Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842), Tuesday 23 April 1839, page 2


Sales by Auction advertised in this paper

which will take place between this and our next publication.


By J. T. Wilson, on the Ground, in

the intended line of Dickson-street, in Sydney, at 12 o'clock-Lund ; after which," S Allotments of the Burwood

Estate. »

By J. T. WHson, at the New Cattle

Market nt halfrpast 10 for 11 o'clock,

- 8 Head, of Fat Cattle.

At the Queen's Warehouse, at 12 and 1

o'clock -Condemned Goods.


By Isaac Simmons and Co., at the Stores

of Messrs. Walker and Co. ; at 11 o'clock-Surplus Stores.

By J. T. Wilson, on the premises _ in

Kinc street, at 11 o'clock-Genuine

Stock of assorted Merchandise.


latest arrivals from Hobart Town we have received the first and second num-

bers of a new weekly newspaper, called The Hobart Town Advertiser, which has just made its appearance in the metropolis of the sister Colony. Recent intelligence from Launceston informs us

of the almost simultaneous commence-ment of two additional weekly news-papers on that side of the Island, one called The Colonial Record, and the other The Launceston Journal. At South Australia, according to the latest advices, preparations were being made fur the publication of a third journal in that province, to be denominated The Port Lincoln Gazette, for the avowed purpose of puffing up a new settlement then being formed at Fort Lincoln. Sydney has also had an addition to its newspaper press lately, from the repub-lication of Rent's News, recently a Hobart Town journal, but now transferred with the proprietor and his family to Sydney. The veriest day-dreamer that ever built golden castles in the air could not have imagined that the barren waste, where fifty-one ago years the first at-tempt to form an Australian Colony was made, would in the short space of half a century attain to such unparal-leled prosperity. Sydney has now eight newspapers,-The Sydney Gazette, The Australian, The Sydney Monitor, The Sydney Herald, The Colonist, Hie Commercial Journal, The Sydney Stan-dard, and Bern's News ; of these, four are published three times a-week, two twice a-week, and two weekly. Hobart Town has six weekly newspapers,-The Hobart 2'own Courier, The Colonial Times, Tlu: Tasmanian, Murray's Re-view, The True Colonist, and The Ho-bart Town Advertiser. Launceston has four weekly newspapers,-The Latinees ton Advertiser, The Cornwall Chronicle, The Colonial Record, and The Laun-ceston Journal. Port Phillip has two weekly newspapers,-The Port Phillip Gazette and The Port Phillip Patriot. At South Australia there are three weekly newspapers,- Hie South Australian Gazette, The Southern Australian, and The Port Lincoln Herald. At Swan

River there is at least one weekly journal, The Perth Gazette, or Government paper, but we are so seldom favoured with the receipt of it that we cannot say whether there is now an opposition jour-nal. If the foregoing su m mary be correct, it follows that tlie Australian Colonies at present possess four journals published three times a-week, two twice a-week, and eighteen once a-week-in all, twentyfour newspapers having thirty-four pub-lications weekly. Ia the above list we have not included The Government Gazettes, Trade Lists, Ace, nor the mere advertising sheets laying no claim to the title of newspaper, of which there are

several in Hobart Town.

ADVANCE AUSTRALIA.-The prospec-tus for a Fire and Marine Assurance Company for the town of Melbourne, has just been published. The list of the Committee embraces the names of some of the most wealthy and influential resi-dents at Port Phillip. The capital it is proposed shall consist of fifty thousand pounds in one thousand shares of fifty pounds each. The establishment of such a company in a settlement not quite three years in existence we look upon as a fea-ture unparalleled in the history of colo-


ECCLESIASTICAL.-It is said that the Rev. Mr. Walsh, the Evening Lecturer of St. James' Church, and Chaplain of the penal establishments, will be appointed to succeed the Rev. Mr. Dicken, as Mi-nister of St. Laurence parish. In a con-temporary of yesterday, it is stated by a correspondent that Dr. Bland has sub-scribed the sum of £200 towards the erection of a church on the Ashfield es-tate, on the Parramatta-road. A remark-able instance of private munificence. Dr. Bowman is also said to have given a simi-larly munificent donation.

The' partnership which has hitherto existed between Messrs. Hughes, Hos-king, and I. Simmons, as auctioneers, has been dissolved ; the auction business will in future be carried on on by Mr. Isaac Simmons on his own account.

THE FLORAL AND HORTICULTURAL SO-CIETY.-It is stated that the Committee of this popular Society have made arrangements for the purpose of instituting an annual ploughing match, to come off in the neighbourhood of Parramatta,

SAILORS' HOME In our liat we men-tioned that a preliminary meeting of gen-tlemen inlei ested in the establishment of« Sailors' Borne, had been held in ;the rooms of the Union Assurance Company, in George-street. , We were prevented in our'Saturday's publication from giving a detailed account of the proceedings, which wo now proceed to do. The meeting was not very numerously attended inconse-quence of the want of a sufficient noticp to the public ; tbut several of those who did attend were gentlemen of much influ

ence in mercantile affairs. The meeting was determined on at the late meeting of the Temperance 8ociety,butnodnyannounoed. Captain Nicholson was called to .the chair. He stated the objects in view in the 'pro-posed establishment of a Sailors' Home were to prevent the desertion of seamen, and the inducements held out to 4hem hy

the numerous ciimps with which this place


The following Prospectus of a Sailors'* Home was then read by Captain Innes :

It is proposed, m the first instance, to rent a commodious house in a central situation, and near to the water-side, to fit up a certain number of beds, according to nur means, and placo the house, I ice, in charge of a steady couple ; regular hours to be established for opening and shutting up, to be most strictly observed. No spirituous liquor or n me to be allowed , a limited quantity of beer may be granted ; regular hours for meals , rules to be drawn up to regulate the interior economy of the establishment ; as little constraint as possible, con-statent with regularity and good order, to be im-posed on tlie inmates, in order to adapt the insti-tution to the erratic disposition of the seamen , the master to take charge of any clothing, money, or property given over to bim by the inmates , owners and. masters of vessels to be requested to give the preference to men from the asylum, all shipwrecked and distressed seamen (of what; country soever) to

be admitted gratuitously, for a time, to be fi^ed by

the Committee.

3 be Government to consist of a Committee of I seven, three tobe a quorum. A Treasurer and f Secretary. Committee to frame bye-laws, and no

law to be altered without the consent of the majo-rity of the Committee. A list of friends and sub-scribers to he kept, and tour of the Committee to go out annually, and be replaced by new members. Members of the Committee to visit frequently. Prospectus, rules, and advantages, to be printed, and a certain number of copies to be given to every ship entering the harbour. '

Captain Innes suggested the appoint-ment of a Provision 1 Committee, to be empowered to act efficiently to superin-

tend the performance of the objects oí the


A conversation ensued, in the course of which Capt. Dacre stated, that within the last foitnight no less than four hun-dred seamen had deserted the ships in harbour, enticed from them by the crimps with whom they are now lodging. Scvei al facts were mentioned in the course of the meeting of the proceedings carried on at the houses of the crimps

Tlie following gentlemen were then appointed as a Provisional Committee to collect subscriptions in support of the establishment:-Captains Nichol

son, Dacre, New, Fotheringham, Messrs. G. Cavenagh, R. Nichols, Garrard, A. Wilson, F. Mitchell, Thomas Walker, and J. Gilchrist. A deputation consisting of Captains New, Carter, Fotheringham, and Innes, was nlso appointed to wait upon His Excellency the Governor to solicit his patronage. Captain Innes con-sented to perform the duties of Honorary Secretary until another gentleman could be found nilling to undertake that duty. Thanks were then voted to the Chairman, and the meeting broke up. It was an-nounced that a public meeting would be called on the subject as soon as matters were put in a train, of which notice will

be given.

On Saturday last Mr. Watt, a jeweller residing in Castlereagh-street, was brought up at the Police Office on a charge of stabbing Mr. Templeton, a cabinet maker residing in the same street. The parties are shipmates, and next door neighbours, and have long been on the worst possible terms. On the previous evening they met near the corner of King and Castlereagh-streets, quarrelled, and foul lan-guage followed by a scuffle ensued. Watt had a sword stick in his hand, which in the struggle became unsheathed, and a wound was inflicted with the point in Templeton's cheek, but whether acci-dentally or purposely, did not appear in the evidence adduced, none of the wit-nesses having seen the wound inflicted, or noticed the sword unsheathed until in Templeton's hand. The wound was stated to be of a very slight description, but the surgeon called in (Dr. Savage, R N.) having directed medicines to be admi-nistered to prevent inflammation, it was not considered prudent for the prosecutor to leave the house. Watt was remanded for Templeton's evidence.

SOUTH AUSTRALIA- Our notable towns-man, Mr. Thomas Horton James, is once more in London, and has just published a work on South Australia. We trust the profits arising from its sale will enable him to meet the demands of the creditors he left in the lui eh on his moon-light flight from this Colony.

ROBBERY,-A man named John Wood was chaiged at the Police Office with robbing a man named Innes of the sum of thirty pounds, at the house of a tailor named Fulham. Innes the prosecutor being a residen i. of the Five ItJands, the case was remanded, in order to admit of

his attendance.

LICENSING.-The licensing meeting of the Justices will be held at the Police Office to-morrow. The Magistrates have been engaged for the last two days in tierambulating the town, visiting the muses of the applicants. One matter has caused much dissatisfaction among the applicants, namely, the accommodations required for stabling, the majority of the houses in Sydney at present licensed, being totally unprovided in that respect. By the Act, however, a discretionary power is vested in the Magistrates in this


EFFECTS OF LiQoun.-A man named Peter Welldone was apprehended on Sun-day afternoon at the Market Wharf, where he had made an attempt to drown himself. He had been observed going; on in a strange manner on the Wharf, from which ho ultimately threw himself into about eight feet of water. He was rescued and conveyed to the watch-house. It was understood that previous to his plunging into the water, he had drawn a knife upon a person and attempted to stab him. He was remanded, in order

that enquiry might be made concerning


Rr G KonaE'S FESTIVAL-Tliu Bull in commemoration of St. George, comes oft' in the New Court House, Darlinghurst, this evening.' The Sons of !*t. George are expected to wear a distinguishing badge,*' to 'consist of either a rose or an oak leaf. The'&ompany will set down at tlie west door, %¡th horses' heads towards the port'»« vi, 'VîjJr, " " ' ' '

"'TiÎEDESPATCHfSu'BscniPTioN.-By an advertisement which appeared yesterday in the columns of a contemporary, it will be seen that a statement of the money subscribed in behalf of the shipwrecked people of the Despatch, and the manner in which it has been distributed, may be seen at the offico of Messrs. Cooper and Holt. We believe it is u ual in cases of a public subscription that the matter shall be laid before the public that all may at once see it, and not leave it to be ascer-tained on making individual enquiry.

VIOLENT ASSAULT.-A young man named James Duff, who, dining the short time he has been in the Colony, has contrived to become extremely well known by the frequency of his visits to the Police Office, and who figured on a lato occasion respecting a charge of perjury arising out of an intended duel, was charged at the Police Office on Thursday last willi a violent assault on his wife, by windi it is said her life was endangered. In consequence of her inability to attend to prosecute he was remanded. It ia stated that the young man is not altogether of sane mind!

THE CIGAR DIVANÎ-A young woman of striking appearance named Stafford and Mr. J. Solomon, appeared at the Po-lice Office on Friday as defendants in a caseof assault. Mri. Stafford had engaged apartments at the house of aman named Larkins residing in Castlereagh-street, for tho purpose of carrying on business as a dressmaker ; after obtaining possession of the place, she altered its destination to a cigar divan, in furtherance of which she caused aboard with woids ofthat purport embellished on it to be put up in a conspi-cuous place in front of the premises. The scheme took, and forthwith clouds ofsmoke began to arise from the place, and a numerous swarm of the prime supporters of such an establishment soon began to congr gate-professed admirers of the fragrance of the Havannahs, and the beauty of their vender's bright eyes, to both of which they continued their devo-tions up to a very late hour. Larkins af-fected to be scandilized, and remonstrated, in no very gentle or becoming manner, of which Mrs. S. with great feeling expressed her sense. Larkins, however, went on from bad to worse, and so exasperated his fair tenant, that she at length, assisted by two other friends, marched into his room and administered upon him some severe marks of her displeasure, and was only induced to retreat on his repeatedly crying out murder, in order to be released fiom her fingers, which had taken hold of his lips, The prosecutor seemed delicate in swear-ing that it was" not her intention to kiss his lips instead of scratching them, on which the Bench gave the defendant the

benefit of the 'doubt by discharging the

case. '

VACCINATION.-It is now about three years ago since vaccination was carried on in Sydney as a preventative to the ravages of that virulent disease the 6tnall pox. The question of the utility of vac-cination for such a purpose has long been settled, with the exception of a few bigotted persons who cannot be prevailed upon to abandon old associations however ridiculous. During the time that has elapsed the number of children in Sydney and other populous towns, has increased rapidly, among whom, in the event of the disease showing itself, the most distress-ing results may be anticipated. As a means of remedying the threatening evil several enterprising individuals as well as the Government, have made attempts to introduce vaccine lymph into the Colony, but without success. Three supplies were received from some of the most popular institutions in Great Britain within the last six months, but every attempt made was unsuccessful. A short time ago it

was rumoured tliat the Colonial Govern-ment had sent instructions to procure a supply from the Isle of France, but what has been the result is not known. In consequence of the repeated attempts that have been made to import the lymph from the mother country, and although the utmost precautions have been used in its transmission, the length of the sea voyage is now locked upon as an insuperable obstacle to its importation in a pure state, and in consequence several remedies have been suggested.1 The one which seems most feasible is the introduction of vacci-nation by means of emigrant ships. In these ships in consequence of the number of children that arrive, it would be a matter of little difficulty, and no danger to keep up a channel of cases in a limited number of healthy children. This plan has been suggested ; its recommendations seem to be that it could be done by Go-vernment surgeons on board emigrant ships, where they have every requisite at hand, it could be done with lit-tle or no danger,, anil because no safer mode at present appears. That something is required to be done is very evident on account of the masses of human beings roaming about our streets all disposed to receive the disease on its first appearance, in all its horrors. Every precaution has hitherto been made to prevent the intro-duction of small pox amongst us, but notwithstanding these it is more than probable that it will some of these days escape detection, and be productive of

great ravages.

FRAUB ON SHIP-BOAIID.-A man named James Reynolds, employed a9 a labour-ing man on board the Augustus Caesar in clearing cargo, was aprehended on Saturday last at Campbell's Wharf, charged with stealing porter from the above vessel. Reynolds had been cmployed in getting out some casks of por-ter ; he was noticed to have been drink-ing, and on watching his motions he was seen to hand a tin can, capable of holding about a gallon, to some fellow-workmen on the Wharf; on examining the can it was found to contain porter, from which circumstance, and the fact that the same had been observed making its way about the Wharf all that day, he was given into custodv, > / , ,

i WHEAT AN'D FI oun.- The price* j'esterF day were the same as mentioned in our

last. Barker and Hallen's 43s., 41s., and 38s; at the other mills 50a., 489., and 46J. The quotations for] f wheat re-main unaltered. j' j

JONE9 TUE BOLTER.-By the, late Lonv don papers it appears that this individual (William Mulford Jones), who made himself notorious about two years ago in r absconding from the Colony with the I I intention of defrauding his creditors,

t lately made his appearance before the J I Insolvent Debtors' Court in London, to

obtain his discharge under the Act. Jones was in business as a publican, in George-street, before his departure (the f " Robin Hood,") and had contracted' ] debts to the amount of between three and t four thousand pounds. Shortly after his

ai rival in London he was arrested at the suit of Messrs. Lamb and Parbury, Messrs. Cooper & Holt, and others, who had sent home instructions to that effect. The application for his d'scharge was | opposed on behalf of the above firms, 1 and the result was that he was remanded

in order to admit of certain affidavits, j then daily expected from this place, being put in against him. The debts of this man were found to amount to the sum above stated, and the assets m7. The result of his attempts to escape has fur-nished a lesson to others' similarly disposed, that they will be subjected to a very tedious imprisonment, it nothing else, in the event of alacrity being used

by their creditors.

WORDS ARE BUT WIND.-A man named William Newman was charged at the Police Office, yesterday, with threatening the life of a man named Edward Mahony. Both the parties reside in that delectable 1 spot called York-street, and nearly oppo-

site The Monitor Office, as stated by the prosecutor, of the locality of which Col. Wilson expressed his utter ignorance. Mahony stated that Newman had been a tenant of his, and that having received notice to quit he had used the threats complained of, which were said to con-sist in a determination of sending him to the Sand-hills, after which he would out his bowels open. The Bench was of opinion there would be little probability of the threat being carried into execution, if Mahony would keep away from the Sand-hills ; Mahony said he verily be-lieved the prisoner would carry his threat into execution, as he had formerly killed a Timor pony. Tlie Bench considered this argument unanswerable, and accord-

ingly remanded the prisoner for further
