West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Friday 23 January 1903, page 5

THE GOLDFIELDS VWATER I SCHEME. IMPORTANT CEREMONY AT MUNDAI{iNG. LADY FORREST STARTS THE MACHIINERY. INTERESTING SPEECHES. The festivities arranged in connection with the opening of the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme reached an important stage yesterday, when Lady Forrest, in the presence of a large gathering of Federal and State guests, started the machinery at the No. 1 pumping station. At the invitation of Messrs. James S.mpson and Co., Ltd.. the contractors for the pumping machinery, over 3c0 persons journeyed from the city in two special trains, the last one of which reached Mundaring shortly after 1 o'clock, to witness the ceremony. It was the most influential gathering that has ever been present at an important event in this State, repie-enting as it did the Federal Ministry, both Houses of the Federal Parliament, the Sate Parliaments, the military, and other institutions. Among those present were: ,.r John lorreie, air %\m. Lyne, S ir i tulip Fysh, Mr. E. \'. 0 uliivan, Mr. J. G. Jenkins (Irenller of bouctr Australia), -ur. J. murray (i.), the State I rem.er (Mr. W. James, M.L.A.), the Miunister ior Railirays (Mr C. H. Rason, M.j.A.), the tiolonial Secretary (Mir. W. Kingsm.ll, .t.L.A.), Major-General - button, Lieut.-Co!. Rtcarco, Captain Collins, Messrs. McGregor, Smith, Ewing, De Largd, iuggs, and, Pearce, members of the Federal Senate; Mlcssir. Chanter, Chapman, Fowler, Malion, Batchelor, Thomas, Higgiris, and Crouch, M's.H.R. ; Sir George Shenton, Dr. Hackett, and Messrs. ellingham, Brimage. Dempster, Laurie, Loton, Jenkins. Maley, ?ucLarty, Sommers, and Wood, M's.L.( ; Messrs. Atkins, Butcher, D ghl;s, Foulkes, Harper, Hastie, IllingwortlhJacoby, Moran, Moigans, Nanson, Pi?se, Phillips, Pigott, Smith, and Throssell, M's.L.A. ; sMr. Justice Parker, Bishop Riiey, Bishop Gibney, Bishop Delaney ('las.), Canon Andrews, Revs. J. Gray, W. T. liench, and 'i'. Bird; the Mayor of Perth, Mr. H. Brown; the Mayor of Fremantle, Mr. T. Smith; Mr. «v. J. George,. Mr. J. T. Short, Mr. Neil Douglas Jir. E. F. Rotheram, Mr. J: Garraid ,Mr. J. Barre Johnston. Mr. L. Foley, iir. L. A. B. Wade, Mr. C. Y. Simpson, A.D.C. to H?~ xtc'ellency the Administrator;" Mr. R: A. Shoh, Mr. C. S. R. Palmer, Mr. C. T. Mason, Mr. F. Spencer, Dr. Ernest Black, Mr. F. H. Bruford. Mr. P. Whitington, Mr. W. Leslie, Dr. Lovegrove, Mr. Sept. Burt, K.C.. Mr. O. Burt, Mr. T. C. Villiers, Mr. Mephan Ferguson, Mr. C. Hoskins, Mr. H. J. Saunders, Mr. M. E. Jull. Mr. T. Statham, Mr. T. W. Hardwick, Mr. D. B. Ord, Mr. F. D. North, Mr. F. R. England. Mr. F. S. Harney, Mr. E. Wigglesworth, Mr. G. Y. Hubble, Mr. W. BE.. Traylen, - Mr. M. O'Connell, MiF. T. Good, Mr. R. W. Pennefather, Mr. C. Lee-Steere, Mr. Alp n Thomson, Mr. D. Foriest. Mr. J. B. Percy. In spite of the oppressive weather, the visitors displayed the keene st interest in the surroundings, admiring the picturesque situation of the Mundarmg reservoir (which was fully described in our issue of yesterday), and making an inspection of the machinery and other appurtenances necessary for the carrying on of the schcnie at this important point. At the entrance tod. No. 1 pumping station, which was gaily decorated with flags, Mr. R. S. Forbes, one of the attorneys for M,1:ssrs. James Simpson and Co.. Ltd.. addressing the gathering, briefly referred to the completion of the great undertaking, and said that it was now merely a question of moving 'the pumping machinery to give soul and pulse to the scheme. He took the opportunity of presenting Lady Forrest with a gold key to celebrate the occasion, and to perform the first public event in connection with the scheme, by opening the door leading to the starting platform, from where the first engine was to he set going. On behal of of the directors of the Company, Mr. Forbes handed Sir John Forrest an album, containing 100 photographs. showing the progress of the pumping imachinery working along the line from No. 1 to No. 8 station. The directors recognised the ability with which Sir Jolhn Forrest had brought the scheme to a satisfactory conclusion, and hoped that lie would look upon the pictures with some small affection. Sir John and ,ady Fporrest receive8 the gifts amid chei-rs, and, as thle party entered the puimping station, the Bavarian Band played a lively air. Under thie direction of Mr. G. Hawke.

Superintending Engineer. Lady Forrest opened the door leading to the starting platform. When the cheers which greeted this proceeding had subsided, Lady Forrest started the machinery by opening the main valve of the first engine. which immediately took up "high duty" -the best effort that the engine can put forth-and thle water was sent on its journey to No. 2 reservoir. As the ceremony was performed, the band struck up an inspiring air. and hearty cheers were given for Sir John and Lady Forrest. THE LUNCHEON. Tile luncheon which took place under a marquee, overlooking the reservoir, was perhaps the largest function of its kind that has taken place in the State. About three hundred guests sat down, at the invitation of Messrs. Jas. Simpson and Co.. the contractors for the machinery of the work, to the excellent repa.. that was provided by the caterer. Mr. W'i W. Berry. Mr. R. S. Forbes, attorney for Simpson and Co., presided, and was supported by Sir John Forrest Sir Win. Lvne. Sir Philip Fysh. the Premier of South Australia (Mr. J. G. Jenkins), Mr. E. W. O'Sullivan (N.S.W.), Hon. J. Murray (Q.). the State Premier (Mr. W. H. James. M.L.A.). the Colonial Secretary (Mr. ýW. Kingsmill, M.L.A.). the M31iister for Works (Mr. C H. Rason. M.L..1.1. Major-General Hutton. Dr. Riley. Dr. Gibney. Sir George Shenton, and Dr. J. W. Hackett. M3.L.C. The toiasts of "The King." "The Governnr-General " and "The Administrat,:r." having been honouired, The chairman proposed 'The Ministry." The Premier. in responding, said that thieyv here delighted to welcome the Federal visitors. The onlt, matter for reiret was that their nlllntiI were not Ialrcer. He holped the' would go away with the t'nviction that the orosperity of Wie ster' Ai.trnl;a depended. not on any particul'r Ministry. but on the great resources of the country. He trus.ed that the Goldfields Water Scheme would work as smoothly, a. certaily and as retularly as the magnificent machinery which had been set in operation by Lady Forrest. (.t pnlausc.) l)r. Hackett wa- warmly applauded on rising to oropo-e the' toast of "The Coolgardie Water Sliheine." lin doing so, hir -a:d that. s one acceustmed to much li-teiiing to otihers aid little speakino on his own tpar rt-tlt'htert-he would follw the example of short speeches set by the Premier. At tie sine time it would bh" ab"olutnilt untltcming if he sat down wit hliut savinit a few words on hehalf of the ?,reat scheme on the site of which they wire gl th i.rtd toneother to do honour to thie men who had enrricd it to ioe",-'tiii. Hel tock it that he was sele-l od tiii rotpose slieo?, ior lint gtreat itndertal ing, beeaus' heii' was onie of thinos' tiniil (hir t t ie tl re n'inny of thlni at first) olio -at throughouiit lisidie lhe cradle of the i,;fant 'n.oji et. ilear, hear.) The iu,:ihi'r hdl swlled since, hut lihe spoke for his friend ir Joihn F.rrest. as well as himself, when he said that. their fears were


great for a long time regarding the lifo I of the infant. There were too many gathered round to snatch it away. Nevertheless, it lived and prospered, and that i day he saw round him a number of those who. formerly novel spoke of the matter i but with a murderous gleam in their eyes I -(laughter)-and who ought now to he on the siool of repentance, confessing the error of thler ways. (Renewed laughter.) They may have noticed in the newspapers during the past fqw days that there had been a crowd of claimants for the honour of being the originator of the scheme. Apparently, half the Statel thought of it at the same time. The idea was obvious enough to the dreamer of dreams, aid the seer of visions ahead, but they ought to do honour to the men who took up the cause through good and evil report, who fought for its success, and at last carried it into the land where victories were won. Among those who had so fought for the scheme, he selected two, and two only, one of them his indefatigable, bold-hearted, and mostly victorious friend, Sir John Forrest. (Applause.) The other had passed away during the past few months, after having given up his life to the undertaking. Even in the presence of the Premier of South Australia. the State which had linked the south with the north of the continent by telegraph, hitherto the greatest work actonmplished in Australia-he would say they were there to do honour to a scheme which b, bein .rd, to describe as the greatest single enterprise ever undertaken hy an Australian State. (Applause.) It was fitting that from first to last, with one pr two exceptional instances, the schemne should have been carried out as a State effort,. He was sure they would agree filt it nmust ever remain a State concern. When they saw I the goldfield, and siaw that their prime necessity, almost their only necessity, I was fresh water, tlhe would he in accord with him when lie said that the man who stood at the first pumping station held in the hollow of his hanid the desti',i?s of ('oolgarditi. Kaleorlie, and the Boulder. The Fedeal: visitorsm would see for themselv-s, on a somall scale, a striking instance of the benefit or the co-op ration in effort which wia. the basis of the Federal agremenct. That was to say, the people ou the coastal side of the ranges were h-stowing of their abulndance to meet the necessities of the people on the other side. The' wants of one part were mI ade good by the phIlty of the other; and so it was that t hey hlir! undertaken to carry w?te:r fronl tho-e coastal streams 330 miles into the interior, to try and soften the hardsh.-ips and solace the lives of those who. at one tin'. lie was sorry to say. wtl re Inot such friends of the undertaking as thiv were' that day. 'They desired to do for the State with those iron pipes wlhat they desired the Feder.il visitors would do with the steel rails for the two sides of Australia. (Apt plause.) There had not always been that

cordiality of action and perfect harmony of mind that was to be desired between the goldfields and the people on the coastal side of the ranges, but he trusted that that silver stream would establish a peace the most permanent, because the happiest and kindliest. That was to say, thel coast would be bound to the goldfields by the fact that they (the former) had entered upon that enormous expense, and taken upon their shoulders the full responsibility for it, in order to meet the wants of the people in the east, and in no way to benefit th mselves, save so far as the goldfields chose to benefit them in return. Without boasting, they believ, d that they were pioneers of a great nation. Almost over its whole area Australia suffered from a chronic want of water. If they were to make the Commonwealth the greatest of southern States, they would have to take adSvantage of every gallon of bounty which fell froml the sky or was yielded from the earth beneath. If they could turn these coastal streams back into the interior, it would be of unimaginable gain to the Commonwealth. He begged to propose success to the greatest scheme which had been und rtaken in Australia, one of which they were proud, and one to which he hoped they would all join in doing lhonour. (Applause.) Sir John Forrest. in replying to the toast. was received with loud and prolonged cheering. He said that no more pleasant duty could have fallen to hilm than that whlich lie had been called upon to perform that afternoon. He feared, however, that for various reasons, lie would not he able to do that justice to the toast which, in his heart and mind, he do ired to do. They would all realise that that was a vetry proud day for him. a nd for many of those whom he saw around him, who had been associated with him in that great. project.which that day hacd become an accomplished fact. (Cheers.) That was a great occasion for the people of Western Australia. It was also a great occasion for them also in having amorn them so many distinguish-' ed menn from other parts of Australia to join in that great and important coremony. (('heers.) All presetnt knew how closely he had heet assoeiatd with the great ('olgardie Water Scheme, and it was only reasonable that he should be proud and glad that it had at last become an acconimplihed fact. ('lieers.) It had heen very agreeable to him to hear the toast of the Coolgardie Water Schemo proposed by one of his old friends, Dr. IIackett. who, as he had rightly said. had been one of those who had stood at the cradle of that great enterprise. who had never lost an opportunity of promoting and advancing it. both by ilis voice and by his pen. and. who, from the day that the matter became a practicable one in politics, had been a staunch and strong supporter of it uip to that very moment. (Cheers.) He (Sir John Forrest) believSed in honour to whom honour was due.

Let those who had borne the brunt and heat "and burden of the day of that great enterprise, receive the credit to which they were entitled. He said it not from any personal reason, but altogether upon public grounds as one who would be wanting in his duty if he did not say so, that there was no man in this State who had been a stronger, firmer and more constant friend of the Coolgardie Water Scheme than his friend Dr. Hackett, and the influential iournal which he represented-the "West Australian." (Cheers.) He saw around him many of his fellow colonists, and when they saw that the goal 5which they had laboured for had been arrived at, he felt there was no reason for him to say anything at all. While there was work to do, when battles had to be fought and victory had to be attained by energy and perseverance, then was the time for effort, for the display of energy on the part of those who were anxious to see the fulfilment of that ',reat enterprise. That was the position he took up from 1896 up to the present time, and to-day, when he saw the realisation of what they had worked and hoped for, hlie felt there was really nothing left for him to say but to congratulate the people of Western Australia. (Cheers.) They all knew how furiously the matter had raged in Parliament. He could not remember how many no-confidence motions or what were practically no-confidence nmotions, were submitted in the Legislature in regard to the project: but he knew that in the heat of the battle, there were always good men and true, who believed in the future of the State..and who rallied round the Government of the day, and deteImined that success should be achieved. (Cheers.) Mlany of those men were present at that gathering that day. (Cheers.) Any credit that. seemed to be due to him was equally due to them, and if he rejoiced greatly in the success wlhich had resulted from their efforts, he felt sure his staunch friends world also equally rejoice with hinm. He was glad to find that as the time for the complc tion of the great work was approaching, the opposing forces had, to a very great extent. disappeared. (Cheers.) He supposed it was that their ammunition had been gradually expended, and that, as a consequence their guns were silent. (Cheers.) The sun of to-day shone upon his fellow-colonists Who stood by him in the days of difficulty and trial-the sun shone upon them as victors in the fight. Not only had they obtained the victory over the opponents of the scheme, but they had won a greater fight and a greater battle - they had conquered the great forces of Nature, which had caused the promoters of the scheme more anxiety than any other force. that were opposed to them. They would all realise the great relief from anxiety which he felt that afternoon by

reason of the success of that great project. It was no small matter, when the scheme was initiated, and when the population numbered only about one hundred and fifty thousand persons, to embark on an undertaking of that kind, which might have mortgaged all their lands and homes if the work did not prove a success. When he realised that, he felt the responsibility which rested upon him, when it was quite possible that the scheme might have failed. (Cries of "No.") He often said to his dear old friend, who was not with them that day. "It seems to me we have crossed the Rubicon, and upon us dLpends the success of this great measure. We will either lose our reputations or make them." (A Voice: "You are quite safe.") But he had never had any fear as to the result of the great work. Al-I though the responsibility of the work, to a certain extent, was shared by those who supported him, he had never sought to place it upon anyone else, and he was always quite content to burden himself with the responsibility. (Cheers.) Dr. Hackett had referred to a sad matter, which would be altogether unbecoming of him (Sir John Forrest) not to refer to on that occasion. That was, that the great builder of the work was not among them that day to receive the honour that was due to him. He (Sir John Forre.st) could say this: Had it not been for the confidence which he and many o:hers in the State had reposed in the late Engineerin-Chief's ability, probity and honour(cheers)-he could not have undertaken at the time the great responsibility of that immense enterprise. (Renewed cheers.) He could not help the thoughts crowding upon him when Lady Forrest turned on the machecry at the pumping station that day. hpr different his feelings would have been, and how he would have rejoiced if that great man, who had done so much for the scheme, had been present among them. (Cheers.) It was very sad. but lie (Sir John) only desired to say that the late. Engineer-in-Chief's honourable record must never be left unrecogpised. (Cheers.) Sir John gave a brief description of the work. -ic pointed out that the dam across the Helena River has cost £200.000., and that in it was impounded (roughly speaking) five thousand million gallons of water when it was full. The water was pumped to Kalgoorlie, a distance of 350 miles. and each of the pipes through which it passed was 2,ft. in diameter and 28ft. long. There were 66.000 pipes, which had cost something between one and a quarter and one and a half millicns of money. There were eight pumping stations between AMundaring and Kalgoorlie, and the pumps had cost something like a quarter of a million sterling. The ; stations were capable of pumpiug from five million to six million gallons of water daily. The reservoir when fullj

would hold a 2A- years' supply, and if, through untoward circumstances, it should become exhausted, there were other places in the ranges at which water could be impounded tor the same purpose. Many gentlemen present were among the most experienced men in Australia, and they would realise the magnitude and diiiculy of an undertaking like the Coolgardle Water Scheme. The pipe line would run for a great distance through arid country, and the water would be available for purposes of conservation. The country around Kalgoorlie and Coolgardie had been for some years well favoured with rain, but there had been times when the same country had experienced droughts, which might come again, and then the water scheme would prove of great service. In pointing out the benefits which the water supply would confer upon the railways of the State, Sir John said that one of the greatest boons to the railway autlorities on the Easern goldfields was that from the present time they were certain of a safe supply of water for all their railway requirements. The scheme would encourage the use of the country for pasture, and the towns en route and the goldfields towns would benefit. The supply for the mines was a matter of the very greatest importance. He was told by the Premier that the mining market had improved already, owing to the completion of the scheme. (Cheers.) He trusted that what Dr. Hackett had said would conime to pass. That scheme must be the forerunner of many other similar important schemes throughout Australia. When they remembered that there were immense quantities of water to be carried into the arid parts Of Australia by means of gravitation, who would say that the Coolgardie water scheme would not be the forerunner of many other similar schemes? He thanked the Company for the present of the key to Lady Forrest, and the album to himself, and expressed confidence that the scheme would be a great success. Only one thing could militate against the success of the scheme, and that was that the Eastern goldfields should "peter out." But he felt sure that the 'tines were only in their infancy, and that the output of to-day would be increased in the iuture. His last words to them would he full of gratitude, full of sadness, at the remmembrance of one who had gone, and full of confidence. He prayed that that great work might prove as beneficial to the goldfields and to the people of Western Australia, as those who projected it intended it to be. (Loud cheers.) The Premier, in proposing "Our Sister States," said that Western Australia had conveyed the best possible Federal message to the farmers of South Australia, the manufacturers of Victoria, and the unemployed of Australia. Addressing himself to the Federal members pre

sent, he expressed the hope that no State dispute would he echoed in the Federal Parliament. The State Parliament, he c'ontended. was the proper tribunal for the settlement of State questions, The State Governments, said Mr. James, night, if they chose to turn the tables. If, to-morrow, Western Australia desired, she could take possession of the post office, the Customs-house, and other buildings, and solve the question for herself. (Laughter.) But they recognised the Federal compact. anld they merely desired the Federal Parliament to discharge its Federal duties in a Federal spirit. Mr. Janys spoke in terms of gratification at the completion of the Coolgardie Water Scheme, and pointed out that, of the 33 members who composed the Parliament which undertook many important works for the development of the country, 27 of them were either native-born Western Australians or men who had lived so long in the country as to earn for themselves the designation of "Sandgroper." Sir Wm. Lyne, in replying, said that he could have no doubt, after listening to the strong and eloquent deliverance from one who had the power of character of Sir John Forrest, that he was a statesman of the highest order. It was easy for a public man to flit along on the crest of a wave of public popularity, but it required a statesman, when he had a scheme and found that it was being opposed to stand with his back to the wall and fight as a man should fight. The great Water Scheme had proved to the people of the East the possibility of pumping water great distances. This was, perhaps, the first occasion when it had been proved that water could be conserved where the rain fell, and pumped into the arid interior. The action of Western Australia had been an object lesson to the people of the Eastern States. He warned Mr. O'Sullivan that, if he did not push on vigorously the work of conserving the water, a work which he (Sir William) had begun, he would have Western Australia supplying water to Broken Hill. (,Laughter and applause.) After congratulating Western Australia on the successful completion of the undertaking, Sir William took the opportunity of replying to some remarks made by the Premier (Mr. James), whom he described as "a very retiring, nervous sort of gentleman, who never obtruded himself." (3aughter.) He was amazed when Mr. Jal?s spoke of taking charge of the post office and the Customs house and other buildings, and putting the Commonwealth on one side, with a view of establishing the lead of Western Australia. He was glad that he had the General commanding the forces on his right, and the Minister for Defence on his left. (Laughter.) Mr. James: Like Sir John See, I shall have to call out the police. Sir William Lyne: Poor unfortunate little police of Western Australia! Continuing, the Minister for Home Affairs said that no other Federation had commenced with so few and so powerful States as the Australian Commonwealth had done. It was to be expected that friction would occur at first, but they must endeavour to cultivate sympathy between the States, so that they could successfully mould their destiny in the future. He assured them that there was no desire on the part of the Commonwealth to take from the States one single power that had been given to them by the Constitution. It hafl been said that some States desired-to secede from the Commonwealth, but he affirmed that they had entered a union that was not going to be dissolved. Speaking of the trans-Australian railway, he reiterated that personally his sympathies were with the connection of the West with the East by rail. In constructing that line they would be advancing the interests of all the States, because unless they were welded into one concrete whole, they could never rise to that stage of mutual sympathy which was going to last for all time. (Applause.) Mr. E. W. O'Sullivan (N.S.W.) responded in a humorous strain. He compared the mother State to a brooding hen, and the other States to five ducklings, which, much to her amazement, had begun to swim by themselves. Wes -ern Australia had been designated as the land of "Sin, sorrow, and sore eyes," but a more appropriate name, he thought. would be the "land of courage, confidence and contentment." Mr. J. G. Jenkins (S.A.), in the course of a diverting speech, referred to the graphic description of the hen ,and the ducklings, and advised Mr. Sullivan to "teach the old hen to swim, too." (Laughter.) He said that he proposed to remain for a short time in Western Australia, and. after the glamour of the present visit had worn off, to look round and see whether this State was worth annexing by South Australia. (Renewed laughter) . Mr. J. Murray (Q.), Sir Philip Fysh (Tas.), and Mr. H. B. Higgins, M.H.R. (Vic.) also responded. Before the proceedings terminated Sir John Forrest proposed a hearty vote of thanks to their hosts (Messrs. James Simpon and Co.). The vote was carried by acclamation, and was suitably acknowleeged by tihe chairman. The party then left on the return journey to All the arrangements in connection with the ceremony were admirably carried out, the success achieved being due in a great measure to the efforts of the Conmpany's attorney. Mr. R. S. Forbes, who was ably assisted by Mr. F. S.?An

drewg. Mr. P. J. Cooper, the engineer in charge of No. 1 station, also deserves mention. NOTES by "ADRIENNE." The large luncheon party that was given at Mundaring A eir yesterday by Messrs. James Simpson and Co., Ltd., to celebrate the starting of the pumping machinery in connection with the Coolgardie Water Scheme. was made the occasion for a very pleasant day's outing. The arrangements were quite perfect, and Mr. R. A. Forbes, the attorney in Western Australia for the Company, with his helpers, is to be heartily congratulated on the success of the excurston. Congratulations are also due to the officials controlhing the traffic branch of the railways for the comfort of the train service. Two specal trains, which left Perth in the morning, conveyed a very large number of representative people to the scene of operations-Mundaring Weir. To those who had not made the journey before, the trip was very interesting, the ascent among the hills delighting the tye with many glimpses of green, tree-covered slopes and cool-.-iaded valleys Indeed. some of the most picturesque parts of Western Australian country lie alPug the route, and the several flourishing vineyards to be seen on the hillsides are living illustrations of a g;:art industry in strong and sturdy infancy. On arrival at the Weir, the first proceeding was to stand on the great wall, revel in the silvery coolness of the pretty i Helena River, and marvel at the conception and execution of what, as one of thie speakers put it, is "the greatest single enterprise ever undertaken by an Australian State." ' As soon as the second train arrived, Sir John and Lady Forrest made their way to the large bush building (the entrance to which was bright with flags), where the pumping engines are stationed. After a few words on behalf of the company that he represents-words of welcome and greeting to Sir John and Lady Forrest--Mr. Forbes presented Lady Forrest with a handsome golden key, as a souvenir of the great occasion, and Mrs. Forbes handed to Lady Forrest: a beautiful bouquet of flowers. A presentation was also made to Sir John, in the shape of an album, containing many views of the babyhood and the childhood, and, lastly the maturity of the immense scheme. Then the time came for the starting of the No. 1 pumping machine, and Mr. Forbes happily expressed what it meant, when he asked Lady Forrest to put the life and soul into the vast body of machinery. The party then took up positions from where the performance of this interesting ceremony could be seen. Lady Forrest stood on a raised platform, and, to the strains of "See, the Conquering Hero Comes," and under the guidance of the chief engineer. the wife of the. Minister for I)efenee, in her characteristically gracious and hearty manner, turned a Ssmall magical wheel, which started the

great heart of the engine into throbbing, pulsating life. The water, forced by tho power of the machinery, then commetnced its long journey through the great iron vein, on its way to Kalgoorlie. It meahs a very great. deal to all Western Australians in the future memories of the country that Sir John and Lady Forrest were able to be present and witness the commencement of the success of the scheme that has lain so near to their hearts for many years. A sumptuous lunch wa slaid under a large marquee, placed on the top of a rise overlooking a. lovely winding valley of trees, and the glimmering water of the weir. Everything that could add to the comfort, of the guests was thought of and provided. Very refreshing was the sight of a fountain at the entrance of the marquee, the water playing over a bank of green bracken fern. A sea breeze, which came with the afternoon, was warmly welcomed, as the sun was rather trying at timeL.' Afttr the toasts' had been honoured and speeches.deliv¢red by leading public men, the party returned to Perth. having spent a thoroughly intertstng and .enjoyable day, and one that will be remembered by thpseprivi-' leged to be present, in the future years, whenever the great Coolgardie Water Scheme is spaken of. THE KALGOORLIE BANQUET.: A COMPLAINT FROM THE' FIELDS. Kalgoorlie, Janmary 22. Some trouble has arisen in voiunectioni with the invitations to the muaicipal banquet to be held in .Kalgoorlie next Saturday night. Mr. Keenan and Mr. Rabbish, the Mayors of halgoorlie and Boulder respectively, issued-invitations to the whole of the proposed-.guests,;'iteluding 260 'State guests and..l10 eich invited by the Kalgoorlip and,..Boulder Municipalities. Each of- these" was signed on the back by the Mayors; and the whole were. dily. .uimbeied' ii' ordet, to. prevent any possibility of confusion.' Those intended to be distributed b' the' Government in Perth sieeio'enrt away in time to reach ..Mr. :. F. ;, Ndith,'l?s Tuesday morning. Mr. North appeard, it is stated, to have takenir no turtheni action in the matter until ?bsterday, wh'en he sent a'lergthy telkgt "ti"'d the. effect that he iCas unable to 'nsure .the. distribution of .the tickcts, ;:itisdas'?fng that the Government iuvitations' might be recognised at the banquet. .It is claimed that, if this werei'agreed td, there would be absolutely no check uipon the number of invitations issued,'and many.inore.'might demand admission to the banquet than had..been.cateredfor. Consequently' Mr. 'Keenan telegraphetd back to Mr. North, iifdorming hin thab the municipalities could .iiot se? their way to recognise any invitations to the banquet, except those that hadd'been issued by the Mayors,. and 'diuly signeddon. the back. In the case of.the..EFederal Ministers and members, and also-in that of representatives of the State Governments, all of whom are well-knoýyn, the presentation' of- 'tickets at' the banquet will be uinnecessary, but in regard to .all others, the. invitations.' issued by "'.tle Mayors in due form will, it is said, be in-. sisted upon. '