Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Saturday 10 June 1893, page 8

( j Anctions. ABBXBAOX Or BALES BY AUOTIOR SHIS DAY. Hsssrs. Johnson «nd Co.—At CAicr Lever-terraot, - at 1 JO—Furnltore,4a Mr. J. Bolomon—At King Wlffiam-Btreet, at U a.nv. and 7.10 p.m.—Drapery and general merchandlss. Hr. D. V. Melvin—A« the Mart, at 10.80—Furnitnta and misceUaneous goods. atessrs. F. J. BottingandOa—At the Mart, at U-Planta and trees. ■ Mr. O- 8. Gnrr—At 18-Frnit trees. THIS DAY (Saturday), June 10, at ISO. -AX THE RESIDENCE, D*AJOOY LEVEa-TEBRACK. Corner ot Haitax-street and Hurae-square. ON ACCOUNT OF OIYTNG DP BOUSEKBEPWa. JOHNSON & COMPANY will sell, as above-Good Cedar OrUFFOrTNTEBE. linoleum, Dlnbsj Table. 7 A. B. Chair*, Ocuon,-OvermanteL Ola* and E.P. Ware, Ornaments. Good Engravinvi Curtains and Pole, Side Table, Fender aal Irons Good Cedar Chest 7 Drawers, Doable Half-test* tod BeaVUnr. Wsshstand. Toiletwarp. Mlrroc 8 Single Bedstead*. Palliasses and Bedding. Wssbstsods and Toilet Tables. Pine Chest* Drawers, Cedar Chert • Drawers, ToUelwus, Mirrors, Curtains, aad Fenders Haogie, Wringer and Stand, Kitchen Safe sad Ttble, Tubs, good lot Utensils, Crockery, Bench, and nmntroos fnndriea. For Unreserved Sale. THIS DAY(Sarorday), atl.Bo- 18961, V_ THIS DAY (BatDZday), Jons 10, at U o'clock. \ AT THE ADELAIDE AUCTION HABX. JTJSX ARRIVED DIRECT FROM EYDKEY. THE FINEST SHIPMKNT OF ORANGE AND IjEUON TREKS EVER OtPORXKD INTO SOUTH AUBIRALIA. ■ CAMELLIAS AND OTHER CHOICE PLANTi F. J. BOTTING & CO. «n iasttnoted to tell This Day (SatuidayX at U cyctooa IAA/V PBIHE ORANGE and LEMON IVUv TREES C<*a/k BOSEB, PALMS. ATTAT.Fta. VAONOOUIr LUU. CAMELLIAS, and GUAVAS. No Bssarrs. mH I 8 DAY (SATURDAY], GREATEST AUCTION SALE EVER wet.t> Tfi ADELAIDE DEAPEEY OF EVKEY DESORIPTIO?. GLASS, CROCKERY WARE, AND GENERAL MmtmTawnmie. HO RESERVE. Sale to wmmwire 11 each day. -BARNUM AUCTION BOOMS (Next United ServtoeOlob Hotel, King wniiam■teeet). Onaooonntof the grett Bhlpmentato arrive the ' FIRST EVENING SALE ' will oommenee -' IBIS (EATOBDAY) EVENDJa, at 7M. JOHN SOLOMON. Auctioneer. > HOBDAY. Jane 11. at 12 o'clock. ; CORPORATION YABDB. : gg PRIME FAX CATTLE. BAB" KB & CHAMBERS win sell by auction— -88 Prime FAT OATTLK from Boorera. i TUESDAY, June 18. at S Cclook. -JOHN BULL BAZAAR. -. PAHt WAQGONETTJt HORSES. f HORSES. *2g HORSES. ; BAEIIB s CH A M BE B B are Instructed to sell by auction-Pau- Bar HORSES, 8 aod 7 years, IS hand*: goad in single, and doable harness 16 Horses, oomprising- Draughts and Light, brojtan "* On MOSDAY, June 12, at U o'clock, * AX THE fIOBPOSAHON YARDS. ELDER, SUITER i 00., LIMITED, will sell ear auction, as above— 13Q PRIME rAIOATTLE. in^in , On WEDNESDAY, June U.aiUo'olook sharp. ': OH THE FABH OF MR- F. THSATON, OOLLTNBFIELD. .BY BY OBDKB OF THE TRUSTEE IK THE ESTATE OF HB. F. WHKAXON. BXOOK, Tifprjen bim'im, AND BUftLDBIEBv ALL tOR POSITIVE SALE. ■n B. BUCHANAN has been favorsd with Jn-M\,* structions tram John Darlini;, Esq.. lon., to S«JI by anotloo. as above— SECTIONS Nod. S2, SB, 27, ffl. SSS. 84, U, Oj HUNDRED ggnTTTTT. ~ *EOUON No. 6S, HUNDRED BABUNOA, about U3O Acres In all Thalotoampdsliig a Toy oompaot Farmof flrst•elasi Land, weUlsneed, and on which an several tsars* dams and tanks {all ot water. LIVE and DEAD BTOOK.'as under— U Beallr Oooa Farm Hotsee 8 MUchOowa/r Pigs JT aetaQk^Baraesk Bsddle and Bridle . S?c£t ■inilTsimss ■■ . t^eaM?. 1 Winnower, 1 Mower , ~j nueSHUi 1 TniililnHisiliriTtii SWaaroas and Frame* 6ao*i?on Woodsa Tank, sO^sanon Iron Tank noatattoe Closts, Ladders and Hay Tools 1 Tip-Dray,l?pdng-Dray and Haneas X BoadOsts, 1 Oulttvator, l LandroUer 8 Harrows,« Qhiwl Harrows STrsbla Ptootba, S Dbnbls Ploughs 'aw 'Works (on t**™ ot ltr« J* Whmtos, sen J 1 Wheelbamm*.'« Grindstones Carpenters' Bench. Pains I** Smith's Bellows. Anvfl. Forge •wsdfa Blocks,« Vices, Tongs, Hammers And law qnaaUtyat Sunilriesln Smith's Shop, SHI, fcC SO Tact HAY B Bags Seed-wheat, 40 Bags Screens And a hmt ot Farm Sundries, to, 4c n Soartsln Msllcr's Cooperafivs Campuy.v Terms sWatly Cash. For farther partloalars apply to Mr. John Dsribur. Jan., Adelaide; or,Mr. jTbading, Hundoora; orto ate Anatfanser, ypftiiifg* Ho reserve. ltO,6lxlti-gl TOWN HALL BUILDINGS, ADELAIDE. WEDNESDAY, JUNE U, AT 11 O'CLOCK. BY OBSSB OF THE EQUITABLE MORTGAGEE. FBEEHOLD OF SECTION B|, HUNDRED KULPABA, cwrtafaine7Bacres: also LEASEHOLD. SECTION 85, HUNDRED KULPABA, containing 416 acres, comprised in Scrub Lease, «1 years from March 1,1885. at yearly rental ot £4 IS*, with Bight ot Purchase at £1 an acre; knownas RamseyI*. She property win be aold subject to a first morttags for £200 with Interest due thereon at £3 per cent. H. M. ADDISON isinitroctedtoceD by pablio auction, as above. ?or farthw putl«alars apply to Messrs. Knox, Owynne, ft Bargrave, Eonoltors. King WUIUm stoeet, Adelaide. 150,4.61.6 On WEDNESDAY, Jose U, at 2.30 pjn. AT THE SOWN HALL EXCHANGE-BOOM. UNDER IHBTBDOTIONB FROM THE ADMINISTRATRIX IN XHB ESTATE OF THE LATE HERBERT JAKES, DECEASED. VALUABLE SUBURBAN RESIDENCE OF SB BOOMS, YOUNG-STREET, FABESIDE. THEODORE BRUCE has been favored wtihinstraot'oas from the Admlnlssratrix In tbs estate of the fate Hernert James, deceased, to tell by anollon, as above— ' That sahstanUslly-boMt and weU apcointed BESIDSNOE situate In Yoong-atreet, Farkside, ~?rfftj.. g at atlx-roomedlreestoae boose, with cellar, pantry, bathroom, and ooaobhonss; trait and fl-nrer caraas, tad every oonrenieses. The land (allotment No. II basatrontaceof tv ft to Young-street by a depth ol 191 It, wtth a pdrau tend at rear. Title—Be?fProperty Act." For further pardoalars apply to Mr. E. J. BooaU ajoUetter, Moatefiors ChambJrs. WsTmonth-rtrte*; or M the Aaodane«r. B, Old Exohange. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 28, 1893. AT SHE BOOKS, AT 12 O'CLOCK. LIQUID ATOB'S BALE ortS? UABE OF THE BBOKEN HILL SOUTH BLOCK E COMPANY, LOOTED (In Liquidation). aujo, BUILDIHGS, MACHINERY. PLANT. AND TOOLS. jptcnaxL, rooKETT, & compasy, aoo*UT Honeeis,3s?a?<lBffl,C«llliis<tieet, Melbourne, bave raoelvad fnstructtona from die Liquidator to ad ; by puMlo anettoo at their Booms. Tuokett Chambers, ■ 869 and toY OoDina^tnet, Melbourne, oo Wednesday, (-JnnetS.atlStfdooknoon-AHthatVaraable HIHEBAL LEASE, ■ being No. 6, Pariso at Plotoc, 000217 of Yanoowlnns, CBntainiiur w ♦OAORES. aad bttkw knmm ai the Lmm wnktd by «*• Broken Bill 9ooth Block COompasy. limited, tog*lber with ail lbs nearly new BDHXTHG. MACHINERY, PLANT, AND TOOLS jwiulfnt to ouij en ft nine of ttns detoriptfon. A rnmplete srstnmiwt eTfte work carried oat, and , saiarentonrot the Msohlnarr. Plant, Toolf, 4c, can bslaspwuaJ, sndaa nsrsmirj infonaaUon obtalued , a* Urn ottos ol Mr. St. John A. Bigg., 24, Qaeenstissl. ICatbontne; or at fi? Auctioneers' Boom*. .. Tidseae ha inspected at the Offloe of Hsshs.

Anctions. XHIS DAY (Saturday), at 12. TKUIX TREES, INCLUDING OEANGE, APRICOT, PEACHES, ice, ice FEOM MB. W. LEWIS'S WELL-KNOWN NUBBERY. C. G. GUKR & CO. will sell, as above. On TUESDAY, June IS, at X JO. AT THE SHOP OPPOSITE THE SUSSEX ASMS, WALKEBVILLE. TO BDTCHEBS AND OTHEBS. UNDER INSTBL'CrnOXS FBOSI MB. OLIVER, who is gjing ito an hotel. ESUBELY WITHOUT RESERVE. c. a auRR & co. will rell, «s above— S HORSES aad Cart, Set Harness Sausage Machine. Pickle Tube Butchers' Utentilg, ana Sundries. TO-DAY (dUarday), June 10. at 1u.30. THE CENTRAL AUCTION MAST. D, W. MEL V I N will offer— HANDSOME TRICOED PIANOS fflap?6uroj WALNUT PIaNO (Auchsr Friro} WALNUT PIANO (Dcbmn) Ooctage Piano. Harmoniums, Violin SUTTKB. Bookowe. Oniffonnieres WABDROBEs. ChesMoJ Drawers, Couches BEDSTEADS Beddintr, Pictures, S-<fas. TaMes GENERAL FOBMTURE. Household Effects Btddle, Forge, Vice, Clocks, Lamps, Scale!, New Doors, and SUNDRIES 18 Bundles Moulding, Copying-press and Stand, Pottery, Weighing Machine. THE MART, BLENDS-STREET, BBOKEN HILL. TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, mm>n?nrin C g a.m. BE 881 U A S BR O a nil by paalin auction— FRUIT. Butter, Kggs, Baoon, Cheesa, PoUtces At 11 o'clock prompt—Poultry, all kinds. Goods consigned to n? direct from any BaSwaystation in South Australia coma through promptly, and are met by us at the Railway-station bere. EBlweo32? THE CO-OPERATIVE WOOL AND PRODUCE ASSOCIATION SELL by auction every TUESDAY. THURSDAY. AND SATURDAY. GREEK SrONB, HIDES, &O-. and every 1IONB&Y. at Topbain-ntnet Store, DRY bKIKS, SALTED HIDES, KANGAROO, ace Payments every Wednesday. ailwaic JJSO. BENKETS. Manager. E. S. HUGHES, AUCTIONEER. VALUATOR. LAND AND GKNEBAL AGENT. BROKER. Sales and Valuations conducted snywhere. Hotel Valuations canfolly ™*r*f* Lowe-tChargss, Casn Sfttlemente. Furuiture, Merohaniue, fee.. Purchased for Cash. Member Stock Exchange ot S A. I Shares Bought aoo Sold, brokerage only. 69, KING WILLIAM -STREET. IMMEDIATELY OPPOSIIE ROYAL EXCHANGE. Sl7wao Persons Wanted. TCvitr (hit heading (if j r«>cidJ, IS words, «7M ifutriitii, is.; thru jxuertum*. U. Ci, A PPLY AI ONCE for ENGAGEMENT, WedOlnp, C\. ana Keeper Bugs at Knglish ootu —Penytnim'i), Kimt WUliam-ttreet- lCCfc GOOD steaay yoong MAN Wanted as nlefrman ; salary and rommiation; state am and experience.—Box 77. G.P.O xytO-fA A QUICK useful BOY can be taken in BOOT J\. TRADE; can be apprenticed U de>rr<d; couutry boy not objected to. Apply "Shop," this office. 100-1 AMATEUR THEATRICALS.—Wanted Men and Women to play "Uncle Tom's Cabin."— Dr. Broom, 28, North-terrmce. 161 BOY Wanted, one that can milk preferred. Apply Shepherd's store, Halifax-street. 161 BOOT TRADE.—Machinist Wanted; able to fit. —A. Guiding, SOA, filintneL. 161 IHTXLLER Wanted; thoroughly competent to make whisky and gin. Apply, by letter only, enclosing copies of testimonials, and stating salary teqnuea, to iSox Ho. IS9, a P. 0., "<?i|Ht ■ 160 E gjWBEMAN BAEEB Wanted far Urge esablish-M? msnt; only thoroughly competent bands need to apply to "Baker* this offlce. i!6l piENERAL BEBVAHT Wanted. Apply Uis \T Forbes, Foarth-ftvermr, East Adelaide, near Hewben-y'e more; fanall family zl?l 1 GENERAL SERVANT Wanted, able to cook and VJT wash; references.—lbs. E. a Qwynnt, SomertOD,Ne,wGlenelg. 10oS f*S ENERAIi &ERVANT Wasted. App>y. mornici,' \X or eveninz, Mrs. John Barker. Prospect tram terminus. 160-8 f>(KN'£LKMAIILY CANVASSER Wanted; ex-VJT credentials, and suarantee indispensanle^ salary, ooromimion. Apply by letter Binger Man qlactnring Company. Mount Barker. 161 /71IRL Wanted, near Unley tram terminus; assist %'JT hoojework; sterp home; references requlrid. Apply letter. "Unln.?this office. iei_ G" ENE&AL SERVANT Wanted. Apply Bin. Sailfani. next Jetty Hotel, Semaphore. 161-4 HUTIf ANN'S LABOR OFFIOE4. corner or KOttTH-TKRRACEand PULTENEY STREET. All kinds and oUnmof MALE LABOR ENOAGKD and forwarded to all parts 01 the Australasian, ooloniei. " If you want a man thif s useful" For any purposes you notd, fiend to Hitonaon's Labor Bureau. He wU send you one with speed. Be procures the best of labor Suitable for every K'ade ; HMtmann's Labor Bureau truly Is toe best in Adelaide Branch Offices—Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney. Ifi7nowcxl6lo T ADY offers COMFORTABLE HOME to domw-Li tteated help and companion; muuoil preferred. Wtite In Orstlnatanca to "Suburban," this office alfl'-3 afABT YOUNG MEN will inspect oar stock before purchasing. Wa'cbes. Jewellery, &a, at English cost.—Perrymao'd, 66, KlngWilliam-stieet I6Qo SMART BOY Wanted. Apply at once Bonneister, A?cada. zieu-8 MART YOUNG MAN Wanted, runner; baaid and j^ oommimion. Apply No. 10, opposite goods tf>ed>, Nortb-mtrsoe. Up 61 f|l OWN OF HIKDMABSH. APPLICATIONS will be received up to June 12 lost, for an additional BANDER for the Town. BpecinoatioLS to be seen at Town Clerk's Office between the boors 10 and 1 d«ily. JOHN TAIT, Town Urrk. June 6. IBM. IS9-OI finO BUTCHERS —Wanted, Wrong yenng man, kill JL and do roun*; Ohristian preferred; 2M. Apply " Batcher.'' this offioe. 161 WHEELWRIGHT and BODYMAKER Want-d. Applicant* for this POSITION are informed that it v FlLLED.—"Branch." this office. 161 WANTED, BLACKSMITH, well up in bngisy work; constant to good hand ; young man preferred,—T. J. Richards, eoachbnilder. West ?""*?"1 El6O-S XTCT ANTED, tot Melbourne, experienced TT TOBAOCO LEAF OUTIEB. Apply, with cooies ef lefennces, ad atasimr B>lary, by letter, to *' Virginia,*' care Gordjd & Ootch, Melbourne. \jkT .4HXED, a reeptcxabte PERSON for housework TT .andattend to an eloerly lady; quiet com-Portable home; reference required. Appiy " A.8.," this office. riei WASTED, few coed MINEI'-S for sbaft sinldtg. Apply on works to Mr. Gillan, Clarendon. : 1161-3 WANTED, WABHINO, IfiONLNO, and OALEbTDEitIKO attbcAdelalde andSwndard Lauudry Works, Euza^atnet. Shirt and Oodar Dressing (gloss finish) a speoialty. Dresses and Lace Curtains beauU-InUyiCOSupatrelnoedratas. Hotel, dab, and privase work oontneted for. Gentlemen's dotting cleaned, iimiiml. and repaired at oneap price*. TansoaU dally Sownand suburbs. Orders prompUyattendedtc. No jfhwmirt^i^ Inspection invimrt — Aflelsins and Stan* <?n- l^undrx Workd, Eliz**treet. eio YOUNG GIRL Wantea, need to housework.— -Apply Mrs Gardner 117. BipaUy-strect. I*\ '■\TOUNG MAN Wantrd to dcire a trap and gudeu. ;JL Apply E- apicer. Rose Park. lfia-61 Vaa MEN Wanted as customara at G. Holrter'e, 9UU Selbarne Hilrdnsslng Saloon, next Selborne Hotel. Pirie-etreet. zlol-4 iI?ZTWALK I N• S Utli COMPOLSOBY CLEARING SALE BOOTS P^ - SOW OS. ' SUPEEIOB ASSOETMENT 1 GENTLSMAN'a ■ BIOH-OLABS BALMORALS. 1 MUST BE SOLD. MOST HE SOLD. ! ISZS WALrON. |HBXr EXOHAHQE HOTEL, HIKDLKY-STREET. • 1520 weo ': Sitnationa Waited. ■ Zp£erUueluadmj(ifvnpaid},lXtu>ri*,nt t tnnrtion is.; three uuemonc tt- 6d. '• A DELAIDE NURSES' HOME.—Medical, Sor■A. gioal. aod Monthly; Iflsphone Ml. Apply Mas TBbbtts, Wakeflala-strset. SSwiICS A S HOUSEMAID or GENERAL in small family: ,/\ teferenosg; by Swedish girl "E.LS.," 'fflaoelgP.O. - zl6l , A PERSON wlib child requires SITUATION in J\_ private family: town or country, oountry preferred. Reply " Maggie," G.P.O. z!81-« tJOOT TRADE.—Pomp sewer (Uackay'e); com.l? petent manazer bianco. Letter "Di," 8, jsrol-«treet. North Melbonme. Viotoria. Ml rjOOTMAKER.—Good rfpurer; tow wages; sales}H man, town or country. Address "Bepslrer," sbis office. 161 1/^OSTUMtER from Melbourne desire* daily \j • EKGAGEMENT,-goodcntier.fitter,renorator; kkrrto,- bodies: newest ta&blooabls patterns — ?'A.K-L.,"thi?otnoe. 161 -jspvAIRYING.— YOCSO MAN desirous ot gaining ' \w 'more axperieaos wants SITUATION on good FABU; wages seoondary.-" Dairy." this office r 180-a rfTIMOAOEHENX Wanted as WEINURSB by m^l ■ respectable young married woman, for partacnlars address w " Mother." this offlot. IPO-3 IOEEUAN GARDENER, practical and theoretioaL It acoompUshea in all compirtments thronghoct, txperianotd, Indoatrtona, Wants tttiintlan as feardener or otherwise; bass references. Address to to. Glslber. 68, North terraae. Adelaide. 161-8 rTIuHLY RESPECTABLE young widow LADY ■JL •*«** eoragemeotof trasi; Rood housekeeper, nok; ihoroughly domestioaud.— *• Pauline," this bffloe. xlta WjfARRIED LADY, expenenred nnra«, would JX take entire CHAB4E' of INVALID LADY or . nnueauo; boose In suburb of Adelaide; good re : erenoss; no cbiMren. — "Vetltos," Paet-Offioe, BrigtiHtcMy. «159,61, i .

Situations Wanted. \IT EDIC&L MAN (duly qualified) experienced. JLtJL desire* EMPLOYMENT in town or country. Apply " M.H.." this office- 101 £(XBOKG able-bodied CARPENTERand LABORER £j wants WORK, ocunwy preferred. Address "0H.," Pent-Office, Brofcen HilL iso-ei CjITUATION Wanted at once as GENERAL O SERVANT in or near town. Apply "S W.," this office. 161 OITUATION Wanted by a GEBUAN LADY as C 5 HOUSEKEEPER cr useful Udy help.—Mim Prammond. Ga«ler-p!ace. ifll TEA.UY reliable good all-rouna EUTCHEE Wants BITUATION at once: good references. Apply "W.G.B.."AlbertonPo?irOffi«. r.160-8 SITUATION Wanted lor ayounggirlasMl?SE?Y HOUSEMAID in North Adelaide; «ell recommended. Apply Mic? Drommond, Gawler-ptace 1157e0w6t CJITUAIION Wanted on STATION by MARRIED O COUPLE, no children; good reference. Address "Btation," G.P.0.. Adelaide- 159.61,3 SITUATION desired as BUILEK by a single man; would help in garden if required.—•'Si eady,** Norwood P.O. 157,9,61 rpWO neat GENERAL SEBVANTS from oountry Isl waiting engagements; also hou?emaii and none—Un. Campoell, Registry Office, Parade, Norwood. 161 fTIHE ELITE KEGISTKY OrFIUK, Victoria1_ sqaa'C—Laeies kindly call. All grades w?iling engagements; nominal wages. 157,9.01 ry\O MASTER BAKERS.—AS-SISTANT or eecond_|_ h?nd wants EMPLOYMENT, comfortable home p.?in object. Adiress - Buyer," thLi nffloe. 158-9,61 ri^H'O YOUNG GIRLS Want SITUATION J. GENERAL and HOUSEMAID, on STATION or country hotel preferred. Address " Anxious," this office. 160-3 ANTED, a family's or hotel's WASHING by a very good laundress; recommended by lire. B. Q. Baker. Apply to Mm. McMibon, Y.'arniouti street, Adelaide. zls7eowGl STrTASITBD by a respectable widow, WASHING T V and CLE AN ING by the day. Apply to Mrs. Mackereih. William-street, Norwood. 153-61 • ISTANTED, by respectable <Mme>t!c?te:i WIDOW TV with little chilo walkiue, SITUATION as HOUSEKEEPER to gentleman in country, fetation preferred; smUl salary.—"Country," Post-Offire, Norwood 153-cl \rOUKG LADY wishes BNG AGEiIKNT v DBESS-M. MAKKB or needlewoman, town or oountry. Apply '■ M C." tbi? offloa. ICH-3 VTOUNG MAM Wtnis ? SITUATION as all-round X. blacksmith; can,shoe well. Staling w-ges apply *• Yonng Man." fla«ker. leas YOUNG PERSOK, good reference, experienced haiurwbrkar^wvnojr, wishes ENGAGEMENT LaDYHELP; servant kept.—Mn. Dmmmoud, 64, Flinders-street. 157.9.G1 OUNG GIBt, Wants SUUATtON as nursegirl and a*sisj! with housework. Address "II €~" Post-Office. SwPeters. 101 Wanted to Buy. ZraUrOiU headinj (if prepaid), li mmta, one itfieriion. It.; three imtrliom, v. ci. A A. A. A. A. A. A. A J\. m Any cnannty FURNITURE and PIANOS Wanted at onoe ;nousej bought right oat for eaaa. Asl/now tarnish booses on time payment I am prepartdto give lidlooloasly ruga price* far ea the nsnuare 1 ouy. 1 would partioalar ly state that lam not, baying for the anottan-roomaa is usually done. O«*priee? eUewnere, andthea send forme and get tin highest possible price. Tue New Spot—Geo. ttodd'sShop, Victoria-equwe, west tide, three doora pattGruce-screeL Private afldroo—iioper-fltrect, oS Flinders-ctreec. Leucreana telegrams promptly ao tendHira. !Ai:l7B A KY qnantity FURNITURE and PIAKOS PURi\, CHASED ; boaot bought tight out—Peter Sm*ll. Pitt-sweet, off FranUio-atreec. lElweuSO FiRSr-CLASS SECURITY for 10s. 6d.; EzywslUn'e 10s. Od. Balmoral. ltjlweoo IMKLIGHT APPARATUS—Wanted gal bax. Iron r.tort, mixed jet. Particulars and price to "Ltntern," Port Adelaide Post-nfnue. IS9 61 BS. WOOLARD. dealer In ladies' and gentlsman'i lete-ofl nlortilng; hignastiprtaea; levers prumptjy attended to.—W, Waymoatii-street. 133weoaCl RUINOCEBOS Wanted, UcNeuTa, I 8«, Butdlestreet cut, below PoiUnty-stnet, nearly opposite York Hotel, to advertiseiimneiuea-sortment Wiosor b Neuton's Color*. Plaqnea, Canvaate*. ArtisU' Materials ; London p>icea —Picture Framen, UonntCatten, and Photo Enlargem. 7walA PLENDID INVESTMENT lor Laities, my «c. 6d. Morocoo Oxford; fashionable shapes; every pair warranted. 161?eoo SIAM PS.—Highest price given for colonial and foreign postage ttampa; collections bought.—C Oolttr. 16, Pirie-steeet. Adelaioe. z!6l-t rr^A-NK. galvanized Iron, VWlnced. CjO, SUO, or 1,000 J_ gallon*, delivered at Unley XnuneneJa. Prios, to, "C.W.," M?lvern. zltil-4 ANTED. EXPKESS; must be cheaD. Kate price and whe.e to be seen to "Genuine," Goodwood Poat-Otfio*. 161,4,6 AKTiCD good rONY, about 11 hands, "for saddle or baroeM.—W. M Whyte, -122, Bundle-street. 169-C1 ANTED, fire hundred 6 ft. HIOJUUM POSTS, 8 x 6. delivered In Adelaide.-Jas. A. Johnson, Franklin-street. 159-61 ANtuD. eeversl good BBKEDING SOWS. State prloe and where can Duteento "O-a," this office 169-61 fKTANTKD to BUY, wcondhand FUBNITOBB, ?T email or large lota.—J. O. Nemnan, dealer, to., Haaeoo street. 276we00 ANTED, TWO TICKETS. MELBOURNE or ■vent Australia, Broken Hill or North.-Firat vjila east Otkneld Potel, Flindt re-street east 157,9,61 ANTKD \o BUY. good GOAT in lud milk; state price and where to be eetn.—•' this office. 161 \7"ACaT, foil decked, about 1b tons; must be good JL and chnp. Temi>, dimpnriong, and pur-HouUrs. "Yacht," this office. Id Wanted to SoIL VPi&er?titKcaA\n](if sm-jGii), 13 oorU, cnt UMCTtton, 25.; three imtrtunvs. is. 6dL LIGHT HOODED ISSprian; Drays WAOGONtTIE by 1 Foar wheded Cos Out Barlow ft bon 8 Xrollie: 1 Baker's Can 2 Open Waggonettes Painted Expresses 1 Kxpreu WaggoDetta lOVamishea Expresses sOoaibox Baggie) BEpidrrliTKKie* 2PooySj.rtagO?r6t I xuxcoiit-aeat Uuggiai 2 Pony Spring Dr^yi 1 rillace Paaecoos 1 Gig i Park Phaetons 1 Station Express I Sicgle-teiied Borglei Buckboud Buggy 7 Hooded Abbott Buggies lUO?tts Single and Doabls tPonyCana Uarnees; also biddies iOtteavyandl.iehtHorfles and Bridles and Ponits, trial* J. EEID fc CO, 12, WAYUOUTHSTBEET. Drags and, Vebioles. with or without horses, on Hire, Umtgto, Sold, <a Exchanged. Telephone &U7. 3-23333 A T GUYMER'S STKAU JOINEU.Y WORKS, J\ Kilkenny, you can buy winaown, doors, ana juuury; beat valaes ai lowest prises; satisfaction Ifoarauteid. 70w2t5 COMFORT FOB TUB FEET.—Ladies' leltf House Boots, fur bound, warm, flannel Unrngs, patent viog front, sews, extra wldtt Suing, tt. lid. Post free to any uldreas in Donth Australia iM. exaa. Addreu F.B O , 78, Bondle-ttreet. 103oweS2cwxl0a-69k H. J. PEABOE, Manaser. A X Ot-t'KR Wasted for good oecocdhaod PIANO. f\ —O. Walimann, puna tuner, Hanson-vtreet, cur HurUe-equaie. 161-4 NO. 1 "SILVER SONGSTER" contains music ana words latest popular aongs as sung throughout Australia. Look over the contents sheet andyou will be satisfied that it excels anything yet patilisned; all booksellers. 6d. Whole?ile bom Geo. Babenson and Co., bootaellert. Adelaide. lStwi6s 150,000 mum safety BICYCLES KOIV IN USE. The HUMBEB LEADS, aU othen lollow. Latest Diamord frame, Ballheaa, Balls all over. The ONLY —no other. Bracket and Do?tproof. Every pail, eren to the Screws and Bolts, all nardenea and tempered. Every i*rt inrercbangetble. that in 10 years' time a person can procure & duplicate of a--y part of the Machine thu fin accurately. Thousands of rlden in this colony have used them and will have no other. They DO wear out, but only after years of hard wear. Solid, Oubhton. or Pneomado Tires of every description. H««e's, Vanguara's, and Ordinary Bicycles, and Latest /Style of Racers aUavs In (took. Every UydicE accessory KEPI Uu?t is required. Send id. for catalogue. THE HUPEr"cYCLE CO., LD. SBOWBOOK-199, EUNDLE-STEEET EASE. FACIOEY—ACKLAND-STBEEX. F. MOLLEK, Ibnagei. Timefwyments to all honorable clients. . laiweoo r>EST dry FIBEWOOD, cat any length Halite, ■£> 2I?.; roots, 23s ; aheoau, pepperroint, ana gum, 18s; delivered Adelaide, Glentlg, ana suburbs. All loads nighed ever licensed weighbrtoge.—Williams ss 00. Gocdwood- 167e0w6S ICJGLES.—The "Squeegee"Mudguard, weight i 6} oz. each, price Sa.; light, neat, no mud, no wuMage; made of best material and union.— Sinner Bicycle Depot. Patteney-street 157,9.61 AIB. UEaTEB (good) for m ; cheap - Box ISI. G P.O. ZI6IB BABOAINS IN VEHICLES, BOSSES, ASD HABNESS. S-j Pony-carts to shoose from Hooded Buggies, Expresses Spiders, Turnover Seated Busglss Spring-drays, Butohen and Bakers' Oarts Troliiee, Phaetons Hawker's Covered Spring-drays Harness of every deicrlptioD 1 Saddles, Btldlu. AI£O, Hear* and Ugbt Bones arid Ponies. In Archway. Xempls Chambers, No. 28, OatrlettresL 970 r>AEOAIN3 TO MEET S Trollies 0 XHE TIMES. lOSprlnc-Drays 6 Village Pnateo.s 6 Pony-Cans t )ump-scat Baggla S Superior Pony-Oarts 8 Spiaer Boggles 8 Varnished Pony Ex-STumoot-Hat Buggtas prtsses 12V«niBhedErprojses Heavy and Lgbt Spring-1 Park Phaeton Drays *Binpie-seat Boggles Hones and Poniea, with f Hooded Aoboa . trials 1 Four-wheeled Dog-Oart co Sees Harness, Also 8 Painted Expresses made on the premises KngUsh Doe-Cart onenoriest notice. DBAGS. WEDDING CABBIAGES. and every da?criptlonof TehioUoniU&E,a:iSoiKtic, Sold.ot £x& SMlial'ctt and 78, -Waymenai-ttimk lelephoneiio.3JO, SU3JJ

Wanted to Sell. BEST WHITE SUGAR, lid. Tb.; 1 Ib. of UjeU famed Is od. Ceylon tea aod 4 lb. beet white sugar, the lot tor 2s.—lmport Company, ISL, Grenfell street. SSsa!wo BICYCLES SINGER SAFETIES, For Strength, Speed, and Simplicity ABE TBE BEST. THE "HDBSOr SAFETY, AT £15 15s. CANNOT BE BEATEN. cash or terms. catalogues free. lamps, dells, ponchos, oils, &c., &c REPAIRS at English Prices. Commnnications should be addremed SINGER & CO., Poiteacy - street, Adelaide. - 41 wa3 /^OMFOBT FOR BABY.—Cut this oct and send to \j us* with Is. lid. and you will receive by return ol poet a pair of Colored Felt Balmorab or Button Brais, fur-bound, patent facings, bright burkles on fronts ; si^es 1, 2,3.4,6.—Address F.8.C., 78, Kunrtle-8 Jeet—LL J. Ptaroe, Uansgfr. 103cwe3iK*xlt5-S3k COALS. COALS. D 7 YOU WANT THE VERY EE3T NEWCASTLE HOUSE COALS SEND YOUR ORDERS TJ THE PRELUER WOOD AND GOAL YARD. HANSON-STREET, JAMBS CROCKER & CO., PROPRIETORS. «2w3SO /^OLLIVEB. BHOS., Bnilden, Nonrood.—tti'JOJl AL \_j LIKES—BOLTING, BRAOIUG-UP HODSK6 riKEWOOD at lowest rates. ISiwc ANTKD4.XK) YUUKO MEN to buy eanh a pair, of KyxwaUin's BiUnoral Boots, the Gem; every pair guaranteed. 161weoo DRAYS, expresses, buggies, horses, and traps ol | (every description; oO set? new and second harness.—Criu-rion Stables, back A dtertiter. 15S 87 HULATION FILLY FOB BaL£, four years 010. 14 1, wm trial over fences or on the flat; no reasonable offer refused.—A. Oabom, Miic-straet, Ea^txood. 100-a EZYWALKIS'B COMPULSORY CLEARING SALE BOOTS. BOOTS, BOOTS, NOW ON. 150 Pain LADIES' MOROCCO OXFORD SHOES, for Winter. Ss. lid., to go (or C§ 6d. Zhia line I positively xuanntee. EZYWALKIN NEXT EXCHAKQE HOTEL, HDIDLEY-STREET. l?23wec BTIaIFTy SHOE TRUNKS FOR SALE, very cheap. IPi —Brandon's, 57, Kaudle-soreet. Obierve the lignof the Hed Boot inlroit o! tti« verandah. S4Jo |7\OR SALE, one VILLAGE PHAETON, ens fi? secondhand WajcKooeite. ona lighl Coaibo buggy, and two Pony Phaetons. AMEY BROS., Coachboildera, STweoo Cnrrie-etreet, next Jobn 8011. Adelaide. SJiOK fiAt.E. tool eecoudbani Uolling & Spaoiien-C bertr Piaon, must be sold, cheap; aleo, other good secondbana Pianos, from £5; one first class, almost new. B*rgair.s. On >iew at Mrs Burtoro's, Sheldon-street, Norwood, near Engel's Comer. eioowee FURNITURE FOR U&L&—WASHBTAND and TOILET TABLE, 10s. 60. for pair; good double bedsteads, with wire mattras, flock bed, bolster, and pillows complete, £3 10s.; siaelo bedsteads. Si. 9d.; dining-room tables, 13a. cd.,- all new.—Apply i*^i«?>itn Reid, general furnisher. Its, Handle street. S29owaa g7U>K SALE, pair PONIKS, perfect match, and G? carriage turnout; eecotd to none in colony.— Bertaaurc Hotel, Qlenelg. 157.3.01 KB SALE, cheap, New and Secondhand TRAPS Phaetons, Warconette, Buggies. Spring Drays CEHS s FULLER. Pirie-tftnet. Adelaide. «25we00 I7Wli SALE, three-stall STABLE (wood) >ith loft.— Jj Adelaide Chemical Works, New Ttubarton. _. 1160-3 jTjWB SALE, Ilret-dias TURNOUT, horse, trap, an/ P harness; cheap.—Fied. Garton, %Tne-«troot, North Keosjneton. no 61 OR SALB. well-rooted MUSOAT*L VINES, about 4.00i>. Apply to John Mitchell, Jun., Urfndra Gardens. Williamslown. l^Cl gTWR BALK, uheap, 37 CANARIES. Apply F. SJ Carroll. Kenilworth-rosd. Parkside. 169-61 f7\OH SALE, EMPTY UNU-LINbD OASES.—Good, M} Toms, & Co., Stcpoeos and Bundle places. 137-66 CIOB BALE. cheap. bUck-red, white oUe, and Jj PARTRIDQE PHEASANT Uanre; also, otter roo?tern.—lo. Harris-street. Norwood: 160-3 SjWR SaLK. cheap. Dick of three HaWKEKS' Jl1 covered TURNOUTS. Dearly new; together or separate.—F. B. White. ?tu?t street. 103-3 Bj^UR SaLE, LAUItS' ULSZJEB.S. is. 11(1. wirsh J? Bd. lid, 4?. lid. worth 12s. Cd., 6*. lid. worth 15d. 8d Hall & Savage, drapers, 105, Bundle-street. |710R SALE, cheap, new and secondhand TRAPS, P pbaetooH, wc^srocetted, and buggies of every deecription.—Cox £ Witherick, Waymouch-streer. 321iwao EIOR SALK, a set cf eight Bret-class TREEp OUABDS.—B. Borloid, 118, Osmond-terrace, Norwood. ■ 161 OR SALE, good, quiet COW, eu-table for family. —S. Manning, Clarenoe Paik, Goodwood-road. 161 FOR SALE, crostbrea DINGO PUPd. would make Rood watcb or sheep doga; cneap.—H. S. ■ hapman, earner Ancamstreet, Kent Town 161-4 rcOB BALK by TENDER, large BOOTH, 50 ft x P IS ft., BAR and FITTINGS ; lately ia use at Jordan Park.—Geo. Eoweil, Queen* Chambers. Piriestreet. 161-4■TURST-GLASb ■TURST-GLASb overstrung walnut Knake PIANO. P ctady new; great siciifica for oish. Apply "Piano," Advertiser Office. Port Adelaide. 101-4 gjWR SALE, > r plrnoid HUNTER, c years olo; a P tntal given.—Huntsman Hotel Stables. 161 gI\OB SALE, TGMTS, aniline, punching, bcrewing f* maobues. hellov-e. anvil-s vices, tyring-platt, Bcrewjack, devils.—W. Watkiss, Currie-etreet. 154.8.61 ITJOE SALE—<}uiet Aideroey COW, juat calved; P sloo l>i^ hra^y miiker with exit, qaiet Coniwr, nqsr Goodwood rjam let minus. 161 (TOOK SAi-E. tour HoESKS and two PONIES: muat JL 1 be sold; lease expired; young; any trial;— Cooper, near Goodwood trxn terminus. 161 Tj\on SALE, 6, 7, 8, 10. and 13 roomed urn-cUss P HOUSES; wrms; OUtton-streei, ProsuecU— Trevaill, Clitton-street- lOOwc L'ftS.—Single hretch £1. single muzzle £1 Is., cartrirtgee, poutJer, .bot, caps; reloading machines, 12=>. 6d.—Flint's Hint) ley .street. 161 lUaNTIC LAatP SALE NOW ON ; Duplex, with globe 6a., Bismatck, Ss. ad., hand bd.—Klcm and Co., 14. Arcade. 181.4.0 a Tl Oltse KOU SALE, cood, suwch, quiet, buitfOL able lor bug-cy .ir light epritg-dray ; aied.— Cooper*. Brewery, Upper Kmrington. 160-8 ELP 1-Ott INVAL.IU&.—CEUTCHKS aU rizes, ready; some with springs-—A- Robortson, Aogas-nUeec, tcventh door eastct Butt-ctieet. 98w573 £WISH tbe ADDREsS aod la. llrl. from all LADIES requiting warm FELT HOUSE bLJPI'i-RS; poetea fr*e to Any addrera in South AuarralU. Addren F. 8.0., H. J. Pearce. Manager, 78, Rundle-ntrcet. Adelaide. 103owe9ia«rslu5-S9k X CAMERON, PICTUBE-FRAUEIIAKEii and HOUNTC UTTER, LEIGH-STREET, ADELAIDE. 3l7waio | MAHBuE UANTELPIISOKS. bom £65.; wood enamelled, 10j. General marble'work executed. —Lawson, Swain, oppoaios Rechabite HaU, Grotc-stnet. 137-227 | NO. 4 "SILVER SONGSTER" is now ready, and nj?y be obtained from all booknlleii; words and mueio 100 eoogs; price cd. Wholesale from Geo. Robertson & Co., booksUUrs, Adelaide. UlwiGS KVV POXY-CaRTS. from £10. Muni Buggus, from £20. Village Pcaetoos, from £30; Pony Phaetona. £10. Village Pnaeion Waggooette, £60. Expressu, Spiders, Abbots, Victoria, Buggies, be, to. Secondhand Cab, £20; Hooded Concord. £15. Boodtd Abbot. £20; Ex.Top Phaeton. £33. Kxprea?es, Splderg, Buggies, Waggonettes, tc^ to., 'U UNO AN & FRASER'S. franklin-street. sms?;i OH! WHAT LOFE'.Y SHOES I-Where did you get Uiem? Hilda—Ob. I got them from that EZrWALKIN-S MAZE, QQIDLEY-BTRKEZ. Only os. cd., and real morocco, toa. Really. Marion, they are tbe most comfortable Sboe I've ever had; and Beulah got the moss lovely pair ot Aida Balmorals you ever caw for 108. 6d. Tub Ezywalkin positively guarantees every Boot he bells to give satisfaction. You can eatllv tied 'he shop; it's called toe Maze, right in front of Mess's, the Monster Clothier, Hindlet -street IStoweo jr~fcLD SCOTCH and. IRISH WHISKY, also 8 Star \_J old FKEKCH BRANDY, 38s. case.—R.H.] Wigg & Son, 8. P.e'.-9tr^et. 169.61,8 FIASO3, ORGANS.—lllustrated Catalogues iai Prioe-lUu poeted tree.—W. Kuanel, Piric-et ISleowa DIANOS, ORGANS (new and seoondnand); also, ML violins, flutes, acoordecna, tc.—E. Warhurst, 60, Hindiey-saeei InsuumenM tuned and ttpiired. ?wUB3 I niAKO, splendid. £26 cash, £28 terms; £3 deposit fC aid HI monthly.—H. Burmeister. Old Batn Hotel, Parade, Norwood. 161,4.6 Sole Ageot tor Hceuiog & Spangcoborg Pianos. Sole Agent for Jul'ua i'eurieh Pianoi. Sole Agent for R. Cora & Kallmarm Pianos Sole Agent for Carl Faun & Sohn. Bole Agent for B. ShantDger's Oteans, with bells. Importer ot Schwtchten Pianos, LtpptSohnFianW, Vottel & Sohn Pianos, Ctrol Otto Pianos. Schleiffer and Co. Pianos, Steinthai, Bans, & Sohn Fi*nos. 6end for piicc-iist. Wholesale, Retail. Time Payments. W. KUMeL. Pirie-st. IMwo

Wanted to Sell 6PENCEU.. Union-street, off EunOle-Mreet^ « TIP-DRAYS, epiing-draye, trollies, vans, expresses, c&rta, wheels, and boms on term;. 136e0w61 SAND. BAND. SAND.—Fml^class sharp rivei Biod, dry bed. John F. MUler, "Holinfirth," Fulham. 161.4.6 SAY, Frank, that Ezywalkin oove seems to be making a bit of a stir in boots. I'll have a go at a pair of those 10*. Cd. Balmorals of his. Cant miss toe shop, the llaze, next the Exchange Hotel, Hindley^treet. OSireoo OUPkRIOR stylish bassinette PEKAUBULATOR, C 5 leather-cushioned thraushout, rubber tires; 60s. —36 Charles-street, Norwood. I<sl secondhand LADIES' SADDLES, IO cheap, also barney. Come sad see tbe bargauig.—C. H. Lehmann. Orenfell-strtet. 161-4 OPADEs, 2s. 6d.; digninir fcrkj, 4s. Cd.; pruning C 5 knives, 1«.4d.; secateurs. Is. 6d.; band troweto, 6d.—Flint's. Hipdley-Btraet. 130waiJ27 SINGER TRAVELLER XBICYCUE, douole ball. beariogs, nickel-plated, perfect order; barsain. Auaress •■ Albert," care Sanduon, Miller's Corner, Olenelg. 161-4 T~\O SPORTSMEN AMI OTHERS.—Chronographs . and Stop W^tcbea at English ooet—Perryiuau'e, King Wiiiiam street. i«oc UERt/S this Ezjwalktne Boot Shop, BUI7 I want a pair of tnem bloomiwr 49. cd. Bluohen I see Jark with; tney*re a Eood boot; I wote them. Bill, litee tear mouths, only ta cd. The chop is called the Maze, next to the Exchange Hotel, Hinalev-street. 93ireoo WILL SELL or EXCHANGE cream fONY. 12.2. for one 13.2; gooJ ia eiddte ana harness. — Criterion Stables. 161-4 IOLIN, dnidM exhibit Melbourne Exhinition', ISoO; brilliaot tone ; sacrifice.—Andrene, No. S3. Arcade. 381 liiil ftf\,h BODIiD VINES; Carbenet, XWiUlfif Shinz, Malbec, Zante.; guaranteed unirrigated; special quolauoos. Apply Kercooada Nursery, Auburn. lfll-85 ni i BUYS new bPRING-DHAY, HORSE, and 3&J_ i|- HARNESS (great bargain); £10 for ttrong smug-cart, horse, and harness; eet buegy haraeis, 3Oi : newcoU?n. lOt—Gawler Lime Company. SWymoutti-street. 161-41 1 it It: WILL BL)Y * P"1 o1 my odebrawd Bal-M-\tl O morals; every pair guaranteed to rive purcbater aaxisfact>Qn. 3ilweoo Board sad Sesideaei3*ierthieh??ii?f rir srsjsiiy li writ, ?o? iutertion, v.; thru iiusrtbuu. H. fL. O UEUIdtSCSCLUB, Wfaitmon-equare—AUclaaees f> ot workmen in addition to binkmea; sioglo roouiB; early breakfast; 14s. week. Efceow.BU CIOMKOIIIABLG BOARU and RtalDltNOK, j u?rried couples. s<ngle geatlunen; bath, piano; terms uiodeiat&^-Cooper, DorseitA-tecrace, 01, Flinderd-htrett 169-61 * COMFORTABLE turobhed BOOMS, wita Uce of \j plunge and -hower bath.—Mrs. Uinear, Aoffaseuett. Lovtll's baker's shop 159.61.5 CIOUr'GKrABLK BUARU aid RKBIVKNCE for j two gentlemen or marrird cou^-; stable and paadock?; no children.—"Boia,"Koi i htsbtid);e P.O. zU.8.61.4 CHOilfOiJTA?ufi HOME offered one or G«o gentle-J men, no children, cram passes door, pieasant suburb.—" Southera," this office. 161.4,6 ENTRAL-Comfor-alxe furniahed ROOM, fircplioe, use of kiubea, twau—39, Goager-streec, oi-poate Langbam Hctel. 161 UFIO2I UOUSE PREPARATORY SCHOOL, Trimty-etieett College Town.—Boys attending other schools taken B boarders.—A. rT. GosneU, M.A. I22eow?!0 AOMFORTaSEe HOME for itwei or three j GENTLEItCN.—Mrs Bourke, 1. Tkviitook-Blrast, off Kumfll-^tre^t 167,9,61 IVTOKTH ADELAIDE.—Superior BOARU and 131 RESIDENCE for eeatMnen or man ed couple. Address " sI-C ." '37. Chudert-Btreer. 159.C1.4 UfERIOB bOABD and RESIDENCE offend two fentemen frirnds. b^sti part Kortti Aaelaide.— •■ Villa," PoetrOfli-ae. MJL 161 UPERIOR suburban BOARD and RESIDENCE"; bbble, tennis conrt, ba -h (hot and oold) ; oow kept; £lja week.—" Suburbs." Uub wetk. z181.4-8 SUPEfilOtt BOARD for MARRIED COUPLE or gentlMnen; bath, piano, Kood table, no children/; quiet home.—2l7, King William-street south. 167.9.61 S~ UPfittlO? HOMfi offered one gentleman, no ther boarders. North Adelaide, easy distance oyy.—" Zoln.* G.P.O. 1158-61 flnO LES, furnished front ROOM ; nss kitohrn.— JL Firso bo?es ea,t Smith's store, Wruthtstreet fwest, oppoeite Prince Albert Hotel. 161.4,6 ANTED, unfurnished ROOU in City tor two young ladies, in private family preferred. Addrete "Marie." 0.P.0. 161 WAXTHD. UOaSO and KESLDEKCK. married couple, child S yeanv private tainlly; no children or boameis prcterred.—"Sydney." this office. ' 169 tl YOUNG LADY eogaged during day would find comfortable home.—2, Cogliuplaoe, off Gougerstreet. 157,9,61Lo3t Lo3t and Found. VnierthU heniinjfif amtoiii. li worlt, to* insertion. Is.: thru irnvtioiu. St. 6L OOUND in KING WiLLIAMxT&HET. an Jp establishment where Watches, Jewellery, &a, can be purchased at English cost prices.—Perryman'e. 160 c CWUKD.—Hollingi Spangenberg Kave appointed P W. rXubnel.eirie-acreet, eoleafom. laieows gTIOUND, Dr. Bowden'e Uveraud Indigestion Herb fj Pills ate the best. Agents—Faulaing & Co. and Import Co.. Grenfell-gtreet. . , 161 fOST. red OOW, irom at. Huens-stnet. Park-J bide. Reward.—J. Stodrtard. z159 61,4 OST. beweeu eemaphore and fort. CART BOOK; Coder reworded.—Waiter & atoms, timber nterc?aots, Port Adelaide. 160-3 f OST, DELIVERY BOOK, between Tcpnami_J esroet and North Adelaide; reward.—UcOulloch Carrying Company, Limited. 18oS O.ST. from Finsbury Park, Woodville, BOSEULA PARROT; tiuder rewarded. —P. Gaidner. Woodvil'j), or damueia & Gunner, COBsmrcial-road, Port. 161-4 LOST, a large PEAIiU. set in gold, viith lour dlanionda ;fiodtr wul berewatued by retumlrjg to W. Harding, Lady Fergusson Hotel, Currie-et:eet west. 160-3 OST, a RUG, In King WiUiam-staeet; finder rewaraed.—Criterion Hotel, Kitg WUliam-etrrat. 161 LOST. WATER PROOF OVERCOAT, between Two Well? ?nd Bolivar Hotel; >eward on returning to Smith's Hotel, Junction, Rosewater. MO 3 OtTRAYKD. dark bay MARE, not branded, white to l>l«z-s white faino fsot; finder rewarded.—P. i>akere, Glyde-stteet, North Kensington. 159 61 envvo POUNDS REWARD —LOST, a very smaU f. TOY ENGLISH TeRRIER DOG. answers to the name of Curlie, black-aud lan, wiMi liitle white on breast, pricied ear and right one spilt a little, muzxle taming grey, tail with bunch on and. The abo'e reward will be paid to anyone returning the same, and detainer prosecuted.—D. ttundy, Lochiel Park. Campbdltown. 1540 ILL the person who FOUND LETTERS, Monday. kindly return in evening to adirets on envelope ? Finder will hi regarded. zICU-3 4-)S&S. REWARD.—LOST, child's black PONY. 4if brandea M5O; about 11 hands.-J. Reid, it, Waymoutii-strtet 161 gTWUND.—Tnas W. Kuhnel, Pirie-atrrtt, has to* JC largeat and beit stooic of Piauoaiu the colony. lSleowo Miscellaneous. Cmbr thit heading (if prepaid), IS vnrte, «n* inurtjon,!*.; three A LFRED WILLIAMS, Snanbroker, Mcmb.r ot £%_ the Stock Exchange of South Ansoalia, Ute ol th? firm ot J. w. & a. Willia...B 160-3 EiSH'S RKGIbTbRED OAttBOUO CUkg-aLU— I have TRANSFERRED 'ho BUSINESS to uiy WIFE (Kate B«r) and T. G. WRIGHT, who will carry on tbe above at £77, Bundle-street east. Beware o' imitations 169-61x161 ABBaUTIITUL £3 3*. LADY'S SILVER WATCH GIVEN AWAY EViSttY MONTH among-t purchastrs of Thomas Sbeppard'e £1 Is. Watcnes. Re May purcharen-W. Parker, Kerebrook, was sucofssfuL Address Areace. Adelaide. ISJafIS UESSMAKING.-COTriNG and FITTING TAUGHT; series or single lesson; measurements by practical drewinaSer; good patterns.— - Teacher," tais office. lei DISON-S (Utest Improved) PHONOGRAPH, now being Kxhibited in I^e Arcade, may be Hired for Private Parties, sc Apply W. Williams, care of Mr. N. H. Llndichau. jeweller. Arcade. 100 3 IT MTIINU INDUSTRY.—Knitting aod goods of lA. aU kinds atUl made by Mra-Olegg, Exeter; one machine for sale. 169-61 AITM RTHBI._ T?B:*flTrr!Al. W.TTHII. KPI^ JEWKLL£R,aacI OPTICIAN, 37, bjoe WUbam. etreet, Adelaide.—ENGLlSH LEVER WATCH (S3 from £* Urn-, (raaraSteMl tbreo yean, tieneva H'atobet, from 30e.; Goll Watobes, bom 60s; 13 OL Wedding Rings, from 10*. od.; Hall-marked Gold Keepers, from 7s. Od.; Gold Gem Rings, from 9*. 6i; Gold Brooohes. from 10s Od.; SUrar. from 2a.; Ullver Aloerts. from 7s 6d ; Niokd Watobes, from 17s 6d.; Watches cleaned, os.; Clooki cleaned libm 2a. cd.; Him i MMilrn^ft*H tosuitiall et^nts from la. tid?; Pebbles from 3?. cd. Old Gold and SiUer Boueht. tfiweoo avju. « "SILVEB SONGSTEB" is now ready, and 131 may be obtained from all booksellers; 100 of the latest popular longs, with music; price Od. Wholesale fiom Geo. Robertson & Co., booksellers, Adelaide. 154wi65 IPP ft SOHM'S PIANOS at W. Kunoe?*, Pirie niset; also, Soawcehlen't, Gun * Kallmann's. lbleows Produce For Sale and Wanted, Coder this heading (if prepaid), IB tearde, oaf insertion, U.; three inurrioas, Sc (M. R SALJi, about twenty tons dean mixed HAY Apply R. Pitman, Start. 161-4 Professional and Trade Addresses aODFBSY & DAVIES. 6HAREBROKEBB, Land and Estate Agenta, AgstratOhamnCT, 18, Cnrrls-eErest. SwflM LYONS & LEADER, IHPKRUL CHAMBERS. ADELAIDE, LAND. ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL AGENTB. LICENSED BROKERS UNDER R.P. ACT. oaconrja'sr rs?o XaSiano at Loweat Current Bates on Freehold fieoariby. Otty, finburban, or Oountry. AH bolness under tbs Beat Property Act transacted Lonosnegotfated. OoTtnunsnt! and oti>« Land Balm •tteafM. eweoo

Businesses, Partnerships. AGENTLEMiN wirh an established DAIRY FaRU within easy distance of Adelaide If desirous of meeUxur witi anctber with a view to PARTNERSHIP; capital reqaind about £300.-NathL Oldbam & Sod, Land tad Estate Agents, Adelaide. 100 SU6I ITVOR BALE, good CITY BUSINESS: snetsfaotory JD reasons. Apply first instaoO? "B.."thls office. 159-01 OR SALE, Mriwdid BUCKsaUTH BUSINBSS in one of hesD suburbs; a bargain. Apply G. W. Klem bdo.. Gtenfell-ticel. ?1j9.61.« f^\ EKERAL STORE.coactrj, old-estabushed. duing VJT Dice steady hiJne-B; post-office, allowance for which pats ran:; BVx>k about ailOU (SI B). GREENGROCERY BUSINESS, really first-class and complete plaat, witt ezcelleat roand of customers; good chance tor puihinK mm ; £60 (79 A). WOODYARD, firet-oaes suburban yard, old-ettablished, in popntois euburb; cooa output; rent, with dwelling sf (bur rooms. 12s. wetk ; £195 (S«}. BUTCHERING BHSINESS, suburbs, killini; 3 beasts andSOheadsnull; low rental; complete plum (117). BLACKSMITH* BUSINESS, country, dome splendid trade; prafilr. £200; valuation, £160 (243). SUALLGOODS BAKEUY and RbSTATJRANI, populous town, exmUenttrade; ctaaiice, £h0(97). GENERAL STORE, 25 miles city. P.O. attached; good and cafe dratriot; ax valuation; £200. BOARDINGHOUSE, 10 contact boarders paying 18s. weekly; fir*t class position; chance (St C).. GREENGKOOEUY BDSINKSS, £40 (St F); City, £85 .250); City, £lO> (271); Oity. £176 (2/S A). GROu'ESY—OId-established bnainesi with valuable connection; stock about £400; rare chance (89). DRAP£RY — Old-established Drapery and Wlliaery, many yean in «me hands; £300 (91). GENERAL SCORE, 9 milra from City; trade £160 month ; postx-f?ce £18 year; £400 ; valuation. GESERAL STORE, doing £45 week; £600 (99). WOE SALOON, Port Adelaide, doing £20 week; very low rental; chance; £200 (154). S\TE DO NOT CHARGE BUYERS COMMISSION. JOHN HUTGHINGS & CO., LICENSED VALUERS, KSTATfi AGENTS, 4:0., ' Next Bank of Australasia, Corrlo street. lSfloweo Town and Country Business Exchange, Waymouth-st. SPLENDID BAKING BUSINESS, thickly-populated country to*n; lance turnover; established 16 years; low rent; first-clan premises; owntr retirins * valuation. CHKMISrS STOQE to be cold Id one fine or lots to suit purchasers ; anyone wishing to open a bujinest very easy termi,oaD bearraDgvdforall or portion of stock ;>-plendid showcases and fistnres. BOARDING-HOUSE and REFRESHMENT-ROOMS, main street, oity; can behadoa Tcry easy terms; rental low ; turnover good. LARGE GENERAL STORE, with drapery; splendid accommodation; low rental; valuation about £800; old-estabUshrd business in a mam road. GROCERY BUSINEBS. good suburb; rent, 175.; cood accommodation; valuation. GOOD BOARDING-HOUSE, central position; very low rental valuauon- S3So ASItD, good WOODY ARD. ejey or suburb, from £100 to £Ido ; must be gocd business. Apply " Wo^." G P.O. 161-4 WANTED to PUKCriAsE. goad DAIRY, from £50 to £150 - " Canh." G.P O. ICI-* WANTED to PURCHASE. WOOD and COaL BUSINESS, or le^eyaid with engine. Apply to " Bminut," Payne ham P.O. y 10:-4 Orr/a v%ILL BUY good suburban BUTCHERING 3*i\9 BUSINESS, Six roome, stable, sl.ughtethouse; tent, Sue.—Tnoe. Aylifle, Grentell-street. 167.f1.61 BIGOKST B&RGAIN ever offered, Ezywalkin'n Working Men s 4s. 64 blucher; •pngeed and bed tipped; every pair guaranteed- lfllweoc Misoellaneom Wants. ANTED to HIRE, with opnon of parona-e, Safety BICYCLE. Apply Victorian Fuml-h-ing Oompaf<y, 63, Bindley-etreeu - 16j-S ANTiill to HIRE, SOLE-SEWING IIACHINE, with option of purobase.—A. Goldimr, 80a, Pirie-street. 161 PUT the pony in at onoc, Jack. Where on «>rtb are you off to now, Isabel? Only down to Ezywalkin's. mother, for a pair of those tilacie Ktd Battoo Boots, same as Lilian got tor 7a. lid. They are really «be bigaest bargain I ever saw. I pay 18a. 6d. lor mine. I shan't b« long. The shop is in front of Hobs, tbe Uoneter Clothitr, Hindley-sueet 15Zow«> LD CLOTHES for tbe Poor thankfnlly received and called for.—Kiss Koehncke, iliwionarj, Winaers-stwet Baptist Chnrob. 154 waS WANTED everyone to know that Hall and Savage's, 106, Bundle-street, is the cheapest house for drapery and clothing. 61waic ORKING WEN to try EzywaUdns1 4s. 6d. Bluohen, tipped and epngaed. Every pair guaranteed to give purchaser satisfaction.—Erywalklns, HuKJley-etreet. 155.61,3 g VCR PET.—Out this Out andsend tons with la. \J and you wul receive by return o( post a pair •f Infanfa Patent Strap Shoes, elasUo fronts, sewn, tins 2,3,4,6. Addren F.8.C., 78, Ruodle-straet. 103owe92xl0i>-S9k H. J. PEARCE, Manager. RS. BOWMAN. cerUlcated MIDWIFE, from Women'a Hospital, Victoria, accommodates patients.—Corner Pulueney and Wakeueld Btreets, Adelaide; ttrictly pr.vate. 160-8 KS. RANEY, duly-qualified MIDtVIFE, London diploma. Accommoaation lor patients, strictly private. Outdoor practice.—Roper-etreet, off Flindere-atreet. 140weoi6S |? ARUAINS, THIS DAY, lot of odds and ends in |J> men's and wommV boots; must be sold.— Ezy walkin's compulsory sale, fiindlej-etreet. lOlweoo Missing1 Friends. Under this luading (if prepaid). IS tnordl, eft* instrtion,U.; three insertion*. U. cU. "V" Y.Z.—W«loome letter received; letters crossed: been sway. Now can I write yon? Will visit toon as can. Not forgotten. Write again fame aodrees. mi Houses and Land Wanted. Under tftii heading (if prepaid). IS worde, one ineertion, le. ; three insertion*. U. Si. JOHN HUTGHINGS & GO. Next Baok of ADstnlaria. Currle-stxeet. HAVE GtNUINE BUYERS WAITING FOR Few cood Building Sites (for cub) in good position; Hose Park, Kent Town, City, or St. Peters prelerred. Retiaecce, S roomc. City or near: up ta £l,t€o. Villoo aod Hou-es, 4,6, and 6 room*, ia Uiiy and suburbs, from £260 to £550. M?ny boyera oalting. Detached nottace, 3 or 4 roon>s, city or suburbs, £2uo. dtv ana SubUihan General Stores, stoek? up to £151). Baking, Butcherini;, Daioing, Woodyards, Kc. 13Sweu6l * \T ANTK D, for several weeks in Adelaide, THREE V T ROODS (bed, oonsuldnc, and waiting): suitable for medical van. Apply, by Utter, J. M. Wendt, 70, Rundlfrttreet. 16U-S Houses and Land To Lat SnierthiehaaJin/(it yrt -ovl). It tnrdt, out insertion, it.; three iiucrtuim. it. Si. FURNISHED CuITAGE, three roams and pantry. Apply 1&, Hinder* Btrtec, Oit}. beiotence required. 161 LaUKWOOD.- TO LBT. rurniehed, for term, commodious HOUSE, near station; every convenience; Stabling.—llakio & Bowen, Uowra Cbambers. 157.9.61I>LTCBER'S I>LTCBER'S SHOP and FIVt RuOilS TO LET, 13 EnfleU; no<r occupied by lit. Priest. Enquire X May. Wnitmofe-square. Z153.01.3 OTTAGK, three roooui, TO LET, Smil-=n-etreet; rent, 9a— F. W Deacon, Oaiuondstreet, OB Oillea-strett west. 161 C^ITV.— TO LtT. aOVStS. elz and elgtit rooms, j firsi-cuUB Older, 18s, Sis.—C. U. tajeia. Rojal Exchange. H7eowc CAP-IOIOUS OFFICES. Alfred llasonia nail, Wa>nioutb-etre«t. Apply A". A. Tuckrr. Pirieeueet, apposite Albert Hall. 159c0w0 OLLKGK PaRK, superior VIuLA, acven rooms, batb, pauiry. cslUr; veiy convenient; deep drainage; £75 Wiliirer Bros., buUacn. Norwood. SS^waa -> ■ VAVAAK,* SOUTH-TERKAOE—^TO LET, Lr superior BK^IDENOfi, contiining iwelra rooms, bathroom, a«auriea, laanury. tdtchea, stables, coacaoouses, *a, and li aores of land. lmmediaM poisosoou —J. *W. Haadsrso?, 'JH, King William■tnA Adelaide. Silwooi?Sta fTIUENISHED HOUSE six rooms TO LET, cheap, f} Dudley-street, Sen-apbore, near station. Apply J. J. Ryan, on prem'ow. U9 61 GOOD RESIDENCE, with 60 acres land; five miles from city, water laid on, fruit trees, shrubbery. &c, &c. —Arthur Bean & Son, leather merchants, 158, Rundle-street, opposite York Hotel. 161.4 6 aOUSEof eight rooms, outhouse*. Cc, TO LEt, in FUaden-sueet east; in perfect order. Apply Mr. tucker's store, opposite State school. S2c HOUSE, cix rooms, witn balconx, bath, verandah, &t. gor-d order, CairlmjtOo-Btfcet cut; rent lea.—Taplin. Gaaeit-place. 15Sj_ ■ f OUSE TO LEX, HYDK PARK, Jive roamf OL kitchen, in good order.—at. fj-mondi Clark, 69, King William street 169.6 M HOUSE, fear rooms ana stable, to let it> fower-street, fity. Apply to Ihomas Mahady. ICI KENT TOWN—Four rooms and kitcuen. ISs FREWVILLE-ViUa, cix rooms, &c., 12s. Gd. —I. Stephens, agent. Pine-street. 301 r7"IKG WILLIAM-STREKT.—Watches, Clocks. TV snd Jewellery at English oast prioes.—Perryraau'e. 66, Kirg Williaai-streciL 160 c MALVEBN.— Clilton and Rugby streets, RESIDENCE, five rooms. Iron abed; trait garden; ISj. weekly.—C. H Matters fe Co. ■ 159.61,4 TkTOKWOOD.—Edwaranraeet-IO LET. HOUSE X^f eic^it roome, every convenience; tent, £60.— O. Hall te Son*. Norwood. 880 NORWOOD VILLA, six rooms (one underground), very oonvenleDt; possession June 6; ITe. 6d.—OoUiver Bros. Sydenbam-road. Norwood. 160 c NOBTH ADELAIDE. OXFORD VHiI.4, STK.ANGWAYS TBRRAUE, SUPERIOR RESIDENCE, 10 ROOMS, with all con. venienoes. Immediate Possession. Bent. £90 per year. Cards to view from NATHL. OLDHAM & SON, IMPERIAL OHAUBERS, NEST SAVINGS BANK. RING WILLIAM-STREET. 1290 OFFICES TO LKT, PORT ADSLAIDE. Apply R. CooKuurcoa, JUtertiter OUiooj, eats Adelaid*. 353 a OFFICES TO LKT, OREN FELL-STREET, ground or flirt floor. Apply to Mutual Lite Association ot Australasia. aflowoo

Honses and Land to Let. SHOP, double-fronted, spacious ground, and Brst floor, TO be LET, grand stand for business; Immedlatapossession,cheap renal; Pirie-street. next earner Pulteney-street. Apply Charles Aubrey, Vlctoria-tqnare. 167.9.61rf\O rf\O LET by TENDER. SECTIONS 99,100. 101, 1 167. and part 98, HUNDRED ol POST GAWLER, 303 acr*s. (or term of five or seven yean. No tender neoes?arily aooepted.—Wm. F. Jacob, Box 174. G.P.O. 160cx1610 rf\O LET. cheap, BLOCK c( LAND, corner Garjl rinjrton ana King William streets. —Wm. Jno. Brook. Onrrio-street. 16U5.7 mo LET. the season's GBASS of luge paddock on Jl the Start; well I enoed (sheep-prool), watered. —"Grazier," Ooromandel Valley. 7.161,4,6 nno LET, HOUSE of five roonu, kitcnen, bath; l_ two minutes from Bowden etation and tram, —a. Ooombe. Brompton. 16j-3 taiO LET, nire three-roomed COITAGB. St. Helen*! place, off Halifax-street. Apply Mrs. Falrlie, Halifax-street «est. 161 fno LIST. Kent Town. D quettevillr-curace norm, JL CLKMO VILLA; poeeesetOD on the Hth. Apply Jonn Hammer, next ooor. 16 -8 rvyo LET. nicely FURNISHED OOrTAGE of fire JL norn, eicnated Oarrington-street; term 12 mjnths. Apply "J.B.."thi? office. ZI6U-3 TO LET, six-roomed HOUSE, kitchen, and bach ; rent £48 per annum.—S. Matin, Archer street east. Kor-h Adelaide. zIOO-a rr\O LET, Barton-terrace, North Adelaide, HOUSE, L six rooms, batn, &c, 20s.—Ohas. Heinze, No. 9, ALna Chambers. Zl6O-3 • '■10 LET, two-etdry Coachbuilder's SHOP, JL Gou«er-*treet, late Wiese & Cuitia; 30s perwei-k. Apply C. N^bbf, Elizahethstroet. zieo3 10 LKT.five-roomedHOUSE a?dbath; rent 118. Apply Ohas. yon Einem, First-avenue East Adelaide. 169 01 rtno LET. HOUSE rive rooms, bath and pantry, i_ GUies street Apply B. Norton, Stanley Cottage. Young-street. Parkside. 159-61 fV\O LET, a HOUSE four rooms, cellar, lare« L garden; rent, lls. Giyde-«treet, North Kensington.—H. Rowe, East-parade, Kensington. 169-61 fTIHREE-BOOUED COTTAGE TO LET, Dear JL ExctersncioD. with back kitchen. ApplyO. Payne, Newman-street, Semaphore. 169-61 rryo LET, Winchester HOUSE, eeven rooms, bath. JL —Halifax-stxeet east, (onxtb door vest of Butt-street north side. 160-3 O LEI, comfortable HOCSE, best situation in North Adelaide; detached; immediate possession ; seven rooms, paotxy. bath, outhouses, large garden ; near tram; low rent.—Waller D. Reed. 111, King William street. 169.61,4 '|1O LET, well-furnished HOUSE rlx rooms, batb, ■ entry, laree garden Apply " Hope Gottue," Bnndle-street, KenoTown. 167,9.01 0 LKT, KENT TOWN, six rooms, bath, pantry, cellar, every convenience.—lire. So art, King William-street, Kent Town. 167.9,01 '■10 LET, HOUSE, eoveo rooms, carden, pirk JL frontage; Hackinnon-parade. North Adelaide. Apply ColUson & Co., Waymonth-Wteet. 164we068 nno LET, MacUl, on tramlinr, HOUBE, twelve JL roonu. cellar, outbuildinga, splendid view; paddock, mable. and coachhouse if required.—Henry Duostan. Kensington Park. 150eowo TO LET, Barton terraca weal. North Adelaide, eight-roomed. HOUSE, with«rery oonvenlenot, and stable.—L Paddy. I3leowc fiO LEl\ cix-roomed HOUSK, Lock temoe, X Conner-street. Apply E. Whitflald, ca-e of G. and J. Downer. U9weoo TO LET or SELL, seven, eight, and tbirteenroonted HOUSED; ea«y terms; Cltfton-street, Prospect —Trevaill. Clifton-street. 102iwao '■10 LKT. FACTORY. Twin-tenet (now Calder and L BalfourV), from Ist July—Bray & Hacketc. 71, Sing WjUiam-gtreet. glaiw7Qgc VINEYARD TO LEC, cheap. M ACL, AIiEN VALE, SO to 40 aorta. Wine grapes tall bearing; large cellar; known as W. Oliver's.—Stanley E. Evans, house and laiid agent. Giibert p ace. 157.9,61 VILLA, eight rooms. 15 minutes' walk from Post" office ; frontace to South Park Lands.—Baln> Robertson. Town Hall.. 161 ABU. STABLING. OHAFFHOUBE. near King William-street. TO LET —Mr. Carlile. TopbameUeet, or Afford, Stoat, & Co.. Hindley-stwet: 167.9.61 Houses and Land For Sale. Under this heading (if prepaid), U words, sM insertion. It; three meertSat, te. U. S^a.B.G-^a.ll^. foe"sale, HOUSE, EIGHT ROOMS (BRICK), TANK, BATHROOM, CELLARS, WIDE WINDOWS. LARGE ALLOTMENT OF LAND EAST ADELAIDE. Apply to JOSEPH DOUGLAS, BOTAL AVENUE, GILLES-BTEEET, CITY. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS PBEPABBD. ESTIUATES FOR GENERAL REPAIRS. HOUSES BUILT TO ORDER. 10.4w38i BARGAINS. WATVILLE—ViIIa, 7rms., bath., pantry, dr.; land, 65 x 160, row! at rear: v.ry low price, £760. 425. GOODWOOD NORTH, within (ew minutes' walk city boundary—Villa, 7 rms., very garaen; £JCO. 279. LABGS BaT—Hones, Onus., jiooa position; £H5. MAKRTATVrLLE, Rlngrmore-rovl—House, C rooms, &c. land S6 x 118. wonderfully cheap ; £150. 673 KERSBROOK-62 aores choice garden land. 23 aores planted, good 7-roomed House, &o ; £1,800. 281. NORWOOD, Benlah-road—Vilra, 6 rooms, hall, bath, sheds, &o.; land 6U zl3l; £120; good property. 550 MAG ILL—it acre*, planted with oraopes, lemons, &c: 7 rooms, stabling, tanks, &a; £1,300. 820. NAILSWORTH, Cautornia-st.—Two Ckmtans. 3 and 1 r^oms: Una 70 x 106; for the pair £210. 673 NORWOOD, Kensimrton-terrace —House, 7 room*, stabling, «c.;tC9x SS2. nicely planted; £1.700. 496. UILLBROOK—S4 aores; House. 7 rooms, &c ; several aores plant'd with vines, fruit, fee.; £850. «8. CITY. Hott-streec—3 Superior well-built Residences; eoodandsateinreetment; £3000. 292. PROSPECT—House.« roome, He.; £220. E7S. EASTWOOD -Two 4-roomea Cotters; £260. 672. CITY, Gouirer-et.—House, 4 rooais,&a; £4W 67i 11AIATEBN, Dover-**.—House, 6 rooms, be ;£BJS. 643. KDWAHDSTOWV--10* acres, Houeu; £600. 67G. KNlCirrs??lDGE—6rooms;fiveallta.; £560. 639. COLLKGUPaBK, HarrO?-rd—Villa, firms;£626.47B. K. AUKLaIDK. Gover-Bt.—Villa, 7 rooms; £950. 429. ST. PETERS—Corner Block. 500 ft. fentpe ; £310. 276. HirCU A.M, main road, 3 a'Jotmenta ; offer. Choice Bul.dinn AUotn<ents, Ch=ip Easy Terms arranged for any of the about if required, Thou Tainting cheap htnwcx and raft invfttmentM thould calx and get juller partumlan. m/\ T ff-W— HOUSES, different au-s. City, J. \J UCJ J. . College Pk^ East Adelaide. K. Adelaide, Wayville, Kensington, Matjul, Goodwood aodo:hrr Suburbs. Furnii-hed Houses, Seaside, City, K. Adelaid-. M. Lo'ty, and other Suburbs. MONEY TO LEND ON FREEHOLD SEOUBITIKS. JOHN HUTGHENGS & CO., LICEN3ED VALDCRS, ESTATE AGENTS, &c. Sext?utkot Austnlasu, Currie-otreet. 125aiwo /COLLEGE PARK.—FOR SALE, ohoioe of font \y superior &ESIDENOE3: workmanship and flniffh guaranteed. XeTma,v^Colliw Sroa^, bnfldets, Horwood. l?lwo CITY, Oouirer-BtreM —Two four-roomed Cottars, price £450; three three-roomed Cctxaees, £|60.-T. Stephens, ajrent, Pirie-etreet. 161 SPLANAUE. LAUGS BAY.—FOR SALE or TO LET for term, HOOSE. nine reams, two ki;cnens, bathroom, cellar, ouihoueea. Two-thirds purcb<iae-moaey can jemaln at) moderate interest.— Un>. Gunson, Laiga. lafleoirtl LSETER— Chailton-street, Hou?e, six rooms. £290. SEMAPHORE—HaII-street, Allotment 63, 60 ft x 100 fc.. £155. YOBli—Part SccUon S9l, 11J acres, six-roomed House, uoderfnrouDd Cairy, { ncre planted with truit-trtef, 3 miles from G.P.0., £600. F(TLLABTON ESXATE-Gladstone-road, AUotmento 8 and S. doss tramsheds, £1 per foot. BORWOOD—Fteher-ctreet, Allotments 13,15, and 14. FIKSBUETT PARK-AUotments 63,61. and 76. BIDLEVTON XORTH—Allotments 11 Mid 12, near C'oydon Btation. ALBERT PARK—Allotment ISI, House, four rooms, w-11-bullt, £286. M4LVKH.N—Fisher-sireet. Allotment 266, £& par foot. fUKNISHSD HOUSE-Eight losma, JeScottttreet, North Adelaide. DOSWELL,MAGLAREN,&CO. 16, EAGLE CHAMBERS, PIBIE-STREET. ' 159,01.4.6,7u.C.8.8M. FOR SALE. CITY—Four-roomed House, £350: mbst terms. KORTII ADKLAIDE—Three-roomed House, £10 depeste, batanm weekly payaeobs; £I 3?. KENaUTOTON—I'oui-roomed Houte, land 60 jc 110, £175. Also HOUSES and LAND in North Adelaide. Goodwood. Norwood, aUrryatrilla, Prospect, Parkeide, and Bowden. HOUSES AND LAND TO LET. ARTHUR DAVY & CO., HOUSE AND LAND AGENTS, 27. WArMOPTH-aTBEET. a66oweo FOR SALE. ALLOTSIENTS AT LAEGS. Close to Beach and Train; made roads; Water laid on; good Train Service; Low Price; and on very Eaey Terms. liberal advances made to persona BuHdug. SEMAFHOBE, Esplanade, 60 x 19* to street at the rear; price, £500. BESIAI'HOEE, Etplsnade, 60 x ICO; don to Jetiy; £7 per foot. SEUAPfIOBE, HaD^treetVOlOK tO.Be?ob; £2 12e. Gd. per foot Apply GREEN & CO., LAND AGENTS, PIRIE-BTBEET 181 wo fjlOR SALE, fln« PROPERTY In EASTERN P SUBURB, about 22 ceres of twt land, HOUSE oi 10 rooms, with all conveniences, stables and coachbonse. For toll particulars apply Mr. Wbittenbary, WeoHtieet, back ol Town Hall, Norwood. 1£3,60-i

Houses and L&nd for Sale. TJTOR SALE, NOETH WILKEBMLLE, House, P eight rooms, luge baU.pantrie*, cellar, baths, and wtfhboose. stables, and and, 100x180. GIL-BtETON — Boose, six rooos, batb, ontoouses, etabla, and land, CO x 100. Apply J. T. Knuckey, buUder. Gilberton. IStgeoM FOR SALE, Some ol Uie BEBX and OHEAPESt FABMU IN ZQC COLONY. SXEMS EASY. J. C. WILKINSON, BSi<rcx9lo 67, Kin E waiUm-stT«et FOR _SALE. IS A DECEASED ESTATE, ZO CLOSE ACCODNTS. BOUTHWABK-—ALLOXMEKrS SSi and 290, eaoh 60 ft to Anderson-street by 160; dose team. Price. 12a. 6d. per toot. EAKGABOO ISLAND, Saburbu to Qaeeucliffe—PAlil SECTION 3, 22 Acres. Price, 3us. per KENSINGTON-ALLOTMENT 1. 60 ft. to Chapeletnet by SlB ft. deep; Allotments 2,3, and 4, esod 56 It to Chapel-street by depths ot about 200 tt.; Allotments 5. 6, and 7. eaoh 60 ft. to Chapel-Btttes by 160 tt oeep. Price, 20*. to 80s. per foot. KENSINGTON—AIIotments. TSK.iiin. UChapelstreet by irregular depths. Price, £75. KENSINGTON—AIIotment 9, cS ft t? Eastparade by depths ol 171 It. 4 in., and 128 It. 8 in. Price, £30. KENSINGTON—AIIotment IL, measuring 178 ft. 0 in. to Eaet-parale by 109 It 6 in., and lit U. 8 in. Price, £75. Terms—lo per cent down, IS per cent, in one month, balance in three month! without lnteren. Plans on application, E. S. "Hughes, ACCTIONEEB, VALUATOR, AND ESTATE AGENT. 69, KING WILUAM-STBEET. OfPOSITE BOYAfc EXCHANGE. W?Ao rB BALE cheap. BLOCK LAND, £8 x 170, Sew Parkside, faaing oval; terms U required "Oral." this office. 159 61 ANGAS-STBitET, CITY—Uu?t be sold, fint-cUss Till., 7 ran., b>tb, cellar, garden; land, 6? x 210 ft.; £1,100; sacrifice. IHiAS—Splendid Property, IS acres, 8 sens planted with roll bearing awonsd fruit-tzees, c acres gaiden lano; £i.OSS BILLS-Two Working Hen's Blocks; cheap. HUNDRED HALL-SBO acres, ES'.acrf. EENBINGTON—^BeeIdeDce 8 mi, convenJenoet, coachhouse, stables, man's room! 6 acres land, trait and flower mrden; team irisnrr NOBTS NOBWOOD-Lano from Bs. ft. OBOTE-STBEET. CITY-Olose Central Market, Acre Slu to let on long leases, in one at more lota, to suit; cheap ground rent; good site for factory. NOBTH ADELAIDE--Fornialwd Home, 6 rms., stable, coachhouse, park frontage; 60*. week. L4.BGE FABM, 5 miles from City, house, cray improvement, plenty water. SOOXB ADKLAIDB-lSn?S..«tsbles; tow rental. joeiK nxxKjarmt, AtTCTIOttEEB. ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENT, UOKNSED LAND BHOKISB, OOBBUE-aTgEBX l«8a FOB, SftTi? Cxbd or Tmaiu. ALLOZUEKIS—Ohaooe's Corner, Uoley. Berpham, KUenvUlc. Uoley-road. Islington, Hyde Park, Paiknde. HOUSES-St Peter's. Parkside, Malvern. Kenetneton, Eenllworth, Eastwood. Kent Town, Norwood. G. T. LANE & CO.. Grenleu-steeet. lSCweoo GLENELG —Bouse ot eight rooms, stables, and nice garden, dose to train and beach; a bargain. CITY, Brown-street—Boose oleii rooms, verandah back and front. Urge pieoeol land, close to Soothtsrraoe; price. £800. Cheap. KENSINGTOM.-Houm ol nine rooms aad etablea. facing tramline. Very cheap. GEO. E OI.DHAK, Land and Pinancitl Agent, ITeowe Mutual Cnaubera, King William-street GOUOEE-STBEET— Twolour-roomHl COTTAGES price £a 00; tbree three-roomed oottagei. £350. T. Stephen* agents Pirie-etoeeL 169-61 HOUSES FOE SALE OK EASY TERMS. £10 deposit, balance weekly, choice two houses, NORWOOD PABE. each four rooms (403). £50 daporit, VlUa six rooms, bath, *a, N.A.; balance easy (886). £50 deposit, choice ot several nicely fotnUhed Villas, In East End of City Irom five TO seven rooms; balance easy (394). £100 cash. Villa eight nnu, E.A.. oellin, bath, &c ; Und 70x210; balance easy (3K3V £50 oaab, eeveo-roomed VTIIajIIALVEBN, bath,'ftc; balance almost an; how (392k £60 cash, six-roomed Villa, E.A-, bath, pantry, task, sheds, &c; land 9) x ISO (S9l) £76 oash, fire-roomed Villa. N. UNLEY; all conveniences ; SO mm. G.P.O. (390). £50 cash, fits rooms, PABKSIDE; balance weekly, to be had very cheaply (209). £50 cash, fire-roomed House, KENT TOWN; large block land; balance weekly (420). £25 casa. Villa c Ten rooms. X 0 mji. from 0.P.0.; well Sni.hod ; balance weekly t4BS). TOWN ANDCOUNTBY BUSINESS EXCHANGE, Waymoudi-slireet. ISio HOUSE, twelve rooms, tn'den, two miles from G.f.0., Parade, KOBWtiOD. Prioe, £I,€oa Terms 11 repaired.—Uoulden & Sons, Eagle Chambera. 105 wio TTODSE, fiveroome, 11 acres; £190. HOUSE, four rooms, 9 acres. BOUSE, three rooms, SO seres; £160. lli Acres first-data LAND; £70. All near Gawler. Properties ot every description on band. A. G. WELLS, Auctioneer, Valuator. Houae and Land Agent, ■ OAWLEB. 159-C1 tr IKGSTON-TERRsCb, NOKTH ADELAIDE IX. Snperior new BOUSE of five rooms oath.paotry, and rvery convenience; very easr terms can be arran?ed for; immediate pos>e«slon. — Geo E. Uldhaoi. Mutual Chamoets, Sing William-street. ES-81 SIX-ROOMED VILLAS, <vith Bath, Pantry, and Cellar. Thoroughly well-built under a FIEST-CLAS3 FIBM OF ABCBIXBOTS. VEBY CBEAP. TEBMS EASY. XL BAEEETT & C 0. } WAYJtOUXH-SIKEEX. ' Telephone 666. liTeowSO NATHL. OLDHAM & SON Imperial Onambers, next Savings Sank, Eing William-strict. FOB SALE. ALLOTMENTS In tho toUowiog Townablps:—Aid-pate, Ardrossan, Alberton, Belair, Brownlow, Bute, Blecka-ood Bill, Bordartown. Bduna, BramSeld, Brachport, Brooklyn Park, Bridgeport, Cockbain, Olara\-Ule, Ooulu, Cusuw, Dooglar, Davenport, Dudley. Dawson, EUlston, East Adelaide, Eurella, edeohills,FUnde?, Franoea, FnUarton, Port Augusta, Newlheb.rton. 160 low. from Da,; Crowfell, 40 lote at 10a.; Byde Park, Parknde, Bose Park, Norwcod, Kilkenny, Peterbead, Lot 19, 60 x 110. and every township in the colony. EAST ADELAlUK—Superior Beridenae 8 rooms, stable and coaobhause. 75 x 200, £ 1.250. BOWDEN, Seoond-street-fi rooms; 4i x 212; £230. IIACENEY—Pretty double-lronted Bouse, s rooms, 50 x 122 ; email deposit; monthly payment*. TEATBEE OOLLY-10 acres, all cleared, fenced; llouee, 2 rooms, good garden land. BYDE PABE—Nut Cottage, 4 rooms. 33 x 99; £275, £25 deposit, ISs. weekly, no interest. PBOSPfcOT—Compact D.F. Bouse, 6 rooms,stable: 50 x 160; email deposit. BRlGHTON—Beeldenoe, 7 rooms, 13 acres, £950; terms. WANTED TO EXCHANGE. Superior 6-roomed Bouse, at Farkside. 40 x 100, worth £4£iO, Ijr Farmiog Property within ten miles of city. Wanted to bent. Bouses of 3.4, or 6 rooms in the Town or Sabnrbs tor our own clients, whom we can recommend ac they have only been compelled lo leave preaent houses o>ing to our having cold them. Clients waiting for Furnished Bouses, trom 3 to 8 rooms. Buyer for too Cottaees, City; invest £1,000. Bayer 6-raaned Boose, N.A. or Mtdiodie, £660. 77a NARRIDY FARM FOB SALE; 1,860 AOBES ABOOT. For particulars apply to ISW G. <c B. WILLS * CO.. Adelaide. nOSE PARK, Lot 203, Watwn-avenue, £100; W\> Brompton Westctreet, Bi. per foot H. V. Boiintsvell. fcoUcitor. Plrle-?tre?t. 160-3 RE ESTATE OF BINCLAIB UOODIE, DECEASED. FOB SALE, Valuable PEOPEBTY in BTJTI. BTBKET, ADELAIDE (between GillM-ttreet, Adelaide, and Soutta-terracej, BOUSE ot seven rooms, bathroom, and detail etable, sbeda, *c Land has a frontage ot 42 ft by a depth ol 110 tt, with right-of-way at ?ide and rear. Xhe premiaes are occupied by Mr. A. G. J. Hoodie. WADEY & E. J. COX, Solicitors, King William-street. JnneS.-ISBS. 161.5.75.E0 ST. PETERS.—FOB SALE, new handsome fl or 6roomed VILLAS, cheap, situated Stoond Avenne, oomprislng bithroom, cellar, enclosed back vofandab, tank, woodshed, deep drainage.—Geo. Williams, Second A venae. 140w61 CJPLENDID INVESTMENTS now available at O Perryman's, 56, King Wulism-sKeet-Jewclleiy, Watches. &c. at English cost prioe>. 1600 UPI'EE KENSINGToN^-Slx-roooied VILLA, b?th, ecnltery, pautxy. earden; £550; easy teiins.—Monlden tL Sons, King William-street. 1600 VATEST HlLTON—Sobstantiauy-built Bonne. 9 V T rooms, stables, Sc.; about S acres land, portion planted with fruit trees; £1,300. GOODWOOD WEST. Devon-streetH-Bome, 6 roomp. b?Oi, tiled verandah and kitchen; £st<o. NOBWOOD. Chapel-street—Two Houses, 8 and 7 rooms respectively; £700 lor two. EAST ADELAIDE—Cheap Land, 274. 04. per foot JOHN WYLES & C 0.," ADVEBTISEB CHAMBERS. 49geo:<8 rTT-oODLEY ESTATE.—BLOCKS of from l~to TT 10 Acres FOB SALE oneesyMimi. Oood Land and fine view. Close M terminal Glen Osmond Tramway.-H. OonlgriTe, Aim* Ooamben, Adealde. 248e0w0WALEEBVILLE.— WALEEBVILLE.— Five-roomed BOUSE, double front, cut treestoae; firrt-daai repair ; prioe, £300; nominal deposit, balaooe by Instalment^.— Emert C. Saunders, Boyal Exchange. 169.61.8 O ?f DEPOSIT willBKCU?Esix-roomed VILUA, ijCO hith, oellar, land three frontages, mou cram; balance, £<23, as £1 per week, interest 6 per oent. A rare chaser. B. BABEBTT&OO, Is7eowBt WaymooHj-rtitct.

Homes ana Land for Sale. <M Rah BUJK DEPOSIT BEOEIPT taken fair ab^tOV good VILLA, fin room*. Kenstngton: renrahg£Cyeariy.-"Pandenong.-0.P.0. in OOQ/a—Knt-olsts detached COTTAGE, Sou d&O«?V rooms, bern position dty; terms arranged—J. J. Davis, VlctarlaCnambers, Victoria■qnare- lien£5 £5 Deposit. £1 per lontb, TWO-ACRE^ BLOCKS. HAHHEESMITH. AdriaMarid? ot- Uwardttowa, within three miles of theGUy. Then GOOD GABDENING SITES an offered at LOW PBICES purposely to fire PJS3OBS of BKALI> MEANSan opportunity of eeburlng land tar PBO. DOCTIVE BOHESTEADS and ot PUBOBASOR) the wms «rifh liuir BENT. R. BARRETT & CO., Nol 6, AThlon Chambers, WaymonthaU—a, itOKEY TO LEND. IBew? OROK —DKIACBEU BOUSE, six rooms. %O?5. bath, ooaahboase. .table. ««rteii great bargain; sd. team; tamc-Oans, Victoria Chambers. VJcOttia-aqnare. MM *??>?>iV mL *« "H" loom*, bay window. Up £>/€<6U «oot, one udle west oJcAry; easy taima. £300 ?£g£&diiFs*w*E- *** l*y< Ksfe CASH. HOUSE, seven rooms, Kent ££5t9 Town; land. SO ft bact^eTmOst rear. AQAA WILL PTJBOBASE BLOOK USD. JfcOUU 1,000 ft. frontage by 805 ft. dee£ Enueld. « AO-A WILL POBOHABE 71 AOBES. Sena d&OUV mUM from dtj(e?o£), on main road. i*O*>ih CASH, COTTAGE, too room (none), 3><««U,serenmUeieMtof dty; mala road frontage. **/% er /v— Ibfae COTTAGES, freestone fronta, 2&4: DV wdlbnfl?,ootnun,«M?qfdJyitonn?, WOODCOCK <£ CO., lSlwtoOSO . IS AND 17. GUBBIE-SXBEET. TO LST. Oatrmcton-atnct, 4 mo., Us. Byron-place, off Grote-atxeet, S rrns^ UK Viototia-pUce, S rms., 7a. 84. Liverpool ktrert, s ran.. Ba. (Id, Franklin-street, • rooms. Us. Oomp<an-atreet > 6rooms.l6t. ~* Gilberton, Gilbert-road, 0 rooms, lit, Konh-terraoe, blacksmith's ahoix WalkemHe-road, 0 m, 8 tana, .tables, Jtt. Prospect, Lower Korth-road, 0 naa, 8 acre*. f?a> eUlcLtt., 6 rms.. bath, 20s, near King Wiffiam-?V Mediudit. BawkerVnadT?zma, Wkk. Oa?indley-so?etweet?Brooms,Ti. FOB S.AJUEI. Wooflville, 26 acres, cottage, 2 nns., £7*o. Henley Beaob, Esplanade, US x 180. planted and fenced, Kensington Park, 60 x ISO, at 10s. per took Kensington, KuUiven-street, 4 mt, KS x 110, £t6tL Elizabeth-street, 4 rms.. SU x 86, £160, rent 7a. Hj ac Park, Union-street, rtUa 8 mis, MitS, £500, BosePark, Watson-avenue, 60 xUO, £2 fit. Pararide, UasUe-soeet, S rooms, tso, 39.S x ISO, £460. Parktioe, villa, 6 rms., pays ID per cent. CUD, Angas-et., S Urge rms., 48 x 106, £281, rare chance. Oily, Fie]det,4ctgs.,l6 run.,£1,500, (wyHperosot Caty.GiUe?-at.2c>a^4aadBrma,.£7s0 I Tjay9iX. ' Ciry, t ctgs^ ea. 8 rms. ana shop, £050, pay 15&. Oarnngton-sl. H, 8 6-rmd. haee., £Ltrt>, pay 8 % City, 4 lues., ea. 3 re*. £1,000, paj loj per oast. Oitr,2goodh?ee. l ea. 3 rms., £420. pv 12 Z Kemdngton, Sheets 3 and firm*-, 4S6UQ, pay 11JX Oily, Cianon-st, S lues, 4 sad Buns., £ (%& dry, 6 Bte%, 3 and 4 rm, £1,150, pay U per sent. City, Kate-st. 1 cms, 8 and 4 rms., £166, par ISiZ-Off EasMerraee. S rms., dctaoned, £tBS. CkUmL, B rms., hath, copper, £88*. Monrood. Queen-street, 6 rms., cellar. GO x 1?; £460. Kenaiogtoo, King VfUutm-tutta. x ooMages, a not. ea0h.39x94,av35Ul BfOmpoon Parx, a rms.. 17 acres,st?nHng.*o..£lJso. M.A,aiUld>r«*twet,6 rms, 40x156, £?a Walkerrille Horth, 100 altots., from VM. to 17a, tt. Nuiwood, Ctactoal-Mieett o rms, 10u x SO. £lsa aarrington-atreet,oc. BegeotrStrset. 80x90, CSBS.U. Kast adeUkle 4th-*T. and Bfc reMn. S8 x 16% 6UU. CUty,<iSllorU>-«ernoe > Boonsces,Sand«Dns,payi 101 per cent. £87?. Gooiw^ HandrcdHmdmarsh.erms,loaares, £290. Oampbellura. 7 rms . «i acres, trait sarden, £360. Syoeaham, SI aorta planted oranges, tax, £700. Sydenham, l) acres tensed, £160, water laid. KeDsinctO?. Xorx-ecreet, villa, 6 rmtn batb, abed, pajt 11 per cent, £880. St.Helen*place. Soattages, escfa 8 m, pays 16i per oent, Konraod, Kealab-nad, 7nns, COz ISO. £909. Eaetwood.Agnee«reet,Srms,£lflO.«lerjo«U£so. Oairinetoa^tnet,Ones, bath,SOx«o,£3Bo. -Brmaphore. VaaaaUstmet^ near HaO-stnet and Esplanade, 6 *aoanl allotments, 161. loot, Brompton Park, lOi-aore Dloor, £S6tt Brompun^ara^anotmsntslnOajUn-at^fSperUook, MwUi Onlej.Eoee-st, lots SO-1, each flOxlfiS; £llt. MONEY TO liEND. Land Sales attended. Translers, Leases, Hortgacei Prepared, Bents OoUeoteVl. AnoUoo bales noniinmed. Bank and Iramranoe Sharss Bongnt and Sold. Properties placed in oar lands (or sale are Inserts! in onr printed catalogue, distributed grntic i; W. BULLOCK & CO., AasHaneers, Land aad Cstats Ageatli Xort Onainoent A?akUD4lnet. rB SALE, Marrjatvffle, Blsgmore-road, 7 rooms &0., 76 x SSS.6. £1.400; 2 boafet, Bnraaah. road, each * rooms. fil"6 x ISZ, £200; in one KH £MrfW.-F.W. Bollock &00. nrV> LET on LSA3B, thoseextandrsPOEUHSl J. KlagWUUmm^ereal, lately ooonpled by B. a WitfC * dos, compcUtog larga vantuos*, Am stones. etaMlng. «o.—t*. W. Bollook « On. In XO IKTESTOBS. IMPERIAL BUILDING SOCIETY (EstabusoedSSTesn). INVESTING SHARES issued on "Weekly Payments of 45,. 35., 25., or Is. lor £100, £75, £50, or JE2S. JUFIY-SIXZH DIVIDEND 8 PEE CEtiX. L E. KILLIOOAI, Secretary. Mootcflon duinlmit ffiyt"ff"ttnM< f ftt. l?Sweoo A SAFE and PSOtritABLE IHVBSTtIBNI for £?_ lor.od.,apalrofEsnralkin>s Balmoral Boots, th>Oem:lgnaiant«eflneUne. lolweoc . Hotels &c For Sale or To Let ena*rabheadu>t(ifpnpaid),lSmrdM,mm ■mutiw,!!.; a>MinialUM.U.ed. g-^lTi HOtEL TO LEX. In one ol the best po-1-Vy tiODs; notng Al paying tzads.—Downing and Mojlf. Waymonifa-etreet. 9SJ4 gJIUEE HOnSE, 10 tulles south ; rent, £410*.; good P lease; trade,£BB weekly; lnjrolng£6Go; caan, £350. GOOD OOUNTBY HOXEL, rent nnder £6; vMoatlon abont £430; cash nqnired. £800; laipi m&Dnfaotonnjc town. fICAPO&x HOTEL, eplrndid b.r trade; moderate rental; ingoine about £«S0; terms arranged; takings £45; Bimma*s beer. SUBURBAN aOXEL, rent £2 10S.; ingoiuc abont, £376; terms; four bands weekly. OOOHT&Y HOItX, rent £3; ingotog £300, hall cash. Serenl B ood free Hotew, Oity, Sobnrbs, and country.— B. E. bELTIi & OO^ Conutook Ohambeo, King WlUlam. street. BHowec Machinery. G. E. FULTON& CO., Limited, Office : Coir&a Ohuibebs. Aselahib. WOBES : KILXESKT. COKSULTIHC, MECHANICAL, AMD MINING ENGINEERS. Sole Agents in ttomaj Australia f or— HTJNTQIGXON KILLS, DODGK BOCKBBEAEKB, CBALLENSE OKK-FKEDKH. WATTS ft OO.V rIKEBtUCKSt OLAY ; WOETHINQTON, BLAKK, and KMOWLEffS PUMPS J BOEBLInTG'S OKLE-BttAXED bZCEL WtBE HOP£; OBJUBXtCS ANH-I-BIOnON OLOIOH PCLLBYH; HTDBOSTEAM ELITVAIOita (HAUL A OAEULL'S SYSTEM). In Scook ready for Immediate Delivery— GALLOWAY TOBB6, BOLTS and KCTS, DOQ SPIKES. SWITCHES and CBOBSINGS, POIXXYB and SEAFIIKO. GAUGES Bourdon's (FUaai), WINDING ENGINES.: VKETICaL and BOEIZONTAL STEAK ENGINES. VKRnOAL, LANOASBISE,andXDBOLABBOILEBS, BaBYBOIPIS,fic.&o. fic.&o. FUL.TON-S -ENAHELLED BATHS, BOX WAXES PIPES ararfilTlNQS. BtANOFAOTOHEBS and DIPOBXBBS ol IOHDia, aULLINO, POMPINO. and fIMW.nWO PLASX. ORNAMEMIAL and GEHKBAL CABIINOB. BfANOrACTTJEEBS of all kinds ot WBODQBX rBOB and ffTKa'- WOKE, <««i<f«Wt. g BOMB, CTJXL SPIKES, and BIVEIB. GIBOEBS and OIEDEEWOEE. SECOHD-HAMD HACHINEEY FOX SAL«-BOILBBS, -PUMPS, SAW BENCH AKD SAWS BAND SAW. BCEKW CDtTIrJO LATUE, DRIU* ING MACHIBES, WOOBPiAKIJiG MACHISE. aoa-inoweo FOtWOOI DOVH ft OO_ ENQINEEBB, fOONDEBS, BOILEBMAEEHS, SMCCBB, *c. Makers o( CNGIHES, BOILEEB. WAXEE-UTtS. PTJMPIIH3, WIHDING. AND MIKINO MAOHINEBY. WOOL AKD WllUt PAEBBKB, BAKKBff OVXK> WOBE. AGENTS lor Boston. Proctor, * 00-Engraera, Lincoln; O. New • Oa, Kaohlne SDdmakerv London; PtUsomeJer Kngmrenng Oompaay, ON SALE-Enslnes, Boilers, Uttes. Oeutrltmul Deep WelL Palsometer, and Special a?eam Pompa, - ? UHDLEY-SXUKEZ ABKLalDfc_ TO STEAM USEES. ;FOR SALE, ■ ' 4, 6. and S-BIP. TEBTICAL BOILEES, 12-H.P. COBKISH BOILER, all best mild steeL our own make; 7-H.P. YBBHOAL BOILEB. -??^«-^ l Jn good order. PrlodJ moderate. Intpeottoa tsnted. ttistton; ENGINEERING COMPANY, T.TMTTRn, KOETH-XEBBAOE, ADELAIDE. laSai«D

Pcintei and puUUhai daily by the ncopdstOE?, JtaKWIUOK ttSIEEUI BOBDSX w^jToBS Lascdok UoirrrflOM, m *ha o&oaa of A< •ad Ibc Xmprcu. Kiaz WilliM miHuS-Bsnttboineu, Aaetaidft.