Courier (Hobart, Tas. : 1840 - 1859), Saturday 31 March 1855, page 4

Me* by Suxttom

1TE3DAY am» WEDNESDAY, Son amp 4rpi


-Sal* ofik* First Portion -of th* Cressy



iHaa now ihe satisfaction of announcing that th« j smvey am) subdivision »f a section of ibis J magnificent property being completed, ht ii I enabled«» notify thai

' "On TUESDAY ilia 3rd, and WEDNESDAY I the 4th «t April uefet, commencing eaoh day at r Hf-o'clock,

<$íe »(fill » have the privilege of-submitting to

"public competition,

-3At th* Commercial "Sale Rooms, Cimitiere-stteet, ; ^ '"Launceston,

THE FIRST PORTION of this really

valuable property, comprising about SEVEN 'THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ACRES, which it has b»Hi,!decided to submit in the following order :

.Lot 1 contains 40 acres, bounded in front by the

river Liffy, and adjoins the properties of Meurt. "Field, Dodery, -and 'Lawson, extending to the nain road to Bishops'bourne and Canick; the land ia rich

black aDavUl Nil, in a high state of


'¿Lot 3 eoMahwlSI aros bounded in front by the

void to Carrick, and adjoins "Mr Dodery's land. This land is unbroken, lightly * ^timbered, and well adapted for agricultural


vLot 3 contains 145 acres, adjoining Lot 2, and is

equal to it in every particular.

tXot 4 contatos 149 acres, adjoining Lot 3, and

land formerly belonging to the late Lieut. Skardon ; equal in every respect to the preceding

-Lot 5 contains 166 acres, having a frontage upon

Ihe Liffy, and intersected by the road to Carrick. This Is all good land, lightly timbered, and well adapted for agricultural and grazing purposes. "

* Let 6 contains 420 acres, having a frontige of 50

chain* on the Liffy, and extends back to the road to Carrick This land is particulaily well adapted for agricultural and dairy purposes.

¿Lot 7 contains 278 acres, bounded in front by the

road to Carrick, and on two sides by a cross road to Cressy. The land of this Lot is a fine level fit for the plough.

Lot 8 conta'n» 168 acres, bounded in front by

' the road to Crew. This is all fine open

level land,lightly timbered.

' Lot 9 contains lol acres, adjoining Lot 8, aud

equal to it in every respect.

Lot 10 contains 1»7 »cres, adjoining Lot 9, and

is of a similar character.

-Let 11 contains 370 ames, bounded by the road

to Carrick; also by the toad to Cressy: fine strong wheat land, lightly timbered.

Lol 13 contains 277 acres,having a-frontage upon

the Liffy of 30 chains-particularly suited for agricultural and dairy purposes.

Lot 13 contains 644 acres, having a frontage of

half a mile upon the Liffy ; is intersected by the road to Carrick, and extends to the road to Ciessy-about 100 acres are in cultivation, a portion of whioh is known as Murphy's Lagoon ; a further portion might with great advantage be put under the plough ; the residue is excellent grazing land. There is a substantial stone dwelling-house upon this lot; besides store, stable, coach-house and men's huts, with enclosed garden and other improvements,


Lot 14 contains 149\ These lots adjoin the pro-

perty formerly belonging to the late Lieut. Skardon, is fine wheat land and lightly timbered. 15 * 177 16 ,. 177 17 " 190 18 " 182 19 " 128 20 " 130/

21 " * 2501 AU fine open level land, 23 " 103 [lightly timbered. 23 " 104)

24 " 128\ This portion of the Estate 25 " 128 i« known as the Green

.Rises, the land is fine open '"and level, all lightly tim-bered and fit for the plough. 2« " « 169 27 " 170 28 " 166 29 " 167/

30 " 121^

31 " 121

Fine open level land, of

the best description for agricultural purposes. 32 " 121 33 " 121 34 " 131

Lit 80 contains 152 acres, bounded in front hy

the main road from Longford to the Lnke River, near the Cressy church ; upon this Lot there ii a good dwelling, besides men's huts and other improvements; the greater portion of this land has been cultivated, and ia down in gnus.

Lot 37 contains 93 acres, adjoining the preceding,

and is equal to it io every respect. Lot 38 eenuin! 93 acres, ditto ditto.

Lot 89 contains 93 acres, all enclosed and sub-

divided. The land ia of the richest des-cription, and is in cultivation ; there is a dwelling-boose, barn, stable, and other improvements on this lot.i


Lot '40 contains 100\ Ali fronting the road to

41 " 1001 the Lake River, near the 42 " 100[Cressy Hotel ; the land is

43 " lOOl excellent, lightly timbered, 44 " 85/ and fit for the plough.

46 " lol.. These lots are within a 4« ., r96J abort diBtaire of the 47 ,, 202 # Lake River Road, the 4B " 1*3 \. land comprises a beau* 49 * ;134f tiful tract of countiy, 00 " 203 k every acre fit for cultt51 " 150 I valion, and very lightly 32 " 202 ' timbered. -

mln preparing ibis portion of the Estate for sale, the object and desire hal been to present the several lots in such a form that not only the capitalist but the practical farmer may participate in the distribution of this splendid Property, the opening up of which cannot fail to strike the'most casual observer, as being fraught with the ^greatest advantages to this side of the island, and particularly to'the district of Longford.

The brief description of each lot will convey some idea of the general character of the land now «ffered, all of which is virgin soil, and nearly ivery acre fltTor the plough. Most of the Lois are more or less timbered, but rarely lo an extent that «an be ohireted to, particularly in such a locality, vi idle waier can be had io almost every part »f 'he Cstate at a very few feet from the surfaee? and tha »are that has been taken to seonra a permaneo» app«Mch to each portion by a road having been opened tlimgh the entire property is another great advantage worthy of


Every information may be obtained, and the property inspected, upon atplhaiiofl at'Cressy lip use where b plan of. he E»tnte can be'seen ; also at Mi Dodery's, Blenheim Hotel, Longford, und al Mr. Weeden'* ofiee, Launceston.

4#" Immediate possession of the several lots will be given. " ,

# ve per cent. cask aepotit, the balance, by equal payments at 1, 2, and 3 yean, secured upon the property, bearing interest at 8 per cent, per annum. 877


Brick Tenement, New Town Road. MR. ELLISTON

Has leeeived instruction« from the proprietor to

submit to Un.'fcseived Public Competition, by

Auction. '

On MONDAY, 2nd April,

At 2 o'clock, at the City Mart,


sittfate and being on the New Town Road, in the suburbs of the City of Hobart Town; bounded in front on the north east by 4l feet and 6 inches along the New Town Road, on the reur and on the nest hy 41 feet and 6 inches along land sold by 'John Dunn to William Henry Seabrook, on the noith-westsideby 100 feet alontr. part ol an allotment ol 11 acres and I rood laid out by tbe said John Dunn as a street and called King-street, and on the south east by 103 feet 6 inches along lund sold by the said John Dunn to Lake Walker with right of carriage and


Upon the land, which is fenced in, a Brick Tenement is erected, comprehending two tworoom Cottages and a Baker's Shop with'capital oven and yard; the whole let to respectable tenants, and producing £104 pounds per annum. "For further particulars apply to the Auc-tioneer, at the City Mart ; or to Mr. Crombie, Solicitor, Davey-street.

Terms-One-half cash . the remainder by two acceptances at 3 and 6 months, bearing Bank interest, and secured upon the premises ; or the whole may be paid in cash. 1353


Extra Stock at Jerusalem.


On WEDNESDAY, 4th April, at Mr. Lamb's



I Forty bend mixed cattle

Two hundred prime fat wethers

Eight poweiful working bullocks Eight (at cons

Four paii working bullocks

Several useful horses

1417 One plough mare in foal to Norval.


Sale of Stock at Jerusalem.


At Mr. Lamb's Yards,

On WEDNESDAY, 4th April, at 12 o'clock, TWO HUNDRED J AT WETHERS

Four hundred store ewes Three hundred fat ewe»

Thirteen pair working bu locks

One pair steers Six milk cows One bull

Two chaise carts

Three new sets of harness

One horse cirt 1300



^TENDERS Will be received by the undersigned JL at the Advertiser office, WEDNESDAY, the 4th April, at 13 o'cloek, from parties wishing to RENT THE GATE at the Race Course during the eusumg races.

The party whose Teuder is accepted will be entitled to charge each person on horseback, or The driver of any kind of "vehicle, »ho does not produce to bim a subscriber's ticket, the sum of 6s. (and no more) for each day's attendance.

Tenders addressed to the undersigned, and marked "-Tender for Gate," -will be opened by the Committee of Proprietors of the New Town Race Course, when the highest Tender (if approved) will be accepted, provided the parly is prepared either to pay the cash, or give a pro-missory note, payable on demand, approved of by the Committee.

Bb-MJAUir* ONriLE Wilson,

Secretary to the Proprietors of the New Town

Race Course.

March 38lh. 1454



TENDERS will be received by the under-

signed, at the ADVERTISER OFFICE, till 12 o'clock, on WEDNESDAY, the4ih April, from Publicans and others wishing to erect Booths at the ensuing Races. *

The number of Booths will be limited to twelve, exclusive of the Committee Booth and such portion of the Grand Stand as^nay be allowed by the Stewards to be appropriated for the purposes

of a Refreshment Room.

No tender under £7 10s will be received as such, and the Committee reserve to themselves the power of appropriating those that may not be tendered for in any way, and at any price they may think proper.*

Parties who had booths last year will be entitled to occupy the same ground should they wish to do so ; in any other case the ground will be marked off by Mr. Eddington; but no Booths will, on any account, be allowed to be erected on the hill near Ihe gravel pits, and the whole must be in the place usually occupied for

the Booths.

Should there be Tenders fit one pi ice more than sufficient to fill up the number, the Com* millee reserve the power of selecting such applicants as they may think proper.

The Tendéis (which must be marked "Tender for Booth" will be opened by the Committee of Proprietors of the New-Town Race Course, and the twelve highest accepted. *

Immediate notice will be giv»n to the parties whose Tenders are accepted, when they must pay the amount, otherwise the Booth will be open to be taken by the first applicant.

' BEVJ-AHIN O'NEItE Wl-iSOV, ' Secretary to the Proprietors of the

New Town Race Course.

MarchftS, le55. 1453


I HEREBY caution all persons against giving

credit on account of the above vessel to William Cooley, her late master, as he has no interest whatever in the ship, and has no

authority to contract debts in my name at owner


John Mitts.

March 27. 1855, 1459


rT»HE Executive Committee' meet at Three

X p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at the Committee Rooms, Macquarie-street.

John M. Gool», Hon. See.

96th March, 1845. _ 1414


VESSELS of 800 to ?00 Tons, to proceed to

Callao, and from tbeece with Guano to the United Kingdom.

257 W«. Kjuoht New Wharf.



ADVERTISED, «4,000 16S 6d

£ s. d.

Captain Sherburd, ship Pacifie.. 10 0 Johu McOoughan, Frederick-street . 0 10 0 Miss Bradford, Sunnyside .«. 10 0

Master Chapman, ditto. IOC Master A. K. Chapman, ditto. 10 0 Master G. B. Chapman, ditto ,.\. 0 5 0

Hits Chapman. 0 5 0 A. Ga'loway, ditto."... 1 0 0

Edwin Hall, ditto. 10 0 Thomas Knight, ditto . 0 10 O Catherine Conner, ditto. 0 5 0

H.Ward,ditto . 0 2 6 H. Jones, ditto . 0 2 6 F. Brewer, ditto. 0 5 0 Wm. Rae, ditto.,. 0 5 0

Per the Surveyor-Goiieral from his

Department, £42 16s Od vis:

Tho Surveyor-Ueneral. 25 0 0

James-L. Burnett . 3 3 0 Frederick' H. Lovett. 2 2 0

J.A.Morrison . 2 2 0 Frederick Hudson. 110

M. C. Piguenet. 1 1 0

A. Randall ,t. 1 1 0 F. & Edgar. 1 1 0 F. B. Henslowe. 0 10 6

J. Mathieson . 0 8 45

Edward Boothman. 110 John T.O.Hull.«... 1 1 0

H. E. Smith. I 1 0 S. Spurling...... 110

James Henry Wood. 110 George Fowler, Office Keeper; and John

McCauley, Messenger, have each sub-scribed £1 Is Od, as members of the Odd Fellows' Society. .

Per Mr. Wm. Robertson and Mr. Charles

J. Whyte, collected by them principally in Elizabeth and Liverpool-streets,

£1260 9s (id, viz:

John James . 50 0 0

Watchorn and Perkins. 50 0 0 Thomson and Cumming . 60 0 0

Henry Cook . 26 0 0

Basil Rout ... 20 OirO

John Wilkinson. 25 0 0

John Eddington. 5 0 0 Captain Glinch ..'. 5 6 0

Thomas Young . 20 0 0

John Regan . 10 10 0

J. Whitesides...... 6 5 0 Dear and Atkins. 1 0 o R. and R. T. Franklin . 5 0 0 William Stubs.J.. 0 10, 0

William H. Bjovra. 0 5 0

H. Gerrand.. 10 0 0 D.Barclay. 5 0 0 Wm. Murray, Elizabeth-street . 20 0 0

W. Bayley . 0 10 0

Robert McDonald-.. 0 10 0 John H. Hoggins . 0 10 0

Frederick Frith. 0 10 0

James Whyte. 30 0 0 Burgess and Barrett. 25 0 0 Wm. Henry Robertson. 10 0 0

John Robertson. 5 0 0 Wm. Robertson. 5 0 0 Geo. Pringle Robertson. 5 0 0

James Robertson. 5 0 0 Charles Frederick Whyte. 3 0 0 Henry Arthur Whyte . 3 0 0 Tliomas Napier Whyte. 3 0 0 Louis Australia Whyte. 10 0

T. J. Crouch. 10 0 0

E. Gifford . 5 0 0

Robert Worley . 5 0 0 Wm. Gellibrand. 20 0 0 ThomasHarbottle. 5 0'0

James Murdoch. 3 0 0

R. Anson. 10 o 0 Geo. Hutton . IO 0 0

Pringle Whyte, Glendhu. 10 10 0

Joseph Dixon..<. 6 5 0

Henry Hinsby...... 25 0 0 Fred. Geo. Holbird. 20 0 0 J. Walch and Sons..'.. 10 lo 0

Mrs. J. Waloh .,. '3 3 0

J. Walch. 3 3 0 Miss J, Watchorn.«. 2 2 0 Miss F. Watchorn. 1 l 0

©.Walch. 1 i 0 T.N.Wade. 1 l 0 Andrew W. Birchall. 1 1 0 John W. Butler..t. 0 10 0

D. M'Gregor. I 1 0

lJ. Attwrifht. 1 0 0 Thomas Barclay. 2 0 0

Geo. Bum . 2 2 0

Chas. Gillham......,. 110

John Wiseman. 10 0 Wm. Fletcher..,». 1 0 0

Tubby and Padman. 1 1 0

Wm. Crooke . 20 0 0

John Sly.. 2 2 0 E. Calvert. 10 0 J. White. 1 0 0 [ Wm. Jno. Rout. 5 0 0

Wm. Hebblewhite........ 10 0

James II. Dixon . 110

Peter Macbeth. 0 5 0

Riohd. Hobbs. K 1 0 Rlchd. Davidson. 110

J. Anson. 0 5 0 John Whyte . 50 0 0

J. H. De La Hunt. 5 0 0

A. W. Gabriel. 0 10 0 P. T, Sheehy . 0 6 0

Thos/Mullen. 0 2 6 Charles Giles i.. 0 lo 0 -Henry Smith. 0 2 6 Michael Sullivan. 0 5 0 Joseph Williamson. 0 6 0 Wm. Stevens....,. 10 0 Andrew Taylor. «-.....«... 0 5 0

Alex. Speers .,...'.. 0 5 ,0 Richd. Cousins.;. 0 10 0

John Sefton. 10 0

B. Miles. 0 2 6 John Walker........ .,.,,. 0 5 0

Alexander Waddell . 10 0

William Aspinall. 0 6 0

George Sandford. 0 10 0

John Johnson. 20 0 0 John Johnston, junior. 110

Marion J. Johnston. 110 Annie M. Johnston. 110

Jean H. Gow. 110 David Gilbert. 0 2 6

George Rex. 10 0 Mrs. George Rex . 10 0

A Friend. 0 10 0 Charles Wilson. 10 0 J. Watchorn .s. 2 2 0 James Whitworth.í. 0 2 6

John Johnson..".. 0 10'0

A Friend. 0 5 0 James Kerr.,..». 10 0

J. M'Carthy. 10 0 Mrs. Hume..,. 10 0

Joseph Andrews. 10 0

Richard Ellis. 1 0 0 J. and T. Austin . 0 10 0 Phillis Beal.".,. 50 O 0

RobertPitcaim. 25 0 0 James Weaver..'.....».»., 0 10 0

John William......... 110 Thomas Hamilton.*.».». Soo Robin V. Hood.».>.... 10 0 John George Huxtable.,..-. 10 0 John Lumsden ............v..« 0 5 0 William Bateman.,.»...". 110 George Redpath...,...».»..»».».......».» 0 2-6 Richard Thompson...». 10 0 Matthew Jackson.,....». 10 0 Anthony Fox.............,..,»... SOO Samuel Chase...........-.. 1 q 0

George Ottaway.. 10 0 Thomas Barry...... 10 0 Henry Hagon .......v..,.»... 10 0 John White.>. 1 0 0 George Fisher.».».« '0 2 6 Mrs. Fisher..,...>...... O 10 0 William Sherrott.».. 10 0 William St Clair .». 0 10' 0 George Hanslip.,." 10 0 Chartes Witton..'.. 1 0 0

Themas Ingham..»».". 0 2 6. Thomas Tilly.,.."";...,"... - 0 10 0 Ji

William Batten. 0 5 0 W. H. Thompson. 0 10 0 Edward Soaodriok..... 0 10 0 William Warren ..-..1. 10 0 Henry Bradford.1. 0 2 6 William Hoggins ....'.. 0 5 0

Thomas Brown. 10 0 A Friend.,..,. 5 0 0

Henry Davidson. 20 0 0 Joseph Toner. 0 5 0 Mr. John Futtel Andrews. 1 0 0

John Lynch . 0 10 0

Ebenerer Sims. 10 0

John Bullock. 0 5 0 Samuel Farley . 0 10 0 Edward M. Lilley. 1 1 0

Thomas Stump. 0 5 0 William Crump. 10 0 W. aud R. Sharp . 1 1 0

Henry Sexton. 10 0 Williamwood . 5 0 0

Joseph Carr. 0 S 6 Stephen Geary. 0 2 6 W.W. White.. 2 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nathan.' 0 5 0 Alfred Cumberland .,. 25 0 0

William Giles... 0 2 6

Thomas Seaton. 0 2 6 Richard Wilcox. 0 5 0 James Ross.,. 6 0 0

NioholasRay. 0 2 6 Francis Cams. 10 0

Mrs. Cains. 0 5 0 HenryMorboy. 0 2 6 Mrs. Philip Walts». 0 5 0 Mrs. Tilford .,.. 0 2 6

Vincent Booth. 0 2 6

A. R. Harnett. 10 0 Mrs. Bootbman. 10 0

MraJRoid . 1 0 0

Edmund.Baker. 0 10 0

MoTt¿Shae and Jas. Hylet. 0 5 0

Johnstone..... 1 0 0 Marianne Smith. 10 0

R. 8. B . I 0 0

Abraham Presnoll. 0 10 0

John Martin. 0 2 6 Charles Haywood.,. 10 0

Thomas Kirby. 0 10 0 John Waiburton . 10 0 Charles Woodiwis. 10 0

Wm. Clark. 1 0 0 John Turnbull . 5 0 0 Wm. Simpson . 1 1 0 John Amhcwa. 0 5 0

Miss Grant. 10 0 John Beaugard. 10 0

Peter Nelson. 0 10 0 Edwin Wright . 0 5 0

Henry Poole. 0 5 0 T Filch.,. 0 5 0

Miller and Kiely . 5 5 0

H. Grenville . 5 0 0

Sydney Nicholas....,. 5 0 0

Wm, Costain. 0 6 0 JamesHathrell. Oin 0 Frederick Mooro. 0 5 0

Thomas Pass. 0 6 0 Geo. H. Park. 2 2 0 J. W. Stuart. 2 0 0 Robert Wilson .:. 5 0 0

Edwin Donno. 10 0 I. G. Reaves. 10 0 0

William Hough.'.. 10 0

Thus. Jackson . 10 0 Gcoigo Taylor. 2 0 Charles Edmunds. 1 0 Willing and Maddock . 5 0

W. Pratt and Son. 1 0 Joseph Williams. I 0

Thomas Ward. 0 10

John Mays. 0 5 Campbell and Minchin. 1 0

A Frigid. 2 0 Thomas Workman.X. 1 0

Wm. Gorney. 0 5 R. S. Waterliouse. 10 10

Mrs. David Lord. 1 0 John Rothwell . 1 0

J. M. Singer. 0 10 James C. Mann. 0 10

A Friend.....'. 1 0 J. 8. Butler.. 1 0

Wm, Seller. 1 0 Edward Moore. 1 1 A-Frfond, F. Lil. . 1 1 BUM. Cunningham. 1 1

Jarais Miller . 1 0 Robert Fowler ..,. 0 5

R. Propsting . 1 0

James Hutchins . 0 5

Elias Creed . 0 10

James Davis . 0 10 Friend, Port Phillip. 1 0

John Brown ... 0 5 Charles Harbottla . 1 0

JohnM'Kenzie . '5 5 Fred. P. Fowler.. 10 0 Wm. Proctor (pays Income Tax) . 5 0

David Laing. 1 l Mrs. David Laing.. 1 1 William Allison.,v. 20 0

Alex. Cain-duff. 5 5

Wm. Goody . 0 5

Phillip Moore. 0 5 James Park . 2 0

Samuel Lovell. 1 0 Edward Monhegan. 0 5

Samuel Carter . 1 0

L. Pearson. 10 0 J.O'Donnell. 1 0 Joseph Balmforth . 0 2 Charles R. Moilo . 1 0

John Swan. 50 0 Wm. Champion. 20 0 W. B. Wade . 1 1 Samuel Crisp . 1 o Mrs. Trundle . 1 o John Llewellyn. 1 0 Mrs. Johnson . 0 10 John Murdoch . 10 0 Fraucis Gerrard Tabart . 5 0

Edward Ash . 0 10

Jumes Graf cnor. 0 IO Aletander Wright. I 0

Mis. Hume. 0 2 Mrs. Addison. Sí 0 Wr#. A, M'Meckai. I 0

A M-Meckan. 2 0 Elisa Cortrmek . 0 2 Mrs. Hopton Scull.". 1 0

Churl«» Guy lor. 2 0 J. W. Story .,. 3 3

W Co'e. 2 2 William Wiggins . I 0

P«ul Frederic. 0 6 William Taylor./.. 0 12

Joint Edgecombe . 1 0 Henry Chapman . IO 0 James Smith .4. I 0

George Clements . 1 0

William Saville. 0 2 Mr«. Dunster.... 5 0 IVler Emslie ..*..>. 0 IO Edward Macdowell .»... 25 0V Henty Yeend.». I I John Badcock..... 1 1

Henry S. Hurst ..... 5 5

Alfred Sealer. 1 0 /«.ii Wallace.*... 0 2 Charl«* Ball,»...,..».,.. 0 8 John Diej-r«.,. 0 5 James Staplts..,. 1 |

Charra* Eatly .-...-,.». 1 I

Willum Slttrvin. 0 IO WilliamWliae.v..» 0 2 Fanny Head..'..,..»..»..» 0 5

Robert Offoid. 0 5 J. R. Napier»».....-..»,... 0 5 James Boiall.;....» 0 5 William Hemming.,. 0 IO

William Jeffrie* .». 0 5 James Aldvrtnkle.v.. 0 5 Benjamin Johnson.,., 0 IO

Jama* Bimrow . I I

Thomas 8tilliog.»... 0 5 Timm»» Capon .,.,... 5 0 Mr*. Capon.,. I 0 Miss Cttpoo..».». I 0 Mis* Louis* Capon..v.. I 0 VImIimI Fitsgrrald.>... IO 0 Wait« Butler ..'..:..-.. 5 0 Pater HttgbM.»., % 8 George H«wIím..Y..»....v...... 0 5 Jam« Rv Fryer.,",,",".... 1 I

William Veal Morris. IO 0 William Tumsr.i....i »."...'... 1,0 0

Iimo Wright. 10 0 0 Thom«. S. Wright....».'.. 8 0 O' Robert Wright'.:..'...'. 2 0, 0 Geurie Wright.'..'.'.'...'.». 1 0 0

John Walli. 0 IO 0 Charles Hollm.dale . 3 0 0

Mit. 2 0 0

T.Button...... 0 5 0

T. Holme. 0 5 0 George Aiidcitvn . 0 5 0

J. Nairn . 0 5 0

J King .i. 0 5 0

J. Short . 0 6 0

D M'Intrre.¿i... 0 5 0 Stephan T. Hardinge:..';.......'...' 5 5 0

Peivr O'Connor. 2 2 0 William Lovett. I I 0

R. Newman. I I'O George M'Gratlr. I 1 0 A. C. Douglas*..'.;. I I 0

T. H. M'Graih. 1 I 0 ,Gro*v«nor Bumler. 1 1 0 Juarph W. Fletcher..".. 1 I 0

Mr. O'Urien . 10 0

J. Brown. 0 IO 0 Jume« Walker. 0 10 0 K. Rainbow . 0 IO 0

G. Gringell. 0 IO 0 D. Lelliugtoi..>. 0 IO 0 Jam»-» Stewart.,. 0 IO 0 P. Waller.~. 0 IO 0

George Jacktoi. 0 IO 0 Jam»« diaper. 0 IO 0 Ciawford M. Muswell. 20 0 0

Treasurer-The Mayor of Hobart Town. Honorary Secretary-John M. Gould.


T, H E Britioh-liuilt new ship

WILLIAM BROWN, ^ 600 Tons, Captain Bainton,

Having the.pi mcipal part of her cargo engaged, will have quick dispatch. For freight or passage upply on board, or to

Brown nnd Co., or

M'l'iiEnsoN and Fhanois.

New Wharf, 16th March. 1271 .FOR CANTERBURY, NEW ZEALAND.

L*-jr. T H E fine Bri'ish-biiilt barque Jk& WILLIAM HYDE, tSSSSm 533 Tons Register,

J W. Haymond, Commander,

Hns n spacious poop cabin and excellent accom-modation for a limited number of cabin passen-gers, ¡she will suil for the above port about the 30ih March instant. For cubin passage only apply to

1052, Boole & Co ,New Wharf.


.aq», THE fine fust-sailing barque &ÏÏ& FAITH,

mS&SS» 317 Tons Register,

Will sail fur the above port on Tuesday nest, April 3. For freit>htor passage apply to

ToXDKUR, LfMPllIKltE & Co.

New Wharf, Mai eh 28, 1855. 1487 KANGAROO POINT AND HOBART TOWN



IS now plying between Kanga-

roo Point and ihe New Wharf Applications for towape tobe made to the Master, on board ; or to

Chapman & Thomas,

. New Wliai f, 27lh December. Agents.

N.B -Arrangements are now made to take charge of all Pin eels, Packages', Luggage, Seo., at the Company's Whait. 6813

Swansea, Bicheno, and Falmouth. STEAMER ifia^ar* MIMOSA.

fp HE £. C. S. N. Company's powerful steamer 1 MIMOSA

Will leave the Franklin Wharf on THURSDAY, the 6ih April next, at Four o'clock p.m. piecisely, for the Above Places Only.

For freight or passage apply to

Chapman and Thomas, Agents, New Wharf.

27th Match, 1855 14(7



Alteration in days of Sailing of the

Launceston Steam Navigation Com pang's Boats.


THE BLACK SWAN, A. T. Woods. Coininsuder,

Will leave the Queen's Whaif, Launceston, every Saturday, and the Wharf, Melbourne, eieiy Wednesday.

The LADYBIRD, T. Robertson, Caramander, will leave the Queen's Wharf, Launceston, every Wednesday, and the Wharf, Melbourne, ever) Saturday. .' *


The ROYAL SHEPHERD, W. H. Saun-ders, Commander, will leave the Queen's Wharf, for Geelong, only every Thursday, and not proceed to the Pier,' Sandridge, as formerly. This arrangement to remain in force until

further notice.

George Fishes, Agent.

Wharf, Launceston, March 27. 1435



THE E. C. S. N. Company's fine steamer


will leave the Franklin Wharf, for the above places, on FRIDAY morning at 7a.m., and return the same day ; and on Monday ihe, 2nd of April at noon : and return the following


Rosear Halstead and John Connel," of Sorell, have kindly engaged to render every assist-ance to shippers, and, when necessary, will store all giain and other produce intended to be for-

warded by the Mimosa, until the Company's

stores are erected.

Josrph Benson Mather, Manager.

Hobart Town, 21st of 3rd month. HOC



prepared to take PORTRAITS by the above admirable and extraordinary process on and after WEDNESDAY, the 28th instant, between the hours of Nine and Four, at his studio in Murray-street, over Mr. M'Gowan's surgery. Specimens may be seen at Messrs. Huxtable and Deakio's, and at Mr. Hood's, Liverpool-street.



rHE Undersigned having Let hil Estate of

.Fosterville, near Campbell Town and Ross, the Publie is teten* CAUTIONED not to receive any orders for the feitaro drawn by his overseer, Mr. Nathaniel Hood, on aceouut of the above



Fosterville, 28th March, 1855. . 1433


situate lou" miles from Hobart Town,known as Windsor Park. The house contains ten rooms, with six-stalled stable, two coach-k»uses, cowBheds and piggery, with every requisite required for a geutlemtin's establishment. The gardeu contain» about two cores of land, slocked, with choice (hilt trees, the 'paddock all enclosed with iubbUnSal. fence, in hil about fourteen acres. Ihe proprietor's reason for disposing of this property is that he is about visiting England.

Apply to Mr. E. Cutler, on the premises,'

Wiudbor Paikj 01 to

Wurley and Frodshaji.1

March 36. ' ' 1408


TENDERS will be received until 12 o'clock

a.m. on MONDAY, the 9th of April, for ïlthe erection of the CATHOLIC TEMPE«

RANCE HALL, Hobart Town ' ',.

Plans and specifications can be seen anti,

further particulars obtained upon application to " the Very Rev. William Hall, Vicar-General,

Hobart Town.

W. Hau', V.G,

f.lh March_ 1421

WANTED, ' A RESPECTABLE Young Person as General

Servant. She must produce references. Apply at Sandy Bay Toll Bar.

March 26,1855. 1428



List No. 47 27th March, 1855.

M'Culloch, J A.-Commercial Dictionary, half

bound Russia, £3 IO*. Reid, Col-Law of Stoims, 16s.

Methbcn, Robt -The Log of a Merchant Officer,

illustrations, jt>l 12s. 6d. Norie'» Epitome of Navigation, 20s.

Seamen and Merchant!»' Expeditious Measurer

fur Cargo, Arc., 10s. On

Laurie, James.-Interest Tables, 19th edition.

- 1854,27s.

Steels Ship Masters' Assist int, new edition, 35s.

Maunder, S,-Srientifio aud Literary Treasury.

12s. 6d.

-Treasury of H is toi y, 12s 6d.

-Treasury of Natural History,

12s. 6d.

- Tieasury of Knowledge, 12>.6d. Smith, Adam -Wealth of Nations, 7s. 6d.

GitbeiCt Modern Atlas, 4to., with letterpress,

new edition, £9 fOs.

Black's Geneiul Athis, folio, new edition, 1854,

£315s. 1437



the COMMUTE BOOTH, with permis-sion to use the usual space under the Grand' Stand, will be received on Wednesday, the 4tk Apiil, at 12 o'clock, at the Advertiser Office, addressed Tender for Committee Booth, and directed to the Secretary.

B. CNeilf: Wilson,

Secretary to the Proprietors of tho 1455 Race Course.

Richmond, March 2t, 1855.

SIR,-We the undersigned, inhabitants of the

District, request you will- convene tv PUBLIC MEETING, for the purpose of forming a Committee to obtain Subscriptions in aid of the P.tliiotic Fund, for the support of tho Widows j mil Oi|.bans of the Soldiers, Seamen, aud M.uines, belonging to Her Majesty's forces, who I may fall during the present War.

Vo John Coveidiile, Esq, M.D.,

Acting Police Magistrate.

T. G. Gregson, M.L.C. W. Villeneuve Smith Benjamin Guy John Till

J. H.K. Buscombe Geo. Burn

William Kearney

Winston C. Simmons.

Richmond, 26th March, 1855*

GENTLEMEN,-Your lequisition. addressed

to me in the absence, on leave, of the Police Magistrate, has been received with much gratification. To aid the grand object of the Patriotic Fund by our contributions, for the relief of those left widowed and fatherless by the prêtent war, isa privilege of »hieb, it is hoped, all in the District mil avail tlieuiselves. For tho put pose, therefore, of "forming a Committee to obum Subsettptions," I beg to nnme WED« NESDAY, the 4th proximo, for a General Meeting, to be held at the BRIDGE INN,

Richmond, at 3 o'clock

John Coverdale-, M.D., J.P. ToT G. Gregson

W. Villeneuve Smith Benjamin Guy John Till

J. H. K. Buscombe Geo. Burn

William Kearney and

1406 Winston C. Simmons, Esquires.


SIR,-We the undersigned, residen» of

Glenorchy, request that you will I* pleased to convene a PUBLIC MEETING of the inhabitants, to be HELD for tbe purpose of taking such measures as may be deemed

advisable for securing contributions lo the above


We have the honor to be,


Your most obedient servants. John Lee Lewes John Wilson Nesbit J. Curwen Walker English Corney

John Wilkinson Wm. Nichols ui >

W. H. Bowden Charles Reed " -~~~ Stephen Hughes Jumes Bonney

Wm. Witt J. L Cleary - - -C. Simson Thns Macnamara

W. R. Bennett C. Bonner' '- ¡

J. Griffin _ J. G. Mansfield _ I- Ù, Thos. Y. Lowes Thomas White ¿_ j j^t Joseph Berresford Edward Butler. . "~ James Hickson ' "'" * George Hull, Esquire, J.P., '" ??''?

Tolosa. 'l

Tolosa, 27th March, 1865.

GENTLEMEN,-In compliance . wUh the

Requisition with which you- have honoured roe, I have the pleasure to convene a PUBLIC MEETING, for the benevolentpurpose alluded t-, to take place on MONDAY* evening next, the 2nd April, at7o'clock,at the SCOTCH CHURCH, (by permission,) at O'Brien's Bridge.*

I have the honor to be,


Your very obedient servant, '

m GBO. H DU«1 To John Lee Lewes, Juan

Curwen Walker, Ésqrs., ' j

and the other Gentlemen

signing the requisition. 1413


«?¡aleé* OMI PMithed by the ...

Es» tmd Cjuklbs Best, at Me 'ftbur£L-:

No. gi CWttu-tfre«, Èobart 7bSS%m

Dimtn't land, tXTW Ha.«r b2t $->T
