied by market gardeners and others, whereby the city footpaths and watertables are beine damaged." Yesterday a protest was received from tbe company, who urged that they pay £32 13a. 4d. in rates, and their tenants pay £336 6s. lOd., for which, it is alleged, they get nothing. They do their own scavenging, and they contend that tbe value of adjoining property iufi been enhanced by tbe presence of tbe market* After some discussion the consideration of the matter was heid over for a month. The City Council yesterday resolved "That a letter of condolence be Bent to Lady Bray in her recent ftreat bereavement." Tbe stonebreakers of the city will be glad to learn tbat the Council have arranged to keep them further occupied during tbe winter. At the meeting on Monday Alderman Tucker moved that 3,000 yards of road metal, additional to the 10,000 Tfardg ordered some time ago, be procmed. This was carried, and it was decided that 500 yards should be cracked in each ward of tbe city. The City Council propose so wait on tbe Cliief Secretary shortly with reference to the number of police on duty in the .sity. At yesterday's meeting of the council the mayor stated that the force in Adelaide has bees reduced by 13, and several councillors affirmed that larrikinism and rowdyism were on the iccreftso. The highly respected residents of Woodville and Kilkenuy have a grievance. Recently, in tbe interests of eoonomy, the Government have substituted a polics-ttooper for two constables. The residents cay the trooper ifl not sufficient, and according to the deputation which waited on tbe Chief Secretary on Monday they should surely know the requirements of the district. It would appear that the cabbage gardens are ruthlessly pillaged aud religious cervioes are interrupted, but that an imposing trooper on his charger of white would be unable to satisfactorily deal with the culprits. They would be able to see him afac Mr. Gordon did not doubt that the residents were the best judges of what was wanted ; bnt the interests of the country had to be considered when their claims were being considered. This was not the first deputation which has waited on the Minister on the subject, and Mr. Gordon said the district had the talent of the importunate widow. As a result of the representations made by them the tendering for the erection of a stable for tbe accommodation of the trooper's horse will be stopped, and if tbe new arrangement does not work during a trial of six months tbe police con-stable will be replaced. At the meeting of the standing committee of the Synod of tbe Church of England held at tbe Church Office on Monday Mr. Frederick Halcomb, M.A., was unanimously elected a member of the council of governors of the Collegiate School of St. Peter. Under tbe provisions of tbe St Peter's School Ordinance Amendment Act of 1889 Mr. Halcomb was one of the last four original governors to retire in July, 1891. Two of the vacancies caused by the retirement of these four governors were filled up by tbe reappointment by the remaining governors of Mr. W. R. Cave, and by tbe appointment of Mr. William Gilbert, of Pewsey Vale. The remaining vacancy will be filled up by the members of tbe St. Peter's Old Collegians' Association. * A petition to tbe Commissioner of Crown Lands for legislation in favor of fixity of tenure with lower rentals for Crown leaseholders of lands unfitted tor other than pastoral purposes, has been largely signed in the Buna district, and will be forwarded to Adelaide to-day. Tbe memorial eeta ont:— "1. Tbat it is necessary for the success of the pastoral industry sod general welfare of the colony thai all landholders on country especially unfitted for other than pastoral purposes should be encouraged by having greater n'xity of tenure and longer leases in connection with their respective holdings. 2. That this i« a matter greatly affecting all producers, tradesmen, and workers in general, as it it: well known, with our request granted, present landholders would expend much money in sinking dams, feneintr, and in other ways improving bocb holdings, which would greatly benefit tbe districts around which raoh landfe are tituata by improving the position of die workers and tending to aid the country to greater prosperity by materially increasing the product* for export" Mr. A. 6. Downer has accepted the invitation of the Chamber of Commerce to deliver an address on the pastoral question in the Albert Hfcll this evening. Those interested can obtain tickets free on application to Wr, John Creswell, ttcretary of tbe Chamber of Commerce. It will go without Baying tbat there will be ? large attendance, as over 700 invitations have teen issued by tbe chamber to tbe members of both Houses of Parliament, the Cbawber of Commerce, the Chamber of Manufactures, the Pastoralists, Employers, Shipowners, Millowners, and Importers' Unions, the Democratic) Club, tns Trades and Labor CounoU, the Corporation of Adelaide, and others affected. Tbe general interest that is now taken in this important subject and the certainty that no one oould deal more judiciously with it than Mr. Downer will no doubt cause numbers of all clas?es to show their sympathies with the troubles of the colony and of the pastoralists by personally attending. TueG.aS. of the Society of Oddfellows, M.U. (Mr. A. H. Beyer) is confined tv bis bed by an attack of acute pleurisy, and his medical adviser (Dr. F. \V. lillliaont will not allow him to attend to bis duties for some days. By tbe last French mail Mdile. Lion received news tbat her portrait of Mug Lettioe Horn, which was executed in Adelaide last year, hat. been very well bung in the Paris Salon. In our report of the proceedings in the Supreme Court on Friday Mr. Justice Bundey was represented to have eaid. "There is no be-all in the court except the judge." The word ussd by bis Honor was "justice," not "judge." We hiiye received bom M— w?. Saxon mnd Co., publishers, of London, a copy of " Everybody s Cookery and Household Guide" witb recipes for all descriptions of table dishes, drinks, aud other necessaries and luxuries of life. Cheapness and emoienoy are the leading obaraotbriatics of the book.