West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Saturday 11 April 1936, page 13

IT'S MOMENTS ^^ LIKE THESE J^W#.-* 4 YOU NEEI^M If? M 1 minuet -^ THE UNIVERSAL- SWEET I Made ONLY by lanes Stedman - Henderson's Sweets Ltd., 'Sweetacres' Rosebery, N.S.W. and Auckland, N.Z.I ,.,.,.-. ? ? ? 36-2 I

The reason 'DULUX' is so popular is that it lasts so Jong and is ' therefore very -economical to use. 'DULUX' is easy to apply ; too, it dries quickly into a beautiful lustre that is easy to keep ?. clean. 'DULUX' will make all your old furniture look modern' [ and new again with very little work. W^« J^ aY S^^V ? A Prmimet of British AtutwMmm + WW'^^- ^^4'B temi Mmmfmctmren ftr. ltd. ^ ^^^^^ff^^^^^J^ Obtainable at most Stores or from ' : ? ft 1 1 1 |l]^^fc CLARKSON (W.A.) OMTTED, ' VP^i i^^V^F ~ William Street, FerthJ ^^^^^B *VA^^^ W. DRABBLE LTD., ^fc|sZT^^Mll^^'Tl^|yr daramont and Perth. . ^^^^SHy^^p^CP^' I FOUR MEN WHO TOEPTOEAT Your job depends jon good digestion, for ; it. is food that ' makes jnuscle and keeps yoo strong. At this very moment -'* : thousands of stomach sufferers: are half-starved and unable to do a good day's work because of the agony that follows- each' meal of nourishing food. .YOU cannot afford to suffer from stomach trouble, nor is it necessary, for :* Bisurated' Magnesia- stops pain' instantly, heals the sensitive stomach and so restores good digestion;

READ THESE HUMAN DOCUMENTS FROM MEN WHO HAVE CONQUERED STOMACH TROUBLE ^?jnfuw i* ** I am writing to tdl 'For 9 years, I was ^flJBli^ Jp^ *'TV you of the great suffering from acute JPP^^k 0? ' ;|k benefit I have re- pains'in the stomach /|| ;-' Jk w v \1m deived from 'Bisur- —I could not eat . Ill' ??-' -^?Jj» j|? 'v^^-'^w^B ated' Magnesia after without terrible ^?ji^ %flB^^S| t^'-''^'jP wSm suffering many years suffering. I tried a ^SS «w™|iP w£' ' *±Mm from dyspepsia. At bottle of ' Bisurated » «||1 s -^p ^t's- '-**SSm times ic ^^ oeen Magnesia, and the l||J'a h^t^SSKtm most terrible, but* results were marvel- llSFlJlP. jgW ? Bisurated1 Mag- lous. The pain ^^^^^ ^^?l^|||hH^l^ nesia has worked stopped in a few J^f^mH^^^M HiIBk, .i^BiNM wonders. I strongly minutes, and since jmSH^BHI recommend it to all fitompfh and gastric then I have been able to eat my food sufferers!' G. S. without pain.' F.R.E. ?'_'_^_ «* Suffered indiges- 'This .morning ;I ^ ^ ^^flMfe^t. tion for ten years ...' 'was nearly mad with jflj^^Bk. ^HJ^iMML the pains were like stomach pain j I took jfl^^^^^A ^KT, \ knives in my chest. I a dose of ' Bisurated ' f^H^^^^B jLVfeKk ^^ I took 'Bisurated' Mag- Magnesia and it was f ^^^i^R. ^H||PJ|- j^ f nesia and the pains wonderful how the '$&& ^'?*^SRI ?^kL^l, i went. Now I can eat pain left me. I am not | j^ jlFy .?UP* ^ asllike. 'Bisurated' afraid to eat anything, \ *j* j§§F ?Kry Magnesia was the because a dose puts «^^^^»^L^ JPJElL;. .' making of me.' me right in a minute* fcwgM^^B NOW ENJOY EACH MEAL ?Bisurated 'Magnesia is amazingly effec- effective that science has yet discovered tive for indigestion and stomach dis- for the treatment of digestive troubles, orders because it goes straight to the Don't suffer again- with your stomach, root of the trouble. Recent medical get a bottle of /Bisurated* Magnesia research and. X-ray experiments prove from your chemist to-day. /40HQf\ that the ingredients of 'Bisurated' The package bear* the IflMufiUl Magnesia are die quickest-acting and most 'BUmag' Trade Mark ^????P^i