Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Wednesday 7 March 1934, page 5


Fire Risks

Commenting on the refeionees made at the meeting of the Launceston Fire Biigado to the danger» occasioned by wooden containers foi rubbish, and the lack of a flieplug in the lane off St John Stieot and at the reat of Brisbane Stie-et business pi émises the Mayor (Mi A Hollingsworth) pointed out that the City Council regulations stipulated the style of lubbish containers requir-ed Ihey were supposed to be of metal, and of a coi tain size with lids The Council had power over those left out foi lemovil bv scavengers onl> bo far as the fireplug was concerned, the Mayoi agi coe) that there was need for one, but pointed out that as the lane was a private one the Council had no povvei to expend money on it For that tensón the Council would not bo able to assist in putting in the plugs on pi i

vate land but he expiessed the opinion thai It would be u small matter for each piopeity ownei, so far as the cost ol such Installations was concerned The total estimated cost was £51 only, and If 10 or moie property holders agreed to shale the cost of the installation the work could be done at a small expense to each Individual

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The manner in which Tasmania re-ceived consideiable publicity thiough a phoiogiaph which was taken at Hobart some time ago was i elated by Mi Rup-ert IIi7ell the well-known English comedian, who airived from Melbourne yesterday Peisons in all parts of the btate know of the pet leopard which was born some jeais ago at the Btaumaiis Zoo Hobait, and which was cluistened Mike When on i previous visit to Ho-bait Ali Hazell and lils wife, who is the well-known utist Miss Lisle Day, visit-ed the zoo, and through the courtesy of tim curatoi (Mr Reid) Miss Day was photogiaphed alongside Mike As events turned out that photograph pioved tre-mendously valuable publicity for Miss Day, enlaiged copies being exhibited throughtout England and other countries wheie she was appearing Not only tint but Tasmania received its bhare of publicity, and the Intenso interest that was shown In the photographs led to numeious explanations bout th* loca-tion of the zoo, resulting in the distiibutlon of much information concerning Tasmania and its attractions