West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 8 June 1904, page 5

COUDE-STREET: ETT '. QUESTION OF THE WHARF SITE .THE COUNCILS DECISION. At last night's meeting of. the; South Perth Council a deputation was intro-. duced to urge the Coneil to suppiort the project for the erection of a jetty at Whitcomb-plaeoe ; Mr. Crawshaw, 'in introducing the deputation, said a well-attended meeting of east end residents ,had -.been held a short time back, at whioh it was. unanimously resalved--"That this meeting is in favour ofithe Minister for Works's proposal to erect a jetty at Whitcomb-place, and-that a deputation wait on the Council and: urge that body,' to use its best endeavours:to:'have thisworJ carried out at an early date." He pointed out the advantages of having the jetty constructed at Whitcemb-place: Although the other suggested site would, enhance the vale of some of his pro perty. he considered that in the interests of the greater number and the municipality generally" the site shouild' be as originlly decided upon. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Ewing said it'was necessary for some very. substantial reason to ho advanced before original Government plans should 'be altered. No substanltial' reasons h'id been advanced why the Godernmxent pr6ject shouild li departed from' in that. instance. -Vested interest; too,' had' to be considered. He, like Mr. Crawshaw, would benefit by the proposal to shift the jetty. but there were other. factors to be considered., :(Hegar,hear-.) The Mayor (Mr. A. B..Wright); in reply, said although the matter had been, before the ratepayers for years it was unfortunate that the time had come,.when thley either had to make a-decision or lose the jetty altogether, It did not matter to him or to the Council .where the jetty was placed; so long as they ha'd one which served the best interests of the people. (Hear. heqr.) It was essentially a matter for the ratepayers to 'decide whether they would settle the siteaby arbitration or a referendum. The Coumicil's reason for'suggesting to the Governmcntthat the site should be moved was on account of the strong representdtion of 'the River-street residents. It was only a matter of time before River and Coade streets would be connecte4, and he agreed with Mr. Ewing .that If the Government' considered- this course advishable they would'not for 'a mdment consider the claims of persons whose land ran down to the water's edge. He suge pested that each party should appoint delegates and settle the matter at a conference. Mr. Crawshaw considered. that the matter had been settled by the decision of the recent meeting of'ratepayers at which the/deputatidn was appointed. - A Voice: The meeting was packed. Mr. Crawshaw 'said the meeting was, mnanimous in its decision. He thanked. the Council for receiving the deputa-' tion., Subsequently Cr. 'Knight: said some time back he introduced' a deputation in favour of placing the jetty at Riverstreet. Since that date he had gone to the trouble of finding out the actual nufnher df peonle who would be benefited by a jetty at the two sites.' From Onslow?street to Mr. Crawshaw's house 30.houses would be served bvy ,a wharf at Coodestreet. while fromn Mr. Crawshaw's house cast 65 houses would be served.' "He thought the latter the best project, and lie moved-"That this Council urge the Government to construct the jetty at River-striet, as early as possible." -Cr. Douglas seconded tle motion, and, in doing so, he denied the rumour that- he was receiving a fee from any body or person in connection with his advocacy of the site he favoured Cr. Baker opposed the motion on the ground that the largest number of ratepayers should be considered, and' he did' not think this would be-the case if the nrotion were carried , The Mayor repeated that he did not mind where the jetty was built, so long as the majority was served It was for the Council to say whether then previous decision should' he reconsidered, or whether the Minister should be asked to alt"r his project. A similar' motion to that put forward by Cr, Knight had already been carried by the Council. Cr. Knight amended his resolution to read that the Minister should be urged to carry out the Council's suggestion, as contained in their last letter, and this' was carried.