Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Monday 21 September 1891, page 4

The adbertiser MONDAY, SEPTTEMBER 21, 1891.

The voluminous appendices attached to the Treasurer's financial statement convey much valuable information, and place before the public in a concise form the

details «>f the tmde and commerce of the country, extending in many instances over a j>eri<wl of ton years. That as a cvlony we liave not always done the things we ought to have done goes with out saying ; tliat we Imve neglected many €>j>]i««rtunities, and often enough esq>ended our energies inwrongdirections, illustrates only the truism that it is human to vn: We can admit the impeach ment without eliauie, and acknowledge our em>rs without loss of self-respect. The Treasurer drew the inspiration for his sjxvch from the apjxiiidices, and he told the country, as 4 hc was justified iv doing, of the great progress in wealth which it is making. But he did not dwell on the contraction of enterprise in l lie Colony biiuwti unmistakably by tlifc hatue figures. We have pointed out thue after time liow fallacious it |is to gauge the advancement of the country by its bank deposits and its absence of indebtedness to the banks. A bank's business it> t>.> lend money, aud if it has few* customers the reason is either that people cannot .see how to borrow and invest so as to make interest for the bank and profit for themselves, or that the bank docs not consider the ventures pro posed to be undertaken sufliciently safe to atloixl a fair security ; and so scuds its inouey to other places where the con ditions are in its opinion more satis factory. That country is most prosperous where the savings of the people go to develop new industries aud exteud exist ing ones withiu its own borders, and where the accumulation of wealth leads to the multiplication of the means of em ployment. If the provident section of the community continues to deposit its savings in banks, which in turn continue to send those deposits elsewhere for in vestment, how is there to be material progress? How is population to be maintained ! How is the rising generation to find employment? By exjxirting our savings tUrough the medium of the banks, instead of leaving them here to help forward cultiva tion, manufactures, and the opening up of the many undeveloped re sources of a young country, we may have the satisfaction of knowing that people in other colonies are working to earn the interest which we receive ; but could that exported capital have been made to bear fruit here, to what an extent the pei uiaueut wealth of the colony would have been increased, and how much pro fitable employment would have been pro vided for our <-wu people ! So long as Eolith Atistmlia continues to send away its money, so long will it have a struggle to retain the natural increase of its popu lation. The oonclu-sioii is irresistible that if tl.i>.-t.? v.ho l.aye nu>ney would only place

il on deposit as a last instead of ai a first resource the colony would progress with much greater rapidity tliau it d-jes at present. The banking position, as pointed out by Mr. PlayfonL shows that the amount borrowed by the public is only £46,096 in excess of the note issue aud deposits ; but l>esidcs this there is the capital paid up in the Bank of Adelaide and the National Bank, amounting to about three quarters of a niilliou sterling of South Australian money. The addition of tliis to the deposits and note issue shown that had a settlement of accounts been made lxstween the banks and their local cus tomers and .shareholders on June 30 last they would have had to pay to the colony some £700,000 more than they had lent in the colony. It is to be hoped that the day is not far distant when all the capital the bauks have available for advances will be profitably and securely employed ill South Australian undertakings, thereby fostering trade and benefiting labor. The figures supplied by the Customs De liaitnient give valuable information both as regards the general trade of the province and the trade with the Barrier. The importation of spirits as compared with that of ten years ago has so far fallen off as to lead the Trea surer to suspect smuggling. The import amounted to 321,767 gallons in 1882, and to only 237,887 gallons in 1891, notwith standing an increase of the population by 31,426. The explanation of the decrease is, let us hope, mainly that there is an im provement in the habits of the people. The fact that adults have been leaving us, and tliat children have taken their places, may also have something to do with the falling off. The taste for imported beer seems to have grown, for ten years ago the import was 303,550 gallons, while last year it amounted to 428,424 gallons. Pro bably the introduction of the light lager beer, which is more suited to our climate than the heavier English brands, has had some effect on the increase of con sumption in tlus direction. The import of wine, on the other (hand, shows a con siderable falling off, the quantity brought in ten years ago being 46,022 gallons, while last year it was 27,014 gallons. The annually increasing favor into which locally produced wines are, l>y their own merits, forcing themselves, doubtless accounts for the change, and we may fairly expect that before very long wine imports will form an almost inappreciable item in the returns. The decrease in the importation of tea from 3,074,713 Ib. ten years ago to only 2,194,405 Ib. last year is exceedingly large, and difficult to account for. It may lie tliat the state ment made Lost year by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in England, when com menting on a similar position there, is applicable to our own case. Mr. Goscnen explained that Indian tea had now largely taken the place of teas sent from China, and that the former was so much stronger than the latter that a much less quantity sufficed. This conclusion is borne out by the experience of house keepers here. One large item of import which is not creditable to us is that of live stock. The value of this import hist year was over £300,000, or 19s. 6d. per head of the population, whilst our export of live stock was only equal to 3s. 9d- per h ad. It is strange that South Australia can not produce sufficient meat to feed its own people. Cattle from Queensland and bliecp from New Soutli Wales are brought in week after week, whilst millions upon millions of acres of splendid land in the interior of the colony remain un locked. It has been asserted that the country about Alice Springs would keep millions of sheep, but unfortunately little or nothing is being done to stock it, although the last exten sion of the Great Northern Railway bridges over much of the worst territory. Turning again to exports it is interesting to note tliat the quantity of eggs sent away last year was equal to 2s. B^d. per bead of the population—a trade as great as that of the export of fresh fruit and jams combined. Our export of wine was equal to 3s. Id. per head, of wheat 85s. 2id. per head, flour 375. lOd. per head, copper 14s. per head, wool 83s. 6}d. i>er head, and wattle bark 3s. Sid. per bead. The export of staple produce and manufactures to the Barrier was for the year valued at £274,184, of which butter was valued at £13,774. fruit and jam at about £23,000, flour and bran £43,000, hay and chaff £17,621, and onions and potatoes £6,369. It will be seen at a glance how important the Barrier market is to this colony as an outlet for its farm produce. The trade is increasing, last year's returns showing an advance of £60,264 on those of the previous year. The figures the Treasurer was able to present are on the whole encouraging. Capital and labor combined have done much to place South Australia in the position to which she has attained, and we may hope that the former will not be dormant much longer, but be so invested as to further increase the 2>rosperity ami add to the material wealth of the colony.

Wt have it on excellent authority that at this season of the year the thoughts of a young man nit apt to have an amorous tendency. But it is probable tliat the Australian youth is less prone than the poet to the consideration of the tender passion, for his thoughts at any unoccu pied moment about this time seem rather to " lightly turn" to a review of the foot ball that is past and a forecast of the cricket that is to come. There is just at present a lull in matters athletic. Football is barely over, but very little interest has been felt in it since the struggle for the championship was settled in favor of the Norwoods. Iv their direct contests with their rivals from Port Adelaide honors have been divided; but the brilliaut, erratic South Adelaides, upsetting all calculations by their occasional meteoric displays, have beaten the Ports twice, the eastern team ouly once, and ultimate victory therefore rests with the Litter. We hope that the champion club may have an opportunity of meeting the top club on the Victorian list; in this form of contest South Australia has hitherto been particularly successful. Lacrosse, too, is at an end, with the University team heading the list. This graceful and vigorous game seems to be making a considerable advance in popu larity here, and still more in England. It requires from its players skill, speed, and staying-power, aud a few mishaps which, occurred during the season will serve to remove from it the shadow of Adam Lindsay Gordon's wholesale condemnation of games in which there is no risk of bodily accident. Indeed in this con nection his phrase "worth a rap" has a quite unusual significance. Still it will surely not be regarded as a serious blemish on the game by either players or spectators tliat there is in it no serious risk of injury to limbs or fea tures. Can as much be said for baseball 1 This game also has recently made great headway, and should soon be able to dis pense with fostering care. Iv Eugland it is peisistently, and to its disadvantage, cont lasted with cricket, but it has the nmiensc recommendation as compared with the latter that a match can be decided comfortably in a single And if its batting is all Lilting and no defence, yet the standard of lielding it calls for is very high, and a cricketer is likely to be all (he better in the field for having some ex perience of it. The only drawback seems to be the before-mentioned question of risk. If one could believe the humorous writers of the United States, the home of baseball, the attention of a regular player, when not engaged in the game itself, is likely to be devoted altogether to arnica and bandages. This is, of course, an exaggeration, and we believe tliat the grave as played here lias been fairly free fiom ticcideuts, but it is

difficult to. .watch the lightninjjr4ik« flight of tfae-ball £ronibimd,to hflnd.syftu out feeliug.that here and there an ujairaiy finger must suffer severely; and if onje is, or intends to be, a Giffen or a Lyons," the welfare of the fingers of one's right hand is a matter of very considerable importance. As to the prospects of the cricket season it is still too early to say much, but it niay be supposed that the Norwoods will continue to hold their own. .Lawn tennis is played all through the year, but the summer is for some reason its time of greatest activity in Ade laide, aud so the unfortunate player will shortly be seen broiling on a. court of asplialt under a pitiless sun. The other games mentioned have the advantage of being played on turf, but in all alike both pluck and perseverance are required from anyone who would exceL It is less true than it used to be that the Briton takes his pleasures sadly, but there is no doubt that, all the world over, he is not really satisfied with his play unless it keeps him liard at work.

A splendid shipment of colonial produce was forwarded to London on Saturday by the steamship Port Jackson, of MHbom'a lina. The cargo shipped from Port Adelaide com prised 350 tons copper, 1,912 bales wool, Sl* bales sheepskins, 48 bales rabbit and opossum ckins, 75 tons ground baric. 83 hogsheads of wine, and a number of smaller lines. A dis tinct feature of this cargo is that it is entirely the produce of South Australia, The valae af the cargo shipped here reached the largo amount of £52,550. The representatives of the various districts of the Amalgamated Miners' Association for warded a statement of their demands in writing to the directors of the Moonta and Wailaroa Mining Company on Saturday. These will be considered by the board this morning, and a reply sent on to the miners' delegates, who expect on receipt of it to be speedily enabled to arrive at a definite determination respecting future action. An action has been instituted against tha Hallway Comniiseionere by Mr. Richard Green, who claims compensation for the death of his wife, who .was killed at the crossing north of the Freeling railway-station on April 1 last, when she was driving a horse attached to a cart across the line. Mr. Green has retained the services of Mr. E. P. Nesbit and Mr. fi. B. Cox. Itis likely that the case will come on for hearing at Gawler this month. The Smelting Company at the Dry Creek Smelting Works have received the following cable advice from their london agents, dated September 18:—"Standard silver, 3s. B{fd. per oz.; soft Spanish lead, £12 as. per ton." On Friday evening a shock of earthquake was felt in Gawler and the neighborhood. About 6.15 a low rumbling sound was heard, which was succeeded by a tremulous motion of the earth lasting about five seconds. The undula-tions apparently came from the south-west, and proceeded in the direction of north-west. During its progress windows rattled, lamps were shaken, and the crockery on the shelves jingled. At Williamstown the shock was so perceptible that a family who were sitting at tea jumped up from the table and left the house. The shock was felt at Roseworthy and in other directions, and it is stated to have been the severest shock that has taken place for many years. Colonel Alexander Campbell, of West Vir ginia, United States, who has been appointed by the American Government as commisaionar to Australia and New Zealand in tits in terests of the forthcoming World's Fair «fe Chicago, was a passenger for Adelaide by the Melbourne express on Saturday^ Colonel Campbell left the train at Monnt Lofty to pay a visit to his daughter, Mrs. A. T. Magarey, who resides in the hills. The report of Sir George Grove, director of the Royal College of Music, London, for the midsummer term ending July 27, states, with reference to Miss Adelaide Koeppen-Potter, the Elder scholar who left Adelaide to enter on her studies at the college in April last, that in her principal study (pianoforte) die has made 'a good beginning, with signs of excellent promise," and as to her second study (singing) ''promises to have a good voice of pleasant quality." At present Miss Porter Js in Ger many, spending the midsummer vacation with her relatives. Mr. J. Jackman has received the following letter from the Point McLeay natives, written by a native: —"Point McLeay, September 8, IS9L Sir—Permit me through these lines to thank those who, in response to your appeal, have very kindly supplied the aged (and in many cases infirm) natives here with several parcels of clothing for the cold season, which has been very very trying to them. lam sure that the garments were received with thankfulness]; and had the givers only saw the gmfimg- and grateful faces of the recipients they would have been fully rewarded for their kind and generous efforts. Thanking yon also for the active part taken by you in this kind cause, I am, Sir, &c, on behalf of the aged natives, MatKbophtykki {aboriginal}." The regular meeting of the ladies' committee of the sick poor fund took place on Friday morning at the office of the Benevolent and Strangers' Friend Society, Leigh-street. Vari ous cases were reported by Mr. Fance, and the committee ordered them to beattended to in the usual way by donations of sick comforts. The treasurer (Mr. G. C. Knight) reported that funds were coming in fairly welL It was reported that all arrangements for the annual meeting to be held in October had been made by the president (Mr. W. J. Sowden) and .tha hon. secretary (Mr. G. Crase). It is expected that his Worship the Mayor (Mr. L. Cohen, M.P.)will preside. A public trial of Mellor Brothers Co-opera," tive Co.'s (Korris's patent) prong niouldboaxds was held on Saturday in the Botanic Park under the auspices of the Royal Agricultural^ Horticultural and Floricultural Society and the Agricultural Bureau. There was a fair attendance of farmers and others interested in the cultivation of the soil, ft ho expressed them selves highly satisfied at the way in which the double plough, fitted with the patent prong -mould boards, did its work. It is claimed that by using these mouldboards there is a saving of 25 per cent, in horse power in sticky land, besides the time of cleaning die ordinary mould boards, there being about as much dif ference as between a fork and a spade in digging for gardening. The same company also exhibited one of Mellor's Meadowbank Manufacturing Company's patenb hydraulic stump and tree extractors, which is in the shape of a, tripod, with a cylinder and ram at the top. On one of the legs is fixed a double-compound pump, which can be worked for extracting large stumps by two men; the power can be increased by simply removing two pins, thereby reducing the sizes of the pumps. The spectators were surprised to sea how easily the machine lifted the stumps, and ao pleased were two of those who witnessed the trial that business negotiations were opened on the ground. A similar machine belonging to the Meadowbank Company was awarded the national prize of 10 guineas in connection with the Sydney show held a. few months ago. We are informed that large numbers of these ex tractors are being worked in New South Wales. Stockport reports a splendid rain on Satur day morning, 1*53 in. falling in an hour and a quarter. Another old colonist has passed away in the person of Mrs. Mary Rote, who had long tince passed the proverbial three-score years and ten, and who was fairly active up to within the hist few weeks. The deceased lady was bom in the county of Kent in ISOL, and was consequently just 90 years of age. She arrived in the colony in 1840 in the ship Charles Kerr, in company with her hatband. The first 1G years of her colonial life she spent at Walkerville, but since then her home has been with her granddaughter, Mrs. R. Langinan. The deceased lady leaves two sons and two daughters, 2S grandchildren, and 51 great grandchildren. The sons are Mr. Jaa. Eofe (of Port Adelaide) and the Rev. W. Eofe (of Norwood), and the daughters Mm. H. Hill (of Adelaide) and Mrs. Jna Williams (of Enfield). Among the grandchildren are Mr. John Hill (Railway Caaunissumsr) and Mi. John PickeringKComptroller of Railway Accounts).

The R^SfiSc&ianpdi laftShez onSSpteSttbar -17 in thtfUTfc«ti«ig-;vwifrrarfi bAJtbd, atid'ttisil' ILM.S. $aSfcunattj? amrdd' at Golotiibt>.««k'' Septembeij ,17~ & 'A* afternoon, homeward bound. *' " !'' ' •'"•'- ' At a meeting held at Plympton on Friday a number of gentlemen were selected to form a deputation to wait on the directors of the Glenelg railways to urge them to run the midday train on the Holdfast Bay line instead of the Victoria-square line. The directors have invited the deputation to meet them at neon to-morrow. The new grant, "by order of the Executive Council, to the Chaffey Brothers (writes the Mildura Clironide) includes the freehold of 738 acres of land in block A, and 1,912 acres in block C, of the Mfldnra settlement. It should be explained that, under the original agreement entered into by the Chaffey Brothers with the Government, the former obtained posses-ion of two blocks of 25,000 acres each, and one block of 200,000 acres, on the understanding that when they -expended £5 per acre in improvements on the two former blocks, and £1 on the latter block, they should be entitled to Crown grants. In the latter case it was ako provided that they should pay to the State an extra £1 per acre. The 738 acres in Mock A, of which the Crown grant was made on the 19th inst, belong to the land on which the firm have spent £5 per acre, and the 1,912 acres to the land on which £X per acre has been expended. Up to the present time the firm has received 34,200 acres of the two 25,000 acre blocks. An accident of a very distressing nature took place at Mr. Euwe's farm, Gambier East, on Wednesday last. The Soutk-Eastern Star says:—The day being beautifully fine, the £cv. Mr. Matechces, JLutberaD minister, drove out to Mr. Bune's farm with his family, and while there he assisted Mr. Euwe to grind an axe, his two little girls playing near by. A very heavy sledge used for the carriage of logs stood against the stable wall, its usual place when not in use, and to make it more secure a dock of wood had been placed tinder the lowa ledge. The children appear to have approached the sledge unseen, removed the chock, and then stood upon the ledge, when the whole frame-work fell forward, the two children being underneath. One of die bearers or runners caught the eldest girl, Edith, on the head, crushing the skull and causing instant death, the force of the blow pressing the little one's head a couple of inches into the earth. Fortunately the younger child escaped unhurt, being between die two bearers, which are 6to 8 in. deep. The frame-work of the sledge is of colonial timber, and the force with -which it fell may be estimated by the fact that it must weigh come seven or eight hundred weight, the runners being soled with iron 3 in. wide by an inch in thickness. The greatest sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. Matschoss, in their very painful bereavement. A Bill for lite suppression of vice has been introduced by Mr. Keild in the New Sooth -Wales Assembly. The Sydney DaUp Telegraph reports that the measure in its second clause provides that persons who have immoral relations with a female of or above the age of 14 Tears and under the age of 17 years are to be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and imprisoned for any term not exceeding three years. The consent of the female is to be no defence to any charge under the section. A householder or occupier permitting defilements where the female is under the age of 14 years is liable to jTwpri«f«iTm?n^ for a term not exceeding three yean ; and a householder or occupier allowing any male between the ages of 14 and 16 years and female between the ages of 14 and IS years to be on the premises for immoral purposes is to be liaUe to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years. Provision is made for the granting of search warrants, to obtain Any young person suspected to be in any of imnnw^ pIfKW?! ?"*^ to such persons over to the parents or guardians or otherwise deal with them. The owner or lessor of any premises permitting a brothel is to be punishable for committing a misdemeanor, the penalty not <?*r<>ci^*Tl F^ £100 or the imprisonment six' months. Provision is made for serving a notice on the landlord regarding the use of bis place as a brotheL On receipt of die notice the owner may at once enter into possession of £he premises and evict *^ persons therein. The member? of the Cabinet are almost unanimous in the opinion that it would not be advisable to reappoint Sir Graham Berry as Agent - General for Victoria (writes the Melbourne Evening Standard), on the ground that his lengthened absence from lie colony has caused him to "lose touch" with important matters afftyting the interests of Victorians. Although the question of appointing a Buccesaor has not been formally -discussed by the Cabinet, the names of several gentlemen are already under consideration. Amongst others, Mr. Deakin, "Mr. Gillies, Mr. Murray Smith, and Colonel Smith have Jbeen mentioned as likely candidates, bat the announcement made by the latter gentleman of his intention to retire from public life at the close of the present session shows that, in all probability, be would refuse the appointment if it were offered. Some little time ago the member for Ballarat East was perfectly willing to accept such honor, bat of late (his ft"l'"g hnalrti has CDmpelled him to .seriously contemplate a retirement from the political arena. Mr. Deakin is generally regarded as a strong favorite for the position, and his appointment would cause little earprise, notwithstanding his comparative youthfulness. It is hinted that the Premier would not tie adverse to the Agent-Generalship falling to ftTr. Gillies. The removal of a determined, if not dangerous, rival would, it is stated, ease the mind of Me Mnnro; but the ex-Premier is believed to be anything but enamored of the home appointment. Mr. Murray Smith, if willing to accept the position, may be regarded as a very likely candidate. His found business capacity and experience of the 'Colony admirably fit him, in the opinion of -one member of the Cabinet, for the appointment. It is probable that a special meeting of Xhe Cabinet will be held shortly to consider the .question. The jubilee of the firm of Cook & Son was /celebrated by a banquet held at the Hotel Metropole in London on July 22. On that .occasion, as the Time* observed, there was such a gathering as has seldom assembled at the 'Whitehall Booms. "There were princes, peers, and excellencies, there were soldiers and saflorp, mf*n}**re of Parliament, journalists, Bohemians—everybody. The large room could -not contain the crowd, and an 'overflow 7 had to take place in a second room." The event was a striking evidence of the popularity of Cook's world-wide organisation for facilitating the movements of tourists. We have received from the Adelaide agency a pamphlet containing a report of the speeches delivered at the jubilee banquet, which were full of deserved eulogies of the enterprise of -the firm. Mr. Gladstone though not present .sent an enthusiastic letter, in which he slid —"I oonoeive that the, idea which jour house was, I believe, the first to .conceive and patiently to work out, has distinctly placed you in the rank of public benefactors." A letter from Lord Wolseley gave it as the opinion of that general that the good work done by Messrs. Cook in the Nile campaign cculd have been done by no one else. "The speeches were generally of the same tenor and Messrs. Cook &. Son were almost overwhelmed with congratulations on the happy attainment of the jubilee of their undertaking. Mr. Cook, the founder of the tours, was ■compelled by bodily infirmity to absent himiself from the banquet The work of the firm has been for some years conducted by his son and grandsons, who have proved theniaelvea -entirely worthy of the great inheritance. The business has grown to vast proportions, and -appears to have unlimited possibilities of development. "May it continue to flourish," remarked the Times in commenting on the banquet, " and may die tens of thousands who make use of it to help them on their travels come back from them a little better informed, a little wiser, than they started!' A lecture on " Compensation" was given in the Democratic Club on Sunday evening by Mr. A. M. Bayment, who in the course of his remarks referred to the fact that while a cry for compensation was raised as soon as a proposal was made to tax the landholder, the working man was expected to meekly-bear all such imposts put upon him. The question (hen arose who was to provide such compensation; for surely the masses had been tasced enough <

•already ♦ If any should be compensated it would indeed be these classes of the community. However, he was content to allow bygones to remain as bygones. Those interest? which were at present termed property rights ■were in reality property wrongs, and the sooner they were put on a sound basis the better for the world. Referring to the well-known "Social Statics" of Herbert Spencer, Mr. Bayment said that while agreeing with Spencer that equity did not permit property in land, he could not concur with the assertion "that most of our present landowners are men who have given for their estates the equivalent of honestly earned wealth." He contended that while such was more or less questionable in the case of small estates it was impossible in that of large ones. The unearned incomes enjoyed at the present time had not been handed down from ancestors; they were derived from the labor of the living. cot that of the dead. _ Wealth, under the conditions which obtained to-day, carried with it the poner of exacting fvoai the earnings of labor a perpetual tribute, and the only means by which this could be abolished was by sweeping away that social organisation which now makes its existence possible. The tools for this work lay ready to hand, for no rnorp were needed than labor union, manhood suffrage, aud the ballot-bos:. While challenging the right of the "landowner" to coraix-nsalion he yet would not oppose his claim if compensation could be given in a manner consistent with the theory of justice. Given a proper social organisation a gain would result to all, and in such a way vould all parties be amply compensated. At the conclusion of his remarks the lecturer was applauded, and subsequently on the invitation of the chairman (Mr. G. H. Buttery) a general discussion followed. The half-yearly special nieetiug of the S. A. Allgemeiner Deutscher Verein will be held tonight. The annual meeting of the South Adelaide Cricket Club will be held this, evening at the Southern Cross HoteL A special address to believers will be delivered this evening in the Rechabite Hall, Grote-street, by Captain Mnthews. A tea and a public meeting in connection with the thirtieth anniversary of the Morphettstreet Church will be held this evening. Mr. A. W. Bayment will lecture on the " Rights of labor, and how to obtain them,'' at theSelboraeHotel, Pirie-street, tonight. A lecture will be delivered by Sir. .T. F. Conigrave this evening in the Medindie Congregational schoolroom on "The heroism of Australian exploration." The annual meeting of the Adelaide Chess Club will be held at Jackman's Rooms this evening, when the prizes won in the late tourney will be distributed. The annual meeting of the Chamber of Manufactures will be held at the offices of the chamber, Exhibition Buildings, this evening. Addresses will be delivered bySir J. C. Bray, K.C.M.G. (Chief Secretary). Hona. W. Copley (Commissioner of Crown Lands) and J. L. Parsons, M.P., and Messrs. F. W. Holder and L. Grayson, MJVs. Mr. J. J. Green, president of the chamber, will preside, and the meeting wQI be open to the public In our telegraphic report of the Snowtown show published bast week it was stated that Messrs. Peter? & Fuller took the prize for the best family buggy. Messrs. Ballinger and Lawrey, of Koolunga, inform us that this is an error, as they took the tiist prize in that class.