Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Friday 3 July 1891, page 4



Fat Cattle.—622 came to hand for this weeks market, of which 402 were from Queeu*Un<l. lialance bom the noith of this colony. All descriptions were renresenled. ransiner from liaht weight* of medium

quality to prime and weighty sorts. Wiih ihe exception of SO bead unsold, all were quilted to the bade at & reduction on last week's rates. The attendance ol buyers was very small, and competition slack. OuolatiODS—Prime bullocks, £0 Ids to '-7 10s; good. £5 to £5 10s; prime cows, £4 to £.1. a few higher; good, £310s. Bagot, Shakes), and Lewie â– sold 90 bead from the l'eake. E. Laugliton and Co. sold 163 bead from Bulloo Downs averaging £< 5s bullock*, £5 1e cows, and 34 head in the Silver District. IP. Dean and Son sold 24 bullocks from Crown Point; Barker and Chambers sold 120 bullocks from Annandale; Elder, Smith, and Co., Uniited, sold 191 cattle from Mount Leonard. Fat Sheep.—s.B3l yarded, including a rerj «mall proportion of prime sheep, for which there was a brisk demand at an advance on lute rates. Other descriptions remain unchanged, although in consequence otja short supply pi ices weie firm. Quotations :—Prime merino wetiers, ISs to 13s Cd; good, lls; others from 96; prime merino owes to 10s Cd ; good, 9s. Bagot. Shakes, and Lewis, Limited, sold S5O, E. Laugfaton and Co. sold 1,748, Barker and Chambers sold a draft, W. Dean and Son sold 1,416, tnduding adiaft from Mount Remarkable station at 13c. 6d., Elder, Smith, and Co., Limited, sold 1,514, Bennett and Fisher soU 601. Lambs A short supply. 25S beine penned, principallr of inferior and medium quality. There is a bribkjdemand for good sorts at satisfactory prices. Best in to 9s 6d ; pood, Ss; inferior from 3sBd. Bagot, Shakes, and Lewis, Limited, sold 50; E. Laushion and Co., 58; Barker and Chambers a draft; W. Dean and Son, SG; Elder, Smith, and Co., Limited, 106. Calves.—So penned. Demand brisk aud prices high for all descriptions. Pigs.—So& m. Prime porkers and light baconers met. a ready sale at enhanced prices, but stores and heavy weights were dull of sale. Private Sales.—Elder, Smith, and Co.. limited, report having sold 2,500 head mixed cattle on account of Messrs. Grant and Stokes, Macumba station. Mr. Geo. Laughton reports:—Dairy Oowa—A moderate supply, mostly in poor condition. Sales were very didl and prices low. 1 sold best to £7 Us, others from £5 6k. Calves—S3 in (I sold 23). Prices were high for an descriptions. I BoU best to 525, good to 3T«, and very inferior from Ss 9d. Pigs— 508 in (leoM 165). Superior quality bacon pigs and porkers were in demand, and eoM freely at an advance on last week. Stores and inferior continue cheap. Ponttry—A snort supply. I sold turkeys" fromSslldtoCslOd each; ducks, from Is Td to Is lOdeacb; towt,* from Td to Hd each ; and pigeons at lOdeach.—|A?\t.) 181x185 Mr. 1. C. umdnson reports a dull market fa dairy cows, and it was only witli great difficulty that sales were effected. Useful sorts fetched up tt>£62s6d; dairy cows very cheap; calves, 6b to 31s each. Pigs eold better than last week, from 7s tor small to 34s for larger porkers. Fowls, to Is lOd ; turkeys. Is lid to Ss; docks. Is 7d eaeh.-fADVT.J 154X165