Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Saturday 3 December 1892, page 4


Among all the Australasian railway sys- <*> tems that of South Australia still main- <*> tains its enviable position of pre-eminence. The Commissioners were able in their

last annual report to make the gratifying announcement that notwithstanding an increase of 340 per cent, in the working expenses for the year our lines are being worked at a lower rate and with better financial results than any other railway system in these colonies. On June 30 last there were 1.660& miles of line open. Of these the capital cost was £11,714,434, the gross earnings during the year amounted to £1,213,290, and the working expenses to £652,941, showing a net revenue of £660,349, or 4*78 per cent. The amount of interest payable in respect of railway loans was £451,709, or at the rate of £4 2s. (3d. per cent, per annum. Consequently, after meeting working expenses and interest, the railways produced a balance of £108,640 available for the general revenue, or -very nearly as much as the yield of the land and income taxes. No other colony can show results anything like so satisfactory. The best paying colonial system outside of South Australia is tint of New South Wales, hub its return last year -was more than 1 per cent, worse than-our-own. The percentage for the senior colony was 3*58, for Victoria 258, Queensland 2*57, and New Zealand 2*79. A comparisoix-o£.the proportion of working expenses to revenue ia equallyfavorable to this colony. Thus in South Australia the percentage -was 53*82, in Victoria 69-08, in New South Wales 61*60, in Queensland 60*76, and in Sew Zealand '63*34. ' lost year was in ■some respects a year of depression, so that the comparison cannot bo discounted ■at-the expense- of Soutb-Australia by the representation that the figures have been taken for an. exceptionally good period. High-watermark was reached in 1890-1, -whenthenetretum-wass-32percent. Even in 1889-90 it was better than that of last year, the percentagefor ihefonner period having been -5*03. The Commissioners also properly take credit for-the fact that thexesults of their railway administration compare very favorably with those of private railway enterprise in the United ■Kingdom. Taking the two latest years which can be contrasted, the dividends for Great Britain and this colony are respectively 3*95-« nd 4*78 per--cent. v and the proportion of working expenses to total receipts 55*4 and 53*82 per cent. The-conclusion to-bedj-awn is that so far as our railways are concerned our borrowing policy,, even if -regard be had- merely to the-direct financial return, is a magnificent success.No No doubt South Australia is principally indebted to the development of the Barrier trade for the exceptionally satisfactory position in which its railways stand at present. The-receipts from the Broken Hill traffic hare advanced from £295,652 in 1888-9 to £535,674 last year. The increase for 1891-2 was £18,087, and this *vTpmm-J4yH*l*q*g*>ly contributed towards neutranang the effects of a bad harvest. It is about five years ago that our railways began to pay. Ten years ago, however, when only-972~mi1e-? of line were open, the net return from the South Australian railways was within a fraction as good as that fronuthe-Victorian rail ways last year. For the whole decennial period the average yearlyjretum has been .3*77 per cent., which is not far 6hort of the rate of interest at -which the greater part of die capitalforconstruction was borrowed. EEtending-the-view, therefore, far beyond the-beginning of tiba Barrier 'traffic, ~Sib retrospect is fairly satisfactory. Of course, as we have often pointed out, reliance on ihe receipts from the railways to make good deficiencies'in other branches of revenue may be overstrained. The figures forthe lasttfinancial year showed thats-periodTiad'been reached when the increase of revenue at-* rate beyond thegrowthof'expenditure could no longer be reckoned upon as an unfailing experience, and during the present year the check imposed by the disastrous strike at •'Broken Hill has been so severe as to make it absolutely necessary for Parliament to undertake fresh iinancial arrangements. In 1891-2, while the -railway revenue fell off to the extent of £10,709, the net increase? of outlay was still greater, amounting to £35,702. Owing to the comparative "failure of the harvest the rcceipte~froni the-graiu traffic were reduced to the extent of £30,500 as compared with those for the ■ previous year, while the fall in tbo value o£ «J— —'

and copper, the serious depreciation in all mining securities, combined with a redaction iti the rates, affected the income from the mineral traffic as a whole to the extent of £24,070. Nevertheless, in general goods and live stock, apart from minerals and grain, thero was an increase in the traffic of 57,221 tons. On the two lines of coaching and merchandise and live stock the revenue showed an advance for the year of £13,361, and the increase of £8,154 in the coaching returns is especially gratifying. The total miles run were 4,178,286, or an increase of 409,061. while the number of passengers who travelled on the railways was 5,744,487, as against 5,295,991 in the previous year —an increase of 448,496. Since 1889 the passenger traffic has grown steadily, the number carried last year being nearly a million and a half more than the total four years previously. It evidently pays to encourage this branch of the traffic, and the Commissioners are anxious to foster it as much as possible. They point out in their report that the necessity for improved accommodation at the Adelaide station is intensified every year. Under existing arrangements it is exceedingly difficult to deal satisfactorily with the traffic on busy days, and it is only by the exercise of the greatest care that accidents can be prevented. Public safety as well as convenience demands that a new station should be erected without unnecessary delay, and the Commissioners give expression to an earnest hope that the financial position will speedily so far improve as to allow of the question being considered and dealt with by Parliament. With a view of adding to the comfort of the travelling public, a scheme for lighting trains by electricity is being experimentally tested, and the results so far are promising. Turning to the expenditure of the department for the past year, it has already been noted that the working expenses amounted to 53*82 per cent, of die revenue, an increase of 3*40 per cent. The causes of the additional outlay were the running of extra trains to accommodate the traffic, the partial introduction of the eight hours system, a larger expenditure than usual on works of renewal, and the enhanced cost of water supply owing to the drought. The last item reached the high total of £27,000, and the magnitude of the concession of shorter hours to the enginemen, firemen, and cleaners may be judged from the fact tnat for nine months it entailed an increased outlay of £13,500. Some remarks that are likely to cause controversy are made by the Commissioners astotheexpediency of theiremployes standing aloof from external labor organisations. While prepared to support any society instituted for the benefit of the railway employes, they consider that the connection with the Trades and Labor Council should be severed. If the affiliation of the Railway Service Association with an outside body means that the employes in the department canj&e called out at any time on a question which does not affect their own relations with theCommissk>nets,itundonbtedlyinvolveB too much. The Commissioners admit, however, that overtures to their staff to throw in their lot with the Broken Bill strikers if called upon to do so met with a chilling reception, and it is difficult to imagine that the railway employes-would be so untrue to their own interests- as -well as forgetful of their duty to- the Government and the public as to seriously *^*n tnwrtplftfa* the * disarrangement of tho railway service In the vain hope of assisting the cause of an outside .body of strikers.

The second -scrutiny of the votes -cast for candidates for the office of Mayor of the city did notalter the result originally arrived at. In fact Mr. Sketheway lost by the- second count, Mr. WDlcox's majority being increased from three to sis. If the- one-man-one-vote prin-ciple regulated municipal as it does Pa.rlia.mpnfai.Ty elections, Mr. Sketheway would undoubtedly have been returned, and it is also probable that he would have won the day had there not been a third candidate in the field. To have been so dose to victory, and yet to have been defeated, is>&- circumstance that naturally sharpens the sting of disappointment felt by Mr Sketheway and his supporters, but he may solace himself with a comfortable expectation of better luck next time. Mr. Willcox wQI, we have every reason to believe, acquit lumself with credit in the honorable position to vrhich he has been elected, and though. Mr. Sketheway has to wait before he can don the robes of Mayor, his turn will surely come. Meanwhile' the city will have the benefit of his services as alderman for another year. "We have already pointed out that tie election, possesses little significance as an appeal to the citizens on any question of general or municipal politics. So far as the Mayoral contest proves anything, however, it is a decision against rather than in favor of die principle of But XDL, the elected candidate being an avowed opponent of that measure. The proceedings at the. declaration of the poll yesterday were decidedly amusing. The defeated candidates, with few exceptions, were disposedto accept their beating with a good grace, and Mark Tapley Mimmlf could not have been jollier under the depressing circumstances than some of them, whose [good temper in the face of much unmerciful chaff was simply admirable. Apart from the humorous element of the proceedings, attention may be directed to the complaints that were made concerning the extraordinary number of informal votes. It appears that in the majority of cases no marks at all were made upon the papers, which would imply not so much that the electors were ignorant how to vote as that after looking at the names they concluded none of the candidates deserved their support. If this be indeed the explanation it is certainly remarkable, for it is not often that the ratepayers have a larger or better, field of candidates to choose from. The fact that, for some-tmaccountable reason, the names of a number of ratepayers have been taken off the municipal rolls, was also the subject of remark. Mr. Bullock states that in his capacity as returningofficer he intends suggesting -to the- <Hty Council that an. enquiry should be held. It would appeaKAj? though someone had blundered, rath the result of disfranchising a number of citizens who had no suspicion that their names had been removed, as their qualifications were unaltered. The circumstances undoubtedly call for a- careful investigation.

The Advrrtitar this morning consists of eight pages of nine columns each. Early in the-preeent^eartheJJnitea labor Party of Sooth Australia took a plebiscite of the whole of the affiliated workers of the colony for 15 nominees as direct labor representatives* in~ Parliament, the result "of the proceedings, which extended over man; weeks, being made known on Wednesday, Febrsary 24. Sixty-two names were submitted, those -selected being :— <i. H. Buttery, cabinetmaker; W. A. Robinson, coachtrimmer; L MoGillivray, stevedore; J. B. Gould, bootmaker-; R. E. E. Rogers, printer; F. Hooligan, tanner; J. Ollivier, secretary S.A.U.A.; F. W. Coneybeer, collarmaker; W. O. Archibald, laborer ; P. Stokes, laborer.-.

R. E. J. Wheehr, diner's assistant; H. Adams, patternmaker; R. Wood, UaokHmiti ; and K. L. Batohelor, engine-fitter. Mr. J. A. MoPherson, who is now one of toe representatives of East Adelaide, was slao included in this list, and will be again put forward at the forthcoming elections. This is the selection of the labor party, and in response to numerous enquiries as to when the formal allotment of districts will be made it has been determined to decide upon this early in January. 1893. Their task will probably be entered upon immediately after the close of the Christmas and New Year holidays, and very careful consideration will, of course, be Riven before any decision is arrived at, It is tolerably sure, however, that besides Mr. McPherson, who will again contest East Adelaide, M*. Rogers is certain to be requested to seek the suffrages of the electors of East Torrens, and Mr. Robinson those of West Adelaide. Mr. Adams will endeavor to gain the support of the voters of Fort Adelaide, as will also Mr. Ivor McGillivray, while Mr. Hborigan is expected to poll well in West Torrens. Mr. Wood may be nominated for North Adelaide, though Mr. Wheeleris also mentioned v a likely candidate for this district, in which case Mr. Wood-will probably«o4o the Start, where the railway interest is considered strong. Mr. Gonld,wbo-is.i]ow-fallowing his trade in one of the -northern gulf ports, will most likely stand for a country constituency. It is mmored-as within the bounds of possibility that another of those nominated will request the party-to allow him to remain in private-life, as be has on previous occasions adopted this attitude. So far nothing has been decided upon, even with respect to the important question of whether one or two nominations will be made for each of the city electorates, although it is understood that opinion is much divided as to the course to be adopted. In some instances it is possible that a strong effort will be made to "run" only one ''direct" labor candidate, as it is thought that certain of the sitting members have deserved well of the party, which will gather all its strength for the contest. It is intended to pat aU candidates in the field early in February, and as an evidence that no effort at organisation is being neglected it is noticeable that district committees have been actively engaged for many weeks oast. The re-count of the votes for the mayoralty of the city, which was rendered necessary by some of (die papers having gone astray, had the result of increasing Mr. Wflloofa majority by three, so that beheaded the poUbyeix votes. The scrutiny of the voting for the vacant eornicgllorghip? /and aaditorship, which was finished at about a-quarter past-4 o'clock on Friday morning, gave the -return of the .following?—Hmdmazsbjfeard, Mr. 2LH. Smeaton; Gawler ward, Mr. F. W. A. Klausr; Young ward, Mr. J. Z. Sellar; Grey ward, Mr. A. Myers; Kobe ward, Mr. G. Anderson (unopposed); MaoDonnell ward, Mr. A. J. Packer (unopposed); and auditor, Mr. J. H. Cunningham. One feature of the election in the city is the extraordinarily large number of informal votes that were cast. For the mayoralty 280 papers were condemned, for the aldermen 608, f or-the councillors 311, and for auditor 711; a total of 1,810. .At the declaration of the poll the returning-omoer (Mr. Bullock) explained that most of the -informal papers ware rendered-eo not by the mark being made in the wrong plane- bat through rto-marks-being made at att. On Friday>the- Railway Cbmmisnoners, accompanied by the Engineer-in-Chief, the General Traffic Manager, and the Collector of Customs, visited Large Bay, where it is proposed to make extensive alterations to the jetty to improve its passenger accommodation and to render it safeior railway traffic. While at tie Port the officials visited the Government stores and Coalabed Creek to examine a quantity of steel rails being, -delivered from the ship Tweeddale. A meetingof the Trades and Labor Council was faeU-on l&day evening -when -the presidentfMr. E. Wood) occupied the chair. It was decided "that aa-appear go-from this counciHfca&a ooHectionfe'tafceiNip'in all the chorcbeet?one Sunday ntatfrof tbe Broken Hill Jiafcfnoj fond.* 1 This XBmlntion was tabled by Mm. MitnetrtMeqe^bwfetegate?from the Working Women's Trades Union, and received general ""ppff-fr few ma«?i mf, although there was eonw difiereooa-of opinion as to whether * date should be inserted in tbe motion or whether the occasion- should te left to the discretion of the various "*"T" I*^r The asfion of the xen&oa? bodies at tbe. time of the Chinese famine was aHoded-to, and the-opinion^wa?-expressed that in this -case-so mnch twror home the churches would nndctthtedljrhe-evettsnore' sosdytovoutAbtxts than in the preaons instance. A letter was read from the secretary of tbe distress fund giving a pitifully- pointed view of t&e position, and steps win i?. taken by the- officers of the .council toeafist 4he-«ynipsl3ues~of thedergy and church -congregations on behalf, of the £a€erets-on--the Barrier. A petition to ««fcii*^itfn?-j«THiNjiuin-^^f^'«iiju -in tie Commercial Bank case came before his Honor Chief Justice Way in Chambers on Friday morning. Sir J. W. Downer, Q,<X, and Mr. Wadey appeared for the petitioner, Mr. J. H. Symon, <££!., Mr. W. F. Stock, and Mr. B. *r««nM« n for certain contribotrries. After a long argument the Chief Justice made an order for the speedy winding up of the bank, and that the ooets should topaid bythe-fcank, and that one«et-of oosteonly should be allowed as regarded tbe «oaneel representing tie contribntories. Mr. A. E. Sawtell was present and the-Chief: Justice made an order for the payment of costeto-bim -for his attendances. Tbe zeparb^oHbe-Ssvingr Bankfor Novembar show tboMfce number of sew depositors at tA^iJa daring the- month was 334, and 23 acoocmte wer? jreopened,.or"3s7 in. aHj the number oNgwdetmsitrii n at 131 aguuuha was 364, and SO aocormts were reopened, or 384 is all — mnirrnft a total of 741. The number of accounts closed «t Adelaide was 303,-and~at the agenciee 130—? total cf 435. The^preseat number of depositors is 79,297, or an. irtcreaau sof 308. The receipts from depositors at Adelaide amoanted to £71,431 SB. 3d., andat tiie agencies to wtirpng, oH?TfIIj4fIJH)H. 3d, in all. The repaymentortojd?positors at Adelaide totalled £73,127 ss. Id., sod at tbe agencies £23,386185. 3d, -or- £96£14 3a. 4d. in all; being-Anincrease-^r-depeetetjf £4,894 16s. lid. Mr. J. A. Wi-Phnyn | WP^ jn-'fnprirtiing to the- Trades-and Laboc^Councfl. on Friday night upon the trades hall site -question, said the- Government would- not be able to give them the- land on North-terrace which it was at one-time-contemplated to devote to this purpose, because it was attached to the University; and that op to tie present nothing bad beeifcdecided. The Government were now making father enquiries, and casting; about' £or.-?^soiiaUe available-site. Th*first meeting of tbAcmeafise^niiinrltea of tbe Ciriidren'?Cbri?tnia*<3ieer movement ■wHirirtat Friday .afternoon in tbe mayor's parlor. The. Miniuto <£ Agriodture- and Edncation. presided, and there -were- also present:—Mrs. W. Copley, Mrs. J. H. Fin-Jsyson, Messrs I>. M. Charleston, MX.C..J. H. Fintajaon, G. C. Rirightj. L. E..Lawranoe, W. J. Sowden, A. *«l«?n«n^ jun. (bon. treasurer), W- Hall HendarwrwwsM-J. Moss Solomon (ban. ssentariss). The. im—m-m-and eeoel?rieF-w«r?i?(iuest?tf-to.,obt?m_ information for next meeting mganfing, -the visiting of eick chiidcen in their-homes. The Mayoress, Mrs. J. H. Fmlayson, and Ife. A. Adamson, junu^ ws- appointed a committee for tie purchase of gifts. It-was-decided to publish a short advertraemenVexplaming-the altered bads for this year, and innting subeeriptaonsto be sent to either of theaewpaper offices or to membersof -tike committees. Oirenquiry at the Private Hospital,"North Adelaide, on Friday we teamed that Sir William Jervois is progreesmgrlavarahly. We have been shown by sAbusines? .man in Adelaide a letter from-a gentleman lately travelling through the northern -areas, in which he refers to tbe -crops-and praspacts-of the coming harvest. Be says tha .northern crops although goodTtfe not in bis be compared with those he has -lately seen on the west coast, and he begmi£to4hink:that tie west coast lands are worthy of more attention, and thai tbe Government should-do-all in

their power to encourage settlement in those"1 districts by at once throwing open all availabU land immediately on or within easy reach o( tbe coast suitable for farming, of which, hC understands, there is still plenty between Streaky and Fowler's Bays. At a meeting of the Trades and Labor Council held on Friday evening a letter was. received from the !T«uiipa branch of tie Amalgamated Miners' Association of Australia, talcing the council to add the Wwiimr Bill to its political platform, and thus ensure-' this measure receiving a more substantial! support. The matter was referred to Aha/ United Labor Party for consideration. As having reference to the dispute in the) baYing trade ? notice of motion given at the meetingof tie Trades and Labor Council task night for next Friday evening win be of general interest. This was "That, in order to establish a better understanding betweenemployers and employes, this council respect-' folly asks the Employers' Union of SouSu Australia for a definition of freedom - ofi contract" It will be remembered tha* while lie associated workers of the; colony refuse to recognise tins rrfrMwpl"--an put forward fay the united employer* the latter through their official head (Mr-, A. Iv Harrold) faaveon their eide refused-tot ■treat witb the Trades and Labor Council forj -iie adjustment of disputes until teoognitaon df\ "freedom of contract" is made by that bodyw Hence communications between tie representativesof capital and labor have ceased. Under the beading "Eves and •Serpent 11 tie Kapunda, Herald relates the following etory:—"Two young women were walking on the path on Clare-road near tie old Westeyan graveyard on Sunday afternoon, when one of them perceiving what ah? thought was m shadow trod on it. Imagine her surprise when, feeling something soft under her foot, she looked down and saw a snake uncoiling itself. Womanlike, they quickly gatheredthemselves together and sprang in ahum on to the road. Some young men who were standing at Thiem's Comer and saw the consternationof the young women went down and dis. patched the reptile, which was 3 ft. 10 in. in length." Dr. W. G. Ton, the principal of Way College, has been compelled to take a zest from bis duties for a few days, and has been staying at the Convalescent Home at tie Grange. He is progressing favorably, and Dr. Bodgers, who is attending him, expects that Jhe will be able to resume work on Monday. The little Bandy stretch off the Nova Sootian coast known as Sable Island has furnished another illustration of tbediffioulty of replacing nature's decrees by those of man. Some tune ago the island was overrun with rats, and tie lonely islanders, whose chief duty is tie relief ■of shipwrecked mariners, imported a cargo of 4jatsv from the Canadian mainland. The cats did their work of slaughter so well that they soon had to fall upon the rabbits for food, and themselves became so plentiful thatan importation of foxes had to be made to keep them in check. Tnefozes, like the eats, did theirwork too well. They not only destroyed tie cats, but killed all tie young birds and destroyed thousands of eggs. Tired of tie warfare, toe islanders are now appealing to tie Government to exterminate the foxes. We have received from Mr. W. C. Eigby tie November number of the Engineering Magazine, which like tie preceding issues contains several interesting articles and many beautiful fflnstrations. Opposite tie front page is a famimile of fie following letter from the Governor of Sooth Australia to the Australian manager of tie ?«E«Mff) (bfr.G. G.Turn):—"Government House, AifrJ«id?-Attgi?t 16, 1892. My dear air—l ought some days ago to have thanked you for your courtesy in sending me a copy of the first number of tie Australian edition of tie Engineering Magazine. Yea are to be warmly congratulated on it? appearance. I trust it wfll meet with all the success it deserves. I fljaffly fall in with tie suggestion that I should become a subscriber, and 1 do so not alone on account of tie general exaeuence of tie magtzine but also becanseafl its articles deal co admirably, yet in a dear and untechnicaV -manner, with snbjects which have always teen of great personal interest.—l •m yours, very bithfolly, Exstobe." The-social question is dealt with in two articles — •"Se&cisons on she Homestead StaWty Julian Hawthorne, and "Socialism 'and the Industrial Conquest" by William Nelson Black. The keynote of Mr. Hawthorne's paper is that tie surplus of unem.ployed laborers must be induced to turn their backs on nulls and factories and go on the eofl. Hc>wttai6tobeaooompli?hed,and the land fi imj'irt?frfw*, whom be ctanotmoee^ siippr?ssed, lie writer does not say. In arbitEation- as a solution of the main difficulty Mr. Hawthorne does not bdieve. He says:— "Sporadic oases may arise when arbitration may SnA^snodaa vivendi which bad escaped the notice of the disputants, but disputes be*ween4abor andoapital are not like quarrels -betweennations. They involve purely eoanomio ■questions, and, since tie employers are can* trolled by their knowledge of what they can afford to pay labor, while the men are actuated i>y?desiretoget more money or shorter hours, it naturally follows that, unless the employers are ftoliberstely. misrepresenting their case, tie decision must either t>e in their favor or they must abandon their industry. Should the arbitrators* award be nevertheless made legally obligatory State regulation of wages and in■dostriss must ensue, leading to BeQamyism or State socialism. Toe alternative is to keep & 'standing army to terrorise our vast working popalation into enhmirairm. which in ?'free* country would truly be a reductio nd oi■smtbuaf Mr. BhckdenowioesState socialism **««wjn.iftn ¥wiM«^ faw^i t Booh as Governmental nuheaj? ?od telegraphs,and bis papecloaes much of its force to Australians by tie fact tiatinstitutions which he predicts would be disastrous if adopted in America are working admirably under the Southern Cross. The paper on "SonimerSnburbanCainnimuties nis beautifanyiUastrated, and gives a charming idea of summer rest in tie Cat?knb in log cabins bout atoosts varying from 500 to 1,500 dollars. The Marine Board have received for distribution amongst the lighthouse-keepers a large -gift of books, toys, &a, from the Sunshine committee of the Glenelg Congregational Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. We bare received a table of the proposed mowmenta of tie P. & O. steamers f or 1893. A strawberry fete wfll be held at Henley Beaohto-daymaidoftielooalCongresational A_Btaawberry fete and cake fair in aid of SfcJohn's and the Mission Church wfll be held at" Eotien " this afternoon. A«trawberry fete in aid of St. Martin's Sunday-school >fll be held at Locbiel Park, -Campbelltown, *^'« The annual fete of the Y.W.C.A. wfll be held on th 9 grounds of Mr. J. S. Saunden, -OsDond-terraoe, Norwood, this afternoon. In our advertising «*™ Me F. Braddock, latemanager of the Port Victor branch of the Bank of South Australia, announces tfcat he is to begin hmrnnnn as a land and estate agent- at Temple Chambers, Carrie. street. On tie Adelaide Oral-tins «ft~nnr«n the North Adelaide v. South AJoiMflp m ?*ni. wfllbefinished. TnelatterbaveSOnmstomake to win with etx wickets to fatt. At tie other eed Norwood wfll continne Aeir batting against Hindmanth, Gag Giffen 167 not out returning to his ptaowat the wiokete, A strawberry-fete-win be held in the garden and grounds of Mr. D. Mundy, Locbiel Park, Campbelltown, to-day in aid of St. Martin'f Sunday-school buflding fond. The ladies have arranged to have stalls for the sale of provisions, useful goods, and plants and flowers, while tie Eastern Suburban Band has been engaged. Special oars leave North-terrace at 2,2.30, and 3 p.m. Mr. G. Hittmann, the labor agent, has been gazetted a validating officer by the Govern, ment and Executive Council of New South Wales, in whose presence may be made and subscribed con tracts andagreement? made under tie Agreements Validating Act, between any .persons forany personal services to be rendered or performed within the colony of New Sooth vVftx6s«