Queenslander (Brisbane, Qld. : 1866 - 1939), Saturday 2 February 1924, page 2


£4000 A YEAR.

A book in which Princess (afterwards Queen) Elizabeth kept her household ac-<*> counts is now waiting in Chancery-lane to be sold by Messrs. Hodgson.

Each page is signed by Elirabeth and countersigned by Sir Walter Buckler, then her' Chamberlain. It takes a big volume of 26 vellum page* to show her household expenses for the year 1551-2 at her Hat* field residence. ■* ' After totalling everything up and allow* ing for certain deductions, the amount spent on the household for the 7*** *** nearly £4000. " The Spicerie and Chaundrye " account show that Thomas Btevens was paid 10 guineas for 20Kb. of wax for candle*. Thirty dozen "candelles" cost 40/. Here are some other Hem* :,— 'To John frydges for seafuha: Iff/. One bore : 30/. Pewter vessell: 35/. 25 lodes of <coalea : £7/12/. Lenten stoare: £17/7/2. For a bib'.e : 20/. In those days the big households included a "yeoman of the saucerie," and there' is a' long list of moneyes paid out for sauces and herbes. The "squillerie." (scullery), the " buttrye and sellor," the "backhouse and' pantrye" show us some of the good things included in the catering of those days—muttons, vealei, hogsheddes of bere, and Raynische wine. _ flfc? DRESS ALLOWANCE. Elizabeth, who was then IS, apparently was not extravagant in dress. One-might have expected more items like these :— Paid to John Ronyon, Yeoman of the Wardrobe, for four yards of fustian, Ac. On October 29, for making jtaier of Upper bodies for Her Grace 12d., lyning 15d., stlke for same 4d. These was a great to-do at the New Year. The ringers at Barnet were paid for ringing the bells ; some gilt plate, bought at 8/8 an ounce, wa« obtained " for a New Yere's gift," and there is mention of the boy "players." . * Beaumonde, the King's servant, was paid for his " boyes" who played before her Grace ; payment was made to'" Farmor that played on the lute," 30/ to " More the harper, 30/, and "to one which brought peaacoddes." Also 44/9 wa? given " to him that made her Grace a table of vrallnut tree.'*' And then this little htiman touch : "To a pore woman that brought six chickens* and 2 capons, 5/." The sum of £7/15/8 is mentioned as " given in almee to dyvecee pore men and women at sundrie times, as appereth by several bi'.les."