West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954), Wednesday 24 July 1901, page 6

THE SCENE IN THE PARK. Inside the gates a magnificent and memorable sight met the gaze. The Park was literally a seething mass of humanity. The red rays of the sun shot down with pleasing effect on the bright uniforms of the military. and the more quiet costumes worn .by the fair sex. The school children-they numbered 2,000--all neatly attired, filed into their stand. with commendable precision, and had they'been specially arranged the colours of tile girls' dresses could not have been more artistically displayed. There were kind-hearted mothers and generous fathers hurr'ying hither and thither, and the sun shining forth in all its glory illumined in brilliant patches the portion of the turf to which they made their way. Generally, it was a marvellous scene. And the human figures which completed this beautiful landscape numberedwhat? Upwards of 20,000 at a moderate computation. Undoubtedly, it was the most brilliant and successful function yet held in Perth. Notwithstanding occasional exhortations and chidings, the crowd would converge to one centre. "Those with tickets' to the left," cried out officials and so the great mass was divided. "C. reserve further down, lady, please," said a polite ticket "collector to one young lady who, in her excitement, attempted to gain admittance to the first pavilion. Another wanted to change from 'B." to "C.," and accordingly interrogated' a policeman. "Can't be done, Miss." answered the man in blue, and then succumbing to the pleading pair of ayes in front of hin, he added, "Why didn't yer do it when my back was turned.".A nod's as good as a wink, etc. "You are wanted, officer," she called.. A winning smile as he turned his back, and the'aim was accomplished. She stepped daintily, if somewhat nervously, over the narrow strip of ground which divided the two stands. As the all important hour approached, the people refrained from promenading, and took up their places' at the barriers, standing nine or ten deep in many places. "Will they be punctual ?" inquired one lady of her companion, and the response was, "Oh, yes; "English punctuality is noted." The arrival of Sir John Forrest was the signal for a cheer, and many thought the Royal visitors had reached the Park. Presently the boom of cannon announced that their Royal Highnesses had started on their way. "Will they walk or run" queried an impatient young lady, and her-question was immediately answered by "No, gallop." Indeed, it seemed as though the remark was true, for directly after there was an outburst of cheering, the children in the stands rose and, under the baton of Mr. D'Arc-Irvine, sang the National Anthem. It was a false alarm, and several minutes later the rising generation had to repeat the performance. This time. there was no mistake. the Duke and Duchess were on the platform, and as the sounds of the last line melted away the air was rent with-cheers given in that hearty and enthusiastic manner characteristic of all healthy and strong children. Then there was a slight lull, the Royal visitors glanced round the pavilion, on which were standing. in addition to the Royal and vice-regal parties, the Federal Minister for Defence, Sir John Forrest. and military officers: the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Sir James Lee Steere: the Premier, Mr. Georee Leake: the Colonial Treasurer, Mr. Illingworth; the Minister for Public Works. Mr. Kinasmill; the Minister for Railways, Mr. Holmes: Mr. J. W. Hackett. M.L.C., and many other prominent citizens and members of the Royal Celebrations Committee. LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE. The necessary forraalities havinm been completed, Sir James Lee Steere. the Chairman of the W.A. Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Committee, delivered the following rddress: -"May it please your Royal Highness, the Committee which have been instrumental in carrying into effect the proposal which. was made to. erect a monnment as a memorial-to the officers and men of this State who have lost their lives in the war in South Africa are very grateful to your Royal Highness for having shown your, sympathy with this

object by consenting, as your first pnbli act in this State, to lay the fundation stone of this monument. There is always something very pathetic in sfich an effort 'to commemorate the services of. those who have fallen in battle, but there is something still more pathetic in the fact that while we are met together on so mournful an occasion, we hear of enthusiastic receptions and rejoicings over those who have returned safe and sound to their country. But these are only the fortunes of war. The true soldier and patriot goes out to fight for his country with his life in his hand; and he knows that whether he returns safely or-falls in battle he is but doing his duty, and his career will meet with due recognition. from his fellow men. Few who were not. present can realise the feeling of patriotic loyalty to the Crown which spread over the whole of Australasia when war was declared against Great Britain by the South African Republics, and it must have been most gratifying to our late lamented and beloved Queen, and also to His Most Gracious Majesty the King, ti know that such loyal and patriotic feelings animated all classes in His Majesty's Colonial Dominions, and induced so many to offer their services in defence of the Empire. There is no doubt that this action on the part of the colonists has tended greatly to cement the bond of union.with the mother country. which., both now and 'in the future: will, we hope, have important results. Fromthis State there have been despatched to the seat of war six contingents, comprising, in all, 51 officers and 869 men, with a proportionate numbei of horses--a larger percentage in propor'ion to 'our population than any other Australian State. Of this number four officers and 24 men have been killed or have died. Three officers and 68 men of the Imperial Bushmen returned yesterday, but I am sorry to say. that no medals have yet been received for them. There. are still in South Africa 25 officers and 422 men. Of some of the officers whom we have lost I should like to make a few remarks, if- your Royal Highness will permit me. Major, Moor, who was a highly capable officer, I regret to say, was killed, by an explosive bullet at Palnmertfontein. Lieutenant Hensmau, a young, man, showed 'by his rapid rise that we had in. him a. capable and smart youn' dfficer.. He was, unfortunately, killed at the battle 'of Rensburg. The death of Lieut. Forrest, a very young man, was a pathetic incident in the part Australia .took -in the war. Little more than a schoolboy, he eagerly sought to leave his home and fight for his country, and his untimely end hastened considerably the death of, his father, a well-known and respected citizen, who had shortly befoie his death received the decoration of Companion 'of St. Michael and St. George: ... It is the fortune of war, but all lamented the loss of a young man so well known to everybody.. He was killed at Vlakfontein. ' Lieut. Stanley Reid was 'formerly.a minister of religion, bu ae left here with the Second Contingent, being anxious .to servo his' country. He also rose rapidly in the service, and returned to Australia. As more: troops were required, he again offered his services, and. went as a lieutenant. He was wounded in an engage-, ment at Reitz, near Carolina, and was about to return home when complications set in, and he died. I don't wish to make any distinction *hatever 'hetireen officers and. men. All have been good soldiers, and have done their .duty. J 'merely make these remariks.'as the'ones mentioned were so 'well known Jand respected by everyone here. ' I:;will now ask your Royal Highness to lay the foundation-stone 'of the. memorial we are abouit to raise in honour of those who fell in doing their duty, and have the honour to present to your Royal Highness this trowel,s which has been formed out of a piece of a pom-pom shell, the handle being made from a bayonet." (Cheers.) His Royal Highness having received the trowel, amid cheers, walked -to the stone, which was then lowered into position. - THE CEREMONY. His Royal Highness; after having perfornied the necessary duties, said: 'I declare this stone well and truly laid." (Cheers.) -. His Royal Highness than delivered the following Speech:"Ladies and' Gentlemen;It is a proud satisfaction that one of the last' public acts in which I take' part before leaving Australia is to join'with you in .doing honour to the memory of your fellowv countrymen who have fallen in the war, and I am sure that I rightly interpret your feelings in offering our deepest sympathy to all: who. have thus lost their deariy loved ones. "Duringthose anxious days at the close of 1899there was nothing more cheering than theleagerness of the citizens of Australia to seethe mother

UUuLrY Lr iruu~g Lilt: utMlculties with which she was confronted .in South Africa. This determination to take part in the defence of. our great Empire indicated a fresh starting point in your history which so appropriately coincided with the new political birth of the Commonwealth. (Cheers.)" In no portion of the whole Empire was this spirit more enthusiastically, manifested than in Western- Australia(cheers)-and their deeds have fully justified the praise of a well-known author when he said, 'Throughout the whole African army there was nothing but the utmost admiration for the dash and spirit of the hard riding, straight shooting sons of Australia and New Zealand. (Cheers.) In a host which held many brave men there were none braver than they.' (Cheers.) Since the beginning of the war a force of more than 900strong had left your shores, and 'of these four officers and 24 men, alas I can never return. !'To their memory on this spot will be raised a.monument, the . first stone of which it has been my privilege to lay. "I should like to see throughout the land memorials no matter how humble in design-bearingthe names of those whom they commemorate, not only as tributes of honour to the individual, but as emblems of patriotism, self-sacrifice and brotherhood, round which in

the hour of danger the youth and manhood of succeeding generations might rally in the , resolve to follow the noble example of those who have given their all-their lives-for King and country." (Loud cheers.) THE MEMORIAL DESCRIBED. The. design of the monument is the vork of Mr.. James White, of Sydney, and was awarded the prize of £20 offered by the committee for 'the best design. The base of the inonument is to be of Meckering granite and freestone, and is surmounted by a group of statuary representing a dismounted soldier, with his bayonet at the "ready," defending a wounded comrade, who is quenching his thirst1 from his' deliverer's water-bottle. The group of statuary will be in marble.' Tablets are to be affixed to the four sides of the base, and on these will.be inscribed the names of the officers and m@n who have lost their lives, together with details of the engagements in which they were'slain. The height of the memorial will be 20ft., and it will he enclosed with a railing. The' granite used in the base of' the monument is the gift of the Meckering Granite Quarrying Company. When completed, the memorial will cost about £1000. Mr White has been the prize-winner in many competitions in the .Eastern States. He won the £75 prize offered by the Elder Statue Committee in South Australia with his design for the bust of the late Sir Thomas Elaer. It was gene-. rally conceded in Adelaide that the' bust of the deceased philanthropist combined an excellent likeness with boldness of treatment, which gave force and character to the work. Mr. White was born in Edinburgh in 1862. He studied in his native city and in London and Italy. and some eleven years ago came to Australia, making Sydney his home. He has done a. deal of. work, for the New South Wales Government in connection with,the public buildings of the capital, amongst which may be menfioned a colossal group on the building of the Board of Water Supply and Sewerage, in Pitt-street, and statues of explorers in. the niches of the Lands Department building. Mr. White also executed the memorial statue, in bronze, of the late Rt. Hon. William Bede. Dalley, which stands in Hyde Park, Sydney, the sculptor undertaking the casting himself. This was the first statue in Australia executed by what is known as the "lost wax process." THE TROOPS IN THE PARK. The whole of the military forces with the exception of the escorts, paraded at 1 o'clock, at the Drill Hall, and marched, via St. George's-terrace and Hay-street, to the Park, where they took up the various positions allotted ,to them. The Infantry Brigade, consisting of the First, Second. Third, Fourth, and Fifth Battalions, under their respective officers, formed up in line of quarter columns on the right hand side of the drive, commencing near the caretaker's house and stretching towards the old rifle butts. The dismounted infantry companes, consisting of No. 2 Battery of Field Artillery (Fremantle), the Albany Garrison Artillery, and the Albany Volunteer Artillery, formed up to the right of the Infantry in columns of divisions. To the right of the dismounted Artillery the Mounted Infantry formed up in columns of divisions. The No. 1 Field Battery, with their eight guns. took up a position on the drive at a spot adjacent to the old rifle butts. The returned contingents formed up in rear of. the Royal pavilion, while the Fourth Contingent, which reache4 Perth from South Africa yesterday formed up as a Guard of Honour close to the Royal enclosure. The rows of red-coated infantrymen flanked by their comrades in khaki and grey, with the mounted men further away and the artillery men on the rise still further beyond, lent a pleasnig variety of colour to the gay throng. As the -carriage of their Royal Highnesses entered Havelock-street, the guns of the No.. 1 Battery boomed forth a Royal salute of twenty-one guns, the echo of which had barely died away before the Royal party passed through .the entrance gates -amid thunderous cheering. While the ceremony of laying the foundation stone and the presentation of medals were proceeding, the No. 1 Battery limbered up and moved down the drive, halting on the rise in readiness for the march past. The soldiers newly returned from the war were the admired of all. After the presentation of the medals, the Fourth Contingent. by command of His Royal Highness the Duke filed past. At the conclusion the Duke sent for their commanding officer, Major Rose. His Royal Highness congratulated the Major upon the appearance of the men, and upon their conduct and efficiency on the field of b'attle. He further explained to the Major that he was deprived of the privilege of presenting them with the medals, for the reason that it was not expected that they would return to Perth during his visit. Major Campbell at the head of the PerImanent Staff, was in the van: then came

the Commandant (Colonel Chippendall), followed by the Cannington Mounted Infantry (under Captain Clydesdale). Victoria Districts Mounted Infantry (Major Cowan), Southern Districts Mounted Infantry (Captain Moore), Eastern Districts Mounted Infantry (Captain Mitchell), No. 1 Field Battery (Major. Hobbs), No. 2 Field Battery (Major Hope), Albany Garrison, Albany Volunteer Artillery, First Battalion (Major Strickland), Second Battalion (Captain Humble), Third Battalion (Captain Woodrow). Fourth Battalion (Captain Hunt). Fifth Battalion (Major Judd), with the Cadets bringing un the rear. The following was the composition of the troops on parade:--Headquarters' Staff. 12: Western Australian Artillery, 18; First, Second and Third Contingenters, 170: Imperial Bushmen's Contingenters, 55: Headquarters' Band. 35: ,Volunteer Artillery, 139; Mounted In-..

fantry, 289; . Infantry, 914; Medical Staff, 15: Senior Cadets, 97; Junior Cadets. 192; total, 1,936. After the march past the troops lined the streets for the return drive, as follows :-Brooking-street, front the Park gates to Havelock-street: Mounted Infantry. Havelock-street, from Brooking-street to Hay-street: Albany Permanent and' Volunteer Garrison Artillery, and, No. 2 Field Battery. Haystreet, from Havelock-street to Georgestreets: ,l1st Battalion Infantry Brigade. George-street, from Hay-street to St. George's-terrace: Cadets. Intersection of .Malcolm;street and St. George's-terrace: No. 1 Field Battery. St. George'sterrace, from the Barracks to Millstreet: 2nd Pattalion Infantry Brigade. St. George's-terrace, from Mill-street to William-street: 3rd Battalion Iinfantry Brigade. St.' George's-terrace, from William-street to Barrack-street.: 4th -Battalion Infantry Brigade. St. George'sterrace, fronm Barrack-street, to carriage entrance to Government House: 5th Battalion Infantry Brigade. After the'return of the troops to the Military Hall,' they were addressed by Major Campbell, who spoke in terms of high appreciation of the returned men. They had' that day, he said, attained the highest soldier's distinction-that of having been adomredbhy the Heir Apparent for services in the field. It might be said that the medals were of little value-not more than 10s.--but the only 'way to find the true. value was to ask any soldier what he would take for his. Three rousing cheers were given for "The returned members,of contingents, coupled with the name of Major, Rose."